path: root/src/mame/machine/irem_cpu.cpp
blob: 19765944f477043ea7fde2e0c95c7b3b0fd74b49 (plain) (tree)




































































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Bryan McPhail


    Irem Custom V35 Software Guard CPU
    -- has internal 256 byte lookup table, handled in realtime.  Bomberman
    World runs encrypted code from RAM, Risky Challenge and QuizF1 expects
    to be able to run code in emulation (non-encrypted) mode for some subroutines..

    Hasamu                             Nanao   08J27261A1 011 9102KK700
    Ken-Go                             Nanao   08J27261A1 011 9102KK701
    Air Assault                        Nanao   08J27261A1 011 9106KK440
    Gunforce                           Nanao   08J27261A1 011 9106KK701
    Bomberman                          Nanao   08J27261A1 012 9123KK200
    Atomic Punk                        Nanao   08J27291A1 012 9128KK440
    Blade Master / Cross Blades!       Nanao   08J27291A1 012 9123KK740
    Quiz F-1 1,2 Finish                Nanao   08J27291A4 014 9147KK700
    Lethal Thunder                     Nanao   08J27291A4 014 9147KK700
    Gun Force II / Geo Storm           Nanao   08J27291A4 014 9247KK700
    Bomberman World / New Atomic Punk  Nanao   08J27291A5 015 9219KK700
    Undercover Cops                    Nanao   08J27291A5 015 9219KK700
    Mystic Riders / Gun Hohki          Nanao   08J27291A6 016 9217NK700
    The IREM Skins Game/Major Title 2  Nanao   08J27291A7 017 9227NK700
      or (some Major Title 2)          Nanao   08J27291A6 016 9217NK700 (same as Mystic Riders)
    Hook                               Nanao   08J27291A8 018 9237NK700

    R-Type Leo                         Irem    D8000021A1 019 9242NK700
    Fire Barrel                        Irem    D8000010A1 019 9243NK700
    Air Assault                        same as Gun Force
    In The Hunt                        Irem    D8000011A1 020
    Risky Challenge/Gussun Oyoyo       Irem    D8000019A1 022 9331NK700
    Match It II/Shisensho II           Irem    D8000020A1 023 9320NK700
    Ninja Baseball Batman              Irem    D8000021A1 024 9335NK700
    World PK Soccer/Kick for the Goal  Irem    D8000021A1 024 9335NK701
    Superior Soldiers/Perfect Soldiers Irem    D8000022A1 025 9342NK002
    Dream Soccer '94                   Irem    D8000023A1 026 9433NK700

    Please let me know if you can fill in any of the blanks.

    Emulation by Bryan McPhail,, thanks to Chris Hardy too!


#include "emu.h"
#include "irem_cpu.h"

// 0x80 and 0x82 pre- opcodes can easily be confused. They perform exactly the same
// function when operating on memory, but when working with registers one affects
// byte registers and the other word registers. Gunforce, Blade Master and
// Lethal Thunder had this error.

//double check 0x00 0x22 0x28 0x4a 0x34 in these tables

#define xxxx 0x90 /* Unknown */

// gunforce, kengo, hasamu
const uint8_t gunforce_decryption_table[256] = {
	0xff,xxxx,xxxx,0x2c,xxxx,xxxx,0x43,0x88, xxxx,0x13,0x0a,0xbd,0xba,0x60,0xea,xxxx, /* 00 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0xf2,0x29,0xb3,0x22,xxxx,0x0c, 0xa9,0x5f,0x9d,0x07,xxxx,xxxx,0x0b,0xbb, /* 10 */
	0x8a,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x3a,0x3c,0x5a,0x38, 0x99,xxxx,0xf8,0x89,xxxx,0x91,xxxx,0x55, /* 20 */
	0xac,0x40,0x73,xxxx,0x59,xxxx,0xfc,xxxx, 0x50,0xfa,xxxx,0x25,xxxx,0x34,0x47,0xb7, /* 30 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x49,xxxx,0x0f,0x8b,0x05, 0xc3,0xa5,0xbf,0x83,0x86,0xc5,xxxx,xxxx, /* 40 */
	0x08,0x77,0x24,0xb4,xxxx,0x92,xxxx,0x3b, 0x5e,0xb6,0x80,0x0d,0x2e,0xab,0xe7,xxxx, /* 50 */
	0x48,xxxx,0xad,0xc0,xxxx,0x1b,0xc6,0xa3, 0x04,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x16,0xb0,0x7d,0x98, /* 60 */
	0x87,0x46,0x8c,xxxx,xxxx,0xfe,xxxx,0xcf, xxxx,0x68,0x84,xxxx,0xd2,xxxx,0x18,0x51, /* 70 */
	0x76,0xa4,0x36,0x52,0xfb,xxxx,0xb9,xxxx, xxxx,0xb1,0x1c,0x21,0xe6,0xb5,0x17,0x27, /* 80 */
	0x3d,0x45,0xbe,0xae,xxxx,0x4a,0x0e,0xe5, xxxx,0x58,0x1f,0x61,0xf3,0x02,xxxx,0xe8, /* 90 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xf7,0x56,0x96,0xaa,0xbc, 0x4f,xxxx,xxxx,0x79,0xd0,xxxx,0x2a,0x12, /* A0 */
	0x4e,0xb8,xxxx,0x41,xxxx,0x90,0xd3,xxxx, 0x2d,0x33,0xf6,xxxx,xxxx,0x14,xxxx,0x32, /* B0 */
	0x5d,0xa8,0x53,0x26,0x2b,0x20,0x81,0x75, 0x7f,0x3e,xxxx,xxxx,0x00,0x93,xxxx,0xb2, /* C0 */
	0x57,xxxx,0xa0,xxxx,0x39,xxxx,xxxx,0x72, xxxx,0x01,0x42,0x74,0x9c,0x1e,xxxx,0x5b, /* D0 */
	xxxx,0xf9,xxxx,0x2f,0x85,xxxx,0xeb,0xa2, xxxx,0xe2,0x11,xxxx,0x4b,0x7e,xxxx,0x78, /* E0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0x09,0xa1,0x03,xxxx,0x23,0xc1, 0x8e,0xe9,0xd1,0x7c,xxxx,xxxx,0xc7,0x06, /* F0 */
// 0x13 (0x29) guess
// 0x18 (0xa9) guess
// 0x50 (0x08) guess - changed based on airass
// 0x63 (0xc0) guess
// 0x7e (0x18) opcode is right but arguments could be swapped
// 0xcc (0x00) guess
// 0xea (0x11) guess
// 0x51 (0x77) guess (kengo)
// 0x96 (0x0e) complete guess (kengo), maybe wrong but I don't see what it could be

//double check 22 (boot bomb at 2a000)
//47a7 (46e0 in boot) - hmm

// 0x00 is NOT 0x20 (no context in bomberman)

