path: root/src/emu/validity.cpp
blob: f31cd20a8cdcb05d78d445f65593b71156130492 (plain) (tree)






































































































































































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles, Paul Priest


    Validity checks on internal data structures.


#include "emu.h"
#include "validity.h"
#include "emuopts.h"
#include <ctype.h>



//  ioport_string_from_index - return an indexed
//  string from the I/O port system

inline const char *validity_checker::ioport_string_from_index(UINT32 index)
	return ioport_configurer::string_from_token((const char *)(FPTR)index);

//  get_defstr_index - return the index of the
//  string assuming it is one of the default
//  strings

inline int validity_checker::get_defstr_index(const char *string, bool suppress_error)
	// check for strings that should be DEF_STR
	auto strindex = m_defstr_map.find(string);
	if (!suppress_error && strindex != m_defstr_map.end() && string != ioport_string_from_index(strindex->second))
		osd_printf_error("Must use DEF_STR( %s )\n", string);
	return (strindex != m_defstr_map.end()) ? strindex->second : 0;

//  validate_tag - ensure that the given tag
//  meets the general requirements

void validity_checker::validate_tag(const char *tag)
	// some common names that are now deprecated
	if (strcmp(tag, "main") == 0 || strcmp(tag, "audio") == 0 || strcmp(tag, "sound") == 0 || strcmp(tag, "left") == 0 || strcmp(tag, "right") == 0)
		osd_printf_error("Invalid generic tag '%s' used\n", tag);

	// scan for invalid characters
	static const char *validchars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_.:^$";
	for (const char *p = tag; *p != 0; p++)
		// only lower-case permitted
		if (*p != tolower((UINT8)*p))
			osd_printf_error("Tag '%s' contains upper-case characters\n", tag);
		if (*p == ' ')
			osd_printf_error("Tag '%s' contains spaces\n", tag);
		if (strchr(validchars, *p) == nullptr)
			osd_printf_error("Tag '%s' contains invalid character '%c'\n",  tag, *p);

	// find the start of the final tag
	const char *begin = strrchr(tag, ':');
	if (begin == nullptr)
		begin = tag;
		begin += 1;

	// 0-length = bad
	if (*begin == 0)
		osd_printf_error("Found 0-length tag\n");

	// too short/too long = bad
	if (strlen(begin) < MIN_TAG_LENGTH)
		osd_printf_error("Tag '%s' is too short (must be at least %d characters)\n", tag, MIN_TAG_LENGTH);


//  validity_checker - constructor

validity_checker::validity_checker(emu_options &options)
	: m_drivlist(options),
	// pre-populate the defstr map with all the default strings
	for (int strnum = 1; strnum < INPUT_STRING_COUNT; strnum++)
		const char *string = ioport_string_from_index(strnum);
		if (string != nullptr)
			m_defstr_map.insert(std::make_pair(string, strnum));

//  validity_checker - destructor


//  check_driver - check a single driver

void validity_checker::check_driver(const game_driver &driver)
	// simply validate the one driver

//  check_shared_source - check all drivers that
//  share the same source file as the given driver

void validity_checker::check_shared_source(const game_driver &driver)
	// initialize

	// then iterate over all drivers and check the ones that share the same source file
	while (
		if (strcmp(driver.source_file, m_drivlist.driver().source_file) == 0)

	// cleanup

//  check_all_matching - check all drivers whose
//  names match the given string

bool validity_checker::check_all_matching(const char *string)
	// start by checking core stuff

	// if we had warnings or errors, output
	if (m_errors > 0 || m_warnings > 0 || !m_verbose_text.empty())
		output_via_delegate(OSD_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ERROR, "Core: %d errors, %d warnings\n", m_errors, m_warnings);
		if (m_errors > 0)
			output_indented_errors(m_error_text, "Errors");
		if (m_warnings > 0)
			output_indented_errors(m_warning_text, "Warnings");
		if (!m_verbose_text.empty())
			output_indented_errors(m_verbose_text, "Messages");
		output_via_delegate(OSD_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ERROR, "\n");

	// then iterate over all drivers and check them
	while (
		if (m_drivlist.matches(string, m_drivlist.driver().name))

	// cleanup

	return !(m_errors > 0 || m_warnings > 0);

//  validate_begin - prepare for validation by
//  taking over the output callbacks and resetting
//  our internal state

void validity_checker::validate_begin()
	// take over error and warning outputs

	// reset all our maps

	// reset internal state
	m_errors = 0;
	m_warnings = 0;

