path: root/hlsl
diff options
author Ryan Holtz <>2011-05-18 00:35:16 +0000
committer Ryan Holtz <>2011-05-18 00:35:16 +0000
commit2820e314518e822aab30587a817f0266787ff4a4 (patch)
tree1eca7ad6f4ff8bb8f9d65a55a230fd492d662b8f /hlsl
parent09cc8833fb7a53c72c125b2b310f95bfe2413682 (diff)
HLSL Updates [Ryan Holtz, Bat Country Entertainment]
- Potential fix for some crashing reported by John IV - Split color convolution and deconvergence into separate shaders for potential GPU savings down the line - Added light and heavy variants of the color convolution shader, the former with YIQ colorspace removed - Re-worked defocus to occur prior to shadow mask application, as it would be on a real monitor. - Removed Edge Detection, as it was just for fun and can easily be added in by users if desired. - Split "pincushion" into "Pincushion" and "Screen Curvature", the former affecting the only the displayed image and the latter only affecting the shadow mask.
Diffstat (limited to 'hlsl')
6 files changed, 779 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/hlsl/color.fx b/hlsl/color.fx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a94cb5a9eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hlsl/color.fx
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+// Color-Convolution Effect
+texture Diffuse;
+sampler DiffuseSampler = sampler_state
+ Texture = <Diffuse>;
+ MipFilter = LINEAR;
+ MinFilter = LINEAR;
+ MagFilter = LINEAR;
+ AddressU = CLAMP;
+ AddressV = CLAMP;
+ AddressW = CLAMP;
+// Vertex Definitions
+struct VS_OUTPUT
+ float4 Position : POSITION;
+ float4 Color : COLOR0;
+ float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
+ float2 ExtraInfo : TEXCOORD1;
+struct VS_INPUT
+ float4 Position : POSITION;
+ float4 Color : COLOR0;
+ float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
+ float2 ExtraInfo : TEXCOORD1;
+struct PS_INPUT
+ float4 Color : COLOR0;
+ float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
+ float2 ExtraInfo : TEXCOORD1;
+// Post-Processing Vertex Shader
+uniform float TargetWidth;
+uniform float TargetHeight;
+uniform float RawWidth;
+uniform float RawHeight;
+uniform float WidthRatio;
+uniform float HeightRatio;
+VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
+ VS_OUTPUT Output = (VS_OUTPUT)0;
+ Output.Position = float4(, 1.0f);
+ Output.Position.x /= TargetWidth;
+ Output.Position.y /= TargetHeight;
+ Output.Position.y = 1.0f - Output.Position.y;
+ Output.Position.x -= 0.5f;
+ Output.Position.y -= 0.5f;
+ Output.Position *= float4(2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ Output.Color = Input.Color;
+ Output.TexCoord = Input.TexCoord;//(Input.TexCoord - float2(0.5f, 0.5f)) / 8.0f + float2(0.25f, 0.25f);
+ Output.ExtraInfo = Input.ExtraInfo;
+ return Output;
+// Post-Processing Pixel Shader
+uniform float RedFromRed = 1.0f;
+uniform float RedFromGrn = 0.0f;
+uniform float RedFromBlu = 0.0f;
+uniform float GrnFromRed = 0.0f;
+uniform float GrnFromGrn = 1.0f;
+uniform float GrnFromBlu = 0.0f;
+uniform float BluFromRed = 0.0f;
+uniform float BluFromGrn = 0.0f;
+uniform float BluFromBlu = 1.0f;
+uniform float YfromY = 1.0f;
+uniform float YfromI = 0.0f;
+uniform float YfromQ = 0.0f;
+uniform float IfromY = 0.0f;
+uniform float IfromI = 1.0f;
+uniform float IfromQ = 0.0f;
+uniform float QfromY = 0.0f;
+uniform float QfromI = 0.0f;
+uniform float QfromQ = 1.0f;
+uniform float RedOffset = 0.0f;
+uniform float GrnOffset = 0.0f;
+uniform float BluOffset = 0.0f;
+uniform float RedScale = 1.0f;
+uniform float GrnScale = 1.0f;
+uniform float BluScale = 1.0f;
+uniform float RedFloor = 0.0f;
+uniform float GrnFloor = 0.0f;
+uniform float BluFloor = 0.0f;
+uniform float Saturation = 1.0f;
+uniform float YScale = 1.0f;
+uniform float IScale = 1.0f;
+uniform float QScale = 1.0f;
+uniform float YOffset = 0.0f;
+uniform float IOffset = 0.0f;
+uniform float QOffset = 0.0f;
+uniform float RedPower = 2.2f;
+uniform float GrnPower = 2.2f;
+uniform float BluPower = 2.2f;
+uniform float YSubsampleLength = 3.0f;
+uniform float ISubsampleLength = 3.0f;
+uniform float QSubsampleLength = 3.0f;
+float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
+ // -- Bandwidth Subsampling --
+ float YSubsampleWidth = (RawWidth * 2.0f) / YSubsampleLength;
+ float ISubsampleWidth = (RawWidth * 2.0f) / ISubsampleLength;
+ float QSubsampleWidth = (RawWidth * 2.0f) / QSubsampleLength;
+ float3 SubsampleWidth = float3(YSubsampleWidth, ISubsampleWidth, QSubsampleWidth);
+ float3 SubsampleFrac = frac(Input.TexCoord.x * SubsampleWidth);
+ float3 SubsampleCoord = (Input.TexCoord.x * SubsampleWidth - SubsampleFrac) / SubsampleWidth + SubsampleFrac / (SubsampleWidth * 2.0f);
+ float4 BaseTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, Input.TexCoord);
+ float3 YTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.x, Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
+ float3 ITexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.y, Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
+ float3 QTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.z, Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
