path: root/src/mame/video/dc.c
blob: 1e3c5a1b6eefe76f2fd58a6ed48acef5ac69f90f (plain) (tree)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    dc.c - Dreamcast video emulation


#include "emu.h"
#include "includes/dc.h"
#include "cpu/sh4/sh4.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "rendutil.h"
#include "profiler.h"
#include "video/rgbutil.h"

#define DEBUG_FIFO_POLY (0)
#define DEBUG_PVRTA	(0)
#define DEBUG_PVRTA_REGS (0)
#define DEBUG_PVRDLIST	(0)
#define DEBUG_PALRAM (1)

#define NUM_BUFFERS 4

/* PVR TA macro defines */
---- --xx xxxx xxxx ---- ---- ---- ---- hblank_in_interrupt
---- ---- ---- ---- --xx ---- ---- ---- hblank_int_mode
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --xx xxxx xxxx line_comp_val
#define spg_hblank_in_irq   ((pvrta_regs[SPG_HBLANK_INT] & 0x03ff0000) >> 16)
#define spg_hblank_int_mode ((pvrta_regs[SPG_HBLANK_INT] & 0x00003000) >> 12)
#define spg_line_comp_val   ((pvrta_regs[SPG_HBLANK_INT] & 0x000003ff) >> 0)

---- --xx xxxx xxxx ---- ---- ---- ---- vblank_out_interrupt_line_number
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --xx xxxx xxxx vblank_in_interrupt_line_number
#define spg_vblank_out_irq_line_num ((pvrta_regs[SPG_VBLANK_INT] & 0x03ff0000) >> 16)
#define spg_vblank_in_irq_line_num  ((pvrta_regs[SPG_VBLANK_INT] & 0x000003ff) >> 0)

---- ---x ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Chroma ;suchie3 sets 0xff there, maybe it's 8 bits too?
---- ---- xxxx xxxx ---- ---- ---- ---- Red
---- ---- ---- ---- xxxx xxxx ---- ---- Green
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- xxxx xxxx Blue
#define vo_border_K ((pvrta_regs[VO_BORDER_COL] & 0x01000000) >> 24)
#define vo_border_R ((pvrta_regs[VO_BORDER_COL] & 0x00ff0000) >> 16)
#define vo_border_G ((pvrta_regs[VO_BORDER_COL] & 0x0000ff00) >> 8)
#define vo_border_B ((pvrta_regs[VO_BORDER_COL] & 0x000000ff) >> 0)

---- ---- --xx xxxx xxxx ---- ---- ---- hbend
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --xx xxxx xxxx hbstart
#define spg_hbend    ((pvrta_regs[SPG_HBLANK] & 0x03ff0000) >> 16)
#define spg_hbstart  ((pvrta_regs[SPG_HBLANK] & 0x000003ff) >> 0)

---- ---- --xx xxxx xxxx ---- ---- ---- vcount
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --xx xxxx xxxx hcount
#define spg_vcount   ((pvrta_regs[SPG_LOAD] & 0x03ff0000) >> 16)
#define spg_hcount   ((pvrta_regs[SPG_LOAD] & 0x000003ff) >> 0)

---- ---- --xx xxxx xxxx ---- ---- ---- vbend
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --xx xxxx xxxx vbstart
#define spg_vbend    ((pvrta_regs[SPG_VBLANK] & 0x03ff0000) >> 16)
#define spg_vbstart  ((pvrta_regs[SPG_VBLANK] & 0x000003ff) >> 0)

---- ---- --xx xxxx ---- ---- ---- ---- pclk_delay
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---x ---- ---- pixel_double ;used in test mode
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- xxxx ---- field_mode
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- x--- blank_video
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -x-- blank_pol
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --x- vsync_pol
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---x hsync_pol
#define spg_pclk_delay   ((pvrta_regs[VO_CONTROL] & 0x003f0000) >> 16)
#define spg_pixel_double ((pvrta_regs[VO_CONTROL] & 0x00000100) >> 8)
#define spg_field_mode   ((pvrta_regs[VO_CONTROL] & 0x000000f0) >> 4)
#define spg_blank_video  ((pvrta_regs[VO_CONTROL] & 0x00000008) >> 3)
#define spg_blank_pol    ((pvrta_regs[VO_CONTROL] & 0x00000004) >> 2)
#define spg_vsync_pol    ((pvrta_regs[VO_CONTROL] & 0x00000002) >> 1)
#define spg_hsync_pol    ((pvrta_regs[VO_CONTROL] & 0x00000001) >> 0)

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---x xxxx xxxx horzontal start position
#define vo_horz_start_pos ((pvrta_regs[VO_STARTX] & 0x000003ff) >> 0)

---- ---x xxxx xxxx ---- ---- ---- ---- vertical start position on field 2
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---x xxxx xxxx vertical start position on field 1

#define vo_vert_start_pos_f2 ((pvrta_regs[VO_STARTY] & 0x03ff0000) >> 16)
#define vo_vert_start_pos_f1 ((pvrta_regs[VO_STARTY] & 0x000003ff) >> 0)

---- ---- ---- ---- --x- ---- ---- ---- vsync
---- ---- ---- ---- ---x ---- ---- ---- hsync
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- x--- ---- ---- blank
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -x-- ---- ---- field number
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --xx xxxx xxxx scanline

UINT32 pvrctrl_regs[0x100/4];
static UINT32 pvrta_regs[0x2000/4];
static const int pvr_parconfseq[] = {1,2,3,2,3,4,5,6,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,13,14,15,16,17,16,17,0,0,0,0,0,18,19,20,19,20,21,22,23,22,23};
static const int pvr_wordsvertex[24]  = {8,8,8,8,8,16,16,8,8,8, 8, 8,8,8,8,8,16,16, 8,16,16,8,16,16};
static const int pvr_wordspolygon[24] = {8,8,8,8,8, 8, 8,8,8,8,16,16,8,8,8,8, 8, 8,16,16,16,8, 8, 8};
static int pvr_parameterconfig[128];
static UINT32 dilated0[15][1024];
static UINT32 dilated1[15][1024];
static int dilatechose[64];
static float wbuffer[480][640];
static UINT32 debug_dip_status;
static void pvr_accumulationbuffer_to_framebuffer(address_space *space, int x,int y);

UINT64 *dc_framebuffer_ram; // '32-bit access area'
UINT64 *dc_texture_ram; // '64-bit access area'
static UINT32 tafifo_buff[32];

static emu_timer *vbout_timer;
static emu_timer *vbin_timer;
static emu_timer *hbin_timer;
static emu_timer *endofrender_timer_isp;
static emu_timer *endofrender_timer_tsp;
static emu_timer *endofrender_timer_video;

static int scanline,next_y;

// the real accumulation buffer is a 32x32x8bpp buffer into which tiles get rendered before they get copied to the framebuffer
//  our implementation is not currently tile based, and thus the accumulation buffer is screen sized
static bitmap_t *fake_accumulationbuffer_bitmap;
static void render_to_accumulation_buffer(running_machine &machine,bitmap_t *bitmap,const rectangle *cliprect);

typedef struct texinfo {
	UINT32 address, vqbase;
	int textured, sizex, sizey, stride, sizes, pf, palette, mode, mipmapped, blend_mode, filter_mode, flip_u, flip_v;

	UINT32 (*r)(struct texinfo *t, float x, float y);
	UINT32 (*blend)(UINT32 s, UINT32 d);
	int palbase, cd;
} texinfo;

typedef	struct
	float x, y, w, u, v;
} vert;

typedef struct
	int svert, evert;
	texinfo ti;
} strip;

typedef struct {
	vert verts[65536];
	strip strips[65536];

	int verts_size, strips_size;
	UINT32 ispbase;
	UINT32 fbwsof1;
	UINT32 fbwsof2;
	int busy;
	int valid;
} receiveddata;

typedef struct {
	int tafifo_pos, tafifo_mask, tafifo_vertexwords, tafifo_listtype;
	int start_render_received;
	int renderselect;
	int listtype_used;
	int alloc_ctrl_OPB_Mode, alloc_ctrl_PT_OPB, alloc_ctrl_TM_OPB, alloc_ctrl_T_OPB, alloc_ctrl_OM_OPB, alloc_ctrl_O_OPB;
	receiveddata grab[NUM_BUFFERS];
	int grabsel;
	int grabsellast;
	UINT32 paracontrol,paratype,endofstrip,listtype,global_paratype,parameterconfig;
	UINT32 groupcontrol,groupen,striplen,userclip;
	UINT32 objcontrol,shadow,volume,coltype,texture,offfset,gouraud,uv16bit;
	UINT32 texturesizes,textureaddress,scanorder,pixelformat;
	UINT32 blend_mode, srcselect,dstselect,fogcontrol,colorclamp, use_alpha;
	UINT32 ignoretexalpha,flipuv,clampuv,filtermode,sstexture,mmdadjust,tsinstruction;
	UINT32 depthcomparemode,cullingmode,zwritedisable,cachebypass,dcalcctrl,volumeinstruction,mipmapped,vqcompressed,strideselect,paletteselector;
} pvrta_state;


static pvrta_state state_ta;

// Perform a standard bilinear filter across four pixels
INLINE INT32 clamp(INT32 in, INT32 min, INT32 max)
	if(in < min) return min;
	if(in > max) return max;
	return in;

INLINE UINT32 bilinear_filter(UINT32 c0, UINT32 c1, UINT32 c2, UINT32 c3, float u, float v)
	UINT32 ui = (u * 256.0);
	UINT32 vi = (v * 256.0);
	return rgba_bilinear_filter(c0, c1, c3, c2, ui, vi);

// Multiply with alpha value in bits 31-24
INLINE UINT32 bla(UINT32 c, UINT32 a)
	a = a >> 24;
	return ((((c & 0xff00ff)*a) & 0xff00ff00) >> 8) | ((((c >> 8) & 0xff00ff)*a) & 0xff00ff00);

// Multiply with 1-alpha value in bits 31-24
INLINE UINT32 blia(UINT32 c, UINT32 a)
	a = 0x100 - (a >> 24);
	return ((((c & 0xff00ff)*a) & 0xff00ff00) >> 8) | ((((c >> 8) & 0xff00ff)*a) & 0xff00ff00);

// Per-component multiply with color value
INLINE UINT32 blc(UINT32 c1, UINT32 c2)
	UINT32 cr =
		(((c1 & 0x000000ff)*(c2 & 0x000000ff) & 0x0000ff00) >> 8)  |
		(((c1 & 0x0000ff00)*(c2 & 0x0000ff00) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8);
	c1 >>= 16;
	c2 >>= 16;
	cr |=
		(((c1 & 0x000000ff)*(c2 & 0x000000ff) & 0x0000ff00) << 8)  |
		(((c1 & 0x0000ff00)*(c2 & 0x0000ff00) & 0x00ff0000) << 8);
	return cr;

