path: root/src/emu/rendlay.cpp
blob: be5413f99ae81a2293652fe12808783e59b83328 (plain) (tree)














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles, Vas Crabb


    Core rendering layout parser and manager.


#include "emu.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "rendlay.h"

#include "emuopts.h"
#include "fileio.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "rendfont.h"
#include "rendutil.h"
#include "video/rgbutil.h"

#include "util/nanosvg.h"
#include "util/path.h"
#include "util/unicode.h"
#include "util/vecstream.h"
#include "util/xmlfile.h"

#include <cctype>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <locale>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

#define LOG_INTERACTIVE_ITEMS       (1U << 2)
#define LOG_DISK_DRAW               (1U << 3)
#define LOG_IMAGE_LOAD              (1U << 4)

#define LOG_OUTPUT_FUNC osd_printf_verbose
#include "logmacro.h"


#include "layout/generic.h"

// screenless layouts
#include "noscreens.lh"

// single screen layouts
#include "monitors.lh"

// dual screen layouts
#include "dualhsxs.lh"
#include "dualhovu.lh"
#include "dualhuov.lh"

// triple screen layouts
#include "triphsxs.lh"

// quad screen layouts
#include "quadhsxs.lh"

namespace {


constexpr int LAYOUT_VERSION = 2;


constexpr layout_group::transform identity_transform{{ {{ 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F }}, {{ 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F }}, {{ 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F }} }};


inline void render_bounds_transform(render_bounds &bounds, layout_group::transform const &trans)
	bounds = render_bounds{
			(bounds.x0 * trans[0][0]) + (bounds.y0 * trans[0][1]) + trans[0][2],
			(bounds.x0 * trans[1][0]) + (bounds.y0 * trans[1][1]) + trans[1][2],
			(bounds.x1 * trans[0][0]) + (bounds.y1 * trans[0][1]) + trans[0][2],
			(bounds.x1 * trans[1][0]) + (bounds.y1 * trans[1][1]) + trans[1][2] };

inline void alpha_blend(u32 &dest, u32 a, u32 r, u32 g, u32 b, u32 inva)
	rgb_t const dpix(dest);
	u32 const da(dpix.a());
	u32 const finala((a * 255) + (da * inva));
	u32 const finalr(r + (u32(dpix.r()) * da * inva));
	u32 const finalg(g + (u32(dpix.g()) * da * inva));
	u32 const finalb(b + (u32(dpix.b()) * da * inva));
	dest = rgb_t(finala / 255, finalr / finala, finalg / finala, finalb / finala);

inline void alpha_blend(u32 &dest, render_color const &c, float fill)
	u32 const a(c.a * fill * 255.0F);
	if (a)
		u32 const r(u32(c.r * (255.0F * 255.0F)) * a);
		u32 const g(u32(c.g * (255.0F * 255.0F)) * a);
		u32 const b(u32(c.b * (255.0F * 255.0F)) * a);
		alpha_blend(dest, a, r, g, b, 255 - a);


class layout_syntax_error : public std::invalid_argument { using std::invalid_argument::invalid_argument; };
class layout_reference_error : public std::out_of_range { using std::out_of_range::out_of_range; };

} // anonymous namespace

namespace emu::render::detail {

class layout_environment
	class entry
		entry(std::string &&name, std::string &&t)
			: m_name(std::move(name))
			, m_text(std::move(t))
			, m_text_valid(true)
		{ }
		entry(std::string &&name, std::string_view t)
			: m_name(std::move(name))
			, m_text(t)
			, m_text_valid(true)
		{ }
		entry(std::string &&name, const char *t)
			: m_name(std::move(name))
			, m_text(t)
			, m_text_valid(true)
		{ }
		entry(std::string &&name, s64 i)
			: m_name(std::move(name))
			, m_int(i)
			, m_int_valid(true)
		{ }
		entry(std::string &&name, double f)
			: m_name(std::move(name))
			, m_float(f)
			, m_float_valid(true)
		{ }
		entry(std::string &&name, std::string &&t, s64 i, int s)
			: m_name(std::move(name))
			, m_text(std::move(t))
			, m_int_increment(i)
			, m_shift(s)
			, m_text_valid(true)
			, m_generator(true)
		{ }
		entry(std::string &&name, std::string &&t, double i, int s)
			: m_name(std::move(name))
			, m_text(std::move(t))
			, m_float_increment(i)
			, m_shift(s)
			, m_text_valid(true)
			, m_generator(true)
		{ }
		entry(entry &&) = default;
		entry &operator=(entry &&) = default;

		void set(std::string &&t)
			m_text = std::move(t);
			m_text_valid = true;
			m_int_valid = false;
			m_float_valid = false;
		void set(s64 i)
			m_int = i;
			m_text_valid = false;
			m_int_valid = true;
			m_float_valid = false;
		void set(double f)
			m_float = f;
			m_text_valid = false;
			m_int_valid = false;
			m_float_valid = true;

		std::string const &name() const { return m_name; }
		bool is_generator() const { return m_generator; }

		std::string const &get_text()
			if (!m_text_valid)
				if (m_float_valid)
					std::ostringstream stream;
					stream << m_float;
					m_text = std::move(stream).str();
					m_text_valid = true;
				else if (m_int_valid)
					std::ostringstream stream;
					stream << m_int;
					m_text = std::move(stream).str();
					m_text_valid = true;
			return m_text;

		void increment()
			if (is_generator())
				// apply increment
				if (m_float_increment)
					if (m_int_valid && !m_float_valid)
						m_float = m_int;
						m_float_valid = true;
					if (m_text_valid && !m_float_valid)
						std::istringstream stream(m_text);
						if (m_text[0] == '$')
							u64 uvalue;
							stream >> std::hex >> uvalue;
							m_float = uvalue;
						else if ((m_text[0] == '0') && ((m_text[1] == 'x') || (m_text[1] == 'X')))
							u64 uvalue;
							stream >> std::hex >> uvalue;
							m_float = uvalue;
						else if (m_text[0] == '#')
							stream >> m_int;
							m_float = m_int;
							stream >> m_float;
						m_float_valid = bool(stream);
					m_float += m_float_increment;
					m_int_valid = m_text_valid = false;
					if (m_text_valid && !m_int_valid && !m_float_valid)
						std::istringstream stream(m_text);
						if (m_text[0] == '$')
							u64 uvalue;
							stream >> std::hex >> uvalue;
							m_int = s64(uvalue);
							m_int_valid = bool(stream);
						else if ((m_text[0] == '0') && ((m_text[1] == 'x') || (m_text[1] == 'X')))
							u64 uvalue;
							stream >> std::hex >> uvalue;
							m_int = s64(uvalue);
							m_int_valid = bool(stream);
						else if (m_text[0] == '#')
							stream >> m_int;
							m_int_valid = bool(stream);
						else if (m_text.find_first_of(".eE") != std::string::npos)
							stream >> m_float;
							m_float_valid = bool(stream);
							stream >> m_int;
							m_int_valid = bool(stream);

					if (m_float_valid)
						m_float += m_int_increment;
						m_int_valid = m_text_valid = false;
						m_int += m_int_increment;
						m_float_valid = m_text_valid = false;

				// apply shift
				if (m_shift)
					if (m_float_valid && !m_int_valid)
						m_int = s64(m_float);
						m_int_valid = true;
					if (m_text_valid && !m_int_valid)
						std::istringstream stream(m_text);
						if (m_text[0] == '$')
							u64 uvalue;
							stream >> std::hex >> uvalue;
							m_int = s64(uvalue);
						else if ((m_text[0] == '0') && ((m_text[1] == 'x') || (m_text[1] == 'X')))
							u64 uvalue;
							stream >> std::hex >> uvalue;
							m_int = s64(uvalue);
							if (m_text[0] == '#')
							stream >> m_int;
						m_int_valid = bool(stream);
					if (0 > m_shift)
						m_int >>= -m_shift;
						m_int <<= m_shift;
					m_text_valid = m_float_valid = false;

		static bool name_less(entry const &lhs, entry const &rhs) { return <; }

		std::string m_name;
		std::string m_text;
		s64 m_int = 0, m_int_increment = 0;
		double m_float = 0.0, m_float_increment = 0.0;
		int m_shift = 0;
		bool m_text_valid = false;
		bool m_int_valid = false;
		bool m_float_valid = false;
		bool m_generator = false;

	using entry_vector = std::vector<entry>;

	template <typename T>
	void try_insert(std::string &&name, T &&value)
		entry_vector::iterator const pos(
					[] (entry const &lhs, auto const &rhs) { return < rhs; }));
		if ((m_entries.end() == pos) || (pos->name() != name))
			m_entries.emplace(pos, std::move(name), std::forward<T>(value));

	template <typename T, typename U, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible_v<std::string, T>>>
	void try_insert(T &&name, U &&value)
		entry_vector::iterator const pos(
					[] (entry const &lhs, auto const &rhs) { return < rhs; }));
		if ((m_entries.end() == pos) || (pos->name() != name))
			m_entries.emplace(pos, std::string(name), std::forward<U>(value));

	template <typename T, typename U>
	void set(T &&name, U &&value)
		entry_vector::iterator const pos(
					[] (entry const &lhs, auto const &rhs) { return < rhs; }));
		if ((m_entries.end() == pos) || (pos->name() != name))
			m_entries.emplace(pos, std::forward<T>(name), std::forward<U>(value));

	void cache_device_entries()
		if (!m_next && !m_cached)
			try_insert("devicetag", device().tag());
			try_insert("devicebasetag", device().basetag());
			try_insert("devicename", device().name());
			try_insert("deviceshortname", device().shortname());
			util::ovectorstream tmp;
			unsigned i(0U);
			for (screen_device const &screen : screen_device_enumerator(machine().root_device()))
				std::pair<u64, u64> const physaspect(screen.physical_aspect());
				s64 const w(screen.visible_area().width()), h(screen.visible_area().height());
				s64 xaspect(w), yaspect(h);
				util::reduce_fraction(xaspect, yaspect);

				util::stream_format(tmp, "scr%uphysicalxaspect", i);
				try_insert(util::buf_to_string_view(tmp), s64(physaspect.first));

				util::stream_format(tmp, "scr%uphysicalyaspect", i);
				try_insert(util::buf_to_string_view(tmp), s64(physaspect.second));

				util::stream_format(tmp, "scr%unativexaspect", i);
				try_insert(util::buf_to_string_view(tmp), xaspect);

				util::stream_format(tmp, "scr%unativeyaspect", i);
				try_insert(util::buf_to_string_view(tmp), yaspect);

				util::stream_format(tmp, "scr%uwidth", i);
				try_insert(util::buf_to_string_view(tmp), w);

				util::stream_format(tmp, "scr%uheight", i);
				try_insert(util::buf_to_string_view(tmp), h);

			m_cached = true;

	entry *find_entry(std::string_view str)
		entry_vector::iterator const pos(
					[] (entry const &lhs, std::string_view const &rhs) { return < rhs; }));
		if ((m_entries.end() != pos) && pos->name() == str)
			return &*pos;
			return m_next ? m_next->find_entry(str) : nullptr;

	std::pair<std::string_view, bool> get_variable_text(std::string_view str)
		entry *const found(find_entry(str));
		if (found)
			return std::make_pair(std::string_view(found->get_text()), true);
			return std::make_pair(std::string_view(), false);

	std::string_view expand(std::string_view str)
		constexpr char variable_start_char = '~';
		constexpr char variable_end_char = '~';

