path: root/src/lib
diff options
author Vas Crabb <>2017-08-12 15:33:39 +1000
committer Vas Crabb <>2017-08-12 15:38:14 +1000
commit71c7cfe5259f33e668dc3f870f6cf0433c073f51 (patch)
tree7affefa536837c1d58cb051556bd97a1837c5a94 /src/lib
parent99e8e1557593c4abb2f817b3bcb768163c602a4f (diff)
More PNG handling overhaul:
* Unify code for copying PNG data into bitmap for MAME and pngcmp * Fix upsampling of monochrome PNGs (need to splat across byte) * Add support for greyscale+alpha * Detect more unsupported conditions rather than just behaving badly
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib')
2 files changed, 217 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/util/png.cpp b/src/lib/util/png.cpp
index 17574481aea..32ede1be9c1 100644
--- a/src/lib/util/png.cpp
+++ b/src/lib/util/png.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// license:BSD-3-Clause
-// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles
+// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles, Vas Crabb
@@ -140,13 +140,118 @@ public:
+ png_error copy_to_bitmap(bitmap_argb32 &bitmap, bool &hasalpha) const
+ {
+ // do some basic checks for unsupported images
+ if ((ARRAY_LENGTH(samples) <= pnginfo.color_type) || !samples[pnginfo.color_type])
+ return PNGERR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT; // unknown colour sample format
+ if ((0 != pnginfo.interlace_method) && (1 != pnginfo.interlace_method))
+ return PNGERR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT; // unknown interlace method
+ if (8 != pnginfo.bit_depth)
+ return PNGERR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT; // only do 8bpp here - expand lower bit depth first
+ // everything looks sane, allocate the bitmap and deinterlace into it
+ bitmap.allocate(pnginfo.width, pnginfo.height);
+ std::uint8_t accumalpha(0xff);
+ unsigned const pass_count(get_pass_count());
+ std::uint32_t pass_offset[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ for (unsigned pass = 0; pass_count > pass; ++pass)
+ {
+ // calculate parameters for interlace pass
+ pass_offset[pass + 1] = pass_offset[pass] + get_pass_bytes(pass);
+ unsigned const x_shift(pnginfo.interlace_method ? ADAM7_X_SHIFT[pass] : 0);
+ unsigned const y_shift(pnginfo.interlace_method ? ADAM7_Y_SHIFT[pass] : 0);
+ unsigned const x_offs(pnginfo.interlace_method ? ADAM7_X_OFFS[pass] : 0);
+ unsigned const y_offs(pnginfo.interlace_method ? ADAM7_Y_OFFS[pass] : 0);
+ std::pair<std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t> const dimensions(get_pass_dimensions(pass));
+ std::uint8_t const *src(pnginfo.image + pass_offset[pass]);
+ if (3 == pnginfo.color_type)
+ {
+ // handle 8bpp palettized case
+ for (std::uint32_t y = 0; dimensions.second > y; ++y)
+ {
+ for (std::uint32_t x = 0; dimensions.first > x; ++x, ++src)
+ {
+ // determine alpha and expand to 32bpp
+ std::uint8_t const alpha((*src < pnginfo.num_trans) ? pnginfo.trans[*src] : 0xff);
+ accumalpha &= alpha;
+ std::uint16_t const paloffs(std::uint16_t(*src) * 3);
+ rgb_t const pix(alpha, pnginfo.palette[paloffs], pnginfo.palette[paloffs + 1], pnginfo.palette[paloffs + 2]);
+ bitmap.pix32((y << y_shift) + y_offs, (x << x_shift) + x_offs) = pix;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (0 == pnginfo.color_type)
+ {
+ // handle 8bpp grayscale non-alpha case
+ for (std::uint32_t y = 0; dimensions.second > y; ++y)
+ {
+ for (std::uint32_t x = 0; dimensions.first > x; ++x, ++src)
+ {
+ rgb_t const pix(0xff, src[0], src[0], src[0]);
+ bitmap.pix32((y << y_shift) + y_offs, (x << x_shift) + x_offs) = pix;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (4 == pnginfo.color_type)
+ {
+ // handle 8bpp grayscale alpha case
+ for (std::uint32_t y = 0; dimensions.second > y; ++y)
+ {
