path: root/src/lib/util/xmlfile.h
blob: f68c81fddb2cee59306bdb286c6c6eba483a5f9a (plain) (tree)



    XML file parsing code.

    Copyright (c) 1996-2007, Nicola Salmoria and the MAME Team.
    Visit for licensing and usage restrictions.


#pragma once

#ifndef __XMLFILE_H__
#define __XMLFILE_H__

#include "osdcore.h"
#include "corefile.h"




/* forward type declarations */
struct XML_ParserStruct;

/* a node representing an attribute */
typedef struct _xml_attribute_node xml_attribute_node;
struct _xml_attribute_node
	xml_attribute_node *	next;			/* pointer to next attribute node */
	const char *			name;			/* pointer to copy of tag name */
	const char *			value;			/* pointer to copy of value string */

/* a node representing a data item and its relationships */
typedef struct _xml_data_node xml_data_node;
struct _xml_data_node
	xml_data_node *			next;			/* pointer to next sibling node */
	xml_data_node *			parent;			/* pointer to parent node */
	xml_data_node *			child;			/* pointer to first child node */
	const char *			name;			/* pointer to copy of tag name */
	const char *			value;			/* pointer to copy of value string */
	xml_attribute_node *	attribute;		/* pointer to array of attribute nodes */

/* extended error information from parsing */
typedef struct _xml_parse_error xml_parse_error;
struct _xml_parse_error
	const char *			error_message;
	int						error_line;
	int						error_column;

/* parsing options */
typedef struct _xml_parse_options xml_parse_options;
struct _xml_parse_options
	xml_parse_error *		error;
	void					(*init_parser)(struct XML_ParserStruct *parser);
	UINT32					flags;


/* ----- XML file objects ----- */

/* create a new empty xml file object */
xml_data_node *xml_file_create(void);

/* parse an XML file into its nodes */
xml_data_node *xml_file_read(core_file *file, xml_parse_options *opts);

/* parse an XML string into its nodes */
xml_data_node *xml_string_read(const char *string, xml_parse_options *opts);

/* write an XML tree to a file */
void xml_file_write(xml_data_node *node, core_file *file);

/* free an XML file object */
void xml_file_free(xml_data_node *node);

/* ----- XML node management ----- */

/* count the number of child nodes */
int xml_count_children(xml_data_node *node);

/* find the next sibling with the given tag */
xml_data_node *xml_get_sibling(xml_data_node *node, const char *name);

/* find the next sibling with the given tag and/or attribute/value pair */
xml_data_node *xml_find_matching_sibling(xml_data_node *node, const char *name, const char *attribute, const char *matchval);

/* add a new child node */
xml_data_node *xml_add_child(xml_data_node *node, const char *name, const char *value);

/* either return an existing child node or create one if it doesn't exist */
xml_data_node *xml_get_or_add_child(xml_data_node *node, const char *name, const char *value);

/* delete a node and its children */
void xml_delete_node(xml_data_node *node);

/* ----- XML attribute management ----- */

/* find an attribute node with the specified tag */
xml_attribute_node *xml_get_attribute(xml_data_node *node, const char *attribute);

/* return the string value of an attribute, or the specified default if not present */
const char *xml_get_attribute_string(xml_data_node *node, const char *attribute, const char *defvalue);

/* return the integer value of an attribute, or the specified default if not present */
int xml_get_attribute_int(xml_data_node *node, const char *attribute, int defvalue);

/* return the float value of an attribute, or the specified default if not present */
float xml_get_attribute_float(xml_data_node *node, const char *attribute, float defvalue);

/* set the string value of an attribute */
xml_attribute_node *xml_set_attribute(xml_data_node *node, const char *name, const char *value);

/* set the integer value of an attribute */
xml_attribute_node *xml_set_attribute_int(xml_data_node *node, const char *name, int value);

/* set the float value of an attribute */
xml_attribute_node *xml_set_attribute_float(xml_data_node *node, const char *name, float value);

/* ----- miscellaneous interfaces ----- */

/* normalize a string into something that can be written to an XML file */
const char *xml_normalize_string(const char *string);

#endif	/* __XMLFILE_H__ */