path: root/src/mame/audio/taito_en.cpp
blob: f4f15533fbf23e81119154a84ef3b69afc28db37 (plain) (tree)










































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Bryan McPhail, Aaron Giles, R. Belmont, Philip Bennett

    Taito Ensoniq ES5505-based sound hardware


    * ES5510 ESP emulation is not perfect
    * ES5510 Input Clock and ES5505 Output channels are same in other PCBs?
      (Currently these are verified from Gun Buster schematics)
    * Where does the MB8421 go? Taito F3 (and Super Chase) have 2 of them on
      the sound area, Taito JC has one.


#include "emu.h"
#include "taito_en.h"
#include <algorithm>

DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(TAITO_EN, taito_en_device, "taito_en", "Taito Ensoniq Sound System")

taito_en_device::taito_en_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock)
	: device_t(mconfig, TAITO_EN, tag, owner, clock)
	, device_mixer_interface(mconfig, *this, 2)
	, m_audiocpu(*this, "audiocpu")
	, m_ensoniq(*this, "ensoniq")
	, m_esp(*this, "esp")
	, m_pump(*this, "pump")
	, m_duart68681(*this, "duart68681")
	, m_mb87078(*this, "mb87078")
	, m_osram(*this, "osram")
	, m_otisbank(*this, "otisbank")
	, m_otisrom(*this, "ensoniq")
	, m_osrom(*this, "audiocpu")
	, m_cpubank(*this, "cpubank%u", 1)

//  device_start - device-specific startup

void taito_en_device::device_start()
	// tell the pump about the ESP chips
	uint8_t *ROM = m_osrom->base();
	uint32_t max = (m_osrom->bytes() - 0x100000) / 0x20000;
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		m_cpubank[i]->configure_entries(0, max, &ROM[0x100000], 0x20000);

	m_bankmask = ((m_otisrom.bytes()) / 0x200000) - 1;

	// initialize precalculated ES5505 bank table
	const size_t otisbank_size = m_otisbank.bytes() / 2;
	m_calculated_otisbank = make_unique_clear<offs_t[]>(otisbank_size);

	save_pointer(NAME(m_calculated_otisbank), otisbank_size);

//  device_reset - device-specific reset

void taito_en_device::device_reset()
	/* Sound cpu program loads to 0xc00000 so we use a bank */
	uint32_t max = (m_osrom->bytes() - 0x100000) / 0x20000;
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		m_cpubank[i]->set_entry(i % max);

	uint16_t *ROM = (uint16_t *)m_osrom->base();
	std::copy(&ROM[0x80000], &ROM[0x80004], &m_osram[0]); /* Stack and Reset vectors */

 *  Handlers

void taito_en_device::en_es5505_bank_w(offs_t offset, uint16_t data)
	/* mask out unused bits */
	m_otisbank[offset] = data;
	m_calculated_otisbank[offset] = (m_otisbank[offset] & m_bankmask) << 20;

void taito_en_device::en_volume_w(offs_t offset, uint8_t data)
	m_mb87078->data_w(offset ^ 1, data);

 *  68000 memory map

void taito_en_device::en_sound_map(address_map &map)
	map(0x000000, 0x00ffff).ram().mirror(0x30000).share("osram");
	map(0x140000, 0x140fff).rw("dpram", FUNC(mb8421_device::right_r), FUNC(mb8421_device::right_w)).umask16(0xff00);
	map(0x200000, 0x20001f).rw("ensoniq", FUNC(es5505_device::read), FUNC(es5505_device::write));
	map(0x260000, 0x2601ff).rw("esp", FUNC(es5510_device::host_r), FUNC(es5510_device::host_w)).umask16(0x00ff);
	map(0x280000, 0x28001f).rw("duart68681", FUNC(mc68681_device::read), FUNC(mc68681_device::write)).umask16(0x00ff);
	map(0x300000, 0x30003f).w(FUNC(taito_en_device::en_es5505_bank_w)).share("otisbank");
	map(0x340000, 0x340003).w(FUNC(taito_en_device::en_volume_w)).umask16(0xff00);
	map(0xc00000, 0xc1ffff).bankr("cpubank1");
	map(0xc20000, 0xc3ffff).bankr("cpubank2");
	map(0xc40000, 0xc7ffff).bankr("cpubank3");
	map(0xff0000, 0xffffff).ram().share("osram");  // mirror

void taito_en_device::fc7_map(address_map &map)
	map(0xfffffd, 0xfffffd).r(m_duart68681, FUNC(mc68681_device::get_irq_vector));