+ for (std::uint32_t x = 0; dimensions.first > x; ++x, src += 2)
+ {
+ accumalpha &= src[1];
+ rgb_t const pix(src[1], src[0], src[0], src[0]);
+ bitmap.pix32((y << y_shift) + y_offs, (x << x_shift) + x_offs) = pix;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (2 == pnginfo.color_type)
+ {
+ // handle 32bpp non-alpha case
+ for (std::uint32_t y = 0; dimensions.second > y; ++y)
+ {
+ for (std::uint32_t x = 0; dimensions.first > x; ++x, src += 3)
+ {
+ rgb_t const pix(0xff, src[0], src[1], src[2]);
+ bitmap.pix32((y << y_shift) + y_offs, (x << x_shift) + x_offs) = pix;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // handle 32bpp alpha case
+ for (std::uint32_t y = 0; dimensions.second > y; ++y)
+ {
+ for (std::uint32_t x = 0; dimensions.first > x; ++x, src += 4)
+ {
+ accumalpha &= src[3];
+ rgb_t const pix(src[3], src[0], src[1], src[2]);
+ bitmap.pix32((y << y_shift) + y_offs, (x << x_shift) + x_offs) = pix;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // set hasalpha flag and return
+ hasalpha = 0xffU != accumalpha;
+ return PNGERR_NONE;
+ }
png_error expand_buffer_8bit()
- /* nothing to do if we're at 8 or greater already */
+ // nothing to do if we're at 8 or greater already
if (pnginfo.bit_depth >= 8)
- /* calculate the offset for each pass of the interlace on the input and output */
+ // do some basic checks for unsupported images
+ if ((0 != pnginfo.color_type) && (3 != pnginfo.color_type))
+ return PNGERR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT; // unknown colour sample format
+ if ((0 != pnginfo.interlace_method) && (1 != pnginfo.interlace_method))
+ return PNGERR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT; // unknown interlace method
+ // calculate the offset for each pass of the interlace on the input and output
unsigned const pass_count(get_pass_count());
std::uint32_t inp_offset[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
std::uint32_t outp_offset[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
@@ -156,28 +261,46 @@ public:
outp_offset[pass + 1] = outp_offset[pass] + get_pass_bytes(pass, 8);
- /* allocate a new buffer at 8-bit */
+ // allocate a new buffer at 8-bit
std::unique_ptr<std::uint8_t []> outbuf;
try { outbuf.reset(new std::uint8_t [outp_offset[pass_count]]); }
catch (std::bad_alloc const &) { return PNGERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
+ std::uint8_t const bytesamples(8 / pnginfo.bit_depth);
for (unsigned pass = 0; pass_count > pass; ++pass)
std::pair<std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t> const dimensions(get_pass_dimensions(pass));
+ std::uint32_t const rowsamples(samples[pnginfo.color_type] * dimensions.first);
+ std::uint32_t const wholebytes(rowsamples / bytesamples);
+ std::uint32_t const leftover(rowsamples % bytesamples);
std::uint8_t const *inp(&pnginfo.image[inp_offset[pass]]);
std::uint8_t *outp(&outbuf[outp_offset[pass]]);
for (std::uint32_t y = 0; dimensions.second > y; ++y)
- for (std::uint32_t i = 0; (dimensions.first / (8 / pnginfo.bit_depth)); ++i, ++inp)
+ for (std::uint32_t i = 0; wholebytes > i; ++i, ++inp)
- for (std::int8_t j = (8 / pnginfo.bit_depth) - 1; 0 <= j; --j)
- *outp++ = (*inp >> (j * pnginfo.bit_depth)) & (0xffU >> (8 - pnginfo.bit_depth));
+ for (std::int8_t j = bytesamples - 1; 0 <= j; --j, ++outp)
+ {
+ *outp = (*inp >> (j * pnginfo.bit_depth)) & (0xffU >> (8 - pnginfo.bit_depth));
+ if (!pnginfo.color_type)
+ {
+ for (unsigned k = 4; pnginfo.bit_depth <= k; k >>= 1)
+ *outp |= *outp << k;
+ }
+ }
- if (pnginfo.width % (8 / pnginfo.bit_depth))
+ if (leftover)
- for (std::int8_t j = (pnginfo.width % (8 / pnginfo.bit_depth)) - 1; 0 <= j; --j)
- *outp++ = (*inp >> (j * pnginfo.bit_depth)) & (0xffU >> (8 - pnginfo.bit_depth));
+ for (std::int8_t j = leftover - 1; 0 <= j; --j,++outp)
