path: root/src/mame/video/mbee.cpp
blob: 0724f991cf763e4ec19252c8d6497cce07a7ebf0 (plain) (tree)
















































































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Robbbert

    video hardware
    Originally written by Juergen Buchmueller, Dec 1999

    Rewritten by Robbbert (see notes in driver file).

    Operation of old keyboard:
    The design is taken from the SY6545 Application Note AN3. As the CRTC
    renders the picture, the MA lines also scan the keyboard. When a keydown
    is detected, the lightpen pin is activated, which sets bit 6 of the status
    register. The CPU continuously monitors this register. Once bit 6 is set,
    the CPU needs to determine which key is pressed. It firstly clears bit 6,
    then sets port 0B to 1. This prevents the CRTC from scanning the keyboard
    and causing interference. Next, the CPU writes an address to regs 18,19 and
    then instigates the transparent access. This checks one keyboard row, which
    if the pressed key is found, will once again set bit 6. If not found, the
    next row will be checked. Once found, the CPU clears bit 6 and port 0B, then
    works out the ascii key code of the pressed key.

    Tests of old keyboard. Start mbeeic.
    1. Load ASTEROIDS PLUS, stay in attract mode, hold down spacebar,
       it should only fire bullets. If it sometimes starts turning,
       thrusting or using the shield, then there is a problem.

    2. Load SCAVENGER and make sure it doesn't go to the next level
       until you find the Exit.

    3. At the Basic prompt, type in EDASM press enter. At the memory size
       prompt press enter. Now, make sure the keyboard works properly.

    Old keyboard ToDo:
    - Occasional characters dropped while typing
    - Lots of characters dropped when pasting
    - On mbee128p, Simply Write doesn't accept any input

    New keyboard ToDo:
    - On mbeett, various problems caused by phantom characters.


#include "emu.h"
#include "includes/mbee.h"

WRITE_LINE_MEMBER( mbee_state::crtc_vs )
	m_b7_vs = state;
	if ((m_io_config->read() & 0xc0) == 0) // VS selected in config menu


    The 6845 can produce a variety of cursor shapes - all
    are emulated here.

    Need to find out if the 6545 works the same way.


void mbee_state::sy6545_cursor_configure()
	uint8_t i,curs_type=0,r9,r10,r11;

	/* curs_type holds the general cursor shape to be created
	    0 = no cursor
	    1 = partial cursor (only shows on a block of scan lines)
	    2 = full cursor
	    3 = two-part cursor (has a part at the top and bottom with the middle blank) */

	for ( i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(m_sy6545_cursor); i++) m_sy6545_cursor[i] = 0;        // prepare cursor by erasing old one

	r9  = m_sy6545_reg[9];                  // number of scan lines - 1
	r10 = m_sy6545_reg[10] & 0x1f;              // cursor start line = last 5 bits
	r11 = m_sy6545_reg[11]+1;               // cursor end line incremented to suit for-loops below

	/* decide the curs_type by examining the registers */
	if (r10 < r11) curs_type=1;             // start less than end, show start to end
	if (r10 == r11) curs_type=2;                // if equal, show full cursor
	else curs_type=3;                   // if start greater than end, it's a two-part cursor

	if ((r11 - 1) > r9) curs_type=2;            // if end greater than scan-lines, show full cursor
	if (r10 > r9) curs_type=0;              // if start greater than scan-lines, then no cursor
	if (r11 > 16) r11=16;                   // truncate 5-bit register to fit our 4-bit hardware

	/* create the new cursor */
	if (curs_type > 1) for (i = 0;i < ARRAY_LENGTH(m_sy6545_cursor);i++) m_sy6545_cursor[i]=0xff; // turn on full cursor

	if (curs_type == 1) for (i = r10;i < r11;i++) m_sy6545_cursor[i]=0xff; // for each line that should show, turn on that scan line

	if (curs_type == 3) for (i = r11; i < r10;i++) m_sy6545_cursor[i]=0; // now take a bite out of the middle


    Handlers of video, colour, and attribute RAM


READ8_MEMBER( mbee_state::video_low_r )
	if (m_is_premium && ((m_1c & 0x9f) == 0x90))
		return m_p_attribram[offset];
	if (m_0b)
		return m_p_gfxram[offset];
		return m_p_videoram[offset];

WRITE8_MEMBER( mbee_state::video_low_w )
	if (BIT(m_1c, 4))
		// non-premium attribute writes are discarded
		if (m_is_premium && BIT(m_1c, 7))
			m_p_attribram[offset] = data;
		m_p_videoram[offset] = data;

READ8_MEMBER( mbee_state::video_high_r )
	if (BIT(m_08, 6))
		return m_p_colorram[offset];
		return m_p_gfxram[(((m_1c & 15) + 1) << 11) | offset];

WRITE8_MEMBER( mbee_state::video_high_w )
	if (BIT(m_08, 6) && (~m_0b & 1))
		m_p_colorram[offset] = data;
		m_p_gfxram[(((m_1c & 15) + 1) << 11) | offset] = data;

