path: root/src/lib/util/un7z.cpp
blob: 7af3e7f78ce5ac9f6145f5b37cb146c3c69e9bcc (plain) (tree)


































































































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles, Vas Crabb


    Functions to manipulate data within 7z files.


// this is based on unzip.c, with modifications needed to use the 7zip library

#include "unzip.h"

#include "corestr.h"
#include "unicode.h"
#include "timeconv.h"

#include "lzma/C/7z.h"
#include "lzma/C/7zAlloc.h"
#include "lzma/C/7zCrc.h"
#include "lzma/C/7zTypes.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <mutex>
#include <ratio>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

namespace util {
namespace {

struct CSzFile
	CSzFile() : currfpos(0), length(0), osdfile() {}

	std::uint64_t   currfpos;
	std::uint64_t   length;
	osd_file::ptr   osdfile;

	SRes read(void *data, std::size_t &size)
		if (!osdfile)
			osd_printf_error("un7z: called CSzFile::read without file\n");
			return SZ_ERROR_READ;

		if (!size)
			return SZ_OK;

		// TODO: this casts a size_t to a uint32_t, so it will fail if >=4GB is requested at once (need a loop)
		std::uint32_t read_length(0);
		auto const err = osdfile->read(data, currfpos, size, read_length);
		size = read_length;
		currfpos += read_length;

		return (osd_file::error::NONE == err) ? SZ_OK : SZ_ERROR_READ;

	SRes seek(Int64 &pos, ESzSeek origin)
		switch (origin)
		case SZ_SEEK_CUR: currfpos += pos; break;
		case SZ_SEEK_SET: currfpos = pos; break;
		case SZ_SEEK_END: currfpos = length + pos; break;
		default: return SZ_ERROR_READ;
		pos = currfpos;
		return SZ_OK;

struct CFileInStream : public ISeekInStream, public CSzFile

class  m7z_file_impl
	typedef std::unique_ptr<m7z_file_impl> ptr;

	m7z_file_impl(const std::string &filename);
		if (m_out_buffer)
			IAlloc_Free(&m_alloc_imp, m_out_buffer);
		if (m_inited)
			SzArEx_Free(&m_db, &m_alloc_imp);

	static ptr find_cached(const std::string &filename)
		std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(s_cache_mutex);
		for (std::size_t cachenum = 0; cachenum < s_cache.size(); cachenum++)
			// if we have a valid entry and it matches our filename, use it and remove from the cache
			if (s_cache[cachenum] && (filename == s_cache[cachenum]->m_filename))
				ptr result;
				std::swap(s_cache[cachenum], result);
				osd_printf_verbose("un7z: found %s in cache\n", filename.c_str());
				return result;
		return ptr();
	static void close(ptr &&archive);
	static void cache_clear()
		// clear call cache entries
		std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(s_cache_mutex);
		for (std::size_t cachenum = 0; cachenum < s_cache.size(); s_cache[cachenum++].reset()) { }

	archive_file::error initialize();

	int first_file() { return search(0, 0, std::string(), false, false, false); }
	int next_file() { return (m_curr_file_idx < 0) ? -1 : search(m_curr_file_idx + 1, 0, std::string(), false, false, false); }

	int search(std::uint32_t crc)
		return search(0, crc, std::string(), true, false, false);
	int search(const std::string &filename, bool partialpath)
		return search(0, 0, filename, false, true, partialpath);
	int search(std::uint32_t crc, const std::string &filename, bool partialpath)
		return search(0, crc, filename, true, true, partialpath);

	bool current_is_directory() const { return m_curr_is_dir; }
	const std::string &current_name() const { return m_curr_name; }
	std::uint64_t current_uncompressed_length() const { return m_curr_length; }
	virtual std::chrono::system_clock::time_point current_last_modified() const { return m_curr_modified; }
	std::uint32_t current_crc() const { return m_curr_crc; }

	archive_file::error decompress(void *buffer, std::uint32_t length);

	m7z_file_impl(const m7z_file_impl &) = delete;
	m7z_file_impl(m7z_file_impl &&) = delete;
	m7z_file_impl &operator=(const m7z_file_impl &) = delete;
	m7z_file_impl &operator=(m7z_file_impl &&) = delete;

