path: root/src/mame/video/hng64_3d.hxx
blob: b0d711a32167024bb2b7e982b01ecb35c58987cc (plain) (tree)























































































































































































// license:LGPL-2.1+
// copyright-holders:David Haywood, Angelo Salese, ElSemi, Andrew Gardner, Andrew Zaferakis

/// Hyper NeoGeo 64 - 3D bits ///

// Polygon rasterizer interface
hng64_poly_renderer::hng64_poly_renderer(hng64_state& state)
	: poly_manager<float, hng64_poly_data, 7, HNG64_MAX_POLYGONS>(state.machine())
	, m_state(state)
	, m_colorBuffer3d(state.m_screen->visible_area().width(), state.m_screen->visible_area().height())
	const int32_t bufferSize = state.m_screen->visible_area().width() * state.m_screen->visible_area().height();
	m_depthBuffer3d = std::make_unique<float[]>(bufferSize);

// Hardware calls these '3d buffers'
//   They're only read during the startup check of fatfurwa.  Z-buffer memory?  Front buffer, back buffer?
//   They're definitely mirrored in the startup test, according to ElSemi
//   30100000-3011ffff is framebuffer A0
//   30120000-3013ffff is framebuffer A1
//   30140000-3015ffff is ZBuffer A

	return m_3d_1[offset];

	COMBINE_DATA (&m_3d_1[offset]);

	return m_3d_2[offset];

	COMBINE_DATA (&m_3d_2[offset]);

// The 3d 'display list'

	// Data is:
	// 00000b50 for the sams64 games
	// 00000f00 for everything else
	// TODO: different param for the two sams64 games, less FIFO to process?

	// This is written after the game uploads 16 packets, each 16 words long
	// We're assuming it to be a 'send to 3d hardware' trigger.
	// This can be called multiple times per frame (at least 2, as long as it gets the expected interrupt / status flags)
	for(int packetStart = 0; packetStart < 0x100; packetStart += 16)
		// Send it off to the 3d subsystem.

	// Schedule a small amount of time to let the 3d hardware rasterize the display buffer


	// This could be a multiple display list thing, but the palette seems to be lost between lists?
	// Many games briefly set this to 0x4 on startup. Maybe there are 3 display lists?
	// The sams64 games briefly set this value to 0x0c00 on boot.  Maybe there are 4 lists and they can be combined?
	if (data & 0x01)
		m_activeDisplayList = 0;
	else if (data & 0x02)
		m_activeDisplayList = 1;

//  printf("dl_control_w %08x %08x\n", data, mem_mask);
//  if(data & 2) // swap buffers
//  {
//      clear3d();
//  }
//  printf("%02x\n",data);
//  if(data & 1) // process DMA from 3d FIFO to framebuffer
//  if(data & 4) // reset buffer count

// 3d 'Functions' //

void hng64_state::printPacket(const uint16_t* packet, int hex)
	if (hex)
		printf("Packet : %04x %04x  2:%04x %04x  4:%04x %04x  6:%04x %04x  8:%04x %04x  10:%04x %04x  12:%04x %04x  14:%04x %04x\n",
				packet[0],  packet[1],
				packet[2],  packet[3],
				packet[4],  packet[5],
				packet[6],  packet[7],
				packet[8],  packet[9],
				packet[10], packet[11],
				packet[12], packet[13],
				packet[14], packet[15]);
		printf("Packet : %04x %3.4f  2:%3.4f %3.4f  4:%3.4f %3.4f  6:%3.4f %3.4f  8:%3.4f %3.4f  10:%3.4f %3.4f  12:%3.4f %3.4f  14:%3.4f %3.4f\n",
				packet[0],            uToF(packet[1] )*128,
				uToF(packet[2] )*128, uToF(packet[3] )*128,
				uToF(packet[4] )*128, uToF(packet[5] )*128,
				uToF(packet[6] )*128, uToF(packet[7] )*128,
				uToF(packet[8] )*128, uToF(packet[9] )*128,
				uToF(packet[10])*128, uToF(packet[11])*128,
				uToF(packet[12])*128, uToF(packet[13])*128,
				uToF(packet[14])*128, uToF(packet[15])*128);

// Operation 0001
// Camera transformation.
void hng64_state::setCameraTransformation(const uint16_t* packet)
	// [0]  - 0001 ... ID
	// [1]  - xxxx ... Extrinsic camera matrix
	// [2]  - xxxx ... Extrinsic camera matrix
	// [3]  - xxxx ... Extrinsic camera matrix
	// [4]  - xxxx ... Extrinsic camera matrix
	// [5]  - xxxx ... Extrinsic camera matrix
	// [6]  - xxxx ... Extrinsic camera matrix
	// [7]  - xxxx ... Extrinsic camera matrix
	// [8]  - xxxx ... Extrinsic camera matrix
	// [9]  - xxxx ... Extrinsic camera matrix
	// [10] - xxxx ... Extrinsic camera matrix
	// [11] - xxxx ... Extrinsic camera matrix
	// [12] - xxxx ... Extrinsic camera matrix
	// [13] - ???? ... ? Flips per-frame during fatfurwa 'HNG64'
	// [14] - ???? ... ? Could be some floating-point values during buriki 'door run'
	// [15] - ???? ... ? Same as 13 & 14
	m_cameraMatrix[0]  = uToF(packet[1]);
	m_cameraMatrix[4]  = uToF(packet[2]);
	m_cameraMatrix[8]  = uToF(packet[3]);
	m_cameraMatrix[3]  = 0.0f;

	m_cameraMatrix[1]  = uToF(packet[4]);
	m_cameraMatrix[5]  = uToF(packet[5]);
	m_cameraMatrix[9]  = uToF(packet[6]);
	m_cameraMatrix[7]  = 0.0f;

	m_cameraMatrix[2]  = uToF(packet[7]);
	m_cameraMatrix[6]  = uToF(packet[8]);
	m_cameraMatrix[10] = uToF(packet[9]);
	m_cameraMatrix[11] = 0.0f;

	m_cameraMatrix[12] = uToF(packet[10]);
	m_cameraMatrix[13] = uToF(packet[11]);
	m_cameraMatrix[14] = uToF(packet[12]);
	m_cameraMatrix[15] = 1.0f;