WRITE8_MEMBER( mbee_state::port0b_w )
	m_0b = data & 1;

READ8_MEMBER( mbee_state::port08_r )
	return m_08;

WRITE8_MEMBER( mbee_state::port08_w )
	m_08 = data & 0x4e;

READ8_MEMBER( mbee_state::port1c_r )
	return m_1c;

WRITE8_MEMBER( mbee_state::port1c_w )
/*  d7 extended graphics (1=allow attributes and pcg banks)
    d5 bankswitch basic rom
    d4 select attribute ram
    d3..d0 select m_videoram bank */

	if (m_is_premium && BIT(data, 7))
		m_1c = data;
		m_1c = data & 0x30;

	if (m_basic)
		m_basic->set_entry(BIT(data, 5));


    CRTC-driven keyboard


void mbee_state::oldkb_matrix_r(uint16_t offs)
	if (m_has_oldkb)
		uint8_t port = (offs >> 7) & 7;
		uint8_t bit = (offs >> 4) & 7;
		uint8_t extra = 0;
		uint8_t data = m_io_oldkb[port]->read();
		bool keydown  = BIT(data, bit);

		// This adds premium-style cursor keys to the old keyboard.
		// They are used by the pc85 menu. Premium keyboards already
		// have these keys fitted.
		if (!keydown && !m_is_premium)
			if ((port == 0) || (port == 2) || (port == 3))
				extra = m_io_x7->read();
			else if (port == 7)
				extra = data;

			if (extra)
				if (BIT(extra, 0)) // cursor up
					if( port == 7 && bit == 1 ) keydown = 1;
					if( port == 0 && bit == 5 ) keydown = 1; // control E
				else if (BIT(extra, 2)) // cursor down
					if( port == 7 && bit == 1 ) keydown = 1;
					if( port == 3 && bit == 0 ) keydown = 1; // control X
				else if (BIT(extra, 3)) // cursor left
					if( port == 7 && bit == 1 ) keydown = 1;
					if( port == 2 && bit == 3 ) keydown = 1; // control S
				else if (BIT(extra, 6)) // cursor right
					if( port == 7 && bit == 1 ) keydown = 1;
					if( port == 0 && bit == 4 ) keydown = 1; // control D

		if( keydown )
			m_crtc->assert_light_pen_input(); //lpen_strobe

void mbee_state::oldkb_scan( uint16_t param )
	if (m_0b) return; // IC5 (pins 11,12,13)
	if (param & 15) return; // only scan once per row instead of 16 times


    CRTC registers


WRITE8_MEMBER ( mbee_state::m6545_index_w )
	data &= 0x1f;
	m_sy6545_ind = data;

WRITE8_MEMBER ( mbee_state::m6545_data_w )
	static const uint8_t sy6545_mask[32]={0xff,0xff,0xff,0x0f,0x7f,0x1f,0x7f,0x7f,3,0x1f,0x7f,0x1f,0x3f,0xff,0x3f,0xff,0,0,0x3f,0xff};

	switch( m_sy6545_ind )
	case 12:
		data &= 0x3f; // select alternate character set
		if( m_sy6545_reg[12] != data )
			memcpy(m_p_gfxram, memregion("gfx")->base() + (((data & 0x30) == 0x20) << 11), 0x800);
	m_sy6545_reg[m_sy6545_ind] = data & sy6545_mask[m_sy6545_ind];  /* save data in register */
	if ((m_sy6545_ind > 8) && (m_sy6545_ind < 12)) sy6545_cursor_configure();       /* adjust cursor shape - remove when mame fixed */




VIDEO_START_MEMBER( mbee_state, mono )
	m_p_videoram = memregion("videoram")->base();
	m_p_gfxram = memregion("gfx")->base()+0x1000;
	m_p_colorram = nullptr;
	m_p_attribram = nullptr;
	m_is_premium = 0;

VIDEO_START_MEMBER( mbee_state, standard )
	m_p_videoram = memregion("videoram")->base();
	m_p_gfxram = memregion("gfx")->base()+0x1000;
	m_p_colorram = memregion("colorram")->base();
	m_p_attribram = nullptr;
	m_is_premium = 0;

VIDEO_START_MEMBER( mbee_state, premium )
	m_p_videoram = memregion("videoram")->base();
	m_p_colorram = memregion("colorram")->base();
	m_p_gfxram = memregion("gfx")->base()+0x1000;
	m_p_attribram = memregion("attrib")->base();
	m_is_premium = 1;

uint32_t mbee_state::screen_update_mbee(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	m_crtc->screen_update(screen, bitmap, cliprect);
	return 0;

MC6845_ON_UPDATE_ADDR_CHANGED( mbee_state::crtc_update_addr )
// parameters passed are device, address, strobe(always 0)
// not used on 256TC


MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( mbee_state::crtc_update_row )
	const rgb_t *palette = m_palette->palette()->entry_list_raw();

