path: root/src/mame/video/n64.cpp
blob: d12787bb9b071bb7ccc58249f5f1196002929521 (plain) (tree)







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Ryan Holtz

    SGI/Nintendo Reality Display Processor

    by Ryan Holtz
    based on initial C code by Ville Linde
    contains additional improvements from angrylion, Ziggy, Gonetz and Orkin



Much behavior needs verification against real hardware.  Many edge cases must
be verified on real hardware as well.


- Further re-work class structure to avoid dependencies


#include "emu.h"
#include "video/n64.h"
#include "video/rdpblend.h"
#include "video/rdptpipe.h"

#include <algorithm>

#define LOG_RDP_EXECUTION       0

static FILE* rdp_exec;

uint32_t n64_rdp::s_special_9bit_clamptable[512];

bool n64_rdp::rdp_range_check(uint32_t addr)
	if(m_misc_state.m_fb_size == 0) return false;

	int32_t fbcount = ((m_misc_state.m_fb_width * m_scissor.m_yl) << (m_misc_state.m_fb_size - 1)) * 3;
	int32_t fbaddr = m_misc_state.m_fb_address & 0x007fffff;
	if ((addr >= fbaddr) && (addr < (fbaddr + fbcount)))
		return false;

	int32_t zbcount = m_misc_state.m_fb_width * m_scissor.m_yl * 2;
	int32_t zbaddr = m_misc_state.m_zb_address & 0x007fffff;
	if ((addr >= zbaddr) && (addr < (zbaddr + zbcount)))
		return false;

	printf("Check failed: %08x vs. %08x-%08x, %08x-%08x (%d, %d)\n", addr, fbaddr, fbaddr + fbcount, zbaddr, zbaddr + zbcount, m_misc_state.m_fb_width, m_scissor.m_yl);
	return true;


// The functions in this file should be moved into the parent Processor class.
#include "rdpfiltr.hxx"

int32_t n64_rdp::get_alpha_cvg(int32_t comb_alpha, rdp_span_aux* userdata, const rdp_poly_state &object)
	int32_t temp = comb_alpha;
	int32_t temp2 = userdata->m_current_pix_cvg;
	int32_t temp3 = 0;

	if (object.m_other_modes.cvg_times_alpha)
		temp3 = (temp * temp2) + 4;
		userdata->m_current_pix_cvg = (temp3 >> 8) & 0xf;
	if (object.m_other_modes.alpha_cvg_select)
		temp = (m_other_modes.cvg_times_alpha) ? (temp3 >> 3) : (temp2 << 5);
	if (temp > 0xff)
		temp = 0xff;
	return temp;


void n64_state::video_start()
	m_rdp = auto_alloc(machine(), n64_rdp(*this, m_rdram, m_rsp_dmem));




	m_rdp->m_aux_buf = make_unique_clear<uint8_t[]>(EXTENT_AUX_COUNT);

		rdp_exec = fopen("rdp_execute.txt", "wt");

uint32_t n64_state::screen_update_n64(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	n64_periphs* n64 = machine().device<n64_periphs>("rcp");

	//uint16_t* frame_buffer = (uint16_t*)&rdram[(n64->vi_origin & 0xffffff) >> 2];
	//uint8_t* cvg_buffer = &m_rdp.m_hidden_bits[((n64->vi_origin & 0xffffff) >> 2) >> 1];
	//int32_t vibuffering = ((n64->vi_control & 2) && fsaa && divot);

	//vibuffering = 0; // Disabled for now

	if (vibuffering && ((n64->vi_control & 3) == 2))
	    if (frame_buffer)
	        for (j=0; j < vres; j++)
	            for (i=0; i < hres; i++)
	                uint16_t pix;
	                pix = frame_buffer[pixels ^ WORD_ADDR_XOR];
	                curpixel_cvg = ((pix & 1) << 2) | (cvg_buffer[pixels ^ BYTE_ADDR_XOR] & 3); // Reuse of this variable
	                if (curpixel_cvg < 7 && i > 1 && j > 1 && i < (hres - 2) && j < (vres - 2) && fsaa)
	                    newc = video_filter16(&frame_buffer[pixels ^ WORD_ADDR_XOR], &cvg_buffer[pixels ^ BYTE_ADDR_XOR], n64->vi_width);
	                    ViBuffer[i][j] = newc;
	                    newc.i.r = ((pix >> 8) & 0xf8) | (pix >> 13);
	                    newc.i.g = ((pix >> 3) & 0xf8) | ((pix >>  8) & 0x07);
	                    newc.i.b = ((pix << 2) & 0xf8) | ((pix >>  3) & 0x07);
	                    ViBuffer[i][j] = newc;
	            pixels += invisiblewidth;


	if (n64->vi_blank)
		bitmap.fill(0, screen.visible_area());
		return 0;


	return 0;


void n64_periphs::video_update(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap)

	if(vi_control & 0x40) /* Interlace */
		field ^= 1;
		field = 0;

	switch(vi_control & 0x3)
		case PIXEL_SIZE_16BIT:

		case PIXEL_SIZE_32BIT:

			//fatalerror("Unsupported framebuffer depth: m_fb_size=%d\n", m_misc_state.m_fb_size);

void n64_periphs::video_update16(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap)
	//int32_t fsaa = (((n64->vi_control >> 8) & 3) < 2);
	//int32_t divot = (n64->vi_control >> 4) & 1;

	//uint32_t prev_cvg = 0;
	//uint32_t next_cvg = 0;
	//int32_t dither_filter = (n64->vi_control >> 16) & 1;
	//int32_t vibuffering = ((n64->vi_control & 2) && fsaa && divot);

	uint16_t* frame_buffer = (uint16_t*)&m_rdram[(vi_origin & 0xffffff) >> 2];
	//uint32_t hb = ((n64->vi_origin & 0xffffff) >> 2) >> 1;
	//uint8_t* hidden_buffer = &m_hidden_bits[hb];

	int32_t hdiff = (vi_hstart & 0x3ff) - ((vi_hstart >> 16) & 0x3ff);
	float hcoeff = ((float)(vi_xscale & 0xfff) / (1 << 10));
	uint32_t hres = ((float)hdiff * hcoeff);
	int32_t invisiblewidth = vi_width - hres;

	int32_t vdiff = ((vi_vstart & 0x3ff) - ((vi_vstart >> 16) & 0x3ff)) >> 1;
	float vcoeff = ((float)(vi_yscale & 0xfff) / (1 << 10));
	uint32_t vres = ((float)vdiff * vcoeff);

	if (vdiff <= 0 || hdiff <= 0)

	//if (hres > 640) // Needed by Top Gear Overdrive (E)
	//  invisiblewidth += (hres - 640);
	//  hres = 640;

	if (vres > bitmap.height()) // makes Perfect Dark boot w/o crashing
		vres = bitmap.height();

	uint32_t pixels = 0;

	if (frame_buffer)
		for(int32_t j = 0; j < vres; j++)
			uint32_t* d = &bitmap.pix32(j);

			for(int32_t i = 0; i < hres; i++)
				uint16_t pix = frame_buffer[pixels ^ WORD_ADDR_XOR];

				const uint8_t r = ((pix >> 8) & 0xf8) | (pix >> 13);
				const uint8_t g = ((pix >> 3) & 0xf8) | ((pix >>  8) & 0x07);
				const uint8_t b = ((pix << 2) & 0xf8) | ((pix >>  3) & 0x07);
				d[i] = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
			pixels += invisiblewidth;

void n64_periphs::video_update32(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap)
	int32_t gamma = (vi_control >> 3) & 1;
	int32_t gamma_dither = (vi_control >> 2) & 1;
	//int32_t vibuffering = ((n64->vi_control & 2) && fsaa && divot);

	uint32_t* frame_buffer32 = (uint32_t*)&m_rdram[(vi_origin & 0xffffff) >> 2];

	const int32_t hdiff = (vi_hstart & 0x3ff) - ((vi_hstart >> 16) & 0x3ff);
	const float hcoeff = ((float)(vi_xscale & 0xfff) / (1 << 10));
	uint32_t hres = ((float)hdiff * hcoeff);
	int32_t invisiblewidth = vi_width - hres;

	const int32_t vdiff = ((vi_vstart & 0x3ff) - ((vi_vstart >> 16) & 0x3ff)) >> 1;
	const float vcoeff = ((float)(vi_yscale & 0xfff) / (1 << 10));
	const uint32_t vres = ((float)vdiff * vcoeff);

	if (vdiff <= 0 || hdiff <= 0)

	//if (hres > 640) // Needed by Top Gear Overdrive (E)
	//  invisiblewidth += (hres - 640);
	//  hres = 640;

	if (frame_buffer32)
		for (int32_t j = 0; j < vres; j++)
			uint32_t* d = &bitmap.pix32(j);
			for (int32_t i = 0; i < hres; i++)
				uint32_t pix = *frame_buffer32++;
				if (gamma || gamma_dither)
					int32_t r = (pix >> 24) & 0xff;
					int32_t g = (pix >> 16) & 0xff;
					int32_t b = (pix >> 8) & 0xff;
					int32_t dith = 0;
					if (gamma_dither)
						dith = get_random() & 0x3f;
					if (gamma)
						if (gamma_dither)
							r = m_gamma_dither_table[(r << 6)| dith];
							g = m_gamma_dither_table[(g << 6)| dith];
							b = m_gamma_dither_table[(b << 6)| dith];
							r = m_gamma_table[r];
							g = m_gamma_table[g];
							b = m_gamma_table[b];
					else if (gamma_dither)
						if (r < 255)
							r += (dith & 1);
						if (g < 255)
							g += (dith & 1);
						if (b < 255)
							b += (dith & 1);
					pix = (r << 24) | (g << 16) | (b << 8);

				d[i] = (pix >> 8);
			frame_buffer32 += invisiblewidth;


void n64_rdp::tc_div_no_perspective(int32_t ss, int32_t st, int32_t sw, int32_t* sss, int32_t* sst)
	*sss = (SIGN16(ss)) & 0x1ffff;
	*sst = (SIGN16(st)) & 0x1ffff;

void n64_rdp::tc_div(int32_t ss, int32_t st, int32_t sw, int32_t* sss, int32_t* sst)
	int32_t w_carry = 0;
	if ((sw & 0x8000) || !(sw & 0x7fff))
		w_carry = 1;

	sw &= 0x7fff;

	int32_t shift;
	for (shift = 1; shift <= 14 && !((sw << shift) & 0x8000); shift++);
	shift -= 1;

	int32_t normout = (sw << shift) & 0x3fff;
	int32_t wnorm = (normout & 0xff) << 2;
	normout >>= 8;

	int32_t temppoint = m_norm_point_rom[normout];
	int32_t tempslope = m_norm_slope_rom[normout];

	int32_t tlu_rcp = ((-(tempslope * wnorm)) >> 10) + temppoint;

	int32_t sprod = SIGN16(ss) * tlu_rcp;
	int32_t tprod = SIGN16(st) * tlu_rcp;
	int32_t tempmask = ((1 << (shift + 1)) - 1) << (29 - shift);
	int32_t shift_value = 13 - shift;

	int32_t outofbounds_s = sprod & tempmask;
	int32_t outofbounds_t = tprod & tempmask;
	if (shift == 0xe)
		*sss = sprod << 1;
		*sst = tprod << 1;
		*sss = sprod = (sprod >> shift_value);
		*sst = tprod = (tprod >> shift_value);
	//compute clamp flags
	int32_t under_s = 0;
	int32_t under_t = 0;
	int32_t over_s = 0;
	int32_t over_t = 0;

	if (outofbounds_s != tempmask && outofbounds_s != 0)
		if (sprod & (1 << 29))
			under_s = 1;
			over_s = 1;

	if (outofbounds_t != tempmask && outofbounds_t != 0)
		if (tprod & (1 << 29))
			under_t = 1;
			over_t = 1;

	over_s |= w_carry;
	over_t |= w_carry;

	*sss = (*sss & 0x1ffff) | (over_s << 18) | (under_s << 17);
	*sst = (*sst & 0x1ffff) | (over_t << 18) | (under_t << 17);

int32_t n64_rdp::color_combiner_equation(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t c, int32_t d)
	c = SIGN9(c);
	a = (((a - b) * c) + (d << 8) + 0x80);
	a = SIGN17(a) >> 8;
	a = s_special_9bit_clamptable[a & 0x1ff];
	return a;

int32_t n64_rdp::alpha_combiner_equation(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t c, int32_t d)
	c = SIGN9(c);
	a = (((a - b) * c) + (d << 8) + 0x80) >> 8;
	a = SIGN9(a);
	a = s_special_9bit_clamptable[a & 0x1ff];
	return a;

void n64_rdp::set_suba_input_rgb(color_t** input, int32_t code, rdp_span_aux* userdata)
	switch (code & 0xf)
		case 0:     *input = &userdata->m_combined_color; break;
		case 1:     *input = &userdata->m_texel0_color; break;
		case 2:     *input = &userdata->m_texel1_color; break;
		case 3:     *input = &userdata->m_prim_color; break;
		case 4:     *input = &userdata->m_shade_color; break;
		case 5:     *input = &userdata->m_env_color; break;
		case 6:     *input = &m_one; break;
		case 7:     *input = &userdata->m_noise_color; break;
		case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15:
					*input = &m_zero; break;

void n64_rdp::set_subb_input_rgb(color_t** input, int32_t code, rdp_span_aux* userdata)
	switch (code & 0xf)
		case 0:     *input = &userdata->m_combined_color; break;
		case 1:     *input = &userdata->m_texel0_color; break;
		case 2:     *input = &userdata->m_texel1_color; break;
		case 3:     *input = &userdata->m_prim_color; break;
		case 4:     *input = &userdata->m_shade_color; break;
		case 5:     *input = &userdata->m_env_color; break;
		case 6:     fatalerror("SET_SUBB_RGB_INPUT: key_center\n");
		case 7:     *input = &userdata->m_k4; break;
		case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15:
					*input = &m_zero; break;

void n64_rdp::set_mul_input_rgb(color_t** input, int32_t code, rdp_span_aux* userdata)
	switch (code & 0x1f)
		case 0:     *input = &userdata->m_combined_color; break;
		case 1:     *input = &userdata->m_texel0_color; break;
		case 2:     *input = &userdata->m_texel1_color; break;
		case 3:     *input = &userdata->m_prim_color; break;
		case 4:     *input = &userdata->m_shade_color; break;
		case 5:     *input = &userdata->m_env_color; break;
		case 6:     *input = &userdata->m_key_scale; break;
		case 7:     *input = &userdata->m_combined_alpha; break;
		case 8:     *input = &userdata->m_texel0_alpha; break;
		case 9:     *input = &userdata->m_texel1_alpha; break;
		case 10:    *input = &userdata->m_prim_alpha; break;
		case 11:    *input = &userdata->m_shade_alpha; break;
		case 12:    *input = &userdata->m_env_alpha; break;
		case 13:    *input = &userdata->m_lod_fraction; break;
		case 14:    *input = &userdata->m_prim_lod_fraction; break;
		case 15:    *input = &userdata->m_k5; break;
		case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23:
		case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: case 28: case 29: case 30: case 31:
					*input = &m_zero; break;

void n64_rdp::set_add_input_rgb(color_t** input, int32_t code, rdp_span_aux* userdata)
	switch (code & 0x7)
		case 0:     *input = &userdata->m_combined_color; break;
		case 1:     *input = &userdata->m_texel0_color; break;
		case 2:     *input = &userdata->m_texel1_color; break;
		case 3:     *input = &userdata->m_prim_color; break;
		case 4:     *input = &userdata->m_shade_color; break;
		case 5:     *input = &userdata->m_env_color; break;
		case 6:     *input = &m_one; break;
		case 7:     *input = &m_zero; break;

void n64_rdp::set_sub_input_alpha(color_t** input, int32_t code, rdp_span_aux* userdata)
	switch (code & 0x7)
		case 0:     *input = &userdata->m_combined_alpha; break;
		case 1:     *input = &userdata->m_texel0_alpha; break;
		case 2:     *input = &userdata->m_texel1_alpha; break;
		case 3:     *input = &userdata->m_prim_alpha; break;
		case 4:     *input = &userdata->m_shade_alpha; break;
		case 5:     *input = &userdata->m_env_alpha; break;
		case 6:     *input = &m_one; break;
		case 7:     *input = &m_zero; break;

void n64_rdp::set_mul_input_alpha(color_t** input, int32_t code, rdp_span_aux* userdata)
	switch (code & 0x7)
		case 0:     *input = &userdata->m_lod_fraction; break;
		case 1:     *input = &userdata->m_texel0_alpha; break;
		case 2:     *input = &userdata->m_texel1_alpha; break;
		case 3:     *input = &userdata->m_prim_alpha; break;
		case 4:     *input = &userdata->m_shade_alpha; break;
		case 5:     *input = &userdata->m_env_alpha; break;
		case 6:     *input = &userdata->m_prim_lod_fraction; break;
		case 7:     *input = &m_zero; break;

void n64_rdp::set_blender_input(int32_t cycle, int32_t which, color_t** input_rgb, color_t** input_a, int32_t a, int32_t b, rdp_span_aux* userdata)
	switch (a & 0x3)
		case 0:
			*input_rgb = cycle == 0 ? &userdata->m_pixel_color : &userdata->m_blended_pixel_color;

		case 1:
			*input_rgb = &userdata->m_memory_color;

		case 2:
			*input_rgb = &userdata->m_blend_color;

		case 3:
			*input_rgb = &userdata->m_fog_color;

	if (which == 0)
		switch (b & 0x3)
			case 0:     *input_a = &userdata->m_pixel_color; break;
			case 1:     *input_a = &userdata->m_fog_color; break;
			case 2:     *input_a = &userdata->m_shade_color; break;
			case 3:     *input_a = &m_zero; break;
		switch (b & 0x3)
			case 0:     *input_a = &userdata->m_inv_pixel_color; break;
			case 1:     *input_a = &userdata->m_memory_color; break;
			case 2:     *input_a = &m_one; break;
			case 3:     *input_a = &m_zero; break;

const uint8_t n64_rdp::s_bayer_matrix[16] =
{ /* Bayer matrix */
		0,  4,  1, 5,
		6,  2,  7, 3,
		1,   5,  0, 4,
		7,  3,  6, 2

const uint8_t n64_rdp::s_magic_matrix[16] =
{ /* Magic square matrix */
		0,  6,  1, 7,
		4,  2,  5, 3,
		3,   5,  2, 4,
		7,  1,  6, 0

