path: root/src
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author hadess <>2019-08-18 23:30:59 +0200
committer R. Belmont <>2019-08-18 17:30:59 -0400
commitcc581b1ee068f5d95d0630bc51af07f490ebec37 (patch)
tree7e2f4c79f1137654de30dcead93aef3e5f252f64 /src
parent8da00d6c21097afb6000ca1ee38115b60adf2d58 (diff)
[Imgtool] Add special characters support to Thomson BASIC (#5505)
* [Imgtool] Add reading accents support for Thomson BASIC * [Imgtool] Add writing accents support for Thomson BASIC
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/imgtool/modules/thomson.cpp b/src/tools/imgtool/modules/thomson.cpp
index 821633cd9f6..f122bc00520 100644
--- a/src/tools/imgtool/modules/thomson.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/imgtool/modules/thomson.cpp
@@ -1386,6 +1386,238 @@ void filter_thomcrypt_getinfo(uint32_t state, union filterinfo *info)
+static void
+thom_accent_grave(imgtool::stream &dst,
+ uint8_t c)
+ switch ( c ) {
+ case 'a': dst.printf("\xc3\xa0"); break;
+ case 'e': dst.printf("\xc3\xa8"); break;
+ case 'i': dst.printf("\xc3\xac"); break;
+ case 'o': dst.printf("\xc3\xb2"); break;
+ case 'u': dst.printf("\xc3\xb9"); break;
+ case 'A': dst.printf("\xc3\x80"); break;
+ case 'E': dst.printf("\xc3\x88"); break;
+ case 'I': dst.printf("\xc3\x8c"); break;
+ case 'O': dst.printf("\xc3\x92"); break;
+ case 'U': dst.printf("\xc3\x99"); break;
+ default: break; /* invalid data */
+ }
+static void
+thom_accent_acute(imgtool::stream &dst,
+ uint8_t c)
+ switch ( c ) {
+ case 'a': dst.printf("\xc3\xa1"); break;
+ case 'e': dst.printf("\xc3\xa9"); break;
+ case 'i': dst.printf("\xc3\xad"); break;
+ case 'o': dst.printf("\xc3\xb3"); break;
+ case 'u': dst.printf("\xc3\xba"); break;
+ case 'A': dst.printf("\xc3\x81"); break;
+ case 'E': dst.printf("\xc3\x89"); break;
+ case 'I': dst.printf("\xc3\x8d"); break;
+ case 'O': dst.printf("\xc3\x93"); break;
+ case 'U': dst.printf("\xc3\x9a"); break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+static void
+thom_accent_circ(imgtool::stream &dst,
+ uint8_t c)
+ switch ( c ) {
+ case 'a': dst.printf("\xc3\xa2"); break;
+ case 'e': dst.printf("\xc3\xaa"); break;
+ case 'i': dst.printf("\xc3\xae"); break;
+ case 'o': dst.printf("\xc3\xb4"); break;
+ case 'u': dst.printf("\xc3\xbb"); break;
+ case 'A': dst.printf("\xc3\x82"); break;
+ case 'E': dst.printf("\xc3\x8a"); break;
+ case 'I': dst.printf("\xc3\x8e"); break;
+ case 'O': dst.printf("\xc3\x94"); break;
+ case 'U': dst.printf("\xc3\x9b"); break;
+ default: break; /* invalid data */
+ }
+static void
+thom_accent_uml(imgtool::stream &dst,
+ uint8_t c)
+ switch ( c ) {
+ case 'a': dst.printf("\xc3\xa4"); break;
+ case 'e': dst.printf("\xc3\xab"); break;
+ case 'i': dst.printf("\xc3\xaf"); break;
