path: root/src/lib/netlist/devices/nlid_truthtable.cpp
blob: e471bff549be8bffe7899ebf09c7d2abab166498 (plain) (tree)
































































































// license:GPL-2.0+
// copyright-holders:Couriersud

#include "nlid_truthtable.h"
#include "netlist/nl_setup.h"
#include "plib/palloc.h"
#include "plib/plists.h"

#include <bitset>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>

namespace netlist
namespace devices

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// int compatible bitset ....
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	template <typename T>
	struct pbitset
		using type = T;

		pbitset() noexcept : m_bs(0) { }
		pbitset(T v) noexcept : m_bs(v) { }

		pbitset &set() noexcept { *this = all_bits(); return *this; }
		pbitset &set(std::size_t bit) noexcept { m_bs |= (static_cast<T>(1) << bit); return *this; }
		pbitset &reset() noexcept { *this = no_bits(); return *this; }
		pbitset &reset(std::size_t bit) noexcept { m_bs &= ~(static_cast<T>(1) << bit); return *this; }

		pbitset flip() const noexcept { return pbitset(~m_bs); }
		pbitset flip(std::size_t bit) const noexcept { return pbitset(m_bs ^ (static_cast<T>(1) << bit)); }

		std::size_t count() const noexcept
			std::size_t ret(0);
			for (T v = m_bs; v != 0; v = v >> 1)
				ret += (v & 1);
			return ret;
		constexpr bool test(const std::size_t bit) const { return ((m_bs >> bit) & 1) == 1; }

		operator T&() noexcept  { return m_bs; }
		operator const T&() const noexcept { return m_bs; }
		constexpr T as_uint() const noexcept { return m_bs; }

		constexpr bool all() const noexcept { return *this == all_bits(); }

		/// \brief And all bits set with compressed bits from b
		/// Example:
		/// \code
		/// b = {b3,b2,b1,b0}
		/// v = {v7, 0, v5, 0, v3, v2, 0, 0}
		/// return {v7 & b3, 0, v5 & b2, 0, v3 & b1, v2 & b0, 0, 0}
		/// \endcode
		/// \returns pbitset
		pbitset expand_and(pbitset b) const noexcept
			pbitset ret;
			T v( m_bs);

			for (size_t i = 0; v != 0; v = v >> 1, ++i)
				if (v & 1)
					if (b.test(0))
					b = b >> 1;
			return ret;

		static constexpr const pbitset all_bits() noexcept { return pbitset(~static_cast<T>(0)); }
		static constexpr const pbitset no_bits() noexcept{ return pbitset(static_cast<T>(0)); }
		T m_bs;

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Truthtable parsing ....
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	using tt_bitset = pbitset<std::uint_least64_t>;

	struct packed_int
		packed_int(void *data, std::size_t bits) noexcept
		: m_data(data)
		, m_size(bits)

		void set(size_t pos, std::uint_least64_t val) noexcept
			switch (m_size)
				case 8: static_cast<std::uint_least8_t  *>(m_data)[pos] = static_cast<std::uint_least8_t>(val); break;
				case 16: static_cast<std::uint_least16_t *>(m_data)[pos] = static_cast<std::uint_least16_t>(val); break;
				case 32: static_cast<std::uint_least32_t *>(m_data)[pos] = static_cast<std::uint_least32_t>(val); break;
				case 64: static_cast<std::uint_least64_t *>(m_data)[pos] = static_cast<std::uint_least64_t>(val); break;
				default: { }

		std::uint_least64_t operator[] (size_t pos) const noexcept
			switch (m_size)
				case 8: return static_cast<std::uint_least8_t  *>(m_data)[pos];
				case 16: return static_cast<std::uint_least16_t *>(m_data)[pos];
				case 32: return static_cast<std::uint_least32_t *>(m_data)[pos];
				case 64: return static_cast<std::uint_least64_t *>(m_data)[pos];
					return 0; //should never happen

		std::uint_least64_t mask() const noexcept
			switch (m_size)
				case 8: return static_cast<std::uint_least8_t>(-1);
				case 16: return static_cast<std::uint_least16_t>(-1);
				case 32: return static_cast<std::uint_least32_t>(-1);
				case 64: return static_cast<std::uint_least64_t>(-1);
					return 0; //should never happen
		void *m_data;
		size_t m_size;

