diff options
author cracyc <>2017-02-17 16:04:04 -0600
committer cracyc <>2017-02-17 16:04:04 -0600
commit182fc20c15ae58eb555de521d1e8b03d696bd323 (patch)
parent6d5449c8cb9503f0c83813545fa5371b55faad20 (diff)
plugins/data/data_hiscore: don't permit hi score parse scripts to modify the shared environment or save any persistent data (nw)
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/data/data_hiscore.lua b/plugins/data/data_hiscore.lua
index 700a9958ca8..9b25652b5ad 100644
--- a/plugins/data/data_hiscore.lua
+++ b/plugins/data/data_hiscore.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,222 @@ local env = {}
local output
local curset
+function, size)
+ if file == ".hi" then
+ local path = "hi"
+ local ini = emu.file(lfs.env_replace(manager:options().entries.inipath:value()), 1)
+ local ret = ini:open("hiscore.ini")
+ if not ret then
+ local inifile = ini:read(ini:size())
+ for line in inifile:gmatch("[^\n\r]") do
+ token, value = string.match(line, '([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)');
+ if token == "hi_path" then
+ path = value
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ file = path .. "/" .. curset .. ".hi"
+ else
+ file = lfs.env_replace(manager:options().entries.nvram_directory:value()) .. "/" .. curset .. "/" .. file
+ end
+ local f =, "rb")
+ local content = f:read("*all")
+ f:close()
+ if #content < size then
+ content = content .. string.rep("\0", size - #content)
+ end
+ return content
+function env.endianness(bytes, endian)
+ local newbytes = {}
+ if endian == "little_endian" then
+ for i = 1, #bytes do
+ newbytes[i] = bytes[#bytes - i + 1]
+ end
+ else
+ newbytes = bytes
+ end
+ return newbytes
+function env.byte_skip(bytes, skip)
+ local newbytes = {}
+ if skip == "odd" then
+ -- lua lists are 1 based so use even indexes
+ for i = 2, #bytes, 2 do
+ newbytes[i/2] = bytes[i]
+ end
+ elseif skip == "even" then
+ for i = 1, #bytes, 2 do
+ newbytes[(i+1)/2] = bytes[i]
+ end
+ elseif skip == "1000" then
+ for i = 1, #bytes, 4 do
+ newbytes[(i+3)/4] = bytes[i]
+ end
+ elseif skip == "0100" then
+ for i = 2, #bytes, 4 do
+ newbytes[(i+2)/4] = bytes[i]
+ end
+ elseif skip == "0010" then
+ for i = 3, #bytes, 4 do
+ newbytes[(i+1)/4] = bytes[i]
+ end
+ elseif skip == "0001" then
+ for i = 4, #bytes, 4 do
+ newbytes[i/4] = bytes[i]
+ end
+ else
+ skip = tonumber(skip)
+ for i = 1, #bytes do
+ if bytes[i] ~= skip then
+ newbytes[#newbytes + 1] = bytes[i]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return newbytes
+function env.byte_trim(bytes, val)
+ val = tonumber(val)
+ for i = 1, #bytes do
+ if bytes[i] ~= val then
+ return bytes
+ end
+ table.remove(bytes, 1)
+ end
+ return bytes
+function env.byte_swap(bytes, val)
+ local newbytes = {}
+ val = tonumber(val)
+ for i = 1, #bytes do
+ local off = i + val - 1 - 2 * ((i - 1) % val)
+ if off > #bytes then -- ??