	// colours
	uint8_t colourm = (m_08 & 0x0e) >> 1;
	uint8_t monopal = (m_io_config->read() & 0x30) >> 4;
	// if colour chosen on mono bee, default to amber
	if (!monopal && !m_p_colorram)
		monopal = 2;

	uint32_t *p = &bitmap.pix32(y);
	uint8_t inv, attr=0, gfx, fg=96+monopal, bg=96, col=0;
	uint16_t mem, x, chr;

	for (x = 0; x < x_count; x++)           // for each character
		inv = 0;
		mem = (ma + x) & 0x7ff;
		chr = m_p_videoram[mem];

		if (BIT(m_1c, 7)) // premium graphics enabled?
			attr = m_p_attribram[mem];

			if (BIT(chr, 7))
				chr += ((attr & 15) << 7);          // bump chr to its particular pcg definition

			if (BIT(attr, 6))
				inv ^= 0xff;                    // inverse attribute

			if (BIT(attr, 7) & BIT(m_framecnt, 4))            // flashing attribute
				chr = 0x20;


		/* process cursor */
		if (x == cursor_x)
			inv ^= m_sy6545_cursor[ra];          // cursor scan row

		/* get pattern of pixels for that character scanline */
		gfx = m_p_gfxram[(chr<<4) | ra] ^ inv;

		// get colours
		if (!monopal)
			col = m_p_colorram[mem];                     // read a byte of colour

			if (m_is_premium)
				fg = col & 15;
				bg = col >> 4;
				fg = (col & 0x1f) | 64;
				bg = ((col & 0xe0) >> 2) | colourm;

		/* Display a scanline of a character (8 pixels) */
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 7) ? fg : bg];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 6) ? fg : bg];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 5) ? fg : bg];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 4) ? fg : bg];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 3) ? fg : bg];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 2) ? fg : bg];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 1) ? fg : bg];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 0) ? fg : bg];



    Standard Palette: The 8 bits from the colour RAM are divided into 5 bits for foreground, and 3
    bits for background. The 5 foreground bits pass through a PAL, which has 6 outputs. A write to
    port 8 produces 3 more background lines, giving 6 in total. These 12 lines travel to a pair of
    74LS157 switching chips, where the foreground or background lines are selected by the absence or
    or presence of a pixel. The 6 chosen lines pass through a 7407 then are merged to the final 3 RGB
    lines. Each pair is merged like this:
    VCC --- 330 ohm --- primary colour line + out to monitor ---- 120 ohm --- secondary colour line


void mbee_state::standard_palette(palette_device &palette) const
	constexpr uint8_t bglevel[] = { 0, 0x54, 0xa0, 0xff };
	constexpr uint8_t fglevel[] = { 0, 0xa0, 0xff, 0xff };
	uint8_t i;

	// set up background colours (00-63)
	i = 0;
	for (uint8_t b : bglevel)
		for (uint8_t g : bglevel)
			for (uint8_t r : bglevel)
				uint8_t const k = bitswap<8>(i, 7, 6, 5, 3, 1, 4, 2, 0);
				palette.set_pen_color(k, rgb_t(r, g, b));

	// set up foreground palette (64-95) by reading the prom
	uint8_t const *const color_prom = memregion("proms")->base();
	for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
		uint8_t const k = color_prom[i];
		uint8_t const r = fglevel[(BIT(k, 2))|(BIT(k, 5)<<1)];
		uint8_t const g = fglevel[(BIT(k, 1))|(BIT(k, 4)<<1)];
		uint8_t const b = fglevel[(BIT(k, 0))|(BIT(k, 3)<<1)];
		palette.set_pen_color(i|64, rgb_t(r, g, b));

	// monochrome palette
	palette.set_pen_color(96, rgb_t(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); // black
	palette.set_pen_color(97, rgb_t(0x00, 0xff, 0x00)); // green
	palette.set_pen_color(98, rgb_t(0xf7, 0xaa, 0x00)); // amber
	palette.set_pen_color(99, rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff)); // white

void mbee_state::premium_palette(palette_device &palette) const
	// set up 8 low intensity colours
	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 7; i++)
		uint8_t const r = BIT(i, 0) ? 0xc0 : 0;
		uint8_t const g = BIT(i, 1) ? 0xc0 : 0;
		uint8_t const b = BIT(i, 2) ? 0xc0 : 0;
		palette.set_pen_color(i, rgb_t(r, g, b));

	// colour 8 is dark grey, rather than black
	palette.set_pen_color(8, rgb_t(96, 96, 96));

	// set up 8 high intensity colours
	for (uint8_t i = 9; i < 16; i++)
		uint8_t const r = BIT(i, 0) ? 0xff : 0;
		uint8_t const g = BIT(i, 1) ? 0xff : 0;
		uint8_t const b = BIT(i, 2) ? 0xff : 0;
		palette.set_pen_color(i, rgb_t(r, g, b));

	// monochrome palette
	palette.set_pen_color(96, rgb_t(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); // black
	palette.set_pen_color(97, rgb_t(0x00, 0xff, 0x00)); // green
	palette.set_pen_color(98, rgb_t(0xf7, 0xaa, 0x00)); // amber
	palette.set_pen_color(99, rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff)); // white