path: root/src/mame/video/seibuspi.cpp
blob: 56906b2b770e3d11cdce5201d24ea6ff45760e6d (plain) (tree)






























































































































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Ville Linde, hap, Nicola Salmoria

    Seibu SPI hardware

    Functions to emulate the video hardware


#include "emu.h"
#include "includes/seibuspi.h"
#include "machine/seibuspi.h"
#include "screen.h"


Tile encryption

The tile graphics encryption uses the same algorithm in all games. This is
similar to, but simpler than, that used by the SEI252, RISE10 and RISE11
custom chips.

- Take 24 bits of gfx data (used to decrypt 4 pixels at 6 bpp) and perform
  a bit permutation on them (the permutation is the same in all games).
- Take the low 12 bits of the tile code and add a 24-bit number (KEY1) to it.
- Add the two 24-bit numbers resulting from the above steps, but with a
  catch: while performing the sum, some bits generate carry as usual, other
  bits don't, depending on a 24-bit key (KEY2). Note that the carry generated
  by bit 23 (if enabled) wraps around to bit 0.
- XOR the result with a 24-bit number (KEY3).

The decryption is actually programmable; the games write the key to the
custom CRTC on startup!! (writes to 000414)


static uint32_t decrypt_tile(uint32_t val, int tileno, uint32_t key1, uint32_t key2, uint32_t key3)
	val = bitswap<24>(val, 18,19,9,5, 10,17,16,20, 21,22,6,11, 15,14,4,23, 0,1,7,8, 13,12,3,2);

	return partial_carry_sum24( val, tileno + key1, key2 ) ^ key3;

static void decrypt_text(uint8_t *rom, uint32_t key1, uint32_t key2, uint32_t key3)
	int i;
	for(i=0; i<0x10000; i++)
		uint32_t w;

		w = (rom[(i*3) + 0] << 16) | (rom[(i*3) + 1] << 8) | (rom[(i*3) +2]);

		w = decrypt_tile(w, i >> 4, key1, key2, key3);

		rom[(i*3) + 0] = (w >> 16) & 0xff;
		rom[(i*3) + 1] = (w >> 8) & 0xff;
		rom[(i*3) + 2] = w & 0xff;

static void decrypt_bg(uint8_t *rom, int size, uint32_t key1, uint32_t key2, uint32_t key3)
	int i,j;
	for(j=0; j<size; j+=0xc0000)
		for(i=0; i<0x40000; i++)
			uint32_t w;

			w = (rom[j + (i*3) + 0] << 16) | (rom[j + (i*3) + 1] << 8) | (rom[j + (i*3) + 2]);

			w = decrypt_tile(w, i >> 6, key1, key2, key3);

			rom[j + (i*3) + 0] = (w >> 16) & 0xff;
			rom[j + (i*3) + 1] = (w >> 8) & 0xff;
			rom[j + (i*3) + 2] = w & 0xff;

cpu #0 (PC=0033B2EB): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00000000 & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=0033B2EB): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 0000DF5B & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=0033B2EB): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 000078CF & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=0033B2EB): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00001377 & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=0033B2EB): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00002538 & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=0033B2EB): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00004535 & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=0033B2EB): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 06DC0000 & FFFF0000

void seibuspi_state::text_decrypt(uint8_t *rom)
	decrypt_text( rom, 0x5a3845, 0x77cf5b, 0x1378df);

void seibuspi_state::bg_decrypt(uint8_t *rom, int size)
	decrypt_bg( rom, size, 0x5a3845, 0x77cf5b, 0x1378df);

cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00000001 & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 0000DCF8 & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00007AE2 & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 0000154D & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00001731 & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 0000466B & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 3EDC0000 & FFFF0000

void seibuspi_state::rdft2_text_decrypt(uint8_t *rom)
	decrypt_text( rom, 0x823146, 0x4de2f8, 0x157adc);

void seibuspi_state::rdft2_bg_decrypt(uint8_t *rom, int size)
	decrypt_bg( rom, size, 0x823146, 0x4de2f8, 0x157adc);

cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00000001 & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00006630 & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 0000B685 & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 0000CCFE & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 000032A7 & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 0000547C & 0000FFFF
cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 3EDC0000 & FFFF0000

void seibuspi_state::rfjet_text_decrypt(uint8_t *rom)
	decrypt_text( rom, 0xaea754, 0xfe8530, 0xccb666);

void seibuspi_state::rfjet_bg_decrypt(uint8_t *rom, int size)
	decrypt_bg( rom, size, 0xaea754, 0xfe8530, 0xccb666);