+ float3 LastYTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.x - SubsampleFrac.x / RawWidth, Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
+ float3 LastITexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.y - SubsampleFrac.y / RawWidth, Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
+ float3 LastQTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.z - SubsampleFrac.z / RawWidth, Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
+ YTexel = lerp(LastYTexel, YTexel, SubsampleFrac.x);
+ ITexel = lerp(LastITexel, ITexel, SubsampleFrac.y);
+ QTexel = lerp(LastQTexel, QTexel, SubsampleFrac.z);
+ // -- RGB Tint & Shift --
+ float ShiftedRedY = dot(YTexel, float3(RedFromRed, RedFromGrn, RedFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedGrnY = dot(YTexel, float3(GrnFromRed, GrnFromGrn, GrnFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedBluY = dot(YTexel, float3(BluFromRed, BluFromGrn, BluFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedRedI = dot(ITexel, float3(RedFromRed, RedFromGrn, RedFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedGrnI = dot(ITexel, float3(GrnFromRed, GrnFromGrn, GrnFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedBluI = dot(ITexel, float3(BluFromRed, BluFromGrn, BluFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedRedQ = dot(QTexel, float3(RedFromRed, RedFromGrn, RedFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedGrnQ = dot(QTexel, float3(GrnFromRed, GrnFromGrn, GrnFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedBluQ = dot(QTexel, float3(BluFromRed, BluFromGrn, BluFromBlu));
+ // -- RGB Offset & Scale --
+ float3 RGBScale = float3(RedScale, GrnScale, BluScale);
+ float3 RGBShift = float3(RedOffset, GrnOffset, BluOffset);
+ float3 OutTexelY = float3(ShiftedRedY, ShiftedGrnY, ShiftedBluY) * RGBScale + RGBShift;
+ float3 OutTexelI = float3(ShiftedRedI, ShiftedGrnI, ShiftedBluI) * RGBScale + RGBShift;
+ float3 OutTexelQ = float3(ShiftedRedQ, ShiftedGrnQ, ShiftedBluQ) * RGBScale + RGBShift;
+ // -- Saturation --
+ float3 Gray = float3(0.3f, 0.59f, 0.11f);
+ float OutLumaY = dot(OutTexelY, Gray);
+ float OutLumaI = dot(OutTexelI, Gray);
+ float OutLumaQ = dot(OutTexelQ, Gray);
+ float3 OutChromaY = OutTexelY - OutLumaY;
+ float3 OutChromaI = OutTexelI - OutLumaI;
+ float3 OutChromaQ = OutTexelQ - OutLumaQ;
+ float3 SaturatedY = OutLumaY + OutChromaY * Saturation;
+ float3 SaturatedI = OutLumaI + OutChromaI * Saturation;
+ float3 SaturatedQ = OutLumaQ + OutChromaQ * Saturation;
+ // -- YIQ Convolution --
+ float Y = dot(SaturatedY, float3(0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f));
+ float I = dot(SaturatedI, float3(0.595716f, -0.274453f, -0.321263f));
+ float Q = dot(SaturatedQ, float3(0.211456f, -0.522591f, 0.311135f));
+ Y = dot(float3(Y, I, Q), float3(YfromY, YfromI, YfromQ));
+ I = dot(float3(Y, I, Q), float3(IfromY, IfromI, IfromQ));
+ Q = dot(float3(Y, I, Q), float3(QfromY, QfromI, QfromQ));
+ float3 OutYIQ = float3(Y, I, Q) * float3(YScale, IScale, QScale) + float3(YOffset, IOffset, QOffset);
+ float3 OutRGB = float3(dot(OutYIQ, float3(1.0f, 0.9563f, 0.6210f)), dot(OutYIQ, float3(1.0f, -0.2721f, -0.6474f)), dot(OutYIQ, float3(1.0f, -1.1070f, 1.7046f)));
+ OutRGB.r = pow(OutRGB.r, RedPower);
+ OutRGB.g = pow(OutRGB.g, GrnPower);
+ OutRGB.b = pow(OutRGB.b, BluPower);
+ // -- Color Compression (increasing the floor of the signal without affecting the ceiling) --
+ OutRGB = float3(RedFloor + (1.0f - RedFloor) * OutRGB.r, GrnFloor + (1.0f - GrnFloor) * OutRGB.g, BluFloor + (1.0f - BluFloor) * OutRGB.b);
+ // -- Final Pixel --
+ float4 Output = lerp(Input.Color, float4(OutRGB, BaseTexel.a) * Input.Color, Input.ExtraInfo.x);
+ return BaseTexel;
+// Color-Convolution Technique
+technique ColorTechnique
+ pass Pass0
+ {
+ Lighting = FALSE;
+ VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 vs_main();
+ PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 ps_main();
+ }
diff --git a/hlsl/color_heavy.fx b/hlsl/color_heavy.fx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a94cb5a9eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hlsl/color_heavy.fx
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+// Color-Convolution Effect
+texture Diffuse;
+sampler DiffuseSampler = sampler_state
+ Texture = <Diffuse>;
+ MipFilter = LINEAR;
+ MinFilter = LINEAR;
+ MagFilter = LINEAR;
+ AddressU = CLAMP;
+ AddressV = CLAMP;
+ AddressW = CLAMP;
+// Vertex Definitions
+struct VS_OUTPUT
+ float4 Position : POSITION;
+ float4 Color : COLOR0;
+ float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
+ float2 ExtraInfo : TEXCOORD1;
+struct VS_INPUT
+ float4 Position : POSITION;
+ float4 Color : COLOR0;
+ float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
+ float2 ExtraInfo : TEXCOORD1;
+struct PS_INPUT
+ float4 Color : COLOR0;
+ float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
+ float2 ExtraInfo : TEXCOORD1;
+// Post-Processing Vertex Shader
+uniform float TargetWidth;
+uniform float TargetHeight;
+uniform float RawWidth;
+uniform float RawHeight;
+uniform float WidthRatio;
+uniform float HeightRatio;
+VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