// Per-component multiply with 1-color value
INLINE UINT32 blic(UINT32 c1, UINT32 c2)
	UINT32 cr =
		(((c1 & 0x000000ff)*(0x00100-(c2 & 0x000000ff)) & 0x0000ff00) >> 8)  |
		(((c1 & 0x0000ff00)*(0x10000-(c2 & 0x0000ff00)) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8);
	c1 >>= 16;
	c2 >>= 16;
	cr |=
		(((c1 & 0x000000ff)*(0x00100-(c2 & 0x000000ff)) & 0x0000ff00) << 8)  |
		(((c1 & 0x0000ff00)*(0x10000-(c2 & 0x0000ff00)) & 0x00ff0000) << 8);
	return cr;

// Add two colors with saturation
INLINE UINT32 bls(UINT32 c1, UINT32 c2)
	UINT32 cr1, cr2;
	cr1 = (c1 & 0x00ff00ff) + (c2 & 0x00ff00ff);
	if(cr1 & 0x0000ff00)
		cr1 = (cr1 & 0xffff00ff) | 0x000000ff;
	if(cr1 & 0xff000000)
		cr1 = (cr1 & 0x00ffffff) | 0x00ff0000;

	cr2 = ((c1 >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff) + ((c2 >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff);
	if(cr2 & 0x0000ff00)
		cr2 = (cr2 & 0xffff00ff) | 0x000000ff;
	if(cr2 & 0xff000000)
		cr2 = (cr2 & 0x00ffffff) | 0x00ff0000;
	return cr1|(cr2 << 8);

// All 64 blending modes, 3 top bits are source mode, 3 bottom bits are destination mode
INLINE UINT32 bl00(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return 0; }
INLINE UINT32 bl01(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return d; }
INLINE UINT32 bl02(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return blc(d, s); }
INLINE UINT32 bl03(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return blic(d, s); }
INLINE UINT32 bl04(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bla(d, s); }
INLINE UINT32 bl05(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return blia(d, s); }
INLINE UINT32 bl06(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bla(d, d); }
INLINE UINT32 bl07(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return blia(d, d); }
INLINE UINT32 bl10(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return s; }
INLINE UINT32 bl11(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(s, d); }
INLINE UINT32 bl12(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(s, blc(s, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl13(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(s, blic(s, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl14(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(s, bla(d, s)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl15(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(s, blia(d, s)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl16(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(s, bla(d, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl17(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(s, blia(d, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl20(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return blc(d, s); }
INLINE UINT32 bl21(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blc(d, s), d); }
INLINE UINT32 bl22(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blc(d, s), blc(s, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl23(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blc(d, s), blic(s, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl24(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blc(d, s), bla(d, s)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl25(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blc(d, s), blia(d, s)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl26(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blc(d, s), bla(d, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl27(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blc(d, s), blia(d, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl30(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return blic(d, s); }
INLINE UINT32 bl31(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blic(d, s), d); }
INLINE UINT32 bl32(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blic(d, s), blc(s, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl33(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blic(d, s), blic(s, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl34(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blic(d, s), bla(d, s)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl35(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blic(d, s), blia(d, s)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl36(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blic(d, s), bla(d, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl37(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blic(d, s), blia(d, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl40(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bla(s, s); }
INLINE UINT32 bl41(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(bla(s, s), d); }
INLINE UINT32 bl42(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(bla(s, s), blc(s, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl43(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(bla(s, s), blic(s, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl44(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(bla(s, s), bla(d, s)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl45(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(bla(s, s), blia(d, s)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl46(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(bla(s, s), bla(d, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl47(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(bla(s, s), blia(d, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl50(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return blia(s, s); }
INLINE UINT32 bl51(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blia(s, s), d); }
INLINE UINT32 bl52(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blia(s, s), blc(s, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl53(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blia(s, s), blic(s, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl54(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blia(s, s), bla(d, s)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl55(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blia(s, s), blia(d, s)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl56(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blia(s, s), bla(d, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl57(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blia(s, s), blia(d, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl60(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bla(s, d); }
INLINE UINT32 bl61(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(bla(s, d), d); }
INLINE UINT32 bl62(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(bla(s, d), blc(s, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl63(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(bla(s, d), blic(s, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl64(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(bla(s, d), bla(d, s)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl65(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(bla(s, d), blia(d, s)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl66(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(bla(s, d), bla(d, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl67(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(bla(s, d), blia(d, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl70(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return blia(s, d); }
INLINE UINT32 bl71(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blia(s, d), d); }
INLINE UINT32 bl72(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blia(s, d), blc(s, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl73(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blia(s, d), blic(s, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl74(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blia(s, d), bla(d, s)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl75(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blia(s, d), blia(d, s)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl76(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blia(s, d), bla(d, d)); }
INLINE UINT32 bl77(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) { return bls(blia(s, d), blia(d, d)); }

static UINT32 (*const blend_functions[64])(UINT32 s, UINT32 d) = {
	bl00, bl01, bl02, bl03, bl04, bl05, bl06, bl07,
	bl10, bl11, bl12, bl13, bl14, bl15, bl16, bl17,
	bl20, bl21, bl22, bl23, bl24, bl25, bl26, bl27,
	bl30, bl31, bl32, bl33, bl34, bl35, bl36, bl37,
	bl40, bl41, bl42, bl43, bl44, bl45, bl46, bl47,
	bl50, bl51, bl52, bl53, bl54, bl55, bl56, bl57,
	bl60, bl61, bl62, bl63, bl64, bl65, bl66, bl67,
	bl70, bl71, bl72, bl73, bl74, bl75, bl76, bl77,

INLINE UINT32 cv_1555(UINT16 c)
		(c & 0x8000 ? 0xff000000 : 0) |
		((c << 9) & 0x00f80000) | ((c << 4) & 0x00070000) |
		((c << 6) & 0x0000f800) | ((c << 1) & 0x00000700) |
		((c << 3) & 0x000000f8) | ((c >> 2) & 0x00000007);

INLINE UINT32 cv_1555z(UINT16 c)
		(c & 0x8000 ? 0xff000000 : 0) |
		((c << 9) & 0x00f80000) |
		((c << 6) & 0x0000f800) |
		((c << 3) & 0x000000f8);

INLINE UINT32 cv_565(UINT16 c)
		0xff000000 |
		((c << 8) & 0x00f80000) | ((c << 3) & 0x00070000) |
		((c << 5) & 0x0000fc00) | ((c >> 1) & 0x00000300) |
		((c << 3) & 0x000000f8) | ((c >> 2) & 0x00000007);

INLINE UINT32 cv_565z(UINT16 c)
		0xff000000 |
		((c << 8) & 0x00f80000) |
		((c << 5) & 0x0000fc00) |
		((c << 3) & 0x000000f8);

INLINE UINT32 cv_4444(UINT16 c)
		((c << 16) & 0xf0000000) | ((c << 12) & 0x0f000000) |
		((c << 12) & 0x00f00000) | ((c <<  8) & 0x000f0000) |
		((c <<  8) & 0x0000f000) | ((c <<  4) & 0x00000f00) |
		((c <<  4) & 0x000000f0) | ((c      ) & 0x0000000f);

INLINE UINT32 cv_4444z(UINT16 c)
		((c << 16) & 0xf0000000) |
		((c << 12) & 0x00f00000) |
		((c <<  8) & 0x0000f000) |
		((c <<  4) & 0x000000f0);

INLINE UINT32 cv_yuv(UINT16 c1, UINT16 c2, int x)
	int u = 11*((c1 & 0xff) - 128);
	int v = 11*((c2 & 0xff) - 128);
	int y = (x & 1 ? c2 : c1) >> 8;
	int r = y + v/8;
	int g = y - u/32 - v/16;
	int b = y + (3*u)/16;
	r = r < 0 ? 0 : r > 255 ? 255 : r;
	g = g < 0 ? 0 : g > 255 ? 255 : g;
	b = b < 0 ? 0 : b > 255 ? 255 : b;
	return 0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_yuv_n(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int addrp = t->address + (t->stride*yt + (xt & ~1))*2;
	UINT16 c1 = *(UINT16 *)(((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram) + WORD_XOR_LE(addrp));
	UINT16 c2 = *(UINT16 *)(((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram) + WORD_XOR_LE(addrp+2));
	return cv_yuv(c1, c2, xt);

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_1555_n(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int addrp = t->address + (t->stride*yt + xt)*2;
	return cv_1555z(*(UINT16 *)(((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram) + WORD_XOR_LE(addrp)));

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_1555_tw(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int addrp = t->address + (dilated1[t->cd][xt] + dilated0[t->cd][yt])*2;
	return cv_1555(*(UINT16 *)(((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram) + WORD_XOR_LE(addrp)));

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_1555_vq(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int idx = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(t->address + dilated1[t->cd][xt >> 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt >> 1])];
	int addrp = t->vqbase + 8*idx + (dilated1[t->cd][xt & 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt & 1])*2;
	return cv_1555(*(UINT16 *)(((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram) + WORD_XOR_LE(addrp)));

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_565_n(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int addrp = t->address + (t->stride*yt + xt)*2;
	return cv_565z(*(UINT16 *)(((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram) + WORD_XOR_LE(addrp)));

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_565_tw(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int addrp = t->address + (dilated1[t->cd][xt] + dilated0[t->cd][yt])*2;
	return cv_565(*(UINT16 *)(((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram) + WORD_XOR_LE(addrp)));

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_565_vq(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int idx = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(t->address + dilated1[t->cd][xt >> 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt >> 1])];
	int addrp = t->vqbase + 8*idx + (dilated1[t->cd][xt & 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt & 1])*2;
	return cv_565(*(UINT16 *)(((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram) + WORD_XOR_LE(addrp)));

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_4444_n(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int addrp = t->address + (t->stride*yt + xt)*2;
	return cv_4444z(*(UINT16 *)(((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram) + WORD_XOR_LE(addrp)));

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_4444_tw(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int addrp = t->address + (dilated1[t->cd][xt] + dilated0[t->cd][yt])*2;
	return cv_4444(*(UINT16 *)(((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram) + WORD_XOR_LE(addrp)));

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_4444_vq(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int idx = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(t->address + dilated1[t->cd][xt >> 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt >> 1])];
	int addrp = t->vqbase + 8*idx + (dilated1[t->cd][xt & 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt & 1])*2;
	return cv_4444(*(UINT16 *)(((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram) + WORD_XOR_LE(addrp)));

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p4_1555_tw(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int off = dilated1[t->cd][xt] + dilated0[t->cd][yt];
	int addrp = t->address + (off >> 1);
	int c = (((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)] >> ((off & 1) << 2)) & 0xf;
	return cv_1555(pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c]);

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p4_1555_vq(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int idx = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(t->address + dilated1[t->cd][xt >> 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt >> 1])];
	int addrp = t->vqbase + 8*idx + dilated1[t->cd][xt & 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt & 3];
	int c = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)] & 0xf;
	return cv_1555(pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c]);

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p4_565_tw(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int off = dilated1[t->cd][xt] + dilated0[t->cd][yt];
	int addrp = t->address + (off >> 1);
	int c = (((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)] >> ((off & 1) << 2)) & 0xf;
	return cv_565(pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c]);

