path: root/src/mame/drivers/tranz330.cpp
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author Vas Crabb <>2018-07-07 02:40:29 +1000
committer Vas Crabb <>2018-07-07 02:40:29 +1000
commitc3fb11c2c98a5c28ece6a27093a0f9def350ac64 (patch)
treec68b38f05ed1d32358add721fda7f45e8803479f /src/mame/drivers/tranz330.cpp
parent5d9e33b786d7ef452317439359f3cbd8cc920513 (diff)
There are multiple issues with the current device callbacks: * They always dispatch through a pointer-to-member * Chained callbacks are a linked list so the branch unit can't predict the early * There's a runtime decision made on the left/right shift direction * There are runtime NULL checks on various objects * Binding a lambda isn't practical * Arbitrary transformations are not supported * When chaining callbacks it isn't clear what the MCFG_DEVCB_ modifiers apply to * It isn't possible to just append to a callback in derived configuration * The macros need a magic, hidden local called devcb * Moving code that uses the magic locals around is error-prone * Writing the MCFG_ macros to make a device usable is a pain * You can't discover applicable MCFG_ macros with intellisense * Macros are not scoped * Using an inappropriate macro isn't detected at compile time * Lots of other things This changeset overcomes the biggest obstacle to remving MCFG_ macros altogether. Essentially, to allow a devcb to be configured, call .bind() and expose the result (a bind target for the callback). Bind target methods starting with "set" repace the current callbacks; methods starting with "append" append to them. You can't reconfigure a callback after resolving it. There's no need to use a macro matching the handler signatures - use FUNC for everything. Current device is implied if no tag/finder is supplied (no need for explicit this). Lambdas are supported, and the memory space and offset are optional. These kinds of things work: * .read_cb().set([this] () { return something; }); * .read_cb().set([this] (offs_t offset) { return ~offset; }); * .write_cb().set([this] (offs_t offset, u8 data) { m_array[offset] = data; }); * .write_cb().set([this] (int state) { some_var = state; }); Arbitrary transforms are allowed, and they can modify offset/mask for example: * .read_cb().set(FUNC(my_state::handler)).transform([] (u8 data) { return bitswap<4>(data, 1, 3, 0, 2); }); * .read_cb().set(m_dev, FUNC(some_device::member)).transform([] (offs_t &offset, u8 data) { offset ^= 3; return data; }); It's possible to stack arbitrary transforms, at the cost of compile time (the whole transform stack gets inlined at compile time). Shifts count as an arbitrary transform, but mask/exor does not. Order of mask/shift/exor now matters. Modifications are applied in the specified order. These are NOT EQUIVALENT: * .read_cb().set(FUNC(my_state::handler)).mask(0x06).lshift(2); * .read_cb().set(FUNC(my_state::handler)).lshift(2).mask(0x06); The bit helper no longer reverses its behaviour for read callbacks, and I/O ports are no longer aware of the field mask. Binding a read callback to no-op is not supported - specify a constant. The GND and VCC aliases have been removed intentionally - they're TTL-centric, and were already being abused. Other quirks have been preserved, including write logger only logging when the data is non-zero (quite unhelpful in many of the cases where it's used). Legacy syntax is still supported for simple cases, but will be phased out. New devices should not have MCFG_ macros. I don't think I've missed any fundamental issues, but if I've broken something, let me know.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mame/drivers/tranz330.cpp')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/mame/drivers/tranz330.cpp b/src/mame/drivers/tranz330.cpp
index 147a626abf0..f81be4882b1 100644
--- a/src/mame/drivers/tranz330.cpp
+++ b/src/mame/drivers/tranz330.cpp
@@ -148,12 +148,12 @@ void tranz330_state::tranz330(machine_config &config)
CLOCK(config, "ctc_clock", XTAL(7'159'090)/4) // ?
- .set_signal_handler(DEVCB_WRITELINE(*this, tranz330_state, clock_w));
+ .signal_handler().set(FUNC(tranz330_state::clock_w));
MSM6242(config, RTC_TAG, XTAL(32'768));
- INPUT_MERGER_ANY_HIGH(config, "irq", 0)
- .set_output_handler(DEVCB_INPUTLINE(m_cpu, INPUT_LINE_IRQ0));
+ INPUT_MERGER_ANY_HIGH(config, "irq")
+ .output_handler().set_inputline(m_cpu, INPUT_LINE_IRQ0);
Z80PIO(config, m_pio, XTAL(7'159'090)/2); //*
m_pio->set_out_int_callback(DEVCB_WRITELINE("irq", input_merger_device, in_w<0>)); //*
@@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ void tranz330_state::tranz330(machine_config &config)
m_ctc->set_intr_callback(DEVCB_WRITELINE("irq", input_merger_device, in_w<2>));
RS232_PORT(config, m_rs232, default_rs232_devices, nullptr);
- m_rs232->set_rxd_handler(DEVCB_WRITELINE(m_dart, z80dart_device, rxb_w));
- m_rs232->set_dcd_handler(DEVCB_WRITELINE(m_dart, z80dart_device, dcdb_w));
- m_rs232->set_cts_handler(DEVCB_WRITELINE(m_dart, z80dart_device, ctsb_w));
+ m_rs232->rxd_handler().set(m_dart, FUNC(z80dart_device::rxb_w));
+ m_rs232->dcd_handler().set(m_dart, FUNC(z80dart_device::dcdb_w));
+ m_rs232->cts_handler().set(m_dart, FUNC(z80dart_device::ctsb_w));
// video
MIC10937(config, VFD_TAG).set_port_value(0);