path: root/src/mame/machine/starwars.cpp
blob: dcaf2205f3aa4360dd698a69dc1890ebdd831390 (plain) (tree)





















































































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Steve Baines, Frank Palazzolo

    Atari Star Wars hardware

    This file is Copyright Steve Baines.
    Modified by Frank Palazzolo for sound support


#include "emu.h"
#include "includes/starwars.h"

/* Constants for matrix processor operations */
#define NOP         0x00
#define LAC         0x01
#define READ_ACC    0x02
#define M_HALT      0x04
#define INC_BIC     0x08
#define CLEAR_ACC   0x10
#define LDC         0x20
#define LDB         0x40
#define LDA         0x80

/* Debugging flag */
#define MATHDEBUG   0

#define MASTER_CLOCK (12096000)

	m_math_run = 0;

 *  X2212 nvram store

void starwars_state::starwars_nstore_w(uint8_t data)


 *  Coin counters and LEDs

	machine().bookkeeping().coin_counter_w(0, state);

	machine().bookkeeping().coin_counter_w(1, state);

 *  Input port 1

	/* set the matrix processor flag */
	return m_math_run ? 1 : 0;

 *  Matrix Processor initialization

void starwars_state::starwars_mproc_init()
	uint8_t *src = memregion("user2")->base();
	int cnt, val;

	m_PROM_STR = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(1024);
	m_PROM_MAS = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(1024);
	m_PROM_AM = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(1024);

	for (cnt = 0; cnt < 1024; cnt++)
		/* translate PROMS into 16 bit code */
		val  = (src[0x0c00 + cnt]      ) & 0x000f; /* Set LS nibble */
		val |= (src[0x0800 + cnt] <<  4) & 0x00f0;
		val |= (src[0x0400 + cnt] <<  8) & 0x0f00;
		val |= (src[0x0000 + cnt] << 12) & 0xf000; /* Set MS nibble */

		/* perform pre-decoding */
		m_PROM_STR[cnt] = (val >> 8) & 0x00ff;
		m_PROM_MAS[cnt] =  val       & 0x007f;
		m_PROM_AM[cnt]  = (val >> 7) & 0x0001;

	m_math_timer = machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(starwars_state::math_run_clear),this));

 *  Matrix Processor reset

void starwars_state::starwars_mproc_reset()
	m_MPA = m_BIC = 0;
	m_math_run = 0;

 *  Matrix Processor execution

void starwars_state::run_mproc()
	int RAMWORD = 0;
	int MA_byte;
	int tmp;
	int M_STOP = 100000; /* Limit on number of instructions allowed before halt */
	int MA;
	int IP15_8, IP7, IP6_0; /* Instruction PROM values */
	int mptime;

	mptime = 0;
	m_math_run = 1;

	/* loop until finished */
	while (M_STOP > 0)
		/* each step of the matrix processor takes five clock cycles */
		mptime += 5;

		/* fetch the current instruction data */
		IP15_8 = m_PROM_STR[m_MPA];
		IP7    = m_PROM_AM[m_MPA];
		IP6_0  = m_PROM_MAS[m_MPA];

		osd_printf_debug("\n(MPA:%x), Strobe: %x, IP7: %d, IP6_0:%x\n",m_MPA, IP15_8, IP7, IP6_0);
		osd_printf_debug("(BIC: %x), A: %x, B: %x, C: %x, ACC: %x\n",m_BIC,m_A,m_B,m_C,m_ACC);

		/* construct the current RAM address */
		if (IP7 == 0)
			MA = (IP6_0 & 3) | ((m_BIC & 0x01ff) << 2);  /* MA10-2 set to BIC8-0 */
			MA = IP6_0;

		/* convert RAM offset to eight bit addressing (2kx8 rather than 1k*16)
		    and apply base address offset */

		MA_byte = MA << 1;
		RAMWORD = (m_mathram[MA_byte + 1] & 0x00ff) | ((m_mathram[MA_byte] & 0x00ff) << 8);

//      logerror("MATH ADDR: %x, CPU ADDR: %x, RAMWORD: %x\n", MA, MA_byte, RAMWORD);

		 * RAMWORD is the sixteen bit Math RAM value for the selected address
		 * MA_byte is the base address of this location as seen by the main CPU
		 * IP is the 16 bit instruction word from the PROM. IP7_0 have already
		 * been used in the address selection stage
		 * IP15_8 provide the instruction strobes

		/* The accumulator is built from two ls299 (msb) and two ls164
		 * (lsb). You can only read/write the 16 msb. The lsb are
		 * used while adding up multiplication results giving better
		 * accuracy.