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p4_565_vq(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int idx = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(t->address + dilated1[t->cd][xt >> 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt >> 1])];
	int addrp = t->vqbase + 8*idx + dilated1[t->cd][xt & 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt & 3];
	int c = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)] & 0xf;
	return cv_565(pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c]);

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p4_4444_tw(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int off = dilated1[t->cd][xt] + dilated0[t->cd][yt];
	int addrp = t->address + (off >> 1);
	int c = (((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)] >> ((off & 1) << 2)) & 0xf;
	return cv_4444(pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c]);

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p4_4444_vq(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int idx = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(t->address + dilated1[t->cd][xt >> 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt >> 1])];
	int addrp = t->vqbase + 8*idx + dilated1[t->cd][xt & 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt & 3];
	int c = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)] & 0xf;
	return cv_4444(pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c]);

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p4_8888_tw(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int off = dilated1[t->cd][xt] + dilated0[t->cd][yt];
	int addrp = t->address + (off >> 1);
	int c = (((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)] >> ((off & 1) << 2)) & 0xf;
	return pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c];

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p4_8888_vq(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int idx = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(t->address + dilated1[t->cd][xt >> 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt >> 1])];
	int addrp = t->vqbase + 8*idx + dilated1[t->cd][xt & 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt & 3];
	int c = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)] & 0xf;
	return pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c];

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p8_1555_tw(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int addrp = t->address + dilated1[t->cd][xt] + dilated0[t->cd][yt];
	int c = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)];
	return cv_1555(pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c]);

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p8_1555_vq(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int idx = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(t->address + dilated1[t->cd][xt >> 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt >> 1])];
	int addrp = t->vqbase + 8*idx + dilated1[t->cd][xt & 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt & 3];
	int c = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)];
	return cv_1555(pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c]);

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p8_565_tw(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int addrp = t->address + dilated1[t->cd][xt] + dilated0[t->cd][yt];
	int c = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)];
	return cv_565(pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c]);

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p8_565_vq(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int idx = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(t->address + dilated1[t->cd][xt >> 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt >> 1])];
	int addrp = t->vqbase + 8*idx + dilated1[t->cd][xt & 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt & 3];
	int c = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)];
	return cv_565(pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c]);

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p8_4444_tw(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int addrp = t->address + dilated1[t->cd][xt] + dilated0[t->cd][yt];
	int c = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)];
	return cv_4444(pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c]);

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p8_4444_vq(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int idx = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(t->address + dilated1[t->cd][xt >> 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt >> 1])];
	int addrp = t->vqbase + 8*idx + dilated1[t->cd][xt & 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt & 3];
	int c = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)];
	return cv_4444(pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c]);

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p8_8888_tw(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int addrp = t->address + dilated1[t->cd][xt] + dilated0[t->cd][yt];
	int c = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)];
	return pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c];

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_p8_8888_vq(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	int xt = ((int)x) & (t->sizex-1);
	int yt = ((int)y) & (t->sizey-1);
	int idx = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(t->address + dilated1[t->cd][xt >> 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt >> 1])];
	int addrp = t->vqbase + 8*idx + dilated1[t->cd][xt & 1] + dilated0[t->cd][yt & 3];
	int c = ((UINT8 *)dc_texture_ram)[BYTE_XOR_LE(addrp)];
	return pvrta_regs[t->palbase + c];

INLINE UINT32 tex_r_default(texinfo *t, float x, float y)
	return ((int)x ^ (int)y) & 4 ? 0xffffff00 : 0xff0000ff;

static void tex_get_info(texinfo *t, pvrta_state *sa)
	int miptype = 0;

	t->textured    = sa->texture;

	// not textured, abort.
	if (!t->textured) return;

	t->address     = sa->textureaddress;
	t->pf          = sa->pixelformat;
	t->palette	   = 0;

	t->mode = (sa->vqcompressed<<1);

	// scanorder is ignored for palettized textures (palettized textures are ALWAYS twiddled)
	// (the same bits are used for palette select instead)
	if ((t->pf == 5) || (t->pf == 6))
		t->palette = sa->paletteselector;
		t->mode |= sa->scanorder;

	/* When scan order is 1 (non-twiddled) mipmap is ignored */
	t->mipmapped  = t->mode & 1 ? 0 : sa->mipmapped;

	// Mipmapped textures are always square, ignore v size
	if (t->mipmapped)
		t->sizes = (sa->texturesizes & 0x38) | ((sa->texturesizes & 0x38) >> 3);
		t->sizes = sa->texturesizes;

	t->sizex = 1 << (3+((t->sizes >> 3) & 7));
	t->sizey = 1 << (3+(t->sizes & 7));

	/* Stride select is used only in the non-twiddled case */
	t->stride = (t->mode & 1) && sa->strideselect ? t->sizex : (pvrta_regs[TEXT_CONTROL] & 0x1f) << 5;

	t->blend_mode  = sa->blend_mode;
	t->filter_mode = sa->filtermode;
	t->flip_u      = (sa->flipuv >> 1) & 1;
	t->flip_v      = sa->flipuv & 1;

	t->r = tex_r_default;
	t->cd = dilatechose[t->sizes];
	t->palbase = 0;
	t->vqbase = t->address;
	t->blend = sa->use_alpha ? blend_functions[t->blend_mode] : bl10;

	//  fprintf(stderr, "tex %d %d %d %d\n", t->pf, t->mode, pvrta_regs[PAL_RAM_CTRL], t->mipmapped);

	switch(t->pf) {
	case 0: // 1555
		switch(t->mode) {
		case 0:  t->r = tex_r_1555_tw; miptype = 2; break;
		case 1:  t->r = tex_r_1555_n;  miptype = 2; break;
		case 2:
		case 3:  t->r = tex_r_1555_vq; miptype = 3; t->address += 0x800; break;


	case 1: // 565
		switch(t->mode) {
		case 0:  t->r = tex_r_565_tw; miptype = 2; break;
		case 1:  t->r = tex_r_565_n;  miptype = 2; break;
		case 2:
		case 3:  t->r = tex_r_565_vq; miptype = 3; t->address += 0x800; break;


	case 2: // 4444
		switch(t->mode) {
		case 0:  t->r = tex_r_4444_tw; miptype = 2; break;
		case 1:  t->r = tex_r_4444_n;  miptype = 2; break;
		case 2:
		case 3:  t->r = tex_r_4444_vq; miptype = 3; t->address += 0x800; break;


	case 3: // yuv422
		switch(t->mode) {
		case 0:  /*t->r = tex_r_yuv_tw*/; miptype = -1; break;
		case 1:  t->r = tex_r_yuv_n; miptype = -1; break;
		default: /*t->r = tex_r_yuv_vq*/; miptype = -1; break;

	case 4: // bumpmap

	case 5: // 4bpp palette
		t->palbase = 0x400 | ((t->palette & 0x3f) << 4);
		switch(t->mode) {
		case 0: case 1:
			miptype = 0;

			switch(pvrta_regs[PAL_RAM_CTRL]) {
			case 0: t->r = tex_r_p4_1555_tw; break;
			case 1: t->r = tex_r_p4_565_tw;  break;
			case 2: t->r = tex_r_p4_4444_tw; break;
			case 3: t->r = tex_r_p4_8888_tw; break;
		case 2: case 3:
			miptype = 3; // ?
			switch(pvrta_regs[PAL_RAM_CTRL]) {
			case 0: t->r = tex_r_p4_1555_vq; t->address += 0x800; break;
			case 1: t->r = tex_r_p4_565_vq;  t->address += 0x800; break;
			case 2: t->r = tex_r_p4_4444_vq; t->address += 0x800; break;
			case 3: t->r = tex_r_p4_8888_vq; t->address += 0x800; break;


	case 6: // 8bpp palette
		t->palbase = 0x400 | ((t->palette & 0x30) << 4);
		switch(t->mode) {
		case 0: case 1:
			miptype = 1;

			switch(pvrta_regs[PAL_RAM_CTRL]) {
			case 0: t->r = tex_r_p8_1555_tw; break;
			case 1: t->r = tex_r_p8_565_tw; break;
			case 2: t->r = tex_r_p8_4444_tw; break;
			case 3: t->r = tex_r_p8_8888_tw; break;
		case 2: case 3:
			miptype = 3; // ?
			switch(pvrta_regs[PAL_RAM_CTRL]) {
			case 0: t->r = tex_r_p8_1555_vq; t->address += 0x800; break;
			case 1: t->r = tex_r_p8_565_vq;  t->address += 0x800; break;
			case 2: t->r = tex_r_p8_4444_vq; t->address += 0x800; break;
			case 3: t->r = tex_r_p8_8888_vq; t->address += 0x800; break;


	case 9: // reserved

	if (t->mipmapped)
		// full offset tables for reference,
		// we don't do mipmapping, so don't use anything < 8x8
		// first table is half-bytes

		// 4BPP palette textures
		// Texture size _4-bit_ offset value for starting address
		// 1x1          0x00003
		// 2x2          0x00004
		// 4x4          0x00008
		// 8x8          0x00018
		// 16x16        0x00058
		// 32x32        0x00158
		// 64x64        0x00558
		// 128x128      0x01558
		// 256x256      0x05558
		// 512x512      0x15558
		// 1024x1024    0x55558

		// 8BPP palette textures
		// Texture size Byte offset value for starting address
		// 1x1          0x00003
		// 2x2          0x00004
		// 4x4          0x00008
		// 8x8          0x00018
		// 16x16        0x00058
		// 32x32        0x00158
		// 64x64        0x00558
		// 128x128      0x01558
		// 256x256      0x05558
		// 512x512      0x15558
		// 1024x1024    0x55558

		// Non-palette textures
		// Texture size Byte offset value for starting address
		// 1x1          0x00006
		// 2x2          0x00008
		// 4x4          0x00010
		// 8x8          0x00030
		// 16x16        0x000B0
		// 32x32        0x002B0
		// 64x64        0x00AB0
		// 128x128      0x02AB0
		// 256x256      0x0AAB0
		// 512x512      0x2AAB0
		// 1024x1024    0xAAAB0

		// VQ textures
		// Texture size Byte offset value for starting address
		// 1x1          0x00000
		// 2x2          0x00001
		// 4x4          0x00002
		// 8x8          0x00006
		// 16x16        0x00016
		// 32x32        0x00056
		// 64x64        0x00156
		// 128x128      0x00556
		// 256x256      0x01556
		// 512x512      0x05556
		// 1024x1024    0x15556

		static const int mipmap_4_8_offset[8] = { 0x00018, 0x00058, 0x00158, 0x00558, 0x01558, 0x05558, 0x15558, 0x55558 };  // 4bpp (4bit offset) / 8bpp (8bit offset)
		static const int mipmap_np_offset[8] =  { 0x00030, 0x000B0, 0x002B0, 0x00AB0, 0x02AB0, 0x0AAB0, 0x2AAB0, 0xAAAB0 };  // nonpalette textures
		static const int mipmap_vq_offset[8] =  { 0x00006, 0x00016, 0x00056, 0x00156, 0x00556, 0x01556, 0x05556, 0x15556 }; // vq textures

		switch (miptype)

			case 0: // 4bpp
				t->address += mipmap_4_8_offset[(t->sizes)&7]>>1;

			case 1: // 8bpp
				t->address += mipmap_4_8_offset[(t->sizes)&7];

			case 2: // nonpalette
				t->address += mipmap_np_offset[(t->sizes)&7];

			case 3: // vq
				t->address += mipmap_vq_offset[(t->sizes)&7];