	if (data != 0 && data != 1)
		logerror("Decryption key: %04X\n", data);


void seibuspi_state::set_layer_offsets()
	if (m_rowscroll_enable)
		m_fore_layer_offset = 0x1000 / 4;
		m_midl_layer_offset = 0x2000 / 4;
		m_text_layer_offset = 0x3000 / 4;
		m_fore_layer_offset = 0x1000 / 4 / 2;
		m_midl_layer_offset = 0x2000 / 4 / 2;
		m_text_layer_offset = 0x3000 / 4 / 2;

	m_fore_layer_d13 = m_layer_bank << 2 & 0x2000;
	m_back_layer_d14 = m_rf2_layer_bank << 14 & 0x4000;
	m_midl_layer_d14 = m_rf2_layer_bank << 13 & 0x4000;
	m_fore_layer_d14 = m_rf2_layer_bank << 12 & 0x4000;

	//logerror("Writing %04X to layer register\n", data);

	// r000f000 0010100a
	// r: rowscroll enable
	// f: fore layer d13
	// a: ? (0 in ejanhs and rdft22kc, 1 in all other games)
	uint16_t prev = m_layer_bank;

	m_rowscroll_enable = m_layer_bank >> 15 & 1;

	if ((prev ^ m_layer_bank) & 0x0800)

	// 00000fmb
	// f: fore layer d14
	// m: middle layer d14
	// b: back layer d14
	uint8_t prev = m_rf2_layer_bank;
	m_rf2_layer_bank = data;

	if ((prev ^ m_rf2_layer_bank) & 1)

	if ((prev ^ m_rf2_layer_bank) & 2)

	if ((prev ^ m_rf2_layer_bank) & 4)

	// 00000000 000stfmb (0=on, 1=off)
	// s: sprite layer
	// t: text layer
	// f: fore layer
	// m: middle layer
	// b: back layer





	if (!m_tilemap_ram)

	// safety check
	int dma_length_user = m_rowscroll_enable ? 0x4000 : 0x2800;
	int dma_length_real = (m_video_dma_length + 1) * 2; // ideally we should be using this, let's check if we have to:
	if (m_video_dma_length != 0 && dma_length_user != dma_length_real)
		popmessage("Tile LEN %X %X, contact MAMEdev", dma_length_user, dma_length_real); // shouldn't happen
	else if (!DWORD_ALIGNED(m_video_dma_address) || (m_video_dma_length & 3) != 3 || (m_video_dma_address + dma_length_user) > 0x40000)
		popmessage("Tile DMA %X %X, contact MAMEdev", m_video_dma_address, m_video_dma_length); // shouldn't happen
	if (m_video_dma_address < 0x800)
		logerror("tilemap_dma_start_w in I/O area: %X\n", m_video_dma_address);

	int index = m_video_dma_address / 4;

	/* back layer */
	for (int i = 0; i < 0x800/4; i++)
		uint32_t tile = m_mainram[index];
		if (m_tilemap_ram[i] != tile)
			m_tilemap_ram[i] = tile;
			m_back_layer->mark_tile_dirty((i * 2));
			m_back_layer->mark_tile_dirty((i * 2) + 1);

	/* back layer row scroll */
	if (m_rowscroll_enable)
		memcpy(&m_tilemap_ram[0x800/4], &m_mainram[index], 0x800/4);
		index += 0x800/4;

	/* fore layer */
	for (int i = 0; i < 0x800/4; i++)
		uint32_t tile = m_mainram[index];
		if (m_tilemap_ram[i+m_fore_layer_offset] != tile)
			m_tilemap_ram[i+m_fore_layer_offset] = tile;
			m_fore_layer->mark_tile_dirty((i * 2));
			m_fore_layer->mark_tile_dirty((i * 2) + 1);

	/* fore layer row scroll */
	if (m_rowscroll_enable)
		memcpy(&m_tilemap_ram[0x1800/4], &m_mainram[index], 0x800/4); // 0x2800/4?
		index += 0x800/4;

	/* middle layer */
	for (int i = 0; i < 0x800/4; i++)
		uint32_t tile = m_mainram[index];
		if (m_tilemap_ram[i+m_midl_layer_offset] != tile)
			m_tilemap_ram[i+m_midl_layer_offset] = tile;
			m_midl_layer->mark_tile_dirty((i * 2));
			m_midl_layer->mark_tile_dirty((i * 2) + 1);