// bmaster, bomberman
const uint8_t bomberman_decryption_table[256] = {
	xxxx,xxxx,0x79,xxxx,0x9d,0x48,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,0x2e,xxxx,xxxx,0xa5,0x72,xxxx, /* 00 */
	0x46,0x5b,0xb1,0x3a,0xc3,xxxx,0x35,xxxx, xxxx,0x23,xxxx,0x99,xxxx,0x05,xxxx,0x3c, /* 10 */
	0x3b,0x76,0x11,xxxx,xxxx,0x4b,xxxx,0x92, xxxx,0x32,0x5d,xxxx,0xf7,0x5a,0x9c,xxxx, /* 20 */
	0x26,0x40,0x89,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x57, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xba,0x53,0xbb, /* 30 */
	0x42,0x59,0x2f,xxxx,0x77,xxxx,xxxx,0x4f, 0xbf,0x4a,0xcb,0x86,0x62,0x7d,xxxx,0xb8, /* 40 */
	xxxx,0x34,xxxx,0x5f,xxxx,0x7f,0xf8,0x80, 0xa0,0x84,0x12,0x52,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x47, /* 50 */
	xxxx,0x2b,0x88,0xf9,xxxx,0xa3,0x83,xxxx, 0x75,0x87,xxxx,0xab,0xeb,xxxx,0xfe,xxxx, /* 60 */
	xxxx,0xaf,0xd0,0x2c,0xd1,0xe6,0x90,0x43, 0xa2,0xe7,0x85,0xe2,0x49,0x22,0x29,xxxx, /* 70 */
	0x7c,xxxx,xxxx,0x9a,xxxx,xxxx,0xb9,xxxx, 0x14,0xcf,0x33,0x02,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x73, /* 80 */
	xxxx,0xc5,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xf3,0xf6,0x24, xxxx,0x56,0xd3,xxxx,0x09,0x01,xxxx,xxxx, /* 90 */
	0x03,0x2d,0x1b,xxxx,0xf5,0xbe,xxxx,xxxx, 0xfb,0x8e,0x21,0x8d,0x0b,xxxx,xxxx,0xb2, /* A0 */
	0xfc,0xfa,0xc6,xxxx,0xe8,0xd2,xxxx,0x08, 0x0a,0xa8,0x78,0xff,xxxx,0xb5,xxxx,xxxx, /* B0 */
	0xc7,0x06,0x18,xxxx,xxxx,0x1e,0x7e,0xb0, 0x0e,0x0f,xxxx,xxxx,0x0c,0xaa,0x55,xxxx, /* C0 */
	xxxx,0x74,0x3d,xxxx,xxxx,0x38,0x27,0x50, xxxx,0xb6,0x5e,0x8b,0x07,0xe5,0x39,0xea, /* D0 */
	0xbd,xxxx,0x81,0xb7,xxxx,0x8a,0x0d,xxxx, 0x58,0xa1,0xa9,0x36,xxxx,0xc4,xxxx,0x8f, /* E0 */
	0x8c,0x1f,0x51,0x04,0xf2,xxxx,0xb3,0xb4, 0xe9,0x2a,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x25,xxxx,0xbc, /* F0 */
// 49 -> 4a (verified in a bombrman PCB)

// lethalth, gunforc2, quizf1
const uint8_t lethalth_decryption_table[256] = {
	0x7f,0x26,0x5d,xxxx,0xba,xxxx,0x1e,0x5e, 0xb8,0x49,0xbc,0xe8,0x01,xxxx,0x4a,0x25, /* 00 */
// ssss !!!! !!!!      !!!!      !!!! !!!!  !!!! gggg !!!! !!!! !!!!           !!!!
	xxxx,0xbd,xxxx,0x22,0x10,xxxx,0x02,0x57, 0x70,xxxx,0x7c,xxxx,0xe7,0x52,xxxx,0xa9, /* 10 */
//                !!!!           !!!! !!!!            ????      !!!! !!!!      gggg
	xxxx,xxxx,0xc6,0x06,0xa0,0xfe,0xcf,0x8e, 0x43,0x8f,0x2d,0x8c,0xd4,0x85,0x75,0xa2, /* 20 */
//           !!!! !!!!      !!!! !!!! !!!!  !!!!           gggg           !!!! !!!!
	0x3d,xxxx,xxxx,0x38,0x7e,0x89,0xd1,0x80, 0x3b,0x72,0x07,xxxx,0x42,0x37,0x0a,0x18, /* 30 */
// gggg           !!!! ???? !!!! !!!! !!!!  !!!! !!!! !!!!           ssss !!!!
	0x88,0xb4,0x98,0x8b,0xb9,0x9c,0xad,0x0e, 0x2b,xxxx,0xbf,xxxx,0x55,xxxx,0x56,0xb0, /* 40 */
// !!!!      pppp !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!!       gggg      !!!!      !!!!      !!!! !!!!
	0x93,0x91,xxxx,0xeb,xxxx,0x50,0x41,0x29, 0x47,xxxx,xxxx,0x60,xxxx,0xab,xxxx,xxxx, /* 50 */
// pppp !!!! !!!!      !!!!      !!!! !!!!                      !!!!      !!!!
	0xc3,0xe2,0xd0,0xb2,0x11,0x79,xxxx,0x08, 0x82,0xfb,xxxx,0x2c,0x23,xxxx,0x28,0x0d, /* 60 */
// !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!!      gggg            pppp !!!!           !!!!
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x83,0x3c,xxxx,0x1b,0x34, 0x5b,xxxx,0x40,xxxx,xxxx,0x04,0xfc,0xcd, /* 70 */
//                !!!! !!!!                 !!!!                     !!!! !!!! ssss
	0xb1,0xf3,0x8a,xxxx,xxxx,0x87,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xbe,0x84,0x1f,0xe6, /* 80 */
//      !!!! !!!!                                               !!!!      !!!! !!!!
	0xff,xxxx,0x12,xxxx,0xb5,0x36,xxxx,0xb3, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xd2,0x4e,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 90 */
// !!!!                     !!!!      !!!!
	0xa5,xxxx,xxxx,0xc7,xxxx,0x27,0x0b,xxxx, 0x20,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x61,0x7d, /* A0 */
// !!!!           !!!!           !!!!                                     !!!! ????
	0x63,xxxx,0x86,0x0f,xxxx,0xb7,xxxx,0x4f, 0x13,xxxx,0xc0,0xfd,xxxx,0x39,xxxx,0x77, /* B0 */
// ssss      !!!! !!!!                      ????      !!!!           !!!!      !!!!
	0x05,0x3a,xxxx,0x48,0x92,0x71,0x3e,0x03, xxxx,0xf8,xxxx,0x59,0xa8,0x5f,0xf9,0xbb, /* C0 */
// !!!! !!!!                ????      !!!!                 !!!!      !!!! !!!! !!!!
	0x81,0xfa,0x9d,0xe9,0x2e,0xa1,0xc1,0x33, xxxx,0x78,xxxx,0x0c,xxxx,0x24,0xaa,0xac, /* D0 */
// !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!!       gggg                !!!!      !!!!
	xxxx,0xb6,xxxx,0xea,xxxx,0x73,0xe5,0x58, 0x00,0xf7,xxxx,0x74,xxxx,0x76,xxxx,0xa3, /* E0 */
//                !!!!      gggg !!!! !!!!       !!!!      !!!!      ????      !!!!
	xxxx,0x5a,0xf6,0x32,0x46,0x2a,xxxx,xxxx, 0x53,0x4b,0x90,0x35,0x51,0x68,0x99,0x13, /* F0 */
//      !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!!            !!!!           ???? !!!! !!!!
missing opcode:

b8 -> 0x13 ??? (17cb4)
1a -> (7c,7e) ->
34 -> (7c,7e) ->
c5 -> (18d56 - from 1844f) (71,76,7a,7d,7e) -> to handle level number (a008d=00-0f) ->
af -> (7d) (strange 71) ->
ed -> (p76,7c,7e) ->
fb -> 0x35 ???