+ VS_OUTPUT Output = (VS_OUTPUT)0;
+ Output.Position = float4(, 1.0f);
+ Output.Position.x /= TargetWidth;
+ Output.Position.y /= TargetHeight;
+ Output.Position.y = 1.0f - Output.Position.y;
+ Output.Position.x -= 0.5f;
+ Output.Position.y -= 0.5f;
+ Output.Position *= float4(2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ Output.Color = Input.Color;
+ Output.TexCoord = Input.TexCoord;//(Input.TexCoord - float2(0.5f, 0.5f)) / 8.0f + float2(0.25f, 0.25f);
+ Output.ExtraInfo = Input.ExtraInfo;
+ return Output;
+// Post-Processing Pixel Shader
+uniform float RedFromRed = 1.0f;
+uniform float RedFromGrn = 0.0f;
+uniform float RedFromBlu = 0.0f;
+uniform float GrnFromRed = 0.0f;
+uniform float GrnFromGrn = 1.0f;
+uniform float GrnFromBlu = 0.0f;
+uniform float BluFromRed = 0.0f;
+uniform float BluFromGrn = 0.0f;
+uniform float BluFromBlu = 1.0f;
+uniform float YfromY = 1.0f;
+uniform float YfromI = 0.0f;
+uniform float YfromQ = 0.0f;
+uniform float IfromY = 0.0f;
+uniform float IfromI = 1.0f;
+uniform float IfromQ = 0.0f;
+uniform float QfromY = 0.0f;
+uniform float QfromI = 0.0f;
+uniform float QfromQ = 1.0f;
+uniform float RedOffset = 0.0f;
+uniform float GrnOffset = 0.0f;
+uniform float BluOffset = 0.0f;
+uniform float RedScale = 1.0f;
+uniform float GrnScale = 1.0f;
+uniform float BluScale = 1.0f;
+uniform float RedFloor = 0.0f;
+uniform float GrnFloor = 0.0f;
+uniform float BluFloor = 0.0f;
+uniform float Saturation = 1.0f;
+uniform float YScale = 1.0f;
+uniform float IScale = 1.0f;
+uniform float QScale = 1.0f;
+uniform float YOffset = 0.0f;
+uniform float IOffset = 0.0f;
+uniform float QOffset = 0.0f;
+uniform float RedPower = 2.2f;
+uniform float GrnPower = 2.2f;
+uniform float BluPower = 2.2f;
+uniform float YSubsampleLength = 3.0f;
+uniform float ISubsampleLength = 3.0f;
+uniform float QSubsampleLength = 3.0f;
+float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
+ // -- Bandwidth Subsampling --
+ float YSubsampleWidth = (RawWidth * 2.0f) / YSubsampleLength;
+ float ISubsampleWidth = (RawWidth * 2.0f) / ISubsampleLength;
+ float QSubsampleWidth = (RawWidth * 2.0f) / QSubsampleLength;
+ float3 SubsampleWidth = float3(YSubsampleWidth, ISubsampleWidth, QSubsampleWidth);
+ float3 SubsampleFrac = frac(Input.TexCoord.x * SubsampleWidth);
+ float3 SubsampleCoord = (Input.TexCoord.x * SubsampleWidth - SubsampleFrac) / SubsampleWidth + SubsampleFrac / (SubsampleWidth * 2.0f);
+ float4 BaseTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, Input.TexCoord);
+ float3 YTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.x, Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
+ float3 ITexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.y, Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
+ float3 QTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.z, Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
+ float3 LastYTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.x - SubsampleFrac.x / RawWidth, Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
+ float3 LastITexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.y - SubsampleFrac.y / RawWidth, Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
+ float3 LastQTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.z - SubsampleFrac.z / RawWidth, Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
+ YTexel = lerp(LastYTexel, YTexel, SubsampleFrac.x);
+ ITexel = lerp(LastITexel, ITexel, SubsampleFrac.y);
+ QTexel = lerp(LastQTexel, QTexel, SubsampleFrac.z);
+ // -- RGB Tint & Shift --
+ float ShiftedRedY = dot(YTexel, float3(RedFromRed, RedFromGrn, RedFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedGrnY = dot(YTexel, float3(GrnFromRed, GrnFromGrn, GrnFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedBluY = dot(YTexel, float3(BluFromRed, BluFromGrn, BluFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedRedI = dot(ITexel, float3(RedFromRed, RedFromGrn, RedFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedGrnI = dot(ITexel, float3(GrnFromRed, GrnFromGrn, GrnFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedBluI = dot(ITexel, float3(BluFromRed, BluFromGrn, BluFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedRedQ = dot(QTexel, float3(RedFromRed, RedFromGrn, RedFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedGrnQ = dot(QTexel, float3(GrnFromRed, GrnFromGrn, GrnFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedBluQ = dot(QTexel, float3(BluFromRed, BluFromGrn, BluFromBlu));
+ // -- RGB Offset & Scale --
+ float3 RGBScale = float3(RedScale, GrnScale, BluScale);
+ float3 RGBShift = float3(RedOffset, GrnOffset, BluOffset);
+ float3 OutTexelY = float3(ShiftedRedY, ShiftedGrnY, ShiftedBluY) * RGBScale + RGBShift;
+ float3 OutTexelI = float3(ShiftedRedI, ShiftedGrnI, ShiftedBluI) * RGBScale + RGBShift;
+ float3 OutTexelQ = float3(ShiftedRedQ, ShiftedGrnQ, ShiftedBluQ) * RGBScale + RGBShift;
+ // -- Saturation --
+ float3 Gray = float3(0.3f, 0.59f, 0.11f);
+ float OutLumaY = dot(OutTexelY, Gray);
+ float OutLumaI = dot(OutTexelI, Gray);
+ float OutLumaQ = dot(OutTexelQ, Gray);
+ float3 OutChromaY = OutTexelY - OutLumaY;
