path: root/src/mame/layout/blastit.lay
blob: 5d0ceff6640d7e6a6fe505c0572d9271406a9d88 (plain) (tree)


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mamelayout version="2">

<!-- define elements -->

	<element name="black"><rect><color red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" /></rect></element>
	<element name="white"><rect><color red="0.8" green="0.8" blue="0.8" /></rect></element>
	<element name="text_score"><text string="SCORE" align="2"><color red="0.8" green="0.8" blue="0.8" /></text></element>

	<element name="digit" defstate="0">
		<led7seg><color red="1.0" green="0.1" blue="0.15" /></led7seg>

	<element name="led" defstate="0">
		<rect state="0"><color red="0.1" green="0.01" blue="0.015" /></rect>
		<rect state="1"><color red="0.8" green="0.08" blue="0.12" /></rect>
		<rect state="2"><color red="1.0" green="0.2" blue="0.2" /></rect>

<!-- build screen -->

	<view name="Internal Layout">
		<bounds left="5" right="71" top="4.5" bottom="81.1" />

		<!-- score display -->
		<element ref="white"><bounds x="24.5" y="9" width="27.5" height="13" /></element>
		<element ref="black"><bounds x="25.0" y="9.5" width="26.5" height="12" /></element>
		<element ref="text_score"><bounds x="3.5" y="12.75" width="20" height="5.5" /></element>
		<element ref="digit"><bounds x="26" y="11" width="6" height="9" /></element> <!-- unpopulated -->
		<element name="digit7" ref="digit"><bounds x="32" y="11" width="6" height="9" /></element>
		<element name="digit8" ref="digit"><bounds x="38" y="11" width="6" height="9" /></element>
		<element name="digit9" ref="digit"><bounds x="44" y="11" width="6" height="9" /></element>

		<!-- other leds -->
		<repeat count="7">
			<param name="y" start="30" increment="7.3" />
			<param name="i2" start="6" increment="-1" />

			<repeat count="7">
				<param name="x" start="10" increment="8.5" />
				<param name="i1" start="0" increment="1" />
				<element name="~i1~.~i2~" ref="led"><bounds x="~x~" y="~y~" width="5" height="1.7" /></element>

		<!-- 3 of the rows have a different shape -->
		<element ref="black"><bounds x="0" y="50" width="80" height="20" /></element>

		<repeat count="3">
			<param name="y" start="51.9" increment="7.3" />
			<param name="i2" start="3" increment="-1" />

			<repeat count="7">
				<param name="x" start="11.5" increment="8.5" />
				<param name="i1" start="0" increment="1" />
				<element name="~i1~.~i2~" ref="led"><bounds x="~x~" y="~y~" width="2" height="2" /></element>
