path: root/src/mame/video/pgm2.cpp
blob: 5216e6d68c532dfcb90671d485a1fed7b30b603d (plain) (tree)













































































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:David Haywood

#include "emu.h"
#include "includes/pgm2.h"

inline void pgm2_state::draw_sprite_pixel(const rectangle &cliprect, u32 palette_offset, s16 realx, s16 realy, u16 pal)
	if (cliprect.contains(realx, realy))
		u16 const pix = m_sprites_colour[palette_offset] & 0x3f; // there are some stray 0xff bytes in some roms, so mask
		u16 const pendat = pix + (pal * 0x40);
		u16* dstptr_bitmap = &m_sprite_bitmap.pix16(realy);
		dstptr_bitmap[realx] = pendat;

inline void pgm2_state::draw_sprite_chunk(const rectangle &cliprect, u32 &palette_offset, s16 x, s16 realy,
		u16 sizex, int xdraw, u16 pal, u32 maskdata, u32 zoomx_bits, u8 repeats, s16 &realxdraw, s8 realdraw_inc, s8 palette_inc)
	for (int xchunk = 0; xchunk < 32; xchunk++)
		u8 pix, xzoombit;
		if (palette_inc == -1)
			pix = BIT(maskdata, xchunk);
			xzoombit = BIT(zoomx_bits, xchunk);
			pix = BIT(maskdata, 31 - xchunk);
			xzoombit = BIT(zoomx_bits, 31 - xchunk);

		if (pix)
			if (repeats != 0) // grow
				// draw it the base number of times
				for (int i = 0; i < repeats; i++)
					draw_sprite_pixel(cliprect, palette_offset, x + realxdraw, realy, pal);
					realxdraw += realdraw_inc;

				// draw it again if zoom bit is set
				if (xzoombit)
					draw_sprite_pixel(cliprect, palette_offset, x + realxdraw, realy, pal);
					realxdraw += realdraw_inc;

				palette_offset += palette_inc;
				palette_offset &= m_sprites_colour.mask();
			else // shrink
				if (xzoombit) draw_sprite_pixel(cliprect, palette_offset, x + realxdraw, realy, pal);

				palette_offset += palette_inc;
				palette_offset &= m_sprites_colour.mask();

				if (xzoombit) realxdraw += realdraw_inc;

			if (repeats != 0) // grow
				for (int i = 0; i < repeats; i++)
					realxdraw += realdraw_inc;

				if (xzoombit)
					realxdraw += realdraw_inc;
			else // shrink
				if (xzoombit) realxdraw += realdraw_inc;


inline void pgm2_state::skip_sprite_chunk(u32 &palette_offset, u32 maskdata, bool reverse)
	s32 bits = population_count_32(maskdata);

	if (!reverse)
		palette_offset += bits;
		palette_offset -= bits;

	palette_offset &= m_sprites_colour.mask();


inline void pgm2_state::draw_sprite_line(const rectangle &cliprect, u32 &mask_offset, u32 &palette_offset, s16 x, s16 realy,
		bool flipx, bool reverse, u16 sizex, u16 pal, u8 zoomybit, u32 zoomx_bits, u8 xrepeats)
	s16 realxdraw = 0;

	if (flipx ^ reverse)
		realxdraw = (population_count_32(zoomx_bits) * sizex) - 1;

	for (int xdraw = 0; xdraw < sizex; xdraw++)
		u32 maskdata = m_sprites_mask[mask_offset + 0] << 24;
		maskdata |= m_sprites_mask[mask_offset + 1] << 16;
		maskdata |= m_sprites_mask[mask_offset + 2] << 8;
		maskdata |= m_sprites_mask[mask_offset + 3] << 0;

		maskdata ^= m_realspritekey;

		if (reverse)
			mask_offset -= 4;
		else if (!reverse)
			mask_offset += 4;

		mask_offset &= m_sprites_mask.mask();

		if (zoomybit)
			if (!flipx)
				if (!reverse) draw_sprite_chunk(cliprect, palette_offset, x, realy, sizex, xdraw, pal, maskdata, zoomx_bits, xrepeats, realxdraw, 1, 1);
				else draw_sprite_chunk(cliprect, palette_offset, x, realy, sizex, xdraw, pal, maskdata, zoomx_bits, xrepeats, realxdraw, -1, -1);
				if (!reverse) draw_sprite_chunk(cliprect, palette_offset, x, realy, sizex, xdraw, pal, maskdata, zoomx_bits, xrepeats, realxdraw, -1, 1);
				else draw_sprite_chunk(cliprect, palette_offset, x, realy, sizex, xdraw, pal, maskdata, zoomx_bits, xrepeats, realxdraw, 1, -1);
		else skip_sprite_chunk(palette_offset, maskdata, reverse);