 *  ES5505 memory map

void taito_en_device::en_otis_map(address_map &map)
	map(0x000000, 0x0fffff).lr16(
		[this](offs_t offset) -> u16 { return m_otisrom[(m_calculated_otisbank[m_ensoniq->get_voice_index()] + offset) & m_otisrom.mask()]; }, "banked_otisrom");

 *  MB87078 callback

void taito_en_device::mb87078_gain_changed(offs_t offset, uint8_t data)
	if (offset > 1)
		// TODO : ES5505 Volume control is correct?
		m_ensoniq->set_output_gain(offset & 1, data / 32.0);
		m_ensoniq->set_output_gain(2|(offset & 1), data / 32.0);
		m_ensoniq->set_output_gain(4|(offset & 1), data / 32.0);
		m_ensoniq->set_output_gain(6|(offset & 1), data / 32.0);
		m_pump->set_output_gain(offset & 1, data / 32.0);

 *  ES5510 callback

void taito_en_device::es5505_clock_changed(u32 data)
	if (m_old_clock != data)
		m_old_clock = data;

 *  Device interfaces

    68681 I/O pin assignments
    (according to Gun Buster schematics):

    IP0: 5V         OP0-OP5: N/C
    IP1: 5V         OP6: ESPHALT
    IP2: 1MHz       OP7: N/C
    IP3: 0.5MHz
    IP4: 0.5MHz
    IP5: 1MHz

void taito_en_device::duart_output(uint8_t data)
	if (data & 0x40)
		if (!m_pump->get_esp_halted())
			logerror("Asserting ESPHALT\n");
		if (m_pump->get_esp_halted())
			logerror("Clearing ESPHALT\n");

// device_add_mconfig - add device configuration

void taito_en_device::device_add_mconfig(machine_config &config)
	/* basic machine hardware */
	M68000(config, m_audiocpu, XTAL(30'476'180) / 2);
	m_audiocpu->set_addrmap(AS_PROGRAM, &taito_en_device::en_sound_map);
	m_audiocpu->set_addrmap(m68000_device::AS_CPU_SPACE, &taito_en_device::fc7_map);

	ES5510(config, m_esp, XTAL(10'000'000)); // from Gun Buster schematics

	MC68681(config, m_duart68681, XTAL(16'000'000) / 4);
	m_duart68681->set_clocks(XTAL(16'000'000)/2/8, XTAL(16'000'000)/2/16, XTAL(16'000'000)/2/16, XTAL(16'000'000)/2/8);
	m_duart68681->irq_cb().set_inputline(m_audiocpu, M68K_IRQ_6);

	MB87078(config, m_mb87078);

	MB8421(config, "dpram", 0); // host accesses this from the other side

	/* sound hardware */
	ESQ_5505_5510_PUMP(config, m_pump, XTAL(30'476'180) / (2 * 16 * 32));
	m_pump->add_route(0, *this, 0.5, AUTO_ALLOC_INPUT, 0);
	m_pump->add_route(1, *this, 0.5, AUTO_ALLOC_INPUT, 1);

	ES5505(config, m_ensoniq, XTAL(30'476'180) / 2);
	m_ensoniq->set_addrmap(0, &taito_en_device::en_otis_map);
	m_ensoniq->set_addrmap(1, &taito_en_device::en_otis_map);
	m_ensoniq->add_route(0, "pump", 0.18, 0);
	m_ensoniq->add_route(1, "pump", 0.18, 1);
	m_ensoniq->add_route(2, "pump", 0.18, 2);
	m_ensoniq->add_route(3, "pump", 0.18, 3);
	m_ensoniq->add_route(4, "pump", 0.18, 4);
	m_ensoniq->add_route(5, "pump", 0.18, 5);
	m_ensoniq->add_route(6, "pump", 0.18, 6);
	m_ensoniq->add_route(7, "pump", 0.18, 7);