path: root/src/emu/sound/disc_dev.c
blob: 57799fdb40b89f1aeb413c8a5fee5d745298537a (plain) (tree)





















































































































































































































































































































































 *  MAME - Discrete sound system emulation library
 *  Written by Keith Wilkins (
 *  (c) K.Wilkins 2000
 *  (c) D.Renaud 2003-2004
 * DSD_555_ASTBL         - NE555 Simulation - Astable mode
 * DSD_555_MSTBL         - NE555 Simulation - Monostable mode
 * DSD_555_CC            - NE555 Constant Current VCO
 * DSD_555_VCO1          - Op-Amp linear ramp based 555 VCO
 * DSD_566               - NE566 Simulation
 * DSD_LS624             - 74LS624/629 Simulation
 * You will notice that the code for a lot of these routines are similar.
 * I tried to make a common charging routine, but there are too many
 * minor differences that affect each module.

#define DEFAULT_555_BLEED_R	RES_M(10)

struct dsd_555_astbl_context
	int		use_ctrlv;
	int		output_type;
	int		output_is_ac;
	double	ac_shift;			/* DC shift needed to make waveform ac */
	int		flip_flop;			/* 555 flip/flop output state */
	double	cap_voltage;		/* voltage on cap */
	double	threshold;
	double	trigger;
	double	v_out_high;			/* Logic 1 voltage level */
	double	v_charge;
	double *v_charge_node;		/* point to output of node */
	int		has_rc_nodes;
	double	exp_bleed;
	double	exp_charge;
	double	exp_discharge;
	double	t_rc_bleed;
	double	t_rc_charge;
	double	t_rc_discharge;
	double	last_r1;
	double	last_r2;
	double	last_c;

struct dsd_555_mstbl_context
	int		trig_is_logic;
	int		trig_discharges_cap;
	int		output_type;
	double	ac_shift;				/* DC shift needed to make waveform ac */
	int		flip_flop;				/* 555 flip/flop output state */
	int		has_rc_nodes;
	double	exp_charge;
	double	cap_voltage;			/* voltage on cap */
	double	threshold;
	double	trigger;
	double	v_out_high;				/* Logic 1 voltage level */
	double	v_charge;

struct dsd_555_cc_context
	unsigned int	type;			/* type of 555cc circuit */
	int				output_type;
	int				output_is_ac;
	double			ac_shift;		/* DC shift needed to make waveform ac */
	int				flip_flop;		/* 555 flip/flop output state */
	double			cap_voltage;	/* voltage on cap */
	double			threshold;
	double			trigger;
	double			v_out_high;		/* Logic 1 voltage level */
	double			v_cc_source;
	int				has_rc_nodes;
	double			exp_bleed;
	double			exp_charge;
	double			exp_discharge;
	double			exp_discharge_01;
	double			exp_discharge_no_i;
	double			t_rc_charge;
	double			t_rc_discharge;
	double			t_rc_discharge_01;
	double			t_rc_discharge_no_i;

struct dsd_555_vco1_context
	int		ctrlv_is_node;
	int		output_type;
	int		output_is_ac;
	double	ac_shift;			/* DC shift needed to make waveform ac */
	int		flip_flop;			/* flip/flop output state */
	double	v_out_high;			/* 555 high voltage */
	double	threshold;			/* falling threshold */
	double	trigger;			/* rising threshold */
	double	i_charge;			/* charge current */
	double	i_discharge;		/* discharge current */
	double	cap_voltage;		/* current capacitor voltage */

struct dsd_566_context
	unsigned int state[2];			/* keeps track of excess flip_flop changes during the current step */
	int			flip_flop;			/* 566 flip/flop output state */
	double		cap_voltage;		/* voltage on cap */
	double		v_sqr_low;			/* voltage for a squarewave at low */
	double		v_sqr_high;			/* voltage for a squarewave at high */
	double		v_sqr_diff;
	double		threshold_low;		/* falling threshold */
	double		threshold_high;		/* rising threshold */
	double		ac_shift;			/* used to fake AC */
	double		v_osc_stable;
	double		v_osc_stop;
	int			fake_ac;
	int			out_type;

struct dsd_ls624_context
	double	exponent;
	double	t_used;
	double	v_cap_freq_in;
	double	v_freq_scale;
	double	v_rng_scale;
	int		flip_flop;
	int		has_freq_in_cap;
	int		out_type;

 * DSD_555_ASTBL -  - 555 Astable simulation
 * input[0]    - Reset value
 * input[1]    - R1 value
 * input[2]    - R2 value
 * input[3]    - C value
 * input[4]    - Control Voltage value
 * also passed discrete_555_desc structure
 * Jan 2004, D Renaud.
#define DSD_555_ASTBL__R1		DISCRETE_INPUT(1)
#define DSD_555_ASTBL__R2		DISCRETE_INPUT(2)

/* bit mask of the above RC inputs */
#define DSD_555_ASTBL_RC_MASK	0x0e

/* charge/discharge constants */
/* Use quick charge if specified. */
#define DSD_555_ASTBL_T_RC_CHARGE		((DSD_555_ASTBL__R1 + ((info->options & DISC_555_ASTABLE_HAS_FAST_CHARGE_DIODE) ? 0 : DSD_555_ASTBL__R2)) * DSD_555_ASTBL__C)


	int		count_f = 0;
	int		count_r = 0;
	double	dt;								/* change in time */
	double	x_time  = 0;					/* time since change happened */
	double	v_cap   = context->cap_voltage;	/* Current voltage on capacitor, before dt */
	double	v_cap_next = 0;					/* Voltage on capacitor, after dt */
	double	v_charge, exponent = 0;
	UINT8	flip_flop = context->flip_flop;
	UINT8	update_exponent = 0;

	/* put commonly used stuff in local variables for speed */
	double	threshold = context->threshold;
	double	trigger   = context->trigger;

		/* We are in RESET */
		node->output[0]      = 0;
		context->flip_flop   = 1;
		context->cap_voltage = 0;

	/* Check: if the Control Voltage node is connected. */
	if (context->use_ctrlv)
		/* If CV is less then .25V, the circuit will oscillate way out of range.
         * So we will just ignore it when it happens. */
		if (DSD_555_ASTBL__CTRLV < .25) return;
		/* If it is a node then calculate thresholds based on Control Voltage */
		threshold = DSD_555_ASTBL__CTRLV;
		trigger   = DSD_555_ASTBL__CTRLV / 2.0;
		/* Since the thresholds may have changed we need to update the FF */
		if (v_cap >= threshold)
			flip_flop = 0;
		if (v_cap <= trigger)
			flip_flop = 1;

	/* get the v_charge and update each step if it is a node */
	if (context->v_charge_node != NULL)
		v_charge = *context->v_charge_node;
		if (info->options & DISC_555_ASTABLE_HAS_FAST_CHARGE_DIODE) v_charge -= 0.5;
		v_charge = context->v_charge;

	/* Calculate future capacitor voltage.
     * ref@
     * The formulas from the ref pages have been modified to reflect that we are stepping the change.
     * dt = time of sample (1/sample frequency)
     * VC = Voltage across capacitor
     * VC' = Future voltage across capacitor
     * Vc = Voltage change
     * Vr = is the voltage across the resistor.  For charging it is Vcc - VC.  Discharging it is VC - 0.
     * R = R1+R2 (for charging)  R = R2 for discharging.
     * Vc = Vr*(1-exp(-dt/(R*C)))
     * VC' = VC + Vc (for charging) VC' = VC - Vc for discharging.
     * We will also need to calculate the amount of time we overshoot the thresholds
     * dt = amount of time we overshot
     * Vc = voltage change overshoot
     * dt = R*C(log(1/(1-(Vc/Vr))))

	dt = node->info->sample_time;

