path: root/src/lib/formats/x1_tap.c
blob: 3d42c41dad4132f08a27b4628e8152af6430882e (plain) (tree)












 *   Sharp X1 TAP image format
 *   "New" header format:
 *   0x00: Index - must be "TAPE" (4 bytes)
 *   0x04: Image title. (null-terminated string, 17 bytes)
 *   0x15: Reserved (5 bytes)
 *   0x1a: Write protect (bit 4, 1 byte)
 *   0x1b: Format (bit 0, 1 byte)
 *            if bit 0 is high, uses "speed limit sampling method"
 *   0x1c: Sample rate, per bit (in Hz, 4 bytes)
 *   0x20: Tape data size, in bits (4 bytes)
 *   0x24: Tape position (4 bytes, usually 0)
 *   0x28: Tape data (data size / 8)
 *   "Old" header format:
 *   0x00: Sampling rate (4 bytes)

#include "x1_tap.h"

#define WAVE_HIGH        0x5a9e
#define WAVE_LOW        -0x5a9e

static int cas_size;
static int samplerate;
static int new_format;

static int x1_fill_wave(INT16* buffer, UINT8 data, int sample_pos)
	int x;
	int sample_count = 0;

	// one byte = 8 samples
			buffer[sample_pos+x] = (data & (1 << (7-x))) ? WAVE_HIGH : WAVE_LOW;

	return sample_count;

static int x1_handle_tap(INT16* buffer, const UINT8* casdata)
	int sample_count = 0;
	int data_pos = new_format ? 0x28 : 0x04;

	if (samplerate != 8000)
		LOG_FORMATS("TAP: images that are not 8000Hz are not yet supported\n");
		return -1;

	while (sample_count < cas_size)
		sample_count += x1_fill_wave(buffer, casdata[data_pos], sample_count);

	return sample_count;

   Calculate the number of samples needed for this tape image
static int x1_cas_to_wav_size (const UINT8 *casdata, int caslen)
	UINT32 ret;

	if (!memcmp(casdata, "TAPE", 4))  // new TAP format
		ret = casdata[0x20] | (casdata[0x21] << 8) | (casdata[0x22] << 16) | (casdata[0x23] << 24);
		cas_size = ret;

		samplerate = casdata[0x1c] | (casdata[0x1d] << 8) | (casdata[0x1e] << 16) | (casdata[0x1f] << 24);
		new_format = 1;
	else  // old TAP format
		ret = (caslen - 4) * 8; // each byte = 8 samples
		cas_size = ret;

		samplerate = casdata[0x00] | (casdata[0x01] << 8) | (casdata[0x02] << 16) | (casdata[0x03] << 24);
		new_format = 0;

	return ret;

   Generate samples for the tape image
static int x1_cas_fill_wave(INT16 *buffer, int sample_count, UINT8 *bytes)
	return x1_handle_tap(buffer,bytes);

static const struct CassetteLegacyWaveFiller x1_legacy_fill_wave =
	x1_cas_fill_wave,                       /* fill_wave */
	-1,                                     /* chunk_size */
	0,                                      /* chunk_samples */
	x1_cas_to_wav_size,                 /* chunk_sample_calc */
	8000,                                   /* sample_frequency */
	0,                                      /* header_samples */
	0                                       /* trailer_samples */

static casserr_t x1_cas_identify(cassette_image *cassette, struct CassetteOptions *opts)
	return cassette_legacy_identify(cassette, opts, &x1_legacy_fill_wave);

static casserr_t x1_cas_load(cassette_image *cassette)
	return cassette_legacy_construct(cassette, &x1_legacy_fill_wave);

static const struct CassetteFormat x1_cassette_format = {