// register decode helper
INLINE int decode_reg_64(UINT32 offset, UINT64 mem_mask, UINT64 *shift)
	int reg = offset * 2;

	*shift = 0;

	// non 32-bit accesses have not yet been seen here, we need to know when they are
	if ((mem_mask != U64(0xffffffff00000000)) && (mem_mask != U64(0x00000000ffffffff)))
		/*assume to return the lower 32-bits ONLY*/
		return reg & 0xffffffff;

	if (mem_mask == U64(0xffffffff00000000))
		*shift = 32;

	return reg;

READ64_HANDLER( pvr_ta_r )
	int reg;
	UINT64 shift;

	reg = decode_reg_64(offset, mem_mask, &shift);

	switch (reg)
			UINT8 fieldnum,vsync,hsync,blank;

			fieldnum = (space->machine().primary_screen->frame_number() & 1) ? 1 : 0;

			vsync = space->machine().primary_screen->vblank() ? 1 : 0;
			if(spg_vsync_pol) { vsync^=1; }

			hsync = space->machine().primary_screen->hblank() ? 1 : 0;
			if(spg_hsync_pol) { hsync^=1; }

			/* FIXME: following is just a wild guess */
			blank = (space->machine().primary_screen->vblank() | space->machine().primary_screen->hblank()) ? 0 : 1;
			if(spg_blank_pol) { blank^=1; }

			pvrta_regs[reg] = (vsync << 13) | (hsync << 12) | (blank << 11) | (fieldnum << 10) | (space->machine().primary_screen->vpos() & 0x3ff);
		printf("Warning: read at h/v counter ext latches\n");
		return 0; //bit 31 always return 0, a probable left-over in Crazy Taxi reads this and discards the read (?)

	if (reg != 0x43)
		mame_printf_verbose("PVRTA: [%08x] read %x @ %x (reg %x), mask %" I64FMT "x (PC=%x)\n", 0x5f8000+reg*4, pvrta_regs[reg], offset, reg, mem_mask, cpu_get_pc(&space->device()));
	return (UINT64)pvrta_regs[reg] << shift;

WRITE64_HANDLER( pvr_ta_w )
	int reg;
	UINT64 shift;
	UINT32 dat;
	UINT32 sizera,offsetra;
	int a;
	int sanitycount;

	reg = decode_reg_64(offset, mem_mask, &shift);
	dat = (UINT32)(data >> shift);
	//old = pvrta_regs[reg];

	// Dreamcast BIOS attempts to set PVRID to zero and then dies
	// if it succeeds.  Don't allow.
	if ((reg != PVRID) && (reg != REVISION))
		pvrta_regs[reg] = dat; // 5f8000+reg*4=dat

	switch (reg)
		if (dat & 1)
			mame_printf_verbose("pvr_ta_w:  TA soft reset\n");
		if (dat & 2)

			mame_printf_verbose("pvr_ta_w:  Core Pipeline soft reset\n");
			if (state_ta.start_render_received == 1)
				for (a=0;a < NUM_BUFFERS;a++)
					if (state_ta.grab[a].busy == 1)
						state_ta.grab[a].busy = 0;
				state_ta.start_render_received = 0;
		if (dat & 4)
			mame_printf_verbose("pvr_ta_w:  sdram I/F soft reset\n");
		mame_printf_verbose("Start Render Received:\n");
		mame_printf_verbose("  Region Array at %08x\n",pvrta_regs[REGION_BASE]);
		mame_printf_verbose("  ISP/TSP Parameters at %08x\n",pvrta_regs[PARAM_BASE]);

		// select buffer to draw using PARAM_BASE
		for (a=0;a < NUM_BUFFERS;a++)
			if ((state_ta.grab[a].ispbase == pvrta_regs[PARAM_BASE]) && (state_ta.grab[a].valid == 1) && (state_ta.grab[a].busy == 0))
				rectangle clip;

				state_ta.grab[a].busy = 1;
				state_ta.renderselect = a;


				clip.min_x = 0;
				clip.max_x = 1023;
				clip.min_y = 0;
				clip.max_y = 1023;

				// we've got a request to draw, so, draw to the accumulation buffer!
				// this should really be done for each tile!

				endofrender_timer_isp->adjust(attotime::from_usec(4000) ); // hack, make sure render takes some amount of time

				/* copy the tiles to the framebuffer (really the rendering should be in this loop too) */
				if (pvrta_regs[FPU_PARAM_CFG] & 0x200000)

				//printf("base is %08x\n", offsetra);

				// sanity
				sanitycount = 0;
				for (;;)
					UINT32 st[6];

					st[1]=space->read_dword((0x05000004+offsetra)); // Opaque List Pointer
					st[2]=space->read_dword((0x05000008+offsetra)); // Opaque Modifier Volume List Pointer
					st[3]=space->read_dword((0x0500000c+offsetra)); // Translucent List Pointer
					st[4]=space->read_dword((0x05000010+offsetra)); // Translucent Modifier Volume List Pointer

					if (sizera == 6)
						st[5] = space->read_dword((0x05000014+offsetra)); // Punch Through List Pointer
						st[5] = 0;

						int x = ((st[0]&0x000000fc)>>2)*32;
						int y = ((st[0]&0x00003f00)>>8)*32;
						//printf("tiledata %08x %d %d - %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",st[0],x,y,st[1],st[2],st[3],st[4],st[5]);

						// should render to the accumulation buffer here using pointers we filled in when processing the data
						// sent to the TA.  HOWEVER, we don't process the TA data and create the real format object lists, so
						// instead just use these co-ordinates to copy data from our fake full-screnen accumnulation buffer into
						// the framebuffer

						pvr_accumulationbuffer_to_framebuffer(space, x,y);

					if (st[0] & 0x80000000)

					// prevent infinite loop if asked to process invalid data

		if (a != NUM_BUFFERS)
		assert_always(0, "TA grabber error A!\n");
		if(dat & 0x80000000)
			state_ta.tafifo_listtype= -1;
			mame_printf_verbose("TA_OL_BASE       %08x TA_OL_LIMIT  %08x\n", pvrta_regs[TA_OL_BASE], pvrta_regs[TA_OL_LIMIT]);
			mame_printf_verbose("TA_ISP_BASE      %08x TA_ISP_LIMIT %08x\n", pvrta_regs[TA_ISP_BASE], pvrta_regs[TA_ISP_LIMIT]);
			mame_printf_verbose("TA_ALLOC_CTRL    %08x\n", pvrta_regs[TA_ALLOC_CTRL]);
			mame_printf_verbose("TA_NEXT_OPB_INIT %08x\n", pvrta_regs[TA_NEXT_OPB_INIT]);
			pvrta_regs[TA_NEXT_OPB] = pvrta_regs[TA_NEXT_OPB_INIT];
			pvrta_regs[TA_ITP_CURRENT] = pvrta_regs[TA_ISP_BASE];
			state_ta.alloc_ctrl_OPB_Mode = pvrta_regs[TA_ALLOC_CTRL] & 0x100000; // 0 up 1 down
			state_ta.alloc_ctrl_PT_OPB = (4 << ((pvrta_regs[TA_ALLOC_CTRL] >> 16) & 3)) & 0x38; // number of 32 bit words (0,8,16,32)
			state_ta.alloc_ctrl_TM_OPB = (4 << ((pvrta_regs[TA_ALLOC_CTRL] >> 12) & 3)) & 0x38;
			state_ta.alloc_ctrl_T_OPB = (4 << ((pvrta_regs[TA_ALLOC_CTRL] >> 8) & 3)) & 0x38;
			state_ta.alloc_ctrl_OM_OPB = (4 << ((pvrta_regs[TA_ALLOC_CTRL] >> 4) & 3)) & 0x38;
			state_ta.alloc_ctrl_O_OPB = (4 << ((pvrta_regs[TA_ALLOC_CTRL] >> 0) & 3)) & 0x38;
			state_ta.listtype_used |= (1+4);
			// use TA_ISP_BASE and select buffer for grab data
			state_ta.grabsel = -1;
			// try to find already used buffer but not busy
			for (a=0;a < NUM_BUFFERS;a++)
				if ((state_ta.grab[a].ispbase == pvrta_regs[TA_ISP_BASE]) && (state_ta.grab[a].busy == 0) && (state_ta.grab[a].valid == 1))
			// try a buffer not used yet
			if (state_ta.grabsel < 0)
				for (a=0;a < NUM_BUFFERS;a++)
					if (state_ta.grab[a].valid == 0)
			// find a non busy buffer starting from the last one used
			if (state_ta.grabsel < 0)
				for (a=0;a < 3;a++)
					if (state_ta.grab[(state_ta.grabsellast+1+a) & 3].busy == 0)
			if (state_ta.grabsel < 0)
				assert_always(0, "TA grabber error B!\n");

//#define TA_YUV_TEX_BASE       ((0x005f8148-0x005f8000)/4)
		printf("TA_YUV_TEX_BASE initialized to %08x\n", dat);

		// hack, this interrupt is generated after transfering a set amount of data
		//dc_sysctrl_regs[SB_ISTNRM] |= IST_EOXFER_YUV;

		printf("TA_YUV_TEX_CTRL initialized to %08x\n", dat);