	/* Sometimes a switching network is used to setup the capacitance.
     * These may select no capacitor, causing oscillation to stop.
	if (DSD_555_ASTBL__C == 0)
		flip_flop = 1;
		/* The voltage goes high because the cap circuit is open. */
		v_cap_next = v_charge;
		v_cap      = v_charge;
		context->cap_voltage = 0;
		/* Update charge contstants and exponents if nodes changed */
		if (context->has_rc_nodes && (DSD_555_ASTBL__R1 != context->last_r1 || DSD_555_ASTBL__C != context->last_c || DSD_555_ASTBL__R2 != context->last_r2))
			context->t_rc_bleed  = DSD_555_ASTBL_T_RC_BLEED;
			context->t_rc_charge = DSD_555_ASTBL_T_RC_CHARGE;
			context->t_rc_discharge = DSD_555_ASTBL_T_RC_DISCHARGE;
			context->exp_bleed  = RC_CHARGE_EXP(context->t_rc_bleed);
			context->exp_charge = RC_CHARGE_EXP(context->t_rc_charge);
			context->exp_discharge = RC_CHARGE_EXP(context->t_rc_discharge);
			context->last_r1 = DSD_555_ASTBL__R1;
			context->last_r2 = DSD_555_ASTBL__R2;
			context->last_c  = DSD_555_ASTBL__C;
		/* Keep looping until all toggling in time sample is used up. */
			if (flip_flop)
				if (DSD_555_ASTBL__R1 == 0)
					/* Oscillation disabled because there is no longer any charge resistor. */
					/* Bleed the cap due to circuit losses. */
					if (update_exponent)
						exponent = RC_CHARGE_EXP_DT(context->t_rc_bleed, dt);
						exponent = context->exp_bleed;
					v_cap_next = v_cap - (v_cap * exponent);
					dt = 0;
					/* Charging */
					if (update_exponent)
						exponent = RC_CHARGE_EXP_DT(context->t_rc_charge, dt);
						exponent = context->exp_charge;
					v_cap_next = v_cap + ((v_charge - v_cap) * exponent);
					dt = 0;

					/* has it charged past upper limit? */
					if (v_cap_next >= threshold)
						/* calculate the overshoot time */
						dt     = context->t_rc_charge  * log(1.0 / (1.0 - ((v_cap_next - threshold) / (v_charge - v_cap))));
						x_time = dt;
						v_cap_next  = threshold;
						flip_flop = 0;
						update_exponent = 1;
				/* Discharging */
				if(DSD_555_ASTBL__R2 != 0)
					if (update_exponent)
						exponent = RC_CHARGE_EXP_DT(context->t_rc_discharge, dt);
						exponent = context->exp_discharge;
					v_cap_next = v_cap - (v_cap * exponent);
					dt = 0;
					/* no discharge resistor so we imediately discharge */
					v_cap_next = trigger;

				/* has it discharged past lower limit? */
				if (v_cap_next <= trigger)
					/* calculate the overshoot time */
					if (v_cap_next < trigger)
						dt = context->t_rc_discharge  * log(1.0 / (1.0 - ((trigger - v_cap_next) / v_cap)));
					x_time = dt;
					v_cap_next  = trigger;
					flip_flop = 1;
					update_exponent = 1;
			v_cap = v_cap_next;
		} while(dt);

		context->cap_voltage = v_cap;

	/* Convert last switch time to a ratio */
	x_time = x_time / node->info->sample_time;

	switch (context->output_type)
		case DISC_555_OUT_SQW:
			if (count_f + count_r >= 2)
				/* force at least 1 toggle */
				node->output[0] = context->flip_flop ? 0 : context->v_out_high;
				node->output[0] = flip_flop * context->v_out_high;
			node->output[0] += context->ac_shift;
		case DISC_555_OUT_CAP:
			node->output[0] = v_cap;
			/* Fake it to AC if needed */
			if (context->output_is_ac)
				node->output[0] -= threshold * 3.0 /4.0;
		case DISC_555_OUT_ENERGY:
			if (x_time == 0) x_time = 1.0;
			node->output[0]  = context->v_out_high * (flip_flop ? x_time : (1.0 - x_time));
			node->output[0] += context->ac_shift;
		case DISC_555_OUT_LOGIC_X:
			node->output[0] = flip_flop + x_time;
		case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_F_X:
			node->output[0] = count_f ? count_f + x_time : count_f;
		case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_R_X:
			node->output[0] =  count_r ? count_r + x_time : count_r;
		case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_F:
			node->output[0] = count_f;
		case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_R:
			node->output[0] = count_r;
	context->flip_flop = flip_flop;


	node_description *v_charge_node;

	context->use_ctrlv   = (node->input_is_node >> 4) & 1;
	context->output_type = info->options & DISC_555_OUT_MASK;

	/* Use the defaults or supplied values. */
	context->v_out_high = (info->v_out_high == DEFAULT_555_HIGH) ? info->v_pos - 1.2 : info->v_out_high;

	/* setup v_charge or node */
	v_charge_node = discrete_find_node(node->info, info->v_charge);
	if (v_charge_node)
		context->v_charge_node = &(v_charge_node->output[NODE_CHILD_NODE_NUM(info->v_charge)]);
		context->v_charge   = (info->v_charge == DEFAULT_555_CHARGE) ? info->v_pos : info->v_charge;
		context->v_charge_node = NULL;

		if (info->options & DISC_555_ASTABLE_HAS_FAST_CHARGE_DIODE) context->v_charge -= 0.5;

	if ((DSD_555_ASTBL__CTRLV != -1) && !context->use_ctrlv)
		/* Setup based on supplied Control Voltage static value */
		context->threshold = DSD_555_ASTBL__CTRLV;
		context->trigger   = DSD_555_ASTBL__CTRLV / 2.0;
		/* Setup based on v_pos power source */
		context->threshold = info->v_pos * 2.0 / 3.0;
		context->trigger   = info->v_pos / 3.0;

	/* optimization if none of the values are nodes */
	context->has_rc_nodes = 0;
	if (node->input_is_node & DSD_555_ASTBL_RC_MASK)
		context->has_rc_nodes = 1;
		context->t_rc_bleed  = DSD_555_ASTBL_T_RC_BLEED;
		context->exp_bleed   = RC_CHARGE_EXP(context->t_rc_bleed);
		context->t_rc_charge = DSD_555_ASTBL_T_RC_CHARGE;
		context->exp_charge  = RC_CHARGE_EXP(context->t_rc_charge);
		context->t_rc_discharge = DSD_555_ASTBL_T_RC_DISCHARGE;
		context->exp_discharge  = RC_CHARGE_EXP(context->t_rc_discharge);

	context->output_is_ac = info->options & DISC_555_OUT_AC;
	/* Calculate DC shift needed to make squarewave waveform AC */
	context->ac_shift = context->output_is_ac ? -context->v_out_high / 2.0 : 0;

	context->flip_flop = 1;
	context->cap_voltage = 0;

	/* Step to set the output */

 * DSD_555_MSTBL - 555 Monostable simulation
 * input[0]    - Reset value
 * input[1]    - Trigger input
 * input[2]    - R2 value
 * input[3]    - C value
 * also passed discrete_555_desc structure
 * Oct 2004, D Renaud.