"!!!!" -> checked against gussun
"gggg" -> very probably
"pppp" -> probably
"ssss" -> sure
"????" -> missing

68 -> 0x82
42 -> 0x98 (083a3)
50 -> 0x93 (083a7)

very probably:
09 -> 0x49
48 -> 0x2b
e5 -> 0x73
2b -> 0x8c

00 -> 0x7f
3d -> 0x37
7f -> 0xcd (little machine in the game - 16058)
b0 -> 0x63 (11479)
// 0x2c (0xd4) complete guess
// 0x2d (0x85) complete guess
// 0xc4 (0x92) guess
// 0xbb (0xfd) guess
// 0x46 (0xad) guess - risky challenge use same code
// 0x6e (0x28) guess
// 0x76 (0x1b) guess
// 0x8d (0x84) guess
// 0xa6 (0x0b) guess - risky challenge use same code
// 0xa8 (0x20) guess
// 0xbd (0x39) guess - risky challenge use same code
// 0xc3 (0x48) guess
// and our collection of conditional branches:
// 0x34 (0x7e) < or <= (seems more like <) | these two are used toghether
// 0xaf (0x7d) > or >=
// 0xed (0x76) <= or < (seems more like <=)
// 0x1a (0x7c) < ? | (rowscroll on pink screen on startup)
// 0xc5 (0x7a) completely in the dark (game start after car seelction)

// uccops, dynablaster
const uint8_t dynablaster_decryption_table[256] = {
	0x1f,0x51,0x84,xxxx,0x3d,0x09,0x0d,xxxx, xxxx,0x57,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x32,0x11,xxxx, /* 00 */
	xxxx,0x9c,xxxx,xxxx,0x4b,xxxx,xxxx,0x03, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x89,0xb0,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 10 */
	xxxx,0xbb,0x18,0xbe,0x53,0x21,0x55,0x7c, xxxx,xxxx,0x47,0x58,0xf6,xxxx,xxxx,0xb2, /* 20 */
	0x06,xxxx,0x2b,xxxx,0x2f,0x0b,0xfc, 0x91 , xxxx,xxxx,0xfa,0x81,0x83,0x40,0x38,xxxx, /* 30 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0x49,0x85,0xd1,0xf5,0x07,0xe2, 0x5e,0x1e,xxxx,0x04,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xb1, /* 40 */
	0xc7,xxxx,0x96, 0xf2 /*0xaf*/, 0xb6,0xd2,0xc3,xxxx, 0x87,0xba,0xcb,0x88,xxxx,0xb9,0xd0,0xb5, /* 50 */
	0x9a,0x80,0xa2,0x72,xxxx,0xb4,xxxx,0xaa, 0x26,0x7d,0x52,0x33,0x2e,0xbc,0x08,0x79, /* 60 */
	0x48,xxxx,0x76,0x36,0x02,xxxx,0x5b,0x12, 0x8b,0xe7,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xab,xxxx,0x4f, /* 70 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0xa8,0xe5,0x39,0x0e,0xa9,xxxx, xxxx,0x14,xxxx,0xff, 0x7f/*0x75*/ ,xxxx,xxxx,0x27, /* 80 */
	xxxx,0x01,xxxx,xxxx,0xe6,0x8a,0xd3,xxxx, xxxx,0x8e,0x56,0xa5,0x92,xxxx,xxxx,0xf9, /* 90 */
	0x22,xxxx,0x5f,xxxx,xxxx,0xa1,xxxx,0x74, 0xb8,xxxx,0x46,0x05,0xeb,0xcf,0xbf,0x5d, /* a0 */
	0x24,xxxx,0x9d,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, 0x59,0x8d,0x3c,0xf8,0xc5,xxxx,0xf3,0x4e, /* b0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0x50,0xc6,0xe9,0xfe,0x0a,xxxx, 0x99,0x86,xxxx,xxxx,0xaf ,0x8c/*0x8e*/,0x42,0xf7, /* c0 */
	xxxx,0x41,xxxx,0xa3,xxxx,0x3a,0x2a,0x43, xxxx,0xb3,0xe8,xxxx,0xc4,0x35,0x78,0x25, /* d0 */
	0x75,xxxx,0xb7,xxxx,0x23,xxxx, xxxx/*0xe2*/,0x8f, xxxx,xxxx,0x2c,xxxx,0x77,0x7e,xxxx,0x0f, /* e0 */
	0x0c,0xa0,0xbd,xxxx,xxxx,0x2d,0x29,0xea, xxxx,0x3b,0x73,xxxx,0xfb,0x20,xxxx,0x5a /* f0 */
//double check 0x00/0xa0 AND.
//double check 0x8c (0x7d jg)
//double check 0xfd (0x20 AND) - 9d2 in code
//double check 0xd1 (0x41 INC cw) used in uccops and dynablaster (LOOKS GOOD)

//AND fd (0x20)
//0x37 (91) guess from dynablaster title screen

// BM - 0x61 NOT 82, but instead 0x80 verified in both Atomic Punk and UCCops
// 0x22 is 0x18 (SBB) verified from Gunforce
// 0x5b seems confirmed (previous commented out as 0x36)
// NS I expected 0x32 to be 0x1b (SBB) like in gunforce, but startup tests fail in bbmanw.
//    therefore it seems to be 0x2b (SUB)
// NS010718  0xa0 was 0x00 (ADDB), verified to be 0x22 (ANDB)

