path: root/src/mess/includes/cxhumax.h
blob: ab0d0ff089702ba2f3fc873e08a9cb4ef1897a9b (plain) (tree)

#ifndef CXHUMAX_H_
#define CXHUMAX_H_

#include "cpu/arm7/arm7.h"
#include "cpu/arm7/arm7core.h"
#include "machine/intelfsh.h"
#include "machine/i2cmem.h"
#include "machine/terminal.h"

#define MAX_CX_TIMERS	16

typedef struct
	UINT32 value;
	UINT32 limit;
	UINT32 mode;
	UINT32 timebase;
	emu_timer *timer;
} cx_timer_t;

typedef struct
	cx_timer_t timer[MAX_CX_TIMERS];
	UINT32 timer_irq;
} cx_timer_regs_t;

class cxhumax_state : public driver_device
	cxhumax_state(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag)
		: driver_device(mconfig, type, tag),
		m_maincpu(*this, "maincpu"),
		m_flash(*this, "flash"),
		m_ram(*this, "ram"),
		m_terminal(*this, TERMINAL_TAG) { }

	required_device<cpu_device> m_maincpu;
	required_device<intel_28f320j3d_device> m_flash;
	required_shared_ptr<UINT32> m_ram;
	required_device<generic_terminal_device> m_terminal;

	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( flash_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( flash_r );

	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_hsx_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_hsx_r );

	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_romdescr_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_romdescr_r );
	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_isaromdescr_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_isaromdescr_r );
	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_isadescr_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_isadescr_r );
	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_rommap_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_rommap_r );
	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_rommode_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_rommode_r );
	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_xoemask_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_xoemask_r );
	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_pci_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_pci_r );
	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_extdesc_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_extdesc_r );

	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_remap_w );
	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_scratch_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_scratch_r );

	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_timers_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_timers_r );

	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_uart2_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_uart2_r );

	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_pll_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_pll_r );
	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_clkdiv_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_clkdiv_r );
	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_pllprescale_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_pllprescale_r );

	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_chipcontrol_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_chipcontrol_r );

	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_intctrl_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_intctrl_r );

	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_ss_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_ss_r );

	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_i2c0_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_i2c0_r );
	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_i2c1_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_i2c1_r );
	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_i2c2_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_i2c2_r );

	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_mc_cfg_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_mc_cfg_r );

	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_drm0_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_drm0_r );
	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_drm1_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_drm1_r );

	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_hdmi_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_hdmi_r );

	DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER ( cx_gxa_w );
	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( cx_gxa_r );

	DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER ( dummy_flash_r );

	UINT32 m_romdescr_reg;
	UINT32 m_isaromdescr_regs[0x0C/4];
	UINT32 m_isadescr_regs[0x10/4];
	UINT32 m_rommode_reg;
	UINT32 m_xoemask_reg;
	UINT32 m_pci_regs[0x08/4];
	UINT32 m_extdesc_regs[0x80/4];

	UINT32 m_scratch_reg;
	cx_timer_regs_t m_timer_regs;

	UINT32 m_uart2_regs[0x30/4];

	UINT32 m_pll_regs[0x14/4];
	UINT32 m_clkdiv_regs[0x18/4];
	UINT32 m_pllprescale_reg;

	UINT32 m_intctrl_regs[0x38/4];

	UINT32 m_ss_regs[0x18/4];
	UINT8 m_ss_tx_fifo[8];				// 8 entries (size hardcoded to 8 bits per entry - TODO)

	UINT32 m_i2c0_regs[0x20/4];
	UINT32 m_i2c1_regs[0x20/4];
	device_t *m_i2cmem;
	UINT32 m_i2c2_regs[0x20/4];

	UINT32 m_mccfg_regs[0x0C/4];

	UINT32 m_chipcontrol_regs[0x74/4];

	UINT32 m_drm0_regs[0xfc/4];
	UINT32 m_drm1_regs[0xfc/4];

	UINT32 m_hdmi_regs[0x400/4];

	UINT32 m_gxa_cmd_regs[0x130/4];