// Operation 0010
// Lighting information
void hng64_state::setLighting(const uint16_t* packet)
	// [0]  - 0010 ... ID
	// [1]  - ???? ... ? Always zero
	// [2]  - ???? ... ? Always zero
	// [3]  - xxxx ... X light vector direction
	// [4]  - xxxx ... Y light vector direction
	// [5]  - xxxx ... Z light vector direction
	// [6]  - ???? ... ? Seems to be another light vector ?
	// [7]  - ???? ... ? Seems to be another light vector ?
	// [8]  - ???? ... ? Seems to be another light vector ?
	// [9]  - xxxx ... Strength according to sams64_2 (in combination with vector length) [0,512]
	// [10] - ???? ... ? Used in fatfurwa
	// [11] - ???? ... ? Used in fatfurwa
	// [12] - ???? ... ? Used in fatfurwa
	// [13] - ???? ... ? Used in fatfurwa
	// [14] - ???? ... ? Used in fatfurwa
	// [15] - ???? ... ? Used in fatfurwa
	if (packet[1] != 0x0000) printf("ZOMG!  packet[1] in setLighting function is non-zero!\n");
	if (packet[2] != 0x0000) printf("ZOMG!  packet[2] in setLighting function is non-zero!\n");

	m_lightVector[0] = uToF(packet[3]);
	m_lightVector[1] = uToF(packet[4]);
	m_lightVector[2] = uToF(packet[5]);
	m_lightStrength = uToF(packet[9]);

// Operation 0011
// Palette / Model flags?
void hng64_state::set3dFlags(const uint16_t* packet)
	// [0]  - 0011 ... ID
	// [1]  - ???? ...
	// [2]  - ???? ...
	// [3]  - ???? ...
	// [4]  - ???? ...
	// [5]  - ???? ...
	// [6]  - ???? ...
	// [7]  - ???? ...
	// [8]  - xx?? ... Palette offset & ??
	// [9]  - ???? ... ? Very much used - seem to bounce around when characters are on screen
	// [10] - ???? ... ? ''  ''
	// [11] - ???? ... ? ''  ''
	// [12] - ???? ... ? ''  ''
	// [13] - ???? ... ? ''  ''
	// [14] - ???? ... ? ''  ''
	// [15] - ???? ... ? ''  ''
	m_paletteState3d = (packet[8] & 0xff00) >> 8;

// Operation 0012
// Projection Matrix.
void hng64_state::setCameraProjectionMatrix(const uint16_t* packet)
	// [0]  - 0012 ... ID
	// [1]  - ???? ... ? Contains a value in buriki's 'how to play' - probably a projection window/offset.
	// [2]  - ???? ... ? Contains a value in buriki's 'how to play' - probably a projection window/offset.
	// [3]  - ???? ... ? Contains a value
	// [4]  - xxxx ... Camera projection near   - confirmed by sams64_2
	// [5]  - xxxx ... Camera projection near   - confirmed by sams64_2
	// [6]  - xxxx ... Camera projection near   - confirmed by sams64_2
	// [7]  - xxxx ... Camera projection far (?)
	// [8]  - xxxx ... Camera projection far (?)
	// [9]  - xxxx ... Camera projection far (?)
	// [10] - xxxx ... Camera projection right  - confirmed by sams64_2
	// [11] - xxxx ... Camera projection left   - confirmed by sams64_2
	// [12] - xxxx ... Camera projection top    - confirmed by sams64_2
	// [13] - xxxx ... Camera projection bottom - confirmed by sams64_2
	// [14] - ???? ... ? Gets data during buriki door-run
	// [15] - ???? ... ? Gets data during buriki door-run

	// Heisted from GLFrustum - 6 parameters...
	const float left    = uToF(packet[11]);
	const float right   = uToF(packet[10]);
	const float top     = uToF(packet[12]);
	const float bottom  = uToF(packet[13]);

	// TODO: It's unclear how the 3 values combine to make a near clipping plane
	const float near_   = uToF(packet[6]) + (uToF(packet[6]) * uToF(packet[4]));
	const float far_    = 0.9f;             // uToF(packet[9]) + (uToF(packet[9]) * uToF(packet[7]));

	m_projectionMatrix[0]  = (2.0f*near_)/(right-left);
	m_projectionMatrix[1]  = 0.0f;
	m_projectionMatrix[2]  = 0.0f;
	m_projectionMatrix[3]  = 0.0f;

	m_projectionMatrix[4]  = 0.0f;
	m_projectionMatrix[5]  = (2.0f*near_)/(top-bottom);
	m_projectionMatrix[6]  = 0.0f;
	m_projectionMatrix[7]  = 0.0f;

	m_projectionMatrix[8]  = (right+left)/(right-left);
	m_projectionMatrix[9]  = (top+bottom)/(top-bottom);
	m_projectionMatrix[10] = -((far_+near_)/(far_-near_));
	m_projectionMatrix[11] = -1.0f;

	m_projectionMatrix[12] = 0.0f;
	m_projectionMatrix[13] = 0.0f;
	m_projectionMatrix[14] = -((2.0f*far_*near_)/(far_-near_));
	m_projectionMatrix[15] = 0.0f;

// Operation 0100
// Polygon rasterization.
void hng64_state::recoverPolygonBlock(const uint16_t* packet, int& numPolys)
	//printPacket(packet, 1);

	// [0]  - 0100 ... ID
	// [1]  - ?--- ... Flags [?000 = ???
	//                        0?00 = ???
	//                        00?0 = ???
	//                        000? = ???]
	// [1]  - -?-- ... Flags [?000 = ???
	//                        0?00 = ???
	//                        00?0 = ???
	//                        000x = Dynamic palette bit]
	// [1]  - --?- ... Flags [?000 = ???
	//                        0?00 = ???
	//                        00?0 = ???
	//                        000? = ???]
	// [1]  - ---? ... Flags [x000 = Apply lighting bit
	//                        0?00 = ???
	//                        00?0 = ???
	//                        000? = ???]
	// [2]  - xxxx ... offset into ROM
	// [3]  - xxxx ... offset into ROM
	// [4]  - xxxx ... Transformation matrix
	// [5]  - xxxx ... Transformation matrix
	// [6]  - xxxx ... Transformation matrix
	// [7]  - xxxx ... Transformation matrix
	// [8]  - xxxx ... Transformation matrix
	// [9]  - xxxx ... Transformation matrix
	// [10] - xxxx ... Transformation matrix
	// [11] - xxxx ... Transformation matrix
	// [12] - xxxx ... Transformation matrix
	// [13] - xxxx ... Transformation matrix
	// [14] - xxxx ... Transformation matrix
	// [15] - xxxx ... Transformation matrix