//  validate_end - restore output callbacks and
//  clean up

void validity_checker::validate_end()
	// restore the original output callbacks

//  validate_drivers - master validity checker

void validity_checker::validate_one(const game_driver &driver)
	// set the current driver
	m_current_driver = &driver;
	m_current_config = nullptr;
	m_current_device = nullptr;
	m_current_ioport = nullptr;

	// reset error/warning state
	int start_errors = m_errors;
	int start_warnings = m_warnings;

	// wrap in try/except to catch fatalerrors
		machine_config config(driver, m_drivlist.options());
		m_current_config = &config;
		m_current_config = nullptr;
	catch (emu_fatalerror &err)
		osd_printf_error("Fatal error %s", err.string());

	// if we had warnings or errors, output
	if (m_errors > start_errors || m_warnings > start_warnings || !m_verbose_text.empty())
		output_via_delegate(OSD_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ERROR, "Driver %s (file %s): %d errors, %d warnings\n",, core_filename_extract_base(driver.source_file).c_str(), m_errors - start_errors, m_warnings - start_warnings);
		if (m_errors > start_errors)
			output_indented_errors(m_error_text, "Errors");
		if (m_warnings > start_warnings)
			output_indented_errors(m_warning_text, "Warnings");
		if (!m_verbose_text.empty())
			output_indented_errors(m_verbose_text, "Messages");
		output_via_delegate(OSD_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ERROR, "\n");

	// reset the driver/device
	m_current_driver = nullptr;
	m_current_config = nullptr;
	m_current_device = nullptr;
	m_current_ioport = nullptr;

//  validate_core - validate core internal systems

void validity_checker::validate_core()
	// basic system checks
	if (~0 != -1) osd_printf_error("Machine must be two's complement\n");

	UINT8 a = 0xff;
	UINT8 b = a + 1;
	if (b > a) osd_printf_error("UINT8 must be 8 bits\n");

	// check size of core integer types
	if (sizeof(INT8)   != 1) osd_printf_error("INT8 must be 8 bits\n");
	if (sizeof(UINT8)  != 1) osd_printf_error("UINT8 must be 8 bits\n");
	if (sizeof(INT16)  != 2) osd_printf_error("INT16 must be 16 bits\n");
	if (sizeof(UINT16) != 2) osd_printf_error("UINT16 must be 16 bits\n");
	if (sizeof(INT32)  != 4) osd_printf_error("INT32 must be 32 bits\n");
	if (sizeof(UINT32) != 4) osd_printf_error("UINT32 must be 32 bits\n");
	if (sizeof(INT64)  != 8) osd_printf_error("INT64 must be 64 bits\n");
	if (sizeof(UINT64) != 8) osd_printf_error("UINT64 must be 64 bits\n");

	// check signed right shift
	INT8  a8 = -3;
	INT16 a16 = -3;
	INT32 a32 = -3;
	INT64 a64 = -3;
	if (a8  >> 1 != -2) osd_printf_error("INT8 right shift must be arithmetic\n");
	if (a16 >> 1 != -2) osd_printf_error("INT16 right shift must be arithmetic\n");
	if (a32 >> 1 != -2) osd_printf_error("INT32 right shift must be arithmetic\n");
	if (a64 >> 1 != -2) osd_printf_error("INT64 right shift must be arithmetic\n");

	// check pointer size
#ifdef PTR64
	static_assert(sizeof(void *) == 8, "PTR64 flag enabled, but was compiled for 32-bit target\n");
	static_assert(sizeof(void *) == 4, "PTR64 flag not enabled, but was compiled for 64-bit target\n");

	// TODO: check if this is actually working
	// check endianness definition
	UINT16 lsbtest = 0;
	*(UINT8 *)&lsbtest = 0xff;
#ifdef LSB_FIRST
	if (lsbtest == 0xff00) osd_printf_error("LSB_FIRST specified, but running on a big-endian machine\n");
	if (lsbtest == 0x00ff) osd_printf_error("LSB_FIRST not specified, but running on a little-endian machine\n");

//  validate_inlines - validate inline function
//  behaviors

void validity_checker::validate_inlines()
#undef rand
	volatile UINT64 testu64a = rand() ^ (rand() << 15) ^ ((UINT64)rand() << 30) ^ ((UINT64)rand() << 45);
	volatile INT64 testi64a = rand() ^ (rand() << 15) ^ ((INT64)rand() << 30) ^ ((INT64)rand() << 45);
	volatile UINT32 testu32a = rand() ^ (rand() << 15);
	volatile UINT32 testu32b = rand() ^ (rand() << 15);
	volatile INT32 testi32a = rand() ^ (rand() << 15);
	volatile INT32 testi32b = rand() ^ (rand() << 15);
	INT32 resulti32, expectedi32;
	UINT32 resultu32, expectedu32;
	INT64 resulti64, expectedi64;
	UINT64 resultu64, expectedu64;
	INT32 remainder, expremainder;
	UINT32 uremainder, expuremainder, bigu32 = 0xffffffff;