		/* 0x10 - CLEAR_ACC */
		if (IP15_8 & CLEAR_ACC)
			m_ACC = 0;

		/* 0x01 - LAC (also clears lsb)*/
		if (IP15_8 & LAC)
			m_ACC = (RAMWORD << 16);

		/* 0x02 - READ_ACC */
		if (IP15_8 & READ_ACC)
			m_mathram[MA_byte+1] = ((m_ACC >> 16) & 0xff);
			m_mathram[MA_byte  ] = ((m_ACC >> 24) & 0xff);

		/* 0x04 - M_HALT */
		if (IP15_8 & M_HALT)
			M_STOP = 0;

		/* 0x08 - INC_BIC */
		if (IP15_8 & INC_BIC)
			m_BIC = (m_BIC + 1) & 0x1ff; /* Restrict to 9 bits */

		/* 0x20 - LDC*/
		if (IP15_8 & LDC)
			m_C = RAMWORD;

			/* This is a serial subtractor - multiplier (74ls384) -
			 * accumulator. For the full calculation 33 GMCLK pulses
			 * are generated. The calculation performed is:
			 * ACC = ACC + (A - B) * C
			 * 1. pulse: Bit 0 of A and B are subtracted. Bit 0 of the
			 * multiplication between multiplicand C and 0 is
			 * calculated (bit 0 of A-B is not yet at the multiplier
			 * input). Bit 0 of ACC is added to 0 (again, 'real' results
			 * from the previous operations are no yet there).
			 * 2. pulse: Bit 1 of A-B is calculated. Bit 1 of
			 * mutliplication is calculated based on bit 0 of A-B and
			 * bit 1 of C. Bit 1 of ACC is added to the multiplication
			 * result from first pulse.
			 * 3. pulse: Bit 2 of A-B is calculated. Bit 2 of
			 * mutliplication is calculated based on bit 1 of A-B and
			 * bit 2 of C. Bit 2 of ACC is added to the multiplication
			 * between bit 1 of C and bit 0 of A-B.
			 * etc.
			 * This pipeline causes the shifts between A-B, C and ACC.
			 * The 32 bit ACC and one bit adder form a ring so it
			 * takes 33 clock pulses to do a full rotation.

			m_ACC += (((int32_t)(m_A - m_B) << 1) * m_C) << 1;

			/* A and B are sign extended (requred by the ls384). After
			 * multiplication they just contain the sign.
			m_A = (m_A & 0x8000)? 0xffff: 0;
			m_B = (m_B & 0x8000)? 0xffff: 0;

			/* The multiply-add holds the main matrix processor counter
			 * for 33 cycles
			mptime += 33;

		/* 0x40 - LDB */
		if (IP15_8 & LDB)
			m_B = RAMWORD;

		/* 0x80 - LDA */
		if (IP15_8 & LDA)
			m_A = RAMWORD;

		 * Now update the PROM address counter
		 * Done like this because the top two bits are not part of the counter
		 * This means that each of the four pages should wrap around rather than
		 * leaking from one to another.  It may not matter, but I've put it in anyway
		tmp = m_MPA + 1;
		m_MPA = (m_MPA & 0x0300) | (tmp & 0x00ff); /* New MPA value */

		M_STOP--; /* Decrease count */

	m_math_timer->adjust(attotime::from_hz(MASTER_CLOCK) * mptime, 1);

 *  Pseudo-RNG read

uint8_t starwars_state::starwars_prng_r()
	 * The PRNG is a modified 23 bit LFSR. Taps are at 4 and 22 so the
	 * resulting LFSR polynomial is,
	 * x^5 + x^{23} + 1
	 * which is prime. It has a loop length of 8388607. The feedback
	 * bit is inverted so the PRNG can start with 0. Only 8 bits from
	 * bit 8 to 15 can be read by the CPU. The PRNG runs constantly at
	 * a clock speed of 3 MHz.

	/* Use MAME's PRNG for now */
	return machine().rand();


 *  Starwars divider

uint8_t starwars_state::starwars_div_reh_r()
	return (m_quotient_shift & 0xff00) >> 8;

uint8_t starwars_state::starwars_div_rel_r()
	return m_quotient_shift & 0x00ff;

void starwars_state::starwars_math_w(offs_t offset, uint8_t data)
	int i;

	data &= 0xff;   /* ASG 971002 -- make sure we only get bytes here */
	switch (offset)
		case 0: /* mw0 */
			m_MPA = data << 2;  /* Set starting PROM address */
			run_mproc();           /* and run the Matrix Processor */

		case 1: /* mw1 */
			m_BIC = (m_BIC & 0x00ff) | ((data & 0x01) << 8);

		case 2: /* mw2 */
			m_BIC = (m_BIC & 0x0100) | data;

		case 4: /* dvsrh */
			m_divisor = (m_divisor & 0x00ff) | (data << 8);
			m_dvd_shift = m_dividend;
			m_quotient_shift = 0;

		case 5: /* dvsrl */
			/* Note: Divide is triggered by write to low byte.  This is */
			/*       dependant on the proper 16 bit write order in the  */
			/*       6809 emulation (high bytes, then low byte).        */
			/*       If the Tie fighters look corrupt, he byte order of */
			/*       the 16 bit writes in the 6809 are backwards        */

			m_divisor = (m_divisor & 0xff00) | data;

			 * Simple restoring division as shown in the
			 * schematics. The algorithm produces the same "wrong"
			 * results as the hardware if m_divisor < 2*m_dividend or
			 * m_divisor > 0x8000.
			for (i = 1; i < 16; i++)
				m_quotient_shift <<= 1;
				if (((int32_t)m_dvd_shift + (m_divisor ^ 0xffff) + 1) & 0x10000)
					m_quotient_shift |= 1;
					m_dvd_shift = (m_dvd_shift + (m_divisor ^ 0xffff) + 1) << 1;
					m_dvd_shift <<= 1;

		case 6: /* dvddh */
			m_dividend = (m_dividend & 0x00ff) | (data << 8);

		case 7: /* dvddl */
			m_dividend = (m_dividend & 0xff00) | (data);