	float objectMatrix[16];
	objectMatrix[8] = uToF(packet[7]);
	objectMatrix[4] = uToF(packet[8]);
	objectMatrix[0] = uToF(packet[9]);
	objectMatrix[3] = 0.0f;

	objectMatrix[9] = uToF(packet[10]);
	objectMatrix[5] = uToF(packet[11]);
	objectMatrix[1] = uToF(packet[12]);
	objectMatrix[7] = 0.0f;

	objectMatrix[10] = uToF(packet[13]);
	objectMatrix[6 ] = uToF(packet[14]);
	objectMatrix[2 ] = uToF(packet[15]);
	objectMatrix[11] = 0.0f;

	objectMatrix[12] = uToF(packet[4]);
	objectMatrix[13] = uToF(packet[5]);
	objectMatrix[14] = uToF(packet[6]);
	objectMatrix[15] = 1.0f;

	uint32_t size[4];
	uint32_t address[4];
	uint32_t megaOffset;
	polygon lastPoly = { 0 };

	// [0]  - lower word of sub-address 1
	// [1]  - lower word of sub-address 2
	// [2]  - upper word of all sub-addresses
	// [3]  - lower word of sub-address 3
	// [4]  - lower word of sub-address 4
	// [5]  - ???? always 0 ????
	// [6]  - number of chunks in sub-address 1 block
	// [7]  - number of chunks in sub-address 2 block
	// [8]  - ???? always 0 ????
	// [9]  - number of chunks in sub-address 3 block
	// [10] - number of chunks in sub-address 4 block
	// [11] - ? definitely used.
	// [12] - ? definitely used.
	// [13] - ? definitely used.
	// [14] - ? definitely used.
	// [15] - ???? always 0 ????
	// [16] - ???? always 0 ????
	// [17] - ???? always 0 ????
	// [18] - ???? always 0 ????
	// [19] - ???? always 0 ????
	// [20] - ???? always 0 ????

	// 3d ROM Offset
	uint16_t* threeDRoms = m_vertsrom;
	uint32_t  threeDOffset = (((uint32_t)packet[2]) << 16) | ((uint32_t)packet[3]);
	uint16_t* threeDPointer = &threeDRoms[threeDOffset * 3];

	if (threeDOffset >= m_vertsrom_size)
		printf("Strange geometry packet: (ignoring)\n");
		printPacket(packet, 1);

#if 0
	// Debug - ajg
	printf("%08x : ", threeDOffset*3*2);
	for (int k = 0; k < 7*3; k++)
		printf("%04x ", threeDPointer[k]);
		if ((k % 3) == 2) printf(" ");

	// There are 4 hunks per address.
	address[0] = threeDPointer[0];
	address[1] = threeDPointer[1];
	megaOffset = threeDPointer[2];

	address[2] = threeDPointer[3];
	address[3] = threeDPointer[4];
	if (threeDPointer[5] != 0x0000) printf("ZOMG!  3dPointer[5] is non-zero!\n");

	size[0]    = threeDPointer[6];
	size[1]    = threeDPointer[7];
	if (threeDPointer[8] != 0x0000) printf("ZOMG!  3dPointer[8] is non-zero!\n");

	size[2]    = threeDPointer[9];
	size[3]    = threeDPointer[10];
	//           ????         [11]; Used.
	//           ????         [12]; Used.
	//           ????         [13]; Used.
	//           ????         [14]; Used.

	if (threeDPointer[15] != 0x0000) printf("ZOMG!  3dPointer[15] is non-zero!\n");
	if (threeDPointer[16] != 0x0000) printf("ZOMG!  3dPointer[16] is non-zero!\n");
	if (threeDPointer[17] != 0x0000) printf("ZOMG!  3dPointer[17] is non-zero!\n");

	if (threeDPointer[18] != 0x0000) printf("ZOMG!  3dPointer[18] is non-zero!\n");
	if (threeDPointer[19] != 0x0000) printf("ZOMG!  3dPointer[19] is non-zero!\n");
	if (threeDPointer[20] != 0x0000) printf("ZOMG!  3dPointer[20] is non-zero!\n");

	// Concatenate the megaOffset with the addresses
	address[0] |= (megaOffset << 16);
	address[1] |= (megaOffset << 16);
	address[2] |= (megaOffset << 16);
	address[3] |= (megaOffset << 16);

	// Debug - ajg
	//uint32_t tdColor = 0xff000000;
	//if (threeDPointer[14] & 0x0002) tdColor |= 0x00ff0000;
	//if (threeDPointer[14] & 0x0001) tdColor |= 0x0000ff00;
	//if (threeDPointer[14] & 0x0000) tdColor |= 0x000000ff;

	// For all 4 polygon chunks
	for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
		uint16_t* chunkOffset = &threeDRoms[address[k] * 3];
		for (int l = 0; l < size[k]; l++)
			// [0] 0000 0000 cccc cccc    0 = always 0 | c = chunk type / format of data that follows (see below)
			// [1] u--l pppp pppp ssss    u = unknown, always on for most games, on for the backgrounds only on sams64, l = low-res texture?  p = palette?  s = texture sheet (1024 x 1024 pages)
			// [2] S?XX *--- -YY# ----    S = use 4x4 sub-texture pages?  ? = SNK logo roadedge / bbust2 / broken banners in xrally,  XX = horizontal subtexture  * = broken banners in xrally  YY = vertical subtexture  @ = broken banners in xrally

			// we currently use one of the palette bits to enable a different palette mode.. seems hacky...
			// looks like vertical / horizontal sub-pages might be 3 bits, not 2,  ? could be enable bit for that..