+ break
+ end
+ newbytes[i] = bytes[off]
+ end
+ return newbytes
+function env.nibble_skip(bytes, skip)
+ local newbytes = {}
+ if skip == "odd" then
+ for i = 1, #bytes, 2 do
+ val1 = bytes[i]:byte(1)
+ val2 = bytes[i+1]:byte(1)
+ newbytes[(i+1)/2] = string.char(((val1 & 0x0f) << 4) | (val2 & 0x0f))
+ end
+ elseif skip == "even" then
+ for i = 1, #bytes, 2 do
+ val1 = bytes[i]:byte(1)
+ val2 = bytes[i+1]:byte(1)
+ newbytes[(i+1)/2] = string.char((val1 & 0xf0) | ((val2 & 0xf0) >> 4))
+ end
+ end
+ return newbytes
+function env.bit_swap(bytes, swap)
+ if swap == "yes" then
+ for i = 1, #bytes do
+ val = bytes[i]:byte(1)
+ bytes[i] = string.char(((val & 1) << 7) | ((val & 2) << 5) | ((val & 4) << 3) | ((val & 8) << 1) | ((val & 0x10) >> 1) | ((val & 0x20) >> 3) | ((val & 0x40) >> 5) | ((val & 0x80) >> 7))
+ end
+ end
+ return bytes
+function env.bitmask(bytes, mask)
+ local newbytes = 0
+ bytes = string.unpack(">I" .. #bytes, table.concat(bytes))
+ for i = 1, #mask do
+ newbytes = newbytes | (((bytes >> mask.ishift) & mask.mask) << mask.oshift)
+ end
+ bytes = {}
+ while newbytes ~= 0 do
+ bytes[#bytes + 1] = newbytes & 0xff
+ newbytes = newbytes >> 8
+ end
+ newbytes = {}
+ for i = 1, #bytes do
+ newbytes[i] = string.char(bytes[#bytes + 1 - i])
+ end
+ return newbytes
+function env.frombcd(val)
+ local result = 0
+ local mul = 1
+ while val ~= 0 do
+ result = result + ((val % 16) * mul)
+ val = val >> 4
+ mul = mul * 10
+ end
+ return result
+function env.basechar(bytes, base)
+ if base == "32" then
+ elseif base == "40" then
+ end
+ return bytes
+function env.charset_conv(bytes, charset)
+ if type(charset) == "string" then
+ local chartype, offset, delta = charset:match("CS_(%w*)%[?(%-?%d?%d?),?(%d?%d?)%]?")
+ if chartype == "NUMBER" then
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ for num, char in ipairs(bytes) do
+ char = string.byte(char)
+ if charset[char] then
+ bytes[num] = charset[char]
+ elseif charset.default then
+ bytes[num] = charset.default
+ end
+ end
+ return bytes
+function env.ascii_step(bytes, step)
+ for num, char in ipairs(bytes) do
+ bytes[num] = string.char(char:byte() / step)
+ end
+ return bytes
+function env.ascii_offset(bytes, offset)
+ for num, char in ipairs(bytes) do
+ bytes[num] = string.char(char:byte() + offset)
+ end
+ return bytes
+env.tostring = tostring
+env.type = type
+env.table = { pack = table.pack, concat = table.concat }
+env.string = { unpack = string.unpack, format = string.format, rep = string.rep, gsub = string.gsub, lower = string.lower, upper = string.upper }
+env.math = { min = math.min, max = math.max, floor = math.floor }
+ local function readonly(t)
+ local mt = { __index = t, __newindex = function(t, k, v) return end }
+ return setmetatable({}, mt)
+ end
+ env.table = readonly(env.table)
+ env.string = readonly(env.string)
+ env.math = readonly(env.math)
+ env = readonly(env)
function dat.check(set, softlist)
if softlist then
return nil
@@ -66,10 +282,11 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
local function parse_table(xml)
local total_size = 0
- local s = { "data = open('" .. xml.structure[1].file .. "', size)\noffset = 1\narr = {}" }
+ local s = { "local data = open('" .. xml.structure[1].file .. "', size)\nlocal offset = 1\nlocal arr = {}",
+ "local elem, bytes, offset, value, lastindex, output"}
local fparam = {}
if xml.bitmask then
- local bitmask = "bitmask = {"
+ local bitmask = "local bitmask = {"
for id, masks in pairs(xml.bitmask) do
bitmask = bitmask .. "['" .. id .. "'] = {"
for num, mask in ipairs(masks.character) do
@@ -94,7 +311,7 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
s[#s + 1] = bitmask .. "}"
if xml.charset then
- local charset = "charset = {"
+ local charset = "local charset = {"
for id, set in pairs(xml.charset) do
local default
charset = charset .. "['" .. id .. "'] = {"
@@ -114,7 +331,7 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
local function check_format(formstr)
local formats = {}
- local ret = " function tempform(val)"
+ local ret = "local function tempform(val)"
formstr = formstr:gsub("&gt;", ">")
formstr:gsub("([^;]+)", function(s) formats[#formats + 1] = s end)
for num, form in ipairs(formats) do
@@ -187,7 +404,7 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
if xml.format then
- local format = { "format = {" }
+ local format = { "local format = {" }
for num, form in ipairs(xml.format) do
local param = {}
format[#format + 1] = "['" .. form["id"] .. "'] = "