+ float3 OutChromaI = OutTexelI - OutLumaI;
+ float3 OutChromaQ = OutTexelQ - OutLumaQ;
+ float3 SaturatedY = OutLumaY + OutChromaY * Saturation;
+ float3 SaturatedI = OutLumaI + OutChromaI * Saturation;
+ float3 SaturatedQ = OutLumaQ + OutChromaQ * Saturation;
+ // -- YIQ Convolution --
+ float Y = dot(SaturatedY, float3(0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f));
+ float I = dot(SaturatedI, float3(0.595716f, -0.274453f, -0.321263f));
+ float Q = dot(SaturatedQ, float3(0.211456f, -0.522591f, 0.311135f));
+ Y = dot(float3(Y, I, Q), float3(YfromY, YfromI, YfromQ));
+ I = dot(float3(Y, I, Q), float3(IfromY, IfromI, IfromQ));
+ Q = dot(float3(Y, I, Q), float3(QfromY, QfromI, QfromQ));
+ float3 OutYIQ = float3(Y, I, Q) * float3(YScale, IScale, QScale) + float3(YOffset, IOffset, QOffset);
+ float3 OutRGB = float3(dot(OutYIQ, float3(1.0f, 0.9563f, 0.6210f)), dot(OutYIQ, float3(1.0f, -0.2721f, -0.6474f)), dot(OutYIQ, float3(1.0f, -1.1070f, 1.7046f)));
+ OutRGB.r = pow(OutRGB.r, RedPower);
+ OutRGB.g = pow(OutRGB.g, GrnPower);
+ OutRGB.b = pow(OutRGB.b, BluPower);
+ // -- Color Compression (increasing the floor of the signal without affecting the ceiling) --
+ OutRGB = float3(RedFloor + (1.0f - RedFloor) * OutRGB.r, GrnFloor + (1.0f - GrnFloor) * OutRGB.g, BluFloor + (1.0f - BluFloor) * OutRGB.b);
+ // -- Final Pixel --
+ float4 Output = lerp(Input.Color, float4(OutRGB, BaseTexel.a) * Input.Color, Input.ExtraInfo.x);
+ return BaseTexel;
+// Color-Convolution Technique
+technique ColorTechnique
+ pass Pass0
+ {
+ Lighting = FALSE;
+ VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 vs_main();
+ PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 ps_main();
+ }
diff --git a/hlsl/color_light.fx b/hlsl/color_light.fx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d83a4012473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hlsl/color_light.fx
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// Color-Convolution Effect
+texture Diffuse;
+sampler DiffuseSampler = sampler_state
+ Texture = <Diffuse>;
+ MipFilter = LINEAR;
+ MinFilter = LINEAR;
+ MagFilter = LINEAR;
+ AddressU = CLAMP;
+ AddressV = CLAMP;
+ AddressW = CLAMP;
+// Vertex Definitions
+struct VS_OUTPUT
+ float4 Position : POSITION;
+ float4 Color : COLOR0;
+ float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
+ float2 ExtraInfo : TEXCOORD1;
+struct VS_INPUT
+ float4 Position : POSITION;
+ float4 Color : COLOR0;
+ float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
+ float2 ExtraInfo : TEXCOORD1;
+struct PS_INPUT
+ float4 Color : COLOR0;
+ float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
+ float2 ExtraInfo : TEXCOORD1;
+// Post-Processing Vertex Shader
+uniform float TargetWidth;
+uniform float TargetHeight;
+uniform float RawWidth;
+uniform float RawHeight;
+uniform float WidthRatio;
+uniform float HeightRatio;
+VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
+ VS_OUTPUT Output = (VS_OUTPUT)0;
+ Output.Position = float4(, 1.0f);
+ Output.Position.x /= TargetWidth;
+ Output.Position.y /= TargetHeight;
+ Output.Position.y = 1.0f - Output.Position.y;
+ Output.Position.x -= 0.5f;
+ Output.Position.y -= 0.5f;
+ Output.Position *= float4(2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ Output.Color = Input.Color;
+ Output.TexCoord = Input.TexCoord;//(Input.TexCoord - float2(0.5f, 0.5f)) / 8.0f + float2(0.25f, 0.25f);
+ Output.ExtraInfo = Input.ExtraInfo;
+ return Output;
+// Post-Processing Pixel Shader
+uniform float RedFromRed = 1.0f;
+uniform float RedFromGrn = 0.0f;
+uniform float RedFromBlu = 0.0f;
+uniform float GrnFromRed = 0.0f;
+uniform float GrnFromGrn = 1.0f;
+uniform float GrnFromBlu = 0.0f;
+uniform float BluFromRed = 0.0f;
+uniform float BluFromGrn = 0.0f;
+uniform float BluFromBlu = 1.0f;
+uniform float RedOffset = 0.0f;
+uniform float GrnOffset = 0.0f;
+uniform float BluOffset = 0.0f;
+uniform float RedScale = 1.0f;
+uniform float GrnScale = 1.0f;
+uniform float BluScale = 1.0f;
+uniform float RedFloor = 0.0f;
+uniform float GrnFloor = 0.0f;
+uniform float BluFloor = 0.0f;
+uniform float Saturation = 1.0f;
+uniform float RedPower = 2.2f;
+uniform float GrnPower = 2.2f;
+uniform float BluPower = 2.2f;
+float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
+ float4 BaseTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, Input.TexCoord);
+ // -- RGB Tint & Shift --
+ float ShiftedRed = dot(BaseTexel, float3(RedFromRed, RedFromGrn, RedFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedGrn = dot(BaseTexel, float3(GrnFromRed, GrnFromGrn, GrnFromBlu));
+ float ShiftedBlu = dot(BaseTexel, float3(BluFromRed, BluFromGrn, BluFromBlu));
+ // -- RGB Offset & Scale --
+ float3 RGBScale = float3(RedScale, GrnScale, BluScale);
+ float3 RGBShift = float3(RedOffset, GrnOffset, BluOffset);
+ float3 OutTexel = float3(ShiftedRed, ShiftedGrn, ShiftedBlu) * RGBScale + RGBShift;
+ // -- Saturation --
+ float3 Gray = float3(0.3f, 0.59f, 0.11f);
+ float OutLuma = dot(OutTexel, Gray);
+ float3 OutChroma = OutTexel - OutLuma;
+ float3 OutRGB = OutLuma + OutChroma * Saturation;
+ OutRGB.r = pow(OutRGB.r, RedPower);