	// use only non-zero, positive numbers
	if (testu64a == 0) testu64a++;
	if (testi64a == 0) testi64a++;
	else if (testi64a < 0) testi64a = -testi64a;
	if (testu32a == 0) testu32a++;
	if (testu32b == 0) testu32b++;
	if (testi32a == 0) testi32a++;
	else if (testi32a < 0) testi32a = -testi32a;
	if (testi32b == 0) testi32b++;
	else if (testi32b < 0) testi32b = -testi32b;

	resulti64 = mul_32x32(testi32a, testi32b);
	expectedi64 = (INT64)testi32a * (INT64)testi32b;
	if (resulti64 != expectedi64)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing mul_32x32 (%08X x %08X) = %08X%08X (expected %08X%08X)\n", testi32a, testi32b, (UINT32)(resulti64 >> 32), (UINT32)resulti64, (UINT32)(expectedi64 >> 32), (UINT32)expectedi64);

	resultu64 = mulu_32x32(testu32a, testu32b);
	expectedu64 = (UINT64)testu32a * (UINT64)testu32b;
	if (resultu64 != expectedu64)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing mulu_32x32 (%08X x %08X) = %08X%08X (expected %08X%08X)\n", testu32a, testu32b, (UINT32)(resultu64 >> 32), (UINT32)resultu64, (UINT32)(expectedu64 >> 32), (UINT32)expectedu64);

	resulti32 = mul_32x32_hi(testi32a, testi32b);
	expectedi32 = ((INT64)testi32a * (INT64)testi32b) >> 32;
	if (resulti32 != expectedi32)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing mul_32x32_hi (%08X x %08X) = %08X (expected %08X)\n", testi32a, testi32b, resulti32, expectedi32);

	resultu32 = mulu_32x32_hi(testu32a, testu32b);
	expectedu32 = ((INT64)testu32a * (INT64)testu32b) >> 32;
	if (resultu32 != expectedu32)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing mulu_32x32_hi (%08X x %08X) = %08X (expected %08X)\n", testu32a, testu32b, resultu32, expectedu32);

	resulti32 = mul_32x32_shift(testi32a, testi32b, 7);
	expectedi32 = ((INT64)testi32a * (INT64)testi32b) >> 7;
	if (resulti32 != expectedi32)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing mul_32x32_shift (%08X x %08X) >> 7 = %08X (expected %08X)\n", testi32a, testi32b, resulti32, expectedi32);

	resultu32 = mulu_32x32_shift(testu32a, testu32b, 7);
	expectedu32 = ((INT64)testu32a * (INT64)testu32b) >> 7;
	if (resultu32 != expectedu32)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing mulu_32x32_shift (%08X x %08X) >> 7 = %08X (expected %08X)\n", testu32a, testu32b, resultu32, expectedu32);

	while ((INT64)testi32a * (INT64)0x7fffffff < testi64a)
		testi64a /= 2;
	while ((UINT64)testu32a * (UINT64)bigu32 < testu64a)
		testu64a /= 2;

	resulti32 = div_64x32(testi64a, testi32a);
	expectedi32 = testi64a / (INT64)testi32a;
	if (resulti32 != expectedi32)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing div_64x32 (%08X%08X / %08X) = %08X (expected %08X)\n", (UINT32)(testi64a >> 32), (UINT32)testi64a, testi32a, resulti32, expectedi32);

	resultu32 = divu_64x32(testu64a, testu32a);
	expectedu32 = testu64a / (UINT64)testu32a;
	if (resultu32 != expectedu32)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing divu_64x32 (%08X%08X / %08X) = %08X (expected %08X)\n", (UINT32)(testu64a >> 32), (UINT32)testu64a, testu32a, resultu32, expectedu32);

	resulti32 = div_64x32_rem(testi64a, testi32a, &remainder);
	expectedi32 = testi64a / (INT64)testi32a;
	expremainder = testi64a % (INT64)testi32a;
	if (resulti32 != expectedi32 || remainder != expremainder)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing div_64x32_rem (%08X%08X / %08X) = %08X,%08X (expected %08X,%08X)\n", (UINT32)(testi64a >> 32), (UINT32)testi64a, testi32a, resulti32, remainder, expectedi32, expremainder);

