path: root/src/mame/video/gunbustr.cpp
blob: 7bd787f80cfa8f11311121fb9512bb2de3e628d0 (plain) (tree)






















// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Bryan McPhail, David Graves
#include "emu.h"
#include "includes/gunbustr.h"
#include "screen.h"


void gunbustr_state::video_start()
	m_spritelist = std::make_unique<gb_tempsprite[]>(0x4000);


We draw a series of small tiles ("chunks") together to
create each big sprite. The spritemap rom provides the lookup
table for this. The game hardware looks up 16x16 sprite chunks
from the spritemap rom, creating a 64x64 sprite like this:

     0  1  2  3
     4  5  6  7
     8  9 10 11
    12 13 14 15

(where the number is the word offset into the spritemap rom).
It can also create 32x32 sprites.

NB: unused portions of the spritemap rom contain hex FF's.
It is a useful coding check to warn in the log if these
are being accessed. [They can be inadvertently while
spriteram is being tested, take no notice of that.]

Heavy use is made of sprite zooming.


    Sprite table layout (4 long words per entry)

     0 | ........ x....... ........ ........ | Flip X
     0 | ........ .xxxxxxx ........ ........ | ZoomX
     0 | ........ ........ .xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx | Sprite Tile
       |                                     |
     2 | ........ ....xx.. ........ ........ | Sprite/tile priority [*]
     2 | ........ ......xx xxxxxx.. ........ | Palette bank
     2 | ........ ........ ......xx xxxxxxxx | X position
       |                                     |
     3 | ........ .....x.. ........ ........ | Sprite size (0=32x32, 1=64x64)
     3 | ........ ......x. ........ ........ | Flip Y
     3 | ........ .......x xxxxxx.. ........ | ZoomY
     3 | ........ ........ ......xx xxxxxxxx | Y position

    [* 00=over BG1; 01=BG2; 10=BG3; 11=over text ???]


void gunbustr_state::draw_sprites(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap,const rectangle &cliprect,const u32 *primasks,int x_offs,int y_offs)
	int sprites_flipscreen = 0;

	/* pdrawgfx() needs us to draw sprites front to back, so we have to build a list
	   while processing sprite ram and then draw them all at the end */
	struct gb_tempsprite *sprite_ptr = m_spritelist.get();

	for (int offs = (m_spriteram.bytes() / 4 - 4); offs >= 0; offs -= 4)
		u32 data = m_spriteram[offs+0];
		int flipx =          (data & 0x00800000) >> 23;
		int zoomx =          (data & 0x007f0000) >> 16;
		const u32 tilenum =  (data & 0x00007fff);

		data = m_spriteram[offs+2];
		const int priority = (data & 0x000c0000) >> 18;
		int color =          (data & 0x0003fc00) >> 10;
		int x =              (data & 0x000003ff);

		data = m_spriteram[offs+3];
		const int dblsize =  (data & 0x00040000) >> 18;
		int flipy =          (data & 0x00020000) >> 17;
		int zoomy =          (data & 0x0001fc00) >> 10;
		int y =              (data & 0x000003ff);

		color |= 0x80;

		if (!tilenum) continue;

		flipy = !flipy;
		zoomx += 1;
		zoomy += 1;

		y += y_offs;

		/* treat coords as signed */
		if (x > 0x340) x -= 0x400;
		if (y > 0x340) y -= 0x400;

		x -= x_offs;

		int bad_chunks = 0;
		const int dimension = ((dblsize*2) + 2);  // 2 or 4
		const int total_chunks = ((dblsize*3) + 1) << 2;  // 4 or 16
		const int map_offset = tilenum << 2;

		for (int sprite_chunk = 0; sprite_chunk < total_chunks; sprite_chunk++)
			const int j = sprite_chunk / dimension;   /* rows */
			const int k = sprite_chunk % dimension;   /* chunks per row */

			int px = k;
			int py = j;
			/* pick tiles back to front for x and y flips */
			if (flipx)  px = dimension - 1 - k;
			if (flipy)  py = dimension - 1 - j;

			const u32 code = m_spritemap[map_offset + px + (py<<(dblsize+1))];

			if (code == 0xffff)
				bad_chunks += 1;

			int curx = x + ((k * zoomx) / dimension);
			int cury = y + ((j * zoomy) / dimension);

			const int zx = x + (((k + 1) * zoomx) / dimension) - curx;
			const int zy = y + (((j + 1) * zoomy) / dimension) - cury;

			if (sprites_flipscreen)
				/* -zx/y is there to fix zoomed sprite coords in screenflip.
				   drawgfxzoom does not know to draw from flip-side of sprites when
				   screen is flipped; so we must correct the coords ourselves. */

				curx = 320 - curx - zx;
				cury = 256 - cury - zy;
				flipx = !flipx;
				flipy = !flipy;

			sprite_ptr->gfx = 0;
			sprite_ptr->code = code;
			sprite_ptr->color = color;
			sprite_ptr->flipx = !flipx;
			sprite_ptr->flipy = flipy;
			sprite_ptr->x = curx;
			sprite_ptr->y = cury;
			sprite_ptr->zoomx = zx << 12;
			sprite_ptr->zoomy = zy << 12;

			if (primasks)
				sprite_ptr->primask = primasks[priority];


		if (bad_chunks)
logerror("Sprite number %04x had %02x invalid chunks\n",tilenum,bad_chunks);

	/* this happens only if primsks != nullptr */
	while (sprite_ptr != m_spritelist.get())


                SCREEN REFRESH

u32 gunbustr_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	u8 layer[5];
	u16 priority;
	static const u32 primasks[4] = {0xfffc, 0xfff0, 0xff00, 0x0};


	priority = m_tc0480scp->get_bg_priority();
	layer[0] = (priority & 0xf000) >> 12;   /* tells us which bg layer is bottom */
	layer[1] = (priority & 0x0f00) >>  8;
	layer[2] = (priority & 0x00f0) >>  4;
	layer[3] = (priority & 0x000f) >>  0;   /* tells us which is top */
	layer[4] = 4;   /* text layer always over bg layers */

	screen.priority().fill(0, cliprect);

	/* We have to assume 2nd to bottom layer is always underneath
	   sprites as pdrawgfx cannot yet cope with more than 4 layers */

	if (!machine().input().code_pressed (KEYCODE_Z)) m_tc0480scp->tilemap_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, layer[0],TILEMAP_DRAW_OPAQUE, 0);
	if (!machine().input().code_pressed (KEYCODE_X)) m_tc0480scp->tilemap_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, layer[1], 0, 1);
	if (!machine().input().code_pressed (KEYCODE_C)) m_tc0480scp->tilemap_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, layer[2], 0, 2);
	if (!machine().input().code_pressed (KEYCODE_V)) m_tc0480scp->tilemap_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, layer[3], 0, 4);
	if (!machine().input().code_pressed (KEYCODE_B)) m_tc0480scp->tilemap_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, layer[4], 0, 8);
	if (!machine().input().code_pressed (KEYCODE_N)) draw_sprites(screen, bitmap, cliprect, primasks, 48, -116);
	m_tc0480scp->tilemap_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, layer[0], TILEMAP_DRAW_OPAQUE, 0);
	m_tc0480scp->tilemap_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, layer[1], 0, 1);
	m_tc0480scp->tilemap_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, layer[2], 0, 2);
	m_tc0480scp->tilemap_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, layer[3], 0, 4);
	m_tc0480scp->tilemap_draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, layer[4], 0, 8);    /* text layer */
	draw_sprites(screen, bitmap, cliprect, primasks, 48, -116);
	return 0;