path: root/src/osd
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author Aaron Giles <>2008-12-03 17:31:20 +0000
committer Aaron Giles <>2008-12-03 17:31:20 +0000
commit30aa31f1637428d349b5d3a4144ebb3124aa66a5 (patch)
treee703b52b2f36de4d6c30d293d1b7ad757d5cc6d7 /src/osd
parente1c8b38b668655d0d831ec171124e27c3ff28106 (diff)
More debugger changes.
Added the concept of 'subviews' to the debugger views. The core now creates a list of possible subviews, and the OSD can select between them. This removes code from the OSD that was previously required to find all possible memory and disassembly views. Added machine parameters to debugger console output functions. Fixed some oddities in the memory view. Moved globals to hang off of the machine structure. Fixed bug where the visiblecpu was not updated immediately upon a break.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/osd')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 236 deletions
diff --git a/src/osd/windows/debugwin.c b/src/osd/windows/debugwin.c
index 43959cae57b..ef205569fbd 100644
--- a/src/osd/windows/debugwin.c
+++ b/src/osd/windows/debugwin.c
@@ -156,17 +156,6 @@ struct _debugwin_info
-typedef struct _memorycombo_item memorycombo_item;
-struct _memorycombo_item
- memorycombo_item * next;
- TCHAR name[256];
- const address_space * space;
- memory_view_raw raw;
- UINT8 prefsize;
@@ -180,8 +169,6 @@ struct _memorycombo_item
static debugwin_info *window_list;
static debugwin_info *main_console;
-static memorycombo_item *memorycombo;
static UINT8 waiting_for_debugger;
static HFONT debug_font;
@@ -219,6 +206,7 @@ static void memory_process_string(debugwin_info *info, const char *string);
static void memory_update_menu(debugwin_info *info);
static int memory_handle_command(debugwin_info *info, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
static int memory_handle_key(debugwin_info *info, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
+static void memory_update_caption(running_machine *machine, HWND wnd);
static void disasm_create_window(running_machine *machine);
static void disasm_recompute_children(debugwin_info *info);
@@ -445,14 +433,6 @@ void debugwin_destroy_windows(void)
while (window_list)
- // free the combobox info
- while (memorycombo)
- {
- void *temp = memorycombo;
- memorycombo = memorycombo->next;
- free(temp);
- }
main_console = NULL;
@@ -1692,128 +1672,13 @@ static void log_create_window(running_machine *machine)
-// memory_determine_combo_items
-static void memory_determine_combo_items(running_machine *machine)
- memorycombo_item **tail = &memorycombo;
- UINT32 cpunum, spacenum;
- const char *rgntag;
- int itemnum;
- // first add all the CPUs' address spaces
- for (cpunum = 0; cpunum < ARRAY_LENGTH(machine->cpu); cpunum++)
- if (machine->cpu[cpunum] != NULL)
- for (spacenum = 0; spacenum < ADDRESS_SPACES; spacenum++)
- {
- const address_space *space = cpu_get_address_space(machine->cpu[cpunum], spacenum);
- if (space != NULL)
- {
- memorycombo_item *ci = malloc_or_die(sizeof(*ci));
- TCHAR *t_tag, *t_name, *t_space;
- memset(ci, 0, sizeof(*ci));
- ci->space = space;
- ci->prefsize = MIN(space->dbits / 8, 8);
- t_tag = tstring_from_utf8(space->cpu->tag);
- t_name = tstring_from_utf8(cpu_get_name(space->cpu));
- t_space = tstring_from_utf8(space->name);
- _sntprintf(ci->name, ARRAY_LENGTH(ci->name), TEXT("CPU '%s' (%s) %s memory"), t_tag, t_name, t_space);
- free(t_space),
- free(t_name);
- free(t_tag);
- *tail = ci;
- tail = &ci->next;
- }
- }
- // then add all the memory regions
- for (rgntag = memory_region_next(machine, NULL); rgntag != NULL; rgntag = memory_region_next(machine, rgntag))
- {
