path: root/src/lib/netlist/devices/nlid_system.h
diff options
author couriersud <>2016-12-27 21:40:03 +0100
committer couriersud <>2016-12-28 13:48:48 +0100
commit63f4e52dae7933b6acc4d5c7473a2b90ed1d2155 (patch)
tree5037618283dcef3924e287afc61be0e279efd83e /src/lib/netlist/devices/nlid_system.h
parent9ade6db46e5bffe5830f5a1349e2a3bfeda10c80 (diff)
Moved proxy code into separate file. (nw)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/netlist/devices/nlid_system.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/netlist/devices/nlid_system.h b/src/lib/netlist/devices/nlid_system.h
index 2a827f6b20e..89251264fa7 100644
--- a/src/lib/netlist/devices/nlid_system.h
+++ b/src/lib/netlist/devices/nlid_system.h
@@ -413,173 +413,6 @@ namespace netlist
state_var<netlist_sig_t> m_last_state;
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // nld_base_proxy
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NETLIB_OBJECT(base_proxy)
- {
- public:
- nld_base_proxy(netlist_t &anetlist, const pstring &name,
- logic_t *inout_proxied, detail::core_terminal_t *proxy_inout)
- : device_t(anetlist, name)
- {
- m_logic_family = inout_proxied->logic_family();
- m_term_proxied = inout_proxied;
- m_proxy_term = proxy_inout;
- }
- virtual ~nld_base_proxy() {}
- logic_t &term_proxied() const { return *m_term_proxied; }
- detail::core_terminal_t &proxy_term() const { return *m_proxy_term; }
- protected:
- const logic_family_desc_t *m_logic_family;
- virtual const logic_family_desc_t &logic_family() const
- {
- return *m_logic_family;
- }
- private:
- logic_t *m_term_proxied;
- detail::core_terminal_t *m_proxy_term;
- };
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // nld_a_to_d_proxy
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NETLIB_OBJECT_DERIVED(a_to_d_proxy, base_proxy)
- {
- public:
- nld_a_to_d_proxy(netlist_t &anetlist, const pstring &name, logic_input_t *in_proxied)
- : nld_base_proxy(anetlist, name, in_proxied, &m_I)
- , m_I(*this, "I")
- , m_Q(*this, "Q")
- {
- }
- virtual ~nld_a_to_d_proxy() {}
- analog_input_t m_I;
- logic_output_t m_Q;
- protected:
- {
- nl_assert(m_logic_family != nullptr);
- if (m_I.Q_Analog() > logic_family().m_high_thresh_V)
- m_Q.push(1, NLTIME_FROM_NS(1));
- else if (m_I.Q_Analog() < logic_family().m_low_thresh_V)
- m_Q.push(0, NLTIME_FROM_NS(1));
- else
- {
- // do nothing
- }
- }
- private:
- };
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // nld_base_d_to_a_proxy
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NETLIB_OBJECT_DERIVED(base_d_to_a_proxy, base_proxy)
- {
- public:
- virtual ~nld_base_d_to_a_proxy() {}
- virtual logic_input_t &in() { return m_I; }
- protected:
- nld_base_d_to_a_proxy(netlist_t &anetlist, const pstring &name,
- logic_output_t *out_proxied, detail::core_terminal_t &proxy_out)
- : nld_base_proxy(anetlist, name, out_proxied, &proxy_out)
- , m_I(*this, "I")
- {
- }
- logic_input_t m_I;
- private:
- };
- NETLIB_OBJECT_DERIVED(d_to_a_proxy, base_d_to_a_proxy)
- {
- public:
- nld_d_to_a_proxy(netlist_t &anetlist, const pstring &name, logic_output_t *out_proxied)
- : nld_base_d_to_a_proxy(anetlist, name, out_proxied, m_RV.m_P)
- , m_GNDHack(*this, "_Q")
- , m_RV(*this, "RV")
- , m_last_state(*this, "m_last_var", -1)
- , m_is_timestep(false)
- {
- //register_sub(m_RV);
- //register_term("1", m_RV.m_P);
- //register_term("2", m_RV.m_N);
- register_subalias("Q", m_RV.m_P);
- connect_late(m_RV.m_N, m_GNDHack);
- //printf("%s %s\n", out_proxied->name().cstr(), out_proxied->device().name().cstr());
- }
- virtual ~nld_d_to_a_proxy() {}
- protected:
- private:
- analog_output_t m_GNDHack; // FIXME: Long term, we need to connect proxy gnd to device gnd
- NETLIB_SUB(twoterm) m_RV;
- state_var<int> m_last_state;
- bool m_is_timestep;
- };
- class factory_lib_entry_t : public base_factory_t
- {
- P_PREVENT_COPYING(factory_lib_entry_t)
- public:
- factory_lib_entry_t(setup_t &setup, const pstring &name, const pstring &classname,
- const pstring &def_param)
- : base_factory_t(name, classname, def_param), m_setup(setup) { }
- class wrapper : public device_t
- {
- public:
- wrapper(const pstring &devname, netlist_t &anetlist, const pstring &name)
- : device_t(anetlist, name), m_devname(devname)
- {
- anetlist.setup().namespace_push(name);
- anetlist.setup().include(m_devname);
- anetlist.setup().namespace_pop();
- }
- protected:
- pstring m_devname;
- };
- plib::owned_ptr<device_t> Create(netlist_t &anetlist, const pstring &name) override
- {
- return plib::owned_ptr<device_t>::Create<wrapper>(this->name(), anetlist, name);
- }
- private:
- setup_t &m_setup;
- };
} //namespace devices
} // namespace netlist