const z_decompress_entry_t n64_rdp::m_z_dec_table[8] =
	{ 6, 0x00000 },
	{ 5, 0x20000 },
	{ 4, 0x30000 },
	{ 3, 0x38000 },
	{ 2, 0x3c000 },
	{ 1, 0x3e000 },
	{ 0, 0x3f000 },
	{ 0, 0x3f800 },


void n64_rdp::z_build_com_table(void)
	uint16_t altmem = 0;
	for(int32_t z = 0; z < 0x40000; z++)
		switch((z >> 11) & 0x7f)
			case 0x00:
			case 0x01:
			case 0x02:
			case 0x03:
			case 0x04:
			case 0x05:
			case 0x06:
			case 0x07:
			case 0x08:
			case 0x09:
			case 0x0a:
			case 0x0b:
			case 0x0c:
			case 0x0d:
			case 0x0e:
			case 0x0f:
			case 0x10:
			case 0x11:
			case 0x12:
			case 0x13:
			case 0x14:
			case 0x15:
			case 0x16:
			case 0x17:
			case 0x18:
			case 0x19:
			case 0x1a:
			case 0x1b:
			case 0x1c:
			case 0x1d:
			case 0x1e:
			case 0x1f:
			case 0x20:
			case 0x21:
			case 0x22:
			case 0x23:
			case 0x24:
			case 0x25:
			case 0x26:
			case 0x27:
			case 0x28:
			case 0x29:
			case 0x2a:
			case 0x2b:
			case 0x2c:
			case 0x2d:
			case 0x2e:
			case 0x2f:
			case 0x30:
			case 0x31:
			case 0x32:
			case 0x33:
			case 0x34:
			case 0x35:
			case 0x36:
			case 0x37:
			case 0x38:
			case 0x39:
			case 0x3a:
			case 0x3b:
			case 0x3c:
			case 0x3d:
			case 0x3e:
			case 0x3f:
				altmem = (z >> 4) & 0x1ffc;
			case 0x40:
			case 0x41:
			case 0x42:
			case 0x43:
			case 0x44:
			case 0x45:
			case 0x46:
			case 0x47:
			case 0x48:
			case 0x49:
			case 0x4a:
			case 0x4b:
			case 0x4c:
			case 0x4d:
			case 0x4e:
			case 0x4f:
			case 0x50:
			case 0x51:
			case 0x52:
			case 0x53:
			case 0x54:
			case 0x55:
			case 0x56:
			case 0x57:
			case 0x58:
			case 0x59:
			case 0x5a:
			case 0x5b:
			case 0x5c:
			case 0x5d:
			case 0x5e:
			case 0x5f:
				altmem = ((z >> 3) & 0x1ffc) | 0x2000;
			case 0x60:
			case 0x61:
			case 0x62:
			case 0x63:
			case 0x64:
			case 0x65:
			case 0x66:
			case 0x67:
			case 0x68:
			case 0x69:
			case 0x6a:
			case 0x6b:
			case 0x6c:
			case 0x6d:
			case 0x6e:
			case 0x6f:
				altmem = ((z >> 2) & 0x1ffc) | 0x4000;
			case 0x70:
			case 0x71:
			case 0x72:
			case 0x73:
			case 0x74:
			case 0x75:
			case 0x76:
			case 0x77:
				altmem = ((z >> 1) & 0x1ffc) | 0x6000;
			case 0x78://uncompressed z = 0x3c000
			case 0x79:
			case 0x7a:
			case 0x7b:
				altmem = (z & 0x1ffc) | 0x8000;
			case 0x7c://uncompressed z = 0x3e000
			case 0x7d:
				altmem = ((z << 1) & 0x1ffc) | 0xa000;
			case 0x7e://uncompressed z = 0x3f000
				altmem = ((z << 2) & 0x1ffc) | 0xc000;
			case 0x7f://uncompressed z = 0x3f000
				altmem = ((z << 2) & 0x1ffc) | 0xe000;

	m_z_com_table[z] = altmem;


void n64_rdp::precalc_cvmask_derivatives(void)
	const uint8_t yarray[16] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0};
	const uint8_t xarray[16] = {0, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

	for (int32_t i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++)
		m_compressed_cvmasks[i] = (i & 1) | ((i & 4) >> 1) | ((i & 0x20) >> 3) | ((i & 0x80) >> 4) |
		((i & 0x100) >> 4) | ((i & 0x400) >> 5) | ((i & 0x2000) >> 7) | ((i & 0x8000) >> 8);

	for (int32_t i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
		uint16_t mask = decompress_cvmask_frombyte(i);
		cvarray[i].cvg = cvarray[i].cvbit = 0;
		cvarray[i].cvbit = (i >> 7) & 1;
		for (int32_t k = 0; k < 8; k++)
			cvarray[i].cvg += ((i >> k) & 1);

		uint16_t masky = 0;
		for (int32_t k = 0; k < 4; k++)
			masky |= ((mask & (0xf000 >> (k << 2))) > 0) << k;
		uint8_t offy = yarray[masky];

		uint16_t maskx = (mask & (0xf000 >> (offy << 2))) >> ((offy ^ 3) << 2);
		uint8_t offx = xarray[maskx];

		cvarray[i].xoff = offx;
		cvarray[i].yoff = offy;

uint16_t n64_rdp::decompress_cvmask_frombyte(uint8_t x)
	uint16_t y = (x & 1) | ((x & 2) << 1) | ((x & 4) << 3) | ((x & 8) << 4) |
		((x & 0x10) << 4) | ((x & 0x20) << 5) | ((x & 0x40) << 7) | ((x & 0x80) << 8);
	return y;

void n64_rdp::lookup_cvmask_derivatives(uint32_t mask, uint8_t* offx, uint8_t* offy, rdp_span_aux* userdata)
	const uint32_t index = m_compressed_cvmasks[mask];
	userdata->m_current_pix_cvg = cvarray[index].cvg;
	userdata->m_current_cvg_bit = cvarray[index].cvbit;
	*offx = cvarray[index].xoff;
	*offy = cvarray[index].yoff;

void n64_rdp::z_store(const rdp_poly_state &object, uint32_t zcurpixel, uint32_t dzcurpixel, uint32_t z, uint32_t enc)
	uint16_t zval = m_z_com_table[z & 0x3ffff]|(enc >> 2);
	if(zcurpixel <= MEM16_LIMIT)
		((uint16_t*)m_rdram)[zcurpixel ^ WORD_ADDR_XOR] = zval;
	if(dzcurpixel <= MEM8_LIMIT)
		m_hidden_bits[dzcurpixel ^ BYTE_ADDR_XOR] = enc & 3;

int32_t n64_rdp::normalize_dzpix(int32_t sum)
	if (sum & 0xc000)
		return 0x8000;
	if (!(sum & 0xffff))
		return 1;
	for(int32_t count = 0x2000; count > 0; count >>= 1)
		if (sum & count)
			return(count << 1);
	return 0;

uint32_t n64_rdp::z_decompress(uint32_t zcurpixel)
	return m_z_complete_dec_table[(RREADIDX16(zcurpixel) >> 2) & 0x3fff];

uint32_t n64_rdp::dz_decompress(uint32_t zcurpixel, uint32_t dzcurpixel)
	const uint16_t zval = RREADIDX16(zcurpixel);
	const uint8_t dzval = (((dzcurpixel) <= 0x7fffff) ? (m_hidden_bits[(dzcurpixel) ^ BYTE_ADDR_XOR]) : 0);
	const uint32_t dz_compressed = ((zval & 3) << 2) | (dzval & 3);
	return (1 << dz_compressed);

uint32_t n64_rdp::dz_compress(uint32_t value)
	int32_t j = 0;
	for (; value > 1; j++, value >>= 1);
	return j;

void n64_rdp::get_dither_values(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t* cdith, int32_t* adith, const rdp_poly_state& object)
	const int32_t dithindex = ((y & 3) << 2) | (x & 3);
	switch((object.m_other_modes.rgb_dither_sel << 2) | object.m_other_modes.alpha_dither_sel)
	case 0:
		*adith = *cdith = s_magic_matrix[dithindex];
	case 1:
		*cdith = s_magic_matrix[dithindex];
		*adith = (~(*cdith)) & 7;
	case 2:
		*cdith = s_magic_matrix[dithindex];
		*adith = machine().rand() & 7;
	case 3:
		*cdith = s_magic_matrix[dithindex];
		*adith = 0;
	case 4:
		*adith = *cdith = s_bayer_matrix[dithindex];
	case 5:
		*cdith = s_bayer_matrix[dithindex];
		*adith = (~(*cdith)) & 7;
	case 6:
		*cdith = s_bayer_matrix[dithindex];
		*adith = machine().rand() & 7;
	case 7:
		*cdith = s_bayer_matrix[dithindex];
		*adith = 0;
	case 8:
		*cdith = machine().rand() & 7;
		*adith = s_magic_matrix[dithindex];
	case 9:
		*cdith = machine().rand() & 7;
		*adith = (~s_magic_matrix[dithindex]) & 7;
	case 10:
		*cdith = machine().rand() & 7;
		*adith = (*cdith + 17) & 7;
	case 11:
		*cdith = machine().rand() & 7;
		*adith = 0;
	case 12:
		*cdith = 0;
		*adith = s_bayer_matrix[dithindex];
	case 13:
		*cdith = 0;
		*adith = (~s_bayer_matrix[dithindex]) & 7;
	case 14:
		*cdith = 0;
		*adith = machine().rand() & 7;
	case 15:
		*adith = *cdith = 0;

int32_t CLAMP(int32_t in, int32_t min, int32_t max)
	if(in < min) return min;
	if(in > max) return max;
	return in;

bool n64_rdp::z_compare(uint32_t zcurpixel, uint32_t dzcurpixel, uint32_t sz, uint16_t dzpix, rdp_span_aux* userdata, const rdp_poly_state &object)
	bool force_coplanar = false;
	sz &= 0x3ffff;

	uint32_t oz;
	uint32_t dzmem;
	uint32_t zval;
	int32_t rawdzmem;

	if (object.m_other_modes.z_compare_en)
		oz = z_decompress(zcurpixel);
		dzmem = dz_decompress(zcurpixel, dzcurpixel);
		zval = RREADIDX16(zcurpixel);
		rawdzmem = ((zval & 3) << 2) | ((((dzcurpixel) <= 0x3fffff) ? (m_hidden_bits[(dzcurpixel) ^ BYTE_ADDR_XOR]) : 0) & 3);
		oz = 0;
		dzmem = 1 << 0xf;
		zval = 0x3;
		rawdzmem = 0xf;

	userdata->m_dzpix_enc = dz_compress(dzpix & 0xffff);
	userdata->m_shift_a = CLAMP(userdata->m_dzpix_enc - rawdzmem, 0, 4);
	userdata->m_shift_b = CLAMP(rawdzmem - userdata->m_dzpix_enc, 0, 4);

	int32_t precision_factor = (zval >> 13) & 0xf;
	if (precision_factor < 3)
		int32_t dzmemmodifier = 16 >> precision_factor;
		if (dzmem == 0x8000)
			force_coplanar = true;
		dzmem <<= 1;
		if (dzmem <= dzmemmodifier)
			dzmem = dzmemmodifier;
		if (!dzmem)
			dzmem = 0xffff;
	if (dzmem > 0x8000)
		dzmem = 0xffff;

	uint32_t dznew = (dzmem > dzpix) ? dzmem : (uint32_t)dzpix;
	uint32_t dznotshift = dznew;
	dznew <<= 3;

	bool farther = (sz + dznew) >= oz;
	bool infront = sz < oz;

	if (force_coplanar)
		farther = true;

	bool overflow = ((userdata->m_current_mem_cvg + userdata->m_current_pix_cvg) & 8) > 0;
	userdata->m_blend_enable = (object.m_other_modes.force_blend || (!overflow && object.m_other_modes.antialias_en && farther)) ? 1 : 0;
	userdata->m_pre_wrap = overflow;

	int32_t cvgcoeff = 0;
	uint32_t dzenc = 0;

	if (object.m_other_modes.z_mode == 1 && infront && farther && overflow)
		dzenc = dz_compress(dznotshift & 0xffff);
		cvgcoeff = ((oz >> dzenc) - (sz >> dzenc)) & 0xf;
		userdata->m_current_pix_cvg = ((cvgcoeff * userdata->m_current_pix_cvg) >> 3) & 0xf;

	if (!object.m_other_modes.z_compare_en)
		return true;

	int32_t diff = (int32_t)sz - (int32_t)dznew;
	bool nearer = diff <= (int32_t)oz;
	bool max = (oz == 0x3ffff);
	if (force_coplanar)
		nearer = true;

	case 0:
		return (max || (overflow ? infront : nearer));
	case 1:
		return (max || (overflow ? infront : nearer));
	case 2:
		return (infront || max);
	case 3:
		return (farther && nearer && !max);

	return false;

uint32_t n64_rdp::get_log2(uint32_t lod_clamp)
	if (lod_clamp < 2)
		return 0;
		for (int32_t i = 7; i > 0; i--)
			if ((lod_clamp >> i) & 1)
				return i;

	return 0;


uint64_t n64_rdp::read_data(uint32_t address)
	if (m_status & 0x1)     // XBUS_DMEM_DMA enabled
		return (uint64_t(m_dmem[(address & 0xfff) / 4]) << 32) | m_dmem[((address + 4) & 0xfff) / 4];
		return (uint64_t(m_rdram[((address & 0xffffff) / 4)]) << 32) | m_rdram[(((address + 4) & 0xffffff) / 4)];

const char* n64_rdp::s_image_format[] = { "RGBA", "YUV", "CI", "IA", "I", "???", "???", "???" };
const char* n64_rdp::s_image_size[] = { "4-bit", "8-bit", "16-bit", "32-bit" };

const int32_t n64_rdp::s_rdp_command_length[64] =
	8,          // 0x00, No Op
	8,          // 0x01, ???
	8,          // 0x02, ???
	8,          // 0x03, ???
	8,          // 0x04, ???
	8,          // 0x05, ???
	8,          // 0x06, ???
	8,          // 0x07, ???
	32,         // 0x08, Non-Shaded Triangle
	32+16,      // 0x09, Non-Shaded, Z-Buffered Triangle
	32+64,      // 0x0a, Textured Triangle
	32+64+16,   // 0x0b, Textured, Z-Buffered Triangle
	32+64,      // 0x0c, Shaded Triangle
	32+64+16,   // 0x0d, Shaded, Z-Buffered Triangle
	32+64+64,   // 0x0e, Shaded+Textured Triangle
	32+64+64+16,// 0x0f, Shaded+Textured, Z-Buffered Triangle
	8,          // 0x10, ???
	8,          // 0x11, ???
	8,          // 0x12, ???
	8,          // 0x13, ???
	8,          // 0x14, ???
	8,          // 0x15, ???
	8,          // 0x16, ???
	8,          // 0x17, ???
	8,          // 0x18, ???
	8,          // 0x19, ???
	8,          // 0x1a, ???
	8,          // 0x1b, ???
	8,          // 0x1c, ???
	8,          // 0x1d, ???
	8,          // 0x1e, ???
	8,          // 0x1f, ???
	8,          // 0x20, ???
	8,          // 0x21, ???
	8,          // 0x22, ???
	8,          // 0x23, ???
	16,         // 0x24, Texture_Rectangle
	16,         // 0x25, Texture_Rectangle_Flip
	8,          // 0x26, Sync_Load
	8,          // 0x27, Sync_Pipe
	8,          // 0x28, Sync_Tile
	8,          // 0x29, Sync_Full
	8,          // 0x2a, Set_Key_GB
	8,          // 0x2b, Set_Key_R
	8,          // 0x2c, Set_Convert
	8,          // 0x2d, Set_Scissor
	8,          // 0x2e, Set_Prim_Depth
	8,          // 0x2f, Set_Other_Modes
	8,          // 0x30, Load_TLUT
	8,          // 0x31, ???
	8,          // 0x32, Set_Tile_Size
	8,          // 0x33, Load_Block
	8,          // 0x34, Load_Tile
	8,          // 0x35, Set_Tile
	8,          // 0x36, Fill_Rectangle
	8,          // 0x37, Set_Fill_Color
	8,          // 0x38, Set_Fog_Color
	8,          // 0x39, Set_Blend_Color
	8,          // 0x3a, Set_Prim_Color
	8,          // 0x3b, Set_Env_Color
	8,          // 0x3c, Set_Combine
	8,          // 0x3d, Set_Texture_Image
	8,          // 0x3e, Set_Mask_Image
	8           // 0x3f, Set_Color_Image

void n64_rdp::disassemble(char* buffer)
	char sl[32], tl[32], sh[32], th[32];
	char s[32], t[32], w[32];
	char dsdx[32], dtdx[32], dwdx[32];
	char dsdy[32], dtdy[32], dwdy[32];
	char dsde[32], dtde[32], dwde[32];
	char yl[32], yh[32], ym[32], xl[32], xh[32], xm[32];
	char dxldy[32], dxhdy[32], dxmdy[32];
	char rt[32], gt[32], bt[32], at[32];
	char drdx[32], dgdx[32], dbdx[32], dadx[32];
	char drdy[32], dgdy[32], dbdy[32], dady[32];
	char drde[32], dgde[32], dbde[32], dade[32];

	uint64_t cmd[32];

	const uint32_t length = m_cmd_ptr * 8;
	if (length < 8)
		sprintf(buffer, "ERROR: length = %d\n", length);

	cmd[0] = m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur];

	const int32_t tile = (cmd[0] >> 56) & 0x7;
	sprintf(sl, "%4.2f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 44) & 0xfff) / 4.0f);
	sprintf(tl, "%4.2f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 32) & 0xfff) / 4.0f);
	sprintf(sh, "%4.2f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 12) & 0xfff) / 4.0f);
	sprintf(th, "%4.2f", (float)((cmd[0] >>  0) & 0xfff) / 4.0f);

	const char* format = s_image_format[(cmd[0] >> 53) & 0x7];
	const char* size = s_image_size[(cmd[0] >> 51) & 0x3];

	const uint32_t r = (cmd[0] >> 24) & 0xff;
	const uint32_t g = (cmd[0] >> 16) & 0xff;
	const uint32_t b = (cmd[0] >>  8) & 0xff;
	const uint32_t a = (cmd[0] >>  0) & 0xff;

	const uint32_t command = (cmd[0] >> 56) & 0x3f;
	switch (command)
		case 0x00:  sprintf(buffer, "No Op"); break;
		case 0x08:      // Tri_NoShade
			const int32_t lft = (cmd[0] >> 55) & 0x1;

			if (length != s_rdp_command_length[command])
				sprintf(buffer, "ERROR: Tri_NoShade length = %d\n", length);

			cmd[1] = m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur+1];
			cmd[2] = m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur+2];
			cmd[3] = m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur+3];

			sprintf(yl,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 32) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(ym,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 16) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(yh,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >>  0) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(xl,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxldy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xh,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxhdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xm,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxmdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3])       / 65536.0f);

			sprintf(buffer, "Tri_NoShade            %d, XL: %s, XM: %s, XH: %s, YL: %s, YM: %s, YH: %s\n", lft, xl,xm,xh,yl,ym,yh);
		case 0x09:      // Tri_NoShadeZ
			const int32_t lft = (cmd[0] >> 55) & 0x1;

			if (length != s_rdp_command_length[command])
				sprintf(buffer, "ERROR: Tri_NoShadeZ length = %d\n", length);

			cmd[1] = m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur+1];
			cmd[2] = m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur+2];
			cmd[3] = m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur+3];

			sprintf(yl,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 32) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(ym,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 16) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(yh,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >>  0) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(xl,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxldy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xh,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxhdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xm,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxmdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3])       / 65536.0f);

			sprintf(buffer, "Tri_NoShadeZ            %d, XL: %s, XM: %s, XH: %s, YL: %s, YM: %s, YH: %s\n", lft, xl,xm,xh,yl,ym,yh);
		case 0x0a:      // Tri_Tex
			const int32_t lft = (cmd[0] >> 55) & 0x1;

			if (length < s_rdp_command_length[command])
				sprintf(buffer, "ERROR: Tri_Tex length = %d\n", length);

			for (int32_t i = 1; i < 12; i++)
				cmd[i] = m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur+i];

			sprintf(yl,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 32) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(ym,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 16) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(yh,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >>  0) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(xl,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxldy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xh,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxhdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xm,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxmdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3])       / 65536.0f);

			sprintf(s,      "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(t,      "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 6] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(w,      "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[4]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dsdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dtdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 7] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dwdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[5]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dsde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dtde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[10] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dwde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[8]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dsdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dtdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[11] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dwdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[9]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);