+ OutRGB.g = pow(OutRGB.g, GrnPower);
+ OutRGB.b = pow(OutRGB.b, BluPower);
+ // -- Color Compression (increasing the floor of the signal without affecting the ceiling) --
+ OutRGB = float3(RedFloor + (1.0f - RedFloor) * OutRGB.r, GrnFloor + (1.0f - GrnFloor) * OutRGB.g, BluFloor + (1.0f - BluFloor) * OutRGB.b);
+ // -- Final Pixel --
+ float4 Output = lerp(Input.Color, float4(OutRGB, BaseTexel.a) * Input.Color, Input.ExtraInfo.x);
+ return BaseTexel;
+// Color-Convolution Technique
+technique ColorTechnique
+ pass Pass0
+ {
+ Lighting = FALSE;
+ VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 vs_main();
+ PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 ps_main();
+ }
diff --git a/hlsl/deconverge.fx b/hlsl/deconverge.fx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f79ffa49be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hlsl/deconverge.fx
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// Deconvergence Effect
+texture Diffuse;
+sampler DiffuseSampler = sampler_state
+ Texture = <Diffuse>;
+ MipFilter = LINEAR;
+ MinFilter = LINEAR;
+ MagFilter = LINEAR;
+ AddressU = CLAMP;
+ AddressV = CLAMP;
+ AddressW = CLAMP;
+// Vertex Definitions
+struct VS_OUTPUT
+ float4 Position : POSITION;
+ float4 Color : COLOR0;
+ float2 RedCoord : TEXCOORD0;
+ float2 GrnCoord : TEXCOORD1;
+ float2 BluCoord : TEXCOORD2;
+struct VS_INPUT
+ float4 Position : POSITION;
+ float4 Color : COLOR0;
+ float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
+ float2 ExtraInfo : TEXCOORD1;
+struct PS_INPUT
+ float4 Color : COLOR0;
+ float2 RedCoord : TEXCOORD0;
+ float2 GrnCoord : TEXCOORD1;
+ float2 BluCoord : TEXCOORD2;
+// Deconvergence Vertex Shader
+uniform float RedConvergeX;
+uniform float RedConvergeY;
+uniform float GrnConvergeX;
+uniform float GrnConvergeY;
+uniform float BluConvergeX;
+uniform float BluConvergeY;
+uniform float TargetWidth;
+uniform float TargetHeight;
+uniform float RawWidth;
+uniform float RawHeight;
+uniform float WidthRatio;
+uniform float HeightRatio;
+uniform float RedRadialConvergeX;
+uniform float RedRadialConvergeY;
+uniform float GrnRadialConvergeX;
+uniform float GrnRadialConvergeY;
+uniform float BluRadialConvergeX;
+uniform float BluRadialConvergeY;
+VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
+ VS_OUTPUT Output = (VS_OUTPUT)0;
+ float2 TargetRawRatio = float2(TargetWidth / RawWidth, TargetWidth / RawWidth);
+ float2 invDims = float2(1.0f / RawWidth, 1.0f / RawHeight);
+ float2 Ratios = float2(1.0f / WidthRatio, 1.0f / HeightRatio);
+ Output.Position = float4(, 1.0f);
+ Output.Position.x /= TargetWidth;
+ Output.Position.y /= TargetHeight;
+ Output.Position.y = 1.0f - Output.Position.y;
+ Output.Position.x -= 0.5f;
+ Output.Position.y -= 0.5f;
+ Output.Position *= float4(2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ Output.Color = Input.Color;
+ float2 InvTexSize = float2(1.0f / TargetWidth, 1.0f / TargetHeight);
+ float2 TexCoord = (Input.Position.xy * InvTexSize);
+ TexCoord = TexCoord;// + float2(0.5f / TargetWidth, 0.5f / TargetHeight);// * float2(WidthRatio, HeightRatio);//(Input.TexCoord - float2(0.5f, 0.5f)) / 8.0f + float2(0.25f, 0.25f);
+ Output.RedCoord.x = ((((TexCoord.x / Ratios.x) - 0.5f)) * (1.0f + RedRadialConvergeX / RawWidth) + 0.5f) * Ratios.x + RedConvergeX * invDims.x;
+ Output.GrnCoord.x = ((((TexCoord.x / Ratios.x) - 0.5f)) * (1.0f + GrnRadialConvergeX / RawWidth) + 0.5f) * Ratios.x + GrnConvergeX * invDims.x;
+ Output.BluCoord.x = ((((TexCoord.x / Ratios.x) - 0.5f)) * (1.0f + BluRadialConvergeX / RawWidth) + 0.5f) * Ratios.x + GrnConvergeX * invDims.x;
+ Output.RedCoord.y = ((((TexCoord.y / Ratios.y) - 0.5f)) * (1.0f + RedRadialConvergeY / RawHeight) + 0.5f) * Ratios.y + RedConvergeY * invDims.y;
+ Output.GrnCoord.y = ((((TexCoord.y / Ratios.y) - 0.5f)) * (1.0f + GrnRadialConvergeY / RawHeight) + 0.5f) * Ratios.y + BluConvergeY * invDims.y;
+ Output.BluCoord.y = ((((TexCoord.y / Ratios.y) - 0.5f)) * (1.0f + BluRadialConvergeY / RawHeight) + 0.5f) * Ratios.y + BluConvergeY * invDims.y;
+ return Output;
+// Deconvergence Pixel Shader
+float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
+ float RedTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, Input.RedCoord).r;
+ float GrnTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, Input.GrnCoord).g;
+ float BluTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, Input.BluCoord).b;
+ return float4(RedTexel, GrnTexel, BluTexel, 1.0f);
+// Deconvergence Effect
+technique DeconvergeTechnique
+ pass Pass0
+ {
+ Lighting = FALSE;
+ VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 vs_main();
+ PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 ps_main();
+ }
diff --git a/hlsl/focus.fx b/hlsl/focus.fx
index 8856b06a6da..b31dcf06968 100644
--- a/hlsl/focus.fx
+++ b/hlsl/focus.fx
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ struct PS_INPUT
uniform float TargetWidth;
uniform float TargetHeight;
+uniform float WidthRatio;
+uniform float HeightRatio;
uniform float DefocusX;
uniform float DefocusY;
uniform float FocusEnable;
@@ -87,7 +91,7 @@ VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
