path: root/3rdparty/asio/include/asio/detail/memory.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/asio/include/asio/detail/memory.hpp')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/asio/include/asio/detail/memory.hpp b/3rdparty/asio/include/asio/detail/memory.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..173e49fe065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/asio/include/asio/detail/memory.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+// detail/memory.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2024 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include "asio/detail/config.hpp"
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <memory>
+#include <new>
+#include "asio/detail/cstdint.hpp"
+#include "asio/detail/throw_exception.hpp"
+ && defined(ASIO_HAS_BOOST_ALIGN)
+# include <boost/align/aligned_alloc.hpp>
+#endif // !defined(ASIO_HAS_STD_ALIGNED_ALLOC)
+ // && defined(ASIO_HAS_BOOST_ALIGN)
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+using std::allocate_shared;
+using std::make_shared;
+using std::shared_ptr;
+using std::weak_ptr;
+using std::addressof;
+using std::to_address;
+#else // defined(ASIO_HAS_STD_TO_ADDRESS)
+template <typename T>
+inline T* to_address(T* p) { return p; }
+template <typename T>
+inline const T* to_address(const T* p) { return p; }
+template <typename T>
+inline volatile T* to_address(volatile T* p) { return p; }
+template <typename T>
+inline const volatile T* to_address(const volatile T* p) { return p; }
+#endif // defined(ASIO_HAS_STD_TO_ADDRESS)
+inline void* align(std::size_t alignment,
+ std::size_t size, void*& ptr, std::size_t& space)
+ return std::align(alignment, size, ptr, space);
+} // namespace detail
+using std::allocator_arg_t;
+# define ASIO_USES_ALLOCATOR(t) \
+ namespace std { \
+ template <typename Allocator> \
+ struct uses_allocator<t, Allocator> : true_type {}; \
+ } \
+ /**/
+# define ASIO_REBIND_ALLOC(alloc, t) \
+ typename std::allocator_traits<alloc>::template rebind_alloc<t>
+ /**/
+inline void* aligned_new(std::size_t align, std::size_t size)
+ align = (align < ASIO_DEFAULT_ALIGN) ? ASIO_DEFAULT_ALIGN : align;
+ size = (size % align == 0) ? size : size + (align - size % align);
+ void* ptr = std::aligned_alloc(align, size);
+ if (!ptr)
+ {
+ std::bad_alloc ex;
+ asio::detail::throw_exception(ex);
+ }
+ return ptr;
+#elif defined(ASIO_HAS_BOOST_ALIGN)
+ align = (align < ASIO_DEFAULT_ALIGN) ? ASIO_DEFAULT_ALIGN : align;
+ size = (size % align == 0) ? size : size + (align - size % align);
+ void* ptr = boost::alignment::aligned_alloc(align, size);
+ if (!ptr)
+ {
+ std::bad_alloc ex;
+ asio::detail::throw_exception(ex);
+ }
+ return ptr;
+#elif defined(ASIO_MSVC)
+ align = (align < ASIO_DEFAULT_ALIGN) ? ASIO_DEFAULT_ALIGN : align;
+ size = (size % align == 0) ? size : size + (align - size % align);
+ void* ptr = _aligned_malloc(size, align);
+ if (!ptr)
+ {
+ std::bad_alloc ex;
+ asio::detail::throw_exception(ex);
+ }
+ return ptr;
+#else // defined(ASIO_MSVC)
+ (void)align;
+ return ::operator new(size);
+#endif // defined(ASIO_MSVC)
+inline void aligned_delete(void* ptr)
+ std::free(ptr);
+#elif defined(ASIO_HAS_BOOST_ALIGN)
+ boost::alignment::aligned_free(ptr);
+#elif defined(ASIO_MSVC)
+ _aligned_free(ptr);
+#else // defined(ASIO_MSVC)
+ ::operator delete(ptr);
+#endif // defined(ASIO_MSVC)
+} // namespace asio