			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "Tri_Tex               %d, XL: %s, XM: %s, XH: %s, YL: %s, YM: %s, YH: %s\n", lft, xl,xm,xh,yl,ym,yh);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       S: %s, T: %s, W: %s\n", s, t, w);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DSDX: %s, DTDX: %s, DWDX: %s\n", dsdx, dtdx, dwdx);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DSDE: %s, DTDE: %s, DWDE: %s\n", dsde, dtde, dwde);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DSDY: %s, DTDY: %s, DWDY: %s\n", dsdy, dtdy, dwdy);
		case 0x0b:      // Tri_TexZ
			const int32_t lft = (cmd[0] >> 55) & 0x1;

			if (length < s_rdp_command_length[command])
				sprintf(buffer, "ERROR: Tri_TexZ length = %d\n", length);

			for (int32_t i = 1; i < 12; i++)
				cmd[i] = m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur+i];

			sprintf(yl,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 32) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(ym,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 16) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(yh,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >>  0) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(xl,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxldy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xh,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxhdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xm,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxmdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3])       / 65536.0f);

			sprintf(s,      "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(t,      "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 6] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(w,      "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[4]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dsdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dtdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 7] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dwdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[5]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dsde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dtde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[10] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dwde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[8]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dsdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dtdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[11] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dwdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[9]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);

			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "Tri_TexZ               %d, XL: %s, XM: %s, XH: %s, YL: %s, YM: %s, YH: %s\n", lft, xl,xm,xh,yl,ym,yh);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       S: %s, T: %s, W: %s\n", s, t, w);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DSDX: %s, DTDX: %s, DWDX: %s\n", dsdx, dtdx, dwdx);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DSDE: %s, DTDE: %s, DWDE: %s\n", dsde, dtde, dwde);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DSDY: %s, DTDY: %s, DWDY: %s\n", dsdy, dtdy, dwdy);
		case 0x0c:      // Tri_Shade
			const int32_t lft = (command >> 23) & 0x1;

			if (length != s_rdp_command_length[command])
				sprintf(buffer, "ERROR: Tri_Shade length = %d\n", length);

			for (int32_t i = 1; i < 12; i++)
				cmd[i] = m_cmd_data[i];

			sprintf(yl,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 32) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(ym,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 16) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(yh,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >>  0) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(xl,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxldy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xh,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxhdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xm,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxmdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3])       / 65536.0f);

			sprintf(rt,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(gt,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 6] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(bt,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[4]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(at,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[4]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[ 6]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(drdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dgdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 7] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dbdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[5]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dadx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[5]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[ 7]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(drde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dgde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[10] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dbde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[8]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dade,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[8]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[10]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(drdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dgdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[11] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dbdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[9]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dady,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[9]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[11]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);

			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "Tri_Shade              %d, XL: %s, XM: %s, XH: %s, YL: %s, YM: %s, YH: %s\n", lft, xl,xm,xh,yl,ym,yh);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       R: %s, G: %s, B: %s, A: %s\n", rt, gt, bt, at);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DRDX: %s, DGDX: %s, DBDX: %s, DADX: %s\n", drdx, dgdx, dbdx, dadx);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DRDE: %s, DGDE: %s, DBDE: %s, DADE: %s\n", drde, dgde, dbde, dade);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DRDY: %s, DGDY: %s, DBDY: %s, DADY: %s\n", drdy, dgdy, dbdy, dady);
		case 0x0d:      // Tri_ShadeZ
			const int32_t lft = (command >> 23) & 0x1;

			if (length != s_rdp_command_length[command])
				sprintf(buffer, "ERROR: Tri_ShadeZ length = %d\n", length);

			for (int32_t i = 1; i < 12; i++)
				cmd[i] = m_cmd_data[i];

			sprintf(yl,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 32) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(ym,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 16) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(yh,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >>  0) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(xl,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxldy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xh,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxhdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xm,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxmdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3])       / 65536.0f);

			sprintf(rt,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(gt,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 6] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(bt,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[4]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(at,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[4]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[ 6]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(drdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dgdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 7] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dbdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[5]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dadx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[5]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[ 7]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(drde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dgde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[10] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dbde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[8]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dade,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[8]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[10]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(drdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dgdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[11] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dbdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[9]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dady,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[9]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[11]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);

			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "Tri_ShadeZ              %d, XL: %s, XM: %s, XH: %s, YL: %s, YM: %s, YH: %s\n", lft, xl,xm,xh,yl,ym,yh);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       R: %s, G: %s, B: %s, A: %s\n", rt, gt, bt, at);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DRDX: %s, DGDX: %s, DBDX: %s, DADX: %s\n", drdx, dgdx, dbdx, dadx);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DRDE: %s, DGDE: %s, DBDE: %s, DADE: %s\n", drde, dgde, dbde, dade);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DRDY: %s, DGDY: %s, DBDY: %s, DADY: %s\n", drdy, dgdy, dbdy, dady);
		case 0x0e:      // Tri_TexShade
			const int32_t lft = (command >> 23) & 0x1;

			if (length < s_rdp_command_length[command])
				sprintf(buffer, "ERROR: Tri_TexShade length = %d\n", length);

			for (int32_t i = 1; i < 20; i++)
				cmd[i] = m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur+i];

			sprintf(yl,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 32) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(ym,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 16) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(yh,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >>  0) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(xl,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxldy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xh,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxhdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xm,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxmdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3])       / 65536.0f);

			sprintf(rt,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(gt,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 6] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(bt,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[4]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(at,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[4]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[ 6]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(drdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dgdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 7] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dbdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[5]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dadx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[5]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[ 7]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(drde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dgde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[10] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dbde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[8]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dade,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[8]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[10]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(drdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dgdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[11] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dbdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[9]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dady,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[9]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[11]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);

			sprintf(s,      "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(t,      "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 6] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(w,      "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[4]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dsdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dtdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 7] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dwdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[5]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dsde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dtde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[10] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dwde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[8]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dsdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dtdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[11] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dwdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[9]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);

			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "Tri_TexShade           %d, XL: %s, XM: %s, XH: %s, YL: %s, YM: %s, YH: %s\n", lft, xl,xm,xh,yl,ym,yh);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       R: %s, G: %s, B: %s, A: %s\n", rt, gt, bt, at);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DRDX: %s, DGDX: %s, DBDX: %s, DADX: %s\n", drdx, dgdx, dbdx, dadx);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DRDE: %s, DGDE: %s, DBDE: %s, DADE: %s\n", drde, dgde, dbde, dade);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DRDY: %s, DGDY: %s, DBDY: %s, DADY: %s\n", drdy, dgdy, dbdy, dady);

			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       S: %s, T: %s, W: %s\n", s, t, w);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DSDX: %s, DTDX: %s, DWDX: %s\n", dsdx, dtdx, dwdx);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DSDE: %s, DTDE: %s, DWDE: %s\n", dsde, dtde, dwde);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DSDY: %s, DTDY: %s, DWDY: %s\n", dsdy, dtdy, dwdy);
		case 0x0f:      // Tri_TexShadeZ
			const int32_t lft = (command >> 23) & 0x1;

			if (length < s_rdp_command_length[command])
				sprintf(buffer, "ERROR: Tri_TexShadeZ length = %d\n", length);

			for (int32_t i = 1; i < 20; i++)
				cmd[i] = m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur+i];

			sprintf(yl,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 32) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(ym,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >> 16) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(yh,     "%4.4f", (float)((cmd[0] >>  0) & 0x1fff) / 4.0f);
			sprintf(xl,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxldy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[1])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xh,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxhdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[2])       / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(xm,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3] >> 32) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dxmdy,  "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(cmd[3])       / 65536.0f);

			sprintf(rt,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(gt,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 6] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(bt,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[4]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(at,     "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[4]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[ 6]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(drdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dgdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 7] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dbdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[5]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dadx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[5]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[ 7]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(drde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dgde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[10] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dbde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[8]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dade,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[8]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[10]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(drdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dgdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[11] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dbdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[9]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dady,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[9]        & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ( cmd[11]        & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);

			sprintf(s,      "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(t,      "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[4] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 6] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(w,      "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[4]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 6] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dsdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dtdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[5] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[ 7] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dwdx,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[5]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[ 7] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dsde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dtde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[8] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[10] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dwde,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[8]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[10] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dsdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t( ((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 48) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dtdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t((((cmd[9] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | ((cmd[11] >> 32) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);
			sprintf(dwdy,   "%4.4f", (float)int32_t(  (cmd[9]        & 0xffff0000)        | ((cmd[11] >> 16) & 0xffff)) / 65536.0f);

			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "Tri_TexShadeZ           %d, XL: %s, XM: %s, XH: %s, YL: %s, YM: %s, YH: %s\n", lft, xl,xm,xh,yl,ym,yh);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       R: %s, G: %s, B: %s, A: %s\n", rt, gt, bt, at);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DRDX: %s, DGDX: %s, DBDX: %s, DADX: %s\n", drdx, dgdx, dbdx, dadx);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DRDE: %s, DGDE: %s, DBDE: %s, DADE: %s\n", drde, dgde, dbde, dade);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DRDY: %s, DGDY: %s, DBDY: %s, DADY: %s\n", drdy, dgdy, dbdy, dady);

			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       S: %s, T: %s, W: %s\n", s, t, w);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DSDX: %s, DTDX: %s, DWDX: %s\n", dsdx, dtdx, dwdx);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DSDE: %s, DTDE: %s, DWDE: %s\n", dsde, dtde, dwde);
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                              ");
			buffer+=sprintf(buffer, "                       DSDY: %s, DTDY: %s, DWDY: %s\n", dsdy, dtdy, dwdy);
		case 0x24:
		case 0x25:
			if (length < 16)
				sprintf(buffer, "ERROR: Texture_Rectangle length = %d\n", length);

			cmd[1] = m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur+1];
			sprintf(s,    "%4.4f", (float)int16_t((cmd[1] >> 48) & 0xffff) / 32.0f);
			sprintf(t,    "%4.4f", (float)int16_t((cmd[1] >> 32) & 0xffff) / 32.0f);
			sprintf(dsdx, "%4.4f", (float)int16_t((cmd[1] >> 16) & 0xffff) / 1024.0f);
			sprintf(dtdy, "%4.4f", (float)int16_t((cmd[1] >>  0) & 0xffff) / 1024.0f);

			if (command == 0x24)
					sprintf(buffer, "Texture_Rectangle      %d, %s, %s, %s, %s,  %s, %s, %s, %s", tile, sh, th, sl, tl, s, t, dsdx, dtdy);
					sprintf(buffer, "Texture_Rectangle_Flip %d, %s, %s, %s, %s,  %s, %s, %s, %s", tile, sh, th, sl, tl, s, t, dsdx, dtdy);

		case 0x26:  sprintf(buffer, "Sync_Load"); break;
		case 0x27:  sprintf(buffer, "Sync_Pipe"); break;
		case 0x28:  sprintf(buffer, "Sync_Tile"); break;
		case 0x29:  sprintf(buffer, "Sync_Full"); break;
		case 0x2d:  sprintf(buffer, "Set_Scissor            %s, %s, %s, %s", sl, tl, sh, th); break;
		case 0x2e:  sprintf(buffer, "Set_Prim_Depth         %04X, %04X", uint32_t(cmd[0] >> 16) & 0xffff, (uint32_t)cmd[0] & 0xffff); break;
		case 0x2f:  sprintf(buffer, "Set_Other_Modes        %08X %08X", uint32_t(cmd[0] >> 32), (uint32_t)cmd[0]); break;
		case 0x30:  sprintf(buffer, "Load_TLUT              %d, %s, %s, %s, %s", tile, sl, tl, sh, th); break;
		case 0x32:  sprintf(buffer, "Set_Tile_Size          %d, %s, %s, %s, %s", tile, sl, tl, sh, th); break;
		case 0x33:  sprintf(buffer, "Load_Block             %d, %03X, %03X, %03X, %03X", tile, uint32_t(cmd[0] >> 44) & 0xfff, uint32_t(cmd[0] >> 32) & 0xfff, uint32_t(cmd[0] >> 12) & 0xfff, uint32_t(cmd[0]) & 0xfff); break;
		case 0x34:  sprintf(buffer, "Load_Tile              %d, %s, %s, %s, %s", tile, sl, tl, sh, th); break;
		case 0x35:  sprintf(buffer, "Set_Tile               %d, %s, %s, %d, %04X", tile, format, size, (uint32_t(cmd[0] >> 41) & 0x1ff) * 8, (uint32_t(cmd[0] >> 32) & 0x1ff) * 8); break;
		case 0x36:  sprintf(buffer, "Fill_Rectangle         %s, %s, %s, %s", sh, th, sl, tl); break;
		case 0x37:  sprintf(buffer, "Set_Fill_Color         R: %d, G: %d, B: %d, A: %d", r, g, b, a); break;
		case 0x38:  sprintf(buffer, "Set_Fog_Color          R: %d, G: %d, B: %d, A: %d", r, g, b, a); break;
		case 0x39:  sprintf(buffer, "Set_Blend_Color        R: %d, G: %d, B: %d, A: %d", r, g, b, a); break;
		case 0x3a:  sprintf(buffer, "Set_Prim_Color         %d, %d, R: %d, G: %d, B: %d, A: %d", uint32_t(cmd[0] >> 40) & 0x1f, uint32_t(cmd[0] >> 32) & 0xff, r, g, b, a); break;
		case 0x3b:  sprintf(buffer, "Set_Env_Color          R: %d, G: %d, B: %d, A: %d", r, g, b, a); break;
		case 0x3c:  sprintf(buffer, "Set_Combine            %08X %08X", uint32_t(cmd[0] >> 32), (uint32_t)cmd[0]); break;
		case 0x3d:  sprintf(buffer, "Set_Texture_Image      %s, %s, %d, %08X", format, size, (uint32_t(cmd[0] >> 32) & 0x1ff) + 1, (uint32_t)cmd[0]); break;
		case 0x3e:  sprintf(buffer, "Set_Mask_Image         %08X", (uint32_t)cmd[0]); break;
		case 0x3f:  sprintf(buffer, "Set_Color_Image        %s, %s, %d, %08X", format, size, (uint32_t(cmd[0] >> 32) & 0x1ff) + 1, (uint32_t)cmd[0]); break;
		default:    sprintf(buffer, "Unknown (%08X %08X)", uint32_t(cmd[0] >> 32), (uint32_t)cmd[0]); break;


static uint32_t rightcvghex(uint32_t x, uint32_t fmask)
	uint32_t stickybit = ((x >> 1) & 0x1fff) > 0;
	uint32_t covered = ((x >> 14) & 3) + stickybit;
	covered = (0xf0 >> covered) & 0xf;
	return (covered & fmask);

static uint32_t leftcvghex(uint32_t x, uint32_t fmask)
	uint32_t stickybit = ((x >> 1) & 0x1fff) > 0;
	uint32_t covered = ((x >> 14) & 3) + stickybit;
	covered = 0xf >> covered;
	return (covered & fmask);

static int32_t CLIP(int32_t value,int32_t min,int32_t max)
	if (value < min)
		return min;
	else if (value > max)
		return max;
		return value;

void n64_rdp::compute_cvg_noflip(extent_t* spans, int32_t* majorx, int32_t* minorx, int32_t* majorxint, int32_t* minorxint, int32_t scanline, int32_t yh, int32_t yl, int32_t base)
	int32_t purgestart = 0xfff;
	int32_t purgeend = 0;
	const bool writablescanline = !(scanline & ~0x3ff);
	const int32_t scanlinespx = scanline << 2;

	if (!writablescanline) return;

	for(int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		if (minorxint[i] < purgestart)
			purgestart = minorxint[i];
		if (majorxint[i] > purgeend)
			purgeend = majorxint[i];

	purgestart = CLIP(purgestart, 0, 1023);
	purgeend = CLIP(purgeend, 0, 1023);
	int32_t length = purgeend - purgestart;

	if (length < 0) return;

	rdp_span_aux* userdata = (rdp_span_aux*)spans[scanline - base].userdata;
	memset(&userdata->m_cvg[purgestart], 0, (length + 1) << 1);

	for(int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		int32_t minorcur = minorx[i];
		int32_t majorcur = majorx[i];
		int32_t minorcurint = minorxint[i];
		int32_t majorcurint = majorxint[i];
		length = majorcurint - minorcurint;