Output.Color = Input.Color;
float2 InvTexSize = float2(1.0f / TargetWidth, 1.0f / TargetHeight);
- float2 TexCoord = Input.Position.xy * InvTexSize;
+ float2 TexCoord = (Input.Position.xy * InvTexSize);
float2 DefocusVal = float2(DefocusX, DefocusY);
Output.TexCoord0 = TexCoord + Coord0Offset * InvTexSize * DefocusVal;
Output.TexCoord1 = TexCoord + Coord1Offset * InvTexSize * DefocusVal;
@@ -118,7 +122,7 @@ float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
float3 blurred = (d0 + d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 + d5 + d6 + d7) / 8.0f;
- blurred = lerp(d0, blurred, FocusEnable);
+ blurred = lerp(d0, blurred, 1.0f);
return float4(blurred, 1.0f);
diff --git a/hlsl/post.fx b/hlsl/post.fx
index 50e779c31f2..fa2082e6591 100644
--- a/hlsl/post.fx
+++ b/hlsl/post.fx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// Post-Processing Effect
+// Scanline & Shadowmask Effect
texture Diffuse;
@@ -38,9 +38,6 @@ struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 Color : COLOR0;
float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
float2 ExtraInfo : TEXCOORD1;
- float3 CoordX : TEXCOORD2;
- float3 CoordY : TEXCOORD3;
- float2 ShadowCoord : TEXCOORD4;
struct VS_INPUT
@@ -56,22 +53,12 @@ struct PS_INPUT
float4 Color : COLOR0;
float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
float2 ExtraInfo : TEXCOORD1;
- float3 CoordX : TEXCOORD2;
- float3 CoordY : TEXCOORD3;
- float2 ShadowCoord : TEXCOORD4;
-// Post-Processing Vertex Shader
+// Scanline & Shadowmask Vertex Shader
-uniform float RedConvergeX;
-uniform float RedConvergeY;
-uniform float GrnConvergeX;
-uniform float GrnConvergeY;
-uniform float BluConvergeX;
-uniform float BluConvergeY;
uniform float TargetWidth;
uniform float TargetHeight;
@@ -81,19 +68,10 @@ uniform float RawHeight;
uniform float WidthRatio;
uniform float HeightRatio;
-uniform float RedRadialConvergeX;
-uniform float RedRadialConvergeY;
-uniform float GrnRadialConvergeX;
-uniform float GrnRadialConvergeY;
-uniform float BluRadialConvergeX;
-uniform float BluRadialConvergeY;
VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
- float2 invDims = float2(1.0f / RawWidth, 1.0f / RawHeight);
- float2 Ratios = float2(1.0f / WidthRatio, 1.0f / HeightRatio);
Output.Position = float4(, 1.0f);
Output.Position.x /= TargetWidth;
Output.Position.y /= TargetHeight;
@@ -102,18 +80,11 @@ VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
Output.Position.y -= 0.5f;
Output.Position *= float4(2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
Output.Color = Input.Color;
- Output.TexCoord = Input.TexCoord;//(Input.TexCoord - float2(0.5f, 0.5f)) / 8.0f + float2(0.25f, 0.25f);
+ float2 InvTexSize = float2(1.0f / TargetWidth, 1.0f / TargetHeight);
+ float2 TexCoord = (Input.Position.xy * InvTexSize) / float2(WidthRatio, HeightRatio);
+ Output.TexCoord = TexCoord;//(Input.TexCoord - float2(0.5f, 0.5f)) / 8.0f + float2(0.25f, 0.25f);
Output.ExtraInfo = Input.ExtraInfo;
- Output.CoordX.x = ((((Output.TexCoord.x / Ratios.x) - 0.5f)) * (1.0f + RedRadialConvergeX / RawWidth) + 0.5f) * Ratios.x + RedConvergeX * invDims.x;
- Output.CoordX.y = ((((Output.TexCoord.x / Ratios.x) - 0.5f)) * (1.0f + GrnRadialConvergeX / RawWidth) + 0.5f) * Ratios.x + GrnConvergeX * invDims.x;
- Output.CoordX.z = ((((Output.TexCoord.x / Ratios.x) - 0.5f)) * (1.0f + BluRadialConvergeX / RawWidth) + 0.5f) * Ratios.x + GrnConvergeX * invDims.x;
- Output.CoordY.x = ((((Output.TexCoord.y / Ratios.y) - 0.5f)) * (1.0f + RedRadialConvergeY / RawHeight) + 0.5f) * Ratios.y + RedConvergeY * invDims.y;
- Output.CoordY.y = ((((Output.TexCoord.y / Ratios.y) - 0.5f)) * (1.0f + GrnRadialConvergeY / RawHeight) + 0.5f) * Ratios.y + BluConvergeY * invDims.y;
- Output.CoordY.z = ((((Output.TexCoord.y / Ratios.y) - 0.5f)) * (1.0f + BluRadialConvergeY / RawHeight) + 0.5f) * Ratios.y + BluConvergeY * invDims.y;
- Output.ShadowCoord = Output.TexCoord * float2(RawWidth, RawHeight);
return Output;
@@ -123,8 +94,8 @@ VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
uniform float PI = 3.14159265f;
-uniform float PincushionAmountX = 0.1f;
-uniform float PincushionAmountY = 0.1f;
+uniform float PincushionAmount = 0.00f;
+uniform float CurvatureAmount = 0.08f;
uniform float ScanlineAmount = 1.0f;
uniform float ScanlineScale = 1.0f;
@@ -132,65 +103,12 @@ uniform float ScanlineBrightScale = 1.0f;
uniform float ScanlineBrightOffset = 1.0f;
uniform float ScanlineOffset = 1.0f;
-uniform float RedFromRed = 1.0f;
-uniform float RedFromGrn = 0.0f;
-uniform float RedFromBlu = 0.0f;
-uniform float GrnFromRed = 0.0f;
-uniform float GrnFromGrn = 1.0f;
-uniform float GrnFromBlu = 0.0f;
-uniform float BluFromRed = 0.0f;
-uniform float BluFromGrn = 0.0f;
-uniform float BluFromBlu = 1.0f;
-uniform float YfromY = 1.0f;
-uniform float YfromI = 0.0f;
-uniform float YfromQ = 0.0f;
-uniform float IfromY = 0.0f;
-uniform float IfromI = 1.0f;
-uniform float IfromQ = 0.0f;
-uniform float QfromY = 0.0f;
-uniform float QfromI = 0.0f;
-uniform float QfromQ = 1.0f;
-uniform float RedOffset = 0.0f;
-uniform float GrnOffset = 0.0f;
-uniform float BluOffset = 0.0f;
-uniform float RedScale = 1.0f;
