path: root/hash/rx78.xml
diff options
author Robbbert <>2021-01-15 11:52:49 +1100
committer Robbbert <>2021-01-15 11:52:49 +1100
commit85794c7f851ec9157b1139a58ec325d4d33d245d (patch)
treed8036d0a14a9947d9fa5ef753af180823e9d97b4 /hash/rx78.xml
parent62d5213d390679039c863d40a6b6771d988c537f (diff)
rx78: split software list into two.
A single list for two media types causes confusion for the UI and CLI.
Diffstat (limited to 'hash/rx78.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 223 deletions
diff --git a/hash/rx78.xml b/hash/rx78.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c35cf6240a3..00000000000
--- a/hash/rx78.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE softwarelist SYSTEM "softwarelist.dtd">
-The Bandai RX-78 Gundam has two slots where you can plug in a ROM cart or an additional device, like a
-printer interface. The system was capable of loading software from these ROM carts, or from a cassette
-tape through audio line-in ports to use with tape recorders; these ports were present in the BS Basic,
-Animation Graphics, Creative Graphics, Japanese Word Processor and Z80 Assembler carts. The system could
-use up to two carts or devices at the same time.
-There were a total of 20 games released for the system, plus educational and productivity software, and peripheral
-devices. One additional game and three expansion cards were announced but never released. The official translations
-printed in the game carts or tapes are used below where available. Names in brackets are unofficial translations.
-| Format | Serial | Type | Overlay | Title |
-| N/A | 0201001 | Other | No | RX-78 Base Unit
-| N/A | 0201003 | Other | No | Joystick Controller
-| Cart | 0201004 | Game | Yes | Mobile Suit ガンダム ルナ・ツーの戦い [Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle of Luna II] (says Mobil on the screen)
-| Cart | 0201005 | Game | Yes | チャンピオン レーサー / Champion Racer
-| Cart | 0201006 | Game | Yes | チャレンジ ゴルフ / Challenge Golf
-| Cart | 0201007 | Game | No | エキサイト ベースボール / Excite Baseball
-| Cart | 0201008 | Game | Yes | パーフェクト マージャン / Perfect Mah-Jongg
-| Cart | 0201010 | Tool | Yes | ミュージック マスター / Music Master
-| Cart | 0201011 | Game | No | ハンバーガー ショップ / Hamburger Shop
-| Cart | 0201012 | Game | Yes | 戦え!ウルトラマン / Tatakae! Ultraman
-| Cart | 0201013 | Game | No | ザ・プロレス / The Pro Wrestling
-| Cart | 0201016 | Tool | No | RX-78 P.I/F / Printer Interface
-| Cart | 0201018 | Game | Yes | 連合艦隊 / Rengo Kantai
-| Cart | 0201019 | Game | Yes | スペースエネミー / Space Enemy
-| Cart | 0201020 | Tool | Unknown | アニメーション グラフィックス / Animation Graphics
-| Cart | 0201023 | Game | Yes | エキサイト テニス / Excite Tennis
-| Cart | 0201024 | Game | No | スーパー モトクロス / Super Motocross
-| Cart | 0201026 | Game | Yes | 零戦 (ぜろせん) / Reisen (Zerosen) [Zero Fighter]
-| Cart | 0201027 | Game | No (*) | 関ヶ原 / Sekigahara
-| Cart | 0201028 | Game | Unknown | キャノンボール / Cannon Ball
-| Tape | 0201029 | Game | Unknown | スペース カプセル / Space Capsule
-| Tape | 0201030 | Tool | Yes | ヘルシーライフ / Healthy Life Plan
-| Tape | 0201033 | Tool | Yes | 計算演習ドリル / Keisan Ensyu Drill
-| Tape | 0201035 | Learn | No | グラフィック数学 / Graphics Mathematics
-| Tape | 0201038 | Game | Unknown | イエローキャブ / Yellow Cab
-| Cart | 02010?? | Game | Yes | カード・ワールド / Card World
-| Tape | 02010?? | Game | Unknown | ひつじや~い [Hitsujiya~i]
-| Cart | 02010?? | Learn | Yes | ABC 単語ゲーム / ABC Word Game
-| ? | 02010?? | Learn | Unknown | 算数つまづき [Sansu Tsuma Zuki]
-| Cart | 02010?? | Tool | Yes | BS-BASIC Version 1.0
-| Cart | 02010?? | Tool | Yes | 漢字ワープロ / Japanese Word Processor
-| ? | 02010?? | Tool | Unknown | Z-80 アセンブラー (RX-78 Z-80 用アセンブラー)
-| Cart | 02010?? | Tool | Unknown | クリエイティブ グラフィックス / Creative Graphics
-| ? | 02010?? | Tool | Unknown | 3Dグラフィックス [3D Graphics]
-| Tape | 02010?? | Game | Unknown | ドンジャラ [Donjara] (**)
-| Cart | ??????? | Tool | Unknown | バッテリーバックアップ RAM [Battery Backup RAM] (Announced)
-| Cart | ??????? | Tool | Unknown | ミュージック・インターフェイス [Music Interface] (Announced)
-| Cart | ??????? | Tool | Unknown | 専用フロッピイ・ヂイスクドライブ [Floppy Disk Drive] (Announced)
-| ? | ??????? | Game | Unknown | キム・キム・ダン・ダン [Kim Kim Dan Dan] (Announced)
-* Sekigahara did not include an overlay, instead it included a reference sheet with game information.