		// search for candidate variable references
		std::string_view::size_type start(0);
		for (std::string_view::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(variable_start_char); pos != std::string_view::npos; )
			auto term = std::find_if_not(str.begin() + pos + 1, str.end(), is_variable_char);
			if ((term == str.end()) || (*term != variable_end_char))
				// not a valid variable name - keep searching
				pos = str.find_first_of(variable_start_char, term - str.begin());
				// looks like a variable reference - try to look it up
				std::pair<std::string_view, bool> const text(get_variable_text(str.substr(pos + 1, term - (str.begin() + pos + 1))));
				if (text.second)
					// variable found
					if (start == 0)
					assert(start < str.length());
					m_buffer.write(&str[start], pos - start);
					m_buffer.write(, text.first.length());
					start = term - str.begin() + 1;
					pos = str.find_first_of(variable_start_char, start);
					// variable not found - move on
					pos = str.find_first_of(variable_start_char, pos + 1);

		// short-circuit the case where no substitutions were made
		if (start == 0)
			return str;
			if (start < str.length())
				m_buffer.write(&str[start], str.length() - start);
			return util::buf_to_string_view(m_buffer);

	static constexpr unsigned hex_prefix(std::string_view s)
		return ((0 != s.length()) && (s[0] == '$')) ? 1U : ((2 <= s.length()) && (s[0] == '0') && ((s[1] == 'x') || (s[1] == 'X'))) ? 2U : 0U;
	static constexpr unsigned dec_prefix(std::string_view s)
		return ((0 != s.length()) && (s[0] == '#')) ? 1U : 0U;

	int parse_int(std::string_view s, int defvalue)
		std::istringstream stream;
		int result;
		unsigned const hexprefix = hex_prefix(s);
		if (hexprefix)
			unsigned uvalue;
			stream >> std::hex >> uvalue;
			result = int(uvalue);
			stream >> result;

		return stream ? result : defvalue;

	std::string parameter_name(util::xml::data_node const &node)
		std::string const *const attrib(node.get_attribute_string_ptr("name"));
		if (!attrib)
			throw layout_syntax_error("parameter lacks name attribute");
		return std::string(expand(*attrib));

	static constexpr bool is_variable_char(char ch)
		return (('0' <= ch) && ('9' >= ch)) || (('A' <= ch) && ('Z' >= ch)) || (('a' <= ch) && ('z' >= ch)) || ('_' == ch);

	entry_vector m_entries;
	util::ovectorstream m_buffer;
	std::shared_ptr<NSVGrasterizer> const m_svg_rasterizer;
	device_t &m_device;
	char const *const m_search_path;
	char const *const m_directory_name;
	layout_environment *const m_next = nullptr;
	bool m_cached = false;

	layout_environment(device_t &device, char const *searchpath, char const *dirname)
		: m_svg_rasterizer(nsvgCreateRasterizer(), util::nsvg_deleter())
		, m_device(device)
		, m_search_path(searchpath)
		, m_directory_name(dirname)
	explicit layout_environment(layout_environment &next)
		: m_svg_rasterizer(next.m_svg_rasterizer)
		, m_device(next.m_device)
		, m_search_path(next.m_search_path)
		, m_directory_name(next.m_directory_name)
		, m_next(&next)
	layout_environment(layout_environment const &) = delete;

	device_t &device() const { return m_device; }
	running_machine &machine() const { return device().machine(); }
	bool is_root_device() const { return &device() == &machine().root_device(); }
	char const *search_path() const { return m_search_path; }
	char const *directory_name() const { return m_directory_name; }
	std::shared_ptr<NSVGrasterizer> const &svg_rasterizer() const { return m_svg_rasterizer; }

	void set_parameter(std::string &&name, std::string &&value)
		set(std::move(name), std::move(value));

	void set_parameter(std::string &&name, s64 value)
		set(std::move(name), value);

	void set_parameter(std::string &&name, double value)
		set(std::move(name), value);

	void set_parameter(util::xml::data_node const &node)
		// do basic validation
		std::string name(parameter_name(node));
		if (node.has_attribute("start") || node.has_attribute("increment") || node.has_attribute("lshift") || node.has_attribute("rshift"))
			throw layout_syntax_error("start/increment/lshift/rshift attributes are only allowed for repeat parameters");
		std::string const *const value(node.get_attribute_string_ptr("value"));
		if (!value)
			throw layout_syntax_error("parameter lacks value attribute");

		// expand value and stash
		set(std::move(name), std::string(expand(*value)));

	void set_repeat_parameter(util::xml::data_node const &node, bool init)
		// two types are allowed here - static value, and start/increment/lshift/rshift
		std::string name(parameter_name(node));
		std::string const *const start(node.get_attribute_string_ptr("start"));
		if (start)
			// simple validity checks
			if (node.has_attribute("value"))
				throw layout_syntax_error("start attribute may not be used in combination with value attribute");
			int const lshift(node.has_attribute("lshift") ? get_attribute_int(node, "lshift", -1) : 0);
			int const rshift(node.has_attribute("rshift") ? get_attribute_int(node, "rshift", -1) : 0);
			if ((0 > lshift) || (0 > rshift))
				throw layout_syntax_error("lshift/rshift attributes must be non-negative integers");

			// increment is more complex - it may be an integer or a floating-point number
			s64 intincrement(0);
			double floatincrement(0);
			std::string const *const increment(node.get_attribute_string_ptr("increment"));
			if (increment)
				std::string_view const expanded(expand(*increment));
				unsigned const hexprefix(hex_prefix(expanded));
				unsigned const decprefix(dec_prefix(expanded));
				bool const floatchars(expanded.find_first_of(".eE") != std::string_view::npos);
				std::istringstream stream(std::string(expanded.substr(hexprefix + decprefix)));
				if (!hexprefix && !decprefix && floatchars)
					stream >> floatincrement;
				else if (hexprefix)
					u64 uvalue;
					stream >> std::hex >> uvalue;
					intincrement = s64(uvalue);
					stream >> intincrement;

				// reject obviously bad stuff
				if (!stream)
					throw layout_syntax_error("increment attribute must be a number");

			// don't allow generator parameters to be redefined
			if (init)
				entry_vector::iterator const pos(
							[] (entry const &lhs, auto const &rhs) { return < rhs; }));
				if ((m_entries.end() != pos) && (pos->name() == name))
					throw layout_syntax_error("generator parameters must be defined exactly once per scope");

				if (floatincrement)
					m_entries.emplace(pos, std::move(name), std::string(expand(*start)), floatincrement, lshift - rshift);
					m_entries.emplace(pos, std::move(name), std::string(expand(*start)), intincrement, lshift - rshift);
		else if (node.has_attribute("increment") || node.has_attribute("lshift") || node.has_attribute("rshift"))
			throw layout_syntax_error("increment/lshift/rshift attributes require start attribute");
			std::string const *const value(node.get_attribute_string_ptr("value"));
			if (!value)
				throw layout_syntax_error("parameter lacks value attribute");
			entry_vector::iterator const pos(
						[] (entry const &lhs, auto const &rhs) { return < rhs; }));
			if ((m_entries.end() == pos) || (pos->name() != name))
				m_entries.emplace(pos, std::move(name), std::string(expand(*value)));
			else if (pos->is_generator())
				throw layout_syntax_error("generator parameters must be defined exactly once per scope");

	void increment_parameters()
					[] (entry &e)
						if (!e.is_generator())
							return true;
						return false;

	std::string_view get_attribute_string(util::xml::data_node const &node, char const *name, std::string_view defvalue = std::string_view())
		std::string const *const attrib(node.get_attribute_string_ptr(name));
		return attrib ? expand(*attrib) : defvalue;

	std::string get_attribute_subtag(util::xml::data_node const &node, char const *name)
		std::string const *const attrib(node.get_attribute_string_ptr(name));
		return attrib ? device().subtag(expand(*attrib)) : std::string();

	int get_attribute_int(util::xml::data_node const &node, const char *name, int defvalue)
		std::string const *const attrib(node.get_attribute_string_ptr(name));
		if (!attrib)
			return defvalue;

		// similar to what XML nodes do
		return parse_int(expand(*attrib), defvalue);

	float get_attribute_float(util::xml::data_node const &node, char const *name, float defvalue)
		std::string const *const attrib(node.get_attribute_string_ptr(name));
		if (!attrib)
			return defvalue;

		// similar to what XML nodes do
		std::istringstream stream(std::string(expand(*attrib)));
		float result;
		return (stream >> result) ? result : defvalue;

	bool get_attribute_bool(util::xml::data_node const &node, char const *name, bool defvalue)
		std::string const *const attrib(node.get_attribute_string_ptr(name));
		if (!attrib)
			return defvalue;

		// first try yes/no strings
		std::string_view const expanded(expand(*attrib));
		if ("yes" == expanded || "true" == expanded)
			return true;
		if ("no" == expanded || "false" == expanded)
			return false;

		// fall back to integer parsing
		return parse_int(expanded, defvalue ? 1 : 0) != 0;

	void parse_bounds(util::xml::data_node const *node, render_bounds &result)
		if (!node)
			// default to unit rectangle
			result.x0 = result.y0 = 0.0F;
			result.x1 = result.y1 = 1.0F;
			// horizontal position/size
			if (node->has_attribute("left"))
				result.x0 = get_attribute_float(*node, "left", 0.0F);
				result.x1 = get_attribute_float(*node, "right", 1.0F);
				float const width = get_attribute_float(*node, "width", 1.0F);
				if (node->has_attribute("xc"))
					result.x0 = get_attribute_float(*node, "xc", 0.0F) - (width / 2.0F);
					result.x0 = get_attribute_float(*node, "x", 0.0F);
				result.x1 = result.x0 + width;

			// vertical position/size
			if (node->has_attribute("top"))
				result.y0 = get_attribute_float(*node, "top", 0.0F);
				result.y1 = get_attribute_float(*node, "bottom", 1.0F);
				float const height = get_attribute_float(*node, "height", 1.0F);
				if (node->has_attribute("yc"))
					result.y0 = get_attribute_float(*node, "yc", 0.0F) - (height / 2.0F);
					result.y0 = get_attribute_float(*node, "y", 0.0F);
				result.y1 = result.y0 + height;

			// check for errors
			if ((result.x0 > result.x1) || (result.y0 > result.y1))
				throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("illegal bounds (%f-%f)-(%f-%f)", result.x0, result.x1, result.y0, result.y1));

	render_color parse_color(util::xml::data_node const *node)
		// default to opaque white
		if (!node)
			return render_color{ 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F };

		// parse attributes
		render_color const result{
				get_attribute_float(*node, "alpha", 1.0F),
				get_attribute_float(*node, "red", 1.0F),
				get_attribute_float(*node, "green", 1.0F),
				get_attribute_float(*node, "blue", 1.0F) };

		// check for errors
		if ((0.0F > (std::min)({ result.r, result.g, result.b, result.a })) || (1.0F < (std::max)({ result.r, result.g, result.b, result.a })))
			throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("illegal RGBA color %f,%f,%f,%f", result.r, result.g, result.b, result.a));

		return result;

	int parse_orientation(util::xml::data_node const *node)
		// default to no transform
		if (!node)
			return ROT0;