	resultu32 = divu_64x32_rem(testu64a, testu32a, &uremainder);
	expectedu32 = testu64a / (UINT64)testu32a;
	expuremainder = testu64a % (UINT64)testu32a;
	if (resultu32 != expectedu32 || uremainder != expuremainder)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing divu_64x32_rem (%08X%08X / %08X) = %08X,%08X (expected %08X,%08X)\n", (UINT32)(testu64a >> 32), (UINT32)testu64a, testu32a, resultu32, uremainder, expectedu32, expuremainder);

	resulti32 = mod_64x32(testi64a, testi32a);
	expectedi32 = testi64a % (INT64)testi32a;
	if (resulti32 != expectedi32)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing mod_64x32 (%08X%08X / %08X) = %08X (expected %08X)\n", (UINT32)(testi64a >> 32), (UINT32)testi64a, testi32a, resulti32, expectedi32);

	resultu32 = modu_64x32(testu64a, testu32a);
	expectedu32 = testu64a % (UINT64)testu32a;
	if (resultu32 != expectedu32)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing modu_64x32 (%08X%08X / %08X) = %08X (expected %08X)\n", (UINT32)(testu64a >> 32), (UINT32)testu64a, testu32a, resultu32, expectedu32);

	while ((INT64)testi32a * (INT64)0x7fffffff < ((INT32)testi64a << 3))
		testi64a /= 2;
	while ((UINT64)testu32a * (UINT64)0xffffffff < ((UINT32)testu64a << 3))
		testu64a /= 2;

	resulti32 = div_32x32_shift((INT32)testi64a, testi32a, 3);
	expectedi32 = ((INT64)(INT32)testi64a << 3) / (INT64)testi32a;
	if (resulti32 != expectedi32)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing div_32x32_shift (%08X << 3) / %08X = %08X (expected %08X)\n", (INT32)testi64a, testi32a, resulti32, expectedi32);

	resultu32 = divu_32x32_shift((UINT32)testu64a, testu32a, 3);
	expectedu32 = ((UINT64)(UINT32)testu64a << 3) / (UINT64)testu32a;
	if (resultu32 != expectedu32)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing divu_32x32_shift (%08X << 3) / %08X = %08X (expected %08X)\n", (UINT32)testu64a, testu32a, resultu32, expectedu32);

	if (fabsf(recip_approx(100.0f) - 0.01f) > 0.0001f)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing recip_approx\n");

	testi32a = (testi32a & 0x0000ffff) | 0x400000;
	if (count_leading_zeros(testi32a) != 9)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing count_leading_zeros\n");
	testi32a = (testi32a | 0xffff0000) & ~0x400000;
	if (count_leading_ones(testi32a) != 9)
		osd_printf_error("Error testing count_leading_ones\n");

//  validate_driver - validate basic driver
//  information

void validity_checker::validate_driver()
	// check for duplicate names
	if (!m_names_map.insert(std::make_pair(m_current_driver->name, m_current_driver)).second)
		const game_driver *match = m_names_map.find(m_current_driver->name)->second;
		osd_printf_error("Driver name is a duplicate of %s(%s)\n", core_filename_extract_base(match->source_file).c_str(), match->name);

	// check for duplicate descriptions
	if (!m_descriptions_map.insert(std::make_pair(m_current_driver->description, m_current_driver)).second)
		const game_driver *match = m_descriptions_map.find(m_current_driver->description)->second;
		osd_printf_error("Driver description is a duplicate of %s(%s)\n", core_filename_extract_base(match->source_file).c_str(), match->name);

	// determine if we are a clone
	bool is_clone = (strcmp(m_current_driver->parent, "0") != 0);
	int clone_of = m_drivlist.clone(*m_current_driver);
	if (clone_of != -1 && (m_drivlist.driver(clone_of).flags & MACHINE_IS_BIOS_ROOT))
		is_clone = false;

	// if we have at least 100 drivers, validate the clone
	// (100 is arbitrary, but tries to avoid tiny.mak dependencies)
	if (driver_list::total() > 100 && clone_of == -1 && is_clone)
		osd_printf_error("Driver is a clone of nonexistent driver %s\n", m_current_driver->parent);

	// look for recursive cloning
	if (clone_of != -1 && &m_drivlist.driver(clone_of) == m_current_driver)
		osd_printf_error("Driver is a clone of itself\n");