-** Donjara, a version of Mahjong for kids, found in an auction, is completely undocumented and is not mentioned in
- any RX-78 game lists on the internet.
-The Battery Backup RAM, Music Interface and Floppy Disk Drive expansion were listed as being in development (企画中) in
-a product catalog, but were apparently never released.
-Photos of キム・キム・ダン・ダン (Kim Kim Dan Dan) are also shown in that same catalog, but the game was never released on the
-RX-78. A version of the game was released for the Mitsubishi Multi-8.
- Dave "Foxhack" Silva - Game names, translations, format and serial information, additional research
-Information sourced from:
-The RX-78 will look for 01 at address 2000. If found, a jump is made to that address.
-If not found, it will check address 6000 in the same way. If still not found, then the monitor program is entered.
-The monitor will expect you to load a program from cassette.
-<softwarelist name="rx78" description="Gundam RX-78 cartridges">
- <software name="basic">
- <description>BS-BASIC 1.0</description>
- <year>1983</year>
- <publisher>Bandai</publisher>
- <part name="cart" interface="rx78_cart">
- <dataarea name="rom" size="16384">
- <rom name="bs-basic.bin" size="16384" crc="e52b383f" sha1="6ebbff7eb718822cad3c1216882df5d9f2d3a03f" />
- </dataarea>
- </part>
- </software>
- <software name="burger">
- <description>Burger Shop</description>
- <year>1983</year>
- <publisher>Bandai</publisher>
- <info name="usage" value="Z and X to start and move; Space to pick up and put down" />
- <part name="cart" interface="rx78_cart">
- <dataarea name="rom" size="16384">
- <rom name="burgershop.bin" size="16384" crc="b5a5ffc5" sha1="3b5fb0e670dce635d5220c0ffcae69da7c55049b" />
- </dataarea>
- </part>
- </software>
- <software name="chlgolf">
- <description>Challenge Golf</description>
- <year>1983</year>
- <publisher>Bandai</publisher>
- <info name="usage" value="Q1 = Home or Backspace; Q2 = \ or End; ZXCV to rotate player; Arrows to rotate view; Middle row or Ctrl to choose a club; Alt or Space to shoot; Enter to abandon hole." />
- <part name="cart" interface="rx78_cart">
- <dataarea name="rom" size="16384">
- <rom name="ChallengeGolf.bin" size="0x2000" crc="e4edf5c3" sha1="25322dbf6b8f80604aebe87cc375e5a63b98b6d6" offset="0x2000" />
- <rom size="0x2000" offset="0x0000" loadflag="continue" />
- </dataarea>
- </part>
- </software>
- <software name="cracer">
- <description>Champion Racer</description>
- <year>1983</year>
- <publisher>Bandai</publisher>
- <info name="usage" value="Space to start; Ctrl to accelerate; Left-Right to move" />
- <part name="cart" interface="rx78_cart">
- <dataarea name="rom" size="16384">
- <rom name="championracer.bin" size="16384" crc="f32aa1ac" sha1="cfd4454f013af20d4c139af7d965d45a253f695b" />
- </dataarea>
- </part>
- </software>
- <software name="gundam">
- <description>Mobile Suit Gundam</description>
- <year>1983</year>
- <publisher>Bandai</publisher>
- <info name="usage" value="Alt to Start and Fire; Left-Right to move" />
- <part name="cart" interface="rx78_cart">