/* note: mysticrib sound is identical revision to bbmanw sound code */
// mysticri
const uint8_t mysticri_decryption_table[256] = {
	xxxx,0x57,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, 0xbf,0x43,xxxx,xxxx,0xb3,xxxx,0xfc,xxxx, /* 00 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x52,0xa3,0x26, xxxx,0xc7,xxxx,0x0f,xxxx,0x0c,xxxx,xxxx, /* 10 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0xff,xxxx,xxxx,0x02,xxxx,xxxx, 0x2e,xxxx,0x5f,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x73,0x50, /* 20 */
	0xb2,0x3a,xxxx,xxxx,0xbb,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 30 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0x8e,0x3c,0x42,xxxx,xxxx,0xb9, xxxx,xxxx,0x2a,xxxx,0x47,0xa0,0x2b,0x03, /* 40 */
	0xb5,0x1f,xxxx,0xaa,xxxx,0xfb,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x38,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 50 */
	0x2c,xxxx,xxxx,0xc6,xxxx,xxxx,0xb1,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xa2,xxxx, /* 60 */
	0xe9,0xe8,xxxx,xxxx,0x86,xxxx,0x8b,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x5b,0x72,xxxx,xxxx, /* 70 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0x5d,0x0a,xxxx,xxxx,0x89,xxxx, 0xb0,0x88,xxxx,0xb7,xxxx,0x87,0x75,0xbd, /* 80 */
	xxxx,0x51,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xbe, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x5a,0x58,xxxx,xxxx,0x56, /* 90 */
	xxxx,0x8a,xxxx,0x55,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xb4, 0x08,xxxx,0xf6,xxxx,xxxx,0x9d,xxxx,0xbc, /* A0 */
	0x0b,0x00,xxxx,0x5e,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x22, 0x36,0x4b,0x1e,xxxx,0xb6,0xba,0x23,xxxx, /* B0 */
			/*r*/                                    /*r*/
	0x20,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x59,0x53,xxxx,0x04, 0x81,xxxx,xxxx,0xf3,xxxx,xxxx,0x3b,0x06, /* C0 */
	0xe2,0x79,0x83,0x9c,xxxx,0x18,0x80,xxxx, 0xc3,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x32,xxxx,0xcf,xxxx, /* D0 */
	0xeb,xxxx,xxxx,0x33,xxxx,0xfa,xxxx,xxxx, 0xd2,xxxx,0x24,xxxx,0x74,0x41,0xb8,xxxx, /* E0 */
	0x34,xxxx,0xd0,0x07,0xf8,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,0x46,xxxx,0xea,0xfe,0x78,xxxx,xxxx, /* F0 */
	/*r*/               /*r*/
// 0xd5 (0x18) opcode is right but arguments could be swapped
// 0x4e (0x2b) not sure, could be 0x1b
// 0x8b (0xb3) needed by mysticrib

// majtitl2
const uint8_t majtitl2_decryption_table[256] = {
	0x87,xxxx,0x78,0xaa,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x2c, 0x32,0x0a,0x0f,xxxx,0x5e,xxxx,0xc6,0x8a, /* 00 */
	0x33,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xea,xxxx,0x72, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x24,0x55, /* 10 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x89,0xfb,xxxx,0x59,0x02, xxxx,xxxx,0x5d,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x36,xxxx, /* 20 */
	xxxx,0x06,0x79,xxxx,xxxx,0x1e,0x07,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,0x83,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 30 */
	0x9d,xxxx,xxxx,0x74,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x0c, 0x58,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 40 */
	0x3c,xxxx,0x03,xxxx,xxxx,0xfa,0x43,xxxx, 0xbf,xxxx,xxxx,0x75,xxxx,0x88,xxxx,0x80, /* 50 */
	xxxx,0xa3,xxxx,0xfe,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x3a,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 60 */
	0x2b,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xe9,0x5f,xxxx, 0x46,xxxx,0x41,xxxx,0x18,0xb8,xxxx,xxxx, /* 70 */
	0xb4,0x5a,0xb1,xxxx,xxxx,0x50,0xe8,0x20, xxxx,0xb2,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x51, /* 80 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x56,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,0xcf,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xc3,xxxx,xxxx, /* 90 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x0b,xxxx,xxxx,0xb5, 0x57,xxxx,xxxx,0xc7,0x3b,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* A0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xb6,xxxx,0xeb,xxxx, 0x38,xxxx,0xa0,0x08,xxxx,0x86,0xb0,xxxx, /* B0 */
	0x42,0x1f,0x73,xxxx,0xf6,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, 0x53,xxxx,0x52,xxxx,0x04,0xbd,xxxx,xxxx, /* C0 */
	0x26,0xff,0x2e,xxxx,0x81,xxxx,0x47,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xd0,0x22,xxxx,xxxx,0xb9, /* D0 */
	0x23,xxxx,0xf3,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,0xd2,0x8b,0xba,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x5b, /* E0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0x9c,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xfc, 0xbc,0xa2,0x2a,xxxx,xxxx,0x8e,0xbb,xxxx, /* F0 */
// 0x7c (0x18) opcode is right but arguments could be swapped
// 0x70 (0x2b) not sure, could be 0x1b

// hook
const uint8_t hook_decryption_table[256] = {
	0xb6,0x20,0x22,xxxx,0x0f,0x57,0x59,0xc6, 0xeb,xxxx,0xb0,0xbb,0x3b,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 00 */
	0x36,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,0xfe,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xa0, /* 10 */
	0x2e,xxxx,0x0b,xxxx,xxxx,0x58,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x80,xxxx,xxxx, /* 20 */
	0x33,xxxx,xxxx,0xbf,0x55,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, 0x53,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 30 */
	0x47,0x74,xxxx,0xb1,0xb4,xxxx,xxxx,0x88, xxxx,xxxx,0x38,0xcf,xxxx,0x8e,xxxx,xxxx, /* 40 */
	xxxx,0xc7,xxxx,0x32,xxxx,0x52,0x3c,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x83,0x72, /* 50 */
	xxxx,0x73,xxxx,0x5a,xxxx,0x43,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,0x41,0xe9,0xbd,xxxx,0xb2,0xd2, /* 60 */
	xxxx,0xaa,0xa2,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x26,xxxx,xxxx,0x8a,xxxx, /* 70 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x18, xxxx,0x9d,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x5d,xxxx,0x46, /* 80 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xf6,0xc3,0xa3,0x1e,0x07, 0x5f,0x81,xxxx,0x0c,xxxx,0xb8,xxxx,0x75, /* 90 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x79, /* A0 */
	xxxx,0x5e,xxxx,xxxx,0x06,xxxx,0xff,xxxx, 0x5b,0x24,xxxx,0x2b,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x02, /* B0 */
	0x86,xxxx,xxxx,0xfb,xxxx,xxxx,0x50,0xfc, 0x08,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x03,xxxx,0xb9,xxxx, /* C0 */
	xxxx,0xbc,0xe8,0x1f,0xfa,0x42,xxxx,xxxx, 0x89,xxxx,0x23,0x87,xxxx,0x2a,xxxx,xxxx, /* D0 */
	0x8b,xxxx,0xf3,0xea,0x04,0x2c,0xb5,xxxx, 0x0a,xxxx,0x51,xxxx,xxxx,0x3a,xxxx,0x9c, /* E0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0x78,xxxx,0xba,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xd0,0x56,xxxx,xxxx, /* F0 */
// 0x87 (0x18) opcode is right but arguments could be swapped
// 0xbb (0x2b) not sure, could be 0x1b