	// look for clones that are too deep
	if (clone_of != -1 && (clone_of = m_drivlist.non_bios_clone(clone_of)) != -1)
		osd_printf_error("Driver is a clone of a clone\n");

	// make sure the driver name is not too long
	if (!is_clone && strlen(m_current_driver->name) > 8)
		osd_printf_error("Parent driver name must be 8 characters or less\n");
	if (is_clone && strlen(m_current_driver->name) > 16)
		osd_printf_error("Clone driver name must be 16 characters or less\n");

	// make sure the year is only digits, '?' or '+'
	for (const char *s = m_current_driver->year; *s != 0; s++)
		if (!isdigit((UINT8)*s) && *s != '?' && *s != '+')
			osd_printf_error("Driver has an invalid year '%s'\n", m_current_driver->year);

	// normalize driver->compatible_with
	const char *compatible_with = m_current_driver->compatible_with;
	if (compatible_with != nullptr && strcmp(compatible_with, "0") == 0)
		compatible_with = nullptr;

	// check for this driver being compatible with a non-existant driver
	if (compatible_with != nullptr && m_drivlist.find(m_current_driver->compatible_with) == -1)
		osd_printf_error("Driver is listed as compatible with nonexistent driver %s\n", m_current_driver->compatible_with);

	// check for clone_of and compatible_with being specified at the same time
	if (m_drivlist.clone(*m_current_driver) != -1 && compatible_with != nullptr)
		osd_printf_error("Driver cannot be both a clone and listed as compatible with another system\n");

	// find any recursive dependencies on the current driver
	for (int other_drv = m_drivlist.compatible_with(*m_current_driver); other_drv != -1; other_drv = m_drivlist.compatible_with(other_drv))
		if (m_current_driver == &m_drivlist.driver(other_drv))
			osd_printf_error("Driver is recursively compatible with itself\n");

	// make sure sound-less drivers are flagged
	sound_interface_iterator iter(m_current_config->root_device());
	if ((m_current_driver->flags & MACHINE_IS_BIOS_ROOT) == 0 && iter.first() == nullptr && (m_current_driver->flags & MACHINE_NO_SOUND) == 0 && (m_current_driver->flags & MACHINE_NO_SOUND_HW) == 0)
		osd_printf_error("Driver is missing MACHINE_NO_SOUND flag\n");

//  validate_roms - validate ROM definitions

void validity_checker::validate_roms()
	// iterate, starting with the driver's ROMs and continuing with device ROMs
	for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_current_config->root_device()))
		// track the current device
		m_current_device = &device;

		// scan the ROM entries for this device
		const char *last_region_name = "???";
		const char *last_name = "???";
		UINT32 current_length = 0;
		int items_since_region = 1;
		int last_bios = 0;
		int total_files = 0;
		for (const rom_entry *romp = rom_first_region(device); romp != nullptr && !ROMENTRY_ISEND(romp); romp++)
			// if this is a region, make sure it's valid, and record the length
				// if we haven't seen any items since the last region, print a warning
				if (items_since_region == 0)
					osd_printf_warning("Empty ROM region '%s' (warning)\n", last_region_name);

				// reset our region tracking states
				const char *basetag = ROMREGION_GETTAG(romp);
				items_since_region = (ROMREGION_ISERASE(romp) || ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(romp)) ? 1 : 0;
				last_region_name = basetag;

				// check for a valid tag
				if (basetag == nullptr)
					osd_printf_error("ROM_REGION tag with nullptr name\n");

				// validate the base tag

				// generate the full tag
				std::string fulltag = rom_region_name(device, romp);

				// attempt to add it to the map, reporting duplicates as errors
				current_length = ROMREGION_GETLENGTH(romp);
				if (!m_region_map.insert(std::make_pair(fulltag, current_length)).second)
					osd_printf_error("Multiple ROM_REGIONs with the same tag '%s' defined\n", fulltag.c_str());

			// If this is a system bios, make sure it is using the next available bios number
			else if (ROMENTRY_ISSYSTEM_BIOS(romp))
				int bios_flags = ROM_GETBIOSFLAGS(romp);
				if (bios_flags != last_bios + 1)
					osd_printf_error("Non-sequential bios %s (specified as %d, expected to be %d)\n", ROM_GETNAME(romp), bios_flags, last_bios + 1);
				last_bios = bios_flags;

			// if this is a file, make sure it is properly formatted
			else if (ROMENTRY_ISFILE(romp))
				// track the last filename we found
				last_name = ROM_GETNAME(romp);