- memorycombo_item *ci = malloc_or_die(sizeof(*ci));
- UINT32 flags = memory_region_flags(machine, rgntag);
- UINT8 little_endian = ((flags & ROMREGION_ENDIANMASK) == ROMREGION_LE);
- UINT8 width = 1 << ((flags & ROMREGION_WIDTHMASK) >> 8);
- TCHAR *t_tag;
- memset(ci, 0, sizeof(*ci));
- ci->raw.base = memory_region(machine, rgntag);
- ci->raw.length = memory_region_length(machine, rgntag);
- ci->raw.offsetxor = width - 1;
- ci->raw.endianness = little_endian ? CPU_IS_LE : CPU_IS_BE;
- ci->prefsize = MIN(width, 8);
- t_tag = tstring_from_utf8(rgntag);
- _sntprintf(ci->name, ARRAY_LENGTH(ci->name), TEXT("Region '%s'"), t_tag);
- free(t_tag);
- *tail = ci;
- tail = &ci->next;
- }
- // finally add all global array symbols
- for (itemnum = 0; itemnum < 10000; itemnum++)
- {
- UINT32 valsize, valcount;
- const char *name;
- void *base;
- /* stop when we run out of items */
- name = state_save_get_indexed_item(itemnum, &base, &valsize, &valcount);
- if (name == NULL)
- break;
- /* if this is a single-entry global, add it */
- if (valcount > 1 && strstr(name, "/globals/"))
- {
- memorycombo_item *ci = malloc_or_die(sizeof(*ci));
- TCHAR *t_name;
- memset(ci, 0, sizeof(*ci));
- ci->raw.base = base;
- ci->raw.length = valcount * valsize;
- ci->raw.endianness = CPU_IS_LE;
- ci->prefsize = MIN(valsize, 8);
- t_name = tstring_from_utf8(name);
- _tcscpy(ci->name, _tcsrchr(t_name, TEXT('/')) + 1);
- free(t_name);
- *tail = ci;
- tail = &ci->next;
- }
- }
-// memory_update_selection
-static void memory_update_selection(debugwin_info *info, memorycombo_item *ci)
- debug_view_begin_update(info->view[0].view);
- if (ci->space != NULL)
- memory_view_set_address_space(info->view[0].view, ci->space);
- else
- memory_view_set_raw(info->view[0].view, &ci->raw);
- memory_view_set_bytes_per_chunk(info->view[0].view, ci->prefsize);
- debug_view_end_update(info->view[0].view);
- SetWindowText(info->wnd, ci->name);
// memory_create_window
static void memory_create_window(running_machine *machine)
const device_config *curcpu = debug_cpu_get_visible_cpu(machine);
- memorycombo_item *ci, *selci = NULL;
+ const memory_subview_item *subview;
debugwin_info *info;
HMENU optionsmenu;
int cursel = 0;
@@ -1866,27 +1731,23 @@ static void memory_create_window(running_machine *machine)
SendMessage(info->otherwnd[0], WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)debug_font, (LPARAM)FALSE);
// populate the combobox
- if (memorycombo == NULL)
- memory_determine_combo_items(machine);
- for (ci = memorycombo; ci != NULL; ci = ci->next)
+ for (subview = memory_view_get_subview_list(info->view[0].view); subview != NULL; subview = subview->next)
- int item = SendMessage(info->otherwnd[0], CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)ci->name);
- if (selci == NULL && ci->space != NULL && ci->space->cpu == curcpu)
- {
+ TCHAR *t_name = tstring_from_utf8(subview->name);
+ int item = SendMessage(info->otherwnd[0], CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)t_name);
+ free(t_name);
+ if (cursel == 0 && subview->space != NULL && subview->space->cpu == curcpu)
cursel = item;
- selci = ci;
- }
SendMessage(info->otherwnd[0], CB_SETCURSEL, cursel, 0);
+ memory_view_set_subview(info->view[0].view, cursel);
// set the child functions
info->recompute_children = memory_recompute_children;
info->process_string = memory_process_string;
- // set the CPUnum and spacenum properties
- if (selci == NULL)
- selci = memorycombo;
- memory_update_selection(info, selci);
+ // set the caption
+ memory_update_caption(machine, info->wnd);
// recompute the children once to get the maxwidth
@@ -1999,11 +1860,8 @@ static int memory_handle_command(debugwin_info *info, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lpar
