path: root/src/frontend/mame/mameopts.cpp
blob: 273ba6dbbc7d8ed690564ba84b61aaa300656acd (plain) (tree)








// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles


    Options file and command line management.


#include "emu.h"
#include "mameopts.h"
#include "drivenum.h"
#include "softlist.h"

#include <ctype.h>

int mame_options::m_slot_options = 0;
int mame_options::m_device_options = 0;

//  add_slot_options - add all of the slot
//  options for the configured system

bool mame_options::add_slot_options(emu_options &options, const software_part *swpart)
	// look up the system configured by name; if no match, do nothing
	const game_driver *cursystem = system(options);
	if (cursystem == nullptr)
		return false;

	// create the configuration
	machine_config config(*cursystem, options);

	// iterate through all slot devices
	int starting_count = options.options_count();
	for (const device_slot_interface &slot : slot_interface_iterator(config.root_device()))
		// skip fixed slots
		if (slot.fixed())

		// retrieve info about the device instance
		const char *name = slot.device().tag() + 1;
		if (!options.exists(name))
			// first device? add the header as to be pretty
			if (m_slot_options++ == 0)
				options.add_entry(nullptr, "SLOT DEVICES", OPTION_HEADER | OPTION_FLAG_DEVICE);

			// add the option
			options.add_entry(name, nullptr, OPTION_STRING | OPTION_FLAG_DEVICE, slot.default_option(), true);

		// allow software lists to supply their own defaults
		if (swpart != nullptr)
			std::string featurename = std::string(name).append("_default");
			const char *value = swpart->feature(featurename.c_str());
			if (value != nullptr && (*value == '\0' || slot.option(value) != nullptr))
				// set priority above INIs but below actual command line
				std::string error;
				options.set_value(name, value, OPTION_PRIORITY_SUBCMD, error);
	return (options.options_count() != starting_count);

//  update_slot_options - update slot values
//  depending of image mounted

void mame_options::update_slot_options(emu_options &options, const software_part *swpart)
	// look up the system configured by name; if no match, do nothing
	const game_driver *cursystem = system(options);
	if (cursystem == nullptr)
	machine_config config(*cursystem, options);

	// iterate through all slot devices
	for (device_slot_interface &slot : slot_interface_iterator(config.root_device()))
		// retrieve info about the device instance
		const char *name = slot.device().tag() + 1;
		if (options.exists(name) && !slot.option_list().empty())
			std::string defvalue = slot.get_default_card_software();
			if (defvalue.empty())
				// keep any non-default setting
				if (options.priority(name) > OPTION_PRIORITY_DEFAULT)

				// reinstate the actual default value as configured
				if (slot.default_option() != nullptr)

			// set the value and hide the option if not selectable
			options.set_default_value(name, defvalue.c_str());
			const device_slot_option *option = slot.option(defvalue.c_str());
			options.set_flag(name, ~OPTION_FLAG_INTERNAL, (option != nullptr && !option->selectable()) ? OPTION_FLAG_INTERNAL : 0);
	while (add_slot_options(options,swpart)) {}

//  add_device_options - add all of the device
//  options for the configured system

void mame_options::add_device_options(emu_options &options)
	// look up the system configured by name; if no match, do nothing
	const game_driver *cursystem = system(options);
	if (cursystem == nullptr)
	machine_config config(*cursystem, options);

	// iterate through all image devices
	for (const device_image_interface &image : image_interface_iterator(config.root_device()))
		if (!image.user_loadable())

		// retrieve info about the device instance
		std::ostringstream option_name;
		util::stream_format(option_name, "%s;%s", image.instance_name(), image.brief_instance_name());
		if (strcmp(image.device_typename(image.image_type()), image.instance_name()) == 0)
			util::stream_format(option_name, ";%s1;%s1", image.instance_name(), image.brief_instance_name());

		// add the option
		if (!options.exists(image.instance_name()))
			// first device? add the header as to be pretty
			if (m_device_options++ == 0)
				options.add_entry(nullptr, "IMAGE DEVICES", OPTION_HEADER | OPTION_FLAG_DEVICE);

			// add the option
			options.add_entry(option_name.str().c_str(), nullptr, OPTION_STRING | OPTION_FLAG_DEVICE, nullptr, true);