				// make sure the hash is valid
				hash_collection hashes;
				if (!hashes.from_internal_string(ROM_GETHASHDATA(romp)))
					osd_printf_error("ROM '%s' has an invalid hash string '%s'\n", last_name, ROM_GETHASHDATA(romp));

			// for any non-region ending entries, make sure they don't extend past the end
			if (!ROMENTRY_ISREGIONEND(romp) && current_length > 0)
				if (ROM_GETOFFSET(romp) + ROM_GETLENGTH(romp) > current_length)
					osd_printf_error("ROM '%s' extends past the defined memory region\n", last_name);

		// final check for empty regions
		if (items_since_region == 0)
			osd_printf_warning("Empty ROM region '%s' (warning)\n", last_region_name);

		// reset the current device
		m_current_device = nullptr;

//  validate_analog_input_field - validate an
//  analog input field

void validity_checker::validate_analog_input_field(ioport_field &field)
	// analog ports must have a valid sensitivity
	if (field.sensitivity() == 0)
		osd_printf_error("Analog port with zero sensitivity\n");

	// check that the default falls in the bitmask range
	if (field.defvalue() & ~field.mask())
		osd_printf_error("Analog port with a default value (%X) out of the bitmask range (%X)\n", field.defvalue(), field.mask());

	// tests for positional devices
	if (field.type() == IPT_POSITIONAL || field.type() == IPT_POSITIONAL_V)
		int shift;
		for (shift = 0; shift <= 31 && (~field.mask() & (1 << shift)) != 0; shift++) { }

		// convert the positional max value to be in the bitmask for testing
		//INT32 analog_max = field.maxval();
		//analog_max = (analog_max - 1) << shift;

		// positional port size must fit in bits used
		if ((field.mask() >> shift) + 1 < field.maxval())
			osd_printf_error("Analog port with a positional port size bigger then the mask size\n");

	// tests for absolute devices
	else if (field.type() > IPT_ANALOG_ABSOLUTE_FIRST && field.type() < IPT_ANALOG_ABSOLUTE_LAST)
		// adjust for signed values
		INT32 default_value = field.defvalue();
		INT32 analog_min = field.minval();
		INT32 analog_max = field.maxval();
		if (analog_min > analog_max)
			analog_min = -analog_min;
			if (default_value > analog_max)
				default_value = -default_value;

		// check that the default falls in the MINMAX range
		if (default_value < analog_min || default_value > analog_max)
			osd_printf_error("Analog port with a default value (%X) out of PORT_MINMAX range (%X-%X)\n", field.defvalue(), field.minval(), field.maxval());

		// check that the MINMAX falls in the bitmask range
		// we use the unadjusted min for testing
		if (field.minval() & ~field.mask() || analog_max & ~field.mask())
			osd_printf_error("Analog port with a PORT_MINMAX (%X-%X) value out of the bitmask range (%X)\n", field.minval(), field.maxval(), field.mask());

		// absolute analog ports do not use PORT_RESET
		if (field.analog_reset())
			osd_printf_error("Absolute analog port using PORT_RESET\n");

		// absolute analog ports do not use PORT_WRAPS
		if (field.analog_wraps())
			osd_printf_error("Absolute analog port using PORT_WRAPS\n");

	// tests for non IPT_POSITIONAL relative devices
		// relative devices do not use PORT_MINMAX
		if (field.minval() != 0 || field.maxval() != field.mask())
			osd_printf_error("Relative port using PORT_MINMAX\n");

		// relative devices do not use a default value
		// the counter is at 0 on power up
		if (field.defvalue() != 0)
			osd_printf_error("Relative port using non-0 default value\n");

		// relative analog ports do not use PORT_WRAPS
		if (field.analog_wraps())
			osd_printf_error("Absolute analog port using PORT_WRAPS\n");

//  validate_dip_settings - validate a DIP switch
//  setting

void validity_checker::validate_dip_settings(ioport_field &field)
	const char *demo_sounds = ioport_string_from_index(INPUT_STRING_Demo_Sounds);
	const char *flipscreen = ioport_string_from_index(INPUT_STRING_Flip_Screen);
	UINT8 coin_list[__input_string_coinage_end + 1 - __input_string_coinage_start] = { 0 };
	bool coin_error = false;

	// iterate through the settings
	for (ioport_setting &setting : field.settings())
		// note any coinage strings
		int strindex = get_defstr_index(;
		if (strindex >= __input_string_coinage_start && strindex <= __input_string_coinage_end)
			coin_list[strindex - __input_string_coinage_start] = 1;

