path: root/hlsl/post.fx
diff options
author ImJezze <>2015-09-26 18:22:51 +0200
committer ImJezze <>2015-09-26 18:22:51 +0200
commit062e6e0383050546656dfed7261273a2d7d142a4 (patch)
treeb28fdb238ce5501908086d41f0e443cf11e6c313 /hlsl/post.fx
parent37f6ff0b653f840010a9b2dd18b5df9e6337aa2c (diff)
Refactoring, Fixes and Cleanup
- added distortion pass, which is applied after the bloom pass - moved vignetting, curvature, round corners and reflection effect to distortion pass - disabled distortion pass for multi screens and activated artworks due to not yet fixed misalignments - disabled scanlines for vector rendering in post pass shader - removed prescale knowledge from downsample, bloom and post pass shader - fixed half pixel offset in most shaders - fixed position of reflection effect when screen is rotated or flipped - fixed roundness of round corners in any aspect ratio - fixed shadow mask bleeding (nearly completly) - added bounds() and screen_bounds() getter to layout_view - added current_view() getter to render_target - some cleanup and refactoring
Diffstat (limited to 'hlsl/post.fx')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/hlsl/post.fx b/hlsl/post.fx
index 57cf821071f..1a49ab55d4d 100644
--- a/hlsl/post.fx
+++ b/hlsl/post.fx
@@ -66,22 +66,16 @@ bool xor(bool a, bool b)
uniform float2 ScreenDims; // size of the window or fullscreen
-uniform float2 ScreenRatio = float2(1.0f, 3.0f / 4.0f); // normalized screen ratio (defalt ratio of 4:3)
uniform float2 SourceDims; // size of the texture in power-of-two size
-uniform float2 SourceRect; // size of the uv rectangle
-uniform float2 TargetDims; // size of target
+uniform float2 TargetDims; // size of the target surface
uniform float2 ShadowDims = float2(32.0f, 32.0f); // size of the shadow texture (extended to power-of-two size)
uniform float2 ShadowUVOffset = float2(0.0f, 0.0f);
-uniform float2 Prescale = float2(8.0f, 8.0f);
uniform bool OrientationSwapXY = false; // false landscape, true portrait for default screen orientation
uniform bool RotationSwapXY = false; // swapped default screen orientation due to screen rotation
-uniform bool PrepareBloom = false; // disables some effects for rendering bloom textures
+uniform bool PrepareBloom = false; // disables some effects for rendering bloom textures
uniform bool PrepareVector = false;
VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
@@ -93,12 +87,11 @@ VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
? shadowUVOffset.yx
: shadowUVOffset.xy;
- // todo: calculate offset
- float2 ScreenCoordPrescaleOffset = 0.0f;
- ScreenCoordPrescaleOffset += shadowUVOffset;
+ float2 ScreenCoordOffset = 0.0f;
+ ScreenCoordOffset += shadowUVOffset;
Output.ScreenCoord = Input.Position.xy;
- Output.ScreenCoord += ScreenCoordPrescaleOffset;
+ Output.ScreenCoord += ScreenCoordOffset;
Output.Position = float4(, 1.0f);
Output.Position.xy /= ScreenDims;
@@ -108,7 +101,8 @@ VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
Output.TexCoord = PrepareVector
? Input.Position.xy / ScreenDims
- : Input.TexCoord; // + 0.5f / TargetDims;
+ : Input.TexCoord;
+ Output.TexCoord += 0.5f / TargetDims; // half texel offset correction (DX9)
Output.Color = Input.Color;
@@ -126,11 +120,6 @@ uniform float ScanlineBrightOffset = 1.0f;
uniform float ScanlineOffset = 1.0f;
uniform float ScanlineHeight = 1.0f;
-uniform float CurvatureAmount = 0.0f;
-uniform float RoundCornerAmount = 0.0f;
-uniform float VignettingAmount = 0.0f;
-uniform float ReflectionAmount = 0.0f;
uniform float ShadowAlpha = 0.0f;
uniform float2 ShadowCount = float2(6.0f, 6.0f);
uniform float2 ShadowUV = float2(0.25f, 0.25f);
@@ -138,198 +127,18 @@ uniform float2 ShadowUV = float2(0.25f, 0.25f);
uniform float3 Power = float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
uniform float3 Floor = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
-static const float Epsilon = 1.0e-7f;
static const float PI = 3.1415927f;
-static const float E = 2.7182817f;
-static const float Gelfond = 23.140692f; // e^pi (Gelfond constant)