+ {
+ *outp = (*inp >> (j * pnginfo.bit_depth)) & (0xffU >> (8 - pnginfo.bit_depth));
+ if (!pnginfo.color_type)
+ {
+ for (unsigned k = 4; pnginfo.bit_depth <= k; k >>= 1)
+ *outp |= *outp << k;
+ }
+ }
@@ -191,43 +314,35 @@ public:
png_error read_file(util::core_file &fp)
- /* initialize the data structures */
+ // initialize the data structures
png_error error = PNGERR_NONE;
std::memset(&pnginfo, 0, sizeof(pnginfo));
+ std::list<image_data_chunk> idata;
- /* verify the signature at the start of the file */
+ // verify the signature at the start of the file
error = verify_header(fp);
- if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
- goto handle_error;
- /* loop until we hit an IEND chunk */
- for ( ; ; )
+ // loop until we hit an IEND chunk
+ while (PNGERR_NONE == error)
- /* read a chunk */
+ // read a chunk
std::unique_ptr<std::uint8_t []> chunk_data;
std::uint32_t chunk_type, chunk_length;
error = read_chunk(fp, chunk_data, chunk_type, chunk_length);
- if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
- goto handle_error;
- /* stop when we hit an IEND chunk */
- if (chunk_type == PNG_CN_IEND)
- break;
- /* process the chunk */
- error = process_chunk(std::move(chunk_data), chunk_type, chunk_length);
- if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
- goto handle_error;
+ if (PNGERR_NONE == error)
+ {
+ if (chunk_type == PNG_CN_IEND)
+ break; // stop when we hit an IEND chunk
+ else
+ error = process_chunk(idata, std::move(chunk_data), chunk_type, chunk_length);
+ }
- /* finish processing the image */
- error = process();
- handle_error:
- /* no need for the intermediate data any more */
- idata.clear();
+ // finish processing the image
+ if (PNGERR_NONE == error)
+ error = process(idata);
- /* if we have an error, free all the other data as well */
+ // if we have an error, free all the output data
if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
@@ -239,37 +354,47 @@ public:
png_info & pnginfo;
- png_error process()
+ static constexpr unsigned ADAM7_X_BIAS[7] = { 7, 3, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0 };
+ static constexpr unsigned ADAM7_Y_BIAS[7] = { 7, 7, 3, 3, 1, 1, 0 };
+ static constexpr unsigned ADAM7_X_SHIFT[7] = { 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0 };
+ static constexpr unsigned ADAM7_Y_SHIFT[7] = { 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1 };
+ static constexpr unsigned ADAM7_X_OFFS[7] = { 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0 };
+ static constexpr unsigned ADAM7_Y_OFFS[7] = { 0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1 };
+ png_error process(std::list<image_data_chunk> const &idata)
- png_error error = PNGERR_NONE;
+ // do some basic checks for unsupported images
+ if ((ARRAY_LENGTH(samples) <= pnginfo.color_type) || !samples[pnginfo.color_type])
+ return PNGERR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT; // unknown colour sample format
+ if ((0 != pnginfo.interlace_method) && (1 != pnginfo.interlace_method))
+ return PNGERR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT; // unknown interlace method
- /* calculate the offset for each pass of the interlace */
+ // calculate the offset for each pass of the interlace
unsigned const pass_count(get_pass_count());
std::uint32_t pass_offset[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
for (unsigned pass = 0; pass_count > pass; ++pass)
pass_offset[pass + 1] = pass_offset[pass] + get_pass_bytes(pass);
- /* allocate memory for the filtered image */
+ // allocate memory for the filtered image
try { pnginfo.image = new std::uint8_t [pass_offset[pass_count]]; }
catch (std::bad_alloc const &) { return PNGERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
- /* decompress image data */