		// parse attributes
		int result;
		int const rotate(get_attribute_int(*node, "rotate", 0));
		switch (rotate)
		case 0:     result = ROT0;      break;
		case 90:    result = ROT90;     break;
		case 180:   result = ROT180;    break;
		case 270:   result = ROT270;    break;
		default:    throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("invalid rotate attribute %d", rotate));
		if (get_attribute_bool(*node, "swapxy", false))
		if (get_attribute_bool(*node, "flipx", false))
			result ^= ORIENTATION_FLIP_X;
		if (get_attribute_bool(*node, "flipy", false))
			result ^= ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y;
		return result;

class view_environment : public layout_environment
	view_environment *const m_next_view = nullptr;
	char const *const m_name;
	u32 const m_visibility_mask = 0U;
	unsigned m_next_visibility_bit = 0U;

	view_environment(layout_environment &next, char const *name)
		: layout_environment(next)
		, m_name(name)
	view_environment(view_environment &next, bool visibility)
		: layout_environment(next)
		, m_next_view(&next)
		, m_name(next.m_name)
		, m_visibility_mask(next.m_visibility_mask | (u32(visibility ? 1 : 0) << next.m_next_visibility_bit))
		, m_next_visibility_bit(next.m_next_visibility_bit + (visibility ? 1 : 0))
		if (32U < m_next_visibility_bit)
			throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("view '%s' contains too many visibility toggles", m_name));
		if (m_next_view)
			m_next_view->m_next_visibility_bit = m_next_visibility_bit;

	u32 visibility_mask() const { return m_visibility_mask; }

} // namespace emu::render::detail

namespace {

bool add_bounds_step(emu::render::detail::layout_environment &env, emu::render::detail::bounds_vector &steps, util::xml::data_node const &node)
	int const state(env.get_attribute_int(node, "state", 0));
	auto const pos(
				[] (emu::render::detail::bounds_step const &lhs, int rhs) { return lhs.state < rhs; }));
	if ((steps.end() != pos) && (state == pos->state))
		return false;

	auto &ins(*steps.emplace(pos, emu::render::detail::bounds_step{ state, { 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F }, { 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F } }));
	env.parse_bounds(&node, ins.bounds);
	return true;

void set_bounds_deltas(emu::render::detail::bounds_vector &steps)
	if (steps.empty())
		steps.emplace_back(emu::render::detail::bounds_step{ 0, { 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F }, { 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F } });
		auto i(steps.begin());
		auto j(i);
		while (steps.end() != ++j)
			assert(j->state > i->state);

			i->delta.x0 = (j->bounds.x0 - i->bounds.x0) / (j->state - i->state);
			i->delta.x1 = (j->bounds.x1 - i->bounds.x1) / (j->state - i->state);
			i->delta.y0 = (j->bounds.y0 - i->bounds.y0) / (j->state - i->state);
			i->delta.y1 = (j->bounds.y1 - i->bounds.y1) / (j->state - i->state);

			i = j;

void normalize_bounds(emu::render::detail::bounds_vector &steps, float x0, float y0, float xoffs, float yoffs, float xscale, float yscale)
	auto i(steps.begin());
	i->bounds.x0 = x0 + (i->bounds.x0 - xoffs) * xscale;
	i->bounds.x1 = x0 + (i->bounds.x1 - xoffs) * xscale;
	i->bounds.y0 = y0 + (i->bounds.y0 - yoffs) * yscale;
	i->bounds.y1 = y0 + (i->bounds.y1 - yoffs) * yscale;

	auto j(i);
	while (steps.end() != ++j)
		j->bounds.x0 = x0 + (j->bounds.x0 - xoffs) * xscale;
		j->bounds.x1 = x0 + (j->bounds.x1 - xoffs) * xscale;
		j->bounds.y0 = y0 + (j->bounds.y0 - yoffs) * yscale;
		j->bounds.y1 = y0 + (j->bounds.y1 - yoffs) * yscale;

		i->delta.x0 = (j->bounds.x0 - i->bounds.x0) / (j->state - i->state);
		i->delta.x1 = (j->bounds.x1 - i->bounds.x1) / (j->state - i->state);
		i->delta.y0 = (j->bounds.y0 - i->bounds.y0) / (j->state - i->state);
		i->delta.y1 = (j->bounds.y1 - i->bounds.y1) / (j->state - i->state);

		i = j;

render_bounds accumulate_bounds(emu::render::detail::bounds_vector const &steps)
	auto i(steps.begin());
	render_bounds result(i->bounds);
	while (steps.end() != ++i)
		result |= i->bounds;
	return result;

inline render_bounds interpolate_bounds(emu::render::detail::bounds_vector const &steps, int state)
	auto pos(
				[] (emu::render::detail::bounds_step const &lhs, int rhs) { return lhs.state < rhs; }));
	if (steps.begin() == pos)
		return pos->bounds;
		render_bounds result(pos->bounds);
		result.x0 += pos->delta.x0 * (state - pos->state);
		result.x1 += pos->delta.x1 * (state - pos->state);
		result.y0 += pos->delta.y0 * (state - pos->state);
		result.y1 += pos->delta.y1 * (state - pos->state);
		return result;

bool add_color_step(emu::render::detail::layout_environment &env, emu::render::detail::color_vector &steps, util::xml::data_node const &node)
	int const state(env.get_attribute_int(node, "state", 0));
	auto const pos(
				[] (emu::render::detail::color_step const &lhs, int rhs) { return lhs.state < rhs; }));
	if ((steps.end() != pos) && (state == pos->state))
		return false;

	steps.emplace(pos, emu::render::detail::color_step{ state, env.parse_color(&node), { 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F } });
	return true;

void set_color_deltas(emu::render::detail::color_vector &steps)
	if (steps.empty())
		steps.emplace_back(emu::render::detail::color_step{ 0, { 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F }, { 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F } });
		auto i(steps.begin());
		auto j(i);
		while (steps.end() != ++j)
			assert(j->state > i->state);

			i->delta.a = (j->color.a - i->color.a) / (j->state - i->state);
			i->delta.r = (j->color.r - i->color.r) / (j->state - i->state);
			i->delta.g = (j->color.g - i->color.g) / (j->state - i->state);
			i->delta.b = (j->color.b - i->color.b) / (j->state - i->state);

			i = j;

inline render_color interpolate_color(emu::render::detail::color_vector const &steps, int state)
	auto pos(
				[] (emu::render::detail::color_step const &lhs, int rhs) { return lhs.state < rhs; }));
	if (steps.begin() == pos)
		return pos->color;
		render_color result(pos->color);
		result.a += pos->delta.a * (state - pos->state);
		result.r += pos->delta.r * (state - pos->state);
		result.g += pos->delta.g * (state - pos->state);
		result.b += pos->delta.b * (state - pos->state);
		return result;

unsigned get_state_shift(ioport_value mask)
	// get shift to right-align LSB
	unsigned result(0U);
	while (mask && !BIT(mask, 0))
		mask >>= 1;
	return result;

std::string make_child_output_tag(
		emu::render::detail::view_environment &env,
		util::xml::data_node const &itemnode,
		char const *child)
	util::xml::data_node const *const childnode(itemnode.get_child(child));
	if (childnode)
		return std::string(env.get_attribute_string(*childnode, "name"));
		return std::string();

std::string make_child_input_tag(
		emu::render::detail::view_environment &env,
		util::xml::data_node const &itemnode,
		char const *child)
	util::xml::data_node const *const childnode(itemnode.get_child(child));
	return childnode ? env.get_attribute_subtag(*childnode, "inputtag") : std::string();

ioport_value make_child_mask(
		emu::render::detail::view_environment &env,
		util::xml::data_node const &itemnode,
		char const *child)
	util::xml::data_node const *const childnode(itemnode.get_child(child));
	return childnode ? env.get_attribute_int(*childnode, "mask", ~ioport_value(0)) : ~ioport_value(0);

bool make_child_wrap(
		emu::render::detail::view_environment &env,
		util::xml::data_node const &itemnode,
		char const *child)
	util::xml::data_node const *const childnode(itemnode.get_child(child));
	return childnode ? env.get_attribute_bool(*childnode, "wrap", false) : false;

float make_child_size(
		emu::render::detail::view_environment &env,
		util::xml::data_node const &itemnode,
		char const *child)
	util::xml::data_node const *const childnode(itemnode.get_child(child));
	return std::clamp(childnode ? env.get_attribute_float(*childnode, "size", 1.0f) : 1.0f, 0.01f, 1.0f);

ioport_value make_child_min(
		emu::render::detail::view_environment &env,
		util::xml::data_node const &itemnode,
		char const *child)
	util::xml::data_node const *const childnode(itemnode.get_child(child));
	return childnode ? env.get_attribute_int(*childnode, "min", ioport_value(0)) : ioport_value(0);

ioport_value make_child_max(
		emu::render::detail::view_environment &env,
		util::xml::data_node const &itemnode,
		char const *child,
		ioport_value mask)
	util::xml::data_node const *const childnode(itemnode.get_child(child));
	ioport_value const dflt(mask >> get_state_shift(mask));
	return childnode ? env.get_attribute_int(*childnode, "max", dflt) : dflt;

std::string make_input_tag(
		emu::render::detail::view_environment &env,
		util::xml::data_node const &itemnode)
	return env.get_attribute_subtag(itemnode, "inputtag");

int get_blend_mode(emu::render::detail::view_environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &itemnode)
	// see if there's a blend mode attribute
	std::string const *const mode(itemnode.get_attribute_string_ptr("blend"));
	if (mode)
		if (*mode == "none")
		else if (*mode == "alpha")
		else if (*mode == "multiply")
		else if (*mode == "add")
			return BLENDMODE_ADD;
			throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("unknown blend mode %s", *mode));

	// fall back to implicit blend mode based on element type
	if (!strcmp(itemnode.get_name(), "screen"))
		return -1; // magic number recognised by render.cpp to allow per-element blend mode
	else if (!strcmp(itemnode.get_name(), "overlay"))

} // anonymous namespace


layout_element::make_component_map const layout_element::s_make_component{
	{ "image",         &make_component<image_component>         },
	{ "text",          &make_component<text_component>          },
	{ "simplecounter", &make_component<simplecounter_component> },
	{ "reel",          &make_component<reel_component>          },
	{ "led7seg",       &make_component<led7seg_component>       },
	{ "led14seg",      &make_component<led14seg_component>      },
	{ "led14segsc",    &make_component<led14segsc_component>    },
	{ "led16seg",      &make_component<led16seg_component>      },
	{ "led16segsc",    &make_component<led16segsc_component>    },
	{ "rect",          &make_component<rect_component>          },
	{ "disk",          &make_component<disk_component>          }

//  layout_element - constructor

layout_element::layout_element(environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &elemnode)
	: m_machine(env.machine())
	, m_defstate(env.get_attribute_int(elemnode, "defstate", -1))
	, m_statemask(0)
	, m_foldhigh(false)
	, m_invalidated(false)
	// parse components in order
	bool first = true;
	render_bounds bounds = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
	for (util::xml::data_node const *compnode = elemnode.get_first_child(); compnode; compnode = compnode->get_next_sibling())
		make_component_map::const_iterator const make_func(s_make_component.find(compnode->get_name()));
		if (make_func == s_make_component.end())
			throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("unknown element component %s", compnode->get_name()));

		// insert the new component into the list
		component const &newcomp(*m_complist.emplace_back(make_func->second(env, *compnode)));