	int search(
			int i,
			std::uint32_t search_crc,
			const std::string &search_filename,
			bool matchcrc,
			bool matchname,
			bool partialpath);
	void make_utf8_name(int index);
	void set_curr_modified();

	static constexpr std::size_t            CACHE_SIZE = 8;
	static std::array<ptr, CACHE_SIZE>      s_cache;
	static std::mutex                       s_cache_mutex;

	const std::string                       m_filename;             // copy of _7Z filename (for caching)

	int                                     m_curr_file_idx;        // current file index
	bool                                    m_curr_is_dir;          // current file is directory
	std::string                             m_curr_name;            // current file name
	std::uint64_t                           m_curr_length;          // current file uncompressed length
	std::chrono::system_clock::time_point   m_curr_modified;        // current file modification time
	std::uint32_t                           m_curr_crc;             // current file crc

	std::vector<UInt16>                     m_utf16_buf;
	std::vector<char32_t>               m_uchar_buf;
	std::vector<char>                       m_utf8_buf;

	CFileInStream                           m_archive_stream;
	CLookToRead                             m_look_stream;
	CSzArEx                                 m_db;
	ISzAlloc                                m_alloc_imp;
	ISzAlloc                                m_alloc_temp_imp;
	bool                                    m_inited;

	// cached stuff for solid blocks
	UInt32                                  m_block_index;
	Byte *                                  m_out_buffer;
	std::size_t                             m_out_buffer_size;


class m7z_file_wrapper : public archive_file
	m7z_file_wrapper(m7z_file_impl::ptr &&impl) : m_impl(std::move(impl)) { assert(m_impl); }
	virtual ~m7z_file_wrapper() override { m7z_file_impl::close(std::move(m_impl)); }

	virtual int first_file() override { return m_impl->first_file(); }
	virtual int next_file() override { return m_impl->next_file(); }

	virtual int search(std::uint32_t crc) override
		return m_impl->search(crc);
	virtual int search(const std::string &filename, bool partialpath) override
		return m_impl->search(filename, partialpath);
	virtual int search(std::uint32_t crc, const std::string &filename, bool partialpath) override
		return m_impl->search(crc, filename, partialpath);

	virtual bool current_is_directory() const override { return m_impl->current_is_directory(); }
	virtual const std::string &current_name() const override { return m_impl->current_name(); }
	virtual std::uint64_t current_uncompressed_length() const override { return m_impl->current_uncompressed_length(); }
	virtual std::chrono::system_clock::time_point current_last_modified() const override { return m_impl->current_last_modified(); }
	virtual std::uint32_t current_crc() const override { return m_impl->current_crc(); }

	virtual error decompress(void *buffer, std::uint32_t length) override { return m_impl->decompress(buffer, length); }

	m7z_file_impl::ptr m_impl;


std::array<m7z_file_impl::ptr, m7z_file_impl::CACHE_SIZE> m7z_file_impl::s_cache;
std::mutex m7z_file_impl::s_cache_mutex;

    7Zip Memory / File handling (adapted from 7zfile.c/.h and 7zalloc.c/.h)

/* ---------- FileInStream ---------- */

extern "C" {
static SRes FileInStream_Read(void *pp, void *buf, size_t *size)
	return (reinterpret_cast<CFileInStream *>(pp)->read(buf, *size) == 0) ? SZ_OK : SZ_ERROR_READ;

static SRes FileInStream_Seek(void *pp, Int64 *pos, ESzSeek origin)
	return reinterpret_cast<CFileInStream *>(pp)->seek(*pos, origin);

} // extern "C"

	Read = &FileInStream_Read;
	Seek = &FileInStream_Seek;


m7z_file_impl::m7z_file_impl(const std::string &filename)
	: m_filename(filename)
	, m_curr_file_idx(-1)
	, m_curr_is_dir(false)
	, m_curr_name()
	, m_curr_length(0)
	, m_curr_modified()
	, m_curr_crc(0)
	, m_utf16_buf(128)
	, m_uchar_buf(128)
	, m_utf8_buf(512)
	, m_inited(false)
	, m_block_index(0)
	, m_out_buffer(nullptr)
	, m_out_buffer_size(0)
	m_alloc_imp.Alloc = &SzAlloc;
	m_alloc_imp.Free = &SzFree;

	m_alloc_temp_imp.Alloc = &SzAllocTemp;
	m_alloc_temp_imp.Free = &SzFreeTemp;