	/* middle layer row scroll */
	if (m_rowscroll_enable)
		memcpy(&m_tilemap_ram[0x2800/4], &m_mainram[index], 0x800/4); // 0x1800/4?
		index += 0x800/4;

	/* text layer */
	for (int i = 0; i < 0x1000/4; i++)
		uint32_t tile = m_mainram[index];
		if (m_tilemap_ram[i+m_text_layer_offset] != tile)
			m_tilemap_ram[i+m_text_layer_offset] = tile;
			m_text_layer->mark_tile_dirty((i * 2));
			m_text_layer->mark_tile_dirty((i * 2) + 1);

	int dma_length = (m_video_dma_length + 1) * 2;

	// safety check
	if (!DWORD_ALIGNED(m_video_dma_address) || (m_video_dma_length & 3) != 3 || dma_length > m_palette_ram_size || (m_video_dma_address + dma_length) > 0x40000)
		popmessage("Pal DMA %X %X, contact MAMEdev", m_video_dma_address, m_video_dma_length); // shouldn't happen
	if (m_video_dma_address < 0x800)
		logerror("palette_dma_start_w in I/O area: %X\n", m_video_dma_address);

	for (int i = 0; i < dma_length / 4; i++)
		uint32_t color = m_mainram[m_video_dma_address / 4 + i];
		if (m_palette_ram[i] != color)
			m_palette_ram[i] = color;
			m_palette->set_pen_color((i * 2), pal5bit(m_palette_ram[i] >> 0), pal5bit(m_palette_ram[i] >> 5), pal5bit(m_palette_ram[i] >> 10));
			m_palette->set_pen_color((i * 2) + 1, pal5bit(m_palette_ram[i] >> 16), pal5bit(m_palette_ram[i] >> 21), pal5bit(m_palette_ram[i] >> 26));

	// safety check
	if (!DWORD_ALIGNED(m_video_dma_address) || (m_video_dma_address + m_sprite_ram_size) > 0x40000)
		popmessage("Sprite DMA %X, contact MAMEdev", m_video_dma_address); // shouldn't happen
	if (m_video_dma_address < 0x800)
		logerror("sprite_dma_start_w in I/O area: %X\n", m_video_dma_address);

	memcpy(m_sprite_ram.get(), &m_mainram[m_video_dma_address / 4], m_sprite_ram_size);


void seibuspi_state::drawgfx_blend(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, gfx_element *gfx, uint32_t code, uint32_t color, int flipx, int flipy, int sx, int sy, bitmap_ind8 &primap, int primask)
	int width = gfx->width();
	int height = gfx->height();

	int x1 = sx;
	int x2 = sx + width - 1;
	int y1 = sy;
	int y2 = sy + height - 1;

	if (x1 > cliprect.max_x || x2 < cliprect.min_x)
	if (y1 > cliprect.max_y || y2 < cliprect.min_y)

	int px = 0;
	int py = 0;
	int xd = 1;
	int yd = 1;

	if (flipx)
		xd = -xd;
		px = width - 1;
	if (flipy)
		yd = -yd;
		py = height - 1;

	// clip x
	if (x1 < cliprect.min_x)
		if (flipx)
			px = width - (cliprect.min_x - x1) - 1;
			px = (cliprect.min_x - x1);
		x1 = cliprect.min_x;
	if (x2 > cliprect.max_x)
		x2 = cliprect.max_x;

	// clip y
	if (y1 < cliprect.min_y)
		if (flipy)
			py = height - (cliprect.min_y - y1) - 1;
			py = (cliprect.min_y - y1);
		y1 = cliprect.min_y;
	if (y2 > cliprect.max_y)
		y2 = cliprect.max_y;

	const pen_t *pens = &m_palette->pen(gfx->colorbase());
	const uint8_t *src = gfx->get_data(code);

