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author AJR <>2021-06-12 10:55:45 -0400
committer AJR <>2021-06-12 10:58:25 -0400
commit541d6416f87e3ba403bc12fd289f0e1b7dab943b (patch)
parentfca8f89d1077888466ad930d933dcb6a1332f4a1 (diff)
hd6120: Rewrite notes
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/pdp8/hd6120.cpp b/src/devices/cpu/pdp8/hd6120.cpp
index ec72498d272..1455fa7e829 100644
--- a/src/devices/cpu/pdp8/hd6120.cpp
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/pdp8/hd6120.cpp
@@ -86,20 +86,34 @@
Register”), PC and the two stack pointers, include several which are
only implicitly used in execution: a TEMP register that latches ALU
outputs, the instruction register IR, and the output latch register OL
- that holds all addresses and data to be output on the DX bus. HD-6120
- also internally maintains a group of 3-bit registers whose path
- connects to TEMP, each of which contains the current memory extension
- fields, their mirrors or various flags. (This emulation extends the
- field registers to 4 bits to include the CTRLFF, PDF and PEX flags,
- which are neither readable nor output directly at any time.)
- Particular flag registers are enabled on the C0, C1 and EMA2 lines
- during the final writes of ISZ, DCA and JMS. The most important of
- these flag registers includes LINK, the interrupt enable flip-flop and
- the GT flag hitherto provided only on arithmetic extensions of some
- previous PDP-8 CPUs, though like MQ it conveys no specific purpose
- here. Another flag register contains the inverse of the active-low
- INTREQ input, the PWRON flag (set if STRTUP = VSS at RESET time,
- causing entry into panel mode) and 0 in its LSB.
+ that holds all addresses and data to be output on the DX bus.
+ HD-6120 also maintains a group of 3-bit internal registers whose data
+ path connects to TEMP. These are used to hold the current memory
+ extension fields, their mirrors and various flags. (This emulation
+ extends the field registers to 4 bits to include the CTRLFF, PDF and
+ PEX flags, which are neither readable nor output directly at any
+ time.) These 3-bit registers may be enabled on the C0, C1 and EMA2
+ lines at particular times, and the GTF, GCF, PRS, RDF, RIF and RIB
+ internal IOTs read various combinations of them into AC. They include:
+ MSB LSB Output conditions
+ -----------------------------------------
+ IF0 IF1 IF2 IFETCH, direct operands (except if FZ)
+ IB0 IB1 IB2 None (until transferred to IF)
+ ISF0 ISF1 ISF2 None
+ DF0 DF1 DF2 Indirect operand addressing, IOTs, etc.
+ DSF0 DSF1 DSF2 None
+ INTREQ* PWRON 0 ISZ result writes
+ The GT flag, like MQ, is not used for any specific purpose on the
+ HD-6120, unlike the arithmetic extensions of previous PDP-8 CPUs which
+ originally implemented them. The INTREQ flag is 1 when the input pin
+ is sampled active low and 0 when it is inactive. The PWRON flag is set
+ if STRTUP is sampled as VSS at RESET time; it causes the CPU to trap
+ into panel mode before executing its first instruction.
Undefined Group 3 OPRs and internal IOTs have no effect on the
HD-6120 except that both interrupts and panel requests are blocked