path: root/src/mame/video/gaelco_wrally_sprites.cpp
blob: c865e658a66b060c8f2d8221959902bc803e2fe5 (plain) (tree)







// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Manuel Abadia, Mike Coates, Nicola Salmoria, Miguel Angel Horna, Luca Elia, David Haywood

#include "emu.h"
#include "gaelco_wrally_sprites.h"

DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(GAELCO_WRALLY_SPRITES, gaelco_wrally_sprites_device, "gaelco_wrally_sprites", "Gaelco World Rally Sprites")
DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(BLMBYCAR_SPRITES, blmbycar_sprites_device, "blmbycar_sprites", "Blomby Car Sprites")

gaelco_wrally_sprites_device::gaelco_wrally_sprites_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock)
	: device_t(mconfig, type, tag, owner, clock)
	, m_gfxdecode(*this, finder_base::DUMMY_TAG)
	, m_screen(*this, finder_base::DUMMY_TAG)

gaelco_wrally_sprites_device::gaelco_wrally_sprites_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock)
	: gaelco_wrally_sprites_device(mconfig, GAELCO_WRALLY_SPRITES, tag, owner, clock)

void gaelco_wrally_sprites_device::device_start()

void gaelco_wrally_sprites_device::device_reset()

    Sprite Format

    Offs | Bit(s)            | Description
      0  | -------- xxxxxxxx | y position
      0  | --xxxxxx -------- | not used?
      0  | -x------ -------- | flipx
      0  | x------- -------- | flipy

      1  | xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx | unknown

      2  | ------xx xxxxxxxx | x position
      2  | --xxxx-- -------- | sprite color (low 4 bits)
      2  | -x------ -------- | shadows/highlights (see below)
      2  | x------- -------- | not used?

      3  | --xxxxxx xxxxxxxx | sprite code
      3  | xx------ -------- | not used?

    For shadows/highlights, the tile color below the sprite will be set using a
    palette (from the 8 available) based on the gfx pen of the sprite. Only pens
    in the range 0x8-0xf are used.

void gaelco_wrally_sprites_device::get_sprites_info(uint16_t* spriteram, int& sx, int& sy, int& number, int& color, int& color_effect, int& attr, int& high_priority, int &end)
	sx = spriteram[2] & 0x03ff;
	sy = (240 - (spriteram[0] & 0x00ff)) & 0x00ff;
	number = spriteram[3] & 0x3fff;
	color = (spriteram[2] & 0x7c00) >> 10;
	color_effect = (color & 0x10) >> 4;
	attr = (spriteram[0] & 0xfe00) >> 9;
	high_priority = number >= 0x3700; // HACK! this is almost certainly not how the priority is determined
	end = 0;

void gaelco_wrally_sprites_device::draw_sprites(const rectangle &cliprect, uint16_t* spriteram, int flip_screen)
	m_temp_bitmap_sprites.fill(0, cliprect);

	int i;
	gfx_element *gfx = m_gfxdecode->gfx(0);

	for (i = 6 / 2; i < (0x1000 - 6) / 2; i += 4)
		int sx, sy, number, color, attr, end, color_effect, high_priority;

		get_sprites_info(spriteram + i, sx, sy, number, color, color_effect, attr, high_priority, end);

		if (end)

		int xflip = attr & 0x20;
		int yflip = attr & 0x40;
		color = color & 0x0f;

		if (flip_screen)
			sy = sy + 248;

		// wrally adjusts sx by 0x0f, blmbycar implementation was 0x10
		const uint8_t *gfx_src = gfx->get_data(number % gfx->elements());

		for (int py = 0; py < gfx->height(); py++)
			/* get a pointer to the current line in the screen bitmap */
			int ypos = ((sy + py) & 0x1ff);
			uint16_t *srcy = &m_temp_bitmap_sprites.pix16(ypos);

			int gfx_py = yflip ? (gfx->height() - 1 - py) : py;

			if ((ypos < cliprect.min_y) || (ypos > cliprect.max_y)) continue;

			for (int px = 0; px < gfx->width(); px++)
				/* get current pixel */
				int xpos = (((sx + px) & 0x3ff) - 0x0f) & 0x3ff;
				uint16_t *pixel = srcy + xpos;
				int gfx_px = xflip ? (gfx->width() - 1 - px) : px;