	// draw
	for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++)
		uint32_t *dest = &bitmap.pix32(y);
		uint8_t *pri = &primap.pix8(y);
		uint8_t trans_pen = (1 << m_sprite_bpp) - 1;
		int src_i = (py * width) + px;
		py += yd;

		for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
			uint8_t pen = src[src_i];
			if (!(pri[x] & primask) && pen != trans_pen)
				pri[x] |= primask;
				int global_pen = pen + (color << m_sprite_bpp);
				if (m_alpha_table[global_pen])
					dest[x] = alpha_blend_r32(dest[x], pens[global_pen], 0x7f);
					dest[x] = pens[global_pen];
			src_i += xd;

void seibuspi_state::draw_sprites(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, bitmap_ind8 &primap, int priority)
	gfx_element *gfx = m_gfxdecode->gfx(2);
	const int has_tile_high = (gfx->elements() > 0x10000) ? 1 : 0;
	const int colormask = (m_sprite_bpp == 6) ? 0x3f : 0x1f;

	static const int sprite_xtable[2][8] =
		{ 0*16, 1*16, 2*16, 3*16, 4*16, 5*16, 6*16, 7*16 },
		{ 7*16, 6*16, 5*16, 4*16, 3*16, 2*16, 1*16, 0*16 }
	static const int sprite_ytable[2][8] =
		{ 0*16, 1*16, 2*16, 3*16, 4*16, 5*16, 6*16, 7*16 },
		{ 7*16, 6*16, 5*16, 4*16, 3*16, 2*16, 1*16, 0*16 }

	if (m_layer_enable & 0x10)

	for (int a = 0; a < (m_sprite_ram_size / 4); a += 2)
		    Word 0
		    xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx -------- --------  tile_num low
		    -------- -------- x------- --------  flip_y
		    -------- -------- -xxx---- --------  height
		    -------- -------- ----x--- --------  flip_x
		    -------- -------- -----xxx --------  width
		    -------- -------- -------- xx------  priority
		    -------- -------- -------- --xxxxxx  color (highest bit not used on SYS386F)

		    Word 1, unmarked bits have no function
		    -------x xxxxxxxx -------- --------  ypos
		    -------- -------- ---x---- --------  tile_num high (only on RISE10/11 chip)
		    -------- -------- ------xx xxxxxxxx  xpos
		int tile_num = m_sprite_ram[a + 0] >> 16 & 0xffff;
		if (tile_num == 0)

		if (has_tile_high)
			tile_num |= m_sprite_ram[a + 1] << 4 & 0x10000;

		if (priority != (m_sprite_ram[a + 0] >> 6 & 0x3))
		int primask = 1 << priority;

		int16_t xpos = m_sprite_ram[a + 1] & 0x3ff;
		if (xpos & 0x200)
			xpos |= 0xfc00;
		int16_t ypos = m_sprite_ram[a + 1] >> 16 & 0x1ff;
		if (ypos & 0x100)
			ypos |= 0xfe00;
		int color = m_sprite_ram[a + 0] & colormask;

		int width = (m_sprite_ram[a + 0] >> 8 & 0x7) + 1;
		int height = (m_sprite_ram[a + 0] >> 12 & 0x7) + 1;
		int flip_x = m_sprite_ram[a + 0] >> 11 & 0x1;
		int flip_y = m_sprite_ram[a + 0] >> 15 & 0x1;
		int x1 = 0;
		int y1 = 0;

		if (flip_x)
			x1 = 8 - width;
			width = width + x1;
		if (flip_y)
			y1 = 8 - height;
			height = height + y1;

		for (int x = x1; x < width; x++)
			for (int y = y1; y < height; y++)
				drawgfx_blend(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, tile_num, color, flip_x, flip_y, xpos + sprite_xtable[flip_x][x], ypos + sprite_ytable[flip_y][y], primap, primask);

				/* xpos seems to wrap-around to 0 at 512 */
				if ((xpos + (16 * x) + 16) >= 512)
					drawgfx_blend(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, tile_num, color, flip_x, flip_y, xpos - 512 + sprite_xtable[flip_x][x], ypos + sprite_ytable[flip_y][y], primap, primask);


void seibuspi_state::combine_tilemap(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, tilemap_t *tile, int sx, int sy, int opaque, int16_t *rowscroll)
	uint16_t *src;
	uint32_t *dest;
	uint8_t *flags;
	uint32_t xscroll_mask, yscroll_mask;

	bitmap_ind16 &pen_bitmap = tile->pixmap();
	bitmap_ind8 &flags_bitmap = tile->flagsmap();
	xscroll_mask = pen_bitmap.width() - 1;
	yscroll_mask = pen_bitmap.height() - 1;

	for (int y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)
		int rx = sx;
		if (rowscroll)
			rx += rowscroll[(y + sy) & yscroll_mask];