/* bit mask of the above RC inputs */
#define DSD_555_MSTBL_RC_MASK	0x0c


	double v_cap;			/* Current voltage on capacitor, before dt */
	double x_time = 0;		/* time since change happened */
	double dt, exponent;
	double out = 0;
	int trigger = 0;
	int trigger_type;
	int update_exponent = context->has_rc_nodes;
	int flip_flop;

		/* We are in RESET */
		node->output[0]     = 0;
		context->flip_flop  = 0;
		context->cap_voltage = 0;

	dt = node->info->sample_time;
	flip_flop = context->flip_flop;
	trigger_type = info->options;
	v_cap = context->cap_voltage;

	switch (trigger_type & DSD_555_TRIGGER_TYPE_MASK)
			trigger = ((int)DSD_555_MSTBL__TRIGGER) ? 0 : 1;
			if (UNEXPECTED(trigger))
				x_time = 1.0 - DSD_555_MSTBL__TRIGGER;
			trigger = (int)(DSD_555_MSTBL__TRIGGER < context->trigger);
			trigger = (int)DSD_555_MSTBL__TRIGGER;
			if (UNEXPECTED(trigger))
				x_time = DSD_555_MSTBL__TRIGGER - trigger;

	if (UNEXPECTED(trigger && !flip_flop && x_time != 0))
		/* adjust sample to after trigger */
		update_exponent = 1;
		dt *= x_time;
	x_time = 0;

	if ((trigger_type & DISC_555_TRIGGER_DISCHARGES_CAP) && trigger)
		context->cap_voltage = 0;

	/* Wait for trigger */
	if (UNEXPECTED(!flip_flop && trigger))
		flip_flop = 1;
		context->flip_flop = 1;

	if (flip_flop)
		/* Sometimes a switching network is used to setup the capacitance.
         * These may select 'no' capacitor, causing oscillation to stop.
		if (UNEXPECTED(DSD_555_MSTBL__C == 0))
			/* The trigger voltage goes high because the cap circuit is open.
             * and the cap discharges */
			v_cap = info->v_pos;	/* needed for cap output type */
			context->cap_voltage = 0;

			if (!trigger)
				flip_flop = 0;
				context->flip_flop = 0;
			/* Charging */
			double v_diff = context->v_charge - v_cap;

			if (UNEXPECTED(update_exponent))
				exponent = RC_CHARGE_EXP_DT(DSD_555_MSTBL__R * DSD_555_MSTBL__C, dt);
				exponent = context->exp_charge;
			v_cap += v_diff * exponent;

			/* Has it charged past upper limit? */
			/* If trigger is still enabled, then we keep charging,
             * regardless of threshold. */
			if (UNEXPECTED((v_cap >= context->threshold) && !trigger))
				dt = DSD_555_MSTBL__R * DSD_555_MSTBL__C  * log(1.0 / (1.0 - ((v_cap - context->threshold) / v_diff)));
				x_time = 1.0 - dt / node->info->sample_time;
				v_cap  = 0;
				flip_flop = 0;
				context->flip_flop = 0;
			context->cap_voltage = v_cap;

	switch (context->output_type)
		case DISC_555_OUT_SQW:
			out = flip_flop * context->v_out_high - context->ac_shift;
		case DISC_555_OUT_CAP:
			if (x_time > 0)
				out = v_cap * x_time;
				out = v_cap;

			out -= context->ac_shift;
		case DISC_555_OUT_ENERGY:
			if (x_time > 0)
				out = context->v_out_high * x_time;
			else if (flip_flop)
				out = context->v_out_high;
				out = 0;

			out -= context->ac_shift;
	node->output[0] = out;


	context->output_type = info->options & DISC_555_OUT_MASK;
	if ((context->output_type == DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_F) || (context->output_type == DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_R))
		discrete_log(node->info, "Invalid Output type in NODE_%d.\n", NODE_BLOCKINDEX(node));
		context->output_type = DISC_555_OUT_SQW;

	/* Use the defaults or supplied values. */
	context->v_out_high = (info->v_out_high == DEFAULT_555_HIGH) ? info->v_pos - 1.2 : info->v_out_high;
	context->v_charge   = (info->v_charge   == DEFAULT_555_CHARGE) ? info->v_pos : info->v_charge;

	/* Setup based on v_pos power source */
	context->threshold = info->v_pos * 2.0 / 3.0;
	context->trigger   = info->v_pos / 3.0;

	/* Calculate DC shift needed to make waveform AC */
	if (info->options & DISC_555_OUT_AC)
		if (context->output_type == DISC_555_OUT_CAP)
			context->ac_shift = context->threshold * 3.0 /4.0;
			context->ac_shift = context->v_out_high / 2.0;
		context->ac_shift = 0;

	context->trig_is_logic       = (info->options & DISC_555_TRIGGER_IS_VOLTAGE) ? 0: 1;
	context->trig_discharges_cap = (info->options & DISC_555_TRIGGER_DISCHARGES_CAP) ? 1: 0;

	context->flip_flop   = 0;
	context->cap_voltage = 0;

	/* optimization if none of the values are nodes */
	context->has_rc_nodes = 0;
	if (node->input_is_node & DSD_555_MSTBL_RC_MASK)
		context->has_rc_nodes = 1;
		context->exp_charge = RC_CHARGE_EXP(DSD_555_MSTBL__R * DSD_555_MSTBL__C);

	node->output[0] = 0;

 * DSD_555_CC - Usage of node_description values
 * input[0]    - Reset input value
 * input[1]    - Voltage input for Constant current source.
 * input[2]    - R value to set CC current.
 * input[3]    - C value
 * input[4]    - rBias value
 * input[5]    - rGnd value
 * input[6]    - rDischarge value
 * also passed discrete_555_cc_desc structure
 * Mar 2004, D Renaud.
#define DSD_555_CC__RESET	(! DISCRETE_INPUT(0))
#define DSD_555_CC__VIN		DISCRETE_INPUT(1)
#define DSD_555_CC__R		DISCRETE_INPUT(2)
#define DSD_555_CC__C		DISCRETE_INPUT(3)

/* bit mask of the above RC inputs not including DSD_555_CC__R */
#define DSD_555_CC_RC_MASK	0x78

/* charge/discharge constants */
#define DSD_555_CC_T_RC_BLEED			(DEFAULT_555_BLEED_R * DSD_555_CC__C)
#define DSD_555_CC_T_RC_DISCHARGE_01	(DSD_555_CC__RDIS * DSD_555_CC__C)
#define DSD_555_CC_T_RC_DISCHARGE_NO_I	(DSD_555_CC__RGND * DSD_555_CC__C)
#define DSD_555_CC_T_RC_CHARGE			(r_charge * DSD_555_CC__C)
#define DSD_555_CC_T_RC_DISCHARGE		(r_discharge * DSD_555_CC__C)


	int		count_f  = 0;
	int		count_r  = 0;
	double	i;					/* Charging current created by vIn */
	double	r_charge = 0;		/* Equivalent charging resistor */
	double	r_discharge = 0;	/* Equivalent discharging resistor */
	double	vi     = 0;			/* Equivalent voltage from current source */
	double	v_bias = 0;			/* Equivalent voltage from bias voltage */
	double	v      = 0;			/* Equivalent voltage total from current source and bias circuit if used */
	double	dt;					/* change in time */
	double	x_time = 0;			/* time since change happened */
	double	t_rc ;				/* RC time constant */
	double	v_cap;				/* Current voltage on capacitor, before dt */
	double	v_cap_next = 0;		/* Voltage on capacitor, after dt */
	double	v_vcharge_limit;	/* vIn and the junction voltage limit the max charging voltage from i */
	double	r_temp;				/* play thing */
	double	exponent;
	UINT8	update_exponent, update_t_rc;
	UINT8	flip_flop = context->flip_flop;

		/* We are in RESET */
		node->output[0]      = 0;
		context->flip_flop   = 1;
		context->cap_voltage = 0;

	dt    = node->info->sample_time;	/* Change in time */
	v_cap = context->cap_voltage;	/* Set to voltage before change */
	v_vcharge_limit = DSD_555_CC__VIN + info->v_cc_junction;	/* the max v_cap can be and still be charged by i */
	/* Calculate charging current */
	i = (context->v_cc_source - v_vcharge_limit) / DSD_555_CC__R;
	if ( i < 0) i = 0;

	if (info->options & DISCRETE_555_CC_TO_CAP)
		vi = i * DSD_555_CC__RDIS;
		switch (context->type)	/* see dsd_555_cc_reset for descriptions */
			case 1:
				r_discharge = DSD_555_CC__RDIS;
			case 0:
			case 3:
				r_discharge = RES_2_PARALLEL(DSD_555_CC__RDIS, DSD_555_CC__RGND);
			case 2:
				r_charge = DSD_555_CC__RGND;
				vi       = i * r_charge;
			case 4:
				r_charge = DSD_555_CC__RBIAS;
				vi       = i * r_charge;
				v_bias   = info->v_pos;
			case 5:
				r_charge = DSD_555_CC__RBIAS + DSD_555_CC__RDIS;
				vi      = i * DSD_555_CC__RBIAS;
				v_bias  = info->v_pos;
				r_discharge = DSD_555_CC__RDIS;
			case 6:
				r_charge = RES_2_PARALLEL(DSD_555_CC__RBIAS, DSD_555_CC__RGND);
				vi      = i * r_charge;
				v_bias  = info->v_pos * RES_VOLTAGE_DIVIDER(DSD_555_CC__RGND, DSD_555_CC__RBIAS);
			case 7:
				r_temp   = DSD_555_CC__RBIAS + DSD_555_CC__RDIS;
				r_charge = RES_2_PARALLEL(r_temp, DSD_555_CC__RGND);
				r_temp  += DSD_555_CC__RGND;
				r_temp   = DSD_555_CC__RGND / r_temp;	/* now has voltage divider ratio, not resistance */
				vi      = i * DSD_555_CC__RBIAS * r_temp;
				v_bias  = info->v_pos * r_temp;
				r_discharge = RES_2_PARALLEL(DSD_555_CC__RGND, DSD_555_CC__RDIS);