		// make sure demo sounds default to on
		if ( == demo_sounds && strindex == INPUT_STRING_On && field.defvalue() != setting.value())
			osd_printf_error("Demo Sounds must default to On\n");

		// check for bad demo sounds options
		if ( == demo_sounds && (strindex == INPUT_STRING_Yes || strindex == INPUT_STRING_No))
			osd_printf_error("Demo Sounds option must be Off/On, not %s\n",;

		// check for bad flip screen options
		if ( == flipscreen && (strindex == INPUT_STRING_Yes || strindex == INPUT_STRING_No))
			osd_printf_error("Flip Screen option must be Off/On, not %s\n",;

		// if we have a neighbor, compare ourselves to him
		if ( != nullptr)
			// check for inverted off/on dispswitch order
			int next_strindex = get_defstr_index(>name(), true);
			if (strindex == INPUT_STRING_On && next_strindex == INPUT_STRING_Off)
				osd_printf_error("%s option must have Off/On options in the order: Off, On\n",;

			// check for inverted yes/no dispswitch order
			else if (strindex == INPUT_STRING_Yes && next_strindex == INPUT_STRING_No)
				osd_printf_error("%s option must have Yes/No options in the order: No, Yes\n",;

			// check for inverted upright/cocktail dispswitch order
			else if (strindex == INPUT_STRING_Cocktail && next_strindex == INPUT_STRING_Upright)
				osd_printf_error("%s option must have Upright/Cocktail options in the order: Upright, Cocktail\n",;

			// check for proper coin ordering
			else if (strindex >= __input_string_coinage_start && strindex <= __input_string_coinage_end && next_strindex >= __input_string_coinage_start && next_strindex <= __input_string_coinage_end &&
						strindex >= next_strindex && setting.condition() ==>condition())
				osd_printf_error("%s option has unsorted coinage %s > %s\n",,,>name());
				coin_error = true;

	// if we have a coin error, demonstrate the correct way
	if (coin_error)
		output_via_delegate(OSD_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ERROR, "   Note proper coin sort order should be:\n");
		for (int entry = 0; entry < ARRAY_LENGTH(coin_list); entry++)
			if (coin_list[entry])
				output_via_delegate(OSD_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ERROR, "      %s\n", ioport_string_from_index(__input_string_coinage_start + entry));

//  validate_condition - validate a condition
//  stored within an ioport field or setting

void validity_checker::validate_condition(ioport_condition &condition, device_t &device, std::unordered_set<std::string> &port_map)
	// resolve the tag
	// then find a matching port
	if (port_map.find(device.subtag(condition.tag())) == port_map.end())
		osd_printf_error("Condition referencing non-existent ioport tag '%s'\n", condition.tag());

//  validate_inputs - validate input configuration

void validity_checker::validate_inputs()
	std::unordered_set<std::string> port_map;

	// iterate over devices
	for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_current_config->root_device()))
		// see if this device has ports; if not continue
		if (device.input_ports() == nullptr)

		// track the current device
		m_current_device = &device;

		// allocate the input ports
		ioport_list portlist;
		std::string errorbuf;
		portlist.append(device, errorbuf);

		// report any errors during construction
		if (!errorbuf.empty())
			osd_printf_error("I/O port error during construction:\n%s\n", errorbuf.c_str());

		// do a first pass over ports to add their names and find duplicates
		for (ioport_port &port : portlist)
			if (!port_map.insert(port.tag()).second)
				osd_printf_error("Multiple I/O ports with the same tag '%s' defined\n", port.tag());

		// iterate over ports
		for (ioport_port &port : portlist)
			m_current_ioport = port.tag();

			// iterate through the fields on this port
			for (ioport_field &field : port.fields())
				// verify analog inputs
				if (field.is_analog())

				// look for invalid (0) types which should be mapped to IPT_OTHER
				if (field.type() == IPT_INVALID)
					osd_printf_error("Field has an invalid type (0); use IPT_OTHER instead\n");

				// verify dip switches
				if (field.type() == IPT_DIPSWITCH)
					// dip switch fields must have a specific name
					if (field.specific_name() == nullptr)
						osd_printf_error("DIP switch has no specific name\n");

					// verify the settings list

				// verify config settings
				if (field.type() == IPT_CONFIG)
					// config fields must have a specific name
					if (field.specific_name() == nullptr)
						osd_printf_error("Config switch has no specific name\n");