		// accumulate bounds
		if (first)
			bounds = newcomp.overall_bounds();
			bounds |= newcomp.overall_bounds();
		first = false;

		// determine the maximum state
		std::pair<int, bool> const wrap(newcomp.statewrap());
		m_statemask |= wrap.first;
		m_foldhigh = m_foldhigh || wrap.second;

	if (!m_complist.empty())
		// determine the scale/offset for normalization
		float xoffs = bounds.x0;
		float yoffs = bounds.y0;
		float xscale = 1.0F / (bounds.x1 - bounds.x0);
		float yscale = 1.0F / (bounds.y1 - bounds.y0);

		// normalize all the component bounds
		for (component::ptr const &curcomp : m_complist)
			curcomp->normalize_bounds(xoffs, yoffs, xscale, yscale);

	// allocate an array of element textures for the states
	m_elemtex.resize((m_statemask + 1) << (m_foldhigh ? 1 : 0));

//  ~layout_element - destructor



//  layout_group - constructor

layout_group::layout_group(util::xml::data_node const &groupnode)
	: m_groupnode(groupnode)
	, m_bounds{ 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F }
	, m_bounds_resolved(false)

//  ~layout_group - destructor


//  make_transform - create abbreviated transform
//  matrix for given destination bounds

layout_group::transform layout_group::make_transform(int orientation, render_bounds const &dest) const

	// make orientation matrix
	transform result{{ {{ 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F }}, {{ 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F }}, {{ 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F }} }};
	if (orientation & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY)
		std::swap(result[0][0], result[0][1]);
		std::swap(result[1][0], result[1][1]);
	if (orientation & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
		result[0][0] = -result[0][0];
		result[0][1] = -result[0][1];
	if (orientation & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
		result[1][0] = -result[1][0];
		result[1][1] = -result[1][1];

	// apply to bounds and force into destination rectangle
	render_bounds bounds(m_bounds);
	render_bounds_transform(bounds, result);
	result[0][0] *= (dest.x1 - dest.x0) / std::fabs(bounds.x1 - bounds.x0);
	result[0][1] *= (dest.x1 - dest.x0) / std::fabs(bounds.x1 - bounds.x0);
	result[0][2] = dest.x0 - ((std::min)(bounds.x0, bounds.x1) * (dest.x1 - dest.x0) / std::fabs(bounds.x1 - bounds.x0));
	result[1][0] *= (dest.y1 - dest.y0) / std::fabs(bounds.y1 - bounds.y0);
	result[1][1] *= (dest.y1 - dest.y0) / std::fabs(bounds.y1 - bounds.y0);
	result[1][2] = dest.y0 - ((std::min)(bounds.y0, bounds.y1) * (dest.y1 - dest.y0) / std::fabs(bounds.y1 - bounds.y0));
	return result;

layout_group::transform layout_group::make_transform(int orientation, transform const &trans) const

	render_bounds const dest{
			(orientation & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? (m_bounds.x0 + m_bounds.y1 - m_bounds.y0) : m_bounds.x1,
			(orientation & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? (m_bounds.y0 + m_bounds.x1 - m_bounds.x0) : m_bounds.y1 };
	return make_transform(orientation, dest, trans);

layout_group::transform layout_group::make_transform(int orientation, render_bounds const &dest, transform const &trans) const
	transform const next(make_transform(orientation, dest));
	transform result{{ {{ 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F }}, {{ 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F }}, {{ 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F }} }};
	for (unsigned y = 0; 3U > y; ++y)
		for (unsigned x = 0; 3U > x; ++x)
			for (unsigned i = 0; 3U > i; ++i)
				result[y][x] += trans[y][i] * next[i][x];
	return result;

//  resolve_bounds - calculate bounds taking
//  nested groups into consideration

void layout_group::set_bounds_unresolved()
	m_bounds_resolved = false;

void layout_group::resolve_bounds(environment &env, group_map &groupmap)
	if (!m_bounds_resolved)
		std::vector<layout_group const *> seen;
		resolve_bounds(env, groupmap, seen);

void layout_group::resolve_bounds(environment &env, group_map &groupmap, std::vector<layout_group const *> &seen)
	if (seen.end() != std::find(seen.begin(), seen.end(), this))
		// a wild loop appears!
		std::ostringstream path;
		for (layout_group const *const group : seen)
			path << ' ' << group->m_groupnode.get_attribute_string("name", "");
		path << ' ' << m_groupnode.get_attribute_string("name", "");
		throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("recursively nested groups %s", path.str()));

	if (!m_bounds_resolved)
		m_bounds.set_xy(0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
		environment local(env);
		bool empty(true);
		resolve_bounds(local, m_groupnode, groupmap, seen, empty, false, false, true);

void layout_group::resolve_bounds(
		environment &env,
		util::xml::data_node const &parentnode,
		group_map &groupmap,
		std::vector<layout_group const *> &seen,
		bool &empty,
		bool vistoggle,
		bool repeat,
		bool init)
	LOGMASKED(LOG_GROUP_BOUNDS_RESOLUTION, "Group '%s' resolve bounds empty=%s vistoggle=%s repeat=%s init=%s\n",
			parentnode.get_attribute_string("name", ""), empty, vistoggle, repeat, init);
	bool envaltered(false);
	bool unresolved(true);
	for (util::xml::data_node const *itemnode = parentnode.get_first_child(); !m_bounds_resolved && itemnode; itemnode = itemnode->get_next_sibling())
		if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "bounds"))
			// use explicit bounds
			env.parse_bounds(itemnode, m_bounds);
			m_bounds_resolved = true;
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "param"))
			envaltered = true;
			if (!unresolved)
				LOGMASKED(LOG_GROUP_BOUNDS_RESOLUTION, "Environment altered%s, unresolving groups\n", envaltered ? " again" : "");
				unresolved = true;
				for (group_map::value_type &group : groupmap)
			if (!repeat)
				env.set_repeat_parameter(*itemnode, init);
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "element") ||
				!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "backdrop") ||
				!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "screen") ||
				!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "overlay") ||
				!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "bezel") ||
				!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "cpanel") ||
				!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "marquee"))
			render_bounds itembounds;
			util::xml::data_node const *boundsnode = itemnode->get_child("bounds");
			env.parse_bounds(boundsnode, itembounds);
			while (boundsnode)
				boundsnode = boundsnode->get_next_sibling("bounds");
				if (boundsnode)
					render_bounds b;
					env.parse_bounds(boundsnode, b);
					itembounds |= b;
			if (empty)
				m_bounds = itembounds;
				m_bounds |= itembounds;
			empty = false;
			LOGMASKED(LOG_GROUP_BOUNDS_RESOLUTION, "Accumulate item bounds (%s %s %s %s) -> (%s %s %s %s)\n",
					itembounds.x0, itembounds.y0, itembounds.x1, itembounds.y1,
					m_bounds.x0, m_bounds.y0, m_bounds.x1, m_bounds.y1);
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "group"))
			util::xml::data_node const *const itemboundsnode(itemnode->get_child("bounds"));
			if (itemboundsnode)
				render_bounds itembounds;
				env.parse_bounds(itemboundsnode, itembounds);
				if (empty)
					m_bounds = itembounds;
					m_bounds |= itembounds;
				empty = false;
				LOGMASKED(LOG_GROUP_BOUNDS_RESOLUTION, "Accumulate group '%s' reference explicit bounds (%s %s %s %s) -> (%s %s %s %s)\n",
						itemnode->get_attribute_string("ref", ""),
						itembounds.x0, itembounds.y0, itembounds.x1, itembounds.y1,
						m_bounds.x0, m_bounds.y0, m_bounds.x1, m_bounds.y1);
				std::string const ref(env.get_attribute_string(*itemnode, "ref"));
				if (ref.empty())
					throw layout_syntax_error("nested group must have non-empty ref attribute");

				group_map::iterator const found(groupmap.find(ref));
				if (groupmap.end() == found)
					throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("unable to find group %s", ref));

				int const orientation(env.parse_orientation(itemnode->get_child("orientation")));
				environment local(env);
				found->second.resolve_bounds(local, groupmap, seen);
				render_bounds const itembounds{
						(orientation & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? (found->second.m_bounds.x0 + found->second.m_bounds.y1 - found->second.m_bounds.y0) : found->second.m_bounds.x1,
						(orientation & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? (found->second.m_bounds.y0 + found->second.m_bounds.x1 - found->second.m_bounds.x0) : found->second.m_bounds.y1 };
				if (empty)
					m_bounds = itembounds;
					m_bounds |= itembounds;
				empty = false;
				unresolved = false;
				LOGMASKED(LOG_GROUP_BOUNDS_RESOLUTION, "Accumulate group '%s' reference computed bounds (%s %s %s %s) -> (%s %s %s %s)\n",
						itemnode->get_attribute_string("ref", ""),
						itembounds.x0, itembounds.y0, itembounds.x1, itembounds.y1,
						m_bounds.x0, m_bounds.y0, m_bounds.x1, m_bounds.y1);
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "repeat"))
			int const count(env.get_attribute_int(*itemnode, "count", -1));
			if (0 >= count)
				throw layout_syntax_error("repeat must have positive integer count attribute");
			environment local(env);
			for (int i = 0; !m_bounds_resolved && (count > i); ++i)
				resolve_bounds(local, *itemnode, groupmap, seen, empty, false, true, !i);
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "collection"))
			if (!itemnode->has_attribute("name"))
				throw layout_syntax_error("collection must have name attribute");
			environment local(env);
			resolve_bounds(local, *itemnode, groupmap, seen, empty, true, false, true);
			throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("unknown group element %s", itemnode->get_name()));

	if (envaltered && !unresolved)
		LOGMASKED(LOG_GROUP_BOUNDS_RESOLUTION, "Environment was altered, marking groups unresolved\n");
		bool const resolved(m_bounds_resolved);
		for (group_map::value_type &group : groupmap)
		m_bounds_resolved = resolved;

	if (!vistoggle && !repeat)
		LOGMASKED(LOG_GROUP_BOUNDS_RESOLUTION, "Marking group '%s' bounds resolved\n",
				parentnode.get_attribute_string("name", ""));
		m_bounds_resolved = true;

//  state_texture - return a pointer to a
//  render_texture for the given state, allocating
//  one if needed

render_texture *layout_element::state_texture(int state)
	if (m_foldhigh && (state & ~m_statemask))
		state = (state & m_statemask) | (((m_statemask << 1) | 1) & ~m_statemask);
		state &= m_statemask;
	assert(m_elemtex.size() > state);
	if (!m_elemtex[state].m_texture)
		m_elemtex[state].m_element = this;
		m_elemtex[state].m_state = state;
		m_elemtex[state].m_texture = machine().render().texture_alloc(element_scale, &m_elemtex[state]);
	return m_elemtex[state].m_texture;

//  set_draw_callback - set handler called after
//  drawing components

void layout_element::set_draw_callback(draw_delegate &&handler)
	m_draw = std::move(handler);

//  preload - perform expensive loading upfront
//  for all components

void layout_element::preload()
	for (component::ptr const &curcomp : m_complist)

//  prepare - perform additional tasks before
//  drawing a frame

void layout_element::prepare()
	if (m_invalidated)
		m_invalidated = false;
		for (texture &tex : m_elemtex)
			tex.m_texture = nullptr;

