path: root/src/devices
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author fulivi <>2018-08-19 15:18:53 +0200
committer Vas Crabb <>2018-08-20 02:06:33 +1000
commit66b9e9c18f2eea57026e60bfed40434111e6891a (patch)
treedc551184afcded20a18f6403690cd1c8680f82d3 /src/devices
parentd5b28b8ad7c6ea470c3a8e530ce9d5c42d5b7e08 (diff)
hp_ipc: implemented bit offset in RDWIN/WRWIN commands of GPU
Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices')
2 files changed, 118 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/video/hp1ll3.cpp b/src/devices/video/hp1ll3.cpp
index 7e8d2f2f0a4..5f34138f940 100644
--- a/src/devices/video/hp1ll3.cpp
+++ b/src/devices/video/hp1ll3.cpp
@@ -22,6 +22,105 @@
- interrupt generation
- realistic timing?
- &c.
+ This table summarizes the GPU commands.
+ "Code" is the hex code of command.
+ "Impl" shows whether the command is implemented in this driver or not.
+ "Parameter" reports the I/O data exchanged by the command. Each line
+ is a 16-bit word which is read from/written to the GPU by a pair of
+ 8-bit accesses to data register (MSB first).
+ "I" is an input parameter (sent before command code)
+ "D" is an input data word (sent after command code)
+ "O" is an output data word.
+ | *Cmd* | *Code* | *Impl.* | *Parameter* | *Description* |
+ |-----------+--------+---------+---------------------+-----------------------------------|
+ | NOP | 00 | Y | - | No operation. Used to close |
+ | | | | | RDMEM/WRMEM/RDWIN/WRWIN commands. |
+ | CONF | 02 | Y | D@0: H. timing 0 | Configure GPU |
+ | | | | D@1: H. timing 1 | |
+ | | | | D@2: H. timing 2 | |
+ | | | | D@3: H. timing 3 | |
+ | | | | D@4: V. timing 0 | |
+ | | | | D@5: V. timing 1 | |
+ | | | | D@6: V. timing 2 | |
+ | | | | D@7: V. timing 3 | |
+ | | | | D@8: Words per line | |
+ | | | | D@9: Lines | |
+ | | | | D@10: Option bits | |
+ | DISVID | 03 | Y | - | Disable video |
+ | ENVID | 04 | Y | - | Enable video |
+ | ? | 06 | Y | - | Unknown |
+ | | | | | My guess is interrupt enable |
+ | | | | | 05 is probably int. disable |
+ | | | | | It's only used by diagb ROM |
+ | WRMEM | 07 | Y | I@0: RAM address | Write video RAM. Keep writing |
+ | | | | D@0: RAM word | words with auto-incremented addr |
+ | | | | ... | until terminated by NOP. |
+ | RDMEM | 08 | Y | I@0: RAM address | Read video RAM. Read words until |
+ | | | | O@0: RAM word | terminated by NOP. |
+ | | | | ... | |
+ | WRSAD | 09 | Y | I@0: Start address | Set screen start address |
+ | WRORG | 0a | Y | I@0: Start address | Set raster start address |
+ | WRDAD | 0b | Y | I@0: Start address | Set data start address |
+ | WRRR | 0c | Y | I@0: RR | Set replacement rule |
+ | MOVEP | 0d | Y | I@0: X | Set pen position |
+ | | | | I@1: Y | |
+ | IMOVEP | 0e | Y | I@0: delta X | Set pen position (incremental) |
+ | | | | I@1: delta Y | |
+ | DRAWP | 0f | Y | I@0: X | Draw a line and move pen |
+ | | | | I@1: Y | |
+ | IDRAWP | 10 | N | I@0: delta X | Draw a line (incremental) |
+ | | | | I@1: delta Y | |
+ | RDP | 11 | Y | O@0: pen X pos | Read current pen position |
+ | | | | O@1: pen Y pos | |
+ | WRUDL | 12 | Y | I@0: UDL | Set user-defined line pattern |
+ | WRWINSIZ | 13 | Y | I@0: Window width | Set window size |
+ | | | | I@1: Window height | |
+ | WRWINORG | 14 | Y | I@0: Origin X | Set window origin (UL corner) |
+ | | | | I@1: Origin Y | |
+ | COPY | 15 | Y | I@0: Dest. origin X | Copy a window. Parameter sets |
+ | | | | I@1: Dest. origin Y | the UL corner of the dest. win. |
+ | FILL | 16 | Y | I@0: Pattern no. | Fill a window |
+ | FRAME | 17 | N | - | Draw a frame (rectangle) |
+ | SCROLUP | 18 | Y | I@0: Fill pattern | Scroll a window upwards |
+ | | | | I@1: Scroll amount | |
+ | SCROLDN | 19 | Y | I@0: Fill pattern | Scroll a window downwards |
+ | | | | I@1: Scroll amount | |
+ | SCROLLF | 1a | N | I@0: Fill pattern | Scroll a window to the left |
+ | | | | I@1: Scroll amount | |
+ | SCROLLF | 1b | N | I@0: Fill pattern | Scroll a window to the right |
+ | | | | I@1: Scroll amount | |
+ | RDWIN | 1c | Y | I@0: bit offset | Read a window. Terminated by NOP. |