//  remove_device_options - remove device options

void mame_options::remove_device_options(emu_options &options)
	// iterate through options and remove interesting ones
	core_options::entry *nextentry;
	for (auto *curentry = options.first(); curentry != nullptr; curentry = nextentry)
		// pre-fetch the next entry in case we delete this one
		nextentry = curentry->next();

		// if this is a device option, nuke it
		if ((curentry->flags() & OPTION_FLAG_DEVICE) != 0)

	// take also care of ramsize options
	options.set_default_value(OPTION_RAMSIZE, "");

	// reset counters
	m_slot_options = 0;
	m_device_options = 0;

//  parse_slot_devices - parse the command line
//  and update slot and image devices

bool mame_options::parse_slot_devices(emu_options &options, int argc, char *argv[], std::string &error_string, const char *name, const char *value, const software_part *swpart)
	// an initial parse to capture the initial set of values
	bool result;

	options.parse_command_line(argc, argv, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string);

	// keep adding slot options until we stop seeing new stuff
	while (add_slot_options(options,swpart))
		options.parse_command_line(argc, argv, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string);

	// add device options and reparse
	if (name != nullptr && options.exists(name))
		options.set_value(name, value, OPTION_PRIORITY_SUBCMD, error_string);
	options.parse_command_line(argc, argv, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string);

	int num;
	do {
		num = options.options_count();
		result = options.parse_command_line(argc, argv, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string);
	} while (num != options.options_count());


	return result;

//  parse_command_line - parse the command line
//  and update the devices

bool mame_options::parse_command_line(emu_options &options, int argc, char *argv[], std::string &error_string)
	// parse as normal
	options.parse_command_line(argc, argv, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string);
	bool result = parse_slot_devices(options,argc, argv, error_string);
	return result;

//  parse_standard_inis - parse the standard set
//  of INI files

void mame_options::parse_standard_inis(emu_options &options, std::string &error_string, const game_driver *driver)
	// start with an empty string

	// parse the INI file defined by the platform (e.g., "mame.ini")
	// we do this twice so that the first file can change the INI path
	parse_one_ini(options,emulator_info::get_configname(), OPTION_PRIORITY_MAME_INI);
	parse_one_ini(options,emulator_info::get_configname(), OPTION_PRIORITY_MAME_INI, &error_string);

	// debug mode: parse "debug.ini" as well
	if (options.debug())
		parse_one_ini(options,"debug", OPTION_PRIORITY_DEBUG_INI, &error_string);

	// if we have a valid system driver, parse system-specific INI files
	const game_driver *cursystem = (driver == nullptr) ? system(options) : driver;
	if (cursystem == nullptr)

	// parse "vertical.ini" or "horizont.ini"
	if (cursystem->flags & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY)
		parse_one_ini(options,"vertical", OPTION_PRIORITY_ORIENTATION_INI, &error_string);
		parse_one_ini(options,"horizont", OPTION_PRIORITY_ORIENTATION_INI, &error_string);

	if (cursystem->flags & MACHINE_TYPE_ARCADE)
		parse_one_ini(options,"arcade", OPTION_PRIORITY_SYSTYPE_INI, &error_string);
	else if (cursystem->flags & MACHINE_TYPE_CONSOLE)
		parse_one_ini(options,"console", OPTION_PRIORITY_SYSTYPE_INI, &error_string);
	else if (cursystem->flags & MACHINE_TYPE_COMPUTER)
		parse_one_ini(options,"computer", OPTION_PRIORITY_SYSTYPE_INI, &error_string);
	else if (cursystem->flags & MACHINE_TYPE_OTHER)
		parse_one_ini(options,"othersys", OPTION_PRIORITY_SYSTYPE_INI, &error_string);

	machine_config config(*cursystem, options);
	for (const screen_device &device : screen_device_iterator(config.root_device()))
		// parse "raster.ini" for raster games
		if (device.screen_type() == SCREEN_TYPE_RASTER)
			parse_one_ini(options,"raster", OPTION_PRIORITY_SCREEN_INI, &error_string);
		// parse "vector.ini" for vector games
		if (device.screen_type() == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR)
			parse_one_ini(options,"vector", OPTION_PRIORITY_SCREEN_INI, &error_string);
		// parse "lcd.ini" for lcd games
		if (device.screen_type() == SCREEN_TYPE_LCD)
			parse_one_ini(options,"lcd", OPTION_PRIORITY_SCREEN_INI, &error_string);