@@ -362,7 +579,7 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
total_size = total_size + elem["size"]
- s[#s + 1] = "offset = table.remove(bytes)"
+ s[#s + 1] = "offset = bytes[#bytes]\nbytes[#bytes] = nil"
if elem["decoding-profile"] then
if elem["decoding-profile"] == "base-40" then
elem["src-unit-size"] = 16
@@ -464,7 +681,7 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
- table.insert(s, 1, "size = " .. total_size)
+ table.insert(s, 1, "local size = " .. total_size)
s[#s + 1] = "output = ''"
@@ -475,12 +692,12 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
fld["src"] = fld["id"]
s[#s + 1] = "output = output .. '" .. fld["id"] .. " '"
- s[#s + 1] = "val = arr['" .. fld["src"] .. "'][1]"
+ s[#s + 1] = "value = arr['" .. fld["src"] .. "'][1]"
if fld["format"] then
s[#s + 1] = check_format(fld["format"])
- s[#s + 1] = "val = tempform(val)"
+ s[#s + 1] = "value = tempform(value)"
- s[#s + 1] = "output = output .. val .. '\\n'"
+ s[#s + 1] = "output = output .. value .. '\\n'"
elseif fld["tag"] == "table" then
local head = {}
local dat = {}
@@ -499,24 +716,24 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
if not loopcnt and col["src"] ~= "index" then
table.insert(dat, 1, "for i = 1, #arr['" .. col["src"] .. "'] do")
- table.insert(dat, 2, "index = arr['" .. col["src"] .. "'][i].index or i - 1")
- table.insert(dat, 3, "line = ''")
+ table.insert(dat, 2, "local index = arr['" .. col["src"] .. "'][i].index or i - 1")
+ table.insert(dat, 3, "local line = ''")
loopcnt = true
head[#head + 1] = "output = output .. '" .. col["id"] .. "\\t'"
if col["src"] == "index" then
- dat[#dat + 1] = "val = index"
+ dat[#dat + 1] = "value = index"
- dat[#dat + 1] = "if arr['" .. col["src"] .. "'] then val = arr['" .. col["src"] .. "'][i].val end"
+ dat[#dat + 1] = "if arr['" .. col["src"] .. "'] then value = arr['" .. col["src"] .. "'][i].val end"
if col["format"] then
dat[#dat + 1] = check_format(col["format"])
- dat[#dat + 1] = "val = tempform(val)"
+ dat[#dat + 1] = "value = tempform(value)"
if igncol == col["id"] then
- dat[#dat + 1] = "checkval = val"
+ dat[#dat + 1] = "local checkval = value"
- dat[#dat + 1] = "line = line .. val .. '\\t'"
+ dat[#dat + 1] = "line = line .. value .. '\\t'"
if igncol then
@@ -545,213 +762,6 @@ function dat.check(set, softlist)
return script
- if not then
- function, size)
- if file == ".hi" then
- local path = "hi"
- local ini = emu.file(lfs.env_replace(manager:options().entries.inipath:value()), 1)
- local ret = ini:open("hiscore.ini")
- if not ret then
- local inifile = ini:read(ini:size())
- for line in inifile:gmatch("[^\n\r]") do
- token, value = string.match(line, '([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)');
- if token == "hi_path" then
- path = value
- break
- end
- end
- end
- file = path .. "/" .. set .. ".hi"
- else
- file = lfs.env_replace(manager:options().entries.nvram_directory:value()) .. "/" .. set .. "/" .. file
- end
- local f =, "rb")
- local content = f:read("*all")
- f:close()
- if #content < size then
- content = content .. string.rep("\0", size - #content)
- end
- return content
- end
- function env.endianness(bytes, endian)
- local newbytes = {}
- if endian == "little_endian" then
- for i = 1, #bytes do
- newbytes[i] = bytes[#bytes - i + 1]
- end
- else
- newbytes = bytes
- end
- return newbytes
- end
- function env.byte_skip(bytes, skip)
- local newbytes = {}
- if skip == "odd" then
- -- lua lists are 1 based so use even indexes
- for i = 2, #bytes, 2 do
- newbytes[i/2] = bytes[i]
- end
- elseif skip == "even" then
- for i = 1, #bytes, 2 do
- newbytes[(i+1)/2] = bytes[i]
- end
- elseif skip == "1000" then
- for i = 1, #bytes, 4 do
- newbytes[(i+3)/4] = bytes[i]
- end
- elseif skip == "0100" then
- for i = 2, #bytes, 4 do
- newbytes[(i+2)/4] = bytes[i]
- end
- elseif skip == "0010" then
- for i = 3, #bytes, 4 do
- newbytes[(i+1)/4] = bytes[i]
- end
- elseif skip == "0001" then
- for i = 4, #bytes, 4 do
- newbytes[i/4] = bytes[i]
- end
- else
- skip = tonumber(skip)
- for i = 1, #bytes do
- if bytes[i] ~= skip then
- newbytes[#newbytes + 1] = bytes[i]
- end
- end
- end
- return newbytes
- end
- function env.byte_trim(bytes, val)
- val = tonumber(val)
- for i = 1, #bytes do
- if bytes[i] ~= val then
- return bytes
- end
- table.remove(bytes, 1)
- end
- return bytes
- end
- function env.byte_swap(bytes, val)
- local newbytes = {}
- val = tonumber(val)
- for i = 1, #bytes do
- local off = i + val - 1 - 2 * ((i - 1) % val)
- if off > #bytes then -- ??