void pgm2_state::draw_sprites(const rectangle &cliprect)
	m_sprite_bitmap.fill(0x8000, cliprect);

	s32 endoflist = -1;


	for (int i = 0; i < m_sp_videoram.bytes() / 4; i += 4)
		if (m_sp_videoram[i + 2] & 0x80000000)
			endoflist = i;

	if (endoflist > 0)
		for (int i = 0; i < endoflist - 2; i += 4)
			//logerror("sprite with %08x %08x %08x %08x\n", m_sp_videoram[i + 0], m_sp_videoram[i + 1], m_sp_videoram[i + 2], m_sp_videoram[i + 3]);

			s16 x = (m_sp_videoram[i + 0] & 0x000007ff) >> 0;
			s16 y = (m_sp_videoram[i + 0] & 0x003ff800) >> 11;
			u16 pal = (m_sp_videoram[i + 0] & 0x0fc00000) >> 22;
			u8 const pri = (m_sp_videoram[i + 0] & 0x80000000) >> 31;

			u32 const unk0 = (m_sp_videoram[i + 0] & 0x30000000) >> 0;

			// kov3 uses this in places (eg. horsemen special move heads) and shops when it can only possibly mean 'disable'
			// it is also used in places on kov2nl and orleg2, often the 'power up' effects surrounding your character to create an on/off flicker each frame
			bool disable = (m_sp_videoram[i + 0] & 0x40000000) >> 30;
			if (disable) continue;

			u16 const sizex = (m_sp_videoram[i + 1] & 0x0000003f) >> 0;
			u16 const sizey = (m_sp_videoram[i + 1] & 0x00007fc0) >> 6;
			bool const flipx = (m_sp_videoram[i + 1] & 0x00800000) >> 23;
			bool const reverse = (m_sp_videoram[i + 1] & 0x80000000) >> 31; // more of a 'reverse entire drawing' flag than y-flip, but used for that purpose
			u8 const zoomx = (m_sp_videoram[i + 1] & 0x007f0000) >> 16;
			u8 const zoomy = (m_sp_videoram[i + 1] & 0x7f000000) >> 24;
			u32 const unk1 = (m_sp_videoram[i + 1] & 0x00008000) >> 0;

			if (unk0 || unk1)
				//popmessage("sprite rendering unused bits set unk0 %08x unk1 %08x\n", unk0, unk1);

			u32 mask_offset = (m_sp_videoram[i + 2] << 1);
			u32 palette_offset = (m_sp_videoram[i + 3]);

			// use all the bits of zoom to lookup, probably why the table is copied 4x in RAM
			u32 const zoomy_bits = m_sp_zoom[zoomy];
			u32 const zoomx_bits = m_sp_zoom[zoomx];

			// but use these bits as the scale factor
			u8 const xrepeats = (zoomx & 0x60)>>5;
			u8 const yrepeats = (zoomy & 0x60)>>5;

			if (x & 0x400) x -= 0x800;
			if (y & 0x400) y -= 0x800;

			if (reverse)
				mask_offset -= 2;

			mask_offset &= m_sprites_mask.mask();
			palette_offset &= m_sprites_colour.mask();

			pal |= (pri << 6); // encode priority with the palette for manual mixing later

			s16 realy = y;

			s16 sourceline = 0;
			for (int ydraw = 0; ydraw < sizey; sourceline++)
				u8 zoomy_bit = BIT(zoomy_bits, sourceline & 0x1f);