-uniform float GrnScale = 1.0f;
-uniform float BluScale = 1.0f;
-uniform float RedFloor = 0.0f;
-uniform float GrnFloor = 0.0f;
-uniform float BluFloor = 0.0f;
-uniform float Saturation = 1.0f;
-uniform float YScale = 1.0f;
-uniform float IScale = 1.0f;
-uniform float QScale = 1.0f;
-uniform float YOffset = 0.0f;
-uniform float IOffset = 0.0f;
-uniform float QOffset = 0.0f;
-uniform float RedPower = 2.2f;
-uniform float GrnPower = 2.2f;
-uniform float BluPower = 2.2f;
-uniform float EdgeDetectScale = 1.0f;
-uniform float EdgeToBaseRatio = 0.0f;
-uniform float SubsampleLength = 3.0f;
-uniform float CurrFrame = 0.0f;
-uniform float CrawlWidth = 3.0f;
-uniform float CrawlHeight = 3.0f;
-uniform float CrawlRate = 3.0f;
uniform float UseShadow = 0.0f;
uniform float ShadowBrightness = 1.0f;
uniform float ShadowPixelSizeX = 3.0f;
uniform float ShadowPixelSizeY = 3.0f;
+uniform float ShadowMaskSizeX = 3.0f;
+uniform float ShadowMaskSizeY = 3.0f;
uniform float ShadowU = 0.375f;
uniform float ShadowV = 0.375f;
uniform float ShadowWidth = 8.0f;
@@ -201,105 +119,53 @@ float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
float2 Ratios = float2(WidthRatio, HeightRatio);
// -- Screen Pincushion Calculation --
- float2 UnitCoord = Input.TexCoord * Ratios * 2.0f - 1.0f;
- float PincushionR2 = pow(length(UnitCoord),2.0f) / pow(length(Ratios), 2.0f);
- float2 PincushionCurve = UnitCoord * PincushionAmountX * PincushionR2;
- float2 BaseCoord = Input.TexCoord + PincushionCurve;
+ float2 PinViewpointOffset = float2(0.0f, 0.0f);
+ float2 PinUnitCoord = (Input.TexCoord + PinViewpointOffset) * Ratios * 2.0f - 1.0f;
+ float PincushionR2 = pow(length(PinUnitCoord), 2.0f) / pow(length(Ratios), 2.0f);
+ float2 PincushionCurve = PinUnitCoord * PincushionAmount * PincushionR2;
+ float2 BaseCoord = Input.TexCoord;
+ BaseCoord -= 0.5f / Ratios;
+ BaseCoord *= 1.0f - PincushionAmount * Ratios * 0.2f; // Warning: Magic constant
+ BaseCoord += 0.5f / Ratios;
+ BaseCoord += PincushionCurve;
+ float2 CurveViewpointOffset = float2(0.2f, 0.0f);
+ float2 CurveUnitCoord = (Input.TexCoord + CurveViewpointOffset) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
+ float CurvatureR2 = pow(length(CurveUnitCoord),2.0f) / pow(length(Ratios), 2.0f);
+ float2 CurvatureCurve = CurveUnitCoord * CurvatureAmount * CurvatureR2;
+ float2 ScreenCurveCoord = Input.TexCoord + CurvatureCurve;
+ float2 CurveClipUnitCoord = Input.TexCoord * Ratios * 2.0f - 1.0f;
+ float CurvatureClipR2 = pow(length(CurveClipUnitCoord),2.0f) / pow(length(Ratios), 2.0f);
+ float2 CurvatureClipCurve = CurveClipUnitCoord * CurvatureAmount * CurvatureClipR2;
+ float2 ScreenClipCoord = Input.TexCoord;
+ ScreenClipCoord -= 0.5f / Ratios;
+ ScreenClipCoord *= 1.0f - CurvatureAmount * Ratios * 0.2f; // Warning: Magic constant
+ ScreenClipCoord += 0.5f / Ratios;
+ ScreenClipCoord += CurvatureClipCurve;
// RGB Pincushion Calculation
- float3 PincushionCurveX = UnitCoord.x * PincushionAmountX * PincushionR2;
- float3 PincushionCurveY = UnitCoord.y * PincushionAmountX * PincushionR2;
+ float3 PincushionCurveX = PinUnitCoord.x * PincushionAmount * PincushionR2;
+ float3 PincushionCurveY = PinUnitCoord.y * PincushionAmount * PincushionR2;
- float4 BaseTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, BaseCoord);
+ float4 BaseTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, BaseCoord * Ratios);
// -- Alpha Clipping (1px border in drawd3d does not work for some reason) --
- clip((BaseCoord.x < 2.0f / RawWidth) ? -1 : 1);
- clip((BaseCoord.y < 1.0f / RawHeight) ? -1 : 1);
- clip((BaseCoord.x > (2.0f / WidthRatio - 2.0f / RawWidth)) ? -1 : 1);
- clip((BaseCoord.y > 1.0f / HeightRatio) ? -1 : 1);
- // -- Chroma Subsampling & RGB Deconvergence --
- float3 CoordX = Input.CoordX + PincushionCurveX;
- float3 CoordY = Input.CoordY + PincushionCurveY;
- float RedTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(CoordX.x, CoordY.x)).r;
- float GrnTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(CoordX.y, CoordY.y)).g;
- float BluTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(CoordX.z, CoordY.z)).b;
- float ChromaSubsampleWidth = RawWidth / SubsampleLength;
- float LumaSubsampleWidth = RawWidth / SubsampleLength; // For now
- float3 YFrac = frac((CoordY * RawHeight) / CrawlHeight);
- float3 CrawlPercent = frac(CurrFrame / CrawlRate + (YFrac - frac(YFrac * CrawlWidth) / CrawlWidth)) * CrawlWidth;
- float3 ChromaCoordX = Input.CoordX + CrawlPercent / RawWidth;
- float3 ChannelFrac = frac((ChromaCoordX + PincushionCurveX) * ChromaSubsampleWidth);
- ChromaCoordX = ((ChromaCoordX + PincushionCurveX) * ChromaSubsampleWidth - ChannelFrac) / ChromaSubsampleWidth + ChannelFrac / (ChromaSubsampleWidth * 2.0f);
- float3 ChromaCoordY = Input.CoordY + PincushionCurveY;
- float3 BaseTexelRight = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, BaseCoord + float2(1.0f / TargetWidth, 0.0f)).rgb;
- float3 BaseTexelUpper = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, BaseCoord + float2(0.0f, 1.0f / TargetHeight)).rgb;
- float3 UpperDifference = abs(BaseTexel.rgb - BaseTexelUpper);
- float3 RightDifference = abs(BaseTexel.rgb - BaseTexelRight);