+ | | | | O@0: data word | |
+ | | | | ... | |
+ | WRWIN | 1d | Y | I@0: bit offset | Write a window. Terminated by NOP.|
+ | | | | D@0: data word | |
+ | | | | ... | |
+ | RDWINPARM | 1e | Y | O@0: Win. origin X | Read current window parameters |
+ | | | | O@1: Win. origin Y | |
+ | | | | O@2: Window width | |
+ | | | | O@3: Window height | |
+ | CR | 1f | N | - | Carriage return: move pen to |
+ | | | | | start of line |
+ | CRLF | 20 | Y | - | CRLF: move pen to start of next |
+ | | | | | text row |
+ | LABEL | 24 | Y | I@0: character code | Write a character and move pen |
+ | ENSP | 26 | Y | I@0: sprite pattern | Enable sprite |
+ | DISSP | 27 | Y | - | Disable sprite |
+ | MOVESP | 28 | Y | I@0: Sprite X pos | Move sprite |
+ | | | | I@1: Sprite Y pos | |
+ | IMOVESP | 29 | N | I@0: Sprite delta X | Move sprite (incremental) |
+ | | | | I@1: Sprite delta Y | |
+ | RDSP | 2a | Y | O@0: Sprite X pos | Read sprite position |
+ | | | | O@1: Sprite Y pos | |
+ | DRAWPX | 2b | Y | I@0: X | Write a pixel |
+ | | | | I@1: Y | |
+ | WRFAD | 2c | Y | I@0: Font address | Set address of font data |
+ | ENCURS | 2d | Y | I@0: cursor pattern | Enable cursor |
+ | | | | I@1: cursor offset | |
+ | DISCURS | 2e | Y | - | Disable cursor |
+ | ID | 3f | Y | O@0: ID | Read hw ID |
#include "emu.h"
@@ -794,13 +893,17 @@ READ8_MEMBER( hp1ll3_device::read )
- unsigned w = std::min(WS, unsigned(width));
+ unsigned discarded_bits = 0;
+ // Insert "m_rw_win_off" dummy bits in the first word of each line
+ if (m_rw_win_x == m_window.org_x)
+ discarded_bits = m_rw_win_off;
+ unsigned w = std::min(WS - discarded_bits, unsigned(width));
- m_io_word = rd_video(addr) << bit;
+ m_io_word = (rd_video(addr) << bit) >> discarded_bits;
if ((bit + w) > WS)
- m_io_word |= rd_video(addr + 1) >> (WS - bit);
+ m_io_word |= rd_video(addr + 1) >> (WS - bit + discarded_bits);
- m_io_word &= ~0 << (WS - w);
+ m_io_word &= ~0 << (WS - w - discarded_bits);
m_rw_win_x += w;
if (m_rw_win_x >= (m_window.width + m_window.org_x))
@@ -920,20 +1023,24 @@ WRITE8_MEMBER( hp1ll3_device::write )
m_command = NOP;
- unsigned w = std::min(WS, unsigned(width));
+ unsigned discarded_bits = 0;
+ // Remove "m_rw_win_off" bits from the first word of each line
+ if (m_rw_win_x == m_window.org_x)
+ discarded_bits = m_rw_win_off;
+ unsigned w = std::min(WS - discarded_bits, unsigned(width));
glob_mask >>= bit;
if ((bit + w) < WS)
glob_mask &= ~0 << (WS - (bit + w));
- rmw_rop(addr, m_io_word >> bit, glob_mask, rop_masks);
- DBG_LOG(3, 0, ("WRWIN (%u,%u) %d %04x %04x\n", m_rw_win_x, m_rw_win_y, width, m_io_word >> bit, glob_mask));
+ rmw_rop(addr, (m_io_word << discarded_bits) >> bit, glob_mask, rop_masks);
+ DBG_LOG(3, 0, ("WRWIN (%u,%u) %d %04x %04x->%04x\n", m_rw_win_x, m_rw_win_y, width, (m_io_word << discarded_bits) >> bit, glob_mask, rd_video(addr)));
if ((bit + w) > WS)
- unsigned pad = WS - bit;
+ unsigned pad = WS - bit + discarded_bits;
glob_mask = ~0 << (2 * WS - bit - w);
rmw_rop(addr + 1, uint16_t(m_io_word << pad), glob_mask, rop_masks);
- DBG_LOG(3, 0, ("WRWIN %u %04x %04x\n", pad, m_io_word << pad, glob_mask));
+ DBG_LOG(3, 0, ("WRWIN %u %04x %04x->%04x\n", pad, m_io_word << pad, glob_mask, rd_video(addr + 1)));
m_rw_win_x += w;
if (m_rw_win_x >= (m_window.width + m_window.org_x))
@@ -1081,9 +1188,9 @@ void hp1ll3_device::command(int command)
case RDWIN:
DBG_LOG(2,"HPGPU",("command: %s [%d, 0x%x] offset=%u size(%d,%d)\n",
command == RDWIN ? "RDWIN":"WRWIN", command, command, m_input[0], m_window.width, m_window.height));
- // m_input[0] is offset (to be implemented)
m_rw_win_x = m_window.org_x;
m_rw_win_y = m_window.org_y;
+ m_rw_win_off = m_input[0] % WS;
diff --git a/src/devices/video/hp1ll3.h b/src/devices/video/hp1ll3.h
index cc4146a9033..8719168a882 100644
--- a/src/devices/video/hp1ll3.h
+++ b/src/devices/video/hp1ll3.h
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ private:
unsigned m_vram_size;
uint16_t m_ram_addr_mask;
uint16_t m_rw_win_x, m_rw_win_y;
+ uint8_t m_rw_win_off;
bool m_busy;