//  element_scale - scale an element by rendering
//  all the components at the appropriate
//  resolution

void layout_element::element_scale(bitmap_argb32 &dest, bitmap_argb32 &source, const rectangle &sbounds, void *param)
	texture const &elemtex(*reinterpret_cast<texture const *>(param));

	// draw components that are visible in the current state
	for (auto const &curcomp : elemtex.m_element->m_complist)
		if ((elemtex.m_state & curcomp->statemask()) == curcomp->stateval())
			curcomp->draw(elemtex.m_element->machine(), dest, elemtex.m_state);

	// if there's a callback for additional drawing, invoke it
	if (!elemtex.m_element->m_draw.isnull())
		elemtex.m_element->m_draw(elemtex.m_state, dest);

// image
class layout_element::image_component : public component
	// construction/destruction
	image_component(environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &compnode)
		: component(env, compnode)
		, m_rasterizer(env.svg_rasterizer())
		, m_searchpath(env.search_path() ? env.search_path() : "")
		, m_dirname(env.directory_name() ? env.directory_name() : "")
		, m_imagefile(env.get_attribute_string(compnode, "file"))
		, m_alphafile(env.get_attribute_string(compnode, "alphafile"))
		, m_data(get_data(compnode))

	// overrides
	virtual void preload(running_machine &machine) override
		if (!m_bitmap.valid() && !m_svg)

	virtual void draw_aligned(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, rectangle const &bounds, int state) override
		if (!m_bitmap.valid() && !m_svg)

		if (m_bitmap.valid())
			draw_bitmap(dest, bounds, state);
		else if (m_svg)
			draw_svg(dest, bounds, state);

	// internal helpers
	void draw_bitmap(bitmap_argb32 &dest, rectangle const &bounds, int state)
		render_color const c(color(state));
		if (m_hasalpha || (1.0F > c.a))
			bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(dest.width(), dest.height());
			render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(tempbitmap, m_bitmap, c);
			alpha_blend(tempbitmap, dest, bounds);
			bitmap_argb32 destsub(dest, bounds);
			render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(destsub, m_bitmap, c);

	void draw_svg(bitmap_argb32 &dest, rectangle const &bounds, int state)
		// rasterise into a temporary bitmap
		float const xscale(bounds.width() / m_svg->width);
		float const yscale(bounds.height() / m_svg->height);
		float const drawscale((std::max)(xscale, yscale));
		bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(int(m_svg->width * drawscale), int(m_svg->height * drawscale));
				0, 0, drawscale,
				reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&tempbitmap.pix(0)),
				tempbitmap.width(), tempbitmap.height(),

		// correct colour format and multiply by state colour
		bool havealpha(false);
		render_color const c(color(state));
		for (s32 y = 0; tempbitmap.height() > y; ++y)
			u32 *dst(&tempbitmap.pix(y));
			for (s32 x = 0; tempbitmap.width() > x; ++x, ++dst)
				u8 const *const src(reinterpret_cast<u8 const *>(dst));
				rgb_t const d(
						u8((float(src[3]) * c.a) + 0.5F),
						u8((float(src[0]) * c.r) + 0.5F),
						u8((float(src[1]) * c.g) + 0.5F),
						u8((float(src[2]) * c.b) + 0.5F));
				*dst = d;
				havealpha = havealpha || (d.a() < 255U);

		// find most efficient way to insert it in the target bitmap
		if (!havealpha)
			if ((tempbitmap.width() == bounds.width()) && (tempbitmap.height() == bounds.height()))
				for (s32 y = 0; tempbitmap.height() > y; ++y)
					std::copy_n(&tempbitmap.pix(y), bounds.width(), &dest.pix(y +, bounds.left()));
				bitmap_argb32 destsub(dest, bounds);
				render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(destsub, tempbitmap, render_color{ 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F });
		else if ((tempbitmap.width() == bounds.width()) && (tempbitmap.height() == bounds.height()))
			alpha_blend(tempbitmap, dest, bounds);
			bitmap_argb32 scaled(bounds.width(), bounds.height());
			render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(scaled, tempbitmap, render_color{ 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F });
			alpha_blend(scaled, dest, bounds);

	void alpha_blend(bitmap_argb32 const &srcbitmap, bitmap_argb32 &dstbitmap, rectangle const &bounds)
		for (s32 y0 = 0, y1 =; bounds.bottom() >= y1; ++y0, ++y1)
			u32 const *src(&srcbitmap.pix(y0, 0));
			u32 *dst(&dstbitmap.pix(y1, bounds.left()));
			for (s32 x1 = bounds.left(); bounds.right() >= x1; ++x1, ++src, ++dst)
				rgb_t const a(*src);
				u32 const aa(a.a());
				if (255 == aa)
					*dst = *src;
				else if (aa)
					rgb_t const b(*dst);
					u32 const ba(b.a());
					if (ba)
						u32 const ca((aa * 255) + (ba * (255 - aa)));
						*dst = rgb_t(
								u8(ca / 255),
								u8(((a.r() * aa * 255) + (b.r() * ba * (255 - aa))) / ca),
								u8(((a.g() * aa * 255) + (b.g() * ba * (255 - aa))) / ca),
								u8(((a.b() * aa * 255) + (b.b() * ba * (255 - aa))) / ca));
						*dst = *src;

	void load_image(running_machine &machine)
		// if we have a filename, go with that
		emu_file file(m_searchpath.empty() ? m_dirname : m_searchpath, OPEN_FLAG_READ);
		if (!m_imagefile.empty())
			std::string filename;
			if (!m_searchpath.empty())
				filename = m_dirname;
			util::path_append(filename, m_imagefile);
			LOGMASKED(LOG_IMAGE_LOAD, "Image component attempt to load image file '%s'\n", filename);
			std::error_condition const imgerr =;
			if (!imgerr)
				if (!load_bitmap(file))
					LOGMASKED(LOG_IMAGE_LOAD, "Image component will attempt to parse file as SVG\n");
				LOGMASKED(LOG_IMAGE_LOAD, "Image component unable to open image file '%s' (%s:%d %s)\n",
						filename, imgerr.category().name(), imgerr.value(), imgerr.message());
		else if (!m_data.empty())

		// load the alpha bitmap if specified
		if (!m_alphafile.empty())
			if (m_bitmap.valid())
				std::string filename;
				if (!m_searchpath.empty())
					filename = m_dirname;
				util::path_append(filename, m_alphafile);
				LOGMASKED(LOG_IMAGE_LOAD, "Image component attempt to load alpha channel from file '%s'\n", filename);
				std::error_condition const alferr =;
				if (!alferr)
					// TODO: no way to detect corner case where we had alpha from the image but the alpha PNG makes it entirely opaque
					if (render_load_png(m_bitmap, file, true))
						m_hasalpha = true;
					LOGMASKED(LOG_IMAGE_LOAD, "Image component unable to open alpha channel file '%s' (%s:%d %s)\n",
							filename, alferr.category().name(), alferr.value(), alferr.message());
			else if (m_svg)
				osd_printf_warning("Component alpha channel file '%s' ignored for SVG image '%s'\n", m_alphafile, m_imagefile);

		// if we can't load an image, allocate a dummy one and report an error
		if (!m_bitmap.valid() && !m_svg)
			// draw some stripes in the bitmap
			m_bitmap.allocate(100, 100);
			for (int step = 0; step < 100; step += 25)
				for (int line = 0; line < 100; line++)
					m_bitmap.pix((step + line) % 100, line % 100) = rgb_t(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff);

			// log an error
			if (m_alphafile.empty())
				osd_printf_warning("Unable to load component image '%s'\n", m_imagefile);
				osd_printf_warning("Unable to load component image '%s'/'%s'\n", m_imagefile, m_alphafile);

		// clear out this stuff in case it's large
		if (!m_svg)

	void load_image_data()
		// in-place Base64 decode
		static constexpr char base64chars[] =
				"\t\n\v\f\r +/0123456789"
		static constexpr char base64tail[] =
				"\t\n\v\f\r =";
		std::string::size_type const tail(m_data.find_first_not_of(base64chars));
		std::string::size_type const end(m_data.find_first_not_of(base64tail, tail));
		if (std::string::npos == end)
			LOGMASKED(LOG_IMAGE_LOAD, "Image component decoding Base64 image data\n");
			char *dst(&m_data[0]);
			unsigned trailing(0U);
			for (std::string::size_type i = 0U; (m_data.size() > i) && ('=' != m_data[i]); ++i)
				u8 sym;
				if (('A' <= m_data[i]) && ('Z' >= m_data[i]))
					sym = m_data[i] - 'A';
				else if (('a' <= m_data[i]) && ('z' >= m_data[i]))
					sym = m_data[i] - 'a' + 26;
				else if (('0' <= m_data[i]) && ('9' >= m_data[i]))
					sym = m_data[i] - '0' + 52;
				else if ('+' == m_data[i])
					sym = 62;
				else if ('/' == m_data[i])
					sym = 63;
				if (trailing)
					*dst |= (sym << 2) >> trailing;
					*dst = sym << 2;
				if (trailing >= 2U)
				trailing = (trailing + 6U) & 7U;
				if (trailing)
					*dst = sym << (8U - trailing);
			m_data.resize(dst - &m_data[0]);

		// make a file wrapper for the data and see if it looks like a bitmap
		util::core_file::ptr file;
		std::error_condition const filerr(util::core_file::open_ram(m_data.c_str(), m_data.size(), OPEN_FLAG_READ, file));
		bool const bitmapdata(!filerr && file && load_bitmap(*file));

		// if it didn't look like a bitmap, see if it looks like it might be XML and hence SVG
		if (!bitmapdata)
			bool const utf16be((0xfe == u8(m_data[0])) && (0xff == u8(m_data[1])));
			bool const utf16le((0xff == u8(m_data[0])) && (0xfe == u8(m_data[1])));
			bool const utf8((0xef == u8(m_data[0])) && (0xbb == u8(m_data[1])) && (0xbf == u8(m_data[2])));
			std::string::size_type const found(m_data.find_first_not_of("\t\n\v\f\r "));
			bool const xmltag((std::string::npos != found) && ('<' == m_data[found]));
			if (utf16be || utf16le || utf8 || xmltag)
				LOGMASKED(LOG_IMAGE_LOAD, "Image component will attempt to parse data as SVG\n");

	bool load_bitmap(util::random_read &file)
		ru_imgformat const format = render_detect_image(file);
		switch (format)
			LOGMASKED(LOG_IMAGE_LOAD, "Image component error detecting image file format\n");
			return false;

			LOGMASKED(LOG_IMAGE_LOAD, "Image component detected PNG file format\n");
			m_hasalpha = render_load_png(m_bitmap, file);
			return true;

			LOGMASKED(LOG_IMAGE_LOAD, "Image component detected JPEG file format\n");
			render_load_jpeg(m_bitmap, file);
			return true;

			LOGMASKED(LOG_IMAGE_LOAD, "Image component detected Microsoft DIB file format\n");
			render_load_msdib(m_bitmap, file);
			return true;

			LOGMASKED(LOG_IMAGE_LOAD, "Image component failed to detect bitmap file format\n");
			return false;

	void load_svg(util::random_read &file)
		std::error_condition filerr;
		u64 len;
		filerr = file.length(len);
		if (filerr)
			osd_printf_warning("Error getting length of component image '%s'\n", m_imagefile);
		if ((std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() - 1) < len)
			osd_printf_warning("Component image '%s' is too large to read into memory\n", m_imagefile);
		std::unique_ptr<char []> svgbuf(new (std::nothrow) char [size_t(len) + 1]);
		if (!svgbuf)
			osd_printf_warning("Error allocating memory to read component image '%s'\n", m_imagefile);
		svgbuf[len] = '\0';
		size_t actual;
		std::tie(filerr, actual) = read(file, svgbuf.get(), len);
		if (filerr || (actual < len))
			osd_printf_warning("Error reading component image '%s'\n", m_imagefile);

	void parse_svg(char *svgdata)
		if (!m_rasterizer)
			osd_printf_warning("No SVG rasteriser available, won't attempt to parse component image '%s' as SVG\n", m_imagefile);
		m_svg.reset(nsvgParse(svgdata, "px", 72));
		if (!m_svg)
			osd_printf_warning("Failed to parse component image '%s' as SVG\n", m_imagefile);
		if ((0.0F >= m_svg->width) || (0.0F >= m_svg->height))
			osd_printf_warning("Parsing component image '%s' as SVG produced empty image\n", m_imagefile);

	static std::string get_data(util::xml::data_node const &compnode)
		util::xml::data_node const *datanode(compnode.get_child("data"));
		if (datanode && datanode->get_value())
			return datanode->get_value();
			return "";

	// internal state
	util::nsvg_image_ptr            m_svg;              // parsed SVG image
	std::shared_ptr<NSVGrasterizer> m_rasterizer;       // SVG rasteriser
	bitmap_argb32                   m_bitmap;           // source bitmap for images
	bool                            m_hasalpha = false; // is there any alpha component present?