		int32_t fmask = (i & 1) ? 5 : 0xa;
		int32_t maskshift = (i ^ 3) << 2;
		int32_t fmaskshifted = fmask << maskshift;
		int32_t fleft = CLIP(minorcurint + 1, 0, 647);
		int32_t fright = CLIP(majorcurint - 1, 0, 647);
		bool valid_y = ((scanlinespx + i) >= yh && (scanlinespx + i) < yl);
		if (valid_y && length >= 0)
			if (minorcurint != majorcurint)
				if (!(minorcurint & ~0x3ff))
					userdata->m_cvg[minorcurint] |= (leftcvghex(minorcur, fmask) << maskshift);
				if (!(majorcurint & ~0x3ff))
					userdata->m_cvg[majorcurint] |= (rightcvghex(majorcur, fmask) << maskshift);
				if (!(majorcurint & ~0x3ff))
					int32_t samecvg = leftcvghex(minorcur, fmask) & rightcvghex(majorcur, fmask);
					userdata->m_cvg[majorcurint] |= (samecvg << maskshift);
			for (; fleft <= fright; fleft++)
				userdata->m_cvg[fleft] |= fmaskshifted;

void n64_rdp::compute_cvg_flip(extent_t* spans, int32_t* majorx, int32_t* minorx, int32_t* majorxint, int32_t* minorxint, int32_t scanline, int32_t yh, int32_t yl, int32_t base)
	int32_t purgestart = 0xfff;
	int32_t purgeend = 0;
	const bool writablescanline = !(scanline & ~0x3ff);
	const int32_t scanlinespx = scanline << 2;

	if(!writablescanline) return;

	for(int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		if (majorxint[i] < purgestart)
			purgestart = majorxint[i];
		if (minorxint[i] > purgeend)
			purgeend = minorxint[i];

	purgestart = CLIP(purgestart, 0, 1023);
	purgeend = CLIP(purgeend, 0, 1023);

	int32_t length = purgeend - purgestart;

	if (length < 0) return;

	rdp_span_aux* userdata = (rdp_span_aux*)spans[scanline - base].userdata;
	memset(&userdata->m_cvg[purgestart], 0, (length + 1) << 1);

	for(int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		int32_t minorcur = minorx[i];
		int32_t majorcur = majorx[i];
		int32_t minorcurint = minorxint[i];
		int32_t majorcurint = majorxint[i];
		length = minorcurint - majorcurint;

		int32_t fmask = (i & 1) ? 5 : 0xa;
		int32_t maskshift = (i ^ 3) << 2;
		int32_t fmaskshifted = fmask << maskshift;
		int32_t fleft = CLIP(majorcurint + 1, 0, 647);
		int32_t fright = CLIP(minorcurint - 1, 0, 647);
		bool valid_y = ((scanlinespx + i) >= yh && (scanlinespx + i) < yl);
		if (valid_y && length >= 0)
			if (minorcurint != majorcurint)
				if (!(minorcurint & ~0x3ff))
					userdata->m_cvg[minorcurint] |= (rightcvghex(minorcur, fmask) << maskshift);
				if (!(majorcurint & ~0x3ff))
					userdata->m_cvg[majorcurint] |= (leftcvghex(majorcur, fmask) << maskshift);
				if (!(majorcurint & ~0x3ff))
					int32_t samecvg = rightcvghex(minorcur, fmask) & leftcvghex(majorcur, fmask);
					userdata->m_cvg[majorcurint] |= (samecvg << maskshift);
			for (; fleft <= fright; fleft++)
				userdata->m_cvg[fleft] |= fmaskshifted;

#define SIGN(x, numb)   (((x) & ((1 << numb) - 1)) | -((x) & (1 << (numb - 1))))

void n64_rdp::draw_triangle(bool shade, bool texture, bool zbuffer, bool rect)
	const uint64_t* cmd_data = rect ? m_temp_rect_data : m_cmd_data;
	const uint32_t fifo_index = rect ? 0 : m_cmd_cur;
	const uint64_t w1 = cmd_data[fifo_index + 0];

	int32_t flip = int32_t(w1 >> 55) & 1;
	m_misc_state.m_max_level = uint32_t(w1 >> 51) & 7;
	int32_t tilenum = int32_t(w1 >> 48) & 0x7;

	int32_t dsdiff = 0, dtdiff = 0, dwdiff = 0, drdiff = 0, dgdiff = 0, dbdiff = 0, dadiff = 0, dzdiff = 0;
	int32_t dsdeh = 0, dtdeh = 0, dwdeh = 0, drdeh = 0, dgdeh = 0, dbdeh = 0, dadeh = 0, dzdeh = 0;
	int32_t dsdxh = 0, dtdxh = 0, dwdxh = 0, drdxh = 0, dgdxh = 0, dbdxh = 0, dadxh = 0, dzdxh = 0;
	int32_t dsdyh = 0, dtdyh = 0, dwdyh = 0, drdyh = 0, dgdyh = 0, dbdyh = 0, dadyh = 0, dzdyh = 0;

	int32_t maxxmx = 0; // maxxmx / minxhx very opaque names, consider re-naming
	int32_t minxmx = 0;
	int32_t maxxhx = 0;
	int32_t minxhx = 0;

	int32_t shade_base = fifo_index + 4;
	int32_t texture_base = fifo_index + 4;
	int32_t zbuffer_base = fifo_index + 4;
		texture_base += 8;
		zbuffer_base += 8;
		zbuffer_base += 8;

	uint64_t w2 = cmd_data[fifo_index + 1];
	uint64_t w3 = cmd_data[fifo_index + 2];
	uint64_t w4 = cmd_data[fifo_index + 3];

	int32_t yl = int32_t(w1 >> 32) & 0x3fff;
	int32_t ym = int32_t(w1 >> 16) & 0x3fff;
	int32_t yh = int32_t(w1 >>  0) & 0x3fff;
	int32_t xl = (int32_t)(w2 >> 32) & 0x3fffffff;
	int32_t xh = (int32_t)(w3 >> 32) & 0x3fffffff;
	int32_t xm = (int32_t)(w4 >> 32) & 0x3fffffff;
	// Inverse slopes in 16.16 format
	int32_t dxldy = (int32_t)w2;
	int32_t dxhdy = (int32_t)w3;
	int32_t dxmdy = (int32_t)w4;

	if (yl & 0x2000)  yl |= 0xffffc000;
	if (ym & 0x2000)  ym |= 0xffffc000;
	if (yh & 0x2000)  yh |= 0xffffc000;

	if (xl & 0x20000000)  xl |= 0xc0000000;
	if (xm & 0x20000000)  xm |= 0xc0000000;
	if (xh & 0x20000000)  xh |= 0xc0000000;

	int32_t r    = int32_t(((cmd_data[shade_base] >> 32) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[shade_base + 2] >> 48) & 0x0000ffff));
	int32_t g    = int32_t(((cmd_data[shade_base] >> 16) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[shade_base + 2] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff));
	int32_t b    = int32_t( (cmd_data[shade_base]        & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[shade_base + 2] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff));
	int32_t a    = int32_t(((cmd_data[shade_base] << 16) & 0xffff0000) |  (cmd_data[shade_base + 2]        & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t drdx = int32_t(((cmd_data[shade_base + 1] >> 32) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[shade_base + 3] >> 48) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dgdx = int32_t(((cmd_data[shade_base + 1] >> 16) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[shade_base + 3] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dbdx = int32_t( (cmd_data[shade_base + 1]        & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[shade_base + 3] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dadx = int32_t(((cmd_data[shade_base + 1] << 16) & 0xffff0000) |  (cmd_data[shade_base + 3]        & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t drde = int32_t(((cmd_data[shade_base + 4] >> 32) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[shade_base + 6] >> 48) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dgde = int32_t(((cmd_data[shade_base + 4] >> 16) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[shade_base + 6] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dbde = int32_t( (cmd_data[shade_base + 4]        & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[shade_base + 6] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dade = int32_t(((cmd_data[shade_base + 4] << 16) & 0xffff0000) |  (cmd_data[shade_base + 6]        & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t drdy = int32_t(((cmd_data[shade_base + 5] >> 32) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[shade_base + 7] >> 48) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dgdy = int32_t(((cmd_data[shade_base + 5] >> 16) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[shade_base + 7] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dbdy = int32_t( (cmd_data[shade_base + 5]        & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[shade_base + 7] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dady = int32_t(((cmd_data[shade_base + 5] << 16) & 0xffff0000) |  (cmd_data[shade_base + 7]        & 0x0000ffff));

	int32_t s    = int32_t(((cmd_data[texture_base] >> 32) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[texture_base+ 2 ] >> 48) & 0x0000ffff));
	int32_t t    = int32_t(((cmd_data[texture_base] >> 16) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[texture_base+ 2 ] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff));
	int32_t w    = int32_t( (cmd_data[texture_base]        & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[texture_base+ 2 ] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dsdx = int32_t(((cmd_data[texture_base + 1] >> 32) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[texture_base + 3] >> 48) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dtdx = int32_t(((cmd_data[texture_base + 1] >> 16) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[texture_base + 3] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dwdx = int32_t( (cmd_data[texture_base + 1]        & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[texture_base + 3] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dsde = int32_t(((cmd_data[texture_base + 4] >> 32) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[texture_base + 6] >> 48) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dtde = int32_t(((cmd_data[texture_base + 4] >> 16) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[texture_base + 6] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dwde = int32_t( (cmd_data[texture_base + 4]        & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[texture_base + 6] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dsdy = int32_t(((cmd_data[texture_base + 5] >> 32) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[texture_base + 7] >> 48) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dtdy = int32_t(((cmd_data[texture_base + 5] >> 16) & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[texture_base + 7] >> 32) & 0x0000ffff));
	const int32_t dwdy = int32_t( (cmd_data[texture_base + 5]        & 0xffff0000) | ((cmd_data[texture_base + 7] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff));

	int32_t z    = int32_t(cmd_data[zbuffer_base] >> 32);
	const int32_t dzdx = int32_t(cmd_data[zbuffer_base]);
	const int32_t dzde = int32_t(cmd_data[zbuffer_base+1] >> 32);
	const int32_t dzdy = int32_t(cmd_data[zbuffer_base+1]);

	const int32_t dzdy_dz = (dzdy >> 16) & 0xffff;
	const int32_t dzdx_dz = (dzdx >> 16) & 0xffff;

	extent_t spans[2048];
	memset(spans, 0xcc, sizeof(spans));

	m_span_base.m_span_drdy = drdy;
	m_span_base.m_span_dgdy = dgdy;
	m_span_base.m_span_dbdy = dbdy;
	m_span_base.m_span_dady = dady;
	m_span_base.m_span_dzdy = m_other_modes.z_source_sel ? 0 : dzdy;

	uint32_t temp_dzpix = ((dzdy_dz & 0x8000) ? ((~dzdy_dz) & 0x7fff) : dzdy_dz) + ((dzdx_dz & 0x8000) ? ((~dzdx_dz) & 0x7fff) : dzdx_dz);
	m_span_base.m_span_dr = drdx & ~0x1f;
	m_span_base.m_span_dg = dgdx & ~0x1f;
	m_span_base.m_span_db = dbdx & ~0x1f;
	m_span_base.m_span_da = dadx & ~0x1f;
	m_span_base.m_span_ds = dsdx;
	m_span_base.m_span_dt = dtdx;
	m_span_base.m_span_dw = dwdx;
	m_span_base.m_span_dz = m_other_modes.z_source_sel ? 0 : dzdx;
	m_span_base.m_span_dymax = 0;
	m_span_base.m_span_dzpix = m_dzpix_normalize[temp_dzpix & 0xffff];

	int32_t xleft_inc = (dxmdy >> 2) & ~1;
	int32_t xright_inc = (dxhdy >> 2) & ~1;

	int32_t xright = xh & ~1;
	int32_t xleft = xm & ~1;

	const int32_t sign_dxhdy = (dxhdy & 0x80000000) ? 1 : 0;
	const int32_t do_offset = !(sign_dxhdy ^ (flip));

	if (do_offset)
		dsdeh = dsde >> 9;  dsdyh = dsdy >> 9;
		dtdeh = dtde >> 9;  dtdyh = dtdy >> 9;
		dwdeh = dwde >> 9;  dwdyh = dwdy >> 9;
		drdeh = drde >> 9;  drdyh = drdy >> 9;
		dgdeh = dgde >> 9;  dgdyh = dgdy >> 9;
		dbdeh = dbde >> 9;  dbdyh = dbdy >> 9;
		dadeh = dade >> 9;  dadyh = dady >> 9;
		dzdeh = dzde >> 9;  dzdyh = dzdy >> 9;

		dsdiff = (dsdeh << 8) + (dsdeh << 7) - (dsdyh << 8) - (dsdyh << 7);
		dtdiff = (dtdeh << 8) + (dtdeh << 7) - (dtdyh << 8) - (dtdyh << 7);
		dwdiff = (dwdeh << 8) + (dwdeh << 7) - (dwdyh << 8) - (dwdyh << 7);
		drdiff = (drdeh << 8) + (drdeh << 7) - (drdyh << 8) - (drdyh << 7);
		dgdiff = (dgdeh << 8) + (dgdeh << 7) - (dgdyh << 8) - (dgdyh << 7);
		dbdiff = (dbdeh << 8) + (dbdeh << 7) - (dbdyh << 8) - (dbdyh << 7);
		dadiff = (dadeh << 8) + (dadeh << 7) - (dadyh << 8) - (dadyh << 7);
		dzdiff = (dzdeh << 8) + (dzdeh << 7) - (dzdyh << 8) - (dzdyh << 7);
		dsdiff = dtdiff = dwdiff = drdiff = dgdiff = dbdiff = dadiff = dzdiff = 0;

	dsdxh = dsdx >> 8;
	dtdxh = dtdx >> 8;
	dwdxh = dwdx >> 8;
	drdxh = drdx >> 8;
	dgdxh = dgdx >> 8;
	dbdxh = dbdx >> 8;
	dadxh = dadx >> 8;
	dzdxh = dzdx >> 8;

	const int32_t ycur = yh & ~3;
	const int32_t ylfar = yl | 3;
	const int32_t ldflag = (sign_dxhdy ^ flip) ? 0 : 3;
	int32_t majorx[4];
	int32_t minorx[4];
	int32_t majorxint[4];
	int32_t minorxint[4];

	int32_t xfrac = ((xright >> 8) & 0xff);

	const int32_t clipy1 = m_scissor.m_yh;
	const int32_t clipy2 = m_scissor.m_yl;

	// Trivial reject
	if((ycur >> 2) >= clipy2 && (ylfar >> 2) >= clipy2)
	if((ycur >> 2) < clipy1 && (ylfar >> 2) < clipy1)

	bool new_object = true;
	rdp_poly_state* object = nullptr;
	bool valid = false;

	int32_t* minx = flip ? &minxhx : &minxmx;
	int32_t* maxx = flip ? &maxxmx : &maxxhx;
	int32_t* startx = flip ? maxx : minx;
	int32_t* endx = flip ? minx : maxx;

	for (int32_t k = ycur; k <= ylfar; k++)
		if (k == ym)
			xleft = xl & ~1;
			xleft_inc = (dxldy >> 2) & ~1;

		const int32_t xstart = xleft >> 16;
		const int32_t xend = xright >> 16;
		const int32_t j = k >> 2;
		const int32_t spanidx = (k - ycur) >> 2;
		const int32_t  spix = k & 3;
		bool valid_y = !(k < yh || k >= yl);

		if (spanidx >= 0 && spanidx < 2048)
			majorxint[spix] = xend;
			minorxint[spix] = xstart;
			majorx[spix] = xright;
			minorx[spix] = xleft;

			if (spix == 0)
				*maxx = 0;
				*minx = 0xfff;

			if (valid_y)
				if (flip)
					*maxx = std::max(xstart, *maxx);
					*minx = std::min(xend, *minx);
					*minx = std::min(xstart, *minx);
					*maxx = std::max(xend, *maxx);

			if (spix == 0)
					object = &object_data_alloc();
					memcpy(object->m_tmem, m_tmem.get(), 0x1000);
					new_object = false;

				spans[spanidx].userdata = (void*)((uint8_t*)m_aux_buf.get() + m_aux_buf_ptr);
				valid = true;
				m_aux_buf_ptr += sizeof(rdp_span_aux);

				if(m_aux_buf_ptr >= EXTENT_AUX_COUNT)
					fatalerror("n64_rdp::draw_triangle: span aux buffer overflow\n");

				rdp_span_aux* userdata = (rdp_span_aux*)spans[spanidx].userdata;
				userdata->m_tmem = object->m_tmem;

				userdata->m_blend_color = m_blend_color;
				userdata->m_prim_color = m_prim_color;
				userdata->m_env_color = m_env_color;
				userdata->m_fog_color = m_fog_color;
				userdata->m_prim_alpha = m_prim_alpha;
				userdata->m_env_alpha = m_env_alpha;
				userdata->m_key_scale = m_key_scale;
				userdata->m_lod_fraction = m_lod_fraction;
				userdata->m_prim_lod_fraction = m_prim_lod_fraction;

				// Setup blender data for this scanline
				set_blender_input(0, 0, &userdata->m_color_inputs.blender1a_rgb[0], &userdata->m_color_inputs.blender1b_a[0], m_other_modes.blend_m1a_0, m_other_modes.blend_m1b_0, userdata);
				set_blender_input(0, 1, &userdata->m_color_inputs.blender2a_rgb[0], &userdata->m_color_inputs.blender2b_a[0], m_other_modes.blend_m2a_0, m_other_modes.blend_m2b_0, userdata);
				set_blender_input(1, 0, &userdata->m_color_inputs.blender1a_rgb[1], &userdata->m_color_inputs.blender1b_a[1], m_other_modes.blend_m1a_1, m_other_modes.blend_m1b_1, userdata);
				set_blender_input(1, 1, &userdata->m_color_inputs.blender2a_rgb[1], &userdata->m_color_inputs.blender2b_a[1], m_other_modes.blend_m2a_1, m_other_modes.blend_m2b_1, userdata);