		/* clear pending irqs and modify them with the updated ones */

	/* TODO: timer adjust for SPG_HBLANK_INT too */
		mame_printf_verbose("List continuation processing\n");
		if(dat & 0x80000000)
			state_ta.tafifo_listtype= -1; // no list being received
			state_ta.listtype_used |= (1+4);
	case SPG_LOAD:
	case VO_STARTX:
	case VO_STARTY:
			rectangle visarea = space->machine().primary_screen->visible_area();
			/* FIXME: right visible area calculations aren't known yet*/
			visarea.min_x = 0;
			visarea.max_x = ((spg_hbstart - spg_hbend - vo_horz_start_pos) <= 0x180 ? 320 : 640) - 1;
			visarea.min_y = 0;
			visarea.max_y = ((spg_vbstart - spg_vbend - vo_vert_start_pos_f1) <= 0x100 ? 240 : 480) - 1;

			space->machine().primary_screen->configure(spg_hbstart, spg_vbstart, visarea, space->machine().primary_screen->frame_period().attoseconds );

	if ((reg != 0x14) && (reg != 0x15))
		mame_printf_verbose("PVRTA: [%08x=%x] write %" I64FMT "x to %x (reg %x %x), mask %" I64FMT "x\n", 0x5f8000+reg*4, dat, data>>shift, offset, reg, (reg*4)+0x8000, mem_mask);

static TIMER_CALLBACK( transfer_opaque_list_irq )
	dc_sysctrl_regs[SB_ISTNRM] |= IST_EOXFER_OPLST;

static TIMER_CALLBACK( transfer_opaque_modifier_volume_list_irq )
	dc_sysctrl_regs[SB_ISTNRM] |= IST_EOXFER_OPMV;

static TIMER_CALLBACK( transfer_translucent_list_irq )
	dc_sysctrl_regs[SB_ISTNRM] |= IST_EOXFER_TRLST;

static TIMER_CALLBACK( transfer_translucent_modifier_volume_list_irq )
	dc_sysctrl_regs[SB_ISTNRM] |= IST_EOXFER_TRMV;

static TIMER_CALLBACK( transfer_punch_through_list_irq )
	dc_sysctrl_regs[SB_ISTNRM] |= (1 << 21);

static void process_ta_fifo(running_machine& machine)
	/* first byte in the buffer is the Parameter Control Word

     pppp pppp gggg gggg oooo oooo oooo oooo

     p = para control
     g = group control
     o = object control


	receiveddata *rd = &state_ta.grab[state_ta.grabsel];

	// Para Control
	state_ta.paracontrol=(tafifo_buff[0] >> 24) & 0xff;
	// 0 end of list
	// 1 user tile clip
	// 2 object list set
	// 3 reserved
	// 4 polygon/modifier volume
	// 5 sprite
	// 6 reserved
	// 7 vertex
	state_ta.paratype=(state_ta.paracontrol >> 5) & 7;
	state_ta.endofstrip=(state_ta.paracontrol >> 4) & 1;
	state_ta.listtype=(state_ta.paracontrol >> 0) & 7;
	if ((state_ta.paratype >= 4) && (state_ta.paratype <= 6))
		state_ta.global_paratype = state_ta.paratype;
		// Group Control
		state_ta.groupcontrol=(tafifo_buff[0] >> 16) & 0xff;
		state_ta.groupen=(state_ta.groupcontrol >> 7) & 1;
		state_ta.striplen=(state_ta.groupcontrol >> 2) & 3;
		state_ta.userclip=(state_ta.groupcontrol >> 0) & 3;
		// Obj Control
		state_ta.objcontrol=(tafifo_buff[0] >> 0) & 0xffff;
		state_ta.shadow=(state_ta.objcontrol >> 7) & 1;
		state_ta.volume=(state_ta.objcontrol >> 6) & 1;
		state_ta.coltype=(state_ta.objcontrol >> 4) & 3;
		state_ta.texture=(state_ta.objcontrol >> 3) & 1;
		state_ta.offfset=(state_ta.objcontrol >> 2) & 1;
		state_ta.gouraud=(state_ta.objcontrol >> 1) & 1;
		state_ta.uv16bit=(state_ta.objcontrol >> 0) & 1;

	// check if we need 8 words more
	if (state_ta.tafifo_mask == 7)
		state_ta.parameterconfig = pvr_parameterconfig[state_ta.objcontrol & 0x3d];
		// decide number of words per vertex
		if (state_ta.paratype == 7)
			if ((state_ta.global_paratype == 5) || (state_ta.tafifo_listtype == 1) || (state_ta.tafifo_listtype == 3))
				state_ta.tafifo_vertexwords = 16;
			if (state_ta.tafifo_vertexwords == 16)
				state_ta.tafifo_mask = 15;
				state_ta.tafifo_pos = 8;
		// decide number of words when not a vertex
		if ((state_ta.paratype == 4) && ((state_ta.listtype != 1) && (state_ta.listtype != 3)))
			if (pvr_wordspolygon[state_ta.parameterconfig] == 16)
				state_ta.tafifo_mask = 15;
				state_ta.tafifo_pos = 8;
	state_ta.tafifo_mask = 7;

	// now we heve all the needed words
	// here we should generate the data for the various tiles
	// for now, just interpret their meaning
	if (state_ta.paratype == 0)
	{ // end of list
		mame_printf_verbose("Para Type 0 End of List\n");
		/* Process transfer FIFO done irqs here */
		/* FIXME: timing of these */
		switch (state_ta.tafifo_listtype)
		case 0: machine.scheduler().timer_set(attotime::from_usec(100), FUNC(transfer_opaque_list_irq)); break;
		case 1: machine.scheduler().timer_set(attotime::from_usec(100), FUNC(transfer_opaque_modifier_volume_list_irq)); break;
		case 2: machine.scheduler().timer_set(attotime::from_usec(100), FUNC(transfer_translucent_list_irq)); break;
		case 3: machine.scheduler().timer_set(attotime::from_usec(100), FUNC(transfer_translucent_modifier_volume_list_irq)); break;
		case 4: machine.scheduler().timer_set(attotime::from_usec(100), FUNC(transfer_punch_through_list_irq)); break;
		state_ta.tafifo_listtype= -1; // no list being received
		state_ta.listtype_used |= (2+8);
	else if (state_ta.paratype == 1)
	{ // user tile clip
		mame_printf_verbose("Para Type 1 User Tile Clip\n");
		mame_printf_verbose(" (%d , %d)-(%d , %d)\n", tafifo_buff[4], tafifo_buff[5], tafifo_buff[6], tafifo_buff[7]);
	else if (state_ta.paratype == 2)
	{ // object list set
		mame_printf_verbose("Para Type 2 Object List Set at %08x\n", tafifo_buff[1]);
		mame_printf_verbose(" (%d , %d)-(%d , %d)\n", tafifo_buff[4], tafifo_buff[5], tafifo_buff[6], tafifo_buff[7]);
	else if (state_ta.paratype == 3)
		mame_printf_verbose("Para Type %x Unknown!\n", tafifo_buff[0]);
	{ // global parameter or vertex parameter
		mame_printf_verbose("Para Type %d", state_ta.paratype);
		if (state_ta.paratype == 7)
			mame_printf_verbose(" End of Strip %d", state_ta.endofstrip);
		if (state_ta.listtype_used & 3)
			mame_printf_verbose(" List Type %d", state_ta.listtype);

		// set type of list currently being received
		if ((state_ta.paratype == 4) || (state_ta.paratype == 5) || (state_ta.paratype == 6))
			if (state_ta.tafifo_listtype < 0)
				state_ta.tafifo_listtype = state_ta.listtype;
		state_ta.listtype_used = state_ta.listtype_used ^ (state_ta.listtype_used & 3);

		if ((state_ta.paratype == 4) || (state_ta.paratype == 5))
		{ // quad or polygon
			state_ta.depthcomparemode=(tafifo_buff[1] >> 29) & 7;
			state_ta.cullingmode=(tafifo_buff[1] >> 27) & 3;
			state_ta.zwritedisable=(tafifo_buff[1] >> 26) & 1;
			state_ta.cachebypass=(tafifo_buff[1] >> 21) & 1;
			state_ta.dcalcctrl=(tafifo_buff[1] >> 20) & 1;
			state_ta.volumeinstruction=(tafifo_buff[1] >> 29) & 7;

			//state_ta.textureusize=1 << (3+((tafifo_buff[2] >> 3) & 7));
			//state_ta.texturevsize=1 << (3+(tafifo_buff[2] & 7));
			state_ta.texturesizes=tafifo_buff[2] & 0x3f;
			state_ta.blend_mode = tafifo_buff[2] >> 26;
			state_ta.srcselect=(tafifo_buff[2] >> 25) & 1;
			state_ta.dstselect=(tafifo_buff[2] >> 24) & 1;
			state_ta.fogcontrol=(tafifo_buff[2] >> 22) & 3;
			state_ta.colorclamp=(tafifo_buff[2] >> 21) & 1;
			state_ta.use_alpha = (tafifo_buff[2] >> 20) & 1;
			state_ta.ignoretexalpha=(tafifo_buff[2] >> 19) & 1;
			state_ta.flipuv=(tafifo_buff[2] >> 17) & 3;
			state_ta.clampuv=(tafifo_buff[2] >> 15) & 3;
			state_ta.filtermode=(tafifo_buff[2] >> 13) & 3;
			state_ta.sstexture=(tafifo_buff[2] >> 12) & 1;
			state_ta.mmdadjust=(tafifo_buff[2] >> 8) & 1;
			state_ta.tsinstruction=(tafifo_buff[2] >> 6) & 3;
			if (state_ta.texture == 1)
				state_ta.textureaddress=(tafifo_buff[3] & 0x1FFFFF) << 3;
				state_ta.scanorder=(tafifo_buff[3] >> 26) & 1;
				state_ta.pixelformat=(tafifo_buff[3] >> 27) & 7;
				state_ta.mipmapped=(tafifo_buff[3] >> 31) & 1;
				state_ta.vqcompressed=(tafifo_buff[3] >> 30) & 1;
				state_ta.strideselect=(tafifo_buff[3] >> 25) & 1;
				state_ta.paletteselector=(tafifo_buff[3] >> 21) & 0x3F;
				mame_printf_verbose(" Texture at %08x format %d\n", (tafifo_buff[3] & 0x1FFFFF) << 3, state_ta.pixelformat);
			if (state_ta.paratype == 4)
			{ // polygon or mv
				if ((state_ta.tafifo_listtype == 1) || (state_ta.tafifo_listtype == 3))
					mame_printf_verbose(" Modifier Volume\n");
					mame_printf_verbose(" Polygon\n");
			if (state_ta.paratype == 5)
			{ // quad
				mame_printf_verbose(" Sprite\n");