	// cold state
	std::string                     m_searchpath;       // asset search path (for lazy loading)
	std::string                     m_dirname;          // directory name of image file (for lazy loading)
	std::string                     m_imagefile;        // name of the image file (for lazy loading)
	std::string                     m_alphafile;        // name of the alpha file (for lazy loading)
	std::string                     m_data;             // embedded image data

// rectangle
class layout_element::rect_component : public component
	// construction/destruction
	rect_component(environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &compnode)
		: component(env, compnode)

	// overrides
	virtual void draw_aligned(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int state) override
		render_color const c(color(state));
		if (1.0f <= c.a)
			// optimise opaque pixels
			u32 const f(rgb_t(u8(c.r * 255), u8(c.g * 255), u8(c.b * 255)));
			s32 const width(bounds.width());
			for (u32 y =; y <= bounds.bottom(); ++y)
				std::fill_n(&dest.pix(y, bounds.left()), width, f);
		else if (c.a)
			// compute premultiplied color
			u32 const a(c.a * 255.0F);
			u32 const r(u32(c.r * (255.0F * 255.0F)) * a);
			u32 const g(u32(c.g * (255.0F * 255.0F)) * a);
			u32 const b(u32(c.b * (255.0F * 255.0F)) * a);
			u32 const inva(255 - a);

			// we're translucent, add in the destination pixel contribution
			for (u32 y =; y <= bounds.bottom(); ++y)
				u32 *dst(&dest.pix(y, bounds.left()));
				for (u32 x = bounds.left(); x <= bounds.right(); ++x, ++dst)
					alpha_blend(*dst, a, r, g, b, inva);

// ellipse
class layout_element::disk_component : public component
	// construction/destruction
	disk_component(environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &compnode)
		: component(env, compnode)

	// overrides
	virtual void draw(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, int state) override
		// compute premultiplied color
		render_color const c(color(state));
		u32 const f(rgb_t(u8(c.r * 255), u8(c.g * 255), u8(c.b * 255)));
		u32 const a(c.a * 255.0F);
		u32 const r(c.r * (255.0F * 255.0F) * a);
		u32 const g(c.g * (255.0F * 255.0F) * a);
		u32 const b(c.b * (255.0F * 255.0F) * a);
		u32 const inva(255 - a);
		if (!a)

		// calculate the position and size
		render_bounds const curbounds = bounds(state);
		double const xcenter = (curbounds.x0 + curbounds.x1) * double(dest.width()) * 0.5;
		double const ycenter = (curbounds.y0 + curbounds.y1) * double(dest.height()) * 0.5;
		double const xradius = curbounds.width() * double(dest.width()) * 0.5;
		double const yradius = curbounds.height() * double(dest.height()) * 0.5;
		s32 const miny = s32(curbounds.y0 * double(dest.height()));
		s32 const maxy = s32(std::ceil(curbounds.y1 * double(dest.height()))) - 1;
		LOGMASKED(LOG_DISK_DRAW, "Draw disk: bounds (%s %s %s %s); (((x - %s) ** 2) / (%s ** 2) + ((y - %s) ** 2) / (%s ** 2)) = 1; rows [%s %s]\n",
				curbounds.x0, curbounds.y0, curbounds.x1, curbounds.y1, xcenter, xradius, ycenter, yradius, miny, maxy);

		if (miny == maxy)
			// fits in a single row of pixels - integrate entire area of ellipse
			double const scale = xradius * yradius * 0.5;
			s32 const minx = s32(curbounds.x0 * double(dest.width()));
			s32 const maxx = s32(std::ceil(curbounds.x1 * double(dest.width()))) - 1;
			double x1 = (double(minx) - xcenter) / xradius;
			u32 *dst = &dest.pix(miny, minx);
			for (s32 x = minx; maxx >= x; ++x, ++dst)
				double const x0 = x1;
				x1 = (double(x + 1) - xcenter) / xradius;
				double const val = integral((std::max)(x0, -1.0), (std::min)(x1, 1.0)) * scale;
				alpha_blend(*dst, c, val);
			double const scale = xradius * yradius * 0.25;
			double const ooyradius2 = 1.0 / (yradius * yradius);
			auto const draw_edge_row =
					[&dest, &c, &curbounds, xcenter, xradius, scale, ooyradius2] (s32 row, double ycoord, bool cross_axis)
						double const xval = xradius * std::sqrt((std::max)(1.0 - (ycoord * ycoord) * ooyradius2, 0.0));
						double const l = xcenter - xval;
						double const r = xcenter + xval;
						if (!cross_axis)
							s32 minx = s32(l);
							s32 maxx = s32(std::ceil(r)) - 1;
							double x1 = double(minx) - xcenter;
							u32 *dst = &dest.pix(row, minx);
							for (s32 x = minx; maxx >= x; ++x, ++dst)
								double const x0 = x1;
								x1 = double(x + 1) - xcenter;
								double val = integral((std::max)(x0, -xval) / xradius, (std::min)(x1, xval) / xradius) * scale;
								val -= ((std::min)(double(x + 1), r) - (std::max)(double(x), l)) * ycoord;
								alpha_blend(*dst, c, val);
							s32 const minx = s32(curbounds.x0 * double(dest.width()));
							s32 const maxx = s32(std::ceil(curbounds.x1 * double(dest.width()))) - 1;
							double x1 = (double(minx) - xcenter) / xradius;
							u32 *dst = &dest.pix(row, minx);
							for (s32 x = minx; maxx >= x; ++x, ++dst)
								double const x0 = x1;
								x1 = (double(x + 1) - xcenter) / xradius;
								double val = integral((std::max)(x0, -1.0), (std::min)(x1, 1.0));
								if (double(x + 1) <= l)
									val += integral((std::max)(x0, -1.0), x1);
								else if (double(x) <= l)
									val += integral((std::max)(x0, -1.0), -xval / xradius);
								if (double(x) >= r)
									val += integral(x0, (std::min)(x1, 1.0));
								else if (double(x + 1) >= r)
									val += integral(xval / xradius, (std::min)(x1, 1.0));
								val *= scale;
								val -= (std::max)(((std::min)(double(x + 1), r) - (std::max)(double(x), l)), 0.0) * ycoord;
								alpha_blend(*dst, c, val);

			// draw the top row - in a thin ellipse it may extend below the axis
			draw_edge_row(miny, ycenter - double(miny + 1), double(miny + 1) > ycenter);

			// draw rows above the axis
			s32 y = miny + 1;
			double ycoord1 = ycenter - double(y);
			double xval1 = std::sqrt((std::max)(1.0 - (ycoord1 * ycoord1) * ooyradius2, 0.0));
			double l1 = xcenter - (xval1 * xradius);
			double r1 = xcenter + (xval1 * xradius);
			for ( ; (maxy > y) && (double(y + 1) <= ycenter); ++y)
				double const xval0 = xval1;
				double const l0 = l1;
				double const r0 = r1;
				ycoord1 = ycenter - double(y + 1);
				xval1 = std::sqrt((std::max)(1.0 - (ycoord1 * ycoord1) * ooyradius2, 0.0));
				l1 = xcenter - (xval1 * xradius);
				r1 = xcenter + (xval1 * xradius);
				s32 const minx = s32(l1);
				s32 const maxx = s32(std::ceil(r1)) - 1;
				s32 const minfill = s32(std::ceil(l0));
				s32 const maxfill = s32(r0) - 1;
				u32 *dst = &dest.pix(y, minx);
				for (s32 x = minx; maxx >= x; ++x, ++dst)
					if ((x >= minfill) && (x <= maxfill))
						if (255 <= a)
							dst = std::fill_n(dst, maxfill - x + 1, f);
							while (x++ <= maxfill)
								alpha_blend(*dst++, a, r, g, b, inva);

						x = maxfill;
						double val = 0.0;

						// integrate where perimeter passes through pixel cell
						if (double(x + 1) <= l0) // perimeter intercepts right edge of pixel cell (left side)
							val += integral((std::max)((double(x) - xcenter) / xradius, -xval1), (double(x + 1) - xcenter) / xradius);
						else if (double(x) <= l0) // perimeter intercepts top edge of pixel cell (left side)
							val += integral((std::max)((double(x) - xcenter) / xradius, -xval1), -xval0);
						else if (double(x) >= r0) // perimeter intercepts left edge of pixel cell (right side)
							val += integral((double(x) - xcenter) / xradius, (std::min)((double(x + 1) - xcenter) / xradius, xval1));
						else if (double(x + 1) >= r0) // perimeter intercepts top edge of pixel cell (right side)
							val += integral(xval0, (std::min)((double(x + 1) - xcenter) / xradius, xval1));
						val *= scale;

						// subtract area between vertical centre and bottom of pixel cell
						if (double(x) <= l0)
							val -= ((std::min)(double(x + 1), l0) - (std::max)(double(x), l1)) * ycoord1;
						else if (double(x + 1) >= r0)
							val -= ((std::min)(double(x + 1), r1) - (std::max)(double(x), r0)) * ycoord1;

						// add in the fully covered part of the pixel
						val += (std::max)((std::min)(double(x + 1), r0) - (std::max)(double(x), l0), 0.0);

						alpha_blend(*dst, c, (std::min)(val, 1.0));