				// verify names
				const char *name = field.specific_name();
				if (name != nullptr)
					// check for empty string
					if (name[0] == 0)
						osd_printf_error("Field name is an empty string\n");

					// check for trailing spaces
					if (name[0] != 0 && name[strlen(name) - 1] == ' ')
						osd_printf_error("Field '%s' has trailing spaces\n", name);

					// check for invalid UTF-8
					if (!utf8_is_valid_string(name))
						osd_printf_error("Field '%s' has invalid characters\n", name);

					// look up the string and print an error if default strings are not used
					/*strindex =get_defstr_index(defstr_map, name, driver, &error);*/

				// verify conditions on the field
				if (!field.condition().none())
					validate_condition(field.condition(), device, port_map);

				// verify conditions on the settings
				for (ioport_setting &setting : field.settings())
					if (!setting.condition().none())
						validate_condition(setting.condition(), device, port_map);

			// done with this port
			m_current_ioport = nullptr;

		// done with this device
		m_current_device = nullptr;

//  validate_devices - run per-device validity
//  checks

void validity_checker::validate_devices()
	std::unordered_set<std::string> device_map;

	for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_current_config->root_device()))
		// track the current device
		m_current_device = &device;

		// validate auto-finders

		// validate the device tag

		// look for duplicates
		if (!device_map.insert(device.tag()).second)
			osd_printf_error("Multiple devices with the same tag '%s' defined\n", device.tag());

		// all devices must have a shortname
		if (strcmp(device.shortname(), "") == 0)
			osd_printf_error("Device does not have short name defined\n");

		// all devices must have a source file defined
		if (strcmp(device.source(), "") == 0)
			osd_printf_error("Device does not have source file location defined\n");

		// check for device-specific validity check

		// done with this device
		m_current_device = nullptr;

	// if device is slot cart device, we must have a shortname
	std::unordered_set<std::string> slot_device_map;
	for (const device_slot_interface &slot : slot_interface_iterator(m_current_config->root_device()))
		for (const device_slot_option &option : slot.option_list())
			std::string temptag("_");
			device_t *dev = const_cast<machine_config &>(*m_current_config).device_add(&m_current_config->root_device(), temptag.c_str(), option.devtype(), 0);

			// notify this device and all its subdevices that they are now configured
			for (device_t &device : device_iterator(*dev))
				if (!device.configured())

			if (strcmp(dev->shortname(), "") == 0) {
				if (slot_device_map.insert(dev->name()).second)
					osd_printf_error("Device '%s' is slot cart device but does not have short name defined\n", dev->name());

			const_cast<machine_config &>(*m_current_config).device_remove(&m_current_config->root_device(), temptag.c_str());


//  build_output_prefix - create a prefix
//  indicating the current source file, driver,
//  and device

void validity_checker::build_output_prefix(std::string &str)
	// start empty

	// if we have a current (non-root) device, indicate that
	if (m_current_device != nullptr && m_current_device->owner() != nullptr)
		str.append(m_current_device->name()).append(" device '").append(m_current_device->tag()+1).append("': ");

	// if we have a current port, indicate that as well
	if (m_current_ioport != nullptr)
		str.append("ioport '").append(m_current_ioport).append("': ");

//  error_output - error message output override

void validity_checker::output_callback(osd_output_channel channel, const char *msg, va_list args)
	std::string output;
	switch (channel)
			// count the error

			// output the source(driver) device 'tag'

			// generate the string
			strcatvprintf(output, msg, args);
			// count the error

			// output the source(driver) device 'tag'

			// generate the string and output to the original target
			strcatvprintf(output, msg, args);
			// if we're not verbose, skip it
			if (!m_print_verbose) break;

			// output the source(driver) device 'tag'

			// generate the string and output to the original target
			strcatvprintf(output, msg, args);
			chain_output(channel, msg, args);

//  output_via_delegate - helper to output a
//  message via a varargs string, so the argptr
//  can be forwarded onto the given delegate

void validity_checker::output_via_delegate(osd_output_channel channel, const char *format, ...)
	va_list argptr;

	// call through to the delegate with the proper parameters
	va_start(argptr, format);
	this->chain_output(channel, format, argptr);

//  output_indented_errors - helper to output error
//  and warning messages with header and indents
void validity_checker::output_indented_errors(std::string &text, const char *header)
	// remove trailing newline
	if (text[text.size()-1] == '\n')
		text.erase(text.size()-1, 1);
	strreplace(text, "\n", "\n   ");
	output_via_delegate(OSD_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ERROR, "%s:\n   %s\n", header, text.c_str());