			// 'Welcome to South Africa' roadside banner on xrally | 000e 8c0d d870 or 0096 8c0d d870  (8c0d, d870 seems key 1000 1100 0000 1101
			//                                                                                                               1101 1000 0111 0000 )

			uint8_t chunkType = chunkOffset[0] & 0x00ff;

			// Debug - ajg
			if (chunkOffset[0] & 0xff00)
				printf("Weird!  The top byte of the chunkType has a value %04x!\n", chunkOffset[0]);

			// Syntactical simplification
			polygon& currentPoly = m_polys[numPolys];

			// Debug - Colors polygons with certain flags bright blue! ajg
			currentPoly.debugColor = 0;
			//currentPoly.debugColor = tdColor;

			// Debug - ajg
			//printf("%d (%08x) : %04x %04x %04x\n", k, address[k]*3*2, chunkOffset[0], chunkOffset[1], chunkOffset[2]);

			// There may be more than just high & low res texture types, so I'm keeping texType as a uint8_t. */
			if (chunkOffset[1] & 0x1000) currentPoly.texType = 0x1;
			else                         currentPoly.texType = 0x0;

			currentPoly.texPageSmall       = (chunkOffset[2] & 0xc000)>>14;  // Just a guess.
			currentPoly.texPageHorizOffset = (chunkOffset[2] & 0x3800) >> 11;
			currentPoly.texPageVertOffset  = (chunkOffset[2] & 0x0070) >> 4;

			currentPoly.texIndex = chunkOffset[1] & 0x000f;

			currentPoly.palOffset = 0;
			currentPoly.palPageSize = 0x100;

			// FIXME: This isn't correct.
			//        Buriki & Xrally need this line.  Roads Edge needs it removed.
			//        So instead we're looking for a bit that is on for XRally & Buriki, but noone else.
			if (m_3dregs[0x00/4] & 0x2000)
				if (strcmp(machine().basename(), "roadedge"))
					currentPoly.palOffset += 0x800;

			//uint16_t explicitPaletteValue0 = ((chunkOffset[?] & 0x????) >> ?) * 0x800;
			uint16_t explicitPaletteValue1 = ((chunkOffset[1] & 0x0f00) >> 8) * 0x080;
			uint16_t explicitPaletteValue2 = ((chunkOffset[1] & 0x00f0) >> 4) * 0x008;

			// The presence of 0x00f0 *probably* sets 0x10-sized palette addressing.
			if (explicitPaletteValue2) currentPoly.palPageSize = 0x10;

			// Apply the dynamic palette offset if its flag is set, otherwise stick with the fixed one
			if ((packet[1] & 0x0100))
				explicitPaletteValue1 = m_paletteState3d * 0x80;
				explicitPaletteValue2 = 0;      // This is probably hiding somewhere in operation 0011

			currentPoly.palOffset += (explicitPaletteValue1 + explicitPaletteValue2);

#if 0
			if (((chunkOffset[2] & 0xc000) == 0x4000) && (m_screen->frame_number() & 1))
			//  if (chunkOffset[2] == 0xd870)
					currentPoly.debugColor = 0xffff0000;
					printf("%d (%08x) : %04x %04x %04x\n", k, address[k] * 3 * 2, chunkOffset[0], chunkOffset[1], chunkOffset[2]);

			uint8_t chunkLength = 0;
			// CHUNK TYPE BITS - These are very likely incorrect.
			// x--- ---- - 1 = Has only 1 vertex (part of a triangle fan/strip)
			// -x-- ---- -
			// --x- ---- -
			// ---x ---- -
			// ---- x--- -
			// ---- -x-- - 1 = Has per-vert UVs
			// ---- --x- -
			// ---- ---x - 1 = Has per-vert normals

			// 33 word chunk, 3 vertices, per-vertex UVs & normals, per-face normal
			case 0x05:  // 0000 0101
			case 0x0f:  // 0000 1111
				for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
					currentPoly.vert[m].worldCoords[0] = uToF(chunkOffset[3 + (9*m)]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].worldCoords[1] = uToF(chunkOffset[4 + (9*m)]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].worldCoords[2] = uToF(chunkOffset[5 + (9*m)]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].worldCoords[3] = 1.0f;
					currentPoly.n = 3;

					// chunkOffset[6 + (9*m)] is almost always 0080, but it's 0070 for the translucent globe in fatfurwa player select
					currentPoly.vert[m].texCoords[0] = uToF(chunkOffset[7 + (9*m)]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].texCoords[1] = uToF(chunkOffset[8 + (9*m)]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].texCoords[2] = 0.0f;
					currentPoly.vert[m].texCoords[3] = 1.0f;

					currentPoly.vert[m].normal[0] = uToF(chunkOffset[9  + (9*m)]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].normal[1] = uToF(chunkOffset[10 + (9*m)]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].normal[2] = uToF(chunkOffset[11 + (9*m)]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].normal[3] = 0.0f;

				// Redundantly called, but it works...
				currentPoly.faceNormal[0] = uToF(chunkOffset[30]);
				currentPoly.faceNormal[1] = uToF(chunkOffset[31]);
				currentPoly.faceNormal[2] = uToF(chunkOffset[32]);
				currentPoly.faceNormal[3] = 0.0f;

				chunkLength = 33;

			// 24 word chunk, 3 vertices, per-vertex UVs
			case 0x04:  // 0000 0100
			case 0x0e:  // 0000 1110
			case 0x24:  // 0010 0100
			case 0x2e:  // 0010 1110
				for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
					currentPoly.vert[m].worldCoords[0] = uToF(chunkOffset[3 + (6*m)]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].worldCoords[1] = uToF(chunkOffset[4 + (6*m)]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].worldCoords[2] = uToF(chunkOffset[5 + (6*m)]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].worldCoords[3] = 1.0f;
					currentPoly.n = 3;

					// chunkOffset[6 + (6*m)] is almost always 0080, but it's 0070 for the translucent globe in fatfurwa player select
					currentPoly.vert[m].texCoords[0] = uToF(chunkOffset[7 + (6*m)]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].texCoords[1] = uToF(chunkOffset[8 + (6*m)]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].texCoords[2] = 0.0f;
					currentPoly.vert[m].texCoords[3] = 1.0f;

					currentPoly.vert[m].normal[0] = uToF(chunkOffset[21]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].normal[1] = uToF(chunkOffset[22]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].normal[2] = uToF(chunkOffset[23]);
					currentPoly.vert[m].normal[3] = 0.0f;

				// Redundantly called, but it works...
				currentPoly.faceNormal[0] = currentPoly.vert[2].normal[0];
				currentPoly.faceNormal[1] = currentPoly.vert[2].normal[1];
				currentPoly.faceNormal[2] = currentPoly.vert[2].normal[2];
				currentPoly.faceNormal[3] = 0.0f;

				chunkLength = 24;