-static const float GelfondSchneider = 2.6651442f; // 2^sqrt(2) (Gelfond-Schneider constant)
-float nextPowerOfTwo(float n)
- return pow(2, floor(log2(n) / log2(2)) + 1);
-float random(float2 seed)
- // irrationals for pseudo randomness
- float2 i = float2(Gelfond, GelfondSchneider);
- return frac(cos(dot(seed, i)) * 123456.0f);
-float normalizedSigmoid(float n, float k)
- // valid for n and k in range of -1.0 and 1.0
- return (n - n * k) / (k - abs(n) * 2.0f * k + 1);
-float GetNoiseFactor(float n, float random)
- // smaller n become more noisy
- return 1.0f + random * max(0.0f, 0.25f * pow(E, -4 * n));
-float GetVignetteFactor(float2 coord, float amount)
- float2 VignetteCoord = coord;
- float VignetteLength = length(VignetteCoord);
- float VignetteBlur = (amount * 0.75f) + 0.25;
- // 0.5 full screen fitting circle
- float VignetteRadius = 1.0f - (amount * 0.25f);
- float Vignette = smoothstep(VignetteRadius, VignetteRadius - VignetteBlur, VignetteLength);
- return saturate(Vignette);
-float GetSpotAddend(float2 coord, float amount)
- float2 SpotCoord = coord;
- SpotCoord += OrientationSwapXY
- ? float2(-0.25f, -0.25f) * ScreenRatio // upper right quadrant
- : float2(-0.25f, 0.25f) * ScreenRatio; // upper right quadrant
- float SpotBlur = amount;
- // 0.5 full screen fitting circle
- float SpotRadius = amount * 0.75f;
- float Spot = smoothstep(SpotRadius, SpotRadius - SpotBlur, length(SpotCoord));
- float SigmoidSpot = normalizedSigmoid(Spot, 0.75) * amount;
- // increase strength by 100%
- SigmoidSpot = SigmoidSpot * 2.0f;
- return saturate(SigmoidSpot);
-float RoundBox(float2 p, float2 b, float r)
- return length(max(abs(p) - b + r, 0.0f)) - r;
-float GetRoundCornerFactor(float2 coord, float amount)
- // hint: vector target area is always quadratic
- float2 UsedSourceRect = PrepareVector
- ? float2(1.0f, 1.0f)
- : SourceRect;
- float2 SourceArea = 1.0f / UsedSourceRect;
- float2 SourceDimsArea = SourceDims * UsedSourceRect;
- float2 SourceRatio = float2(1.0f, SourceDimsArea.y / SourceDimsArea.x);
- float2 SourceTexelDims = 1.0f / SourceDims;
- // base on the default ratio of 4:3
- float2 RoundCoordScale = (SourceDims / SourceArea / SourceRatio) * ScreenRatio;
- float2 RoundCoord = coord;
- // hint: alignment correction
- RoundCoord -= SourceTexelDims * SourceArea;
- RoundCoord *= SourceTexelDims * SourceArea + 1.0f;
- // hint: roundness correction
- RoundCoord *= RoundCoordScale;
- float radius = amount * 50.0f;
- // compute box (base on the default ratio of 4:3)
- float box = RoundBox(RoundCoord.xy, (RoundCoordScale * 0.5f), radius);
- // // apply blur
- // float blurAmount = 1.0f / max(1.0f, amount * 25.0f);
- // float blueOffset = 1.0f - pow(blurAmount * 0.5f, 0.5f);
- // box *= blurAmount;
- // box += blueOffset;
- float border = smoothstep(1.0f, 0.5f, box);
- return saturate(border);
float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
float2 ScreenTexelDims = 1.0f / ScreenDims;
- float2 SourceTexelDims = 1.0f / SourceDims;
- // hint: vector target area is always quadratic
- float2 UsedSourceRect = PrepareVector
- ? float2(1.0f, 1.0f)
- : SourceRect;
- float UsedCurvatureAmount = CurvatureAmount * 0.25f; // reduced curvature
- float2 SourceArea = 1.0f / UsedSourceRect;
- float2 DoubleSourceArea = SourceArea * 2.0f;
- float SquareSourceAreaLength = pow(length(SourceArea), 2.0f);
- float2 HalfSourceRect = UsedSourceRect * 0.5f;
- // Screen Curvature
- float2 CurvatureUnitCoord = (Input.TexCoord * DoubleSourceArea) - 1.0f;
- float2 CurvatureFactor = (1.0 / SquareSourceAreaLength) * UsedCurvatureAmount;
- float2 CurvatureCurve = CurvatureUnitCoord * pow(length(CurvatureUnitCoord), 2.0f) * CurvatureFactor;
- float2 CurvatureZoom = 1.0f - (DoubleSourceArea * CurvatureFactor);
- // todo: vector cuverture requires a correction on y-axis if screen and target size differ and y > x
float2 ScreenCoord = Input.ScreenCoord / ScreenDims;
- ScreenCoord -= HalfSourceRect;
- ScreenCoord *= CurvatureZoom; // zoom
- ScreenCoord += HalfSourceRect;