	struct truthtable_parser
		truthtable_parser(unsigned NO, unsigned NI,
				packed_int outs, uint_least8_t *timing, netlist_time *timing_nt)
		: m_NO(NO)
		, m_NI(NI)
		, m_out_state(outs)
		, m_timing(timing)
		, m_timing_nt(timing_nt)
		, m_num_bits(m_NI)
		, m_size(1 << (m_num_bits))

		void parse(const std::vector<pstring> &truthtable);

		void parseline(unsigned cur, std::vector<pstring> list,
				tt_bitset state, std::uint_least64_t val, std::vector<uint_least8_t> &timing_index);

		tt_bitset calculate_ignored_inputs(tt_bitset i) const;

		unsigned m_NO;
		unsigned m_NI;
		packed_int m_out_state;
		uint_least8_t  *m_timing;
		netlist_time *m_timing_nt;

		const std::size_t m_num_bits;
		const std::size_t m_size;


	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Truthtable class ....
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	template<std::size_t m_NI, std::size_t m_NO>
	void NETLIB_NAME(truthtable_t)<m_NI, m_NO>::init(const std::vector<pstring> &desc)

		pstring header = desc[0];

		std::vector<pstring> io(plib::psplit(header,"|"));
		// checks
		nl_assert_always(io.size() == 2, "too many '|'");
		std::vector<pstring> inout(plib::psplit(io[0], ","));
		nl_assert_always(inout.size() == m_num_bits, "bitcount wrong");
		std::vector<pstring> outputs(plib::psplit(io[1], ","));
		nl_assert_always(outputs.size() == m_NO, "output count wrong");

		for (std::size_t i=0; i < m_NI; i++)
			inout[i] = plib::trim(inout[i]);
			m_I.emplace(i, *this, inout[i]);
		for (std::size_t i=0; i < m_NI; i++)
			inout[i] = plib::trim(inout[i]);
		if (0 < m_NI) m_I.emplace(0, *this, inout[0]); //, nldelegate(&nld_truthtable_t<m_NI, m_NO>::update_N<0>, this));
		if (1 < m_NI) m_I.emplace(1, *this, inout[1]); //, nldelegate(&nld_truthtable_t<m_NI, m_NO>::update_N<1>, this));
		if (2 < m_NI) m_I.emplace(2, *this, inout[2]); //, nldelegate(&nld_truthtable_t<m_NI, m_NO>::update_N<2>, this));
		if (3 < m_NI) m_I.emplace(3, *this, inout[3]); //, nldelegate(&nld_truthtable_t<m_NI, m_NO>::update_N<3>, this));
		if (4 < m_NI) m_I.emplace(4, *this, inout[4]); //, nldelegate(&nld_truthtable_t<m_NI, m_NO>::update_N<4>, this));
		if (5 < m_NI) m_I.emplace(5, *this, inout[5]); //, nldelegate(&nld_truthtable_t<m_NI, m_NO>::update_N<5>, this));
		if (6 < m_NI) m_I.emplace(6, *this, inout[6]); //, nldelegate(&nld_truthtable_t<m_NI, m_NO>::update_N<6>, this));
		if (7 < m_NI) m_I.emplace(7, *this, inout[7]); //, nldelegate(&nld_truthtable_t<m_NI, m_NO>::update_N<7>, this));
		if (8 < m_NI) m_I.emplace(8, *this, inout[8]); //, nldelegate(&nld_truthtable_t<m_NI, m_NO>::update_N<8>, this));
		if (9 < m_NI) m_I.emplace(9, *this, inout[9]); //, nldelegate(&nld_truthtable_t<m_NI, m_NO>::update_N<9>, this));
		if (10 < m_NI) m_I.emplace(10, *this, inout[10]); //, nldelegate(&nld_truthtable_t<m_NI, m_NO>::update_N<10>, this));
		if (11 < m_NI) m_I.emplace(11, *this, inout[11]); //, nldelegate(&nld_truthtable_t<m_NI, m_NO>::update_N<11>, this));
		for (std::size_t i=0; i < m_NO; i++)
			outputs[i] = plib::trim(outputs[i]);
			m_Q.emplace(i, *this, outputs[i]);
			// Connect output "Q" to input "_Q" if this exists
			// This enables timed state without having explicit state ....
			pstring tmp = "_" + outputs[i];
			const std::size_t idx = plib::container::indexof(inout, tmp);
			if (idx != plib::container::npos)
				connect(m_Q[i], m_I[idx]);
		m_ign = 0;