			// 15 word chunk, 1 vertex, per-vertex UVs & normals, face normal
			case 0x87:  // 1000 0111
			case 0x97:  // 1001 0111
			case 0xd7:  // 1101 0111
			case 0xc7:  // 1100 0111
				// Copy over the proper vertices from the previous triangle...
				memcpy(&currentPoly.vert[1], &lastPoly.vert[0], sizeof(polyVert));
				memcpy(&currentPoly.vert[2], &lastPoly.vert[2], sizeof(polyVert));

				// Fill in the appropriate data...
				currentPoly.vert[0].worldCoords[0] = uToF(chunkOffset[3]);
				currentPoly.vert[0].worldCoords[1] = uToF(chunkOffset[4]);
				currentPoly.vert[0].worldCoords[2] = uToF(chunkOffset[5]);
				currentPoly.vert[0].worldCoords[3] = 1.0f;
				currentPoly.n = 3;

				// chunkOffset[6] is almost always 0080, but it's 0070 for the translucent globe in fatfurwa player select
				currentPoly.vert[0].texCoords[0] = uToF(chunkOffset[7]);
				currentPoly.vert[0].texCoords[1] = uToF(chunkOffset[8]);
				currentPoly.vert[0].texCoords[2] = 0.0f;
				currentPoly.vert[0].texCoords[3] = 1.0f;

				currentPoly.vert[0].normal[0] = uToF(chunkOffset[9]);
				currentPoly.vert[0].normal[1] = uToF(chunkOffset[10]);
				currentPoly.vert[0].normal[2] = uToF(chunkOffset[11]);
				currentPoly.vert[0].normal[3] = 0.0f;

				currentPoly.faceNormal[0] = uToF(chunkOffset[12]);
				currentPoly.faceNormal[1] = uToF(chunkOffset[13]);
				currentPoly.faceNormal[2] = uToF(chunkOffset[14]);
				currentPoly.faceNormal[3] = 0.0f;

				chunkLength = 15;

			// 12 word chunk, 1 vertex, per-vertex UVs
			case 0x86:  // 1000 0110
			case 0x96:  // 1001 0110
			case 0xb6:  // 1011 0110
			case 0xc6:  // 1100 0110
			case 0xd6:  // 1101 0110
				// Copy over the proper vertices from the previous triangle...
				memcpy(&currentPoly.vert[1], &lastPoly.vert[0], sizeof(polyVert));
				memcpy(&currentPoly.vert[2], &lastPoly.vert[2], sizeof(polyVert));

				currentPoly.vert[0].worldCoords[0] = uToF(chunkOffset[3]);
				currentPoly.vert[0].worldCoords[1] = uToF(chunkOffset[4]);
				currentPoly.vert[0].worldCoords[2] = uToF(chunkOffset[5]);
				currentPoly.vert[0].worldCoords[3] = 1.0f;
				currentPoly.n = 3;

				// chunkOffset[6] is almost always 0080, but it's 0070 for the translucent globe in fatfurwa player select
				currentPoly.vert[0].texCoords[0] = uToF(chunkOffset[7]);
				currentPoly.vert[0].texCoords[1] = uToF(chunkOffset[8]);
				currentPoly.vert[0].texCoords[2] = 0.0f;
				currentPoly.vert[0].texCoords[3] = 1.0f;

				// This normal could be right, but I'm not entirely sure - there is no normal in the 18 bytes!
				currentPoly.vert[0].normal[0] = lastPoly.faceNormal[0];
				currentPoly.vert[0].normal[1] = lastPoly.faceNormal[1];
				currentPoly.vert[0].normal[2] = lastPoly.faceNormal[2];
				currentPoly.vert[0].normal[3] = lastPoly.faceNormal[3];

				currentPoly.faceNormal[0] = lastPoly.faceNormal[0];
				currentPoly.faceNormal[1] = lastPoly.faceNormal[1];
				currentPoly.faceNormal[2] = lastPoly.faceNormal[2];
				currentPoly.faceNormal[3] = lastPoly.faceNormal[3];

				// TODO: I'm not reading 3 necessary words here (maybe face normal)

#if 0
				// DEBUG
				printf("0x?6 : %08x (%d/%d)\n", address[k]*3*2, l, size[k]-1);
				for (int m = 0; m < 13; m++)
					printf("%04x ", chunkOffset[m]);

				for (int m = 0; m < 13; m++)
					printf("%3.4f ", uToF(chunkOffset[m]));

				chunkLength = 12;

				printf("UNKNOWN geometry CHUNK TYPE : %02x\n", chunkType);
				chunkLength = 0;

			currentPoly.visible = 1;

			// Backup the last polygon (for triangle fans [strips?])
			memcpy(&lastPoly, &currentPoly, sizeof(polygon));

			// Project and clip               //
			// Perform the world transformations...
			// TODO: We can eliminate this step with a matrix stack (maybe necessary?)
			// Note: fatfurwa's helicopter tracking in scene 3 of its intro shows one of these matrices isn't quite correct
			if (m_mcu_type != SAMSHO_MCU)
				// The sams64 games transform the geometry in front of a stationary camera.
				// This is fine in sams64_2, since it never calls the 'camera transformation' function
				// (thus using the identity matrix for this transform), but sams64 calls the
				// camera transformation function with rotation values.
				// It remains to be seen what those might do...
				matmul4(m_modelViewMatrix, m_modelViewMatrix, m_cameraMatrix);
			matmul4(m_modelViewMatrix, m_modelViewMatrix, objectMatrix);

			if (packet[1] & 0x0008 && m_lightStrength > 0.0f)
				for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++)
					float transformedNormal[4];
					vecmatmul4(transformedNormal, objectMatrix, currentPoly.vert[v].normal);

					float intensity = vecDotProduct(transformedNormal, m_lightVector) * -1.0f;
					intensity = (intensity <= 0.0f) ? (0.0f) : (intensity);
					intensity *= m_lightStrength * 128.0f;    // Turns 0x0100 into 1.0
					intensity *= 128.0;                     // Maps intensity to the range [0.0, 2.0]
					if (intensity >= 255.0f) intensity = 255.0f;

					currentPoly.vert[v].light[0] = intensity;
					currentPoly.vert[v].light[1] = intensity;
					currentPoly.vert[v].light[2] = intensity;
				// Just clear out the light values
				for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++)
					currentPoly.vert[v].light[0] = 0;
					currentPoly.vert[v].light[1] = 0;
					currentPoly.vert[v].light[2] = 0;