	LookToRead_CreateVTable(&m_look_stream, False);
	m_look_stream.realStream = &m_archive_stream;

archive_file::error m7z_file_impl::initialize()
	osd_file::error const err = osd_file::open(m_filename, OPEN_FLAG_READ, m_archive_stream.osdfile, m_archive_stream.length);
	if (err != osd_file::error::NONE)
		return archive_file::error::FILE_ERROR;

	osd_printf_verbose("un7z: opened archive file %s\n", m_filename.c_str());

	CrcGenerateTable(); // FIXME: doesn't belong here - it should be called once statically

	m_inited = true;
	SRes const res = SzArEx_Open(&m_db, &m_look_stream.s, &m_alloc_imp, &m_alloc_temp_imp);
	if (res != SZ_OK)
		osd_printf_error("un7z: error opening %s as 7z archive (%d)\n", m_filename.c_str(), int(res));
		switch (res)
		case SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED:  return archive_file::error::UNSUPPORTED;
		case SZ_ERROR_MEM:          return archive_file::error::OUT_OF_MEMORY;
		case SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF:    return archive_file::error::FILE_TRUNCATED;
		default:                    return archive_file::error::FILE_ERROR;

	return archive_file::error::NONE;

    _7z_file_close - close a _7Z file and add it
    to the cache

void m7z_file_impl::close(ptr &&archive)
	if (!archive) return;

	// close the open files
	osd_printf_verbose("un7z: closing archive file %s and sending to cache\n", archive->m_filename.c_str());

	// find the first nullptr entry in the cache
	std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(s_cache_mutex);
	std::size_t cachenum;
	for (cachenum = 0; cachenum < s_cache.size(); cachenum++)
		if (!s_cache[cachenum])

	// if no room left in the cache, free the bottommost entry
	if (cachenum == s_cache.size())
		osd_printf_verbose("un7z: removing %s from cache to make space\n", s_cache[cachenum]->m_filename.c_str());

	// move everyone else down and place us at the top
	for ( ; cachenum > 0; cachenum--)
		s_cache[cachenum] = std::move(s_cache[cachenum - 1]);
	s_cache[0] = std::move(archive);


    _7z_file_decompress - decompress a file
    from a _7Z into the target buffer

archive_file::error m7z_file_impl::decompress(void *buffer, std::uint32_t length)
	// if we don't have enough buffer, error
	if (length < m_curr_length)
		osd_printf_error("un7z: buffer too small to decompress %s from %s\n", m_curr_name.c_str(), m_filename.c_str());
		return archive_file::error::BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;

	// make sure the file is open..
	if (!m_archive_stream.osdfile)
		m_archive_stream.currfpos = 0;
		osd_file::error const err = osd_file::open(m_filename, OPEN_FLAG_READ, m_archive_stream.osdfile, m_archive_stream.length);
		if (err != osd_file::error::NONE)
			osd_printf_error("un7z: error reopening archive file %s (%d)\n", m_filename.c_str(), int(err));
			return archive_file::error::FILE_ERROR;
		osd_printf_verbose("un7z: reopened archive file %s\n", m_filename.c_str());

	std::size_t offset(0);
	std::size_t out_size_processed(0);
	SRes const res = SzArEx_Extract(
			&m_db, &m_look_stream.s, m_curr_file_idx,           // requested file
			&m_block_index, &m_out_buffer, &m_out_buffer_size,  // solid block caching
			&offset, &out_size_processed,                       // data size/offset
			&m_alloc_imp, &m_alloc_temp_imp);                   // allocator helpers
	if (res != SZ_OK)
		osd_printf_error("un7z: error decompressing %s from %s (%d)\n", m_curr_name.c_str(), m_filename.c_str(), int(res));
		switch (res)
		case SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED:  return archive_file::error::UNSUPPORTED;
		case SZ_ERROR_MEM:          return archive_file::error::OUT_OF_MEMORY;
		case SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF:    return archive_file::error::FILE_TRUNCATED;
		default:                    return archive_file::error::DECOMPRESS_ERROR;