	/* Keep looping until all toggling in time sample is used up. */
	update_t_rc = context->has_rc_nodes;
	update_exponent = update_t_rc;
		if (context->type <= 1)
			/* Standard constant current charge */
			if (flip_flop)
				if (i == 0)
					/* No charging current, so we have to discharge the cap
                     * due to cap and circuit losses.
					if (update_exponent)
						t_rc     = DSD_555_CC_T_RC_BLEED;
						exponent = RC_CHARGE_EXP_DT(t_rc, dt);
						exponent = context->exp_bleed;
					v_cap_next = v_cap - (v_cap * exponent);
					dt = 0;
					/* Charging */
					/* iC=C*dv/dt  works out to dv=iC*dt/C */
					v_cap_next = v_cap + (i * dt / DSD_555_CC__C);
					/* Yes, if the cap voltage has reached the max voltage it can,
                     * and the 555 threshold has not been reached, then oscillation stops.
                     * This is the way the actual electronics works.
                     * This is why you never play with the pots after being factory adjusted
                     * to work in the proper range. */
					if (v_cap_next > v_vcharge_limit) v_cap_next = v_vcharge_limit;
					dt = 0;

					/* has it charged past upper limit? */
					if (v_cap_next >= context->threshold)
						/* calculate the overshoot time */
						dt     = DSD_555_CC__C * (v_cap_next - context->threshold) / i;
						x_time = dt;
						v_cap_next = context->threshold;
						flip_flop = 0;
						update_exponent = 1;
			else if (DSD_555_CC__RDIS != 0)
				/* Discharging */
				if (update_t_rc)
					t_rc = DSD_555_CC_T_RC_DISCHARGE_01;
					t_rc = context->t_rc_discharge_01;
				if (update_exponent)
					exponent = RC_CHARGE_EXP_DT(t_rc, dt);
					exponent = context->exp_discharge_01;

				if (info->options & DISCRETE_555_CC_TO_CAP)
					/* Asteroids - Special Case */
					/* Charging in discharge mode */
					/* If the cap voltage is past the current source charging limit
                     * then only the bias voltage will charge the cap. */
					v          = (v_cap < v_vcharge_limit) ? vi : v_vcharge_limit;
					v_cap_next = v_cap + ((v - v_cap) * exponent);
					v_cap_next = v_cap - (v_cap * exponent);

				dt = 0;
				/* has it discharged past lower limit? */
				if (v_cap_next <= context->trigger)
					dt     = t_rc  * log(1.0 / (1.0 - ((context->trigger - v_cap_next) / v_cap)));
					x_time = dt;
					v_cap_next  = context->trigger;
					flip_flop = 1;
					update_exponent = 1;
			else	/* Immediate discharge. No change in dt. */
				x_time = dt;
				v_cap_next = context->trigger;
				flip_flop = 1;
			/* The constant current gets changed to a voltage due to a load resistor. */
			if (flip_flop)
				if ((i == 0) && (DSD_555_CC__RBIAS == 0))
					/* No charging current, so we have to discharge the cap
                     * due to rGnd.
					if (update_t_rc)
						t_rc = DSD_555_CC_T_RC_DISCHARGE_NO_I;
						t_rc = context->t_rc_discharge_no_i;
					if (update_exponent)
						exponent = RC_CHARGE_EXP_DT(t_rc, dt);
						exponent = context->exp_discharge_no_i;

					v_cap_next = v_cap - (v_cap * exponent);
					dt = 0;
					/* Charging */
					/* If the cap voltage is past the current source charging limit
                     * then only the bias voltage will charge the cap. */
					v = v_bias;
					if (v_cap < v_vcharge_limit) v += vi;
					else if (context->type <= 3) v = v_vcharge_limit;

					if (update_t_rc)
						t_rc = DSD_555_CC_T_RC_CHARGE;
						t_rc = context->t_rc_charge;
					if (update_exponent)
						exponent = RC_CHARGE_EXP_DT(t_rc, dt);
						exponent = context->exp_charge;

					v_cap_next = v_cap + ((v - v_cap) * exponent);
					dt         = 0;

					/* has it charged past upper limit? */
					if (v_cap_next >= context->threshold)
						/* calculate the overshoot time */
						dt     = t_rc  * log(1.0 / (1.0 - ((v_cap_next - context->threshold) / (v - v_cap))));
						x_time = dt;
						v_cap_next = context->threshold;
						flip_flop = 0;
						update_exponent = 1;
			else /* Discharging */
			if (r_discharge)
				if (update_t_rc)
					t_rc = DSD_555_CC_T_RC_DISCHARGE;
					t_rc = context->t_rc_discharge;
				if (update_exponent)
					exponent = RC_CHARGE_EXP_DT(t_rc, dt);
					exponent = context->exp_discharge;

				v_cap_next = v_cap - (v_cap * exponent);
				dt = 0;

				/* has it discharged past lower limit? */
				if (v_cap_next <= context->trigger)
					/* calculate the overshoot time */
					dt     = t_rc  * log(1.0 / (1.0 - ((context->trigger - v_cap_next) / v_cap)));
					x_time = dt;
					v_cap_next = context->trigger;
					flip_flop = 1;
					update_exponent = 1;
			else	/* Immediate discharge. No change in dt. */
				x_time = dt;
				v_cap_next = context->trigger;
				flip_flop = 1;
		v_cap = v_cap_next;
	} while(dt);

	context->cap_voltage = v_cap;

	/* Convert last switch time to a ratio */
	x_time = x_time / node->info->sample_time;

	switch (context->output_type)
		case DISC_555_OUT_SQW:
			if (count_f + count_r >= 2)
				/* force at least 1 toggle */
				node->output[0] = context->flip_flop ? 0 : context->v_out_high;
				node->output[0] = flip_flop * context->v_out_high;
			/* Fake it to AC if needed */
			node->output[0] += context->ac_shift;
		case DISC_555_OUT_CAP:
			node->output[0] = v_cap + context->ac_shift;
		case DISC_555_OUT_ENERGY:
			if (x_time == 0) x_time = 1.0;
			node->output[0]  = context->v_out_high * (flip_flop ? x_time : (1.0 - x_time));
			node->output[0] += context->ac_shift;
		case DISC_555_OUT_LOGIC_X:
			node->output[0] = flip_flop + x_time;
		case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_F_X:
			node->output[0] = count_f ? count_f + x_time : count_f;
		case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_R_X:
			node->output[0] =  count_r ? count_r + x_time : count_r;
		case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_F:
			node->output[0] = count_f;
		case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_R:
			node->output[0] = count_r;
	context->flip_flop = flip_flop;


	double	r_temp, r_discharge = 0, r_charge = 0;

	context->flip_flop   = 1;
	context->cap_voltage = 0;

	context->output_type = info->options & DISC_555_OUT_MASK;

	/* Use the defaults or supplied values. */
	context->v_out_high  = (info->v_out_high  == DEFAULT_555_HIGH) ? info->v_pos - 1.2 : info->v_out_high;
	context->v_cc_source = (info->v_cc_source == DEFAULT_555_CC_SOURCE) ? info->v_pos : info->v_cc_source;