				/* get asociated pen for the current sprite pixel */
				int gfx_pen = gfx_src[gfx->rowbytes()*gfx_py + gfx_px];

				if ((xpos < cliprect.min_x) || (xpos > cliprect.max_x)) continue;

				if (!color_effect)
					if (gfx_pen)
						*pixel = gfx_pen | (color << 4) | (high_priority << 8);
					int src_color = *pixel;

					/* pens 8..15 are used to select a palette */
					if ((gfx_pen < 8) || (gfx_pen >= 16)) continue;

					// if there's already a sprite pixel use the existing priority value? (or you get a glitch against the start line arch at the start of a night stage) possibly because existing priority scheme is bogus?
					// this causes a slight shadow of your car to be visible as you pass through the arch instead, but looking at 14:01 in this video seems to show the same on a PCB
					if (src_color != 0)
						*pixel = src_color |= ((gfx_pen - 8) << 12) | 0x200;
						/* modify the color of the tile - the pen modifier can be applied over existing sprite pixels, so we store it in the upper bits that we send to the mixer */
						*pixel = (src_color &0xff) | ((gfx_pen - 8) << 12) | (high_priority << 8) | 0x200;

void gaelco_wrally_sprites_device::mix_sprites(bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int priority)
	for (int y = cliprect.min_y; y < cliprect.max_y; y++)
		const uint16_t* spriteptr = &m_temp_bitmap_sprites.pix16(y);
		uint16_t* dstptr = &bitmap.pix16(y);

		for (int x = cliprect.min_x; x < cliprect.max_x; x++)
			if (spriteptr[x] != 0)
				// this is how we've packed the bits here
				// ssss --ez PPPP pppp  s = shadow multiplier e = shadow enabled, z = priority, P = palette select, p = pen

				const int pridat = (spriteptr[x] & 0x100) >> 8;

				if (pridat == priority)
					const int shadow = (spriteptr[x] & 0x200) >> 9;

					if (!shadow)
						const uint16_t pendat = (spriteptr[x] & 0xff);
						dstptr[x] = pendat + 0x200;
						const uint16_t pendat = (spriteptr[x] & 0xff);
						const int shadowlevel = (spriteptr[x] & 0xf000) >> 12;

						if (pendat != 0)
							dstptr[x] = (pendat + 0x200) + (shadowlevel * 0x400);
							dstptr[x] = (dstptr[x]&0x3ff) + (shadowlevel * 0x400);



                                Sprites Drawing

    Offset:     Bits:                   Value:

        0       f--- ---- ---- ----     End Of Sprites
                -edc ba9- ---- ----
                ---- ---8 7654 3210     Y (Signed)

        1                               Code

        2       f--- ---- ---- ----     Flip Y
                -e-- ---- ---- ----     Flip X
                --dc ba98 7654 ----
                ---- ---- ---- 3210     Color (Bit 3 = Priority)

        3       f--- ---- ---- ----     ? Is this ever used ?
                -e-- ---- ---- ----     ? 1 = shadow sprite!
                --dc ba9- ---- ----
                ---- ---8 7654 3210     X (Signed)


blmbycar_sprites_device::blmbycar_sprites_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock)
	: gaelco_wrally_sprites_device(mconfig, BLMBYCAR_SPRITES, tag, owner, clock)

void blmbycar_sprites_device::get_sprites_info(uint16_t* spriteram, int& sx, int& sy, int& number, int& color, int& color_effect, int& attr, int& high_priority, int &end)
	// bytes are swapped around and color attribute is moved
	sx = spriteram[3] & 0x03ff;
	sy = (spriteram[0] & 0x01ff);
	sy   = 0xf0 - ((sy & 0xff)  - (sy & 0x100)); // check if this logic works for wrally

	number = spriteram[1] & 0x3fff;
	color = (spriteram[2] & 0x000f) >> 0; // note moved
	color_effect = (spriteram[3] & 0x4000) >> 14;

	attr = (spriteram[2] & 0xfe00) >> 9;
	end = (spriteram[0] & 0x8000); // does wrally have this too?

	high_priority = (~(color >> 3))&1;