	// copy to destination buffer
	std::memcpy(buffer, m_out_buffer + offset, (std::min<std::size_t>)(length, out_size_processed));
	return archive_file::error::NONE;

int m7z_file_impl::search(
		int i,
		std::uint32_t search_crc,
		const std::string &search_filename,
		bool matchcrc,
		bool matchname,
		bool partialpath)
	for ( ; i < m_db.NumFiles; i++)
		bool const is_dir(SzArEx_IsDir(&m_db, i));
		const std::uint64_t size(SzArEx_GetFileSize(&m_db, i));
		const std::uint32_t crc(m_db.CRCs.Vals[i]);
		const bool crcmatch(SzBitArray_Check(m_db.CRCs.Defs, i) && (crc == search_crc));
		auto const partialoffset(m_utf8_buf.size() - 1 - search_filename.length());
		bool const partialpossible((m_utf8_buf.size() > (search_filename.length() + 1)) && (m_utf8_buf[partialoffset - 1] == '/'));
		const bool namematch(
				!core_stricmp(search_filename.c_str(), &m_utf8_buf[0]) ||
				(partialpath && partialpossible && !core_stricmp(search_filename.c_str(), &m_utf8_buf[partialoffset])));

		const bool found = ((!matchcrc && !matchname) || !is_dir) && (!matchcrc || crcmatch) && (!matchname || namematch);
		if (found)
			m_curr_file_idx = i;
			m_curr_is_dir = is_dir;
			m_curr_name = &m_utf8_buf[0];
			m_curr_length = size;
			m_curr_crc = crc;

			return i;

	return -1;

void m7z_file_impl::make_utf8_name(int index)
	std::size_t len, out_pos;

	len = SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&m_db, index, nullptr);
	m_utf16_buf.resize((std::max<std::size_t>)(m_utf16_buf.size(), len));
	SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&m_db, index, &m_utf16_buf[0]);

	m_uchar_buf.resize((std::max<std::size_t>)(m_uchar_buf.size(), len));
	out_pos = 0;
	for (std::size_t in_pos = 0; in_pos < (len - 1); )
		const int used = uchar_from_utf16(&m_uchar_buf[out_pos], (char16_t *)&m_utf16_buf[in_pos], len - in_pos);
		if (used < 0)
			m_uchar_buf[out_pos++] = 0x00fffd; // Unicode REPLACEMENT CHARACTER
			assert(used > 0);
			in_pos += used;
	len = out_pos;

	m_utf8_buf.resize((std::max<std::size_t>)(m_utf8_buf.size(), 4 * len + 1));
	out_pos = 0;
	for (std::size_t in_pos = 0; in_pos < len; in_pos++)
		int produced = utf8_from_uchar(&m_utf8_buf[out_pos], m_utf8_buf.size() - out_pos, m_uchar_buf[in_pos]);
		if (produced < 0)
			produced = utf8_from_uchar(&m_utf8_buf[out_pos], m_utf8_buf.size() - out_pos, 0x00fffd);
		if (produced >= 0)
			out_pos += produced;
		assert(out_pos < m_utf8_buf.size());
	m_utf8_buf[out_pos++] = '\0';

void m7z_file_impl::set_curr_modified()
	if (SzBitWithVals_Check(&m_db.MTime, m_curr_file_idx))
		CNtfsFileTime const &file_time(m_db.MTime.Vals[m_curr_file_idx]);
		auto ticks = ntfs_duration_from_filetime(file_time.High, file_time.Low);
		m_curr_modified = system_clock_time_point_from_ntfs_duration(ticks);
		// FIXME: what do we do about a lack of time?

} // anonymous namespace

archive_file::error archive_file::open_7z(const std::string &filename, ptr &result)
	// ensure we start with a nullptr result

	// see if we are in the cache, and reopen if so
	m7z_file_impl::ptr newimpl(m7z_file_impl::find_cached(filename));

	if (!newimpl)
		// allocate memory for the 7z file structure
		try { newimpl = std::make_unique<m7z_file_impl>(filename); }
		catch (...) { return error::OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
		error const err = newimpl->initialize();
		if (err != error::NONE) return err;

		result = std::make_unique<m7z_file_wrapper>(std::move(newimpl));
		return error::NONE;
	catch (...)
		return error::OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    _7z_file_cache_clear - clear the _7Z file
    cache and free all memory

void m7z_file_cache_clear()
	// This is a trampoline called from unzip.cpp to avoid the need to have the zip and 7zip code in one file

} // namespace util