	/* Setup based on v_pos power source */
	context->threshold = info->v_pos * 2.0 / 3.0;
	context->trigger   = info->v_pos / 3.0;

	context->output_is_ac = info->options & DISC_555_OUT_AC;
	/* Calculate DC shift needed to make squarewave waveform AC */
	context->ac_shift     = context->output_is_ac ? -context->v_out_high / 2.0 : 0;

	/* There are 8 different types of basic oscillators
     * depending on the resistors used.  We will determine
     * the type of circuit at reset, because the ciruit type
     * is constant.  See Below.
	context->type = (DSD_555_CC__RDIS > 0) | ((DSD_555_CC__RGND  > 0) << 1) | ((DSD_555_CC__RBIAS  > 0) << 2);

	/* optimization if none of the values are nodes */
	context->has_rc_nodes = 0;
	if (node->input_is_node & DSD_555_CC_RC_MASK)
		context->has_rc_nodes = 1;
		switch (context->type)	/* see dsd_555_cc_reset for descriptions */
			case 1:
				r_discharge = DSD_555_CC__RDIS;
			case 0:
			case 3:
				r_discharge = RES_2_PARALLEL(DSD_555_CC__RDIS, DSD_555_CC__RGND);
			case 2:
				r_charge = DSD_555_CC__RGND;
			case 4:
				r_charge = DSD_555_CC__RBIAS;
			case 5:
				r_charge = DSD_555_CC__RBIAS + DSD_555_CC__RDIS;
				r_discharge = DSD_555_CC__RDIS;
			case 6:
				r_charge = RES_2_PARALLEL(DSD_555_CC__RBIAS, DSD_555_CC__RGND);
			case 7:
				r_temp   = DSD_555_CC__RBIAS + DSD_555_CC__RDIS;
				r_charge = RES_2_PARALLEL(r_temp, DSD_555_CC__RGND);
				r_discharge = RES_2_PARALLEL(DSD_555_CC__RGND, DSD_555_CC__RDIS);

		context->exp_bleed  = RC_CHARGE_EXP(DSD_555_CC_T_RC_BLEED);
		context->t_rc_discharge_01 = DSD_555_CC_T_RC_DISCHARGE_01;
		context->exp_discharge_01  = RC_CHARGE_EXP(context->t_rc_discharge_01);
		context->t_rc_discharge_no_i = DSD_555_CC_T_RC_DISCHARGE_NO_I;
		context->exp_discharge_no_i  = RC_CHARGE_EXP(context->t_rc_discharge_no_i);
		context->t_rc_charge = DSD_555_CC_T_RC_CHARGE;
		context->exp_charge  = RC_CHARGE_EXP(context->t_rc_charge);
		context->t_rc_discharge = DSD_555_CC_T_RC_DISCHARGE;
		context->exp_discharge  = RC_CHARGE_EXP(context->t_rc_discharge);

	/* Step to set the output */

     * TYPES:
     * Note: These are equivalent circuits shown without the 555 circuitry.
     *       See the schematic in src\sound\discrete.h for full hookup info.
     * When the CC source is connected to the discharge pin, it allows the
     * circuit to charge when the 555 is in charge mode.  But when in discharge
     * mode, the CC source is grounded, disabling it's effect.
     * [0]
     * No resistors.  Straight constant current charge of capacitor.
     * When there is not any charge current, the cap will bleed off.
     * Once the lower threshold(trigger) is reached, the output will
     * go high but the cap will continue to discharge due to losses.
     *   .------+---> cap_voltage      CHARGING:
     *   |      |                 dv (change in voltage) compared to dt (change in time in seconds).
     * .---.   ---                dv = i * dt / C; where i is current in amps and C is capacitance in farads.
     * | i |   --- C              cap_voltage = cap_voltage + dv
     * '---'    |
     *   |      |               DISCHARGING:
     *  gnd    gnd                instantaneous
     * [1]
     * Same as type 1 but with rDischarge.  rDischarge has no effect on the charge rate because
     * of the constant current source i.
     * When there is not any charge current, the cap will bleed off.
     * Once the lower threshold(trigger) is reached, the output will
     * go high but the cap will continue to discharge due to losses.
     *   .----ZZZ-----+---> cap_voltage      CHARGING:
     *   | rDischarge |                 dv (change in voltage) compared to dt (change in time in seconds).
     * .---.         ---                dv = i * dt / C; where i is current in amps and C is capacitance in farads.
     * | i |         --- C              cap_voltage = cap_voltage + dv
     * '---'          |
     *   |            |               DISCHARGING:
     *  gnd          gnd                thru rDischarge
     * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     * !!!!! IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT TYPES 3 - 7 !!!!!
     * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     * From here on in all the circuits have either an rBias or rGnd resistor.
     * This converts the constant current into a voltage source.
     * So all the remaining circuit types will be converted to this circuit.
     * When discharging, rBias is out of the equation because the 555 is grounding the circuit
     * after that point.
     * .------------.     Rc                  Rc is the equivilent circuit resistance.
     * |     v      |----ZZZZ---+---> cap_voltage    v  is the equivilent circuit voltage.
     * |            |           |
     * '------------'          ---            Then the standard RC charging formula applies.
     *       |                 --- C
     *       |                  |             NOTE: All the following types are converted to Rc and v values.
     *      gnd                gnd
     * [2]
     * When there is not any charge current, the cap will bleed off.
     * Once the lower threshold(trigger) is reached, the output will
     * go high but the cap will continue to discharge due to rGnd.
     *   .-------+------+------> cap_voltage         CHARGING:
     *   |       |      |                       v = vi = i * rGnd
     * .---.    ---     Z                       Rc = rGnd
     * | i |    --- C   Z rGnd
     * '---'     |      |                     DISCHARGING:
     *   |       |      |                       instantaneous
     *  gnd     gnd    gnd
     * [3]
     * When there is not any charge current, the cap will bleed off.
     * Once the lower threshold(trigger) is reached, the output will
     * go high but the cap will continue to discharge due to rGnd.
     *   .----ZZZ-----+------+------> cap_voltage    CHARGING:
     *   | rDischarge |      |                  v = vi = i * rGnd
     * .---.         ---     Z                  Rc = rGnd
     * | i |         --- C   Z rGnd
     * '---'          |      |                DISCHARGING:
     *   |            |      |                  thru rDischarge || rGnd  ( || means in parallel)
     *  gnd          gnd    gnd
     * [4]
     *     .---ZZZ---+------------+-------------> cap_voltage      CHARGING:
     *     |  rBias  |            |                           Rc = rBias
     * .-------.   .---.         ---                          vi = i * rBias
     * | vBias |   | i |         --- C                        v = vBias + vi
     * '-------'   '---'          |
     *     |         |            |                         DISCHARGING:
     *    gnd       gnd          gnd                          instantaneous
     * [5]
     *     .---ZZZ---+----ZZZ-----+-------------> cap_voltage      CHARGING:
     *     |  rBias  | rDischarge |                           Rc = rBias + rDischarge
     * .-------.   .---.         ---                          vi = i * rBias
     * | vBias |   | i |         --- C                        v = vBias + vi
     * '-------'   '---'          |
     *     |         |            |                         DISCHARGING:
     *    gnd       gnd          gnd                          thru rDischarge
     * [6]
     *     .---ZZZ---+------------+------+------> cap_voltage      CHARGING:
     *     |  rBias  |            |      |                    Rc = rBias || rGnd
     * .-------.   .---.         ---     Z                    vi = i * Rc
     * | vBias |   | i |         --- C   Z rGnd               v = vBias * (rGnd / (rBias + rGnd)) + vi
     * '-------'   '---'          |      |
     *     |         |            |      |                  DISCHARGING:
     *    gnd       gnd          gnd    gnd                   instantaneous
     * [7]
     *     .---ZZZ---+----ZZZ-----+------+------> cap_voltage      CHARGING:
     *     |  rBias  | rDischarge |      |                    Rc = (rBias + rDischarge) || rGnd
     * .-------.   .---.         ---     Z                    vi = i * rBias * (rGnd / (rBias + rDischarge + rGnd))
     * | vBias |   | i |         --- C   Z rGnd               v = vBias * (rGnd / (rBias + rDischarge + rGnd)) + vi
     * '-------'   '---'          |      |
     *     |         |            |      |                  DISCHARGING:
     *    gnd       gnd          gnd    gnd                   thru rDischarge || rGnd