- error = decompress(pass_offset[pass_count]);
+ // decompress image data
+ png_error error = PNGERR_NONE;
+ error = decompress(idata, pass_offset[pass_count]);
+ std::uint32_t const bpp(get_bytes_per_pixel());
for (unsigned pass = 0; (pass_count > pass) && (PNGERR_NONE == error); ++pass)
- /* compute some basic parameters */
+ // compute some basic parameters
std::pair<std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t> const dimensions(get_pass_dimensions(pass));
- std::uint32_t const bpp(get_bytes_per_pixel());
std::uint32_t const rowbytes(get_row_bytes(dimensions.first));
- /* we de-filter in place */
+ // we de-filter in place, stripping the filter bytes off the rows
uint8_t *dst = pnginfo.image + pass_offset[pass];
uint8_t const *src = dst;
- /* iterate over rows */
for (std::uint32_t y = 0; (dimensions.second > y) && (PNGERR_NONE == error); ++y)
- /* first byte of each row is the filter type */
+ // first byte of each row is the filter type
uint8_t const filter(*src++);
error = unfilter_row(filter, src, dst, y ? &dst[-rowbytes] : nullptr, bpp, rowbytes);
src += rowbytes;
@@ -277,7 +402,7 @@ private:
- /* if we errored, free the image data */
+ // if we errored, free the image data
if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
delete[] pnginfo.image;
@@ -286,13 +411,13 @@ private:
return error;
- png_error decompress(std::uint32_t expected)
+ png_error decompress(std::list<image_data_chunk> const &idata, std::uint32_t expected)
- /* only deflate is permitted */
+ // only deflate is permitted
if (pnginfo.compression_method != 0)
- /* allocate zlib stream */
+ // allocate zlib stream
z_stream stream;
int zerr;
std::memset(&stream, 0, sizeof(stream));
@@ -305,7 +430,7 @@ private:
if (Z_OK != zerr)
- /* decompress IDAT blocks */
+ // decompress IDAT blocks
stream.next_out = pnginfo.image;
stream.avail_out = expected;
stream.avail_in = 0;
@@ -323,14 +448,14 @@ private:
- /* it's all good if we got end-of-stream or we have with no data remaining */
+ // it's all good if we got end-of-stream or we have with no data remaining
if ((Z_OK == inflateEnd(&stream)) && ((Z_STREAM_END == zerr) || ((Z_OK == zerr) && (idata.end() == it) && !stream.avail_in)))
- png_error process_chunk(std::unique_ptr<std::uint8_t []> &&data, uint32_t type, uint32_t length)
+ png_error process_chunk(std::list<image_data_chunk> &idata, std::unique_ptr<std::uint8_t []> &&data, uint32_t type, uint32_t length)
/* switch off of the type */
switch (type)
@@ -419,14 +544,10 @@ private:
std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> get_pass_dimensions(unsigned pass) const
- static constexpr unsigned x_bias[7] = { 7, 3, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0 };
- static constexpr unsigned y_bias[7] = { 7, 7, 3, 3, 1, 1, 0 };
- static constexpr unsigned x_shift[7] = { 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0 };
- static constexpr unsigned y_shift[7] = { 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1 };
if (0 == pnginfo.interlace_method)
return std::make_pair(pnginfo.width, pnginfo.height);
- return std::make_pair((pnginfo.width + x_bias[pass]) >> x_shift[pass], (pnginfo.height + y_bias[pass]) >> y_shift[pass]);
+ return std::make_pair((pnginfo.width + ADAM7_X_BIAS[pass]) >> ADAM7_X_SHIFT[pass], (pnginfo.height + ADAM7_Y_BIAS[pass]) >> ADAM7_Y_SHIFT[pass]);
std::uint32_t get_pass_bytes(unsigned pass) const
@@ -599,10 +720,15 @@ private:
- std::list<image_data_chunk> idata; // FIXME: this could really be a local
+constexpr unsigned png_private::ADAM7_X_BIAS[7];
+constexpr unsigned png_private::ADAM7_Y_BIAS[7];
+constexpr unsigned png_private::ADAM7_X_SHIFT[7];
+constexpr unsigned png_private::ADAM7_Y_SHIFT[7];
+constexpr unsigned png_private::ADAM7_X_OFFS[7];