// rtypeleo, firebarr
const uint8_t rtypeleo_decryption_table[256] = {
	0x5d,xxxx,0xc6,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x2a,0x3a,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x86,xxxx,0x22,xxxx,0xf3, /* 00 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x38,0xf7,0x42,0x04,xxxx,xxxx,0x1f,0x4b,xxxx,xxxx,0x58, /* 10 */
	0x57,0x2e,xxxx,xxxx,0x53,xxxx,0xb9,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x20,0x55,xxxx,0x3d, /* 20 */
	0xa0,xxxx,xxxx,0x0c,0x03,xxxx,0x83,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x8a,0x00,xxxx,0xaa,xxxx,xxxx, /* 30 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x41,0x0a,0x26,0x8b,0x56,0x5e,xxxx, /* 40 */
	xxxx,0x74,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x06,xxxx,xxxx,0x89,0x5b,0xc7,0x43,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 50 */
	xxxx,0xb6,xxxx,0x3b,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x36,0xea,0x80,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x5f, /* 60 */
	xxxx,0x0f,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x46,xxxx,xxxx,0x3c,0x8e,xxxx,0xa3,0x87,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 70 */
	0x2b,0xfb,0x47,0x0b,xxxx,0xfc,0x02,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x72,0x2c, /* 80 */
	0x33,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x9d,0xbd,xxxx,0xb2,xxxx,0x78,0x75,0xb8,xxxx,xxxx, /* 90 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xcf,0x5a,0x88,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xc3,xxxx,0xeb,0xfa,xxxx,0x32, /* A0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x52,0xb4,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xbc,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xb1,0x59,0x50, /* B0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0xb5,xxxx,0x08,0xa2,0xbf,0xbb,0x1e,0x9c,xxxx,0x73,xxxx,0xd0,xxxx,xxxx, /* C0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x81,xxxx,0x79,xxxx,xxxx,0x24,0x23,xxxx,xxxx,0xb0,0x07,0xff, /* D0 */
	xxxx,0xba,0xf6,0x51,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xfe,xxxx,0x92,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xe9,xxxx, /* E0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xe8,0xd2,xxxx,0x18,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xd1,xxxx,xxxx, /* F0 */
//                                                                   ^^^^
// 0xf9 (0x18) opcode is right but arguments could be swapped
// 0x80 (0x2b) not sure, could be 0x1b
// fixed 0x16 = 0xf7 mapping
// 3d = correct

// inthunt
const uint8_t inthunt_decryption_table[256] = {
	0x1f,xxxx,0xbb,0x50,xxxx,0x58,0x42,0x57, xxxx,xxxx,0xe9,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x0b, /* 00 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0x9d,0x9c,xxxx,xxxx,0x1e,xxxx, xxxx,0xb4,0x5b,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 10 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0x78,0xc7,xxxx,xxxx,0x83,xxxx, xxxx,0x0c,0xb0,0x04,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 20 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x3b,0xc3,0xb5,0x47, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x59,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 30 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x38,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, 0x5f,0xa3,0xfa,xxxx,0xe8,0x36,0x75,xxxx, /* 40 */
	0x88,0x33,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x43,xxxx, xxxx,0x87,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 50 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x8e,0xf3,0x56,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x26,0xff,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 60 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x2a,xxxx,0x8a,xxxx,0x18, xxxx,xxxx,0x03,0x89,0x24,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 70 */
	0x0a,xxxx,0xeb,xxxx,0x86,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, 0x79,0x3a,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xa0,xxxx, /* 80 */
	0xea,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x2c,xxxx, 0xc6,xxxx,xxxx,0x46,xxxx,0xaa,0xb6,0x5e, /* 90 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x8b,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,0xba,xxxx,0xb9,0x53,0xa2,xxxx, /* A0 */
	xxxx,0x07,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x3c,0x32,xxxx, 0x2b,xxxx,0xb8,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* B0 */
	0xbd,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x81,xxxx,0xd0, 0x08,xxxx,0x55,0x06,0xcf,xxxx,xxxx,0xfc, /* C0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xb1,0xbf,xxxx,xxxx,0x51, 0x52,xxxx,0x5d,xxxx,0x5a,xxxx,0xb2,xxxx, /* D0 */
	0xfe,xxxx,xxxx,0x22,0x20,0x72,0xf6,0x80, 0x02,0x2e,xxxx,0x74,0x0f,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* E0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xbc,0x41,xxxx,0xfb, 0x73,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x23,0xd2,xxxx,xxxx, /* F0 */
// 0x77 (0x18) opcode is right but arguments could be swapped
// 0xb8 (0x2b) not sure, could be 0x1b

// gussun
const uint8_t gussun_decryption_table[256] = {
	0x63,xxxx,xxxx,0x36,xxxx,0x52,0xb1,0x5b, 0x68,0xcd,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xa8,xxxx,xxxx, /* 00 */
//  gggg                          gggg            gggg                gggg
	xxxx,xxxx,0x75,0x24,0x08,0x83,0x32,0xe9, xxxx,0x79,xxxx,0x8f,0x22,xxxx,0xac,xxxx, /* 10 */
//                      pppp                      pppp      gggg
	0x5d,0xa5,0x11,0x51,0x0a,0x29,xxxx,xxxx ,0xf8,0x98,0x91,0x40,0x28,0x00,0x03,0x5f, /* 20 */
//            gggg           gggg            gggg gggg      gggg gggg pppp
	0x26,xxxx,xxxx,0x8b,0x2f,0x02,xxxx,xxxx, 0x8e,0xab,xxxx,xxxx,0xbc,0x90,0xb3,xxxx, /* 30 */
//                      gggg
	0x09,xxxx,0xc6,xxxx,xxxx,0x3a,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,0x74,0x61,xxxx,0x33,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 40 */
//  gggg
	xxxx,0x53,0xa0,0xc0,0xc3,0x41,0xfc,0xe7, xxxx,0x2c,0x7c,0x2b,xxxx,0x4f,0xba,0x2a, /* 50 */
//            gggg           gggg                 gggg pppp gggg      gggg
	0xb0,xxxx,0x21,0x7d,xxxx,xxxx,0xb5,0x07, 0xb9,xxxx,0x27,0x46,0xf9,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 60 */
//            pppp pppp           gggg                 gggg
	xxxx,0xea,0x72,0x73,0xad,0xd1,0x3b,0x5e, 0xe5,0x57,xxxx,0x0d,0xfd,xxxx,0x92,0x3c, /* 70 */
//                 gggg                                     pppp gggg      gggg
	xxxx,0x86,0x78,0x7f,0x30,0x25,0x2d,xxxx, 0x9a,0xeb,0x04,0x0b,0xa2,0xb8,0xf6,xxxx, /* 80 */
//            pppp gggg gggg      pppp       gggg
	xxxx,xxxx,0x9d,xxxx,0xbb,xxxx,xxxx,0xcb, 0xa9,0xcf,xxxx,0x60,0x43,0x56,xxxx,xxxx, /* 90 */
//            gggg                     gggg
	xxxx,0xa3,xxxx,xxxx,0x12,xxxx,0xfa,0xb4, xxxx,0x81,0xe6,0x48,0x80,0x8c,0xd4,xxxx, /* a0 */
//                      gggg           gggg                 pppp      gggg gggg
	0x42,xxxx,0x84,0xb6,0x77,0x3d,0x3e,xxxx, xxxx,0x0c,0x4b,xxxx,0xa4,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* b0 */
//  gggg      gggg pppp gggg      gggg            pppp pppp      gggg
	xxxx,0xff,0x47,xxxx,0x55,0x1e,xxxx,0x59, 0x93,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x88,0xc1,0x01,0xb2, /* c0 */
//            gggg
	0x85,0x2e,0x06,0xc7,0x05,xxxx,0x8a,0x5a, 0x58,0xbe,xxxx,0x4e,xxxx,0x1f,0x23,xxxx, /* d0 */
//  gggg                                                    gggg
	0xe8,xxxx,0x89,0xa1,0xd0,xxxx,xxxx,0xe2, 0x38,0xfe,0x50,0x9c,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x49, /* e0 */
//                                                          gggg                gggg
	0xfb,0x20,0xf3,xxxx,xxxx,0x0f,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,0x76,0xf7,0xbd,0x39,0x7e,0xbf,xxxx, /* f0 */
//       pppp                                     gggg      gggg      gggg

missing opcode:

"    " -> checked against hasamu (i.e. you can compare gussun from 2002a and hasamu from 54a0)
"gggg" -> very probably
"pppp" -> probably
"????" -> missing

rz probably:
14 -> 08 (2097b 20980 - routine from 2097a) (08 30) to handle the player number -> 08
19 -> 79 (1df45 routine from 1df27 / 2282f - routine from 2281f to 22871) no 70,78,7a,7b,7c,7e,7f(ok) ok 79,7d
5a -> 7c (195eb - (222fc - routine from 222ed to ) (7x j...) no 70,71,79,7a,7b ok (78,7c) -> 7c
63 -> 7d (1df7f, 1df8c, 1df95, 21f08 - routine from 1df27 to ) no 70,78,7a,7b,7c,7e,7f(ok) ok 79,7d
7b -> 0d
82 -> 78 (78,7c) -> 78
86 -> 2d
ab -> 48 (1956f - routine from 194e1 to 19619 - bp 19567) (when the water go up) -> 48
b3 -> b6 (216b6 - 216cf - 16663 (when you rotate a piece) - 175f1 - 17d2a - 17d36) -> b6
b9 -> 0c (21210 - routine from 2117e to ) 2 bytes -> to handle messages in level 0 (learning level)
ba -> 4b (1094d, 10b28 - routine from 10948 to 10b73) one byte -> probably 4b
f1 -> 20 to handle the player number

rz guess:
06 -> b1 (22872 - routine from 22872 to 2289d)
09 -> cd (22a17 - routine from 229ed to 22a1a)
0d -> a8 (
1b -> 8f (1d8f9 - routine from 1d8c7 to 1d8fc) - three bytes (pop instruction for the push in 1d8e6)
22 -> 11 (1deff - routine from 1dee8 to 1df26) -> 11 - to handle sprite animation
25 -> 29 (195a0 - routine from 194e1 to ) (19,29)
28 -> f8 (
29 -> 98 (1df22 - routine from 1dee8 to 1df26) -> 98 - to handle sprite animation
2b -> 40 (1d4d2 1db81 1dba9 - routine from 1d4b2 to 1d4de) -> 40
2c -> 28 (20333 - routine from 2032a to 20366) (18,28)
2d -> 00 (1df1d - routine from 1dee8 to 1df26) -> 00 - to handle sprite animation
34 -> 2f (20381 - routine from 2037b to 20391) - used to handle number of lives and game over
40 -> 09
52 -> a0
55 -> 41
59 -> 2c (220cf - 2037f - routine from 2202f to ) 2bytes (2c,
5b -> 2b (used in "Service Mode" / "CHARACTER menu")
5d -> 4f
62 -> 21 (1cf86 1cfa3 - routine from 1cf61 to 1cff4)  (water in level 1) (01 11 19 29)
66 -> b5 (1daaf - routine from 1da61 to 1daca) - two bytes (colors effect)
6a -> 27 (20368 - routine from 20368 to 2037a) - used to limit the max lives number
73 -> 73 (1d4f7 - routine from 1d4df to 1d539) -> (no 70,71,72,74,75,76,77,78,79,7a,7b,7c,7d,7e,7f) - ok 73
7c -> fd
7e -> 92 (1e095 - routine from 1e073 to 1e0cf)
83 -> 7f (194cd - routine from) no 70,78,79,7a,7b,7c,7d,7e ok 77(no) ok 7f
84 -> 08 (1d8f1 - routine from 1d8c7 to 1d8fc) - three bytes (ok 30) (sprite animation) -> 30
88 -> 9a
92 -> 9d
97 -> cb
a4 -> 12 (02,12) - routine from 1d392 -> 12
a7 -> b4 (2029a - routine from 20290 to
ad -> 8c (1d559, 1d8d4 - routine from 1d547 - ; routine from 1d8b8 to 1d8fc) ..............................
ae -> d4 (20215 - ) used when you insert a coin to handle the "coin number" in decimal
b0 -> 42 (routine from 128db)
b2 -> 84 (20a8b - 20acc) 20,21,84,85 (scroll down the object)  - to handle the player number
b4 -> 77 (1d03a, 1d57a - routine from 1d4df ) no 70,71,76,78,79,7a,7b,7c,7d,7e,7f ok 77
b6 -> 3e
bc -> a4
c2 -> 47 (22881, 220ff - routine from 22872 to 22885)
d0 -> 85 (routine from 16a3e) (when you rotate a piece)
db -> 4e (18b1a)
eb -> 9c
ef -> 49 (dec CW) (used in "Service Mode" / "CHARACTER menu")
f9 -> 76 (16d02(f 16cfa)-16598-165a1-18de7(f 18dc4) no 71(no),77(no),(icons? 70,76,78,7a,7c,7e),79,7d,7f(no) maybe 76
fb -> bd
fd -> 7e (1d659 - routine from 1d63c to 1d65e) no 70,76,77,78,79,7a,7b, 7c,7d,7e,7f  ok 7e


AS notes:
0x1e is lodsb not lds,noted from 2344f
0x16 is xor r8,r8 not xor r16,r16
0xc8 not inc aw but xch bw,aw
0xcd is 0xc1 not 0xbd(palette at startup)
0x97 guess,but seems right(228c1),known to *not* be ret %Iw.
0x00 wrong(for sure it needs a one byte operand due to push es called at one point...)
0x19 guess (0x82 PRE)
0xc2 guess,it could be dec iy...

above - c8 (inc aw) guess from stos code
0xc5 -> 1e (push ds) guess (pop ds soon after) right?
0xa9 -> 81 (not 0x82 PRE) guess from 237df
0xcd -> c1 total guess (wrong but 3 bytes)

e0100 palette sub-routine:
12485: 23             push es
12486: 27 C2          mov  es,dw
12488: D7 C0          xor  aw,aw
1248A: D7 FF          xor  iy,iy
1248C: 44 00 01       mov  cw,$0100
1248F: 81 5D          repe stosw
12491: 95 22 06 97 39 mov  byte ss:[$3997],$FF
12497: 3A             pop  es
12498: 60             ret


add bw,bw [d8]
add ix,sp [e6]
add iy,sp [e7]