			// (empirical evidence seems to show the hng64 hardware does not backface cull) //
#if 0
			float cullRay[4];
			float cullNorm[4];

			// Cast a ray out of the camera towards the polygon's point in eyespace.
			vecmatmul4(cullRay, modelViewMatrix, currentPoly.vert[0].worldCoords);

			// Dot product that with the normal to see if you're negative...
			vecmatmul4(cullNorm, modelViewMatrix, currentPoly.faceNormal);

			const float backfaceCullResult = vecDotProduct(cullRay, cullNorm);
			if (backfaceCullResult < 0.0f)
				currentPoly.visible = 1;
				currentPoly.visible = 0;

			float cullRay[4];
			vecmatmul4(cullRay, m_modelViewMatrix, currentPoly.vert[0].worldCoords);
			if (cullRay[2] > 0.0f)              // Camera is pointing down -Z
				currentPoly.visible = 0;

			if (currentPoly.visible)
				hng64_clip_vertex clipVerts[10];

				// Transform and project each vertex into pre-divided homogeneous coordinates
				for (int m = 0; m < currentPoly.n; m++)
					float eyeCoords[4];     // World coordinates transformed by the modelViewMatrix
					vecmatmul4(eyeCoords, m_modelViewMatrix, currentPoly.vert[m].worldCoords);
					vecmatmul4(currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords, m_projectionMatrix, eyeCoords);

					clipVerts[m].x = currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[0];
					clipVerts[m].y = currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[1];
					clipVerts[m].z = currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[2];
					clipVerts[m].w = currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[3];
					clipVerts[m].p[0] = currentPoly.vert[m].texCoords[0];
					clipVerts[m].p[1] = currentPoly.vert[m].texCoords[1];
					clipVerts[m].p[2] = currentPoly.vert[m].light[0];
					clipVerts[m].p[3] = currentPoly.vert[m].light[1];
					clipVerts[m].p[4] = currentPoly.vert[m].light[2];

				if (currentPoly.visible)
					// Clip against all edges of the view frustum
					int num_vertices = frustum_clip_all<float, 5>(clipVerts, currentPoly.n, clipVerts);

					// Copy the results of
					currentPoly.n = num_vertices;
					for (int m = 0; m < num_vertices; m++)
						currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[0] = clipVerts[m].x;
						currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[1] = clipVerts[m].y;
						currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[2] = clipVerts[m].z;
						currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[3] = clipVerts[m].w;
						currentPoly.vert[m].texCoords[0] = clipVerts[m].p[0];
						currentPoly.vert[m].texCoords[1] = clipVerts[m].p[1];
						currentPoly.vert[m].light[0] = clipVerts[m].p[2];
						currentPoly.vert[m].light[1] = clipVerts[m].p[3];
						currentPoly.vert[m].light[2] = clipVerts[m].p[4];

					const rectangle& visarea = m_screen->visible_area();
					for (int m = 0; m < currentPoly.n; m++)
						// Convert into normalized device coordinates...
						float ndCoords[4];      // Normalized device coordinates/clipCoordinates (x/w, y/w, z/w)
						ndCoords[0] = currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[0] / currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[3];
						ndCoords[1] = currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[1] / currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[3];
						ndCoords[2] = currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[2] / currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[3];
						ndCoords[3] = currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[3];

						// Final pixel values are garnered here :
						float windowCoords[4];  // Mapped ndCoordinates to screen space
						windowCoords[0] = (ndCoords[0]+1.0f) * ((float)(visarea.max_x) / 2.0f) + 0.0f;
						windowCoords[1] = (ndCoords[1]+1.0f) * ((float)(visarea.max_y) / 2.0f) + 0.0f;
						windowCoords[2] = (ndCoords[2]+1.0f) * 0.5f;

						// Flip Y
						windowCoords[1] = (float)visarea.max_y - windowCoords[1];

						// Store the points in a list for later use...
						currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[0] = windowCoords[0];
						currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[1] = windowCoords[1];
						currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[2] = windowCoords[2];
						currentPoly.vert[m].clipCoords[3] = ndCoords[3];

			// Advance to the next polygon chunk...
			chunkOffset += chunkLength;


// note 0x0102 packets are only 8 words, it appears they can be in either the upper or lower half of the 16 word packet.
// We currently only draw 0x0102 packets where both halves contain 0x0102 (2 calls), but this causes graphics to vanish in
// xrally because in some cases the 0x0102 packet only exists in the upper or lower half with another value (often 0x0000 - NOP) in the other.
// If we also treat (0x0000 - NOP) as 8 word  instead of 16 so that we can access a 0x0102 in the 2nd half of the 16 word packet
// then we end up with other invalid packets in the 2nd half which should be ignored.
// This would suggest our processing if flawed in other ways, or there is something else to indicate packet length.

void hng64_state::hng64_command3d(const uint16_t* packet)
	int numPolys = 0;

	//printf("packet type : %04x %04x|%04x %04x|%04x %04x|%04x %04x  | %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x\n", packet[0],packet[1],packet[2],packet[3],packet[4],packet[5],packet[6],packet[7],     packet[8], packet[9], packet[10], packet[11], packet[12], packet[13], packet[14], packet[15]);

	switch (packet[0])
	case 0x0000:    // Appears to be a NOP.

	case 0x0001:    // Camera transformation.

	case 0x0010:    // Lighting information.

	case 0x0011:    // Palette / Model flags?

	case 0x0012:    // Projection Matrix

	case 0x0100:
	case 0x0101:    // Geometry with full transformations
		recoverPolygonBlock(packet, numPolys);

	case 0x0102:    // Geometry with only translation
		// HACK.  Give up on strange calls to 0102.
		if (packet[8] != 0x0102)
			// It appears as though packet[7] might hold the magic #
			// Almost looks like there is a chain mode for these guys.  Same for 0101?
			// printf("WARNING: "); printPacket(packet, 1);

