path: root/src/emu/schedule.h
blob: 9e90ed68ed5b3ef0f79e1d30a37d3d191c16d1bb (plain) (tree)






































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles


    Core device execution and scheduling engine.


#pragma once

#ifndef __EMU_H__
#error Dont include this file directly; include emu.h instead.



#define TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(name)     void name(void *ptr, s32 param)


// timer callbacks look like this
typedef named_delegate<void (void *, s32)> timer_expired_delegate;

// ======================> emu_timer

class emu_timer
	friend class device_scheduler;
	friend class simple_list<emu_timer>;
	friend class fixed_allocator<emu_timer>;

	// construction/destruction

	// allocation and re-use
	emu_timer &init(running_machine &machine, timer_expired_delegate callback, void *ptr, bool temporary);
	emu_timer &init(device_t &device, device_timer_id id, void *ptr, bool temporary);
	emu_timer &release();

	// getters
	emu_timer *next() const { return m_next; }
	running_machine &machine() const noexcept { assert(m_machine != nullptr); return *m_machine; }
	bool enabled() const { return m_enabled; }
	int param() const { return m_param; }
	void *ptr() const { return m_ptr; }

	// setters
	bool enable(bool enable = true);
	void set_param(int param) { m_param = param; }
	void set_ptr(void *ptr) { m_ptr = ptr; }

	// control
	void reset(const attotime &duration = attotime::never) { adjust(duration, m_param, m_period); }
	void adjust(attotime start_delay, s32 param = 0, const attotime &periodicity = attotime::never);

	// timing queries
	attotime elapsed() const noexcept;
	attotime remaining() const noexcept;
	attotime start() const { return m_start; }
	attotime expire() const { return m_expire; }
	attotime period() const { return m_period; }

	// internal helpers
	void register_save();
	void schedule_next_period();
	void dump() const;
	static void device_timer_expired(emu_timer &timer, void *ptr, s32 param);

	// internal state
	running_machine *   m_machine;      // reference to the owning machine
	emu_timer *         m_next;         // next timer in order in the list
	emu_timer *         m_prev;         // previous timer in order in the list
	timer_expired_delegate m_callback;  // callback function
	s32                 m_param;        // integer parameter
	void *              m_ptr;          // pointer parameter
	bool                m_enabled;      // is the timer enabled?
	bool                m_temporary;    // is the timer temporary?
	attotime            m_period;       // the repeat frequency of the timer
	attotime            m_start;        // time when the timer was started
	attotime            m_expire;       // time when the timer will expire
	device_t *          m_device;       // for device timers, a pointer to the device
	device_timer_id     m_id;           // for device timers, the ID of the timer

// ======================> device_scheduler

class device_scheduler
	friend class device_execute_interface;
	friend class emu_timer;

	// construction/destruction
	device_scheduler(running_machine &machine);

	// getters
	running_machine &machine() const noexcept { return m_machine; }
	attotime time() const noexcept;
	emu_timer *first_timer() const { return m_timer_list; }
	device_execute_interface *currently_executing() const noexcept { return m_executing_device; }
	bool can_save() const;

	// execution
	void timeslice();
	void abort_timeslice();
	void trigger(int trigid, const attotime &after = attotime::zero);
	void boost_interleave(const attotime &timeslice_time, const attotime &boost_duration);
	void suspend_resume_changed() { m_suspend_changes_pending = true; }

	// timers, specified by callback/name
	emu_timer *timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate callback, void *ptr = nullptr);
	void timer_set(const attotime &duration, timer_expired_delegate callback, int param = 0, void *ptr = nullptr);
	void synchronize(timer_expired_delegate callback = timer_expired_delegate(), int param = 0, void *ptr = nullptr) { timer_set(attotime::zero, callback, param, ptr); }

	// timers, specified by device/id; generally devices should use the device_t methods instead
	emu_timer *timer_alloc(device_t &device, device_timer_id id = 0, void *ptr = nullptr);
	void timer_set(const attotime &duration, device_t &device, device_timer_id id = 0, int param = 0, void *ptr = nullptr);

	// debugging
	void dump_timers() const;

	// for emergencies only!
	void eat_all_cycles();

	// callbacks
	void timed_trigger(void *ptr, s32 param);
	void presave();
	void postload();

	// scheduling helpers
	void compute_perfect_interleave();
	void rebuild_execute_list();
	void apply_suspend_changes();
	void add_scheduling_quantum(const attotime &quantum, const attotime &duration);

	// timer helpers
	emu_timer &timer_list_insert(emu_timer &timer);
	emu_timer &timer_list_remove(emu_timer &timer);
	void execute_timers();

	// internal state
	running_machine &           m_machine;                  // reference to our machine
	device_execute_interface *  m_executing_device;         // pointer to currently executing device
	device_execute_interface *  m_execute_list;             // list of devices to be executed
	attotime                    m_basetime;                 // global basetime; everything moves forward from here

	// list of active timers
	emu_timer *                 m_timer_list;               // head of the active list
	fixed_allocator<emu_timer>  m_timer_allocator;          // allocator for timers

	// other internal states
	emu_timer *                 m_callback_timer;           // pointer to the current callback timer
	bool                        m_callback_timer_modified;  // true if the current callback timer was modified
	attotime                    m_callback_timer_expire_time; // the original expiration time
	bool                        m_suspend_changes_pending;  // suspend/resume changes are pending

	// scheduling quanta
	class quantum_slot
		friend class simple_list<quantum_slot>;

		quantum_slot *next() const { return m_next; }

		quantum_slot *          m_next;
		attoseconds_t           m_actual;                   // actual duration of the quantum
		attoseconds_t           m_requested;                // duration of the requested quantum
		attotime                m_expire;                   // absolute expiration time of this quantum
	simple_list<quantum_slot>   m_quantum_list;             // list of active quanta
	fixed_allocator<quantum_slot> m_quantum_allocator;      // allocator for quanta
	attoseconds_t               m_quantum_minimum;          // duration of minimum quantum