     * When the CC source is connected to the capacitor, it allows the
     * current to charge the cap while it is in discharge mode, slowing the
     * discharge.  So in charge mode it charges linearly from the constant
     * current cource.  But when in discharge mode it behaves like circuit
     * type 2 above.
     *   .-------+------+------> cap_voltage         CHARGING:
     *   |       |      |                       dv = i * dt / C
     * .---.    ---     Z                       cap_voltage = cap_voltage + dv
     * | i |    --- C   Z rDischarge
     * '---'     |      |                     DISCHARGING:
     *   |       |      |                       v = vi = i * rGnd
     *  gnd     gnd   discharge                 Rc = rDischarge

 * DSD_555_VCO1 - Usage of node_description values
 * input[0]    - Reset input value
 * input[1]    - Modulation Voltage (Vin1)
 * input[2]    - Control Voltage (Vin2)
 * also passed discrete_5555_vco1_desc structure
 * Apr 2006, D Renaud.
#define DSD_555_VCO1__RESET	DISCRETE_INPUT(0)	/* reset active low */
#define DSD_555_VCO1__VIN1	DISCRETE_INPUT(1)
#define DSD_555_VCO1__VIN2	DISCRETE_INPUT(2)


	int		count_f = 0;
	int		count_r = 0;
	double	dt;				/* change in time */
	double	x_time  = 0;	/* time since change happened */
	double	v_cap;			/* Current voltage on capacitor, before dt */
	double	v_cap_next = 0;	/* Voltage on capacitor, after dt */

	dt    = node->info->sample_time;	/* Change in time */
	v_cap = context->cap_voltage;

	/* Check: if the Control Voltage node is connected. */
	if (context->ctrlv_is_node && DSD_555_VCO1__RESET)	/* reset active low */
		/* If CV is less then .25V, the circuit will oscillate way out of range.
         * So we will just ignore it when it happens. */
		if (DSD_555_VCO1__VIN2 < .25) return;
		/* If it is a node then calculate thresholds based on Control Voltage */
		context->threshold = DSD_555_VCO1__VIN2;
		context->trigger   = DSD_555_VCO1__VIN2 / 2.0;
		/* Since the thresholds may have changed we need to update the FF */
		if (v_cap >= context->threshold)
			x_time = dt;
			context->flip_flop = 0;
		if (v_cap <= context->trigger)
			x_time = dt;
			context->flip_flop = 1;

	/* Keep looping until all toggling in time sample is used up. */
		if (context->flip_flop)
			/* if we are in reset then toggle f/f and discharge */
			if (!DSD_555_VCO1__RESET)	/* reset active low */
				context->flip_flop = 0;
				/* Charging */
				/* iC=C*dv/dt  works out to dv=iC*dt/C */
				v_cap_next = v_cap + (context->i_charge * dt / info->c);
				dt         = 0;

				/* has it charged past upper limit? */
				if (v_cap_next >= context->threshold)
					/* calculate the overshoot time */
					dt     = info->c * (v_cap_next - context->threshold) / context->i_charge;
					v_cap  = context->threshold;
					x_time = dt;
					context->flip_flop = 0;
			/* Discharging */
			/* iC=C*dv/dt  works out to dv=iC*dt/C */
			v_cap_next = v_cap - (context->i_discharge * dt / info->c);

			/* if we are in reset, then the cap can discharge to 0 */
			if (!DSD_555_VCO1__RESET)	/* reset active low */
				if (v_cap_next < 0) v_cap_next = 0;
				dt = 0;
				/* if we are out of reset and the cap voltage is less then
                 * the lower threshold, toggle f/f and start charging */
				if (v_cap <= context->trigger)
					if (context->flip_flop == 0)
						/* don't need to track x_time here */
						context->flip_flop = 1;
					dt = 0;
					/* has it discharged past lower limit? */
					if (v_cap_next <= context->trigger)
						/* calculate the overshoot time */
						dt     = info->c * (v_cap_next - context->trigger) / context->i_discharge;
						v_cap  = context->trigger;
						x_time = dt;
						context->flip_flop = 1;
	} while(dt);

	context->cap_voltage = v_cap_next;

	/* Convert last switch time to a ratio.  No x_time in reset. */
	x_time = x_time / node->info->sample_time;
	if (!DSD_555_VCO1__RESET) x_time = 0;

	switch (context->output_type)
		case DISC_555_OUT_SQW:
			node->output[0] = context->flip_flop * context->v_out_high + context->ac_shift;
		case DISC_555_OUT_CAP:
			node->output[0] = v_cap_next;
			/* Fake it to AC if needed */
			if (context->output_is_ac)
				node->output[0] -= context->threshold * 3.0 /4.0;
		case DISC_555_OUT_ENERGY:
			if (x_time == 0) x_time = 1.0;
			node->output[0]  = context->v_out_high * (context->flip_flop ? x_time : (1.0 - x_time));
			node->output[0] += context->ac_shift;
		case DISC_555_OUT_LOGIC_X:
			node->output[0] = context->flip_flop + x_time;
		case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_F_X:
			node->output[0] = count_f ? count_f + x_time : count_f;
		case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_R_X:
			node->output[0] =  count_r ? count_r + x_time : count_r;
		case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_F:
			node->output[0] = count_f;
		case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_R:
			node->output[0] = count_r;


	double v_ratio_r3, v_ratio_r4_1, r_in_1;

	context->output_type  = info->options & DISC_555_OUT_MASK;
	context->output_is_ac = info->options & DISC_555_OUT_AC;

	/* Setup op-amp parameters */

	/* The voltage at op-amp +in is always a fixed ratio of the modulation voltage. */
	v_ratio_r3 = info->r3 / (info->r2 + info->r3);			/* +in voltage */
	/* The voltage at op-amp -in is 1 of 2 fixed ratios of the modulation voltage,
     * based on the 555 Flip-Flop state. */
	/* If the FF is 0, then only R1 is connected allowing the full modulation volatge to pass. */
	/* v_ratio_r4_0 = 1 */
	/* If the FF is 1, then R1 & R4 make a voltage divider similar to R2 & R3 */
	v_ratio_r4_1 = info->r4 / (info->r1 + info->r4);		/* -in voltage */
	/* the input resistance to the op amp depends on the FF state */
	/* r_in_0 = info->r1 when FF = 0 */
	r_in_1 = 1.0 / (1.0 / info->r1 + 1.0 / info->r4);	/* input resistance when r4 switched in */

	/* Now that we know the voltages entering the op amp and the resistance for the
     * FF states, we can predetermine the ratios for the charge/discharge currents. */
	context->i_discharge = (1 - v_ratio_r3) / info->r1;
	context->i_charge    = (v_ratio_r3 - v_ratio_r4_1) / r_in_1;

	/* the cap starts off discharged */
	context->cap_voltage = 0;

	/* Setup 555 parameters */

	/* There is no charge on the cap so the 555 goes high at init. */
	context->flip_flop     = 1;
	context->ctrlv_is_node = (node->input_is_node >> 2) & 1;
	context->v_out_high    = (info->v_out_high == DEFAULT_555_HIGH) ? info->v_pos - 1.2 : info->v_out_high;

	/* Calculate 555 thresholds.
     * If the Control Voltage is a node, then the thresholds will be calculated each step.
     * If the Control Voltage is a fixed voltage, then the thresholds will be calculated
     * from that.  Otherwise we will use thresholds based on v_pos. */
	if (!context->ctrlv_is_node && (DSD_555_VCO1__VIN2 != -1))
		/* Setup based on supplied Control Voltage static value */
		context->threshold = DSD_555_VCO1__VIN2;
		context->trigger   = DSD_555_VCO1__VIN2 / 2.0;
		/* Setup based on v_pos power source */
		context->threshold = info->v_pos * 2.0 / 3.0;
		context->trigger   = info->v_pos / 3.0;