- <dataarea name="rom" size="16384">
- <rom name="gundam.bin" size="16384" crc="4f90b7c7" sha1="c836f02876533dbd92fbef1b2237d47bd914ab50" />
- </dataarea>
- </part>
- </software>
- <software name="pmahjongg">
- <description>Perfect Mah-jongg</description>
- <year>1983</year>
- <publisher>Bandai</publisher>
- <info name="usage" value="Home = Yes; Backspace = No;Q4 = - or 9; Q5 = \ or pgDn or PgUp; Space to start" />
- <part name="cart" interface="rx78_cart">
- <dataarea name="rom" size="16384">
- <rom name="perfectmahjongg.bin" size="16384" crc="98335879" sha1="b696bb189e3b812fcbd7b2ab798f6e28c76c0fe0" />
- </dataarea>
- </part>
- </software>
- <software name="seki">
- <description>Sekigahara</description>
- <year>1983</year>
- <publisher>Bandai</publisher>
- <info name="usage" value="Wait for small beep. Press Space. Press G." />
- <part name="cart" interface="rx78_cart">
- <dataarea name="rom" size="32768">
- <rom name="sekigahara.bin" size="0x2000" crc="a1a1c686" sha1="5c35750fd2bedae5f5d4d8b4d7bb7b13d22dc3b6" offset="0x6000" />
- <rom size="0x2000" offset="0x0000" loadflag="continue" />
- <rom size="0x2000" offset="0x2000" loadflag="continue" />
- <rom size="0x2000" offset="0x4000" loadflag="continue" />
- </dataarea>
- </part>
- </software>
- <software name="smc">
- <description>Super Motocross</description>
- <year>1983</year>
- <publisher>Bandai</publisher>
- <info name="usage" value="Press Enter. Answer questions. Press Space to begin. Arrows to drive" />
- <part name="cart" interface="rx78_cart">
- <dataarea name="rom" size="32768">
- <rom name="smc1.bin" size="0x2000" crc="a5f1dff6" sha1="f58f1d266753cddddc44949bbab882870506a879" offset="0x4000" />
- <rom name="smc2.bin" size="0x2000" crc="06febfde" sha1="18edde0e3af1f3b9b013348a701652d81bdddbc9" offset="0x6000" />
- </dataarea>
- </part>
- </software>
- <software name="theprowr">
- <description>The Prowrestling</description>
- <year>1983</year>
- <publisher>Bandai</publisher>
- <info name="usage" value="Ctrl to attack; Arrows to move" />
- <part name="cart" interface="rx78_cart">
- <dataarea name="rom" size="16384">
- <rom name="prowrestling.bin" size="16384" crc="1f1b1b35" sha1="b1efe7cbfb70455d86ff0da1fb3f242593a40ffd" />
- </dataarea>
- </part>
- </software>
- <software name="ultraman">
- <description>Ultraman</description>
- <year>1983</year>
- <publisher>Bandai</publisher>
- <part name="cart" interface="rx78_cart">
- <dataarea name="rom" size="16384">
- <rom name="ultraman.bin" size="16384" crc="0ba54dfb" sha1="5ba7eb4779d5c362e4751102b31d8e0083e06310" />
- </dataarea>
- </part>
- </software>
- <software name="graphmaths">
- <description>Graphics Mathematics</description>
- <year>1983</year>
- <publisher>Bandai</publisher>
- <info name="usage" value="MON then L then GRM. After loading, RUN" />
- <sharedfeat name="requirement" value="basic"/>
- <part name="cass" interface="rx78_cass">
- <dataarea name="cass" size="0x23ca2c">
- <rom name="graphmaths.wav" size="0x23ca2c" crc="e4411028" sha1="b03a855fe527c8a181b1c6e3d8daee6d637a97cc"/>
- </dataarea>
- </part>
- </software>