path: root/src/lib/formats/sol_cas.c
blob: e5dc79cd21a70c6ca04d585366bd328d9f29cade (plain) (tree)




// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Robbbert

Support for SOL-20 cassette images

SOL20 tapes consist of these sections:
1. A high tone whenever idle
2. A header
3. The data, in blocks of 256 bytes plus a CRC byte
4. The last block may be shorter, depending on the number of bytes
   left to save.

Each byte has 1 start bit, 8 data bits (0-7), 2 stop bits.

The default speed is 1200 baud, which is what we emulate here.
A high bit is 1 cycle of 1200 Hz, while a low bit is half a cycle
of 600 Hz.

SVT - The full explanation may be found on the Solace web site,
      however this is a summary of what we support.
      C (carrier) time in decaseconds
      D (data bytes) in ascii text
      H (header) tape header info
      Multiple programs
      B (set baud rate) B 300 or B 1200
      F load ENT file
      S (silence) time in decaseconds
      bad-byte symbols
      escaped characters


#include "sol_cas.h"

#define WAVEENTRY_LOW  -32768
#define WAVEENTRY_HIGH  32767

#define SOL20_WAV_FREQUENCY   4800

// image size
static UINT32 sol20_image_size;
static bool level;
static UINT8 sol20_cksm_byte;
static UINT32 sol20_byte_num;
static UINT8 sol20_header[16];

static int sol20_put_samples(INT16 *buffer, int sample_pos, int count)
	if (buffer)
		for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
			buffer[sample_pos + i] = level ? WAVEENTRY_LOW : WAVEENTRY_HIGH;

		level ^= 1;

	return count;

static int sol20_output_bit(INT16 *buffer, int sample_pos, bool bit)
	int samples = 0;

	if (bit)
		samples += sol20_put_samples(buffer, sample_pos + samples, 2);
		samples += sol20_put_samples(buffer, sample_pos + samples, 2);
		samples += sol20_put_samples(buffer, sample_pos + samples, 4);

	return samples;

static int sol20_output_byte(INT16 *buffer, int sample_pos, UINT8 byte)
	int samples = 0;
	UINT8 i;

	/* start */
	samples += sol20_output_bit (buffer, sample_pos + samples, 0);

	/* data */
	for (i = 0; i<8; i++)
		samples += sol20_output_bit (buffer, sample_pos + samples, (byte >> i) & 1);

	/* stop */
	for (i = 0; i<2; i++)
		samples += sol20_output_bit (buffer, sample_pos + samples, 1);

	return samples;

// Calculate checksum
static UINT8 sol20_calc_cksm(UINT8 cksm, UINT8 data)
	data -= cksm;
	cksm = data;
	data ^= cksm;
	data ^= 0xff;
	data -= cksm;
	return data;

// Ignore remainder of line
static void sol20_scan_to_eol(const UINT8 *bytes)
	bool t = 1;
	while (t)
		if (sol20_byte_num >= sol20_image_size)
			sol20_byte_num = 0;
			t = 0;
		if (bytes[sol20_byte_num] == 0x0d)
			t = 0;

// skip spaces and symbols looking for a hex digit
static void sol20_scan_to_hex(const UINT8 *bytes)
	bool t = 1;
	while (t)
		if (sol20_byte_num >= sol20_image_size)
			sol20_byte_num = 0;
			t = 0;
			UINT8 chr = bytes[sol20_byte_num];
			if (chr == 0x0d)
				t = 0;
			if (((chr >= '0') && (chr <= '9')) || ((chr >= 'A') && (chr <= 'F')))
				t = 0;

// Turn n digits into hex
static int sol20_read_hex(const UINT8 *bytes, UINT8 numdigits)
	int data = 0;
	UINT8 i,chr;

	for (i = 0; i < numdigits; i++)
		chr = bytes[sol20_byte_num];
		if ((chr >= '0') && (chr <= '9'))
			data = (data << 4) | (chr-48);
		if ((chr >= 'A') && (chr <= 'F'))
			data = (data << 4) | (chr-55);
			i = numdigits;
	return data;

// Turn digits into decimal
static int sol20_read_dec(const UINT8 *bytes)
	int data = 0;

	while ((bytes[sol20_byte_num] >= '0') && (bytes[sol20_byte_num] <= '9'))
		data = data*10 + bytes[sol20_byte_num] - 48;

	return data;

static int sol20_handle_cassette(INT16 *buffer, const UINT8 *bytes)
	UINT32 sample_count = 0;
	UINT32 i = 0,t = 0;
	UINT8  c = 0;
	sol20_byte_num = 1;
	bool process_d = 0;
	UINT16 length = 0;

	// 1st line of file must say SVT
	if ((bytes[0] == 'S') && (bytes[1] == 'V') && (bytes[2] == 'T'))
	{ }
		return sample_count;