	/* Calculate DC shift needed to make squarewave waveform AC */
	context->ac_shift = context->output_is_ac ? -context->v_out_high / 2.0 : 0;

 * DSD_566 - Usage of node_description values
 * Mar 2004, D Renaud. updated Sept 2009
 * The data sheets for this are no where near correct.
 * This simulation is based on the internal schematic and testing of
 * a real Signetics IC.
 * The 566 is a constant current based VCO.  If you change R, that affects
 * the charge/discharge rate.  A constant current source will charge the
 * cap linearly.  Of course due to the transistors there will be some
 * non-linear areas at the ends of the Vmod range.  As the Vmod voltage
 * drops from Vcharge, the frequency generated increases.
 * The Triangle (pin 4) output is just a buffered version of the cap
 * charge.  It is about 1.35 higher then the cap voltage.
 * The Square (pin 3) output starts low as the cap voltages rises.
 * Once a threshold is reached, the cap starts to discharge, and the
 * Square output goes high.  The Square high output is about 1V less then
 * B+.  Unloaded it is .75V less.  With a 4.7k pull-down resistor, it
 * is 1.06V less.  So I will simulate at 1V less. The Square low voltage
 * is non-linear so I will use a table.  The cap toggle thresholds vary
 * depending on B+, so they will be simulated with a table.
 * The data sheets show Vmod should be no less then 3/4*B+.  In reality
 * you can go to close to 1/2*B+ before you loose linearity.  Below 1/2,
 * oscillation stops.  When Vmod is 0V to 0.1V less then B+, it also
 * looses linearity, and stops oscillating when >= B+.  This is because
 * there is no voltage difference to create a current source.
 * The current source is dependant on the voltage difference between B+
 * and Vmod.  Due to transistor action, it is not 100%, but this formula
 * gives a good approximation:
 * I = ((B+ - Vmod - 0.1) * 0.95) / R
 * You can test the current VS modulation function by using 10k for R
 * and replace C with a 10k resistor.  Then you can monitor the voltage
 * on pin 7 to work out the current.  I=V/R.  It will start to oscillate
 * when in the cap threshold range.
 * When Vmod drops below the stable range, the current source no longer
 * functions properly.  Technically this is out of the range specified
 * for the IC.  Of course old games used this range anyways, so we need
 * to know how the real IC behaves.  When Vmod drops below the stable range,
 * the charge current is stops dropping instead of increasing, while the
 * discharge current still functions.  This means the frequency generated
 * starts to drop as the voltage lowers, instead of the normal increase
 * in frequency.
#define DSD_566__VMOD		DISCRETE_INPUT(0)
#define DSD_566__R			DISCRETE_INPUT(1)
#define DSD_566__C			DISCRETE_INPUT(2)
#define DSD_566__VPOS		DISCRETE_INPUT(3)
#define DSD_566__VNEG		DISCRETE_INPUT(4)

static const struct
	double	c_high[6];
	double	c_low[6];
	double	sqr_low[6];
	double	osc_stable[6];
	double	osc_stop[6];
} ne566 =
	/* 10      10.5      11      11.5      12     13     14     15             B+ */
	{3.364, /*3.784,*/ 4.259, /*4.552,*/ 4.888, 5.384, 5.896, 6.416},		/* c_high */
	{1.940, /*2.100,*/ 2.276, /*2.404,*/ 2.580, 2.880, 3.180, 3.488},		/* c_low */
	{4.352, /*4.144,*/ 4.080, /*4.260,*/ 4.500, 4.960, 5.456, 5.940},		/* sqr_low */
	{4.885, /*5.316,*/ 5.772, /*6.075,*/ 6.335, 6.912, 7.492, 7.945},		/* osc_stable */
	{4.495, /*4.895,*/ 5.343, /*5.703,*/ 5.997, 6.507, 7.016, 7.518}		/* osc_stop */


	double	i = 0;			/* Charging current created by vIn */
	double	i_rise;			/* non-linear rise charge current */
	double	dt;				/* change in time */
	double	x_time = 0;
	double	v_cap;			/* Current voltage on capacitor, before dt */
	int		count_f = 0, count_r = 0;

	dt    = node->info->sample_time;	/* Change in time */
	v_cap = context->cap_voltage;	/* Set to voltage before change */

	/* Calculate charging current if it is in range */
	if (EXPECTED(DSD_566__VMOD > context->v_osc_stop))
		double v_charge = DSD_566__VCHARGE - DSD_566__VMOD - 0.1;
		if (v_charge > 0)
			i = (v_charge * .95) / DSD_566__R;
			if (DSD_566__VMOD < context->v_osc_stable)
				/* no where near correct calculation of non linear range */
				i_rise = ((DSD_566__VCHARGE - context->v_osc_stable - 0.1) * .95) / DSD_566__R;
				i_rise *= 1.0 - (context->v_osc_stable - DSD_566__VMOD) / (context->v_osc_stable - context->v_osc_stop);
				i_rise = i;
	else return;

	/* Keep looping until all toggling in this time sample is used up. */
		if (context->flip_flop)
			/* Discharging */
			v_cap -= i * dt / DSD_566__C;
			dt     = 0;

			/* has it discharged past lower limit? */
			if (UNEXPECTED(v_cap < context->threshold_low))
				/* calculate the overshoot time */
				dt = DSD_566__C * (context->threshold_low - v_cap) / i;
				v_cap = context->threshold_low;
				context->flip_flop = 0;
				x_time = dt;
			/* Charging */
			/* iC=C*dv/dt  works out to dv=iC*dt/C */
			v_cap += i_rise * dt / DSD_566__C;
			dt     = 0;
			/* Yes, if the cap voltage has reached the max voltage it can,
             * and the 566 threshold has not been reached, then oscillation stops.
             * This is the way the actual electronics works.
             * This is why you never play with the pots after being factory adjusted
             * to work in the proper range. */
			if (UNEXPECTED(v_cap > DSD_566__VMOD)) v_cap = DSD_566__VMOD;

			/* has it charged past upper limit? */
			if (UNEXPECTED(v_cap > context->threshold_high))
				/* calculate the overshoot time */
				dt = DSD_566__C * (v_cap - context->threshold_high) / i;
				v_cap = context->threshold_high;
				context->flip_flop = 1;
				x_time = dt;
	} while(dt);

	context->cap_voltage = v_cap;

	/* Convert last switch time to a ratio */
	x_time /= node->info->sample_time;

	switch (context->out_type)
		case DISC_566_OUT_SQUARE:
			node->output[0] = context->flip_flop ? context->v_sqr_high : context->v_sqr_low;
			if (context->fake_ac)
				node->output[0] += context->ac_shift;
		case DISC_566_OUT_ENERGY:
			if (x_time == 0) x_time = 1.0;
			node->output[0]  = context->v_sqr_low + context->v_sqr_diff * (context->flip_flop ? x_time : (1.0 - x_time));
			if (context->fake_ac)
				node->output[0] += context->ac_shift;
		case DISC_566_OUT_LOGIC:
				node->output[0] = context->flip_flop;
			node->output[0] = v_cap;
			if (context->fake_ac)
				node->output[0] += context->ac_shift;
		case DISC_566_OUT_COUNT_F_X:
			node->output[0] = count_f ? count_f + x_time : count_f;
		case DISC_566_OUT_COUNT_R_X:
			node->output[0] =  count_r ? count_r + x_time : count_r;
		case DISC_566_OUT_COUNT_F:
			node->output[0] = count_f;
		case DISC_566_OUT_COUNT_R:
			node->output[0] = count_r;


	int		v_int;
	double	v_float;

	context->out_type = (int)DSD_566__OPTIONS & DISC_566_OUT_MASK;
	context->fake_ac =  (int)DSD_566__OPTIONS & DISC_566_OUT_AC;

	if (DSD_566__VNEG >= DSD_566__VPOS)
		fatalerror("[v_neg >= v_pos] in NODE_%d!\n", NODE_BLOCKINDEX(node));