				// Setup color combiner data for this scanline
				set_suba_input_rgb(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbsub_a[0], m_combine.sub_a_rgb0, userdata);
				set_subb_input_rgb(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbsub_b[0], m_combine.sub_b_rgb0, userdata);
				set_mul_input_rgb(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbmul[0], m_combine.mul_rgb0, userdata);
				set_add_input_rgb(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbadd[0], m_combine.add_rgb0, userdata);
				set_sub_input_alpha(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_alphasub_a[0], m_combine.sub_a_a0, userdata);
				set_sub_input_alpha(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_alphasub_b[0], m_combine.sub_b_a0, userdata);
				set_mul_input_alpha(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_alphamul[0], m_combine.mul_a0, userdata);
				set_sub_input_alpha(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_alphaadd[0], m_combine.add_a0, userdata);

				set_suba_input_rgb(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbsub_a[1], m_combine.sub_a_rgb1, userdata);
				set_subb_input_rgb(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbsub_b[1], m_combine.sub_b_rgb1, userdata);
				set_mul_input_rgb(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbmul[1], m_combine.mul_rgb1, userdata);
				set_add_input_rgb(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbadd[1], m_combine.add_rgb1, userdata);
				set_sub_input_alpha(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_alphasub_a[1], m_combine.sub_a_a1, userdata);
				set_sub_input_alpha(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_alphasub_b[1], m_combine.sub_b_a1, userdata);
				set_mul_input_alpha(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_alphamul[1], m_combine.mul_a1, userdata);
				set_sub_input_alpha(&userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_alphaadd[1], m_combine.add_a1, userdata);

			if (spix == 3)
				spans[spanidx].startx = *startx;
				spans[spanidx].stopx = *endx;
				((this)->*(m_compute_cvg[flip]))(spans, majorx, minorx, majorxint, minorxint, j, yh, yl, ycur >> 2);

			if (spix == ldflag)
				((rdp_span_aux*)spans[spanidx].userdata)->m_unscissored_rx = xend;
				xfrac = ((xright >> 8) & 0xff);
				spans[spanidx].param[SPAN_R].start = ((r >> 9) << 9) + drdiff - (xfrac * drdxh);
				spans[spanidx].param[SPAN_G].start = ((g >> 9) << 9) + dgdiff - (xfrac * dgdxh);
				spans[spanidx].param[SPAN_B].start = ((b >> 9) << 9) + dbdiff - (xfrac * dbdxh);
				spans[spanidx].param[SPAN_A].start = ((a >> 9) << 9) + dadiff - (xfrac * dadxh);
				spans[spanidx].param[SPAN_S].start = (((s >> 9) << 9)  + dsdiff - (xfrac * dsdxh)) & ~0x1f;
				spans[spanidx].param[SPAN_T].start = (((t >> 9) << 9)  + dtdiff - (xfrac * dtdxh)) & ~0x1f;
				spans[spanidx].param[SPAN_W].start = (((w >> 9) << 9)  + dwdiff - (xfrac * dwdxh)) & ~0x1f;
				spans[spanidx].param[SPAN_Z].start = ((z >> 9) << 9)  + dzdiff - (xfrac * dzdxh);

		if (spix == 3)
			r += drde;
			g += dgde;
			b += dbde;
			a += dade;
			s += dsde;
			t += dtde;
			w += dwde;
			z += dzde;
		xleft += xleft_inc;
		xright += xright_inc;

	if(!new_object && valid)
		render_spans(yh >> 2, yl >> 2, tilenum, flip ? true : false, spans, rect, object);
	m_aux_buf_ptr = 0;  // Spans can be reused once render completes



void n64_rdp::triangle(bool shade, bool texture, bool zbuffer)
	draw_triangle(shade, texture, zbuffer, false);
	m_pipe_clean = false;

void n64_rdp::cmd_triangle(uint64_t w1)
	triangle(false, false, false);

void n64_rdp::cmd_triangle_z(uint64_t w1)
	triangle(false, false, true);

void n64_rdp::cmd_triangle_t(uint64_t w1)
	triangle(false, true, false);

void n64_rdp::cmd_triangle_tz(uint64_t w1)
	triangle(false, true, true);

void n64_rdp::cmd_triangle_s(uint64_t w1)
	triangle(true, false, false);

void n64_rdp::cmd_triangle_sz(uint64_t w1)
	triangle(true, false, true);

void n64_rdp::cmd_triangle_st(uint64_t w1)
	triangle(true, true, false);

void n64_rdp::cmd_triangle_stz(uint64_t w1)
	triangle(true, true, true);

void n64_rdp::cmd_tex_rect(uint64_t w1)
	const uint64_t* data = m_cmd_data + m_cmd_cur;

	const uint64_t w2 = data[1];

	const uint64_t tilenum = (w1 >> 24) & 0x7;
	const uint64_t xh = (w1 >> 12) & 0xfff;
	const uint64_t xl = (w1 >> 44) & 0xfff;
	const uint64_t yh = (w1 >>  0) & 0xfff;
	uint64_t yl       = (w1 >> 32) & 0xfff;

	const uint64_t s  = (w2 >> 48) & 0xffff;
	const uint64_t t  = (w2 >> 32) & 0xffff;
	const uint64_t dsdx = SIGN16((w2 >> 16) & 0xffff);
	const uint64_t dtdy = SIGN16((w2 >>  0) & 0xffff);

	if (m_other_modes.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_FILL || m_other_modes.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_COPY)
		yl |= 3;

	const uint64_t xlint = (xl >> 2) & 0x3ff;
	const uint64_t xhint = (xh >> 2) & 0x3ff;

	uint64_t* ewdata = m_temp_rect_data;
	ewdata[0] = ((uint64_t)0x24 << 56) | ((0x80L | tilenum) << 48) | (yl << 32) | (yl << 16) | yh;   // command, flipped, tile, yl
	ewdata[1] = (xlint << 48) | ((xl & 3) << 46);               // xl, xl frac, dxldy (0), dxldy frac (0)
	ewdata[2] = (xhint << 48) | ((xh & 3) << 46);               // xh, xh frac, dxhdy (0), dxhdy frac (0)
	ewdata[3] = (xlint << 48) | ((xl & 3) << 46);               // xm, xm frac, dxmdy (0), dxmdy frac (0)
	memset(&ewdata[4], 0, 8 * sizeof(uint64_t));                // shade
	ewdata[12] = (s << 48) | (t << 32);                         // s, t, w (0)
	ewdata[13] = (dsdx >> 5) << 48;                             // dsdx, dtdx, dwdx (0)
	ewdata[14] = 0;                                             // s frac (0), t frac (0), w frac (0)
	ewdata[15] = (dsdx & 0x1f) << 59;                           // dsdx frac, dtdx frac, dwdx frac (0)
	ewdata[16] = ((dtdy >> 5) & 0xffff) << 32;                  // dsde, dtde, dwde (0)
	ewdata[17] = ((dtdy >> 5) & 0xffff) << 32;                  // dsdy, dtdy, dwdy (0)
	ewdata[18] = ((dtdy & 0x1f) << 11) << 32;                   // dsde frac, dtde frac, dwde frac (0)
	ewdata[38] = ((dtdy & 0x1f) << 11) << 32;                   // dsdy frac, dtdy frac, dwdy frac (0)
	// ewdata[40-43] = 0;                                       // depth

	draw_triangle(true, true, false, true);

void n64_rdp::cmd_tex_rect_flip(uint64_t w1)
	const uint64_t* data = m_cmd_data + m_cmd_cur;

	const uint64_t w2 = data[1];

	const uint64_t tilenum  = (w1 >> 56) & 0x7;
	const uint64_t xh = (w1 >> 12) & 0xfff;
	const uint64_t xl = (w1 >> 44) & 0xfff;
	const uint64_t yh = (w1 >>  0) & 0xfff;
	uint64_t yl       = (w1 >> 32) & 0xfff;

	const uint64_t s  = (w2 >> 48) & 0xffff;
	const uint64_t t  = (w2 >> 32) & 0xffff;
	const uint64_t dsdx = SIGN16((w2 >> 16) & 0xffff);
	const uint64_t dtdy = SIGN16((w2 >>  0) & 0xffff);

	if (m_other_modes.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_FILL || m_other_modes.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_COPY)
		yl |= 3;

	const uint64_t xlint = (xl >> 2) & 0x3ff;
	const uint64_t xhint = (xh >> 2) & 0x3ff;

	uint64_t* ewdata = m_temp_rect_data;
	ewdata[0] = ((uint64_t)0x25 << 56) | ((0x80L | tilenum) << 48) | (yl << 32) | (yl << 16) | yh;   // command, flipped, tile, yl
	ewdata[1] = (xlint << 48) | ((xl & 3) << 46);               // xl, xl frac, dxldy (0), dxldy frac (0)
	ewdata[2] = (xhint << 48) | ((xh & 3) << 46);               // xh, xh frac, dxhdy (0), dxhdy frac (0)
	ewdata[3] = (xlint << 48) | ((xl & 3) << 46);               // xm, xm frac, dxmdy (0), dxmdy frac (0)
	memset(&ewdata[4], 0, 8 * sizeof(uint64_t));                // shade
	ewdata[12] = (s << 48) | (t << 32);                         // s, t, w (0)
	ewdata[13] = ((dtdy >> 5) & 0xffff) << 32;                  // dsdx, dtdx, dwdx (0)
	ewdata[14] = 0;                                             // s frac (0), t frac (0), w frac (0)
	ewdata[15] = ((dtdy & 0x1f) << 43);                         // dsdx frac, dtdx frac, dwdx frac (0)
	ewdata[16] = (dsdx >> 5) << 48;                             // dsde, dtde, dwde (0)
	ewdata[17] = (dsdx >> 5) << 48;                             // dsdy, dtdy, dwdy (0)
	ewdata[18] = (dsdx & 0x1f) << 59;                           // dsde frac, dtde frac, dwde frac (0)
	ewdata[19] = (dsdx & 0x1f) << 59;                           // dsdy frac, dtdy frac, dwdy frac (0)

	draw_triangle(true, true, false, true);

void n64_rdp::cmd_sync_load(uint64_t w1)

void n64_rdp::cmd_sync_pipe(uint64_t w1)

void n64_rdp::cmd_sync_tile(uint64_t w1)

void n64_rdp::cmd_sync_full(uint64_t w1)

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_key_gb(uint64_t w1)
	m_key_scale.set_b(uint32_t(w1 >>  0) & 0xff);
	m_key_scale.set_g(uint32_t(w1 >> 16) & 0xff);

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_key_r(uint64_t w1)
	m_key_scale.set_r(uint32_t(w1 & 0xff));

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_fill_color32(uint64_t w1)
	m_fill_color = (uint32_t)w1;

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_convert(uint64_t w1)
	if(!m_pipe_clean) { m_pipe_clean = true; wait("SetConvert"); }
	int32_t k0 = int32_t(w1 >> 45) & 0x1ff;
	int32_t k1 = int32_t(w1 >> 36) & 0x1ff;
	int32_t k2 = int32_t(w1 >> 27) & 0x1ff;
	int32_t k3 = int32_t(w1 >> 18) & 0x1ff;
	int32_t k4 = int32_t(w1 >>  9) & 0x1ff;
	int32_t k5 = int32_t(w1 >>  0) & 0x1ff;

	k0 = (SIGN9(k0) << 1) + 1;
	k1 = (SIGN9(k1) << 1) + 1;
	k2 = (SIGN9(k2) << 1) + 1;
	k3 = (SIGN9(k3) << 1) + 1;

	set_yuv_factors(rgbaint_t(0, k0, k2, k3), rgbaint_t(0, 0, k1, 0), rgbaint_t(k4, k4, k4, k4), rgbaint_t(k5, k5, k5, k5));

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_scissor(uint64_t w1)
	m_scissor.m_xh = ((w1 >> 44) & 0xfff) >> 2;
	m_scissor.m_yh = ((w1 >> 32) & 0xfff) >> 2;
	m_scissor.m_xl = ((w1 >> 12) & 0xfff) >> 2;
	m_scissor.m_yl = ((w1 >>  0) & 0xfff) >> 2;

	// TODO: handle f & o?

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_prim_depth(uint64_t w1)
	m_misc_state.m_primitive_z = (uint32_t)(w1 & 0x7fff0000);
	m_misc_state.m_primitive_dz = (uint16_t)(w1 >> 32);

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_other_modes(uint64_t w1)
	m_other_modes.cycle_type       = (w1 >> 52) & 0x3; // 01
	m_other_modes.persp_tex_en     = (w1 >> 51) & 1; // 1
	m_other_modes.detail_tex_en    = (w1 >> 50) & 1; // 0
	m_other_modes.sharpen_tex_en   = (w1 >> 49) & 1; // 0
	m_other_modes.tex_lod_en       = (w1 >> 48) & 1; // 0
	m_other_modes.en_tlut          = (w1 >> 47) & 1; // 0
	m_other_modes.tlut_type        = (w1 >> 46) & 1; // 0
	m_other_modes.sample_type      = (w1 >> 45) & 1; // 1
	m_other_modes.mid_texel        = (w1 >> 44) & 1; // 0
	m_other_modes.bi_lerp0         = (w1 >> 43) & 1; // 1
	m_other_modes.bi_lerp1         = (w1 >> 42) & 1; // 1
	m_other_modes.convert_one      = (w1 >> 41) & 1; // 0
	m_other_modes.key_en           = (w1 >> 40) & 1; // 0
	m_other_modes.rgb_dither_sel   = (w1 >> 38) & 0x3; // 00
	m_other_modes.alpha_dither_sel = (w1 >> 36) & 0x3; // 01
	m_other_modes.blend_m1a_0      = (w1 >> 30) & 0x3; // 11
	m_other_modes.blend_m1a_1      = (w1 >> 28) & 0x3; // 00
	m_other_modes.blend_m1b_0      = (w1 >> 26) & 0x3; // 10
	m_other_modes.blend_m1b_1      = (w1 >> 24) & 0x3; // 00
	m_other_modes.blend_m2a_0      = (w1 >> 22) & 0x3; // 00
	m_other_modes.blend_m2a_1      = (w1 >> 20) & 0x3; // 01
	m_other_modes.blend_m2b_0      = (w1 >> 18) & 0x3; // 00
	m_other_modes.blend_m2b_1      = (w1 >> 16) & 0x3; // 01
	m_other_modes.force_blend      = (w1 >> 14) & 1; // 0
	m_other_modes.blend_shift      = m_other_modes.force_blend ? 5 : 2;
	m_other_modes.alpha_cvg_select = (w1 >> 13) & 1; // 1
	m_other_modes.cvg_times_alpha  = (w1 >> 12) & 1; // 0
	m_other_modes.z_mode           = (w1 >> 10) & 0x3; // 00
	m_other_modes.cvg_dest         = (w1 >> 8) & 0x3; // 00
	m_other_modes.color_on_cvg     = (w1 >> 7) & 1; // 0
	m_other_modes.image_read_en    = (w1 >> 6) & 1; // 1
	m_other_modes.z_update_en      = (w1 >> 5) & 1; // 1
	m_other_modes.z_compare_en     = (w1 >> 4) & 1; // 1
	m_other_modes.antialias_en     = (w1 >> 3) & 1; // 1
	m_other_modes.z_source_sel     = (w1 >> 2) & 1; // 0
	m_other_modes.dither_alpha_en  = (w1 >> 1) & 1; // 0
	m_other_modes.alpha_compare_en = (w1 >> 0) & 1; // 0
	m_other_modes.alpha_dither_mode = (m_other_modes.alpha_compare_en << 1) | m_other_modes.dither_alpha_en;

void n64_rdp::cmd_load_tlut(uint64_t w1)
	n64_tile_t* tile = m_tiles;

	const int32_t tilenum = (w1 >> 24) & 0x7;
	const int32_t sl = tile[tilenum].sl = int32_t(w1 >> 44) & 0xfff;
	const int32_t tl = tile[tilenum].tl = int32_t(w1 >> 32) & 0xfff;
	const int32_t sh = tile[tilenum].sh = int32_t(w1 >> 12) & 0xfff;
	const int32_t th = tile[tilenum].th = int32_t(w1 >>  0) & 0xfff;

	if (tl != th)
		fatalerror("Load tlut: tl=%d, th=%d\n",tl,th);


	const int32_t count = ((sh >> 2) - (sl >> 2) + 1) << 2;

	switch (m_misc_state.m_ti_size)
		case PIXEL_SIZE_16BIT:
			if (tile[tilenum].tmem < 256)
				fatalerror("rdp_load_tlut: loading tlut into low half at %d qwords\n",tile[tilenum].tmem);
			int32_t srcstart = (m_misc_state.m_ti_address + (tl >> 2) * (m_misc_state.m_ti_width << 1) + (sl >> 1)) >> 1;
			int32_t dststart = tile[tilenum].tmem << 2;
			uint16_t* dst = get_tmem16();

			for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; i += 4)
				if (dststart < 2048)
					dst[dststart] = U_RREADIDX16(srcstart);
					dst[dststart + 1] = dst[dststart];
					dst[dststart + 2] = dst[dststart];
					dst[dststart + 3] = dst[dststart];
					dststart += 4;
					srcstart += 1;
		default:    fatalerror("RDP: load_tlut: size = %d\n", m_misc_state.m_ti_size);


	m_tiles[tilenum].sth = rgbaint_t(m_tiles[tilenum].sh, m_tiles[tilenum].sh, m_tiles[tilenum].th, m_tiles[tilenum].th);
	m_tiles[tilenum].stl = rgbaint_t(m_tiles[tilenum].sl, m_tiles[tilenum].sl, m_tiles[tilenum].tl, m_tiles[tilenum].tl);