	// next parse "source/<sourcefile>.ini"; if that doesn't exist, try <sourcefile>.ini
	std::string sourcename = core_filename_extract_base(cursystem->source_file, true).insert(0, "source" PATH_SEPARATOR);
	if (!parse_one_ini(options,sourcename.c_str(), OPTION_PRIORITY_SOURCE_INI, &error_string))
		sourcename = core_filename_extract_base(cursystem->source_file, true);
		parse_one_ini(options,sourcename.c_str(), OPTION_PRIORITY_SOURCE_INI, &error_string);

	// then parse the grandparent, parent, and system-specific INIs
	int parent = driver_list::clone(*cursystem);
	int gparent = (parent != -1) ? driver_list::clone(parent) : -1;
	if (gparent != -1)
		parse_one_ini(options,driver_list::driver(gparent).name, OPTION_PRIORITY_GPARENT_INI, &error_string);
	if (parent != -1)
		parse_one_ini(options,driver_list::driver(parent).name, OPTION_PRIORITY_PARENT_INI, &error_string);
	parse_one_ini(options,cursystem->name, OPTION_PRIORITY_DRIVER_INI, &error_string);

	// Re-evaluate slot options after loading ini files


//  system - return a pointer to the specified
//  system driver, or nullptr if no match

const game_driver *mame_options::system(const emu_options &options)
	int index = driver_list::find(core_filename_extract_base(options.system_name(), true).c_str());
	return (index != -1) ? &driver_list::driver(index) : nullptr;

//  set_system_name - set a new system name

void mame_options::set_system_name(emu_options &options, const char *name)
	// remember the original system name
	std::string old_system_name(options.system_name());
	bool new_system = != 0;

	// if the system name changed, fix up the device options
	if (new_system)
		// first set the new name
		std::string error;
		options.set_value(OPTION_SYSTEMNAME, name, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error);

		// remove any existing device options
		// revert device options set for the old software

	// get the new system
	const game_driver *cursystem = system(options);
	if (cursystem == nullptr)

	if (*options.software_name() != 0)
		std::string sw_load(options.software_name());
		std::string sw_list, sw_name, sw_part, sw_instance, error_string;
		int left = sw_load.find_first_of(':');
		int middle = sw_load.find_first_of(':', left + 1);
		int right = sw_load.find_last_of(':');

		sw_list = sw_load.substr(0, left - 1);
		sw_name = sw_load.substr(left + 1, middle - left - 1);
		sw_part = sw_load.substr(middle + 1, right - middle - 1);
		sw_instance = sw_load.substr(right + 1);
		sw_load.assign(sw_load.substr(0, right));

		// look up the software part
		machine_config config(*cursystem, options);
		software_list_device *swlist = software_list_device::find_by_name(config, sw_list.c_str());
		software_info *swinfo = swlist != nullptr ? swlist->find(sw_name.c_str()) : nullptr;
		software_part *swpart = swinfo != nullptr ? swinfo->find_part(sw_part.c_str()) : nullptr;

		// then add the options
		if (new_system)
			while (add_slot_options(options,swpart)) {}

		options.set_value(OPTION_SOFTWARENAME, sw_name.c_str(), OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string);
		if (options.exists(sw_instance.c_str()))
			options.set_value(sw_instance.c_str(), sw_load.c_str(), OPTION_PRIORITY_SUBCMD, error_string);

		int num;
		do {
			num = options.options_count();
		} while (num != options.options_count());
	else if (new_system)
		// add the options afresh
		while (add_slot_options(options)) {}
		int num;
		do {
			num = options.options_count();
		} while (num != options.options_count());

//  parse_one_ini - parse a single INI file

bool mame_options::parse_one_ini(emu_options &options, const char *basename, int priority, std::string *error_string)
	// don't parse if it has been disabled
	if (!options.read_config())
		return false;

	// open the file; if we fail, that's ok
	emu_file file(options.ini_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
	osd_file::error filerr =, ".ini");
	if (filerr != osd_file::error::NONE)
		return false;

	// parse the file
	osd_printf_verbose("Parsing %s.ini\n", basename);
	std::string error;
	bool result = options.parse_ini_file((util::core_file&)file, priority, OPTION_PRIORITY_DRIVER_INI, error);

	// append errors if requested
	if (!error.empty() && error_string)
		error_string->append(string_format("While parsing %s:\n%s\n", file.fullpath(), error));

	return result;