	v_float = DSD_566__VPOS - DSD_566__VNEG;
	v_int = (int)v_float;
	if ( v_float < 10 || v_float > 15 )
		fatalerror("v_neg and/or v_pos out of range in NODE_%d\n", NODE_BLOCKINDEX(node));
	if ( v_float != v_int )
		/* fatal for now. */
		fatalerror("Power should be integer in NODE_%d\n", NODE_BLOCKINDEX(node));

	context->flip_flop   = 0;
	context->cap_voltage = 0;

	v_int -= 10;
	context->threshold_high = ne566.c_high[v_int] + DSD_566__VNEG;
	context->threshold_low  = ne566.c_low[v_int] + DSD_566__VNEG;
	context->v_sqr_high     = DSD_566__VPOS - 1;
	context->v_sqr_low      = ne566.sqr_low[v_int] + DSD_566__VNEG;
	context->v_sqr_diff     = context->v_sqr_high - context->v_sqr_low;
	context->v_osc_stable	= ne566.osc_stable[v_int] + DSD_566__VNEG;
	context->v_osc_stop		= ne566.osc_stop[v_int] + DSD_566__VNEG;

	context->ac_shift = 0;
	if (context->fake_ac)
		if (context->out_type == DISC_566_OUT_TRIANGLE)
			context->ac_shift = (context->threshold_high - context->threshold_low) / 2 - context->threshold_high;
			context->ac_shift = context->v_sqr_diff / 2 - context->v_sqr_high;

	/* Step the output */

 * DSD_LS624 - Usage of node_description values
 * Dec 2007, Couriersud based on data sheet
 * Oct 2009, complete re-write based on IC testing
#define DSD_LS624__C			DISCRETE_INPUT(3)

#define LS624_R_EXT			600.0		/* as specified in data sheet */
#define LS624_OUT_HIGH		4.5			/* measured */
#define LS624_IN_R		RES_K(90)	/* measured & 70K + 20k per data sheet */

 * The 74LS624 series are constant current based VCOs.  The Freq Control voltage
 * modulates the current source.  The current is created from Rext, which is
 * internally fixed at 600 ohms for all devices except the 74LS628 which has
 * external connections.  The current source linearly discharges the cap voltage.
 * The cap starts with 0V charge across it.  One side is connected to a fixed voltage
 * bias circuit.  The other side is charged negatively from the current source until
 * a certain low threshold is reached.  Once this threshold is reached, the output
 * toggles state and the pins on the cap reverse in respect to the charge/bias hookup.
 * This starts the one side of the cap to be at bias, and the other side of the cap is
 * now at bias + the charge on the cap which is bias - threshold.
 * Y = 0;  CX1 = bias;    CX2 = charge
 * Y = 1;  CX1 = charge;  CX2 = bias
 * The Range voltage adjusts the threshold voltage.  The higher the Range voltage,
 * the lower the threshold voltage, the longer the cap can charge, the lower the frequency.
 * In a perfect world it would work like this:
 * The current is based on the mysterious Rext mentioned in the data sheet.
 * I = (VfreqControl  * 20k/90k) / Rext
 * where Rext = 600 ohms or external Rext on a 74LS628
 * The Freq Control has an input impedance of approximately 90k, so any input resistance
 * connected to the Freq Control pin works as a voltage divider.
 * I = (VfreqControl * 20k/(90k + RfreqControlIn)) / Rext
 * That gives us a change in voltage on the cap of
 * dV = I / sampleRate / C_inFarads
 * Unfortunately the chip does not behave linearly do to internal interactions,
 * so I have just worked out the formula (using of FreqControl and
 * range to frequency out for a fixed cap value of 0.1uf.  Other cap values can just
 * scale from that.  From the freq, we calculate the time of 1/2 cycle using 1/Freq/2.
 * Then just use that to toggle a waveform.


	double	x_time = 0;
	double	freq, t1;
	double	v_freq_2, v_freq_3, v_freq_4;
	double	t_used = context->t_used;
	double	dt = node->info->sample_time;;
	double	v_freq = DSD_LS624__VMOD;
	double	v_rng = DSD_LS624__VRNG;
	int		count_f = 0, count_r = 0;

	/* coefficients */
	const double k1 = 1.9904769024796283E+03;
	const double k2 = 1.2070059213983407E+03;
	const double k3 = 1.3266985579561108E+03;
	const double k4 = -1.5500979825922698E+02;
	const double k5 = 2.8184536266938172E+00;
	const double k6 = -2.3503421582744556E+02;
	const double k7 = -3.3836786704527788E+02;
	const double k8 = -1.3569136703258670E+02;
	const double k9 = 2.9914575453819188E+00;
	const double k10 = 1.6855569086173170E+00;


	/* scale due to input resistance */
	v_freq *= context->v_freq_scale;
	v_rng *= context->v_rng_scale;

	/* apply cap if needed */
	if (context->has_freq_in_cap)
		context->v_cap_freq_in += (v_freq - context->v_cap_freq_in) * context->exponent;
		v_freq = context->v_cap_freq_in;

	/* Polyfunctional3D_model created by using sum of squared absolute error */
	v_freq_2 = v_freq * v_freq;
	v_freq_3 = v_freq_2 * v_freq;
	v_freq_4 = v_freq_3 * v_freq;
	freq = k1;
	freq += k2 * v_freq;
	freq += k3 * v_freq_2;
	freq += k4 * v_freq_3;
	freq += k5 * v_freq_4;
	freq += k6 * v_rng;
	freq += k7 * v_rng * v_freq;
	freq += k8 * v_rng * v_freq_2;
	freq += k9 * v_rng * v_freq_3;
	freq += k10 * v_rng * v_freq_4;

	freq *= CAP_U(0.1) / DSD_LS624__C;

	t1 = 0.5 / freq ;
	t_used += node->info->sample_time;
		dt = 0;
		if (t_used > t1)
			/* calculate the overshoot time */
			t_used -= t1;
			context->flip_flop ^= 1;
			if (context->flip_flop)
			/* fix up any frequency increase change errors */
			while(t_used > node->info->sample_time)
				t_used -= node->info->sample_time;
			x_time = t_used;
			dt = t_used;

	context->t_used = t_used;

	/* Convert last switch time to a ratio */
	x_time = x_time / node->info->sample_time;

	switch (context->out_type)
		case DISC_LS624_OUT_LOGIC_X:
				node->output[0] = context->flip_flop  + x_time;
		case DISC_LS624_OUT_COUNT_F_X:
			node->output[0] = count_f ? count_f + x_time : count_f;
		case DISC_LS624_OUT_COUNT_R_X:
			node->output[0] =  count_r ? count_r + x_time : count_r;
		case DISC_LS624_OUT_COUNT_F:
			node->output[0] = count_f;
		case DISC_LS624_OUT_COUNT_R:
			node->output[0] = count_r;
			if (x_time == 0) x_time = 1.0;
			node->output[0] = LS624_OUT_HIGH * (context->flip_flop ? x_time : (1.0 - x_time));
		case DISC_LS624_OUT_LOGIC:
				node->output[0] = context->flip_flop;
			node->output[0] = context->flip_flop ? LS624_OUT_HIGH : 0;

	struct dsd_ls624_context *context = (struct dsd_ls624_context *)node->context;

	context->out_type = (int)DSD_LS624__OUTTYPE;

	context->flip_flop = 0;
	context->t_used = 0;
	context->v_freq_scale = LS624_IN_R / (DSD_LS624__R_FREQ_IN + LS624_IN_R);
	context->v_rng_scale = LS624_IN_R / (DSD_LS624__R_RNG_IN + LS624_IN_R);
	if (DSD_LS624__C_FREQ_IN > 0)
		context->has_freq_in_cap = 1;
		context->exponent = RC_CHARGE_EXP(RES_2_PARALLEL(DSD_LS624__R_FREQ_IN, LS624_IN_R) * DSD_LS624__C_FREQ_IN);
		context->v_cap_freq_in = 0;
		context->has_freq_in_cap = 0;

	node->output[0] = 0;