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_tile_size(uint64_t w1)

	const int32_t tilenum = int32_t(w1 >> 24) & 0x7;

	m_tiles[tilenum].sl = int32_t(w1 >> 44) & 0xfff;
	m_tiles[tilenum].tl = int32_t(w1 >> 32) & 0xfff;
	m_tiles[tilenum].sh = int32_t(w1 >> 12) & 0xfff;
	m_tiles[tilenum].th = int32_t(w1 >>  0) & 0xfff;

	m_tiles[tilenum].sth = rgbaint_t(m_tiles[tilenum].sh, m_tiles[tilenum].sh, m_tiles[tilenum].th, m_tiles[tilenum].th);
	m_tiles[tilenum].stl = rgbaint_t(m_tiles[tilenum].sl, m_tiles[tilenum].sl, m_tiles[tilenum].tl, m_tiles[tilenum].tl);

void n64_rdp::cmd_load_block(uint64_t w1)
	n64_tile_t* tile = m_tiles;

	const int32_t tilenum = int32_t(w1 >> 24) & 0x7;
	uint16_t* tc = get_tmem16();

	int32_t sl = tile[tilenum].sl = int32_t(w1 >> 44) & 0xfff;
	int32_t tl = tile[tilenum].tl = int32_t(w1 >> 32) & 0xfff;
	int32_t sh = tile[tilenum].sh = int32_t(w1 >> 12) & 0xfff;
	const int32_t dxt             = int32_t(w1 >>  0) & 0xfff;

	if (sh < sl)
		fatalerror("load_block: sh < sl\n");

	int32_t width = (sh - sl) + 1;

	width = (width << m_misc_state.m_ti_size) >> 1;
	if (width & 7)
		width = (width & ~7) + 8;
	width >>= 3;

	const int32_t tb = tile[tilenum].tmem << 2;

	const int32_t tiwinwords = (m_misc_state.m_ti_width << m_misc_state.m_ti_size) >> 2;
	const int32_t slinwords = (sl << m_misc_state.m_ti_size) >> 2;

	const uint32_t src = (m_misc_state.m_ti_address >> 1) + (tl * tiwinwords) + slinwords;


	if (dxt != 0)
		int32_t j = 0;
		int32_t t = 0;
		int32_t oldt = 0;

		if (tile[tilenum].size != PIXEL_SIZE_32BIT && tile[tilenum].format != FORMAT_YUV)
			for (int32_t i = 0; i < width; i ++)
				oldt = t;
				t = ((j >> 11) & 1) ? WORD_XOR_DWORD_SWAP : WORD_ADDR_XOR;
				if (t != oldt)
					i += tile[tilenum].line;

				int32_t ptr = tb + (i << 2);
				int32_t srcptr = src + (i << 2);

				tc[(ptr ^ t) & 0x7ff] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr);
				tc[((ptr + 1) ^ t) & 0x7ff] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 1);
				tc[((ptr + 2) ^ t) & 0x7ff] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 2);
				tc[((ptr + 3) ^ t) & 0x7ff] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 3);


				j += dxt;
		else if (tile[tilenum].format == FORMAT_YUV)
			for (int32_t i = 0; i < width; i ++)
				oldt = t;
				t = ((j >> 11) & 1) ? WORD_XOR_DWORD_SWAP : WORD_ADDR_XOR;
				if (t != oldt)
					i += tile[tilenum].line;

				int32_t ptr = ((tb + (i << 1)) ^ t) & 0x3ff;
				int32_t srcptr = src + (i << 2);

				int32_t first = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr);
				int32_t sec = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 1);
				tc[ptr] = ((first >> 8) << 8) | (sec >> 8);
				tc[ptr | 0x400] = ((first & 0xff) << 8) | (sec & 0xff);

				ptr = ((tb + (i << 1) + 1) ^ t) & 0x3ff;
				first = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 2);
				sec = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 3);
				tc[ptr] = ((first >> 8) << 8) | (sec >> 8);
				tc[ptr | 0x400] = ((first & 0xff) << 8) | (sec & 0xff);

				j += dxt;
			for (int32_t i = 0; i < width; i ++)
				oldt = t;
				t = ((j >> 11) & 1) ? WORD_XOR_DWORD_SWAP : WORD_ADDR_XOR;
				if (t != oldt)
					i += tile[tilenum].line;

				int32_t ptr = ((tb + (i << 1)) ^ t) & 0x3ff;
				int32_t srcptr = src + (i << 2);
				tc[ptr] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr);
				tc[ptr | 0x400] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 1);

				ptr = ((tb + (i << 1) + 1) ^ t) & 0x3ff;
				tc[ptr] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 2);
				tc[ptr | 0x400] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 3);


				j += dxt;
		tile[tilenum].th = tl + (j >> 11);
		if (tile[tilenum].size != PIXEL_SIZE_32BIT && tile[tilenum].format != FORMAT_YUV)
			for (int32_t i = 0; i < width; i ++)
				int32_t ptr = tb + (i << 2);
				int32_t srcptr = src + (i << 2);
				tc[(ptr ^ WORD_ADDR_XOR) & 0x7ff] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr);
				tc[((ptr + 1) ^ WORD_ADDR_XOR) & 0x7ff] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 1);
				tc[((ptr + 2) ^ WORD_ADDR_XOR) & 0x7ff] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 2);
				tc[((ptr + 3) ^ WORD_ADDR_XOR) & 0x7ff] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 3);

		else if (tile[tilenum].format == FORMAT_YUV)
			for (int32_t i = 0; i < width; i ++)
				int32_t ptr = ((tb + (i << 1)) ^ WORD_ADDR_XOR) & 0x3ff;
				int32_t srcptr = src + (i << 2);
				int32_t first = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr);
				int32_t sec = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 1);
				tc[ptr] = ((first >> 8) << 8) | (sec >> 8);//UV pair
				tc[ptr | 0x400] = ((first & 0xff) << 8) | (sec & 0xff);

				ptr = ((tb + (i << 1) + 1) ^ WORD_ADDR_XOR) & 0x3ff;
				first = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 2);
				sec = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 3);
				tc[ptr] = ((first >> 8) << 8) | (sec >> 8);
				tc[ptr | 0x400] = ((first & 0xff) << 8) | (sec & 0xff);

			for (int32_t i = 0; i < width; i ++)
				int32_t ptr = ((tb + (i << 1)) ^ WORD_ADDR_XOR) & 0x3ff;
				int32_t srcptr = src + (i << 2);
				tc[ptr] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr);
				tc[ptr | 0x400] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 1);

				ptr = ((tb + (i << 1) + 1) ^ WORD_ADDR_XOR) & 0x3ff;
				tc[ptr] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 2);
				tc[ptr | 0x400] = U_RREADIDX16(srcptr + 3);

		tile[tilenum].th = tl;


	m_tiles[tilenum].sth = rgbaint_t(m_tiles[tilenum].sh, m_tiles[tilenum].sh, m_tiles[tilenum].th, m_tiles[tilenum].th);
	m_tiles[tilenum].stl = rgbaint_t(m_tiles[tilenum].sl, m_tiles[tilenum].sl, m_tiles[tilenum].tl, m_tiles[tilenum].tl);

void n64_rdp::cmd_load_tile(uint64_t w1)
	n64_tile_t* tile = m_tiles;
	const int32_t tilenum = int32_t(w1 >> 24) & 0x7;

	tile[tilenum].sl    = int32_t(w1 >> 44) & 0xfff;
	tile[tilenum].tl    = int32_t(w1 >> 32) & 0xfff;
	tile[tilenum].sh    = int32_t(w1 >> 12) & 0xfff;
	tile[tilenum].th    = int32_t(w1 >>  0) & 0xfff;

	const int32_t sl = tile[tilenum].sl >> 2;
	const int32_t tl = tile[tilenum].tl >> 2;
	const int32_t sh = tile[tilenum].sh >> 2;
	const int32_t th = tile[tilenum].th >> 2;

	const int32_t width = (sh - sl) + 1;
	const int32_t height = (th - tl) + 1;
    int32_t topad;
    if (m_misc_state.m_ti_size < 3)
        topad = (width * m_misc_state.m_ti_size) & 0x7;
        topad = (width << 2) & 0x7;
    topad = 0; // ????


	switch (m_misc_state.m_ti_size)
			const uint32_t src = m_misc_state.m_ti_address;
			const int32_t tb = tile[tilenum].tmem << 3;
			uint8_t* tc = get_tmem8();

			for (int32_t j = 0; j < height; j++)
				const int32_t tline = tb + ((tile[tilenum].line << 3) * j);
				const int32_t s = ((j + tl) * m_misc_state.m_ti_width) + sl;
				const int32_t xorval8 = ((j & 1) ? BYTE_XOR_DWORD_SWAP : BYTE_ADDR_XOR);

				for (int32_t i = 0; i < width; i++)
					const uint8_t data = U_RREADADDR8(src + s + i);
					tc[((tline + i) ^ xorval8) & 0xfff] = data;
		case PIXEL_SIZE_16BIT:
			const uint32_t src = m_misc_state.m_ti_address >> 1;
			uint16_t* tc = get_tmem16();

			if (tile[tilenum].format != FORMAT_YUV)
				for (int32_t j = 0; j < height; j++)
					const int32_t tb = tile[tilenum].tmem << 2;
					const int32_t tline = tb + ((tile[tilenum].line << 2) * j);
					const int32_t s = ((j + tl) * m_misc_state.m_ti_width) + sl;
					const int32_t xorval16 = (j & 1) ? WORD_XOR_DWORD_SWAP : WORD_ADDR_XOR;

					for (int32_t i = 0; i < width; i++)
						const uint32_t taddr = (tline + i) ^ xorval16;
						const uint16_t data = U_RREADIDX16(src + s + i);
						tc[taddr & 0x7ff] = data;
				for (int32_t j = 0; j < height; j++)
					const int32_t tb = tile[tilenum].tmem << 3;
					const int32_t tline = tb + ((tile[tilenum].line << 3) * j);
					const int32_t s = ((j + tl) * m_misc_state.m_ti_width) + sl;
					const int32_t xorval8 = (j & 1) ? BYTE_XOR_DWORD_SWAP : BYTE_ADDR_XOR;

					for (int32_t i = 0; i < width; i++)
						uint32_t taddr = ((tline + i) ^ xorval8) & 0x7ff;
						uint16_t yuvword = U_RREADIDX16(src + s + i);
						get_tmem8()[taddr] = yuvword >> 8;
						get_tmem8()[taddr | 0x800] = yuvword & 0xff;
		case PIXEL_SIZE_32BIT:
			const uint32_t src = m_misc_state.m_ti_address >> 2;
			const int32_t tb = (tile[tilenum].tmem << 2);
			uint16_t* tc16 = get_tmem16();

			for (int32_t j = 0; j < height; j++)
				const int32_t tline = tb + ((tile[tilenum].line << 2) * j);

				const int32_t s = ((j + tl) * m_misc_state.m_ti_width) + sl;
				const int32_t xorval32cur = (j & 1) ? WORD_XOR_DWORD_SWAP : WORD_ADDR_XOR;
				for (int32_t i = 0; i < width; i++)
					uint32_t c = U_RREADIDX32(src + s + i);
					uint32_t ptr = ((tline + i) ^ xorval32cur) & 0x3ff;
					tc16[ptr] = c >> 16;
					tc16[ptr | 0x400] = c & 0xffff;

		default:    fatalerror("RDP: load_tile: size = %d\n", m_misc_state.m_ti_size);


	m_tiles[tilenum].sth = rgbaint_t(m_tiles[tilenum].sh, m_tiles[tilenum].sh, m_tiles[tilenum].th, m_tiles[tilenum].th);
	m_tiles[tilenum].stl = rgbaint_t(m_tiles[tilenum].sl, m_tiles[tilenum].sl, m_tiles[tilenum].tl, m_tiles[tilenum].tl);

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_tile(uint64_t w1)
	const int32_t tilenum = int32_t(w1 >> 24) & 0x7;
	n64_tile_t* tex_tile = &m_tiles[tilenum];

	tex_tile->format    = int32_t(w1 >> 53) & 0x7;
	tex_tile->size      = int32_t(w1 >> 51) & 0x3;
	tex_tile->line      = int32_t(w1 >> 41) & 0x1ff;
	tex_tile->tmem      = int32_t(w1 >> 32) & 0x1ff;
	tex_tile->palette   = int32_t(w1 >> 20) & 0xf;
	tex_tile->ct        = int32_t(w1 >> 19) & 0x1;
	tex_tile->mt        = int32_t(w1 >> 18) & 0x1;
	tex_tile->mask_t    = int32_t(w1 >> 14) & 0xf;
	tex_tile->shift_t   = int32_t(w1 >> 10) & 0xf;
	tex_tile->cs        = int32_t(w1 >>  9) & 0x1;
	tex_tile->ms        = int32_t(w1 >>  8) & 0x1;
	tex_tile->mask_s    = int32_t(w1 >>  4) & 0xf;
	tex_tile->shift_s   = int32_t(w1 >>  0) & 0xf;

	tex_tile->lshift_s  = (tex_tile->shift_s >= 11) ? (16 - tex_tile->shift_s) : 0;
	tex_tile->rshift_s  = (tex_tile->shift_s < 11) ? tex_tile->shift_s : 0;
	tex_tile->lshift_t  = (tex_tile->shift_t >= 11) ? (16 - tex_tile->shift_t) : 0;
	tex_tile->rshift_t  = (tex_tile->shift_t < 11) ? tex_tile->shift_t : 0;
	tex_tile->wrapped_mask_s = (tex_tile->mask_s > 10 ? 10 : tex_tile->mask_s);
	tex_tile->wrapped_mask_t = (tex_tile->mask_t > 10 ? 10 : tex_tile->mask_t);
	tex_tile->wrapped_mask = rgbaint_t(tex_tile->wrapped_mask_s, tex_tile->wrapped_mask_s, tex_tile->wrapped_mask_t, tex_tile->wrapped_mask_t);
	tex_tile->clamp_s = tex_tile->cs || !tex_tile->mask_s;
	tex_tile->clamp_t = tex_tile->ct || !tex_tile->mask_t;
	tex_tile->mm = rgbaint_t(tex_tile->ms ? ~0 : 0, tex_tile->ms ? ~0 : 0, tex_tile->mt ? ~0 : 0, tex_tile->mt ? ~0 : 0);
	tex_tile->invmm = rgbaint_t(tex_tile->ms ? 0 : ~0, tex_tile->ms ? 0 : ~0, tex_tile->mt ? 0 : ~0, tex_tile->mt ? 0 : ~0);
	tex_tile->mask = rgbaint_t(tex_tile->mask_s ? ~0 : 0, tex_tile->mask_s ? ~0 : 0, tex_tile->mask_t ? ~0 : 0, tex_tile->mask_t ? ~0 : 0);
	tex_tile->invmask = rgbaint_t(tex_tile->mask_s ? 0 : ~0, tex_tile->mask_s ? 0 : ~0, tex_tile->mask_t ? 0 : ~0, tex_tile->mask_t ? 0 : ~0);
	tex_tile->lshift = rgbaint_t(tex_tile->lshift_s, tex_tile->lshift_s, tex_tile->lshift_t, tex_tile->lshift_t);
	tex_tile->rshift = rgbaint_t(tex_tile->rshift_s, tex_tile->rshift_s, tex_tile->rshift_t, tex_tile->rshift_t);
	tex_tile->clamp_st = rgbaint_t(tex_tile->clamp_s ? ~0 : 0, tex_tile->clamp_s ? ~0 : 0, tex_tile->clamp_t ? ~0 : 0, tex_tile->clamp_t ? ~0 : 0);

	if (tex_tile->format == FORMAT_I && tex_tile->size > PIXEL_SIZE_8BIT)
		tex_tile->format = FORMAT_RGBA; // Used by Supercross 2000 (in-game)
	if (tex_tile->format == FORMAT_CI && tex_tile->size > PIXEL_SIZE_8BIT)
		tex_tile->format = FORMAT_RGBA; // Used by Clay Fighter - Sculptor's Cut

	if (tex_tile->format == FORMAT_RGBA && tex_tile->size < PIXEL_SIZE_16BIT)
		tex_tile->format = FORMAT_CI; // Used by Exterem-G2, Madden Football 64, and Rat Attack

	//m_pending_mode_block = true;

void n64_rdp::cmd_fill_rect(uint64_t w1)
	//if(m_pending_mode_block) { wait("Block on pending mode-change"); m_pending_mode_block = false; }
	const uint64_t xh = (w1 >> 12) & 0xfff;
	const uint64_t xl = (w1 >> 44) & 0xfff;
	const uint64_t yh = (w1 >>  0) & 0xfff;
	uint64_t yl       = (w1 >> 32) & 0xfff;

	if (m_other_modes.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_FILL || m_other_modes.cycle_type == CYCLE_TYPE_COPY)
		yl |= 3;

	const uint64_t xlint = (xl >> 2) & 0x3ff;
	const uint64_t xhint = (xh >> 2) & 0x3ff;

	uint64_t* ewdata = m_temp_rect_data;
	ewdata[0] = ((uint64_t)0x3680 << 48) | (yl << 32) | (yl << 16) | yh; // command, flipped, tile, yl, ym, yh
	ewdata[1] = (xlint << 48) | ((xl & 3) << 46); // xl, xl frac, dxldy (0), dxldy frac (0)
	ewdata[2] = (xhint << 48) | ((xh & 3) << 46); // xh, xh frac, dxhdy (0), dxhdy frac (0)
	ewdata[3] = (xlint << 48) | ((xl & 3) << 46); // xm, xm frac, dxmdy (0), dxmdy frac (0)
	memset(&ewdata[4], 0, 18 * sizeof(uint64_t));//shade, texture, depth

	draw_triangle(false, false, false, true);

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_fog_color(uint64_t w1)
	m_fog_color.set(uint8_t(w1), uint8_t(w1 >> 24), uint8_t(w1 >> 16), uint8_t(w1 >> 8));

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_blend_color(uint64_t w1)
	m_blend_color.set(uint8_t(w1), uint8_t(w1 >> 24), uint8_t(w1 >> 16), uint8_t(w1 >> 8));

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_prim_color(uint64_t w1)
	m_misc_state.m_min_level = uint32_t(w1 >> 40) & 0x1f;
	const uint8_t prim_lod_fraction(w1 >> 32);
	m_prim_lod_fraction.set(prim_lod_fraction, prim_lod_fraction, prim_lod_fraction, prim_lod_fraction);

	const uint8_t alpha(w1);
	m_prim_color.set(alpha, uint8_t(w1 >> 24), uint8_t(w1 >> 16), uint8_t(w1 >> 8));
	m_prim_alpha.set(alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha);

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_env_color(uint64_t w1)
	const uint8_t alpha(w1);
	m_env_color.set(alpha, uint8_t(w1 >> 24), uint8_t(w1 >> 16), uint8_t(w1 >> 8));
	m_env_alpha.set(alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha);

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_combine(uint64_t w1)
	m_combine.sub_a_rgb0    = uint32_t(w1 >> 52) & 0xf;
	m_combine.mul_rgb0      = uint32_t(w1 >> 47) & 0x1f;
	m_combine.sub_a_a0      = uint32_t(w1 >> 44) & 0x7;
	m_combine.mul_a0        = uint32_t(w1 >> 41) & 0x7;
	m_combine.sub_a_rgb1    = uint32_t(w1 >> 37) & 0xf;
	m_combine.mul_rgb1      = uint32_t(w1 >> 32) & 0x1f;

	m_combine.sub_b_rgb0    = uint32_t(w1 >> 28) & 0xf;
	m_combine.sub_b_rgb1    = uint32_t(w1 >> 24) & 0xf;
	m_combine.sub_a_a1      = uint32_t(w1 >> 21) & 0x7;
	m_combine.mul_a1        = uint32_t(w1 >> 18) & 0x7;
	m_combine.add_rgb0      = uint32_t(w1 >> 15) & 0x7;
	m_combine.sub_b_a0      = uint32_t(w1 >> 12) & 0x7;
	m_combine.add_a0        = uint32_t(w1 >>  9) & 0x7;
	m_combine.add_rgb1      = uint32_t(w1 >>  6) & 0x7;
	m_combine.sub_b_a1      = uint32_t(w1 >>  3) & 0x7;
	m_combine.add_a1        = uint32_t(w1 >>  0) & 0x7;

