path: root/3rdparty/asio/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/asio/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 583 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/asio/ b/3rdparty/asio/
deleted file mode 100644
index c29b83b0cce..00000000000
--- a/3rdparty/asio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,583 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use File::Path;
-our $boost_dir = "boostified";
-sub print_line
- my ($output, $line, $from, $lineno) = @_;
- # Warn if the resulting line is >80 characters wide.
- if (length($line) > 80)
- {
- if ($from =~ /\.[chi]pp$/)
- {
- print("Warning: $from:$lineno: output >80 characters wide.\n");
- }
- }
- # Write the output.
- print($output $line . "\n");
-sub source_contains_asio_thread_usage
- my ($from) = @_;
- # Open the input file.
- open(my $input, "<$from") or die("Can't open $from for reading");
- # Check file for use of asio::thread.
- while (my $line = <$input>)
- {
- chomp($line);
- if ($line =~ /asio::thread/)
- {
- close($input);
- return 1;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^ *thread /)
- {
- close($input);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- close($input);
- return 0;
-sub source_contains_asio_include
- my ($from) = @_;
- # Open the input file.
- open(my $input, "<$from") or die("Can't open $from for reading");
- # Check file for inclusion of asio.hpp.
- while (my $line = <$input>)
- {
- chomp($line);
- if ($line =~ /# *include [<"]asio\.hpp[>"]/)
- {
- close($input);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- close($input);
- return 0;
-sub copy_source_file
- my ($from, $to) = @_;
- # Ensure the output directory exists.
- my $dir = $to;
- $dir =~ s/[^\/]*$//;
- mkpath($dir);
- # First determine whether the file makes any use of asio::thread.
- my $uses_asio_thread = source_contains_asio_thread_usage($from);
- my $includes_asio = source_contains_asio_include($from);
- my $is_asio_hpp = 0;
- $is_asio_hpp = 1 if ($from =~ /asio\.hpp/);
- my $needs_doc_link = 0;
- $needs_doc_link = 1 if ($is_asio_hpp);
- my $is_error_hpp = 0;
- $is_error_hpp = 1 if ($from =~ /asio\/error\.hpp/);
- my $is_qbk = 0;
- $is_qbk = 1 if ($from =~ /.qbk$/);
- my $is_xsl = 0;
- $is_xsl = 1 if ($from =~ /.xsl$/);
- my $is_test = 0;
- $is_test = 1 if ($from =~ /tests\/unit/);
- # Open the files.
- open(my $input, "<$from") or die("Can't open $from for reading");
- open(my $output, ">$to") or die("Can't open $to for writing");
- # Copy the content.
- my $lineno = 1;
- while (my $line = <$input>)
- {
- chomp($line);
- # Unconditional replacements.
- $line =~ s/[\\@]ref boost_bind/boost::bind()/g;
- if ($from =~ /.*\.txt$/)
- {
- $line =~ s/[\\@]ref async_read/boost::asio::async_read()/g;
- $line =~ s/[\\@]ref async_write/boost::asio::async_write()/g;
- }
- if ($line =~ /asio_detail_posix_thread_function/)
- {
- $line =~ s/asio_detail_posix_thread_function/boost_asio_detail_posix_thread_function/g;
- }
- if ($line =~ /asio_signal_handler/)
- {
- $line =~ s/asio_signal_handler/boost_asio_signal_handler/g;
- }
- if ($line =~ /ASIO_/ && !($line =~ /BOOST_ASIO_/))
- {
- $line =~ s/ASIO_/BOOST_ASIO_/g;
- }
- # Extra replacements for quickbook and XSL source only.
- if ($is_qbk || $is_xsl)
- {
- $line =~ s/asio\.examples/boost_asio.examples/g;
- $line =~ s/asio\.history/boost_asio.history/g;
- $line =~ s/asio\.index/boost_asio.index/g;
- $line =~ s/asio\.overview/boost_asio.overview/g;
- $line =~ s/asio\.reference/boost_asio.reference/g;
- $line =~ s/asio\.tutorial/boost_asio.tutorial/g;
- $line =~ s/asio\.using/boost_asio.using/g;
- $line =~ s/Asio/Boost.Asio/g;
- $line =~ s/changes made in each release/changes made in each Boost release/g;
- $line =~ s/\[\$/[\$boost_asio\//g;
- $line =~ s/\[@\.\.\/src\/examples/[\@boost_asio\/example/g;
- $line =~ s/include\/asio/boost\/asio/g;
- $line =~ s/\^asio/^boost\/asio/g;
- $line =~ s/namespaceasio/namespaceboost_1_1asio/g;
- $line =~ s/ \(\[\@examples\/diffs.*$//;
- }
- # Conditional replacements.