			// row spanning the axis
			if ((maxy > y) && (double(y) < ycenter))
				double const xval0 = xval1;
				double const l0 = l1;
				double const r0 = r1;
				ycoord1 = double(y + 1) - ycenter;
				xval1 = std::sqrt((std::max)(1.0 - (ycoord1 * ycoord1) * ooyradius2, 0.0));
				l1 = xcenter - (xval1 * xradius);
				r1 = xcenter + (xval1 * xradius);
				s32 const minx = s32(curbounds.x0 * double(dest.width()));
				s32 const maxx = s32(std::ceil(curbounds.x1 * double(dest.width()))) - 1;
				u32 *dst = &dest.pix(y, minx);
				for (s32 x = minx; maxx >= x; ++x, ++dst)
					if ((double(x) >= (std::max)(l0, l1)) && (double(x + 1) <= (std::min)(r0, r1)))
						if (255 <= a)
							*dst = f;
							alpha_blend(*dst, a, r, g, b, inva);
						double val = 0.0;
						if (double(x + 1) <= l0)
							val += integral((xcenter - double(x + 1)) / xradius, (std::min)((xcenter - double(x)) / xradius, 1.0));
						else if (double(x) <= l0)
							val += integral(xval0, (std::min)((xcenter - double(x)) / xradius, 1.0));
						else if (double(x) >= r0)
							val += integral((double(x) - xcenter) / xradius, (std::min)((double(x + 1) - xcenter) / xradius, 1.0));
						else if (double(x + 1) >= r0)
							val += integral(xval0, (std::min)((double(x + 1) - xcenter) / xradius, 1.0));
						if (double(x + 1) <= l1)
							val += integral((xcenter - double(x + 1)) / xradius, (std::min)((xcenter - double(x)) / xradius, 1.0));
						else if (double(x) <= l1)
							val += integral(xval1, (std::min)((xcenter - double(x)) / xradius, 1.0));
						else if (double(x) >= r1)
							val += integral((double(x) - xcenter) / xradius, (std::min)((double(x + 1) - xcenter) / xradius, 1.0));
						else if (double(x + 1) >= r1)
							val += integral(xval1, (std::min)((double(x + 1) - xcenter) / xradius, 1.0));
						val *= scale;
						val += (std::max)(((std::min)(double(x + 1), r0) - (std::max)(double(x), l0)), 0.0) * (ycenter - double(y));
						val += (std::max)(((std::min)(double(x + 1), r1) - (std::max)(double(x), l1)), 0.0) * (double(y + 1) - ycenter);
						alpha_blend(*dst, c, val);

			// draw rows below the axis
			for ( ; maxy > y; ++y)
				double const ycoord0 = ycoord1;
				double const xval0 = xval1;
				double const l0 = l1;
				double const r0 = r1;
				ycoord1 = double(y + 1) - ycenter;
				xval1 = std::sqrt((std::max)(1.0 - (ycoord1 * ycoord1) * ooyradius2, 0.0));
				l1 = xcenter - (xval1 * xradius);
				r1 = xcenter + (xval1 * xradius);
				s32 const minx = s32(l0);
				s32 const maxx = s32(std::ceil(r0)) - 1;
				s32 const minfill = s32(std::ceil(l1));
				s32 const maxfill = s32(r1) - 1;
				u32 *dst = &dest.pix(y, minx);
				for (s32 x = minx; maxx >= x; ++x, ++dst)
					if ((x >= minfill) && (x <= maxfill))
						if (255 <= a)
							dst = std::fill_n(dst, maxfill - x + 1, f);
							while (x++ <= maxfill)
								alpha_blend(*dst++, a, r, g, b, inva);

						x = maxfill;
						double val = 0.0;

						// integrate where perimeter passes through pixel cell
						if (double(x + 1) <= l1) // perimeter intercepts right edge of pixel cell (left side)
							val += integral((std::max)((double(x) - xcenter) / xradius, -xval0), (double(x + 1) - xcenter) / xradius);
						else if (double(x) <= l1) // perimeter intercepts bottom edge of pixel cell (left side)
							val += integral((std::max)((double(x) - xcenter) / xradius, -xval0), -xval1);
						else if (double(x) >= r1) // perimeter intercepts left edge of pixel cell (right side)
							val += integral((double(x) - xcenter) / xradius, (std::min)((double(x + 1) - xcenter) / xradius, xval0));
						else if (double(x + 1) >= r1) // perimeter intercepts bottom edge of pixel cell (right side)
							val += integral(xval1, (std::min)((double(x + 1) - xcenter) / xradius, xval0));
						val *= scale;

						// subtract area between vertical centre and top of pixel cell
						if (double(x) <= l1)
							val -= ((std::min)(double(x + 1), l1) - (std::max)(double(x), l0)) * ycoord0;
						else if (double(x + 1) >= r1)
							val -= ((std::min)(double(x + 1), r0) - (std::max)(double(x), r1)) * ycoord0;

						// add in the fully covered part of the pixel
						val += (std::max)((std::min)(double(x + 1), r1) - (std::max)(double(x), l1), 0.0);

						alpha_blend(*dst, c, (std::min)(val, 1.0));

			// last row is an inversion of the first
			draw_edge_row(maxy, double(maxy) - ycenter, double(maxy) < ycenter);

	static double integral(double x0, double x1)
		return integral(x1) - integral(x0);

	static double integral(double x)
		double const u(2.0 * std::asin(x));
		return u + std::sin(u);

// text string
class layout_element::text_component : public component
	// construction/destruction
	text_component(environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &compnode)
		: component(env, compnode)
		m_string = env.get_attribute_string(compnode, "string");
		m_textalign = env.get_attribute_int(compnode, "align", 0);

	// overrides
	virtual void draw_aligned(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int state) override
		auto font = machine.render().font_alloc("default");
		draw_text(*font, dest, bounds, m_string, m_textalign, color(state));

	// internal state
	std::string         m_string;                   // string for text components
	int                 m_textalign;                // text alignment to box

// 7-segment LCD
class layout_element::led7seg_component : public component
	// construction/destruction
	led7seg_component(environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &compnode)
		: component(env, compnode)
		m_invert = env.get_attribute_int(compnode, "invert", 0);

	// overrides
	virtual int maxstate() const override { return 255; }

	virtual void draw_aligned(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int state) override
		rgb_t const onpen = rgb_t(m_invert ? 0x20 : 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
		rgb_t const offpen = rgb_t(m_invert ? 0xff : 0x20, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);

		// sizes for computation
		int const bmwidth = 250;
		int const bmheight = 400;
		int const segwidth = 40;
		int const skewwidth = 40;

		// allocate a temporary bitmap for drawing
		bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(bmwidth + skewwidth, bmheight);

		// top bar
		draw_segment_horizontal(tempbitmap, 0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2, segwidth, BIT(state, 0) ? onpen : offpen);

		// top-right bar
		draw_segment_vertical(tempbitmap, 0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2, segwidth, BIT(state, 1) ? onpen : offpen);

		// bottom-right bar
		draw_segment_vertical(tempbitmap, bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2, segwidth, BIT(state, 2) ? onpen : offpen);

		// bottom bar
		draw_segment_horizontal(tempbitmap, 0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth/2, segwidth, BIT(state, 3) ? onpen : offpen);

		// bottom-left bar
		draw_segment_vertical(tempbitmap, bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2, segwidth, BIT(state, 4) ? onpen : offpen);

		// top-left bar
		draw_segment_vertical(tempbitmap, 0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2, segwidth, BIT(state, 5) ? onpen : offpen);

		// middle bar
		draw_segment_horizontal(tempbitmap, 0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2, segwidth, BIT(state, 6) ? onpen : offpen);

		// apply skew
		apply_skew(tempbitmap, 40);

		// decimal point
		draw_segment_decimal(tempbitmap, bmwidth + segwidth/2, bmheight - segwidth/2, segwidth, BIT(state, 7) ? onpen : offpen);

		// resample to the target size
		render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(dest, tempbitmap, color(state));
	int m_invert = 0;

// 14-segment LCD
class layout_element::led14seg_component : public component
	// construction/destruction
	led14seg_component(environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &compnode)
		: component(env, compnode)

	// overrides
	virtual int maxstate() const override { return 16383; }

	virtual void draw_aligned(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int state) override
		rgb_t const onpen = rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
		rgb_t const offpen = rgb_t(0x20, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);

		// sizes for computation
		int const bmwidth = 250;
		int const bmheight = 400;
		int const segwidth = 40;
		int const skewwidth = 40;

		// allocate a temporary bitmap for drawing
		bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(bmwidth + skewwidth, bmheight);
		tempbitmap.fill(rgb_t(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));

		// top bar
				0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 0)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// right-top bar
				0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 1)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// right-bottom bar
				bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 2)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// bottom bar
				0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 3)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// left-bottom bar
				bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 4)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// left-top bar
				0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 5)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// horizontal-middle-left bar
				0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, bmheight/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (state & (1 << 6)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// horizontal-middle-right bar
				0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (state & (1 << 7)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// vertical-middle-top bar
				0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (state & (1 << 8)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// vertical-middle-bottom bar
				bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (state & (1 << 9)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-left-bottom bar
				0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
				bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 10)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-left-top bar
				0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
				0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 11)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-right-top bar
				bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
				0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 12)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-right-bottom bar
				bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
				bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 13)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// apply skew
		apply_skew(tempbitmap, 40);

		// resample to the target size
		render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(dest, tempbitmap, color(state));

// 16-segment LCD
class layout_element::led16seg_component : public component
	// construction/destruction
	led16seg_component(environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &compnode)
		: component(env, compnode)

	// overrides
	virtual int maxstate() const override { return 65535; }

	virtual void draw_aligned(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int state) override
		const rgb_t onpen = rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
		const rgb_t offpen = rgb_t(0x20, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);

		// sizes for computation
		int bmwidth = 250;
		int bmheight = 400;
		int segwidth = 40;
		int skewwidth = 40;

		// allocate a temporary bitmap for drawing
		bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(bmwidth + skewwidth, bmheight);
		tempbitmap.fill(rgb_t(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));

		// top-left bar
			0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, 0 + segwidth/2,
			segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (state & (1 << 0)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// top-right bar
			0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
			segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (state & (1 << 1)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// right-top bar
			0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
			segwidth, (state & (1 << 2)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// right-bottom bar
			bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
			segwidth, (state & (1 << 3)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// bottom-right bar
			0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth/2,
			segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (state & (1 << 4)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// bottom-left bar
			0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, bmheight - segwidth/2,
			segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (state & (1 << 5)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// left-bottom bar
			bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
			segwidth, (state & (1 << 6)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// left-top bar
			0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
			segwidth, (state & (1 << 7)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// horizontal-middle-left bar
			0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, bmheight/2,
			segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (state & (1 << 8)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// horizontal-middle-right bar
			0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2,
			segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (state & (1 << 9)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// vertical-middle-top bar
			0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
			segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (state & (1 << 10)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// vertical-middle-bottom bar
			bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
			segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (state & (1 << 11)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-left-bottom bar
			0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
			bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
			segwidth, (state & (1 << 12)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-left-top bar
			0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
			0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
			segwidth, (state & (1 << 13)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-right-top bar
			bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
			0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
			segwidth, (state & (1 << 14)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-right-bottom bar
			bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
			bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
			segwidth, (state & (1 << 15)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// apply skew
		apply_skew(tempbitmap, 40);

		// resample to the target size
		render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(dest, tempbitmap, color(state));

// 14-segment LCD with semicolon (2 extra segments)
class layout_element::led14segsc_component : public component
	// construction/destruction
	led14segsc_component(environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &compnode)
		: component(env, compnode)

	// overrides
	virtual int maxstate() const override { return 65535; }

	virtual void draw_aligned(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int state) override
		rgb_t const onpen = rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
		rgb_t const offpen = rgb_t(0x20, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);

		// sizes for computation
		int const bmwidth = 250;
		int const bmheight = 400;
		int const segwidth = 40;
		int const skewwidth = 40;