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_texture_image(uint64_t w1)
	m_misc_state.m_ti_format  = uint32_t(w1 >> 53) & 0x7;
	m_misc_state.m_ti_size    = uint32_t(w1 >> 51) & 0x3;
	m_misc_state.m_ti_width   = (uint32_t(w1 >> 32) & 0x3ff) + 1;
	m_misc_state.m_ti_address = uint32_t(w1) & 0x01ffffff;

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_mask_image(uint64_t w1)

	m_misc_state.m_zb_address = uint32_t(w1) & 0x01ffffff;

void n64_rdp::cmd_set_color_image(uint64_t w1)

	m_misc_state.m_fb_format  = uint32_t(w1 >> 53) & 0x7;
	m_misc_state.m_fb_size    = uint32_t(w1 >> 51) & 0x3;
	m_misc_state.m_fb_width   = (uint32_t(w1 >> 32) & 0x3ff) + 1;
	m_misc_state.m_fb_address = uint32_t(w1) & 0x01ffffff;

	if (m_misc_state.m_fb_format < 2 || m_misc_state.m_fb_format > 32) // Jet Force Gemini sets the format to 4, Intensity.  Protection?
		m_misc_state.m_fb_format = 2;


void n64_rdp::cmd_invalid(uint64_t w1)
	fatalerror("n64_rdp::Invalid: %d, %08x %08x\n", uint32_t(w1 >> 56) & 0x3f, uint32_t(w1 >> 32), (uint32_t)w1);

void n64_rdp::cmd_noop(uint64_t w1)
	// Do nothing

void n64_rdp::process_command_list()
	int32_t length = m_end - m_current;

	if(length < 0)
		m_current = m_end;

	// load command data
	for(int32_t i = 0; i < length; i += 8)
		m_cmd_data[m_cmd_ptr++] = read_data((m_current & 0x1fffffff) + i);

	m_current = m_end;

	uint32_t cmd = (m_cmd_data[0] >> 56) & 0x3f;
	uint32_t cmd_length = uint32_t(m_cmd_ptr + 1) * 8;

	set_status(get_status() &~ DP_STATUS_FREEZE);

	// check if more data is needed
	if (cmd_length < s_rdp_command_length[cmd])

	while (m_cmd_cur < m_cmd_ptr)
		cmd = (m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur] >> 56) & 0x3f;

		if (((m_cmd_ptr - m_cmd_cur) * 8) < s_rdp_command_length[cmd])
			//fatalerror("rdp_process_list: not enough rdp command data: cur = %d, ptr = %d, expected = %d\n", m_cmd_cur, m_cmd_ptr, s_rdp_command_length[cmd]);

		m_capture.command(&m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur], s_rdp_command_length[cmd] / 8);

			char string[4000];

			fprintf(rdp_exec, "%08X: %08X%08X   %s\n", m_start+(m_cmd_cur * 8), uint32_t(m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur] >> 32), (uint32_t)m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur], string);

		// execute the command
		uint64_t w = m_cmd_data[m_cmd_cur];

			case 0x00:  cmd_noop(w);           break;

			case 0x08:  cmd_triangle(w);       break;
			case 0x09:  cmd_triangle_z(w);     break;
			case 0x0a:  cmd_triangle_t(w);     break;
			case 0x0b:  cmd_triangle_tz(w);    break;
			case 0x0c:  cmd_triangle_s(w);     break;
			case 0x0d:  cmd_triangle_sz(w);    break;
			case 0x0e:  cmd_triangle_st(w);    break;
			case 0x0f:  cmd_triangle_stz(w);   break;

			case 0x24:  cmd_tex_rect(w);       break;
			case 0x25:  cmd_tex_rect_flip(w);  break;

			case 0x26:  cmd_sync_load(w);      break;
			case 0x27:  cmd_sync_pipe(w);      break;
			case 0x28:  cmd_sync_tile(w);      break;
			case 0x29:  cmd_sync_full(w);      break;

			case 0x2a:  cmd_set_key_gb(w);     break;
			case 0x2b:  cmd_set_key_r(w);      break;

			case 0x2c:  cmd_set_convert(w);    break;
			case 0x3c:  cmd_set_combine(w);    break;
			case 0x2d:  cmd_set_scissor(w);    break;
			case 0x2e:  cmd_set_prim_depth(w); break;
			case 0x2f:  cmd_set_other_modes(w);break;

			case 0x30:  cmd_load_tlut(w);      break;
			case 0x33:  cmd_load_block(w);     break;
			case 0x34:  cmd_load_tile(w);      break;

			case 0x32:  cmd_set_tile_size(w);  break;
			case 0x35:  cmd_set_tile(w);       break;

			case 0x36:  cmd_fill_rect(w);      break;

			case 0x37:  cmd_set_fill_color32(w); break;
			case 0x38:  cmd_set_fog_color(w);  break;
			case 0x39:  cmd_set_blend_color(w);break;
			case 0x3a:  cmd_set_prim_color(w); break;
			case 0x3b:  cmd_set_env_color(w);  break;

			case 0x3d:  cmd_set_texture_image(w); break;
			case 0x3e:  cmd_set_mask_image(w);  break;
			case 0x3f:  cmd_set_color_image(w); break;

		m_cmd_cur += s_rdp_command_length[cmd] / 8;
	m_cmd_ptr = 0;
	m_cmd_cur = 0;

	m_start = m_current = m_end;


n64_rdp::n64_rdp(n64_state &state, uint32_t* rdram, uint32_t* dmem) : poly_manager<uint32_t, rdp_poly_state, 8, 32000>(state.machine())
	ignore = false;
	dolog = false;

	m_rdram = rdram;
	m_dmem = dmem;

	m_aux_buf_ptr = 0;
	m_aux_buf = nullptr;
	m_pipe_clean = true;

	m_pending_mode_block = false;

	m_cmd_ptr = 0;
	m_cmd_cur = 0;

	m_start = 0;
	m_end = 0;
	m_current = 0;
	m_status = 0x88;

	m_one.set(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
	m_zero.set(0, 0, 0, 0);

	m_tmem = nullptr;

	m_machine = nullptr;
	m_n64_periphs = nullptr;

	//memset(m_hidden_bits, 3, 8388608);

	m_prim_lod_fraction.set(0, 0, 0, 0);

	memset(m_temp_rect_data, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * 0x1000);

	for (int32_t i = 0; i < 0x4000; i++)
		uint32_t exponent = (i >> 11) & 7;
		uint32_t mantissa = i & 0x7ff;
		m_z_complete_dec_table[i] = ((mantissa << m_z_dec_table[exponent].shift) + m_z_dec_table[exponent].add) & 0x3fffff;


	for(int32_t i = 0; i < 0x200; i++)
		switch((i >> 7) & 3)
		case 0:
		case 1:
			s_special_9bit_clamptable[i] = i & 0xff;
		case 2:
			s_special_9bit_clamptable[i] = 0xff;
		case 3:
			s_special_9bit_clamptable[i] = 0;

	for(int32_t i = 0; i < 32; i++)
		m_replicated_rgba[i] = (i << 3) | ((i >> 2) & 7);

	for(int32_t i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++)
		m_dzpix_normalize[i] = (uint16_t)normalize_dzpix(i & 0xffff);

	m_compute_cvg[0] = &n64_rdp::compute_cvg_noflip;
	m_compute_cvg[1] = &n64_rdp::compute_cvg_flip;

void n64_rdp::render_spans(int32_t start, int32_t end, int32_t tilenum, bool flip, extent_t* spans, bool rect, rdp_poly_state* object)
	const int32_t clipy1 = m_scissor.m_yh;
	const int32_t clipy2 = m_scissor.m_yl;
	const rectangle clip(m_scissor.m_xh, m_scissor.m_xl, m_scissor.m_yh, m_scissor.m_yl);

	int32_t offset = 0;

	if (clipy2 <= 0)

	if (start < clipy1)
		offset = clipy1 - start;
		start = clipy1;
	if (start >= clipy2)
		offset = start - (clipy2 - 1);
		start = clipy2 - 1;
	if (end < clipy1)
		end = clipy1;
	if (end >= clipy2)
		end = clipy2 - 1;

	object->m_rdp = this;
	memcpy(&object->m_misc_state, &m_misc_state, sizeof(misc_state_t));
	memcpy(&object->m_other_modes, &m_other_modes, sizeof(other_modes_t));
	memcpy(&object->m_span_base, &m_span_base, sizeof(span_base_t));
	memcpy(&object->m_scissor, &m_scissor, sizeof(rectangle_t));
	memcpy(&object->m_tiles, &m_tiles, 8 * sizeof(n64_tile_t));
	object->tilenum = tilenum;
	object->flip = flip;
	object->m_fill_color = m_fill_color;
	object->rect = rect;

		case CYCLE_TYPE_1:
			render_triangle_custom(clip, render_delegate(&n64_rdp::span_draw_1cycle, this), start, (end - start) + 1, spans + offset);

		case CYCLE_TYPE_2:
			render_triangle_custom(clip, render_delegate(&n64_rdp::span_draw_2cycle, this), start, (end - start) + 1, spans + offset);

			render_triangle_custom(clip, render_delegate(&n64_rdp::span_draw_copy, this), start, (end - start) + 1, spans + offset);

			render_triangle_custom(clip, render_delegate(&n64_rdp::span_draw_fill, this), start, (end - start) + 1, spans + offset);
	wait("render spans");

void n64_rdp::rgbaz_clip(int32_t sr, int32_t sg, int32_t sb, int32_t sa, int32_t* sz, rdp_span_aux* userdata)
	userdata->m_shade_color.set(sa, sr, sg, sb);
	uint32_t a = userdata->m_shade_color.get_a();
	userdata->m_shade_alpha.set(a, a, a, a);

	int32_t zanded = (*sz) & 0x60000;

	zanded >>= 17;
		case 0: *sz &= 0x3ffff;                                         break;
		case 1: *sz &= 0x3ffff;                                         break;
		case 2: *sz = 0x3ffff;                                          break;
		case 3: *sz = 0x3ffff;                                          break;

void n64_rdp::rgbaz_correct_triangle(int32_t offx, int32_t offy, int32_t* r, int32_t* g, int32_t* b, int32_t* a, int32_t* z, rdp_span_aux* userdata, const rdp_poly_state &object)
	if (userdata->m_current_pix_cvg == 8)
		*r >>= 2;
		*g >>= 2;
		*b >>= 2;
		*a >>= 2;
		*z = (*z >> 3) & 0x7ffff;
		int32_t summand_xr = offx * SIGN13(object.m_span_base.m_span_dr >> 14);
		int32_t summand_yr = offy * SIGN13(object.m_span_base.m_span_drdy >> 14);
		int32_t summand_xb = offx * SIGN13(object.m_span_base.m_span_db >> 14);
		int32_t summand_yb = offy * SIGN13(object.m_span_base.m_span_dbdy >> 14);
		int32_t summand_xg = offx * SIGN13(object.m_span_base.m_span_dg >> 14);
		int32_t summand_yg = offy * SIGN13(object.m_span_base.m_span_dgdy >> 14);
		int32_t summand_xa = offx * SIGN13(object.m_span_base.m_span_da >> 14);
		int32_t summand_ya = offy * SIGN13(object.m_span_base.m_span_dady >> 14);

		int32_t summand_xz = offx * SIGN22(object.m_span_base.m_span_dz >> 10);
		int32_t summand_yz = offy * SIGN22(object.m_span_base.m_span_dzdy >> 10);

		*r = ((*r << 2) + summand_xr + summand_yr) >> 4;
		*g = ((*g << 2) + summand_xg + summand_yg) >> 4;
		*b = ((*b << 2) + summand_xb + summand_yb) >> 4;
		*a = ((*a << 2) + summand_xa + summand_ya) >> 4;
		*z = (((*z << 2) + summand_xz + summand_yz) >> 5) & 0x7ffff;

inline void n64_rdp::write_pixel(uint32_t curpixel, color_t& color, rdp_span_aux* userdata, const rdp_poly_state &object)
	if (object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size == 2) // 16-bit framebuffer
		const uint32_t fb = (object.m_misc_state.m_fb_address >> 1) + curpixel;

		uint16_t finalcolor;
		if (object.m_other_modes.color_on_cvg && !userdata->m_pre_wrap)
			finalcolor = RREADIDX16(fb) & 0xfffe;
			finalcolor = (color.get_r() << 11) | (color.get_g() << 6) | (color.get_b() << 1);

		switch (object.m_other_modes.cvg_dest)
			case 0:
				if (userdata->m_blend_enable)
					uint32_t finalcvg = userdata->m_current_pix_cvg + userdata->m_current_mem_cvg;
					if (finalcvg & 8)
						finalcvg = 7;
					RWRITEIDX16(fb, finalcolor | (finalcvg >> 2));
					HWRITEADDR8(fb, finalcvg & 3);
					const uint32_t finalcvg = (userdata->m_current_pix_cvg - 1) & 7;
					RWRITEIDX16(fb, finalcolor | (finalcvg >> 2));
					HWRITEADDR8(fb, finalcvg & 3);
			case 1:
				const uint32_t finalcvg = (userdata->m_current_pix_cvg + userdata->m_current_mem_cvg) & 7;
				RWRITEIDX16(fb, finalcolor | (finalcvg >> 2));
				HWRITEADDR8(fb, finalcvg & 3);
			case 2:
				RWRITEIDX16(fb, finalcolor | 1);
				HWRITEADDR8(fb, 3);
			case 3:
				RWRITEIDX16(fb, finalcolor | (userdata->m_current_mem_cvg >> 2));
				HWRITEADDR8(fb, userdata->m_current_mem_cvg & 3);
	else // 32-bit framebuffer
		const uint32_t fb = (object.m_misc_state.m_fb_address >> 2) + curpixel;

		uint32_t finalcolor;
		if (object.m_other_modes.color_on_cvg && !userdata->m_pre_wrap)
			finalcolor = RREADIDX32(fb) & 0xffffff00;
			finalcolor = (color.get_r() << 24) | (color.get_g() << 16) | (color.get_b() << 8);

		switch (object.m_other_modes.cvg_dest)
			case 0:
				if (userdata->m_blend_enable)
					uint32_t finalcvg = userdata->m_current_pix_cvg + userdata->m_current_mem_cvg;
					if (finalcvg & 8)
						finalcvg = 7;

					RWRITEIDX32(fb, finalcolor | (finalcvg << 5));
					RWRITEIDX32(fb, finalcolor | (((userdata->m_current_pix_cvg - 1) & 7) << 5));
			case 1:
				RWRITEIDX32(fb, finalcolor | (((userdata->m_current_pix_cvg + userdata->m_current_mem_cvg) & 7) << 5));
			case 2:
				RWRITEIDX32(fb, finalcolor | 0xE0);
			case 3:
				RWRITEIDX32(fb, finalcolor | (userdata->m_current_mem_cvg << 5));

inline void n64_rdp::read_pixel(uint32_t curpixel, rdp_span_aux* userdata, const rdp_poly_state &object)
	if (object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size == 2) // 16-bit framebuffer
		const uint16_t fword = RREADIDX16((object.m_misc_state.m_fb_address >> 1) + curpixel);

		userdata->m_memory_color.set(0, GETHICOL(fword), GETMEDCOL(fword), GETLOWCOL(fword));
		if (object.m_other_modes.image_read_en)
			uint8_t hbyte = HREADADDR8((object.m_misc_state.m_fb_address >> 1) + curpixel);
			userdata->m_memory_color.set_a(userdata->m_current_mem_cvg << 5);
			userdata->m_current_mem_cvg = ((fword & 1) << 2) | (hbyte & 3);
			userdata->m_current_mem_cvg = 7;
	else // 32-bit framebuffer
		const uint32_t mem = RREADIDX32((object.m_misc_state.m_fb_address >> 2) + curpixel);
		userdata->m_memory_color.set(0, (mem >> 24) & 0xff, (mem >> 16) & 0xff, (mem >> 8) & 0xff);
		if (object.m_other_modes.image_read_en)
			userdata->m_memory_color.set_a(mem & 0xff);
			userdata->m_current_mem_cvg = (mem >> 5) & 7;
			userdata->m_current_mem_cvg = 7;

inline void n64_rdp::copy_pixel(uint32_t curpixel, color_t& color, const rdp_poly_state &object)
	const uint32_t current_pix_cvg = color.get_a() ? 7 : 0;
	const uint8_t r = color.get_r(); // Vectorize me
	const uint8_t g = color.get_g();
	const uint8_t b = color.get_b();
	if (object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size == 2) // 16-bit framebuffer
		RWRITEIDX16((object.m_misc_state.m_fb_address >> 1) + curpixel, ((r >> 3) << 11) | ((g >> 3) << 6) | ((b >> 3) << 1) | ((current_pix_cvg >> 2) & 1));
		HWRITEADDR8((object.m_misc_state.m_fb_address >> 1) + curpixel, current_pix_cvg & 3);
	else // 32-bit framebuffer
		RWRITEIDX32((object.m_misc_state.m_fb_address >> 2) + curpixel, (r << 24) | (g << 16) | (b << 8) | (current_pix_cvg << 5));

inline void n64_rdp::fill_pixel(uint32_t curpixel, const rdp_poly_state &object)
	if (object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size == 2) // 16-bit framebuffer
		uint16_t val;
		if (curpixel & 1)
			val = object.m_fill_color & 0xffff;
			val = (object.m_fill_color >> 16) & 0xffff;
		RWRITEIDX16((object.m_misc_state.m_fb_address >> 1) + curpixel, val);
		HWRITEADDR8((object.m_misc_state.m_fb_address >> 1) + curpixel, ((val & 1) << 1) | (val & 1));
	else // 32-bit framebuffer
		RWRITEIDX32((object.m_misc_state.m_fb_address >> 2) + curpixel, object.m_fill_color);
		HWRITEADDR8((object.m_misc_state.m_fb_address >> 1) + (curpixel << 1), (object.m_fill_color & 0x10000) ? 3 : 0);
		HWRITEADDR8((object.m_misc_state.m_fb_address >> 1) + (curpixel << 1) + 1, (object.m_fill_color & 0x1) ? 3 : 0);

void n64_rdp::span_draw_1cycle(int32_t scanline, const extent_t &extent, const rdp_poly_state &object, int32_t threadid)
	assert(object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size >= 2 && object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size < 4);

	const int32_t clipx1 = object.m_scissor.m_xh;
	const int32_t clipx2 = object.m_scissor.m_xl;
	const int32_t tilenum = object.tilenum;
	const bool flip = object.flip;

	span_param_t r; r.w = extent.param[SPAN_R].start;
	span_param_t g; g.w = extent.param[SPAN_G].start;
	span_param_t b; b.w = extent.param[SPAN_B].start;
	span_param_t a; a.w = extent.param[SPAN_A].start;
	span_param_t z; z.w = extent.param[SPAN_Z].start;
	span_param_t s; s.w = extent.param[SPAN_S].start;
	span_param_t t; t.w = extent.param[SPAN_T].start;
	span_param_t w; w.w = extent.param[SPAN_W].start;

	const uint32_t zb = object.m_misc_state.m_zb_address >> 1;
	const uint32_t zhb = object.m_misc_state.m_zb_address;

