path: root/src/mame/video/cinemat.cpp
blob: 5d38416f2805d353b1cba9d8fbdd3206b123f15e (plain) (tree)
























// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles

    Cinematronics vector hardware


#include "emu.h"
#include "includes/cinemat.h"

 *  Vector rendering

void cinemat_state::cinemat_vector_callback(int16_t sx, int16_t sy, int16_t ex, int16_t ey, uint8_t shift)
	const rectangle &visarea = m_screen->visible_area();
	int intensity = 0xff;

	/* adjust for slop */
	sx -= visarea.left();
	ex -= visarea.left();
	sy -=;
	ey -=;

	/* point intensity is determined by the shift value */
	if (sx == ex && sy == ey)
		intensity = 0x1ff * shift / 8;

	/* move to the starting position if we're not there already */
	if (sx != m_lastx || sy != m_lasty)
		m_vector->add_point(sx << 16, sy << 16, 0, 0);

	/* draw the vector */
	m_vector->add_point(ex << 16, ey << 16, m_vector_color, intensity);

	/* remember the last point */
	m_lastx = ex;
	m_lasty = ey;

 *  Vector color handling

	/* color is either bright or dim, selected by the value sent to the port */
	m_vector_color = state ? rgb_t(0x80,0x80,0x80) : rgb_t(0xff,0xff,0xff);

	/* on the rising edge of the data value, latch bits 0-3 of the */
	/* X register as the intensity */
	if (state)
		int xval = m_maincpu->state_int(ccpu_cpu_device::CCPU_X) & 0x0f;
		int i = (xval + 1) * 255 / 16;
		m_vector_color = rgb_t(i,i,i);

	/* on the rising edge of the data value, latch bits 2-7 of the */
	/* X register as the intensity */
	if (state)
		int xval = m_maincpu->state_int(ccpu_cpu_device::CCPU_X);
		xval = (~xval >> 2) & 0x3f;
		int i = (xval + 1) * 255 / 64;
		m_vector_color = rgb_t(i, i, i);

	/* on the rising edge of the data value, latch the X register */
	/* as 4-4-4 BGR values */
	if (state)
		int xval = m_maincpu->state_int(ccpu_cpu_device::CCPU_X);
		int r = (~xval >> 0) & 0x0f;
		r = r * 255 / 15;
		int g = (~xval >> 4) & 0x0f;
		g = g * 255 / 15;
		int b = (~xval >> 8) & 0x0f;
		b = b * 255 / 15;
		m_vector_color = rgb_t(r,g,b);

	/* on the falling edge of the data value, remember the original X,Y values */
	/* they will be restored on the rising edge; this is to simulate the fact */
	/* that the Rockola color hardware did not overwrite the beam X,Y position */
	/* on an IV instruction if data == 0 here */
	if (!state)
		m_qb3_lastx = m_maincpu->state_int(ccpu_cpu_device::CCPU_X);
		m_qb3_lasty = m_maincpu->state_int(ccpu_cpu_device::CCPU_Y);

	/* on the rising edge of the data value, latch the Y register */
	/* as 2-3-3 BGR values */
	if (state)
		int yval = m_maincpu->state_int(ccpu_cpu_device::CCPU_Y);
		int r = (~yval >> 0) & 0x07;
		r = r * 255 / 7;
		int g = (~yval >> 3) & 0x07;
		g = g * 255 / 7;
		int b = (~yval >> 6) & 0x03;
		b = b * 255 / 3;
		m_vector_color = rgb_t(r,g,b);

		/* restore the original X,Y values */
		m_maincpu->set_state_int(ccpu_cpu_device::CCPU_X, m_qb3_lastx);
		m_maincpu->set_state_int(ccpu_cpu_device::CCPU_Y, m_qb3_lasty);

 *  End-of-frame

uint32_t cinemat_state::screen_update_cinemat(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	m_vector->screen_update(screen, bitmap, cliprect);


	return 0;

 *  Space War update

uint32_t cinemat_state::screen_update_spacewar(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int sw_option = ~m_inputs->read();

	screen_update_cinemat(screen, bitmap, cliprect);

	/* set the state of the artwork */
	m_pressed[3] = BIT(sw_option, 0);
	m_pressed[8] = BIT(sw_option, 1);
	m_pressed[4] = BIT(sw_option, 2);
	m_pressed[9] = BIT(sw_option, 3);
	m_pressed[1] = BIT(sw_option, 4);
	m_pressed[6] = BIT(sw_option, 5);
	m_pressed[2] = BIT(sw_option, 6);
	m_pressed[7] = BIT(sw_option, 7);
	m_pressed[5] = BIT(sw_option, 10);
	m_pressed[0] = BIT(sw_option, 11);
	return 0;