	// ignore remainder of line

	// process the commands
	while (sol20_byte_num)
		sol20_byte_num+=2; // bump to start of next line
		UINT8 chr = bytes[sol20_byte_num];  // Get command
		if (sol20_byte_num >= sol20_image_size)
			sol20_byte_num = 0;
			switch (chr)
				case 0x0d:
				case 'C': // carrier
						if (c) // if this is the next file, clean up after the previous one
							sample_count += sol20_output_byte(buffer, sample_count, sol20_cksm_byte); // final checksum if needed
							c = 0;

						sol20_byte_num+=2; // bump to parameter
						t = sol20_read_dec(bytes) * 140; // convert 10th of seconds to number of ones
						for (i = 0; i < t; i++)
							sample_count += sol20_output_bit(buffer, sample_count, 1);
				case 'H': // header
						if (c) // if this is the next file, clean up after the previous one
							sample_count += sol20_output_byte(buffer, sample_count, sol20_cksm_byte); // final checksum if needed
							c = 0;

						sol20_byte_num+=2; // bump to file name
						sol20_header[0] = bytes[sol20_byte_num++];
						sol20_header[1] = bytes[sol20_byte_num++];
						sol20_header[2] = bytes[sol20_byte_num++];
						sol20_header[3] = bytes[sol20_byte_num++];
						sol20_header[4] = bytes[sol20_byte_num++];
						sol20_header[5] = 0;
						sol20_scan_to_hex(bytes); // bump to file type
						sol20_header[6] = sol20_read_hex(bytes, 2);
						sol20_scan_to_hex(bytes); // bump to length
						length = sol20_read_hex(bytes, 4);
						sol20_header[7] = length;
						sol20_header[8] = length >> 8;
						sol20_scan_to_hex(bytes); // bump to load-address
						i = sol20_read_hex(bytes, 4);
						sol20_header[9] = i;
						sol20_header[10] = i >> 8;
						sol20_scan_to_hex(bytes); // bump to exec-address
						i = sol20_read_hex(bytes, 4);
						sol20_header[11] = i;
						sol20_header[12] = i >> 8;
						sol20_header[13] = 0;
						sol20_header[14] = 0;
						sol20_header[15] = 0;
						sol20_cksm_byte = 0;
						for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
							sol20_cksm_byte = sol20_calc_cksm(sol20_cksm_byte, sol20_header[i]);
						// write leader
						for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
							sample_count += sol20_output_byte(buffer, sample_count, 0);
						// write SOH
						sample_count += sol20_output_byte(buffer, sample_count, 1);
						// write Header
						for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
							sample_count += sol20_output_byte(buffer, sample_count, sol20_header[i]);
						// write checksum
						sample_count += sol20_output_byte(buffer, sample_count, sol20_cksm_byte);

						sol20_cksm_byte = 0;
						process_d = 1;
				case 'D':  // data
						sol20_byte_num+=2; // bump to first byte
						while ((bytes[sol20_byte_num] != 0x0d) && sol20_byte_num && process_d)
							t = sol20_read_hex(bytes, 2);
							sample_count += sol20_output_byte(buffer, sample_count, t);
							sol20_cksm_byte = sol20_calc_cksm(sol20_cksm_byte, t);
							if (!length)
								process_d = 0;
							if (!c)
								sample_count += sol20_output_byte(buffer, sample_count, sol20_cksm_byte);
								sol20_cksm_byte = 0;
				default:  // everything else is ignored

	if (c)  // reached the end of the svt file
		sample_count += sol20_output_byte(buffer, sample_count, sol20_cksm_byte); // final checksum if needed

	return sample_count;

   Generate samples for the tape image

static int sol20_cassette_fill_wave(INT16 *buffer, int length, UINT8 *bytes)
	return sol20_handle_cassette(buffer, bytes);

   Calculate the number of samples needed for this tape image

static int sol20_cassette_calculate_size_in_samples(const UINT8 *bytes, int length)
	sol20_image_size = length;

	return sol20_handle_cassette(NULL, bytes);

static const struct CassetteLegacyWaveFiller sol20_legacy_fill_wave =
	sol20_cassette_fill_wave,                 /* fill_wave */
	-1,                                     /* chunk_size */
	0,                                      /* chunk_samples */
	sol20_cassette_calculate_size_in_samples, /* chunk_sample_calc */
	SOL20_WAV_FREQUENCY,                      /* sample_frequency */
	0,                                      /* header_samples */
	0                                       /* trailer_samples */

static casserr_t sol20_cassette_identify(cassette_image *cassette, struct CassetteOptions *opts)
	return cassette_legacy_identify(cassette, opts, &sol20_legacy_fill_wave);

static casserr_t sol20_cassette_load(cassette_image *cassette)
	return cassette_legacy_construct(cassette, &sol20_legacy_fill_wave);

static const struct CassetteFormat sol20_cassette_image_format =