#ifdef PTR64
	assert(extent.userdata != (const void *)0xcccccccccccccccc);
	assert(extent.userdata != (const void *)0xcccccccc);
	rdp_span_aux* userdata = (rdp_span_aux*)extent.userdata;

	m_tex_pipe.calculate_clamp_diffs(tilenum, userdata, object);

	const bool partialreject = (userdata->m_color_inputs.blender2b_a[0] == &userdata->m_inv_pixel_color && userdata->m_color_inputs.blender1b_a[0] == &userdata->m_pixel_color);
	const int32_t sel0 = (userdata->m_color_inputs.blender2b_a[0] == &userdata->m_memory_color) ? 1 : 0;

	int32_t drinc, dginc, dbinc, dainc;
	int32_t dzinc, dzpix;
	int32_t dsinc, dtinc, dwinc;
	int32_t xinc;

	if (!flip)
		drinc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_dr;
		dginc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_dg;
		dbinc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_db;
		dainc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_da;
		dzinc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_dz;
		dsinc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_ds;
		dtinc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_dt;
		dwinc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_dw;
		xinc = -1;
		drinc = object.m_span_base.m_span_dr;
		dginc = object.m_span_base.m_span_dg;
		dbinc = object.m_span_base.m_span_db;
		dainc = object.m_span_base.m_span_da;
		dzinc = object.m_span_base.m_span_dz;
		dsinc = object.m_span_base.m_span_ds;
		dtinc = object.m_span_base.m_span_dt;
		dwinc = object.m_span_base.m_span_dw;
		xinc = 1;

	const int32_t fb_index = object.m_misc_state.m_fb_width * scanline;

	const int32_t xstart = extent.startx;
	const int32_t xend = userdata->m_unscissored_rx;
	const int32_t xend_scissored = extent.stopx;

	int32_t x = xend;

	const int32_t length = flip ? (xstart - xend) : (xend - xstart);

		z.w = object.m_misc_state.m_primitive_z;
		dzpix = object.m_misc_state.m_primitive_dz;
		dzinc = 0;
		dzpix = object.m_span_base.m_span_dzpix;

	if (object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size < 2 || object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size > 4)
		fatalerror("unsupported m_fb_size %d\n", object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size);

	const int32_t blend_index = (object.m_other_modes.alpha_cvg_select ? 2 : 0) | ((object.m_other_modes.rgb_dither_sel < 3) ? 1 : 0);
	const int32_t cycle0 = ((object.m_other_modes.sample_type & 1) << 1) | (object.m_other_modes.bi_lerp0 & 1);

	int32_t sss = 0;
	int32_t sst = 0;

	if (object.m_other_modes.persp_tex_en)
		tc_div(s.w >> 16, t.w >> 16, w.w >> 16, &sss, &sst);
		tc_div_no_perspective(s.w >> 16, t.w >> 16, w.w >> 16, &sss, &sst);

	userdata->m_start_span = true;
	for (int32_t j = 0; j <= length; j++)
		int32_t sr = r.w >> 14;
		int32_t sg = g.w >> 14;
		int32_t sb = b.w >> 14;
		int32_t sa = a.w >> 14;
		int32_t sz = (z.w >> 10) & 0x3fffff;
		const bool valid_x = (flip) ? (x >= xend_scissored) : (x <= xend_scissored);

		if (x >= clipx1 && x < clipx2 && valid_x)
			uint8_t offx, offy;
			lookup_cvmask_derivatives(userdata->m_cvg[x], &offx, &offy, userdata);

			m_tex_pipe.lod_1cycle(&sss, &sst, s.w, t.w, w.w, dsinc, dtinc, dwinc, userdata, object);

			rgbaz_correct_triangle(offx, offy, &sr, &sg, &sb, &sa, &sz, userdata, object);
			rgbaz_clip(sr, sg, sb, sa, &sz, userdata);

			((m_tex_pipe).*(m_tex_pipe.m_cycle[cycle0]))(&userdata->m_texel0_color, &userdata->m_texel0_color, sss, sst, tilenum, 0, userdata, object);
			uint32_t t0a = userdata->m_texel0_color.get_a();
			userdata->m_texel0_alpha.set(t0a, t0a, t0a, t0a);

			const uint8_t noise = machine().rand() << 3; // Not accurate
			userdata->m_noise_color.set(0, noise, noise, noise);

			rgbaint_t rgbsub_a(*userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbsub_a[1]);
			rgbaint_t rgbsub_b(*userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbsub_b[1]);
			rgbaint_t rgbmul(*userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbmul[1]);
			rgbaint_t rgbadd(*userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbadd[1]);


			rgbsub_a.sign_extend(0x180, 0xfffffe00);
			rgbsub_b.sign_extend(0x180, 0xfffffe00);
			rgbadd.sign_extend(0x180, 0xfffffe00);


			userdata->m_pixel_color = rgbsub_a;

			//Alpha coverage combiner
			userdata->m_pixel_color.set_a(get_alpha_cvg(userdata->m_pixel_color.get_a(), userdata, object));

			const uint32_t curpixel = fb_index + x;
			const uint32_t zbcur = zb + curpixel;
			const uint32_t zhbcur = zhb + curpixel;

			read_pixel(curpixel, userdata, object);

			if(z_compare(zbcur, zhbcur, sz, dzpix, userdata, object))
				int32_t cdith = 0;
				int32_t adith = 0;
				get_dither_values(scanline, j, &cdith, &adith, object);

				color_t blended_pixel;
				bool rendered = ((&m_blender)->*(m_blender.blend1[(userdata->m_blend_enable << 2) | blend_index]))(blended_pixel, cdith, adith, partialreject, sel0, userdata, object);

				if (rendered)
					write_pixel(curpixel, blended_pixel, userdata, object);
					if (object.m_other_modes.z_update_en)
						z_store(object, zbcur, zhbcur, sz, userdata->m_dzpix_enc);

			sss = userdata->m_precomp_s;
			sst = userdata->m_precomp_t;

		r.w += drinc;
		g.w += dginc;
		b.w += dbinc;
		a.w += dainc;
		s.w += dsinc;
		t.w += dtinc;
		w.w += dwinc;
		z.w += dzinc;

		x += xinc;

void n64_rdp::span_draw_2cycle(int32_t scanline, const extent_t &extent, const rdp_poly_state &object, int32_t threadid)
	assert(object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size >= 2 && object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size < 4);

	const int32_t clipx1 = object.m_scissor.m_xh;
	const int32_t clipx2 = object.m_scissor.m_xl;
	const int32_t tilenum = object.tilenum;
	const bool flip = object.flip;

	span_param_t r; r.w = extent.param[SPAN_R].start;
	span_param_t g; g.w = extent.param[SPAN_G].start;
	span_param_t b; b.w = extent.param[SPAN_B].start;
	span_param_t a; a.w = extent.param[SPAN_A].start;
	span_param_t z; z.w = extent.param[SPAN_Z].start;
	span_param_t s; s.w = extent.param[SPAN_S].start;
	span_param_t t; t.w = extent.param[SPAN_T].start;
	span_param_t w; w.w = extent.param[SPAN_W].start;

	const uint32_t zb = object.m_misc_state.m_zb_address >> 1;
	const uint32_t zhb = object.m_misc_state.m_zb_address;

	int32_t tile2 = (tilenum + 1) & 7;
	int32_t tile1 = tilenum;
	const uint32_t prim_tile = tilenum;

	int32_t newtile1 = tile1;
	int32_t news = 0;
	int32_t newt = 0;

#ifdef PTR64
	assert(extent.userdata != (const void *)0xcccccccccccccccc);
	assert(extent.userdata != (const void *)0xcccccccc);
	rdp_span_aux* userdata = (rdp_span_aux*)extent.userdata;

	m_tex_pipe.calculate_clamp_diffs(tile1, userdata, object);

	bool partialreject = (userdata->m_color_inputs.blender2b_a[1] == &userdata->m_inv_pixel_color && userdata->m_color_inputs.blender1b_a[1] == &userdata->m_pixel_color);
	int32_t sel0 = (userdata->m_color_inputs.blender2b_a[0] == &userdata->m_memory_color) ? 1 : 0;
	int32_t sel1 = (userdata->m_color_inputs.blender2b_a[1] == &userdata->m_memory_color) ? 1 : 0;

	int32_t drinc, dginc, dbinc, dainc;
	int32_t dzinc, dzpix;
	int32_t dsinc, dtinc, dwinc;
	int32_t xinc;

	if (!flip)
		drinc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_dr;
		dginc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_dg;
		dbinc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_db;
		dainc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_da;
		dzinc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_dz;
		dsinc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_ds;
		dtinc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_dt;
		dwinc = -object.m_span_base.m_span_dw;
		xinc = -1;
		drinc = object.m_span_base.m_span_dr;
		dginc = object.m_span_base.m_span_dg;
		dbinc = object.m_span_base.m_span_db;
		dainc = object.m_span_base.m_span_da;
		dzinc = object.m_span_base.m_span_dz;
		dsinc = object.m_span_base.m_span_ds;
		dtinc = object.m_span_base.m_span_dt;
		dwinc = object.m_span_base.m_span_dw;
		xinc = 1;

	const int32_t fb_index = object.m_misc_state.m_fb_width * scanline;

	int32_t cdith = 0;
	int32_t adith = 0;

	const int32_t xstart = extent.startx;
	const int32_t xend = userdata->m_unscissored_rx;
	const int32_t xend_scissored = extent.stopx;

	int32_t x = xend;

	const int32_t length = flip ? (xstart - xend) : (xend - xstart);

		z.w = object.m_misc_state.m_primitive_z;
		dzpix = object.m_misc_state.m_primitive_dz;
		dzinc = 0;
		dzpix = object.m_span_base.m_span_dzpix;

	if (object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size < 2 || object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size > 4)
		fatalerror("unsupported m_fb_size %d\n", object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size);

	const int32_t blend_index = (object.m_other_modes.alpha_cvg_select ? 2 : 0) | ((object.m_other_modes.rgb_dither_sel < 3) ? 1 : 0);
	const int32_t cycle0 = ((object.m_other_modes.sample_type & 1) << 1) | (object.m_other_modes.bi_lerp0 & 1);
	const int32_t cycle1 = ((object.m_other_modes.sample_type & 1) << 1) | (object.m_other_modes.bi_lerp1 & 1);

	int32_t sss = 0;
	int32_t sst = 0;

	if (object.m_other_modes.persp_tex_en)
		tc_div(s.w >> 16, t.w >> 16, w.w >> 16, &sss, &sst);
		tc_div_no_perspective(s.w >> 16, t.w >> 16, w.w >> 16, &sss, &sst);

	userdata->m_start_span = true;
	for (int32_t j = 0; j <= length; j++)
		int32_t sr = r.w >> 14;
		int32_t sg = g.w >> 14;
		int32_t sb = b.w >> 14;
		int32_t sa = a.w >> 14;
		int32_t sz = (z.w >> 10) & 0x3fffff;

		const bool valid_x = (flip) ? (x >= xend_scissored) : (x <= xend_scissored);

		if (x >= clipx1 && x < clipx2 && valid_x)
			const uint32_t compidx = m_compressed_cvmasks[userdata->m_cvg[x]];
			userdata->m_current_pix_cvg = cvarray[compidx].cvg;
			userdata->m_current_cvg_bit = cvarray[compidx].cvbit;
			const uint8_t offx = cvarray[compidx].xoff;
			const uint8_t offy = cvarray[compidx].yoff;
			//lookup_cvmask_derivatives(userdata->m_cvg[x], &offx, &offy, userdata);

			m_tex_pipe.lod_2cycle(&sss, &sst, s.w, t.w, w.w, dsinc, dtinc, dwinc, prim_tile, &tile1, &tile2, userdata, object);

			news = userdata->m_precomp_s;
			newt = userdata->m_precomp_t;
			m_tex_pipe.lod_2cycle_limited(&news, &newt, s.w + dsinc, t.w + dtinc, w.w + dwinc, dsinc, dtinc, dwinc, prim_tile, &newtile1, object);

			rgbaz_correct_triangle(offx, offy, &sr, &sg, &sb, &sa, &sz, userdata, object);
			rgbaz_clip(sr, sg, sb, sa, &sz, userdata);

			((m_tex_pipe).*(m_tex_pipe.m_cycle[cycle0]))(&userdata->m_texel0_color, &userdata->m_texel0_color, sss, sst, tile1, 0, userdata, object);
			((m_tex_pipe).*(m_tex_pipe.m_cycle[cycle1]))(&userdata->m_texel1_color, &userdata->m_texel0_color, sss, sst, tile2, 1, userdata, object);
			((m_tex_pipe).*(m_tex_pipe.m_cycle[cycle1]))(&userdata->m_next_texel_color, &userdata->m_next_texel_color, sss, sst, tile2, 1, userdata, object);

			uint32_t t0a = userdata->m_texel0_color.get_a();
			uint32_t t1a = userdata->m_texel1_color.get_a();
			uint32_t tna = userdata->m_next_texel_color.get_a();
			userdata->m_texel0_alpha.set(t0a, t0a, t0a, t0a);
			userdata->m_texel1_alpha.set(t1a, t1a, t1a, t1a);
			userdata->m_next_texel_alpha.set(tna, tna, tna, tna);

			const uint8_t noise = machine().rand() << 3; // Not accurate
			userdata->m_noise_color.set(0, noise, noise, noise);

			rgbaint_t rgbsub_a(*userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbsub_a[0]);
			rgbaint_t rgbsub_b(*userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbsub_b[0]);
			rgbaint_t rgbmul(*userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbmul[0]);
			rgbaint_t rgbadd(*userdata->m_color_inputs.combiner_rgbadd[0]);


			rgbsub_a.sign_extend(0x180, 0xfffffe00);
			rgbsub_b.sign_extend(0x180, 0xfffffe00);
			rgbadd.sign_extend(0x180, 0xfffffe00);




			uint32_t ca = userdata->m_combined_color.get_a();
			userdata->m_combined_alpha.set(ca, ca, ca, ca);



			rgbsub_a.sign_extend(0x180, 0xfffffe00);
			rgbsub_b.sign_extend(0x180, 0xfffffe00);
			rgbadd.sign_extend(0x180, 0xfffffe00);



			//Alpha coverage combiner
			userdata->m_pixel_color.set_a(get_alpha_cvg(userdata->m_pixel_color.get_a(), userdata, object));

			const uint32_t curpixel = fb_index + x;
			const uint32_t zbcur = zb + curpixel;
			const uint32_t zhbcur = zhb + curpixel;

			read_pixel(curpixel, userdata, object);

			if(z_compare(zbcur, zhbcur, sz, dzpix, userdata, object))
				get_dither_values(scanline, j, &cdith, &adith, object);

				color_t blended_pixel;
				bool rendered = ((&m_blender)->*(m_blender.blend2[(userdata->m_blend_enable << 2) | blend_index]))(blended_pixel, cdith, adith, partialreject, sel0, sel1, userdata, object);

				if (rendered)
					write_pixel(curpixel, blended_pixel, userdata, object);
					if (object.m_other_modes.z_update_en)
						z_store(object, zbcur, zhbcur, sz, userdata->m_dzpix_enc);
			sss = userdata->m_precomp_s;
			sst = userdata->m_precomp_t;

		r.w += drinc;
		g.w += dginc;
		b.w += dbinc;
		a.w += dainc;
		s.w += dsinc;
		t.w += dtinc;
		w.w += dwinc;
		z.w += dzinc;

		x += xinc;

void n64_rdp::span_draw_copy(int32_t scanline, const extent_t &extent, const rdp_poly_state &object, int32_t threadid)
	const int32_t clipx1 = object.m_scissor.m_xh;
	const int32_t clipx2 = object.m_scissor.m_xl;
	const int32_t tilenum = object.tilenum;
	const bool flip = object.flip;

	rdp_span_aux* userdata = (rdp_span_aux*)extent.userdata;
	const int32_t xstart = extent.startx;
	const int32_t xend = userdata->m_unscissored_rx;
	const int32_t xend_scissored = extent.stopx;
	const int32_t xinc = flip ? 1 : -1;
	const int32_t length = flip ? (xstart - xend) : (xend - xstart);

	span_param_t s; s.w = extent.param[SPAN_S].start;
	span_param_t t; t.w = extent.param[SPAN_T].start;

	const int32_t ds = object.m_span_base.m_span_ds / 4;
	const int32_t dt = object.m_span_base.m_span_dt / 4;
	const int32_t dsinc = flip ? (ds) : -ds;
	const int32_t dtinc = flip ? (dt) : -dt;

	const int32_t fb_index = object.m_misc_state.m_fb_width * scanline;

	int32_t x = xend;

	for (int32_t j = 0; j <= length; j++)
		const bool valid_x = (flip) ? (x >= xend_scissored) : (x <= xend_scissored);

		if (x >= clipx1 && x < clipx2 && valid_x)
			int32_t sss = s.h.h;
			int32_t sst = t.h.h;
			m_tex_pipe.copy(&userdata->m_texel0_color, sss, sst, tilenum, object, userdata);

			uint32_t curpixel = fb_index + x;
			if ((userdata->m_texel0_color.get_a() != 0) || (!object.m_other_modes.alpha_compare_en))
				copy_pixel(curpixel, userdata->m_texel0_color, object);

		s.w += dsinc;
		t.w += dtinc;
		x += xinc;

void n64_rdp::span_draw_fill(int32_t scanline, const extent_t &extent, const rdp_poly_state &object, int32_t threadid)
	assert(object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size >= 2 && object.m_misc_state.m_fb_size < 4);

	const bool flip = object.flip;

	const int32_t clipx1 = object.m_scissor.m_xh;
	const int32_t clipx2 = object.m_scissor.m_xl;

	const int32_t xinc = flip ? 1 : -1;

	const int32_t fb_index = object.m_misc_state.m_fb_width * scanline;

	const int32_t xstart = extent.startx;
	const int32_t xend_scissored = extent.stopx;

	int32_t x = xend_scissored;

	const int32_t length = flip ? (xstart - xend_scissored) : (xend_scissored - xstart);

	for (int32_t j = 0; j <= length; j++)
		if (x >= clipx1 && x < clipx2)
			fill_pixel(fb_index + x, object);

		x += xinc;