- float3 EdgeDifference = (UpperDifference + RightDifference) * EdgeDetectScale;
- float RedChromaTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(ChromaCoordX.x, ChromaCoordY.x)).r;
- float GrnChromaTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(ChromaCoordX.y, ChromaCoordY.y)).g;
- float BluChromaTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(ChromaCoordX.z, ChromaCoordY.z)).b;
- float3 ChromaTexel = float3(RedChromaTexel, GrnChromaTexel, BluChromaTexel);
- float3 LumaTexel = float3(RedTexel, GrnTexel, BluTexel);
- // -- RGB Tint & Shift --
- float ShiftedRed = dot(LumaTexel, float3(RedFromRed, RedFromGrn, RedFromBlu));
- float ShiftedGrn = dot(LumaTexel, float3(GrnFromRed, GrnFromGrn, GrnFromBlu));
- float ShiftedBlu = dot(LumaTexel, float3(BluFromRed, BluFromGrn, BluFromBlu));
- float ShiftedRedChroma = dot(ChromaTexel, float3(RedFromRed, RedFromGrn, RedFromBlu));
- float ShiftedGrnChroma = dot(ChromaTexel, float3(GrnFromRed, GrnFromGrn, GrnFromBlu));
- float ShiftedBluChroma = dot(ChromaTexel, float3(BluFromRed, BluFromGrn, BluFromBlu));
- float EdgeRed = dot(EdgeDifference, float3(RedFromRed, RedFromGrn, RedFromBlu));
- float EdgeGrn = dot(EdgeDifference, float3(GrnFromRed, GrnFromGrn, GrnFromBlu));
- float EdgeBlu = dot(EdgeDifference, float3(BluFromRed, BluFromGrn, BluFromBlu));
- // -- RGB Offset & Scale --
- float3 OutTexelLuma = float3(ShiftedRed, ShiftedGrn, ShiftedBlu) * float3(RedScale, GrnScale, BluScale) + float3(RedOffset, GrnOffset, BluOffset);
- float3 OutTexelChroma = float3(ShiftedRedChroma, ShiftedGrnChroma, ShiftedBluChroma) * float3(RedScale, GrnScale, BluScale) + float3(RedOffset, GrnOffset, BluOffset);
- // -- Saturation --
- float OutLumaLuma = dot(OutTexelLuma, float3(0.3f, 0.59f, 0.11f));
- float3 OutChromaLuma = OutTexelLuma - float3(OutLumaLuma, OutLumaLuma, OutLumaLuma);
- float3 SaturatedLuma = OutLumaLuma + OutChromaLuma * Saturation;
- float OutLumaChroma = dot(OutTexelChroma, float3(0.3f, 0.59f, 0.11f));
- float3 OutChromaChroma = OutTexelChroma - float3(OutLumaChroma, OutLumaChroma, OutLumaChroma);
- float3 SaturatedChroma = OutLumaChroma + OutChromaChroma * Saturation;
- // -- YIQ Convolution --
- float Y = dot(SaturatedLuma, float3(0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f));
- float I = dot(SaturatedChroma, float3(0.595716f, -0.274453f, -0.321263f));
- float Q = dot(SaturatedChroma, float3(0.211456f, -0.522591f, 0.311135f));
- Y = dot(float3(Y, I, Q), float3(YfromY, YfromI, YfromQ));
- I = dot(float3(Y, I, Q), float3(IfromY, IfromI, IfromQ));
- Q = dot(float3(Y, I, Q), float3(QfromY, QfromI, QfromQ));
- float3 OutYIQ = float3(Y, I, Q) * float3(YScale, IScale, QScale) + float3(YOffset, IOffset, QOffset);
- float3 OutRGB = float3(dot(OutYIQ, float3(1.0f, 0.9563f, 0.6210f)), dot(OutYIQ, float3(1.0f, -0.2721f, -0.6474f)), dot(OutYIQ, float3(1.0f, -1.1070f, 1.7046f)));
- OutRGB = lerp(OutRGB, float3(EdgeRed, EdgeGrn, EdgeBlu), EdgeToBaseRatio);
- float3 Power = float3(RedPower, GrnPower, BluPower);
- OutRGB = pow(OutRGB, Power);
- // -- Color Compression (increasing the floor of the signal without affecting the ceiling) --
- float3 Floor = float3(RedFloor, GrnFloor, BluFloor);
- OutRGB = Floor + (1.0f - Floor) * OutRGB;
+ clip((ScreenClipCoord.x < 1.0f / TargetWidth) ? -1 : 1);
+ clip((ScreenClipCoord.y < 3.0f / TargetHeight) ? -1 : 1);
+ clip((ScreenClipCoord.x > 1.0f / WidthRatio) ? -1 : 1);
+ clip((ScreenClipCoord.y > 1.0f / HeightRatio) ? -1 : 1);
// -- Scanline Simulation --
- float3 ScanBrightness = lerp(1.0f, abs(sin(((CoordY * RawHeight * ScanlineScale) * PI + ScanlineOffset * RawHeight))) * ScanlineBrightScale + ScanlineBrightOffset, ScanlineAmount);
- float3 Scanned = OutRGB * ScanBrightness;
- float2 ShadowCoord = BaseCoord * float2(RawWidth, RawHeight);
- float ShadowCoordX = frac(ShadowCoord.x / ShadowPixelSizeX) * ShadowU + 1.0f / ShadowWidth;
- float ShadowCoordY = frac(ShadowCoord.y / ShadowPixelSizeY) * ShadowV + 1.0f / ShadowHeight;
- float3 ShadowTexel = lerp(1.0f, tex2D(ShadowSampler, float2(ShadowCoordX, ShadowCoordY)), UseShadow);
+ float3 ScanBrightness = lerp(1.0f, abs(sin(((BaseCoord.y * Ratios.y * RawHeight * ScanlineScale) * PI + ScanlineOffset * RawHeight))) * ScanlineBrightScale + ScanlineBrightOffset, ScanlineAmount);
+ float3 Scanned = BaseTexel.rgb * ScanBrightness;
+ float2 ShadowDims = float2(ShadowWidth, ShadowHeight);
+ float2 ShadowUV = float2(ShadowU, ShadowV);
+ float2 ShadowMaskSize = float2(ShadowMaskSizeX, ShadowMaskSizeY);
+ float2 ShadowFrac = frac(ScreenCurveCoord * ShadowMaskSize * Ratios * 0.5f);
+ float2 ShadowCoord = ShadowFrac * ShadowUV + 2.5f / ShadowDims;
+ float3 ShadowTexel = lerp(1.0f, tex2D(ShadowSampler, ShadowCoord), UseShadow);
// -- Final Pixel --
float4 Output = lerp(Input.Color, float4(Scanned * lerp(1.0f, ShadowTexel * 1.25f, ShadowBrightness), BaseTexel.a) * Input.Color, Input.ExtraInfo.x);
@@ -308,10 +174,10 @@ float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
-// Post-Processing Effect
+// Scanline & Shadowmask Effect
-technique TestTechnique
+technique ScanMaskTechnique
pass Pass0