// leagueman, wpksoc
const uint8_t leagueman_decryption_table[256] = {
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x55,0xbb,xxxx,0x23,0x79, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x38,xxxx, /* 00 */
	0xf7,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, 0x3d,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xba,xxxx,0x1e,xxxx, /* 10 */
	0x2c,0x46,xxxx,0xb5,xxxx,0x4b,xxxx,0xfe, xxxx,xxxx,0xfb,0x2e,xxxx,xxxx,0x36,0x04, /* 20 */
	0xcf,xxxx,0xf3,0x5a,0x8a,0x0c,0x9c,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,0xb2,0x50,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x5f, /* 30 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0x24,xxxx,xxxx,0x41,0x2b,xxxx, 0xe9,xxxx,0x08,0x3b,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 40 */
	xxxx,0xd2,0x51,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x22,xxxx, 0xeb,0x3a,0x5b,0xa2,0xb1,0x80,xxxx,xxxx, /* 50 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x59,0xb4,0x88,xxxx, xxxx,0xbf,0xd1,xxxx,0xb9,0x57,xxxx,xxxx, /* 60 */
	0x72,xxxx,0x73,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x0f, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x56,xxxx,xxxx,0xc6, /* 70 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x2a,0x8e,xxxx, 0x81,0xa3,0x58,xxxx,0xaa,0x78,0x89,xxxx, /* 80 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xbd,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,0xff,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x07,0x53, /* 90 */
	0xa0,xxxx,xxxx,0x5e,0xb0,xxxx,0x83,0xf6, xxxx,0x26,0x32,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x74,0x0a, /* A0 */
	0x18,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x75,0x03,xxxx,xxxx, 0xb6,0x02,xxxx,xxxx,0x43,xxxx,0xb8,xxxx, /* B0 */
	0xe8,xxxx,0xfc,xxxx,0x20,0xc3,xxxx,0x06, xxxx,0x1f,0x86,0x00,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xd0, /* C0 */
	0x47,xxxx,0x87,xxxx,xxxx,0x9d,0x3c,0xc7, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* D0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x8b,xxxx,xxxx,0x33,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xfa,0x42,xxxx,xxxx, /* E0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xea,xxxx,0x52,xxxx,0x5d, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xbc,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* F0 */
// 0x25 (0x4b) guess
// fixed 0x10 = 0xf7 mapping

// psoldier
const uint8_t psoldier_decryption_table[256] = {
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x8a,xxxx,0xaa,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,0x20,0x23,0x55,xxxx,0xb5,0x0a,xxxx, /* 00 */
	xxxx,0x46,xxxx,0xb6,xxxx,0x74,0x8b,xxxx, xxxx,0xba,0xf7,xxxx,xxxx,0x5a,0x86,0xfb, /* 10 */
	0xb2,xxxx,0xb0,xxxx,0x42,0x06,0x1e,0x08, 0x22,0x9d,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x73, /* 20 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0x5f,xxxx,xxxx,0xd0,xxxx,0xff, xxxx,xxxx,0xbd,xxxx,0x03,xxxx,0xb9,xxxx, /* 30 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x51,0x5e,0x24,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x58,0x59,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 40 */
	0x52,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xa0,xxxx,xxxx,0x02, 0xd2,xxxx,0x79,0x26,0x3a,0x0f,0xcf,0xb4, /* 50 */
	0xf3,xxxx,xxxx,0x50,xxxx,0x75,0xb1,xxxx, 0xd1,0x47,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 60 */
	0xc6,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xbc,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x53,0x41,xxxx,xxxx, /* 70 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x04,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x2c,xxxx,0xbf,xxxx,xxxx, /* 80 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0xe8,xxxx,xxxx,0x78,xxxx,0xbb, xxxx,xxxx,0x1f,0x2b,0x87,xxxx,0x4b,0x56, /* 90 */
	0x36,0x33,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x9c,0xc3,xxxx, xxxx,0x81,xxxx,0xe9,xxxx,0xfa,xxxx,xxxx, /* A0 */
	xxxx,0x72,xxxx,0xa2,xxxx,xxxx,0xc7,xxxx, xxxx,0x92,xxxx,xxxx,0x88,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* B0 */
	0x3b,xxxx,0x0c,xxxx,0x80,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,0x2e,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x57,xxxx,0x8e, /* C0 */
	0x07,xxxx,0xa3,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x3d,xxxx, 0xfe,xxxx,xxxx,0xfc,0xea,xxxx,0x38,xxxx, /* D0 */
	0x3c,0xf6,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x18,xxxx,xxxx, 0xb8,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x2a,0x5d,0x5b,xxxx, /* E0 */
	xxxx,0x43,0x32,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xeb,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x83,0x89,xxxx,xxxx, /* F0 */
// 0x9e (0x4b) guess
// fixed 0x1a = 0xf7 mapping

// dsoccr94
const uint8_t dsoccr94_decryption_table[256] = {
	xxxx,0xd1,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x79,0x2e,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,0x5a,0x0f,xxxx,xxxx,0x43,xxxx, /* 00 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0xe8,0x50,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xa0, 0x5d,0x22,xxxx,xxxx,0xb2,0x3a,xxxx,xxxx, /* 10 */
	0xf6,0x8a,0x41,xxxx,xxxx,0x81,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,0x2b,0x58,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xc6, /* 20 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0xb9,xxxx,xxxx,0x2a,xxxx,0x3c, xxxx,0x80,0x26,xxxx,0xb0,xxxx,0x47,xxxx, /* 30 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0x0a,0x55,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x88, xxxx,xxxx,0x87,xxxx,xxxx,0xb4,0x0c,xxxx, /* 40 */
	0x73,0x53,xxxx,xxxx,0x3b,0x1f,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 50 */
	0xf7,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x1e,xxxx,xxxx, 0xc3,xxxx,0xa3,0x74,xxxx,0x32,0x42,0x75, /* 60 */
	0xfc,xxxx,0xb8,xxxx,0x33,xxxx,0x5e,xxxx, xxxx,0xaa,xxxx,xxxx,0x04,xxxx,0x9c,0xba, /* 70 */
	xxxx,xxxx,0x24,0x89,xxxx,xxxx,0xea,xxxx, 0x23,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xbb,xxxx,xxxx,0xc7, /* 80 */
	xxxx,0x8e,xxxx,0x52,xxxx,0x18,xxxx,0x72, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xb6,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 90 */
	0xfa,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, 0xb1,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x57,0x78,0xa2, /* A0 */
	xxxx,0x3d,0x51,xxxx,xxxx,0xbf,0x46,0x2c, xxxx,xxxx,0xfb,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x38, /* B0 */
	0x56,xxxx,0xcf,xxxx,0x08,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, 0x5b,0x07,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x20,0x9d,xxxx, /* C0 */
	0x03,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xbc,0x86, 0x59,xxxx,0x02,xxxx,0xff,0xd2,0x8b,xxxx, /* D0 */
	xxxx,0xd0,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xe9, 0x06,xxxx,0x5f,0xf3,xxxx,0xb5,xxxx,xxxx, /* E0 */
	0xeb,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x83,xxxx, 0x36,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xbd,0xfe,xxxx, /* F0 */