+constexpr unsigned png_private::ADAM7_Y_OFFS[7];
} // anonymous namespace
@@ -627,70 +753,40 @@ png_error png_read_file(util::core_file &fp, png_info *pnginfo)
png_error png_read_bitmap(util::core_file &fp, bitmap_argb32 &bitmap)
png_error result;
- png_info png;
- uint8_t *src;
- int x, y;
+ png_info pnginfo;
+ png_private png(pnginfo);
- /* read the PNG data */
- result = png_read_file(fp, &png);
- if (result != PNGERR_NONE)
+ // read the PNG data
+ result = png.read_file(fp);
+ if (PNGERR_NONE != result)
return result;
- /* verify we can handle this PNG */
- if (png.bit_depth > 8 || png.interlace_method != 0 ||
- (png.color_type != 0 && png.color_type != 3 && png.color_type != 2 && png.color_type != 6))
+ // resample to 8bpp if necessary
+ result = png.expand_buffer_8bit();
+ if (PNGERR_NONE != result)
- png_free(&png);
+ png_free(pnginfo);
+ return result;
- /* if less than 8 bits, upsample */
- png_expand_buffer_8bit(&png);
- /* allocate a bitmap of the appropriate size and copy it */
- bitmap.allocate(png.width, png.height);
+ // allocate a bitmap of the appropriate size and copy it
+ bool hasalpha;
+ result = png.copy_to_bitmap(bitmap, hasalpha);
- /* handle 8bpp palettized case */
- src = png.image;
- if (png.color_type == 3)
- {
- /* loop over width/height */
- for (y = 0; y < png.height; y++)
- for (x = 0; x < png.width; x++, src++)
- {
- /* determine alpha and expand to 32bpp */
- uint8_t alpha = (*src < png.num_trans) ? png.trans[*src] : 0xff;
- bitmap.pix32(y, x) = (alpha << 24) | (png.palette[*src * 3] << 16) | (png.palette[*src * 3 + 1] << 8) | png.palette[*src * 3 + 2];
- }
- }
+ // free our temporary data and return
+ png_free(pnginfo);
+ return result;
- /* handle 8bpp grayscale case */
- else if (png.color_type == 0)
- {
- for (y = 0; y < png.height; y++)
- for (x = 0; x < png.width; x++, src++)
- bitmap.pix32(y, x) = 0xff000000 | (*src << 16) | (*src << 8) | *src;
- }
- /* handle 32bpp non-alpha case */
- else if (png.color_type == 2)
- {
- for (y = 0; y < png.height; y++)
- for (x = 0; x < png.width; x++, src += 3)
- bitmap.pix32(y, x) = 0xff000000 | (src[0] << 16) | (src[1] << 8) | src[2];
- }
- /* handle 32bpp alpha case */
- else if (png.color_type == 6)
- {
- for (y = 0; y < png.height; y++)
- for (x = 0; x < png.width; x++, src += 4)
- bitmap.pix32(y, x) = (src[3] << 24) | (src[0] << 16) | (src[1] << 8) | src[2];
- }
+ png_expand_buffer_8bit - copy PNG data into a
+ bitmap
- /* free our temporary data and return */
- png_free(&png);
- return PNGERR_NONE;
+png_error png_copy_to_bitmap(png_info *pnginfo, bitmap_argb32 &bitmap, bool &hasalpha)
+ return png_private(*pnginfo).copy_to_bitmap(bitmap, hasalpha);
diff --git a/src/lib/util/png.h b/src/lib/util/png.h
index ed74fc6fc8f..d9713f4f851 100644
--- a/src/lib/util/png.h
+++ b/src/lib/util/png.h
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
-#pragma once
-#ifndef __PNG_H__
-#define __PNG_H__
+#pragma once
-#include "osdcore.h"
#include "bitmap.h"
#include "corefile.h"
+#include "osdcore.h"
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ void png_free(png_info *pnginfo);
png_error png_read_file(util::core_file &fp, png_info *pnginfo);
png_error png_read_bitmap(util::core_file &fp, bitmap_argb32 &bitmap);
+png_error png_copy_to_bitmap(png_info *p, bitmap_argb32 &bitmap, bool &hasalpha);
png_error png_expand_buffer_8bit(png_info *p);
png_error png_add_text(png_info *pnginfo, const char *keyword, const char *text);
@@ -130,4 +131,4 @@ png_error mng_capture_start(util::core_file &fp, bitmap_t &bitmap, double rate);
png_error mng_capture_frame(util::core_file &fp, png_info *info, bitmap_t &bitmap, int palette_length, const rgb_t *palette);
png_error mng_capture_stop(util::core_file &fp);
-#endif /* __PNG_H__ */
+#endif // MAME_LIB_UTIL_PNG_H