- ScreenCoord += CurvatureCurve; // distortion
float2 BaseCoord = Input.TexCoord;
- BaseCoord -= HalfSourceRect;
- BaseCoord *= CurvatureZoom; // zoom
- BaseCoord += HalfSourceRect;
- BaseCoord += CurvatureCurve; // distortion
- float2 CurvatureCorrection = 1.0f;
- // vector cuverture correction
- if (PrepareVector)
- {
- float ScreenRatio = ScreenDims.x / ScreenDims.y;
- float TargetRatio = TargetDims.x / TargetDims.y;
- // hint: vector cuverture requires a correction on the x-axis by the amount that screen and target size differ
- CurvatureCorrection.x +=
- (ScreenRatio / TargetRatio - 1.0f)
- * (1.0f + SquareSourceAreaLength * UsedCurvatureAmount);
- }
- // the floowing coordinates are used for effects
- float2 BaseCoordCentered = Input.TexCoord;
- BaseCoordCentered -= HalfSourceRect;
- BaseCoordCentered *= CurvatureZoom * CurvatureCorrection; // zoom
- BaseCoordCentered += CurvatureCurve * CurvatureCorrection; // distortion
- float2 BaseAreaCoord = BaseCoord;
- BaseAreaCoord *= SourceArea;
- float2 BaseAreaCoordCentered = BaseCoordCentered;
- BaseAreaCoordCentered *= SourceArea;
- float2 BaseAreaRatioCoord = BaseAreaCoord;
- BaseAreaRatioCoord *= ScreenRatio;
- float2 BaseAreaRatioCoordCentered = BaseAreaCoordCentered;
- BaseAreaRatioCoordCentered *= ScreenRatio;
- // // Alpha Clipping (round corners applies smoother clipping when screen is curved)
- // clip((BaseCoord < SourceTexelDims) ? -1 : 1);
- // clip((BaseCoord > SourceRect + SourceTexelDims) ? -1 : 1);
+ // Color
float4 BaseColor = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, BaseCoord);
BaseColor.a = 1.0f;
- // BaseColor.rgb = 1.0f;
- // Vignetting Simulation (may affect bloom)
- float2 VignetteCoord = BaseAreaCoordCentered;
- float VignetteFactor = GetVignetteFactor(VignetteCoord, VignettingAmount);
- BaseColor.rgb *= VignetteFactor;
// Mask Simulation (may not affect bloom)
if (!PrepareBloom)
@@ -387,15 +196,16 @@ float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
// Scanline Simulation (may not affect bloom)
if (!PrepareBloom)
- // todo: there is an offset which can be noticed at lower prescale in high-resolution
- float2 ScanlinePrescaleOffset = 0.0f;
- float InnerSine = BaseCoord.y * ScanlineScale * SourceDims.y;
- float ScanJitter = ScanlineOffset * SourceDims.y;
- float ScanBrightMod = sin(InnerSine * PI + ScanJitter + ScanlinePrescaleOffset);
- float3 ScanColor = lerp(1.0f, (pow(ScanBrightMod * ScanBrightMod, ScanlineHeight) * ScanlineBrightScale + 1.0f + ScanlineBrightOffset) * 0.5f, ScanlineAlpha);
- BaseColor.rgb *= ScanColor;
+ // Scanline Simulation (disabled for vector)
+ if (!PrepareVector)
+ {
+ float InnerSine = BaseCoord.y * ScanlineScale * SourceDims.y;
+ float ScanJitter = ScanlineOffset * SourceDims.y;
+ float ScanBrightMod = sin(InnerSine * PI + ScanJitter);
+ float3 ScanColor = lerp(1.0f, (pow(ScanBrightMod * ScanBrightMod, ScanlineHeight) * ScanlineBrightScale + 1.0f + ScanlineBrightOffset) * 0.5f, ScanlineAlpha);
+ BaseColor.rgb *= ScanColor;
+ }
// Output
@@ -404,25 +214,6 @@ float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
: BaseColor * Input.Color;
Output.a = 1.0f;
- // Light Reflection Simulation (may not affect bloom)
- if (!PrepareBloom)
- {
- float3 LightColor = float3(1.0f, 0.90f, 0.80f);
- float2 SpotCoord = BaseAreaRatioCoordCentered;
- float2 NoiseCoord = BaseAreaRatioCoordCentered;
- float SpotAddend = GetSpotAddend(SpotCoord, ReflectionAmount);
- float NoiseFactor = GetNoiseFactor(SpotAddend, random(NoiseCoord));
- Output.rgb += SpotAddend * NoiseFactor * LightColor;
- }
- // Round Corners Simulation (may affect bloom)
- float2 RoundCornerCoord = BaseAreaCoordCentered;
- float roundCornerFactor = GetRoundCornerFactor(RoundCornerCoord, RoundCornerAmount);
- Output.rgb *= roundCornerFactor;
return Output;
@@ -436,7 +227,7 @@ technique ScanMaskTechnique
Lighting = FALSE;
- //Sampler[0] = <DiffuseSampler>;
+ Sampler[0] = <DiffuseSampler>;
VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 vs_main();
PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 ps_main();