		if (state_ta.paratype == 7)
		{ // vertex
			if ((state_ta.tafifo_listtype == 1) || (state_ta.tafifo_listtype == 3))
				mame_printf_verbose(" Vertex modifier volume");
				mame_printf_verbose(" A(%f,%f,%f) B(%f,%f,%f) C(%f,%f,%f)", u2f(tafifo_buff[1]), u2f(tafifo_buff[2]),
					u2f(tafifo_buff[3]), u2f(tafifo_buff[4]), u2f(tafifo_buff[5]), u2f(tafifo_buff[6]), u2f(tafifo_buff[7]),
					u2f(tafifo_buff[8]), u2f(tafifo_buff[9]));
			else if (state_ta.global_paratype == 5)
				mame_printf_verbose(" Vertex sprite");
				mame_printf_verbose(" A(%f,%f,%f) B(%f,%f,%f) C(%f,%f,%f) D(%f,%f,)", u2f(tafifo_buff[1]), u2f(tafifo_buff[2]),
					u2f(tafifo_buff[3]), u2f(tafifo_buff[4]), u2f(tafifo_buff[5]), u2f(tafifo_buff[6]), u2f(tafifo_buff[7]),
					u2f(tafifo_buff[8]), u2f(tafifo_buff[9]), u2f(tafifo_buff[10]), u2f(tafifo_buff[11]));
				if (state_ta.texture == 1)
					if (rd->verts_size <= 65530)
						strip *ts;
						vert *tv = &rd->verts[rd->verts_size];
						tv[0].x = u2f(tafifo_buff[0x1]);
						tv[0].y = u2f(tafifo_buff[0x2]);
						tv[0].w = u2f(tafifo_buff[0x3]);
						tv[1].x = u2f(tafifo_buff[0x4]);
						tv[1].y = u2f(tafifo_buff[0x5]);
						tv[1].w = u2f(tafifo_buff[0x6]);
						tv[3].x = u2f(tafifo_buff[0x7]);
						tv[3].y = u2f(tafifo_buff[0x8]);
						tv[3].w = u2f(tafifo_buff[0x9]);
						tv[2].x = u2f(tafifo_buff[0xa]);
						tv[2].y = u2f(tafifo_buff[0xb]);
						tv[2].w = tv[0].w+tv[3].w-tv[1].w;
						tv[0].u = u2f(tafifo_buff[0xd] & 0xffff0000);
						tv[0].v = u2f(tafifo_buff[0xd] << 16);
						tv[1].u = u2f(tafifo_buff[0xe] & 0xffff0000);
						tv[1].v = u2f(tafifo_buff[0xe] << 16);
						tv[3].u = u2f(tafifo_buff[0xf] & 0xffff0000);
						tv[3].v = u2f(tafifo_buff[0xf] << 16);
						tv[2].u = tv[0].u+tv[3].u-tv[1].u;
						tv[2].v = tv[0].v+tv[3].v-tv[1].v;

						ts = &rd->strips[rd->strips_size++];
						tex_get_info(&ts->ti, &state_ta);
						ts->svert = rd->verts_size;
						ts->evert = rd->verts_size + 3;

						rd->verts_size += 4;
			else if (state_ta.global_paratype == 4)
				mame_printf_verbose(" Vertex polygon");
				mame_printf_verbose(" V(%f,%f,%f) T(%f,%f)", u2f(tafifo_buff[1]), u2f(tafifo_buff[2]), u2f(tafifo_buff[3]), u2f(tafifo_buff[4]), u2f(tafifo_buff[5]));
				if (rd->verts_size <= 65530)
					/* add a vertex to our list */
					/* this is used for 3d stuff, ie most of the graphics (see guilty gear, confidential mission, maze of the kings etc.) */
					/* -- this is also wildly inaccurate! */
					vert *tv = &rd->verts[rd->verts_size];


					if((!rd->strips_size) ||
					   rd->strips[rd->strips_size-1].evert != -1)
						strip *ts = &rd->strips[rd->strips_size++];
						tex_get_info(&ts->ti, &state_ta);
						ts->svert = rd->verts_size;
						ts->evert = -1;
						rd->strips[rd->strips_size-1].evert = rd->verts_size;

WRITE64_HANDLER( ta_fifo_poly_w )

	if (mem_mask == U64(0xffffffffffffffff))	// 64 bit
		tafifo_buff[state_ta.tafifo_pos+1]=(UINT32)(data >> 32);
		mame_printf_debug("ta_fifo_poly_w:  Unmapped write64 %08x = %" I64FMT "x -> %08x %08x\n", 0x10000000+offset*8, data, tafifo_buff[state_ta.tafifo_pos], tafifo_buff[state_ta.tafifo_pos+1]);
		state_ta.tafifo_pos += 2;
		fatalerror("ta_fifo_poly_w:  Only 64 bit writes supported!\n");

	state_ta.tafifo_pos &= state_ta.tafifo_mask;

	// if the command is complete, process it
	if (state_ta.tafifo_pos == 0)


WRITE64_HANDLER( ta_fifo_yuv_w )
//  int reg;
//  UINT64 shift;
//  UINT32 dat;

//  reg = decode_reg_64(offset, mem_mask, &shift);
//  dat = (UINT32)(data >> shift);

//  printf("YUV FIFO: [%08x=%x] write %" I64FMT "x to %x, mask %" I64FMT "x %08x\n", 0x10800000+reg*4, dat, data, offset, mem_mask,test);

/* test video start */
static UINT32 dilate0(UINT32 value,int bits) // dilate first "bits" bits in "value"
	UINT32 x,m1,m2,m3;
	int a;

	x = value;
	for (a=0;a < bits;a++)
		m2 = 1 << (a << 1);
		m1 = m2 - 1;
		m3 = (~m1) << 1;
		x = (x & m1) + (x & m2) + ((x & m3) << 1);
	return x;

static UINT32 dilate1(UINT32 value,int bits) // dilate first "bits" bits in "value"
	UINT32 x,m1,m2,m3;
	int a;

	x = value;
	for (a=0;a < bits;a++)
		m2 = 1 << (a << 1);
		m1 = m2 - 1;
		m3 = (~m1) << 1;
		x = (x & m1) + ((x & m2) << 1) + ((x & m3) << 1);
	return x;

static void computedilated(void)
	int a,b;

	for (b=0;b <= 14;b++)
		for (a=0;a < 1024;a++) {
	for (b=0;b <= 7;b++)
		for (a=0;a <= 7;a++)
			dilatechose[(b << 3) + a]=3+(a < b ? a : b);

static void render_hline(bitmap_t *bitmap, texinfo *ti, int y, float xl, float xr, float ul, float ur, float vl, float vr, float wl, float wr)
	int xxl, xxr;
	float dx, ddx, dudx, dvdx, dwdx;
	UINT32 *tdata;
	float *wbufline;

	// untextured cases aren't handled
	if (!ti->textured) return;

	if(xr < 0 || xl >= 640)

	xxl = round(xl);
	xxr = round(xr);

	if(xxl == xxr)

	dx = xr-xl;
	dudx = (ur-ul)/dx;
	dvdx = (vr-vl)/dx;
	dwdx = (wr-wl)/dx;

	if(xxl < 0)
		xxl = 0;
	if(xxr > 640)
		xxr = 640;

	// Target the pixel center
	ddx = xxl + 0.5 - xl;
	ul += ddx*dudx;
	vl += ddx*dvdx;
	wl += ddx*dwdx;

	tdata = BITMAP_ADDR32(bitmap, y, xxl);
	wbufline = &wbuffer[y][xxl];

	while(xxl < xxr) {
		if((wl >= *wbufline)) {
			UINT32 c;
			float u = ul/wl;
			float v = vl/wl;

                u = ti->sizex - u;

                v = ti->sizey - v;

			c = ti->r(ti, u, v);

			// debug dip to turn on/off bilinear filtering, it's slooooow
			if (debug_dip_status&0x1)
				if(ti->filter_mode >= TEX_FILTER_BILINEAR)
					UINT32 c1 = ti->r(ti, u+1.0, v);
					UINT32 c2 = ti->r(ti, u+1.0, v+1.0);
					UINT32 c3 = ti->r(ti, u, v+1.0);
					c = bilinear_filter(c, c1, c2, c3, u, v);

			if(c & 0xff000000) {
				*tdata = ti->blend(c, *tdata);
				*wbufline = wl;

		ul += dudx;
		vl += dvdx;
		wl += dwdx;
		xxl ++;

static void render_span(bitmap_t *bitmap, texinfo *ti,
                 float y0, float y1,
                 float xl, float xr,
                 float ul, float ur,
                 float vl, float vr,
                 float wl, float wr,
                 float dxldy, float dxrdy,
                 float duldy, float durdy,
                 float dvldy, float dvrdy,
                 float dwldy, float dwrdy)
	float dy;
	int yy0, yy1;

	if(y1 <= 0)
	if(y1 > 480)
		y1 = 480;

	if(y0 < 0) {
		xl += -dxldy*y0;
		xr += -dxrdy*y0;
		ul += -duldy*y0;
		ur += -durdy*y0;
		vl += -dvldy*y0;
		vr += -dvrdy*y0;
		wl += -dwldy*y0;
		wr += -dwrdy*y0;
		y0 = 0;

	yy0 = round(y0);
	yy1 = round(y1);

	if((yy0 < 0 && y0 > 0) || (yy1 < 0 && y1 > 0)) //temp handling of int32 overflow, needed by hotd2/totd

	dy = yy0+0.5-y0;

		fprintf(stderr, "%f %f %f %f -> %f %f | %f %f -> %f %f\n",
				dy, dxldy, dxrdy, dy*dxldy, dy*dxrdy,
				xl, xr, xl + dy*dxldy, xr + dy*dxrdy);
	xl += dy*dxldy;
	xr += dy*dxrdy;
	ul += dy*duldy;
	ur += dy*durdy;
	vl += dy*dvldy;
	vr += dy*dvrdy;
	wl += dy*dwldy;
	wr += dy*dwrdy;

	while(yy0 < yy1) {
		render_hline(bitmap, ti, yy0, xl, xr, ul, ur, vl, vr, wl, wr);

		xl += dxldy;
		xr += dxrdy;
		ul += duldy;
		ur += durdy;
		vl += dvldy;
		vr += dvrdy;
		wl += dwldy;
		wr += dwrdy;
		yy0 ++;

static void sort_vertices(const vert *v, int *i0, int *i1, int *i2)
	float miny, maxy;
	int imin, imax, imid;
	miny = maxy = v[0].y;
	imin = imax = 0;

	if(miny > v[1].y) {
		miny = v[1].y;
		imin = 1;
	} else if(maxy < v[1].y) {
		maxy = v[1].y;
		imax = 1;

	if(miny > v[2].y) {
		miny = v[2].y;
		imin = 2;
	} else if(maxy < v[2].y) {
		maxy = v[2].y;
		imax = 2;

	imid = (imin == 0 || imax == 0) ? (imin == 1 || imax == 1) ? 2 : 1 : 0;

	*i0 = imin;
	*i1 = imid;
	*i2 = imax;

static void render_tri_sorted(bitmap_t *bitmap, texinfo *ti, const vert *v0, const vert *v1, const vert *v2)
	float dy01, dy02, dy12;
//  float dy; // unused, compiler complains about this

	float dx01dy, dx02dy, dx12dy, du01dy, du02dy, du12dy, dv01dy, dv02dy, dv12dy, dw01dy, dw02dy, dw12dy;

	if(v0->y >= 480 || v2->y < 0)

	dy01 = v1->y - v0->y;
	dy02 = v2->y - v0->y;
	dy12 = v2->y - v1->y;

	dx01dy = dy01 ? (v1->x-v0->x)/dy01 : 0;
	dx02dy = dy02 ? (v2->x-v0->x)/dy02 : 0;
	dx12dy = dy12 ? (v2->x-v1->x)/dy12 : 0;

	du01dy = dy01 ? (v1->u-v0->u)/dy01 : 0;
	du02dy = dy02 ? (v2->u-v0->u)/dy02 : 0;
	du12dy = dy12 ? (v2->u-v1->u)/dy12 : 0;

	dv01dy = dy01 ? (v1->v-v0->v)/dy01 : 0;
	dv02dy = dy02 ? (v2->v-v0->v)/dy02 : 0;
	dv12dy = dy12 ? (v2->v-v1->v)/dy12 : 0;

	dw01dy = dy01 ? (v1->w-v0->w)/dy01 : 0;
	dw02dy = dy02 ? (v2->w-v0->w)/dy02 : 0;
	dw12dy = dy12 ? (v2->w-v1->w)/dy12 : 0;

	if(!dy01) {

		if(v1->x > v0->x)
			render_span(bitmap, ti, v1->y, v2->y, v0->x, v1->x, v0->u, v1->u, v0->v, v1->v, v0->w, v1->w, dx02dy, dx12dy, du02dy, du12dy, dv02dy, dv12dy, dw02dy, dw12dy);
			render_span(bitmap, ti, v1->y, v2->y, v1->x, v0->x, v1->u, v0->u, v1->v, v0->v, v1->w, v0->w, dx12dy, dx02dy, du12dy, du02dy, dv12dy, dv02dy, dw12dy, dw02dy);