		// Split the packet and call recoverPolygonBlock on each half.
		uint16_t miniPacket[16];
		memset(miniPacket, 0, sizeof(uint16_t)*16);
		for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) miniPacket[i] = packet[i];
		miniPacket[7] = 0x7fff;
		miniPacket[11] = 0x7fff;
		miniPacket[15] = 0x7fff;
		recoverPolygonBlock(miniPacket, numPolys);

		memset(miniPacket, 0, sizeof(uint16_t)*16);
		for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) miniPacket[i] = packet[i+8];
		miniPacket[7] = 0x7fff;
		miniPacket[11] = 0x7fff;
		miniPacket[15] = 0x7fff;
		recoverPolygonBlock(miniPacket, numPolys);

	case 0x1000:    // Unknown: Some sort of global flags?
		//printPacket(packet, 1); printf("\n");

	case 0x1001:    // Unknown: Some sort of global flags?  Almost always comes in a group of 4 with an index [0,3].
		//printPacket(packet, 1);

		printf("HNG64: Unknown 3d command %04x.\n", packet[0]);

	// If there are polygons, rasterize them into the display buffer
	for (int i = 0; i < numPolys; i++)
		if (m_polys[i].visible)

void hng64_state::clear3d()
	// Reset the buffers...
	const rectangle& visarea = m_screen->visible_area();
	for (int i = 0; i < (visarea.max_x)*(visarea.max_y); i++)
		m_poly_renderer->depthBuffer3d()[i] = 100.0f;

	// Clear the 3d rasterizer buffer
	m_poly_renderer->colorBuffer3d().fill(0x00000000, m_screen->visible_area());

	// Set some matrices to the identity...

/* 3D/framebuffer video registers
 * ------------------------------
 * uint32_t | Bits                                    | Use
 *        | 3322 2222 2222 1111 1111 11             |
 * -------+-1098-7654-3210-9876-5432-1098-7654-3210-+----------------
 *      0 | ---- --x- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- | Reads in Fatal Fury WA, if on then there isn't a 3d refresh (busy flag?).
 *      0 | ---- ---x ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- | set at POST/service modes, almost likely fb disable
 *      0 | ???? ???? ???? ???? ccc? ???? ???? ???? | framebuffer color base, 0x311800 in Fatal Fury WA, 0x313800 in Buriki One
 *      1 |                                         |
 *      2 | ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? | camera / framebuffer global x/y? Actively used by Samurai Shodown 64 2
 *      3 | ---- --?x ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- | unknown, unsetted by Buriki One and set by Fatal Fury WA, buffering mode?
 *   4-11 | ---- ???? ---- ???? ---- ???? ---- ???? | Table filled with 0x0? data


// 4x4 matrix multiplication
void hng64_state::matmul4(float *product, const float *a, const float *b)
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		const float ai0 = a[0  + i];
		const float ai1 = a[4  + i];
		const float ai2 = a[8  + i];
		const float ai3 = a[12 + i];

		product[0  + i] = ai0 * b[0 ] + ai1 * b[1 ] + ai2 * b[2 ] + ai3 * b[3 ];
		product[4  + i] = ai0 * b[4 ] + ai1 * b[5 ] + ai2 * b[6 ] + ai3 * b[7 ];
		product[8  + i] = ai0 * b[8 ] + ai1 * b[9 ] + ai2 * b[10] + ai3 * b[11];
		product[12 + i] = ai0 * b[12] + ai1 * b[13] + ai2 * b[14] + ai3 * b[15];

// vector by 4x4 matrix multiply
void hng64_state::vecmatmul4(float *product, const float *a, const float *b)
	const float& bi0 = b[0];
	const float& bi1 = b[1];
	const float& bi2 = b[2];
	const float& bi3 = b[3];

	product[0] = bi0 * a[0] + bi1 * a[4] + bi2 * a[8 ] + bi3 * a[12];
	product[1] = bi0 * a[1] + bi1 * a[5] + bi2 * a[9 ] + bi3 * a[13];
	product[2] = bi0 * a[2] + bi1 * a[6] + bi2 * a[10] + bi3 * a[14];
	product[3] = bi0 * a[3] + bi1 * a[7] + bi2 * a[11] + bi3 * a[15];

float hng64_state::vecDotProduct(const float *a, const float *b)
	return ((a[0]*b[0]) + (a[1]*b[1]) + (a[2]*b[2]));

void hng64_state::setIdentity(float *matrix)
	for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
		matrix[i] = 0.0f;

	matrix[0] = matrix[5] = matrix[10] = matrix[15] = 1.0f;

float hng64_state::uToF(uint16_t input)
	float retVal;
	retVal = (float)((int16_t)input) / 32768.0f;
	return retVal;

#if 0
	if ((int16_t)input < 0)
		retVal = (float)((int16_t)input) / 32768.0f;
		retVal = (float)((int16_t)input) / 32767.0f;

void hng64_state::normalize(float* x)
	double l2 = (x[0]*x[0]) + (x[1]*x[1]) + (x[2]*x[2]);
	double l = sqrt(l2);

	x[0] = (float)(x[0] / l);
	x[1] = (float)(x[1] / l);
	x[2] = (float)(x[2] / l);


void hng64_poly_renderer::render_scanline(int32_t scanline, const extent_t& extent, const hng64_poly_data& renderData, int threadid)
	// Pull the parameters out of the extent structure
	float z = extent.param[0].start;
	float w = extent.param[1].start;
	float lightR = extent.param[2].start;
	float lightG = extent.param[3].start;
	float lightB = extent.param[4].start;
	float s = extent.param[5].start;
	float t = extent.param[6].start;

	const float dz = extent.param[0].dpdx;
	const float dw = extent.param[1].dpdx;
	const float dlightR = extent.param[2].dpdx;
	const float dlightG = extent.param[3].dpdx;
	const float dlightB = extent.param[4].dpdx;
	const float ds = extent.param[5].dpdx;
	const float dt = extent.param[6].dpdx;

	// Pointers to the pixel buffers
	uint32_t* colorBuffer = &m_colorBuffer3d.pix32(scanline, extent.startx);
	float*  depthBuffer = &m_depthBuffer3d[(scanline * m_state.m_screen->visible_area().width()) + extent.startx];

	const uint8_t *textureOffset = &m_state.m_texturerom[renderData.texIndex * 1024 * 1024];