- if ($line =~ /^( *)namespace asio {/)
- {
- if ($is_qbk)
- {
- print_line($output, $1 . "namespace boost { namespace asio {", $from, $lineno);
- }
- else
- {
- print_line($output, $1 . "namespace boost {", $from, $lineno);
- print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno);
- }
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^( *)} \/\/ namespace asio$/)
- {
- if ($is_qbk)
- {
- print_line($output, $1 . "} } // namespace boost::asio", $from, $lineno);
- }
- else
- {
- print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno);
- print_line($output, $1 . "} // namespace boost", $from, $lineno);
- }
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^(# *include )[<"](asio\.hpp)[>"]$/)
- {
- print_line($output, $1 . "<boost/" . $2 . ">", $from, $lineno);
- if ($uses_asio_thread)
- {
- print_line($output, $1 . "<boost/thread/thread.hpp>", $from, $lineno) if (!$is_test);
- $uses_asio_thread = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^(# *include )[<"]boost\/.*[>"].*$/)
- {
- if (!$includes_asio && $uses_asio_thread)
- {
- print_line($output, $1 . "<boost/thread/thread.hpp>", $from, $lineno) if (!$is_test);
- $uses_asio_thread = 0;
- }
- print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno);
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^(# *include )[<"]asio\/thread\.hpp[>"]/)
- {
- if ($is_test)
- {
- print_line($output, $1 . "<boost/asio/detail/thread.hpp>", $from, $lineno);
- }
- else
- {
- # Line is removed.
- }
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /(# *include )[<"]asio\/error_code\.hpp[>"]/)
- {
- if ($is_asio_hpp)
- {
- # Line is removed.
- }
- else
- {
- print_line($output, $1 . "<boost/cerrno.hpp>", $from, $lineno) if ($is_error_hpp);
- print_line($output, $1 . "<boost/system/error_code.hpp>", $from, $lineno);
- }
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /# *include [<"]asio\/impl\/error_code\.[hi]pp[>"]/)
- {
- # Line is removed.
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /(# *include )[<"]asio\/system_error\.hpp[>"]/)
- {
- if ($is_asio_hpp)
- {
- # Line is removed.
- }
- else
- {
- print_line($output, $1 . "<boost/system/system_error.hpp>", $from, $lineno);
- }
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /(^.*# *include )[<"](asio\/[^>"]*)[>"](.*)$/)
- {
- print_line($output, $1 . "<boost/" . $2 . ">" . $3, $from, $lineno);
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /#.*defined\(.*ASIO_HAS_STD_SYSTEM_ERROR\)$/)
- {
- # Line is removed.
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /asio::thread/)
- {
- if ($is_test)
- {
- $line =~ s/asio::thread/asio::detail::thread/g;
- }
- else
- {
- $line =~ s/asio::thread/boost::thread/g;
- }
- if (!($line =~ /boost::asio::/))
- {
- $line =~ s/asio::/boost::asio::/g;
- }
- print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno);
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^( *)thread( .*)$/ && !$is_qbk)
- {
- if ($is_test)
- {
- print_line($output, $1 . "boost::asio::detail::thread" . $2, $from, $lineno);
- }
- else
- {
- print_line($output, $1 . "boost::thread" . $2, $from, $lineno);
- }
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /namespace std {/)
- {
- print_line($output, "namespace boost {", $from, $lineno);
- print_line($output, "namespace system {", $from, $lineno);
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /std::error_code/)
- {
- $line =~ s/std::error_code/boost::system::error_code/g;
- print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno);
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /} \/\/ namespace std/)
- {
- print_line($output, "} // namespace system", $from, $lineno);
- print_line($output, "} // namespace boost", $from, $lineno);
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /asio::/ && !($line =~ /boost::asio::/))
- {