int sel = SendMessage((HWND)lparam, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (sel != CB_ERR)
- // find the matching entry
- memorycombo_item *ci;
- for (ci = memorycombo; ci; ci = ci->next)
- if (sel-- == 0)
- memory_update_selection(info, ci);
+ memory_view_set_subview(info->view[0].view, sel);
+ memory_update_caption(info->machine, info->wnd);
// reset the focus
@@ -2112,16 +1970,32 @@ static int memory_handle_key(debugwin_info *info, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
+// memory_update_caption
+static void memory_update_caption(running_machine *machine, HWND wnd)
+ debugwin_info *info = (debugwin_info *)(FPTR)GetWindowLongPtr(wnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
+ const memory_subview_item *subview = memory_view_get_current_subview(info->view[0].view);
+ char title[256];
+ sprintf(title, "Memory: %s", subview->name);
+ win_set_window_text_utf8(wnd, title);
// disasm_create_window
static void disasm_create_window(running_machine *machine)
- const address_space *selspace = NULL, *fallbackspace = NULL;
- int selindex = 0, fallbackindex = 0;
+ const device_config *curcpu = debug_cpu_get_visible_cpu(machine);
+ const disasm_subview_item *subview;
debugwin_info *info;
HMENU optionsmenu;
- UINT32 cpunum;
+ int cursel = 0;
// create the window
info = debugwin_window_create(machine, "Disassembly", NULL);
@@ -2160,47 +2034,26 @@ static void disasm_create_window(running_machine *machine)
// create a combo box
info->otherwnd[0] = CreateWindowEx(COMBO_BOX_STYLE_EX, TEXT("COMBOBOX"), NULL, COMBO_BOX_STYLE,
- 0, 0, 100, 100, info->wnd, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL);
+ 0, 0, 100, 1000, info->wnd, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL);
SetWindowLongPtr(info->otherwnd[0], GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)info);
SendMessage(info->otherwnd[0], WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)debug_font, (LPARAM)FALSE);
// populate the combobox
- for (cpunum = 0; cpunum < ARRAY_LENGTH(machine->cpu); cpunum++)
- if (machine->cpu[cpunum] != NULL)
- {
- const address_space *space = cpu_get_address_space(machine->cpu[cpunum], ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM);
- if (space != NULL)
- {
- TCHAR *t_cpu_name = tstring_from_utf8(cpu_get_name(space->cpu));
- TCHAR *t_cpu_tag = tstring_from_utf8(space->cpu->tag);
- TCHAR name[100];
- int item;
- _sntprintf(name, ARRAY_LENGTH(name), TEXT("CPU '%s' (%s)"), t_cpu_tag, t_cpu_name);
- free(t_cpu_tag);
- free(t_cpu_name);
- item = SendMessage(info->otherwnd[0], CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)name);
- if (space->cpu == debug_cpu_get_visible_cpu(machine))
- {
- selspace = space;
- selindex = item;
- }
- else if (fallbackspace == NULL)
- {
- fallbackspace = space;
- fallbackindex = item;
- }
- }
- }
- SendMessage(info->otherwnd[0], CB_SETCURSEL, (selspace != NULL) ? selindex : fallbackindex, 0);
+ for (subview = disasm_view_get_subview_list(info->view[0].view); subview != NULL; subview = subview->next)
+ {
+ TCHAR *t_name = tstring_from_utf8(subview->name);
+ int item = SendMessage(info->otherwnd[0], CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)t_name);
+ free(t_name);
+ if (cursel == 0 && subview->space->cpu == curcpu)
+ cursel = item;
+ }
+ SendMessage(info->otherwnd[0], CB_SETCURSEL, cursel, 0);
+ disasm_view_set_subview(info->view[0].view, cursel);
// set the child functions
info->recompute_children = disasm_recompute_children;
info->process_string = disasm_process_string;
- // set the target space
- disasm_view_set_address_space(info->view[0].view, (selspace != NULL) ? selspace : fallbackspace);