#define INTDEST			0	// Interrupt destination (1=IRQ, 0=FIQ)
#define INTENABLE		1	// Enables the interrupt generation
#define INTIRQ			2	// Normal interrupt
#define INTFIQ			3	// Fast interrupt
#define INTSTATCLR		4	// Read: interrupt status, Write: clear pending interrupt
#define INTSTATSET		5	// Read: interrupt status, Write: sets a pending interrupt
#define INTGROUP1		0
#define INTGROUP2		1

#define INTREG(group, index)	(((group) << 3) | (index))

#define GXA_CMD_RW_REGISTER				0x00
#define GXA_CMD_QMARK					0x02
#define GXA_CMD_PALETTE_FETCH			0x03
#define GXA_CMD_BLT_21					0x21
#define GXA_CMD_BLT_23					0x23
#define GXA_CMD_BLT_25					0x25
#define GXA_CMD_BLT_27					0x27
#define GXA_CMD_BLT_2B					0x2b
#define GXA_CMD_BLT_2F					0x2f
#define GXA_CMD_LINE_30					0x30
#define GXA_CMD_LINE_32					0x32
#define GXA_CMD_BLT_31					0x31
#define GXA_CMD_BLT						0x33
#define GXA_CMD_LINE_34					0x34
#define GXA_CMD_LINE_36					0x36
#define GXA_CMD_BLT_35					0x35
#define GXA_CMD_BLT_37					0x37
#define GXA_CMD_LINE_3A					0x3a
#define GXA_CMD_BLT_3B					0x3b
#define GXA_CMD_LINE_3E					0x3e
#define GXA_CMD_BLT_3F					0x3f
#define GXA_CMD_SBLT_ABLEND				0x71
#define GXA_CMD_SBLT_ROP				0x7b

#define GXA_CMD_REG						0x07

#define GXA_CFG2_REG					0x3f
#define IRQ_STAT_QMARK					21
#define IRQ_EN_QMARK					17

#define INT_UART2_BIT					(1<<1)
#define INT_TIMER_BIT					(1<<7)
#define INT_PWM_BIT						(1 << 14)
#define INT_PIO103_BIT					(1 << 15)

#define PCI_CFG_ADDR_REG				0
#define PCI_CFG_DATA_REG				1

#define TIMER_VALUE						0
#define TIMER_LIMIT						1
#define TIMER_MODE						2
#define TIMER_TIMEBASE					3

#define UART_FIFO_REG					0
#define UART_IRQE_REG					1
#define UART_IRQE_TIDE_BIT				(1<<6)
#define UART_BRDL_REG					0
#define UART_BRDU_REG					1
#define UART_FIFC_REG					2
#define UART_FRMC_REG					3
#define UART_FRMC_BDS_BIT				(1<<7)
#define UART_STAT_REG					5
#define UART_STAT_TSR_BIT				(1<<5)
#define UART_STAT_TID_BIT				(1<<6)

#define SREG_MPG_0_INTFRAC_REG			0
#define SREG_MPG_1_INTFRAC_REG			1

#define SREG_DIV_0_REG					0
#define SREG_DIV_1_REG					1
#define SREG_DIV_2_REG					2
#define SREG_DIV_3_REG					3
#define SREG_DIV_4_REG					4
#define SREG_DIV_5_REG					5

#define PIN_CONFIG_0_REG				0	// Pin Configuration 0 Register
#define SREG_MODE_REG					3	// SREG Mode Register
#define PIN_ALT_FUNC_REG				4	// Alternate Pin Function Select Register
#define PLL_LOCK_STAT_0_REG				9	// Resource Lock Register
#define PLL_IO_CTL_REG					20	// IO Control Register
#define SREG_TEST_REG					28	// Test Register

#define I2C_MODE_REG					0
#define I2C_CTRL_REG					1
#define I2C_STAT_REG					2
#define I2C_RDATA_REG					3

#define I2C_WACK_BIT					(1<<1)
#define I2C_INT_BIT						(1<<0)

#define SS_CNTL_REG						0
#define SS_FIFC_REG						1
#define SS_BAUD_REG						2
#define SS_FIFO_REG						4
#define SS_STAT_REG						5

#define MC_CFG0							0
#define MC_CFG1 						1
#define MC_CFG2 						2

#define DRM_ACTIVE_X_REG				1
#define DRM_ACTIVE_Y_REG				2
#define DRM_BCKGND_REG					3
#define DRM_OSD_PTR_REG					32

#endif /* CXHUMAX_H_ */