diff options
author Vas Crabb <>2020-04-06 03:42:38 +1000
committer Vas Crabb <>2020-04-06 03:42:38 +1000
commitc5c5723b9d5c19220825eaaebf4eb12e2f452a7a (patch)
parentebbb2b39cb1f44ab3ff1656ab6ddef9029237687 (diff)
version bump (nw)mame0220
2 files changed, 4 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/android-project/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/android-project/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
index 73f489916fc..c70f7f64575 100644
--- a/android-project/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/android-project/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
<manifest xmlns:android=""
- android:versionCode="219"
- android:versionName="0.219"
+ android:versionCode="220"
+ android:versionName="0.220"
<!-- OpenGL ES 2.0 -->
diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index 2327ee23cb9..c756efaa1cb 100644
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -1704,14 +1704,14 @@ endif
ifeq (posix,$(SHELLTYPE))
$(GENDIR)/version.cpp: makefile $(GENDIR)/git_desc | $(GEN_FOLDERS)
- @echo '#define BARE_BUILD_VERSION "0.219"' > $@
+ @echo '#define BARE_BUILD_VERSION "0.220"' > $@
@echo 'extern const char bare_build_version[];' >> $@
@echo 'extern const char build_version[];' >> $@
@echo 'const char bare_build_version[] = BARE_BUILD_VERSION;' >> $@
@echo 'const char build_version[] = BARE_BUILD_VERSION " ($(NEW_GIT_VERSION))";' >> $@
$(GENDIR)/version.cpp: makefile $(GENDIR)/git_desc | $(GEN_FOLDERS)
- @echo #define BARE_BUILD_VERSION "0.219" > $@
+ @echo #define BARE_BUILD_VERSION "0.220" > $@
@echo extern const char bare_build_version[]; >> $@
@echo extern const char build_version[]; >> $@
@echo const char bare_build_version[] = BARE_BUILD_VERSION; >> $@
n199' href='#n199'>199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266
// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Nathan Woods


    Motorola 6883 Synchronous Address Multiplexer


#pragma once

#ifndef __6883SAM__
#define __6883SAM__

#include "emu.h"

#define MCFG_SAM6883_ADD(_tag, _clock, _cputag, _cpuspace) \
	MCFG_DEVICE_ADD(_tag, SAM6883, _clock) \
	sam6883_device::configure_cpu(*device, _cputag, _cpuspace);

#define MCFG_SAM6883_RES_CALLBACK(_read) \
	devcb = &sam6883_device::set_res_rd_callback(*device, DEVCB_##_read);

//  SAM6883 CORE

// base class so that GIME emulation can use some functionality
class sam6883_friend_device
	sam6883_friend_device() { m_cpu = nullptr; m_sam_state = 0x0000; }

	// SAM state constants
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_TY = 0x8000;
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_M1 = 0x4000;
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_M0 = 0x2000;
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_R1 = 0x1000;
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_R0 = 0x0800;
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_P1 = 0x0400;
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_F6 = 0x0200;
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_F5 = 0x0100;
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_F4 = 0x0080;
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_F3 = 0x0040;
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_F2 = 0x0020;
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_F1 = 0x0010;
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_F0 = 0x0008;
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_V2 = 0x0004;
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_V1 = 0x0002;
	static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_V0 = 0x0001;

	// incidentals
	cpu_device *            m_cpu;

	// device state
	UINT16                  m_sam_state;

	ATTR_FORCE_INLINE UINT16 display_offset(void)

	ATTR_FORCE_INLINE UINT16 alter_sam_state(offs_t offset)
		/* determine the mask */
		UINT16 mask = 1 << (offset >> 1);

		/* determine the new state */
		UINT16 new_state;
		if (offset & 0x0001)
			new_state = m_sam_state | mask;
			new_state = m_sam_state & ~mask;

		/* specify the new state */
		UINT16 xorval = m_sam_state ^ new_state;
		m_sam_state = new_state;
		return xorval;

	void update_cpu_clock(void);

class sam6883_device : public device_t, public sam6883_friend_device
	sam6883_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock);

	template<class _Object> static devcb_base &set_res_rd_callback(device_t &device, _Object object) { return downcast<sam6883_device &>(device).m_read_res.set_callback(object); }

	static void configure_cpu(device_t &device, const char *tag, address_spacenum space)
		sam6883_device &dev = downcast<sam6883_device &>(device);
		dev.m_cpu_tag = tag;
		dev.m_cpu_space_ref = space;

	// called to configure banks
	void configure_bank(int bank, UINT8 *memory, UINT32 memory_size, bool is_read_only);
	void configure_bank(int bank, read8_delegate rhandler, write8_delegate whandler);

	// typically called by VDG
		if (offset == (offs_t) ~0)
			/* the VDG is telling the counter to reset */
			m_counter = display_offset();
			m_counter_xdiv = 0;
			m_counter_ydiv = 0;
		else if ((offset & 1) != (m_counter & 0x0001))
			/* DA0 has been toggled - first bump B0-B3 of the counter */
			bool bit3_carry = (m_counter & 0x000F) == 0x000F;
			m_counter = (m_counter & ~0x000F) | ((m_counter + 1) & 0x000F);