// set the caption
disasm_update_caption(machine, info->wnd);
@@ -2314,18 +2167,8 @@ static int disasm_handle_command(debugwin_info *info, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lpar
int sel = SendMessage((HWND)lparam, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (sel != CB_ERR)
- // find the matching entry
- UINT32 cpunum;
- for (cpunum = 0; cpunum < ARRAY_LENGTH(info->machine->cpu); cpunum++)
- if (info->machine->cpu[cpunum] != NULL)
- {
- const address_space *space = cpu_get_address_space(info->machine->cpu[cpunum], ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM);
- if (space != NULL && sel-- == 0)
- {
- disasm_view_set_address_space(info->view[0].view, space);
- disasm_update_caption(info->machine, info->wnd);
- }
- }
+ disasm_view_set_subview(info->view[0].view, sel);
+ disasm_update_caption(info->machine, info->wnd);
// reset the focus
@@ -2356,7 +2199,7 @@ static int disasm_handle_command(debugwin_info *info, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lpar
if (debug_view_get_cursor_visible(info->view[0].view))
- const address_space *space = disasm_view_get_address_space(info->view[0].view);
+ const address_space *space = disasm_view_get_current_subview(info->view[0].view)->space;
if (debug_cpu_get_visible_cpu(info->machine) == space->cpu)
offs_t address = memory_byte_to_address(space, disasm_view_get_selected_address(info->view[0].view));
@@ -2369,7 +2212,7 @@ static int disasm_handle_command(debugwin_info *info, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lpar
if (debug_view_get_cursor_visible(info->view[0].view))
- const address_space *space = disasm_view_get_address_space(info->view[0].view);
+ const address_space *space = disasm_view_get_current_subview(info->view[0].view)->space;
if (debug_cpu_get_visible_cpu(info->machine) == space->cpu)
offs_t address = memory_byte_to_address(space, disasm_view_get_selected_address(info->view[0].view));
@@ -2458,11 +2301,10 @@ static int disasm_handle_key(debugwin_info *info, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
static void disasm_update_caption(running_machine *machine, HWND wnd)
debugwin_info *info = (debugwin_info *)(FPTR)GetWindowLongPtr(wnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
- const address_space *space = disasm_view_get_address_space(info->view[0].view);
- char title[100];
- // then update the caption
- sprintf(title, "Disassembly: CPU '%s' (%s)", space->cpu->tag, cpu_get_name(space->cpu));
+ const disasm_subview_item *subview = disasm_view_get_current_subview(info->view[0].view);
+ char title[256];
+ sprintf(title, "Disassembly: %s", subview->name);
win_set_window_text_utf8(wnd, title);
@@ -2474,11 +2316,12 @@ static void disasm_update_caption(running_machine *machine, HWND wnd)
void console_create_window(running_machine *machine)
+ const registers_subview_item *regsubview;
+ const disasm_subview_item *dasmsubview;
debugwin_info *info;
int bestwidth, bestheight;
RECT bounds, work_bounds;
HMENU optionsmenu;
- UINT32 cpunum;
// create the window
info = debugwin_window_create(machine, "Debug", NULL);
@@ -2528,30 +2371,30 @@ void console_create_window(running_machine *machine)
// loop over all CPUs and compute the sizes
info->minwidth = 0;
info->maxwidth = 0;
- for (cpunum = MAX_CPU - 1; (INT32)cpunum >= 0; cpunum--)
- if (machine->cpu[cpunum] != NULL)
- {
- const address_space *program = cpu_get_address_space(machine->cpu[cpunum], ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM);
- UINT32 regchars, dischars, conchars;
- UINT32 minwidth, maxwidth;
- // point all views to the new CPU number
- disasm_view_set_address_space(info->view[0].view, program);