	} else if(!dy12) {

		if(v2->x > v1->x)
			render_span(bitmap, ti, v0->y, v1->y, v0->x, v0->x, v0->u, v0->u, v0->v, v0->v, v0->w, v0->w, dx01dy, dx02dy, du01dy, du02dy, dv01dy, dv02dy, dw01dy, dw02dy);
			render_span(bitmap, ti, v0->y, v1->y, v0->x, v0->x, v0->u, v0->u, v0->v, v0->v, v0->w, v0->w, dx02dy, dx01dy, du02dy, du01dy, dv02dy, dv01dy, dw02dy, dw01dy);

	} else {
		if(dx01dy < dx02dy) {
			render_span(bitmap, ti, v0->y, v1->y,
						v0->x, v0->x, v0->u, v0->u, v0->v, v0->v, v0->w, v0->w,
						dx01dy, dx02dy, du01dy, du02dy, dv01dy, dv02dy, dw01dy, dw02dy);
			render_span(bitmap, ti, v1->y, v2->y,
						v1->x, v0->x + dx02dy*dy01, v1->u, v0->u + du02dy*dy01, v1->v, v0->v + dv02dy*dy01, v1->w, v0->w + dw02dy*dy01,
						dx12dy, dx02dy, du12dy, du02dy, dv12dy, dv02dy, dw12dy, dw02dy);
		} else {

			render_span(bitmap, ti, v0->y, v1->y,
						v0->x, v0->x, v0->u, v0->u, v0->v, v0->v, v0->w, v0->w,
						dx02dy, dx01dy, du02dy, du01dy, dv02dy, dv01dy, dw02dy, dw01dy);
			render_span(bitmap, ti, v1->y, v2->y,
						v0->x + dx02dy*dy01, v1->x, v0->u + du02dy*dy01, v1->u, v0->v + dv02dy*dy01, v1->v, v0->w + dw02dy*dy01, v1->w,
						dx02dy, dx12dy, du02dy, du12dy, dv02dy, dv12dy, dw02dy, dw12dy);

static void render_tri(bitmap_t *bitmap, texinfo *ti, const vert *v)
	int i0, i1, i2;

	sort_vertices(v, &i0, &i1, &i2);
	render_tri_sorted(bitmap, ti, v+i0, v+i1, v+i2);

static void render_to_accumulation_buffer(running_machine &machine,bitmap_t *bitmap,const rectangle *cliprect)
	address_space *space = machine.device("maincpu")->memory().space(AS_PROGRAM);
	int cs,rs,ns;
	UINT32 c;
#if 0
	int stride;
	UINT16 *bmpaddr16;
	UINT32 k;

	if (state_ta.renderselect < 0)



		memset(wbuffer, 0x00, sizeof(wbuffer));

	for (cs=0;cs < ns;cs++)
		strip *ts = &state_ta.grab[rs].strips[cs];
		int sv = ts->svert;
		int ev = ts->evert;
		int i;
		if(ev == -1)

		for(i=sv; i <= ev; i++)
			vert *tv = state_ta.grab[rs].verts + i;
			tv->u = tv->u * ts->ti.sizex * tv->w;
			tv->v = tv->v * ts->ti.sizey * tv->w;

		for(i=sv; i <= ev-2; i++)
			if (!(debug_dip_status&0x2))
				render_tri(bitmap, &ts->ti, state_ta.grab[rs].verts + i);


// copies the accumulation buffer into the framebuffer, converting to the specified format
// not accurate, ignores field stuff and just uses SOF1 for now
// also ignores scale effects (can scale accumulation buffer to half size with filtering etc.)
// also can specify dither etc.
// basically, just a crude implementation!


0x0 0555 KRGB 16 bit (default) Bit 15 is the value of fb_kval 7.
0x1 565 RGB 16 bit
0x2 4444 ARGB 16 bit
0x3 1555 ARGB 16 bit The alpha value is determined by comparison with the value of fb_alpha_threshold.
0x4 888 RGB 24 bit packed
0x5 0888 KRGB 32 bit K is the value of fk_kval.
0x6 8888 ARGB 32 bit
0x7 Setting prohibited.


static void pvr_accumulationbuffer_to_framebuffer(address_space *space, int x,int y)
	// the accumulation buffer is always 8888
	// the standard format for the framebuffer appears to be 565
	// yes, this means colour data is lost in the conversion

	UINT32 wc = pvrta_regs[FB_W_CTRL];
	UINT32 stride = pvrta_regs[FB_W_LINESTRIDE];
	UINT32 writeoffs = pvrta_regs[FB_W_SOF1];

	UINT32* src;

	UINT8 packmode = wc & 0x7;

	switch (packmode)
		case 0x00:
			printf("pvr_accumulationbuffer_to_framebuffer buffer to tile at %d,%d - unsupported pack mode %02x (0555 KRGB)\n",x,y,packmode);

		// used by cleoftp
		case 0x01: //565 RGB 16 bit
			int xcnt,ycnt;
			for (ycnt=0;ycnt<32;ycnt++)
				UINT32 realwriteoffs = 0x05000000 + writeoffs + (y+ycnt) * (stride<<3) + (x*2);
				src = BITMAP_ADDR32(fake_accumulationbuffer_bitmap, y+ycnt, x);

				for (xcnt=0;xcnt<32;xcnt++)
					// data starts in 8888 format, downsample it
					UINT32 data = src[xcnt];
					UINT16 newdat = ((((data & 0x000000f8) >> 3)) << 0)   |
					                ((((data & 0x0000fc00) >> 10)) << 5)  |
									((((data & 0x00f80000) >> 19)) << 11);

					space->write_word(realwriteoffs+xcnt*2, newdat);

		case 0x02:
			printf("pvr_accumulationbuffer_to_framebuffer buffer to tile at %d,%d - unsupported pack mode %02x (4444 ARGB)\n",x,y,packmode);

		case 0x03: // 1555 ARGB 16 bit
			int xcnt,ycnt;
			for (ycnt=0;ycnt<32;ycnt++)
				UINT32 realwriteoffs = 0x05000000 + writeoffs + (y+ycnt) * (stride<<3) + (x*2);
				src = BITMAP_ADDR32(fake_accumulationbuffer_bitmap, y+ycnt, x);

				for (xcnt=0;xcnt<32;xcnt++)
					// data starts in 8888 format, downsample it
					UINT32 data = src[xcnt];
					UINT16 newdat = ((((data & 0x000000f8) >> 3)) << 0)   |
					                ((((data & 0x0000f800) >> 11)) << 5)  |
									((((data & 0x00f80000) >> 19)) << 10);
					// alpha?

					space->write_word(realwriteoffs+xcnt*2, newdat);

		// used by Suchie3
		case 0x04: // 888 RGB 24-bit (HACK! should not downconvert and pvr_drawframebuffer should change accordingly)
			int xcnt,ycnt;
			for (ycnt=0;ycnt<32;ycnt++)
				UINT32 realwriteoffs = 0x05000000 + writeoffs + (y+ycnt) * (stride<<3) + (x*2);
				src = BITMAP_ADDR32(fake_accumulationbuffer_bitmap, y+ycnt, x);

				for (xcnt=0;xcnt<32;xcnt++)
					// data is 8888 format
					UINT32 data = src[xcnt];
					UINT16 newdat = ((((data & 0x000000f8) >> 3)) << 0)   |
					                ((((data & 0x0000fc00) >> 10)) << 5)  |
									((((data & 0x00f80000) >> 19)) << 11);

					space->write_word(realwriteoffs+xcnt*2, newdat);

		case 0x05:
			printf("pvr_accumulationbuffer_to_framebuffer buffer to tile at %d,%d - unsupported pack mode %02x (0888 KGB 32-bit)\n",x,y,packmode);

		case 0x06: // 8888 ARGB 32 bit (HACK! should not downconvert and pvr_drawframebuffer should change accordingly)
			int xcnt,ycnt;
			for (ycnt=0;ycnt<32;ycnt++)
				UINT32 realwriteoffs = 0x05000000 + writeoffs + (y+ycnt) * (stride<<3) + (x*2);
				src = BITMAP_ADDR32(fake_accumulationbuffer_bitmap, y+ycnt, x);

				for (xcnt=0;xcnt<32;xcnt++)
					// data is 8888 format
					UINT32 data = src[xcnt];
					UINT16 newdat = ((((data & 0x000000f8) >> 3)) << 0)   |
					                ((((data & 0x0000fc00) >> 10)) << 5)  |
									((((data & 0x00f80000) >> 19)) << 11);

					space->write_word(realwriteoffs+xcnt*2, newdat);

		case 0x07:
			printf("pvr_accumulationbuffer_to_framebuffer buffer to tile at %d,%d - unsupported pack mode %02x (Reserved! Don't Use!)\n",x,y,packmode);


static void pvr_drawframebuffer(bitmap_t *bitmap,const rectangle *cliprect)
	int x,y,dy,xi;
	UINT32 addrp;
	UINT32 *fbaddr;
	UINT32 c;
	UINT32 r,g,b;

	UINT32 wc = pvrta_regs[FB_R_CTRL];
	UINT8 unpackmode = (wc & 0x0000000c) >>2;  // aka fb_depth
	UINT8 enable = (wc & 0x00000001);

	// ??
	if (!enable) return;

	// only for rgb565 framebuffer
	xi=((pvrta_regs[FB_R_SIZE] & 0x3ff)+1) << 1;
	dy=((pvrta_regs[FB_R_SIZE] >> 10) & 0x3ff)+1;

	dy*=2; // probably depends on interlace mode, fields etc...