			/* and apply the carry (if applicable */
			if (bit3_carry)
		return m_read_res((m_counter & m_counter_mask) | m_counter_or);


	// typically called by machine
	address_space *mpu_address_space(void) const { return m_cpu_space; }
	void set_bank_offset(int bank, offs_t offset);

	// device-level overrides
	virtual void device_start() override;
	virtual void device_reset() override;
	virtual void device_post_load() override;

	// represents an external memory bank - memory or IO that the SAM
	// points to with the S2/S1/S0 output
	struct sam_bank
		UINT8 *             m_memory;
		UINT32              m_memory_size;
		offs_t              m_memory_offset;
		bool                m_memory_read_only;
		read8_delegate      m_rhandler;
		write8_delegate     m_whandler;

	// represents one of the memory "spaces" (e.g. - $8000-$9FFF) that
	// can ultimately point to a bank
	template<UINT16 _addrstart, UINT16 _addrend>
	class sam_space
		sam_space(sam6883_device &owner);
		void point(const sam_bank *bank, UINT16 offset, UINT32 length = ~0);

		sam6883_device &    m_owner;
		memory_bank *       m_read_bank;
		memory_bank *       m_write_bank;
		UINT32              m_length;

		address_space &cpu_space() const;
		void point_specific_bank(const sam_bank *bank, UINT32 offset, UINT32 mask, memory_bank *&memory_bank, UINT32 addrstart, UINT32 addrend, bool is_write);

	const char *        m_cpu_tag;
	address_spacenum    m_cpu_space_ref;

	// incidentals
	address_space *             m_cpu_space;
	devcb_read8                m_read_res;
	sam_bank                    m_banks[8];
	sam_space<0x0000, 0x7FFF>   m_space_0000;
	sam_space<0x8000, 0x9FFF>   m_space_8000;
	sam_space<0xA000, 0xBFFF>   m_space_A000;
	sam_space<0xC000, 0xFEFF>   m_space_C000;
	sam_space<0xFF00, 0xFF1F>   m_space_FF00;
	sam_space<0xFF20, 0xFF3F>   m_space_FF20;
	sam_space<0xFF40, 0xFF5F>   m_space_FF40;
	sam_space<0xFF60, 0xFFBF>   m_space_FF60;
	sam_space<0xFFE0, 0xFFFF>   m_space_FFE0;
	UINT16                      m_counter_mask;
	UINT16                      m_counter_or;

	// SAM state
	UINT16                      m_counter;
	UINT8                       m_counter_xdiv;
	UINT8                       m_counter_ydiv;

	// dummy scratch memory
	UINT8                       m_dummy[0x8000];

	// typically called by CPU

	// called when there is a carry out of bit 3 on the counter
	ATTR_FORCE_INLINE void counter_carry_bit3(void)
		UINT8 x_division;
		switch((m_sam_state & (SAM_STATE_V2|SAM_STATE_V1|SAM_STATE_V0)) / SAM_STATE_V0)
			case 0x00:  x_division = 1; break;
			case 0x01:  x_division = 3; break;
			case 0x02:  x_division = 1; break;
			case 0x03:  x_division = 2; break;
			case 0x04:  x_division = 1; break;
			case 0x05:  x_division = 1; break;
			case 0x06:  x_division = 1; break;
			case 0x07:  x_division = 1; break;
				fatalerror("Should not get here\n");

		if (++m_counter_xdiv >= x_division)
			m_counter_xdiv = 0;
			m_counter ^= 0x0010;
			if ((m_counter & 0x0010) == 0x0000)

	// called when there is a carry out of bit 4 on the counter
	ATTR_FORCE_INLINE void counter_carry_bit4(void)
		UINT8 y_division;
		switch((m_sam_state & (SAM_STATE_V2|SAM_STATE_V1|SAM_STATE_V0)) / SAM_STATE_V0)
			case 0x00:  y_division = 12;    break;
			case 0x01:  y_division = 1;     break;
			case 0x02:  y_division = 3;     break;
			case 0x03:  y_division = 1;     break;
			case 0x04:  y_division = 2;     break;
			case 0x05:  y_division = 1;     break;
			case 0x06:  y_division = 1;     break;
			case 0x07:  y_division = 1;     break;
				fatalerror("Should not get here\n");

		if (++m_counter_ydiv >= y_division)
			m_counter_ydiv = 0;
			m_counter += 0x0020;

	// other members
	void configure_bank(int bank, UINT8 *memory, UINT32 memory_size, bool is_read_only, read8_delegate rhandler, write8_delegate whandler);
	void horizontal_sync(void);
	void update_state(void);
	void update_memory(void);

extern const device_type SAM6883;

#endif /* __6883SAM__ */