- $line =~ s/asio::error_code/boost::system::error_code/g;
- $line =~ s/asio::error_category/boost::system::error_category/g;
- $line =~ s/asio::system_category/boost::system::system_category/g;
- $line =~ s/asio::system_error/boost::system::system_error/g;
- $line =~ s/asio::/boost::asio::/g if !$is_xsl;
- print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno);
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /using namespace asio/)
- {
- $line =~ s/using namespace asio/using namespace boost::asio/g;
- print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno);
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /asio_handler_alloc_helpers/)
- {
- $line =~ s/asio_handler_alloc_helpers/boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers/g;
- print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno);
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /asio_handler_cont_helpers/)
- {
- $line =~ s/asio_handler_cont_helpers/boost_asio_handler_cont_helpers/g;
- print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno);
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /asio_handler_invoke_helpers/)
- {
- $line =~ s/asio_handler_invoke_helpers/boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers/g;
- print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno);
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /[\\@]ref boost_bind/)
- {
- $line =~ s/[\\@]ref boost_bind/boost::bind()/g;
- print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno);
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /( *)\[category template\]/)
- {
- print_line($output, $1 . "[authors [Kohlhoff, Christopher]]", $from, $lineno);
- print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno);
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /boostify: non-boost docs start here/)
- {
- while ($line = <$input>)
- {
- last if $line =~ /boostify: non-boost docs end here/;
- }
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /boostify: non-boost code starts here/)
- {
- while ($line = <$input>)
- {
- last if $line =~ /boostify: non-boost code ends here/;
- }
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^$/ && $needs_doc_link)
- {
- $needs_doc_link = 0;
- print_line($output, "// See for documentation.", $from, $lineno);
- print_line($output, "//", $from, $lineno);
- print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno);
- }
- else
- {
- print_line($output, $line, $from, $lineno);
- }
- ++$lineno;
- }
- # Ok, we're done.
- close($input);
- close($output);
-sub copy_include_files
- my @dirs = (
- "include",
- "include/asio",
- "include/asio/detail",
- "include/asio/detail/impl",
- "include/asio/generic",
- "include/asio/generic/detail",
- "include/asio/generic/detail/impl",
- "include/asio/impl",
- "include/asio/ip",
- "include/asio/ip/impl",
- "include/asio/ip/detail",
- "include/asio/ip/detail/impl",
- "include/asio/local",
- "include/asio/local/detail",
- "include/asio/local/detail/impl",
- "include/asio/posix",
- "include/asio/ssl",
- "include/asio/ssl/detail",
- "include/asio/ssl/detail/impl",
- "include/asio/ssl/impl",
- "include/asio/ssl/old",
- "include/asio/ssl/old/detail",
- "include/asio/windows");
- foreach my $dir (@dirs)
- {
- our $boost_dir;
- my @files = ( glob("$dir/*.hpp"), glob("$dir/*.ipp"), glob("$dir/*cpp") );
- foreach my $file (@files)
- {
- if ($file ne "include/asio/thread.hpp"
- and $file ne "include/asio/error_code.hpp"
- and $file ne "include/asio/system_error.hpp"
- and $file ne "include/asio/impl/error_code.hpp"
- and $file ne "include/asio/impl/error_code.ipp")
- {
- my $from = $file;
- my $to = $file;
- $to =~ s/^include\//$boost_dir\/libs\/asio\/include\/boost\//;
- copy_source_file($from, $to);
- }
- }
- }
-sub create_lib_directory
- my @dirs = (
- "doc",
- "example",
- "test");
- our $boost_dir;
- foreach my $dir (@dirs)