		dest = &bitmap.pix32(y);
		src = &pen_bitmap.pix16((y + sy) & yscroll_mask);
		flags = &flags_bitmap.pix8((y + sy) & yscroll_mask);
		for (int x = cliprect.min_x + rx; x <= cliprect.max_x + rx; x++)
			if (opaque || (flags[x & xscroll_mask] & (TILEMAP_PIXEL_LAYER0 | TILEMAP_PIXEL_LAYER1)))
				uint16_t pen = src[x & xscroll_mask];
				if (m_alpha_table[pen])
					*dest = alpha_blend_r32(*dest, m_palette->pen(pen), 0x7f);
					*dest = m_palette->pen(pen);

uint32_t seibuspi_state::screen_update_spi(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int16_t *back_rowscroll, *midl_rowscroll, *fore_rowscroll;
	if (m_rowscroll_enable)
		back_rowscroll = (int16_t*)&m_tilemap_ram[0x200];
		midl_rowscroll = (int16_t*)&m_tilemap_ram[0x600];
		fore_rowscroll = (int16_t*)&m_tilemap_ram[0xa00];
		back_rowscroll = nullptr;
		midl_rowscroll = nullptr;
		fore_rowscroll = nullptr;

	screen.priority().fill(0, cliprect);

	if (m_layer_enable & 1)
		bitmap.fill(0, cliprect);
		combine_tilemap(bitmap, cliprect, m_back_layer, m_scrollram[0], m_scrollram[1], 1, back_rowscroll);

	draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, screen.priority(), 0);

	// if fore layer is enabled, draw priority 0 sprites behind back layer
	if ((m_layer_enable & 0x15) == 0)
		combine_tilemap(bitmap, cliprect, m_back_layer, m_scrollram[0], m_scrollram[1], 0, back_rowscroll);

	// if fore layer is enabled, draw priority 1 sprites behind middle layer
	if (~m_layer_enable & 4)
		draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, screen.priority(), 1);

	if (~m_layer_enable & 2)
		combine_tilemap(bitmap, cliprect, m_midl_layer, m_scrollram[2], m_scrollram[3], 0, midl_rowscroll);

	// if fore layer is disabled, draw priority 1 sprites above middle layer
	if (m_layer_enable & 4)
		draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, screen.priority(), 1);

	draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, screen.priority(), 2);

	if (~m_layer_enable & 4)
		combine_tilemap(bitmap, cliprect, m_fore_layer, m_scrollram[4], m_scrollram[5], 0, fore_rowscroll);

	draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, screen.priority(), 3);

	if (~m_layer_enable & 8)
		combine_tilemap(bitmap, cliprect, m_text_layer, 0, 0, 0, nullptr);

	return 0;

uint32_t seibuspi_state::screen_update_sys386f(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	screen.priority().fill(0, cliprect);
	bitmap.fill(0, cliprect);

	draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, screen.priority(), 0);
	draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, screen.priority(), 1);
	draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, screen.priority(), 2);
	draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, screen.priority(), 3);

	return 0;


	int offs = tile_index / 2;
	int tile = (m_tilemap_ram[offs + m_text_layer_offset] >> ((tile_index & 0x1) ? 16 : 0)) & 0xffff;
	int color = (tile >> 12) & 0xf;

	tile &= 0xfff;

	SET_TILE_INFO_MEMBER(0, tile, color, 0);

	int offs = tile_index / 2;
	int tile = (m_tilemap_ram[offs] >> ((tile_index & 0x1) ? 16 : 0)) & 0xffff;
	int color = (tile >> 13) & 0x7;

	tile &= 0x1fff;
	tile |= m_back_layer_d14;

	SET_TILE_INFO_MEMBER(1, tile, color, 0);

	int offs = tile_index / 2;
	int tile = (m_tilemap_ram[offs + m_midl_layer_offset] >> ((tile_index & 0x1) ? 16 : 0)) & 0xffff;
	int color = (tile >> 13) & 0x7;

	tile &= 0x1fff;
	tile |= 0x2000;
	tile |= m_midl_layer_d14;

	SET_TILE_INFO_MEMBER(1, tile, color + 16, 0);

	int offs = tile_index / 2;
	int tile = (m_tilemap_ram[offs + m_fore_layer_offset] >> ((tile_index & 0x1) ? 16 : 0)) & 0xffff;
	int color = (tile >> 13) & 0x7;

	tile &= 0x1fff;
	tile |= m_bg_fore_layer_position;
	tile |= m_fore_layer_d13;
	tile |= m_fore_layer_d14;