+ case 'o': dst.printf("\xc3\xb6"); break;
+ case 'u': dst.printf("\xc3\xbc"); break;
+ case 'A': dst.printf("\xc3\x84"); break;
+ case 'E': dst.printf("\xc3\x8b"); break;
+ case 'I': dst.printf("\xc3\x8f"); break;
+ case 'O': dst.printf("\xc3\x96"); break;
+ case 'U': dst.printf("\xc3\x9c"); break;
+ default: break; /* invalid data */
+ }
+static void
+thom_accent_cedil(imgtool::stream &dst,
+ uint8_t c)
+ switch ( c ) {
+ case 'c': dst.printf("\xc3\xa7"); break;
+ case 'C': dst.printf("\xc3\x87"); break;
+ default: break; /* invalid data */
+ }
+static void
+thom_basic_specialchar(imgtool::stream::ptr &src,
+ imgtool::stream &dst,
+ uint8_t c)
+ uint8_t l;
+ /* special characters */
+ switch ( c ) {
+ case '#': dst.printf("\xc2\xa3"); return; /* pound */
+ case '$': dst.printf("$"); return; /* dollar */
+ case '&': dst.printf("#"); return; /* diesis */
+ case ',': dst.printf("\xe2\x86\x90"); return; /* arrow left */
+ case '-': dst.printf("\xe2\x86\x91"); return; /* arrow up */
+ case '.': dst.printf("\xe2\x86\x92"); return; /* arrow right */
+ case '/': dst.printf("\xe2\x86\x93"); return; /* arrow down */
+ case '0': dst.printf("\xc2\xb0"); return; /* ° */
+ case '1': dst.printf("\xc2\xb1"); return; /* ± */
+ case '8': dst.printf("\xc3\xb7"); return; /* ÷ */
+ case '<': dst.printf("\xc2\xbc"); return; /* ¼ */
+ case '=': dst.printf("\xc2\xbd"); return; /* ½ */
+ case '>': dst.printf("\xc2\xbe"); return; /* ¾ */
+ case 'j': dst.printf("\xc5\x92"); return; /* Π*/
+ case 'z': dst.printf("\xc5\x93"); return; /* œ */
+ case '{': dst.printf("\xc3\x9f"); return; /* ß */
+ case '\'': dst.printf("\xc2\xa7"); return; /* § */
+ case 'A':
+ case 'B':
+ case 'C':
+ case 'H':
+ case 'K': break; /* accents */
+ default: return; /* invalid data */
+ }
+ if ( src->read(&l, 1 ) < 1 ) return;
+ /* accents */
+ switch ( c ) {
+ case 'A': thom_accent_grave(dst, l); return;
+ case 'B': thom_accent_acute(dst, l); return;
+ case 'C': thom_accent_circ(dst, l); return;
+ case 'H': thom_accent_uml(dst, l); return;
+ case 'K': thom_accent_cedil(dst, l); return;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ /* invalid data */
+struct {
+ const char *utf8;
+ const char *thom;
+} special_chars[] = {
+ { "\xc2\xa3", "\x16" "#" }, /* £ */
+ { "$", "\x16" "$" },
+ { "#", "\x16" "&" },
+ { "\xe2\x86\x90", "\x16" "," }, /* arrow left */
+ { "\xe2\x86\x91", "\x16" "-" }, /* arrow up */
+ { "\xe2\x86\x92", "\x16" "." }, /* arrow right */
+ { "\xe2\x86\x93", "\x16" "/" }, /* arrow down */
+ { "\xc2\xb0", "\x16" "0" }, /* ° */
+ { "\xc2\xb1", "\x16" "1" }, /* ± */
+ { "\xc3\xb7", "\x16" "8" }, /* ÷ */
+ { "\xc2\xbc", "\x16" "<" }, /* ¼ */
+ { "\xc2\xbd", "\x16" "=" }, /* ½ */
+ { "\xc2\xbe", "\x16" ">" }, /* ¾ */
+ { "\xc5\x92", "\x16" "j" }, /* Π*/