				// store these for when we need to draw a line twice
				u32 const pre_palette_offset = palette_offset;
				u32 const pre_mask_offset = mask_offset;

				if (yrepeats != 0) // grow
					for (int i = 0; i < yrepeats; i++)
						// draw it the base number of times
						palette_offset = pre_palette_offset;
						mask_offset = pre_mask_offset;
						draw_sprite_line(cliprect, mask_offset, palette_offset, x, realy, flipx, reverse, sizex, pal, 1, zoomx_bits, xrepeats);

					if (zoomy_bit) // draw it again if zoom bit is set
						palette_offset = pre_palette_offset;
						mask_offset = pre_mask_offset;
						draw_sprite_line(cliprect, mask_offset, palette_offset, x, realy, flipx, reverse, sizex, pal, 1, zoomx_bits, xrepeats);

				else // shrink
					draw_sprite_line(cliprect, mask_offset, palette_offset, x, realy, flipx, reverse, sizex, pal, 1, zoomx_bits, xrepeats);

					if (zoomy_bit)

void pgm2_state::copy_sprites_from_bitmap(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, u16 pri)
	pri <<= 12;

	const pen_t *paldata = m_sp_palette->pens();
	u16* srcptr_bitmap;
	u32* dstptr_bitmap;

	for (int y =; y <= cliprect.bottom(); y++)
		srcptr_bitmap = &m_sprite_bitmap.pix16(y);
		dstptr_bitmap = &bitmap.pix32(y);

		for (int x = cliprect.left(); x <= cliprect.right(); x++)
			u16 const pix = srcptr_bitmap[x];

			if (pix != 0x8000)
				if ((pix & 0x1000) == pri)
					dstptr_bitmap[x] = paldata[pix & 0xfff];


u32 pgm2_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	u32 const mode = m_vidmode[0] & 0x00030000; // other bits not used?

	switch (mode >> 16)
		case 0x00: m_screen->set_visible_area(0, 320 - 1, 0, 240 - 1); break;
		case 0x01: m_screen->set_visible_area(0, 448 - 1, 0, 224 - 1); break;
		case 0x02: m_screen->set_visible_area(0, 512 - 1, 0, 240 - 1); break;

	m_fg_tilemap->set_scrollx(0, m_fgscroll[0] & 0xffff);
	m_fg_tilemap->set_scrolly(0, m_fgscroll[0] >> 16);
	m_bg_tilemap->set_scrolly(0, (m_bgscroll[0x0/4] & 0xffff0000)>>16 );

	for (s16 y =; y <= cliprect.bottom(); y++)
		u16 const linescroll = (y & 1) ? ((m_lineram[(y >> 1)] & 0xffff0000) >> 16) : (m_lineram[(y >> 1)] & 0x0000ffff);
		m_bg_tilemap->set_scrollx((y + ((m_bgscroll[0x0 / 4] & 0xffff0000) >> 16)) & 0x3ff, ((m_bgscroll[0x0 / 4] & 0x0000ffff) >> 0) + linescroll);

	const pen_t *paldata = m_bg_palette->pens();

	bitmap.fill(paldata[0], cliprect); // are there any places bg pen is showing so we know what it should be?

	copy_sprites_from_bitmap(bitmap, cliprect, 1);

	m_bg_tilemap->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);

	copy_sprites_from_bitmap(bitmap, cliprect, 0);

	m_fg_tilemap->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
	return 0;

	// rising edge
	if (state)
		m_arm_aic->set_irq(12, ASSERT_LINE);


	u32 const tileno = (m_fg_videoram[tile_index] & 0x0003ffff) >> 0;
	u8 const colour  = (m_fg_videoram[tile_index] & 0x007c0000) >> 18; // 5 bits
	u8 const flipxy  = (m_fg_videoram[tile_index] & 0x01800000) >> 23;

	SET_TILE_INFO_MEMBER(0, tileno, colour, TILE_FLIPXY(flipxy));


	u32 const tileno = (m_bg_videoram[tile_index] & 0x0003ffff) >> 0;
	u8 const colour  = (m_bg_videoram[tile_index] & 0x003c0000) >> 18; // 4 bits
	u8 const flipxy  = (m_bg_videoram[tile_index] & 0x01800000) >> 23;

	SET_TILE_INFO_MEMBER(0, tileno, colour, TILE_FLIPXY(flipxy));

void pgm2_state::video_start()
	m_fg_tilemap = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode2, tilemap_get_info_delegate(*this, FUNC(pgm2_state::get_fg_tile_info)), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 8, 8, 96, 64); // 0x6000 bytes

	m_bg_tilemap = &machine().tilemap().create(*m_gfxdecode3, tilemap_get_info_delegate(*this, FUNC(pgm2_state::get_bg_tile_info)), TILEMAP_SCAN_ROWS, 32, 32, 64, 32); // 0x2000 bytes
	m_bg_tilemap->set_scroll_rows(32 * 32);