- {
- mkpath("$boost_dir/libs/asio/$dir");
- }
-sub copy_unit_tests
- my @dirs = (
- "src/tests/unit",
- "src/tests/unit/archetypes",
- "src/tests/unit/generic",
- "src/tests/unit/ip",
- "src/tests/unit/local",
- "src/tests/unit/posix",
- "src/tests/unit/ssl",
- "src/tests/unit/windows");
- our $boost_dir;
- foreach my $dir (@dirs)
- {
- my @files = ( glob("$dir/*.*pp"), glob("$dir/Jamfile*") );
- foreach my $file (@files)
- {
- if ($file ne "src/tests/unit/thread.cpp"
- and $file ne "src/tests/unit/error_handler.cpp"
- and $file ne "src/tests/unit/unit_test.cpp")
- {
- my $from = $file;
- my $to = $file;
- $to =~ s/^src\/tests\/unit\//$boost_dir\/libs\/asio\/test\//;
- copy_source_file($from, $to);
- }
- }
- }
-sub copy_latency_tests
- my @dirs = (
- "src/tests/latency");
- our $boost_dir;
- foreach my $dir (@dirs)
- {
- my @files = ( glob("$dir/*.*pp"), glob("$dir/Jamfile*") );
- foreach my $file (@files)
- {
- my $from = $file;
- my $to = $file;
- $to =~ s/^src\/tests\/latency\//$boost_dir\/libs\/asio\/test\/latency\//;
- copy_source_file($from, $to);
- }
- }
-sub copy_examples
- my @dirs = (
- "src/examples/cpp03/allocation",
- "src/examples/cpp03/buffers",
- "src/examples/cpp03/chat",
- "src/examples/cpp03/echo",
- "src/examples/cpp03/fork",
- "src/examples/cpp03/http/client",
- "src/examples/cpp03/http/doc_root",
- "src/examples/cpp03/http/server",
- "src/examples/cpp03/http/server2",
- "src/examples/cpp03/http/server3",
- "src/examples/cpp03/http/server4",
- "src/examples/cpp03/icmp",
- "src/examples/cpp03/invocation",
- "src/examples/cpp03/iostreams",
- "src/examples/cpp03/local",
- "src/examples/cpp03/multicast",
- "src/examples/cpp03/nonblocking",
- "src/examples/cpp03/porthopper",
- "src/examples/cpp03/serialization",
- "src/examples/cpp03/services",
- "src/examples/cpp03/socks4",
- "src/examples/cpp03/spawn",
- "src/examples/cpp03/ssl",
- "src/examples/cpp03/timeouts",
- "src/examples/cpp03/timers",
- "src/examples/cpp03/tutorial",
- "src/examples/cpp03/tutorial/daytime1",
- "src/examples/cpp03/tutorial/daytime2",
- "src/examples/cpp03/tutorial/daytime3",
- "src/examples/cpp03/tutorial/daytime4",
- "src/examples/cpp03/tutorial/daytime5",
- "src/examples/cpp03/tutorial/daytime6",
- "src/examples/cpp03/tutorial/daytime7",
- "src/examples/cpp03/tutorial/timer1",
- "src/examples/cpp03/tutorial/timer2",
- "src/examples/cpp03/tutorial/timer3",
- "src/examples/cpp03/tutorial/timer4",
- "src/examples/cpp03/tutorial/timer5",
- "src/examples/cpp03/windows",
- "src/examples/cpp11/allocation",
- "src/examples/cpp11/buffers",
- "src/examples/cpp11/chat",
- "src/examples/cpp11/echo",
- "src/examples/cpp11/executors",
- "src/examples/cpp11/futures",
- "src/examples/cpp11/http/server",
- "src/examples/cpp11/iostreams",
- "src/examples/cpp11/spawn",
- "src/examples/cpp14/executors");
- our $boost_dir;
- foreach my $dir (@dirs)
- {
- my @files = (
- glob("$dir/*.*pp"),
- glob("$dir/*.html"),
- glob("$dir/Jamfile*"),
- glob("$dir/*.pem"),
- glob("$dir/README*"),
- glob("$dir/*.txt"));
- foreach my $file (@files)
- {
- my $from = $file;
- my $to = $file;
- $to =~ s/^src\/examples\//$boost_dir\/libs\/asio\/example\//;
- copy_source_file($from, $to);
- }
- }
-sub copy_doc
- our $boost_dir;
- my @files = (
- "src/doc/asio.qbk",
- "src/doc/examples.qbk",
- "src/doc/reference.xsl",
- "src/doc/tutorial.xsl",
- glob("src/doc/overview/*.qbk"),
- glob("src/doc/requirements/*.qbk"));
- foreach my $file (@files)
- {
- my $from = $file;
- my $to = $file;
- $to =~ s/^src\/doc\//$boost_dir\/libs\/asio\/doc\//;
- copy_source_file($from, $to);
- }
-sub copy_tools
- our $boost_dir;
- my @files = (
- glob("src/tools/*.pl"));
- foreach my $file (@files)
- {
- my $from = $file;
- my $to = $file;
- $to =~ s/^src\/tools\//$boost_dir\/libs\/asio\/tools\//;
- copy_source_file($from, $to);
- }