- registers_view_set_cpu(info->view[1].view, program->cpu);
- // get the total width of all three children
- dischars = debug_view_get_total_size(info->view[0].view).x;
- regchars = debug_view_get_total_size(info->view[1].view).x;
- conchars = debug_view_get_total_size(info->view[2].view).x;
- // compute the preferred width
- minwidth = EDGE_WIDTH + regchars * debug_font_width + vscroll_width + 2 * EDGE_WIDTH + 100 + EDGE_WIDTH;
- maxwidth = EDGE_WIDTH + regchars * debug_font_width + vscroll_width + 2 * EDGE_WIDTH + ((dischars > conchars) ? dischars : conchars) * debug_font_width + vscroll_width + EDGE_WIDTH;
- if (minwidth > info->minwidth)
- info->minwidth = minwidth;
- if (maxwidth > info->maxwidth)
- info->maxwidth = maxwidth;
- }
+ for (dasmsubview = disasm_view_get_subview_list(info->view[0].view); dasmsubview != NULL; dasmsubview = dasmsubview->next)
+ for (regsubview = registers_view_get_subview_list(info->view[1].view); regsubview != NULL; regsubview = regsubview->next)
+ if (dasmsubview->space->cpu == regsubview->device)
+ {
+ UINT32 regchars, dischars, conchars;
+ UINT32 minwidth, maxwidth;
+ // point all views to the appropriate index
+ disasm_view_set_subview(info->view[0].view, dasmsubview->index);
+ registers_view_set_subview(info->view[1].view, regsubview->index);
+ // get the total width of all three children
+ dischars = debug_view_get_total_size(info->view[0].view).x;
+ regchars = debug_view_get_total_size(info->view[1].view).x;
+ conchars = debug_view_get_total_size(info->view[2].view).x;
+ // compute the preferred width
+ minwidth = EDGE_WIDTH + regchars * debug_font_width + vscroll_width + 2 * EDGE_WIDTH + 100 + EDGE_WIDTH;
+ maxwidth = EDGE_WIDTH + regchars * debug_font_width + vscroll_width + 2 * EDGE_WIDTH + ((dischars > conchars) ? dischars : conchars) * debug_font_width + vscroll_width + EDGE_WIDTH;
+ if (minwidth > info->minwidth)
+ info->minwidth = minwidth;
+ if (maxwidth > info->maxwidth)
+ info->maxwidth = maxwidth;
+ }
// get the work bounds
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &work_bounds, 0);
@@ -2671,16 +2514,28 @@ static void console_process_string(debugwin_info *info, const char *string)
static void console_set_cpu(const device_config *device)
+ const registers_subview_item *regsubitem;
+ const disasm_subview_item *dasmsubitem;
char title[256], curtitle[256];
// first set all the views to the new cpu number
if (main_console->view[0].view != NULL)
- disasm_view_set_address_space(main_console->view[0].view, cpu_get_address_space(device, ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM));
+ for (dasmsubitem = disasm_view_get_subview_list(main_console->view[0].view); dasmsubitem != NULL; dasmsubitem = dasmsubitem->next)
+ if (dasmsubitem->space->cpu == device)
+ {
+ disasm_view_set_subview(main_console->view[0].view, dasmsubitem->index);
+ break;
+ }
if (main_console->view[1].view != NULL)
- registers_view_set_cpu(main_console->view[1].view, device);
+ for (regsubitem = registers_view_get_subview_list(main_console->view[1].view); regsubitem != NULL; regsubitem = regsubitem->next)
+ if (regsubitem->device == device)
+ {
+ registers_view_set_subview(main_console->view[1].view, regsubitem->index);
+ break;
+ }
// then update the caption
- snprintf(title, ARRAY_LENGTH(title), "Debug: %s - CPU '%s' (%s)", device->machine->gamedrv->name, device->tag, cpu_get_name(device));
+ snprintf(title, ARRAY_LENGTH(title), "Debug: %s - %s", device->machine->gamedrv->name, regsubitem->name);
win_get_window_text_utf8(main_console->wnd, curtitle, ARRAY_LENGTH(curtitle));
if (strcmp(title, curtitle) != 0)
win_set_window_text_utf8(main_console->wnd, title);