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Truthtable factory ....
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	template<unsigned m_NI, unsigned m_NO>
	class netlist_factory_truthtable_t : public factory::truthtable_base_element_t
		netlist_factory_truthtable_t(const pstring &name, const pstring &classname,
				const pstring &def_param, const pstring  &sourcefile)
		: truthtable_base_element_t(name, classname, def_param, sourcefile)
		{ }

		unique_pool_ptr<device_t> Create(nlmempool &pool, netlist_state_t &anetlist, const pstring &name) override
			using tt_type = nld_truthtable_t<m_NI, m_NO>;

			if (!m_ttbl)
				m_ttbl = pool.make_unique<typename nld_truthtable_t<m_NI, m_NO>::truthtable_t>();
				truthtable_parser desc_s(m_NO, m_NI,
						packed_int(m_ttbl->, sizeof(m_ttbl->m_out_state[0]) * 8),
						m_ttbl->, m_ttbl->;


			// update truthtable family definitions
			if (m_family_name != "")
				m_family_desc = anetlist.setup().family_from_model(m_family_name);

			if (m_family_desc == nullptr)
				plib::pthrow<nl_exception>("family description not found for {1}", m_family_name);

			return pool.make_unique<tt_type>(anetlist, name, m_family_desc, *m_ttbl, m_desc);
		unique_pool_ptr<typename nld_truthtable_t<m_NI, m_NO>::truthtable_t> m_ttbl;

	tt_bitset truthtable_parser::calculate_ignored_inputs(tt_bitset state) const
		// Determine all inputs which may be ignored ...
		tt_bitset ignore = 0;
		for (std::size_t j=0; j<m_NI; j++)
			// if changing the input directly doesn't change outputs we can ignore
			if (m_out_state[state] == m_out_state[tt_bitset(state).flip(j)])

		// Check all permutations of ign
		// We have to remove those where the ignored inputs
		// may change the output
		tt_bitset bits = tt_bitset().set(ignore.count());

		std::vector<bool> t(bits);

		// loop over all combinations of bits set in ignore
		for (std::uint_least64_t j = 1; j < bits; j++)
			tt_bitset tign = ignore.expand_and(j);
			t[j] = false;
			tt_bitset bitsk(tt_bitset().set(tign.count()));

			// now loop over all combinations of the bits set currently set

			for (std::uint_least64_t k=0; k < bitsk; k++)
				tt_bitset b = tign.expand_and(k);
				// will any of the inputs ignored change the output if changed?
				if (m_out_state[state] != m_out_state[state ^ b])
					t[j] = true;

		// find the ignore mask without potential for change with the most bits

		size_t jb(0);
		tt_bitset jm(0);

		for (std::uint_least64_t j=1; j<bits; j++)
			tt_bitset bj(j);
			size_t nb(bj.count());
			if ((t[j] == false) && (nb>jb))
				jb = nb;
				jm = bj;
		return ignore.expand_and(jm);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// parseline
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

void truthtable_parser::parseline(unsigned cur, std::vector<pstring> list,
		tt_bitset state, std::uint_least64_t val, std::vector<uint_least8_t> &timing_index)
	pstring elem = plib::trim(list[cur]);
	std::uint_least64_t start = 0;
	std::uint_least64_t end = 0;

	if (elem == "0")
		start = 0;
		end = 0;
	else if (elem == "1")
		start = 1;
		end = 1;
	else if (elem == "X")
		start = 0;
		end = 1;
		nl_assert_always(false, "unknown input value (not 0, 1, or X)");
	for (std::uint_least64_t i = start; i <= end; i++)
		tt_bitset nstate = state;
		if (i==1)

		if (cur < m_num_bits - 1)
			parseline(cur + 1, list, nstate, val, timing_index);
			// cutoff previous inputs and outputs for ignore
			if (m_out_state[nstate] != m_out_state.mask() &&  m_out_state[nstate] != val)
				plib::pthrow<nl_exception>(plib::pfmt("Error in truthtable: State {1:04} already set, {2} != {3}\n")
						.x(nstate.as_uint())(m_out_state[nstate])(val) );
			m_out_state.set(nstate, val);
			for (std::size_t j=0; j<m_NO; j++)
				m_timing[nstate * m_NO + j] = timing_index[j];

void truthtable_parser::parse(const std::vector<pstring> &truthtable)
	unsigned line = 0;

	pstring ttline(truthtable[line]);
	ttline = truthtable[line];

	for (unsigned j=0; j < m_size; j++)
		m_out_state.set(j, tt_bitset::all_bits());