- break
- end
- newbytes[i] = bytes[off]
- end
- return newbytes
- end
- function env.nibble_skip(bytes, skip)
- local newbytes = {}
- if skip == "odd" then
- for i = 1, #bytes, 2 do
- val1 = bytes[i]:byte(1)
- val2 = bytes[i+1]:byte(1)
- newbytes[(i+1)/2] = string.char(((val1 & 0x0f) << 4) | (val2 & 0x0f))
- end
- elseif skip == "even" then
- for i = 1, #bytes, 2 do
- val1 = bytes[i]:byte(1)
- val2 = bytes[i+1]:byte(1)
- newbytes[(i+1)/2] = string.char((val1 & 0xf0) | ((val2 & 0xf0) >> 4))
- end
- end
- return newbytes
- end
- function env.bit_swap(bytes, swap)
- if swap == "yes" then
- for i = 1, #bytes do
- val = bytes[i]:byte(1)
- bytes[i] = string.char(((val & 1) << 7) | ((val & 2) << 5) | ((val & 4) << 3) | ((val & 8) << 1) | ((val & 0x10) >> 1) | ((val & 0x20) >> 3) | ((val & 0x40) >> 5) | ((val & 0x80) >> 7))
- end
- end
- return bytes
- end
- function env.bitmask(bytes, mask)
- local newbytes = 0
- bytes = string.unpack(">I" .. #bytes, table.concat(bytes))
- for i = 1, #mask do
- newbytes = newbytes | (((bytes >> mask.ishift) & mask.mask) << mask.oshift)
- end
- bytes = {}
- while newbytes ~= 0 do
- bytes[#bytes + 1] = newbytes & 0xff
- newbytes = newbytes >> 8
- end
- newbytes = {}
- for i = 1, #bytes do
- newbytes[i] = string.char(bytes[#bytes + 1 - i])
- end
- return newbytes
- end
- function env.frombcd(val)
- local result = 0
- local mul = 1
- while val ~= 0 do
- result = result + ((val % 16) * mul)
- val = val >> 4
- mul = mul * 10
- end
- return result
- end
- function env.basechar(bytes, base)
- if base == "32" then
- elseif base == "40" then
- end
- return bytes
- end
- function env.charset_conv(bytes, charset)
- if type(charset) == "string" then
- local chartype, offset, delta = charset:match("CS_(%w*)%[?(%-?%d?%d?),?(%d?%d?)%]?")
- if chartype == "NUMBER" then
- end
- return
- end
- for num, char in ipairs(bytes) do
- char = string.byte(char)
- if charset[char] then
- bytes[num] = charset[char]
- elseif charset.default then
- bytes[num] = charset.default
- end
- end
- return bytes
- end
- function env.ascii_step(bytes, step)
- for num, char in ipairs(bytes) do
- bytes[num] = string.char(char:byte() / step)
- end
- return bytes
- end
- function env.ascii_offset(bytes, offset)
- for num, char in ipairs(bytes) do
- bytes[num] = string.char(char:byte() + offset)
- end
- return bytes
- end
- env.tostring = tostring
- env.type = type
- env.table = { pack = table.pack, concat = table.concat, insert = table.insert, remove = table.remove }
- env.string = { unpack = string.unpack, format = string.format, rep = string.rep, gsub = string.gsub, lower = string.lower, upper = string.upper }
- env.math = { min = math.min, max = math.max, floor = math.floor }
- end
if curset == set then
if output then
return "High Scores"