path: root/src/emu/sprite.cpp
blob: 7567f0dd0ac88e8cf69aaa2b28ab394e45b3aaca (plain) (tree)


















// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles

    General sprite handling helpers


#include "emu.h"
#include "sprite.h"

//  sparse_dirty_bitmap -- constructor

sparse_dirty_bitmap::sparse_dirty_bitmap(int granularity)
	: m_width(0),
		m_rect_list_bounds(0, -1, 0, -1)

sparse_dirty_bitmap::sparse_dirty_bitmap(int width, int height, int granularity)
	: m_width(0),
		m_rect_list_bounds(0, -1, 0, -1)
	// resize to the specified width/height
	resize(width, height);

//  dirty -- dirty a region

void sparse_dirty_bitmap::dirty(INT32 left, INT32 right, INT32 top, INT32 bottom)
	// compute a rectangle in dirty space, and fill it with 1
	rectangle rect(left >> m_granularity, right >> m_granularity, top >> m_granularity, bottom >> m_granularity);
	m_bitmap.fill(1, rect);

	// invalidate existing rect list

//  clean a region -- dirty a region

void sparse_dirty_bitmap::clean(INT32 left, INT32 right, INT32 top, INT32 bottom)
	// if right or bottom intersect the edge of the bitmap, round up
	int round = (1 << m_granularity) - 1;
	if (right >= m_width - 1)
		right = m_width + round;
	if (bottom >= m_height - 1)
		bottom = m_height + round;

	// compute a rectangle in dirty space, and fill it with 0
	rectangle rect((left + round) >> m_granularity, (right - round) >> m_granularity, (top + round) >> m_granularity, (bottom - round) >> m_granularity);
	m_bitmap.fill(0, rect);

	// invalidate existing rect list

//  resize -- resize the bitmap

void sparse_dirty_bitmap::resize(int width, int height)
	// set new size
	m_width = width;
	m_height = height;

	// resize the bitmap
	int round = (1 << m_granularity) - 1;
	m_bitmap.resize((width + round) >> m_granularity, (height + round) >> m_granularity);

	// reset everything

//  first_dirty_rect -- return the first dirty
//  rectangle in the list

sparse_dirty_rect *sparse_dirty_bitmap::first_dirty_rect(const rectangle &cliprect)
	// if what we have is valid, just return it again
	if (m_rect_list_bounds == cliprect)
		return m_rect_list.first();

	// reclaim the dirty list and start over

	// compute dirty space rectangle coordinates
	int sx = cliprect.min_x >> m_granularity;
	int ex = cliprect.max_x >> m_granularity;
	int sy = cliprect.min_y >> m_granularity;
	int ey = cliprect.max_y >> m_granularity;
	int tilesize = 1 << m_granularity;

	// loop over all grid rows that intersect our cliprect
	for (int y = sy; y <= ey; y++)
		UINT8 *dirtybase = &m_bitmap.pix(y);
		sparse_dirty_rect *currect = nullptr;

		// loop over all grid columns that intersect our cliprect
		for (int x = sx; x <= ex; x++)
			// if this tile is not dirty, end our current run and continue
			if (!dirtybase[x])
				if (currect != nullptr)
					*currect &= cliprect;
				currect = nullptr;

			// if we can't add to an existing rect, create a new one
			if (currect == nullptr)
				// allocate a new rect and add it to the list
				currect = &m_rect_list.append(*m_rect_allocator.alloc());

				// make a rect describing this grid square
				currect->min_x = x << m_granularity;
				currect->max_x = currect->min_x + tilesize - 1;
				currect->min_y = y << m_granularity;
				currect->max_y = currect->min_y + tilesize - 1;

			// if we can add to the previous rect, just expand its width
				currect->max_x += tilesize;

		// clip the last rect to the cliprect
		if (currect != nullptr)
			*currect &= cliprect;

	// mark the list as valid
	m_rect_list_bounds = cliprect;
	return m_rect_list.first();