	for (int j=0; j < 16; j++)
		m_timing_nt[j] = netlist_time::zero();

	while (!(ttline == ""))
		std::vector<pstring> io(plib::psplit(ttline,"|"));
		// checks
		nl_assert_always(io.size() == 3, "io.count mismatch");
		std::vector<pstring> inout(plib::psplit(io[0], ","));
		nl_assert_always(inout.size() == m_num_bits, "number of bits not matching");
		std::vector<pstring> out(plib::psplit(io[1], ","));
		nl_assert_always(out.size() == m_NO, "output count not matching");
		std::vector<pstring> times(plib::psplit(io[2], ","));
		nl_assert_always(times.size() == m_NO, "timing count not matching");

		tt_bitset val = 0;
		std::vector<uint_least8_t> tindex;

		// FIXME: evaluation of outputs should be done in parseline to
		//        enable the use of inputs for output values, i.e. "I1" or "~I1"
		//  in addition to "0" and "1".

		for (unsigned j=0; j<m_NO; j++)
			pstring outs = plib::trim(out[j]);
			if (outs == "1")
				nl_assert_always(outs == "0", "Unknown value (not 0 or 1");
			// FIXME: error handling
			netlist_time t = netlist_time::from_nsec(plib::pstonum<std::int64_t>(plib::trim(times[j])));
			uint_least8_t k=0;
			while (m_timing_nt[k] != netlist_time::zero() && m_timing_nt[k] != t)
			m_timing_nt[k] = t;
			tindex.push_back(k); //[j] = k;

		parseline(0, inout, 0 , val, tindex);
		if (line < truthtable.size())
			ttline = truthtable[line];
			ttline = "";

	// determine ignore mask by looping over all input combinations
	std::vector<tt_bitset> ign(m_size);
	for (tt_bitset &x : ign)

	for (std::uint_least64_t i=0; i < m_size; i++)
		if (ign[i].all()) // not yet visited
			tt_bitset tign = calculate_ignored_inputs(i);

			ign[i] = tign;

			// don't need to recalculate similar ones
			tt_bitset bitsk;

			for (std::uint_least64_t k=0; k < bitsk; k++)
				tt_bitset b = tign.expand_and(k);
				ign[(i & tign.flip()) | b] = tign;

	for (size_t i=0; i<m_size; i++)
		if (m_out_state[i] == m_out_state.mask())
			plib::pthrow<nl_exception>(plib::pfmt("truthtable: found element not set {1}\n").x(i) );
		m_out_state.set(i, m_out_state[i] | (ign[i] << m_NO));

} // namespace devices

namespace factory

	truthtable_base_element_t::truthtable_base_element_t(const pstring &name, const pstring &classname,
			const pstring &def_param, const pstring &sourcefile)
	: factory::element_t(name, classname, def_param, sourcefile), m_family_desc(family_TTL())

	#define ENTRYY(n, m, s)    case (n * 100 + m): \
		{ using xtype = devices::netlist_factory_truthtable_t<n, m>; \
			ret = plib::make_unique<xtype>(, desc.classname, desc.def_param, s); } break

	#define ENTRY(n, s) ENTRYY(n, 1, s); ENTRYY(n, 2, s); ENTRYY(n, 3, s); \
						ENTRYY(n, 4, s); ENTRYY(n, 5, s); ENTRYY(n, 6, s); \
						ENTRYY(n, 7, s); ENTRYY(n, 8, s)

	plib::unique_ptr<truthtable_base_element_t> truthtable_create(tt_desc &desc, const pstring &sourcefile)
		plib::unique_ptr<truthtable_base_element_t> ret;

		switch ( * 100 +
			ENTRY(1, sourcefile);
			ENTRY(2, sourcefile);
			ENTRY(3, sourcefile);
			ENTRY(4, sourcefile);
			ENTRY(5, sourcefile);
			ENTRY(6, sourcefile);
			ENTRY(7, sourcefile);
			ENTRY(8, sourcefile);
			ENTRY(9, sourcefile);
			ENTRY(10, sourcefile);
			ENTRY(11, sourcefile);
			ENTRY(12, sourcefile);
				pstring msg = plib::pfmt("unable to create truthtable<{1},{2}>")(;
				nl_assert_always(false, msg.c_str());
		ret->m_desc = desc.desc;
		ret->m_family_name =;

		return ret;

} // namespace factory
} // namespace netlist