	// Step over each pixel in the horizontal span
	for(int x = extent.startx; x < extent.stopx; x++)
		if (z < *depthBuffer)
			// Multiply back through by w for everything that was interpolated perspective-correctly
			const float sCorrect = s / w;
			const float tCorrect = t / w;
			const float rCorrect = lightR / w;
			const float gCorrect = lightG / w;
			const float bCorrect = lightB / w;

			if ((renderData.debugColor & 0xff000000) == 0x01000000)
				// ST color mode
				*colorBuffer = rgb_t(255, (uint8_t)(sCorrect*255.0f), (uint8_t)(tCorrect*255.0f), (uint8_t)(0));
			else if ((renderData.debugColor & 0xff000000) == 0x02000000)
				// Lighting only
				*colorBuffer = rgb_t(255, (uint8_t)rCorrect, (uint8_t)gCorrect, (uint8_t)bCorrect);
			else if ((renderData.debugColor & 0xff000000) == 0xff000000)
				// Debug color mode
				*colorBuffer = renderData.debugColor;
				float textureS = 0.0f;
				float textureT = 0.0f;

				// Standard & Half-Res textures
				if (renderData.texType == 0x0)
					textureS = sCorrect * 1024.0f;
					textureT = tCorrect * 1024.0f;
				else if (renderData.texType == 0x1)
					textureS = sCorrect * 512.0f;
					textureT = tCorrect * 512.0f;

				// Small-Page textures
				if (renderData.texPageSmall == 2)
					textureT = fmod(textureT, 256.0f);
					textureS = fmod(textureS, 256.0f);

					textureT += (256.0f * (renderData.texPageHorizOffset>>1));
					textureS += (256.0f * (renderData.texPageVertOffset>>1));
				else if (renderData.texPageSmall == 3)
					textureT = fmod(textureT, 128.0f);
					textureS = fmod(textureS, 128.0f);

					textureT += (128.0f * (renderData.texPageHorizOffset>>0));
					textureS += (128.0f * (renderData.texPageVertOffset>>0));

				uint8_t paletteEntry = textureOffset[((int)textureS)*1024 + (int)textureT];

				// Naive Alpha Implementation (?) - don't draw if you're at texture index 0...
				if (paletteEntry != 0)
					// The color out of the texture
					paletteEntry %= renderData.palPageSize;
					rgb_t color = m_state.m_palette->pen(renderData.palOffset + paletteEntry);

					// Apply the lighting
					float rIntensity = rCorrect / 255.0f;
					float gIntensity = gCorrect / 255.0f;
					float bIntensity = bCorrect / 255.0f;
					float red   = color.r() * rIntensity;
					float green = color.g() * gIntensity;
					float blue  = color.b() * bIntensity;

					// Clamp and finalize
					red = color.r() + red;
					green = color.g() + green;
					blue = color.b() + blue;

					if (red >= 255) red = 255;
					if (green >= 255) green = 255;
					if (blue >= 255) blue = 255;

					color = rgb_t(255, (uint8_t)red, (uint8_t)green, (uint8_t)blue);

					*colorBuffer = color;
					*depthBuffer = z;

		z += dz;
		w += dw;
		lightR += dlightR;
		lightG += dlightG;
		lightB += dlightB;
		s += ds;
		t += dt;


void hng64_poly_renderer::drawShaded(polygon *p)
	// Polygon information for the rasterizer
	hng64_poly_data rOptions;
	rOptions.texType = p->texType;
	rOptions.texIndex = p->texIndex;
	rOptions.palOffset = p->palOffset;
	rOptions.palPageSize = p->palPageSize;
	rOptions.debugColor = p->debugColor;
	rOptions.texPageSmall = p->texPageSmall;
	rOptions.texPageHorizOffset = p->texPageHorizOffset;
	rOptions.texPageVertOffset = p->texPageVertOffset;

	// The perspective-correct texture divide...
	// Note: There is a very good chance the HNG64 hardware does not do perspective-correct texture-mapping - explore
	for (int j = 0; j < p->n; j++)
		p->vert[j].clipCoords[3] = 1.0f / p->vert[j].clipCoords[3];
		p->vert[j].light[0]      = p->vert[j].light[0]     * p->vert[j].clipCoords[3];
		p->vert[j].light[1]      = p->vert[j].light[1]     * p->vert[j].clipCoords[3];
		p->vert[j].light[2]      = p->vert[j].light[2]     * p->vert[j].clipCoords[3];
		p->vert[j].texCoords[0]  = p->vert[j].texCoords[0] * p->vert[j].clipCoords[3];
		p->vert[j].texCoords[1]  = p->vert[j].texCoords[1] * p->vert[j].clipCoords[3];

	// Rasterize the triangles
	for (int j = 1; j < p->n-1; j++)
		// Build some MAME rasterizer vertices from the hng64 vertices
		vertex_t pVert[3];

		const polyVert& pv0 = p->vert[0];
		pVert[0].x = pv0.clipCoords[0];
		pVert[0].y = pv0.clipCoords[1];
		pVert[0].p[0] = pv0.clipCoords[2];
		pVert[0].p[1] = pv0.clipCoords[3];
		pVert[0].p[2] = pv0.light[0];
		pVert[0].p[3] = pv0.light[1];
		pVert[0].p[4] = pv0.light[2];
		pVert[0].p[5] = pv0.texCoords[0];
		pVert[0].p[6] = pv0.texCoords[1];

		const polyVert& pvj = p->vert[j];
		pVert[1].x = pvj.clipCoords[0];
		pVert[1].y = pvj.clipCoords[1];
		pVert[1].p[0] = pvj.clipCoords[2];
		pVert[1].p[1] = pvj.clipCoords[3];
		pVert[1].p[2] = pvj.light[0];
		pVert[1].p[3] = pvj.light[1];
		pVert[1].p[4] = pvj.light[2];
		pVert[1].p[5] = pvj.texCoords[0];
		pVert[1].p[6] = pvj.texCoords[1];

		const polyVert& pvjp1 = p->vert[j+1];
		pVert[2].x = pvjp1.clipCoords[0];
		pVert[2].y = pvjp1.clipCoords[1];
		pVert[2].p[0] = pvjp1.clipCoords[2];
		pVert[2].p[1] = pvjp1.clipCoords[3];
		pVert[2].p[2] = pvjp1.light[0];
		pVert[2].p[3] = pvjp1.light[1];
		pVert[2].p[4] = pvjp1.light[2];
		pVert[2].p[5] = pvjp1.texCoords[0];
		pVert[2].p[6] = pvjp1.texCoords[1];

		// Pass the render data into the rasterizer
		hng64_poly_data& renderData = object_data_alloc();
		renderData = rOptions;

		const rectangle& visibleArea = m_state.m_screen->visible_area();
		render_triangle(visibleArea, render_delegate(&hng64_poly_renderer::render_scanline, this), 7, pVert[0], pVert[1], pVert[2]);