	switch (unpackmode)
		case 0x00: // 0555 RGB 16-bit, Cleo Fortune Plus
			// should upsample back to 8-bit output using fb_concat
			for (y=0;y <= dy;y++)
					for (x=0;x < xi;x++)
						c=*(((UINT16 *)dc_framebuffer_ram) + (WORD2_XOR_LE(addrp) >> 1));

						b = (c & 0x001f) << 3;
						g = (c & 0x03e0) >> 2;
						r = (c & 0x7c00) >> 7;

						if (y<=cliprect->max_y)
							*fbaddr = b | (g<<8) | (r<<16);

						if (y<=cliprect->max_y)
							*fbaddr = b | (g<<8) | (r<<16);
					for (x=0;x < xi;x++)
						c=*(((UINT16 *)dc_framebuffer_ram) + (WORD2_XOR_LE(addrp) >> 1));

						b = (c & 0x001f) << 3;
						g = (c & 0x03e0) >> 2;
						r = (c & 0x7c00) >> 7;

						if (y<=cliprect->max_y)
							*fbaddr = b | (g<<8) | (r<<16);

		case 0x01: // 0565 RGB 16-bit
			// should upsample back to 8-bit output using fb_concat
			for (y=0;y <= dy;y++)
					for (x=0;x < xi;x++)
						c=*(((UINT16 *)dc_framebuffer_ram) + (WORD2_XOR_LE(addrp) >> 1));

						b = (c & 0x001f) << 3;
						g = (c & 0x07e0) >> 3;
						r = (c & 0xf800) >> 8;

						if (y<=cliprect->max_y)
							*fbaddr = b | (g<<8) | (r<<16);


						if (y<=cliprect->max_y)
							*fbaddr = b | (g<<8) | (r<<16);

					for (x=0;x < xi;x++)
						c=*(((UINT16 *)dc_framebuffer_ram) + (WORD2_XOR_LE(addrp) >> 1));

						b = (c & 0x001f) << 3;
						g = (c & 0x07e0) >> 3;
						r = (c & 0xf800) >> 8;

						if (y<=cliprect->max_y)
							*fbaddr = b | (g<<8) | (r<<16);

		case 0x02: ; // 888 RGB 24-bit - suchie3 - HACKED, see pvr_accumulationbuffer_to_framebuffer!
			for (y=0;y <= dy;y++)
					for (x=0;x < xi;x++)
						c=*(((UINT16 *)dc_framebuffer_ram) + (WORD2_XOR_LE(addrp) >> 1));

						b = (c & 0x001f) << 3;
						g = (c & 0x07e0) >> 3;
						r = (c & 0xf800) >> 8;

						if (y<=cliprect->max_y)
							*fbaddr = b | (g<<8) | (r<<16);


						if (y<=cliprect->max_y)
							*fbaddr = b | (g<<8) | (r<<16);
					for (x=0;x < xi;x++)
						c=*(((UINT16 *)dc_framebuffer_ram) + (WORD2_XOR_LE(addrp) >> 1));

						b = (c & 0x001f) << 3;
						g = (c & 0x07e0) >> 3;
						r = (c & 0xf800) >> 8;

						if (y<=cliprect->max_y)
							*fbaddr = b | (g<<8) | (r<<16);

		case 0x03:        // 0888 ARGB 32-bit - HACKED, see pvr_accumulationbuffer_to_framebuffer!
			for (y=0;y <= dy;y++)
					for (x=0;x < xi;x++)
						c=*(((UINT16 *)dc_framebuffer_ram) + (WORD2_XOR_LE(addrp) >> 1));

						b = (c & 0x001f) << 3;
						g = (c & 0x07e0) >> 3;
						r = (c & 0xf800) >> 8;

						if (y<=cliprect->max_y)
							*fbaddr = b | (g<<8) | (r<<16);

						if (y<=cliprect->max_y)
							*fbaddr = b | (g<<8) | (r<<16);

					for (x=0;x < xi;x++)
						c=*(((UINT16 *)dc_framebuffer_ram) + (WORD2_XOR_LE(addrp) >> 1));

						b = (c & 0x001f) << 3;
						g = (c & 0x07e0) >> 3;
						r = (c & 0xf800) >> 8;

						if (y<=cliprect->max_y)
							*fbaddr = b | (g<<8) | (r<<16);

static void debug_paletteram(running_machine &machine)
	UINT64 pal;
	UINT32 r,g,b;
	int i;


		pal = pvrta_regs[((0x005F9000-0x005F8000)/4)+i];
			case 0: //argb1555 <- guilty gear uses this mode
				//a = (pal & 0x8000)>>15;
				r = (pal & 0x7c00)>>10;
				g = (pal & 0x03e0)>>5;
				b = (pal & 0x001f)>>0;
				//a = a ? 0xff : 0x00;
				palette_set_color_rgb(machine, i, pal5bit(r), pal5bit(g), pal5bit(b));
			case 1: //rgb565
				//a = 0xff;
				r = (pal & 0xf800)>>11;
				g = (pal & 0x07e0)>>5;
				b = (pal & 0x001f)>>0;
				palette_set_color_rgb(machine, i, pal5bit(r), pal6bit(g), pal5bit(b));
			case 2: //argb4444
				//a = (pal & 0xf000)>>12;
				r = (pal & 0x0f00)>>8;
				g = (pal & 0x00f0)>>4;
				b = (pal & 0x000f)>>0;
				palette_set_color_rgb(machine, i, pal4bit(r), pal4bit(g), pal4bit(b));
			case 3: //argb8888
				//a = (pal & 0xff000000)>>20;
				r = (pal & 0x00ff0000)>>16;
				g = (pal & 0x0000ff00)>>8;
				b = (pal & 0x000000ff)>>0;
				palette_set_color_rgb(machine, i, r, g, b);

/* test video end */

static void pvr_build_parameterconfig(void)
	int a,b,c,d,e,p;

	for (a = 0;a <= 63;a++)
		pvr_parameterconfig[a] = -1;
	// volume,col_type,texture,offset,16bit_uv
	for (a = 0;a <= 1;a++)
		for (b = 0;b <= 3;b++)
			for (c = 0;c <= 1;c++)
				if (c == 0)
					for (d = 0;d <= 1;d++)
						for (e = 0;e <= 1;e++)
							pvr_parameterconfig[(a << 6) | (b << 4) | (c << 3) | (d << 2) | (e << 0)] = pvr_parconfseq[p];
					for (d = 0;d <= 1;d++)
						for (e = 0;e <= 1;e++)
							pvr_parameterconfig[(a << 6) | (b << 4) | (c << 3) | (d << 2) | (e << 0)] = pvr_parconfseq[p];
	for (a = 1;a <= 63;a++)
		if (pvr_parameterconfig[a] < 0)
			pvr_parameterconfig[a] = pvr_parameterconfig[a-1];

static TIMER_CALLBACK(vbin)
	dc_sysctrl_regs[SB_ISTNRM] |= IST_VBL_IN; // V Blank-in interrupt


static TIMER_CALLBACK(vbout)
	dc_sysctrl_regs[SB_ISTNRM] |= IST_VBL_OUT; // V Blank-out interrupt


static TIMER_CALLBACK(hbin)
	if(spg_hblank_int_mode & 1)
		if(scanline == next_y)
			dc_sysctrl_regs[SB_ISTNRM] |= IST_HBL_IN; // H Blank-in interrupt
	else if((scanline == spg_line_comp_val) || (spg_hblank_int_mode & 2))
		dc_sysctrl_regs[SB_ISTNRM] |= IST_HBL_IN; // H Blank-in interrupt

//  printf("hbin on scanline %d\n",scanline);


	if(scanline >= spg_vblank_in_irq_line_num)
		scanline = 0;
		next_y = spg_line_comp_val;

	hbin_timer->adjust(machine.primary_screen->time_until_pos(scanline, spg_hblank_in_irq-1));

static TIMER_CALLBACK(endofrender_video)
	dc_sysctrl_regs[SB_ISTNRM] |= IST_EOR_VIDEO;// VIDEO end of render

static TIMER_CALLBACK(endofrender_tsp)
	dc_sysctrl_regs[SB_ISTNRM] |= IST_EOR_TSP;	// TSP end of render

	endofrender_timer_video->adjust(attotime::from_usec(500) );

static TIMER_CALLBACK(endofrender_isp)
	dc_sysctrl_regs[SB_ISTNRM] |= IST_EOR_ISP;	// ISP end of render

	endofrender_timer_tsp->adjust(attotime::from_usec(500) );

	memset(pvrctrl_regs, 0, sizeof(pvrctrl_regs));
	memset(pvrta_regs, 0, sizeof(pvrta_regs));
	memset(state_ta.grab, 0, sizeof(state_ta.grab));

	// if the next 2 registers do not have the correct values, the naomi bios will hang
	/* FIXME: move the following regs inside MACHINE_RESET */
	pvrta_regs[VO_CONTROL]=		0x00000108;
	pvrta_regs[SOFTRESET]=		0x00000007;
	pvrta_regs[VO_STARTX]=		0x0000009d;
	pvrta_regs[VO_STARTY]=		0x00150015;
	pvrta_regs[SPG_HBLANK]=		0x007e0345;
	pvrta_regs[SPG_LOAD]=		0x01060359;
	pvrta_regs[SPG_VBLANK]=		0x01500104;
	pvrta_regs[SPG_HBLANK_INT]=	0x031d0000;
	pvrta_regs[SPG_VBLANK_INT]=	0x01500104;

	state_ta.tafifo_listtype= -1;
	state_ta.renderselect= -1;


	vbout_timer = machine.scheduler().timer_alloc(FUNC(vbout));

	vbin_timer = machine.scheduler().timer_alloc(FUNC(vbin));

	hbin_timer = machine.scheduler().timer_alloc(FUNC(hbin));
	hbin_timer->adjust(machine.primary_screen->time_until_pos(0, spg_hblank_in_irq-1));

	scanline = 0;
	next_y = 0;

	endofrender_timer_isp = machine.scheduler().timer_alloc(FUNC(endofrender_isp));
	endofrender_timer_tsp = machine.scheduler().timer_alloc(FUNC(endofrender_tsp));
	endofrender_timer_video = machine.scheduler().timer_alloc(FUNC(endofrender_video));


	fake_accumulationbuffer_bitmap = auto_bitmap_alloc(machine,1024,1024,BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32);


      MAME note

    The video update function should NOT be generating interrupts, setting timers or doing _anything_ the game might be able to detect
    as it will be called at different times depending on frameskip etc.

    Rendering should happen when the hardware requests it, to the framebuffer(s)

    Everything else should depend on timers.


//  static int useframebuffer=1;
//  const rectangle &visarea = screen->visible_area();
//  int y,x;


	// copy our fake framebuffer bitmap (where things have been rendered) to the screen
#if 0
	for (y = visarea->min_y ; y <= visarea->max_y ; y++)
		for (x = visarea->min_x ; x <= visarea->max_x ; x++)
			UINT32* src = BITMAP_ADDR32(fake_accumulationbuffer_bitmap, y, x);
			UINT32* dst = BITMAP_ADDR32(bitmap, y, x);
			dst[0] = src[0];

	bitmap_fill(bitmap,cliprect,MAKE_ARGB(0xff,vo_border_R,vo_border_G,vo_border_B)); //FIXME: Chroma bit?


	// update this here so we only do string lookup once per frame
	debug_dip_status = input_port_read(screen->machine(), "MAMEDEBUG");

	return 0;