+ { "\xc5\x93", "\x16" "z" }, /* œ */
+ { "\xc3\x9f", "\x16" "{" }, /* ß */
+ { "\xc2\xa7", "\x16" "'" }, /* § */
+ /* accent grave */
+ { "\xc3\xa0", "\x16" "Aa" },
+ { "\xc3\xa8", "\x16" "Ae" },
+ { "\xc3\xac", "\x16" "Ai" },
+ { "\xc3\xb2", "\x16" "Ao" },
+ { "\xc3\xb9", "\x16" "Au" },
+ { "\xc3\x80", "\x16" "AA" },
+ { "\xc3\x88", "\x16" "AE" },
+ { "\xc3\x8c", "\x16" "AI" },
+ { "\xc3\x92", "\x16" "AO" },
+ { "\xc3\x99", "\x16" "AU" },
+ /* accent acute */
+ { "\xc3\xa1", "\x16" "Ba" },
+ { "\xc3\xa9", "\x16" "Be" },
+ { "\xc3\xad", "\x16" "Bi" },
+ { "\xc3\xb3", "\x16" "Bo" },
+ { "\xc3\xba", "\x16" "Bu" },
+ { "\xc3\x81", "\x16" "BA" },
+ { "\xc3\x89", "\x16" "BE" },
+ { "\xc3\x8d", "\x16" "BI" },
+ { "\xc3\x93", "\x16" "BO" },
+ { "\xc3\x9a", "\x16" "BU" },
+ /* circumflex */
+ { "\xc3\xa2", "\x16" "Ca" },
+ { "\xc3\xaa", "\x16" "Ce" },
+ { "\xc3\xae", "\x16" "Ci" },
+ { "\xc3\xb4", "\x16" "Co" },
+ { "\xc3\xbb", "\x16" "Cu" },
+ { "\xc3\x82", "\x16" "CA" },
+ { "\xc3\x8a", "\x16" "CE" },
+ { "\xc3\x8e", "\x16" "CI" },
+ { "\xc3\x94", "\x16" "CO" },
+ { "\xc3\x9b", "\x16" "CU" },
+ /* umlaut */
+ { "\xc3\xa4", "\x16" "Ha" },
+ { "\xc3\xab", "\x16" "He" },
+ { "\xc3\xaf", "\x16" "Hi" },
+ { "\xc3\xb6", "\x16" "Ho" },
+ { "\xc3\xbc", "\x16" "Hu" },
+ { "\xc3\x84", "\x16" "HA" },
+ { "\xc3\x8b", "\x16" "HE" },
+ { "\xc3\x8f", "\x16" "HI" },
+ { "\xc3\x96", "\x16" "HO" },
+ { "\xc3\x9c", "\x16" "HU" },
+ /* cedilla */
+ { "\xc3\xa7", "\x16" "Kc" },
+ { "\xc3\x87", "\x16" "KC" },
+ { NULL, NULL }
+static bool thom_basic_is_specialchar(const char *buf,
+ int *pos,
+ const char **thom)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; special_chars[i].utf8 != NULL; i++)
+ {
+ if (!strncmp(&buf[*pos], special_chars[i].utf8, strlen(special_chars[i].utf8)))
+ {
+ *pos += strlen(special_chars[i].utf8);
+ *thom = special_chars[i].thom;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
/* untokenization automatically decrypt protected files */
static imgtoolerr_t thom_basic_read_file(imgtool::partition &part,
const char *name,
@@ -1445,6 +1677,14 @@ static imgtoolerr_t thom_basic_read_file(imgtool::partition &part,
if ( token ) dst.puts(token );
else dst.puts("???" );
+ else if ( c == '\x16' )
+ {
+ uint64_t l;
+ l = org->tell();
+ if ( org->read(&c, 1 ) < 1 ) break;
+ thom_basic_specialchar(org, dst, c);
+ i += org->tell() - l; /* update i */
+ }
/* regular character */
@@ -1583,6 +1823,11 @@ static imgtoolerr_t thom_basic_write_file(imgtool::partition &partition,
mem_stream->write(&token_shift, 1);
mem_stream->write(&token_value, 1);
+ else if (thom_basic_is_specialchar(buf, &pos, &token))
+ {
+ /* emit the escaped accent */
+ mem_stream->write(token, strlen(token));
+ }
/* no token; emit the byte */