	SET_TILE_INFO_MEMBER(1, tile, color + 8, 0);

void seibuspi_state::video_start()
	m_video_dma_length = 0;
	m_video_dma_address = 0;
	m_layer_enable = 0;
	m_layer_bank = 0;
	m_rf2_layer_bank = 0;
	m_rowscroll_enable = 0;
	m_scrollram[0] = 0;
	m_scrollram[1] = 0;
	m_scrollram[2] = 0;
	m_scrollram[3] = 0;
	m_scrollram[4] = 0;
	m_scrollram[5] = 0;

	uint32_t region_length = memregion("gfx2")->bytes();

	if (region_length <= 0x300000)
		m_bg_fore_layer_position = 0x2000;
	else if (region_length <= 0x600000)
		m_bg_fore_layer_position = 0x4000;
		m_bg_fore_layer_position = 0x8000;

	m_tilemap_ram_size = 0x4000;
	m_palette_ram_size = 0x3000;
	m_sprite_ram_size = 0x1000;
	m_sprite_bpp = 6;

	m_tilemap_ram = make_unique_clear<uint32_t[]>(m_tilemap_ram_size/4);
	m_palette_ram = make_unique_clear<uint32_t[]>(m_palette_ram_size/4);
	m_sprite_ram = make_unique_clear<uint32_t[]>(m_sprite_ram_size/4);

	m_palette->basemem().set(&m_palette_ram[0], m_palette_ram_size, 32, ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 2);

	m_text_layer = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(FUNC(seibuspi_state::get_text_tile_info),this), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8, 8, 64,32);
	m_back_layer = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(FUNC(seibuspi_state::get_back_tile_info),this), TILEMAP_SCAN_COLS, 16,16,32,32);
	m_midl_layer = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(FUNC(seibuspi_state::get_midl_tile_info),this), TILEMAP_SCAN_COLS, 16,16,32,32);
	m_fore_layer = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode, tilemap_get_info_delegate(FUNC(seibuspi_state::get_fore_tile_info),this), TILEMAP_SCAN_COLS, 16,16,32,32);


	// TODO : Differs per games?
	// alpha blending (preliminary)
	memset(m_alpha_table, 0, 0x2000);

	// sprites(0000-0fff):
	//memset(m_alpha_table + 0x700, 1, 0x10); // breaks rdft
	memset(m_alpha_table + 0x730, 1, 0x10);
	memset(m_alpha_table + 0x780, 1, 0x20);
	//memset(m_alpha_table + 0x7c0, 1, 0x40); // breaks batlball
	//memset(m_alpha_table + 0xf00, 1, 0x40); // breaks rdft
	memset(m_alpha_table + 0xfc0, 1, 0x40);

	// back layer(1000-11ff): nope
	// fore layer(1200-13ff):
	memset(m_alpha_table + 0x1200 + 0x160, 1, 0x20);
	memset(m_alpha_table + 0x1200 + 0x1b0, 1, 0x10);
	memset(m_alpha_table + 0x1200 + 0x1f0, 1, 0x10);
	// midl layer(1400-15ff)
	memset(m_alpha_table + 0x1400 + 0x1b0, 1, 0x10);
	memset(m_alpha_table + 0x1400 + 0x1f0, 1, 0x10);
	// text layer(1600-17ff)
	memset(m_alpha_table + 0x1600 + 0x170, 1, 0x10);
	memset(m_alpha_table + 0x1600 + 0x1f0, 1, 0x10);



	memset(m_alpha_table, 0, 0x2000); // no alpha blending

	m_video_dma_length = 0;
	m_video_dma_address = 0;
	m_layer_enable = 0;
	m_layer_bank = 0;
	m_rf2_layer_bank = 0;
	m_rowscroll_enable = 0;

	m_tilemap_ram_size = 0;
	m_palette_ram_size = 0x4000;
	m_sprite_ram_size = 0x2000;
	m_sprite_bpp = 8;

	m_tilemap_ram = nullptr;
	m_palette_ram = make_unique_clear<uint32_t[]>(m_palette_ram_size/4);
	m_sprite_ram = make_unique_clear<uint32_t[]>(m_sprite_ram_size/4);

	m_palette->basemem().set(&m_palette_ram[0], m_palette_ram_size, 32, ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 2);

	memset(m_alpha_table, 0, 0x2000); // no alpha blending


void seibuspi_state::register_video_state()


	if (m_tilemap_ram != nullptr) save_pointer(NAME(m_tilemap_ram), m_tilemap_ram_size/4);
	save_pointer(NAME(m_palette_ram), m_palette_ram_size/4);
	save_pointer(NAME(m_sprite_ram), m_sprite_ram_size/4);