// 0x95 (0x18) opcode is right but arguments could be swapped
// 0x2a (0x2b) not sure, could be 0x1b
// fixed 0x60 = 0xf7 mapping

/* preliminary table by Pierpaolo Prazzoli */
// matchit2
const uint8_t matchit2_decryption_table[256] = {
	xxxx,0x86,0x0a,xxxx,0x32,0x01,0x81,0xbe, 0xea,xxxx,0xbb,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0xa5,0xf6, /* 00 */
//  new  new       new  new  new  new                  new                 new  new
	0x5d,0x8c,0xf3,0xc4,0x42,0x5a,0x22,0x26, xxxx,0x58,xxxx,0xfd,0x59,0x53,0x80,0x09, /* 10 */
//  new  new  new  new  !!!! new  !!!!            new       !!!! new  new  new  !!!!
	xxxx,0x1e,0x48,0xe2,0x50,xxxx,0xc3,0x23, xxxx,xxxx,0xe9,xxxx,0x40,0x83,0xa3,0x46, /* 20 */
//       new  new  new  new       new  new             new       new  new  new
	0x49,0xb4,0xa9,xxxx,0xd3,0x8b,0xe8,0xb8, 0xa0,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x84,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 30 */
//  !!!! ???? new       !!!! new  new        new                 new
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x14,xxxx,0x25,xxxx, xxxx,0x5e,xxxx,0x87,0x56,0xb9,0x4a,0x39, /* 40 */
//                      new       new             new       new  new  new  new  new
	0x89,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x1f,0xa4,xxxx, 0xf8,0x5f,0x21,0xb3,0x5b,xxxx,0x8d,xxxx, /* 50 */
//  new                      new  !!!!       new  new  !!!! new            new
	xxxx,0xc5,0x7c,0x07,xxxx,0x88,0xba,0x47, 0x35,0xfb,xxxx,0x7f,xxxx,xxxx,0xc6,0xeb, /* 60 */
//       new  !!!! new       new  new  new   new  new       !!!!                new
	xxxx,0xc7,xxxx,xxxx,0xd2,0xa1,0x72,0x79, 0xfe,0x24,0xab,0x2a,0xbc,0x0d,0x8f,0x7e, /* 70 */
//                      !!!! new  new  new   new  new  new  new       new  new  !!!!
	xxxx,0x7d,xxxx,0xe7,0x2d,xxxx,xxxx,0x57, 0x0b,0xa2,xxxx,0x9d,xxxx,xxxx,0x74,0x85, /* 80 */
//       !!!!      new  new            new   new  new       new            new  new
	0xaf,0x2f,0x8a,0xe6,0x08,xxxx,0xff,xxxx, xxxx,0x1c,xxxx,xxxx,0x02,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 90 */
//  new  !!!! new  new  new       new             !!!!           new
	0x43,0x04,xxxx,xxxx,0xbf,0x3b,0x93,0x38, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x77,xxxx,0xb0,xxxx,0x3a, /* A0 */
//  new  new            new  new  new  new                  new       new       new
	0xfc,xxxx,0xb5,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,0x05, 0x52,0x76,0x2b,0xe5,0xbd,xxxx,0x0e,0xb1, /* B0 */
//  new       new                      new   new  new  new  new  new       new  !!!!
	0x73,xxxx,xxxx,0x45,0x92,0x99,xxxx,0xf7, 0x3d,0xd0,0xb6,0x36,0xf9,0xfa,0x0f,xxxx, /* C0 */
//  new            new  new  new       new   new  new  !!!! new  new
	0x75,xxxx,0xaa,0x9c,xxxx,0x11,xxxx,xxxx, 0x27,0x4b,xxxx,0x2c,0x51,0x2e,0x4d,xxxx, /* D0 */
//  new       !!!! new       new             new  new       new  new  new  !!!!
	0x55,0x3c,xxxx,0xb7,xxxx,0xd1,0x8e,xxxx, 0xb2,xxxx,0x78,xxxx,0x12,xxxx,0x29,0x0c, /* E0 */
//  new  new       new  ???? new  new        new       new       new       new  new
	0x33,xxxx,0xf2,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,0x03,0x06,0xa8,xxxx,xxxx,0xcf,xxxx, /* F0 */
//  new       new                                 new  new  new            new
Unknown (marked "????")

from shisen 2:
E4 -> pc: b08; f458, 1920 (99% 1 byte at boot and sometimes when a piece is selected)
          b65c (after one match is finished with the girl on the background or when you finish some levels in the other modes)

Found (marked "!!!!")
14 -> pc: 8b2a -> 42
16 -> pc: 1714, 1804, 1a70, 1cc3 (00 10 13 1C 20 21 22 34 D4 D5 after a match) -> 22
1B -> pc: 630e (it's used to update the high score) -> FD
1F -> pc: f30, f35, af74, 153a, 6dd8, 674f -> 09
30 -> pc: 19af, 1986 -> 49
31 -> pc: c804, c813, c822, 1358, c303, c312, c321, 1315, 1338 (2 bytes opcode) -> B4
34 -> pc: 42cd -> D3
4E -> pc: 7ac3, 7ae8 (after a 2 players match and in a 2 players match in "stalemate") -> 4a
56 -> pc: 6587 (can be 6C, 6D, 6E, 6F, A4, A6, A7, AA, AC, AD, AE at boot) -> A4
5A -> pc: ae83 (after an item is selected) (00 10 13 15 1B -1C already used- 1D 21 28) -> 21 (it's used to evidence tiles similar to the one selected)
62 -> pc: 5b3f (jump 71, 7C) -> 7C
6B -> pc: 1810, 1936 (jump) -> 7F
74 -> pc: ca75 -> D2
7F -> pc: 6b7e, 51d7, 5a8c, 5a9a, 5996 (jump: 7C, 7E) -> 7E
81 -> pc: 599d (jump: 7D, 7F) -> 7D
91 -> pc: 6e0c, 96ef, 96d0 (1 byte opcode) -> 2F
99 -> pc: 96f7, 9702 (after undo button is pressed) -> 1C (it's used to update the score when the you undo the moves)
BF -> pc: 6af3, 6b01, ca73, ab39 (2 bytes opcode) -> B1
C4 -> pc: deb4 -> 92 from bbmanw
EC -> pc: 966e, 9679 -> 12 from bbmanw
D2 -> pc: 631c (it's used to update the high score) (6C, 6E, A6, AA, AE) -> AA

the ones marked with "new" are checked against dynablst and bomberman tables

const uint8_t test_decryption_table[256] = {
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 00 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 10 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 20 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 30 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 40 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 50 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 60 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 70 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 80 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* 90 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* A0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* B0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* C0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* D0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* E0 */
	xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx, /* F0 */