		// allocate a temporary bitmap for drawing, adding some extra space for the tail
		bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(bmwidth + skewwidth, bmheight + segwidth);
		tempbitmap.fill(rgb_t(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));

		// top bar
				0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 0)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// right-top bar
				0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 1)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// right-bottom bar
				bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 2)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// bottom bar
				0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 3)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// left-bottom bar
				bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 4)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// left-top bar
				0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 5)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// horizontal-middle-left bar
				0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, bmheight/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (state & (1 << 6)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// horizontal-middle-right bar
				0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (state & (1 << 7)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// vertical-middle-top bar
				0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (state & (1 << 8)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// vertical-middle-bottom bar
				bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (state & (1 << 9)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-left-bottom bar
				0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
				bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 10)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-left-top bar
				0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
				0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 11)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-right-top bar
				bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
				0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 12)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-right-bottom bar
				bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
				bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 13)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// apply skew
		apply_skew(tempbitmap, 40);

		// comma tail
				bmwidth - (segwidth/2), bmwidth + segwidth,
				bmheight - (segwidth), bmheight + segwidth*1.5,
				segwidth/2, (state & (1 << 15)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// decimal point
				bmwidth + segwidth/2, bmheight - segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 14)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// resample to the target size
		render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(dest, tempbitmap, color(state));

// 16-segment LCD with semicolon (2 extra segments)
class layout_element::led16segsc_component : public component
	// construction/destruction
	led16segsc_component(environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &compnode)
		: component(env, compnode)

	// overrides
	virtual int maxstate() const override { return 262143; }

	virtual void draw_aligned(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int state) override
		rgb_t const onpen = rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
		rgb_t const offpen = rgb_t(0x20, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);

		// sizes for computation
		int const bmwidth = 250;
		int const bmheight = 400;
		int const segwidth = 40;
		int const skewwidth = 40;

		// allocate a temporary bitmap for drawing
		bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(bmwidth + skewwidth, bmheight + segwidth);
		tempbitmap.fill(rgb_t(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));

		// top-left bar
				0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, 0 + segwidth/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (state & (1 << 0)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// top-right bar
				0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (state & (1 << 1)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// right-top bar
				0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 2)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// right-bottom bar
				bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 3)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// bottom-right bar
				0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (state & (1 << 4)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// bottom-left bar
				0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, bmheight - segwidth/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (state & (1 << 5)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// left-bottom bar
				bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 6)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// left-top bar
				0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 7)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// horizontal-middle-left bar
				0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, bmheight/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (state & (1 << 8)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// horizontal-middle-right bar
				0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (state & (1 << 9)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// vertical-middle-top bar
				0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (state & (1 << 10)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// vertical-middle-bottom bar
				bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
				segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (state & (1 << 11)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-left-bottom bar
				0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
				bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 12)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-left-top bar
				0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
				0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 13)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-right-top bar
				bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
				0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 14)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// diagonal-right-bottom bar
				bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
				bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 15)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// apply skew
		apply_skew(tempbitmap, 40);

		// comma tail
				bmwidth - (segwidth/2), bmwidth + segwidth, bmheight - (segwidth), bmheight + segwidth*1.5,
				segwidth/2, (state & (1 << 17)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// decimal point (draw last for priority)
				bmwidth + segwidth/2, bmheight - segwidth/2,
				segwidth, (state & (1 << 16)) ? onpen : offpen);

		// resample to the target size
		render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(dest, tempbitmap, color(state));

// simple counter
class layout_element::simplecounter_component : public component
	// construction/destruction
	simplecounter_component(environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &compnode)
		: component(env, compnode)
		, m_digits(env.get_attribute_int(compnode, "digits", 2))
		, m_textalign(env.get_attribute_int(compnode, "align", 0))
		, m_maxstate(env.get_attribute_int(compnode, "maxstate", 999))

	// overrides
	virtual int maxstate() const override { return m_maxstate; }

	virtual void draw_aligned(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int state) override
		auto font = machine.render().font_alloc("default");
		draw_text(*font, dest, bounds, string_format("%0*d", m_digits, state), m_textalign, color(state));

	// internal state
	int const   m_digits;       // number of digits for simple counters
	int const   m_textalign;    // text alignment to box
	int const   m_maxstate;

// fruit machine reel
class layout_element::reel_component : public component
	static constexpr unsigned MAX_BITMAPS = 32;

	// construction/destruction
	reel_component(environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &compnode)
		: component(env, compnode)
		, m_searchpath(env.search_path() ? env.search_path() : "")
		, m_dirname(env.directory_name() ? env.directory_name() : "")
		osd_printf_warning("Warning: layout file contains deprecated reel component\n");

		std::string_view symbollist = env.get_attribute_string(compnode, "symbollist", "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15");

		// split out position names from string and figure out our number of symbols
		m_numstops = 0;
		for (std::string_view::size_type location = symbollist.find(','); std::string_view::npos != location; location = symbollist.find(','))
			m_stopnames[m_numstops] = symbollist.substr(0, location);
			symbollist.remove_prefix(location + 1);
		m_stopnames[m_numstops++] = symbollist;

		for (int i = 0; i < m_numstops; i++)
			std::string::size_type const location = m_stopnames[i].find(':');
			if (location != std::string::npos)
				m_imagefile[i] = m_stopnames[i].substr(location + 1);

		m_stateoffset = env.get_attribute_int(compnode, "stateoffset", 0);
		m_numsymbolsvisible = env.get_attribute_int(compnode, "numsymbolsvisible", 3);
		m_reelreversed = env.get_attribute_int(compnode, "reelreversed", 0);
		m_beltreel = env.get_attribute_int(compnode, "beltreel", 0);

	// overrides
	virtual void preload(running_machine &machine) override
		for (int i = 0; i < m_numstops; i++)
			if (!m_imagefile[i].empty() && !m_bitmap[i].valid())


	virtual int maxstate() const override { return 65535; }

	virtual void draw_aligned(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int state) override
		if (m_beltreel)
			draw_beltreel(machine, dest, bounds, state);

		// state is a normalized value between 0 and 65536 so that we don't need to worry about how many motor steps here or in the .lay, only the number of symbols
		const int max_state_used = 0x10000;

		// shift the reels a bit based on this param, allows fine tuning
		int use_state = (state + m_stateoffset) % max_state_used;

		// compute premultiplied color
		render_color const c(color(state));
		u32 const r = c.r * 255.0f;
		u32 const g = c.g * 255.0f;
		u32 const b = c.b * 255.0f;
		u32 const a = c.a * 255.0f;

		int curry = 0;
		int num_shown = m_numsymbolsvisible;

		int ourheight = bounds.height();

		auto font = machine.render().font_alloc("default");
		for (int fruit = 0;fruit<m_numstops;fruit++)
			int basey;

			if (m_reelreversed)
				basey = + ((use_state)*(ourheight/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops)) + curry;
				basey = - ((use_state)*(ourheight/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops)) + curry;

			// wrap around...
			if (basey <
				basey += ((max_state_used)*(ourheight/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops));
			if (basey > bounds.bottom())
				basey -= ((max_state_used)*(ourheight/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops));

			int endpos = basey+ourheight/num_shown;

			// only render the symbol / text if it's actually in view because the code is SLOW
			if ((endpos >= && (basey <= bounds.bottom()))
				if (!m_imagefile[fruit].empty() && !m_bitmap[fruit].valid())

				if (m_bitmap[fruit].valid()) // render gfx
					bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap2(dest.width(), ourheight/num_shown);
					render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(tempbitmap2, m_bitmap[fruit], c);

					for (int y = 0; y < ourheight/num_shown; y++)
						int effy = basey + y;

						if (effy >= && effy <= bounds.bottom())
							u32 const *const src = &tempbitmap2.pix(y);
							u32 *const d = &dest.pix(effy);
							for (int x = 0; x < dest.width(); x++)
								int effx = x;
								if (effx >= bounds.left() && effx <= bounds.right())
									u32 spix = rgb_t(src[x]).a();
									if (spix != 0)
										d[effx] = src[x];
				else // render text (fallback)
					// allocate a temporary bitmap
					bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(dest.width(), dest.height());

					// get the width of the string
					float aspect = 1.0f;
					s32 width;

					while (1)
						width = font->string_width(ourheight / num_shown, aspect, m_stopnames[fruit]);
						if (width < bounds.width())
						aspect *= 0.95f;

					float curx = bounds.left() + (bounds.width() - width) / 2.0f;

					// loop over characters
					std::string_view s = m_stopnames[fruit];
					while (!s.empty())
						char32_t schar;
						int scharcount = uchar_from_utf8(&schar, s);

						if (scharcount == -1)

						// get the font bitmap
						rectangle chbounds;
						font->get_scaled_bitmap_and_bounds(tempbitmap, ourheight/num_shown, aspect, schar, chbounds);

						// copy the data into the target
						for (int y = 0; y < chbounds.height(); y++)
							int effy = basey + y;

							if (effy >= && effy <= bounds.bottom())
								u32 const *const src = &tempbitmap.pix(y);
								u32 *const d = &dest.pix(effy);
								for (int x = 0; x < chbounds.width(); x++)
									int effx = int(curx) + x + chbounds.left();
									if (effx >= bounds.left() && effx <= bounds.right())
										u32 spix = rgb_t(src[x]).a();
										if (spix != 0)
											rgb_t dpix = d[effx];
											u32 ta = (a * (spix + 1)) >> 8;
											u32 tr = (r * ta + dpix.r() * (0x100 - ta)) >> 8;
											u32 tg = (g * ta + dpix.g() * (0x100 - ta)) >> 8;
											u32 tb = (b * ta + dpix.b() * (0x100 - ta)) >> 8;
											d[effx] = rgb_t(tr, tg, tb);

						// advance in the X direction
						curx += font->char_width(ourheight/num_shown, aspect, schar);

			curry += ourheight/num_shown;

		// free the temporary bitmap and font

	// internal helpers
	void draw_beltreel(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int state)
		const int max_state_used = 0x10000;

		// shift the reels a bit based on this param, allows fine tuning
		int use_state = (state + m_stateoffset) % max_state_used;

		// compute premultiplied color
		render_color const c(color(state));
		u32 const r = c.r * 255.0f;
		u32 const g = c.g * 255.0f;
		u32 const b = c.b * 255.0f;
		u32 const a = c.a * 255.0f;

		int currx = 0;
		int num_shown = m_numsymbolsvisible;

		int ourwidth = bounds.width();

		auto font = machine.render().font_alloc("default");
		for (int fruit = 0;fruit<m_numstops;fruit++)
			int basex;
			if (m_reelreversed==1)
				basex = bounds.min_x + ((use_state)*(ourwidth/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops)) + currx;
				basex = bounds.min_x - ((use_state)*(ourwidth/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops)) + currx;

			// wrap around...
			if (basex < bounds.left())
				basex += ((max_state_used)*(ourwidth/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops));
			if (basex > bounds.right())
				basex -= ((max_state_used)*(ourwidth/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops));

			int endpos = basex+(ourwidth/num_shown);

			// only render the symbol / text if it's actually in view because the code is SLOW
			if ((endpos >= bounds.left()) && (basex <= bounds.right()))
				if (!m_imagefile[fruit].empty() && !m_bitmap[fruit].valid())

				if (m_bitmap[fruit].valid()) // render gfx
					bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap2(ourwidth/num_shown, dest.height());
					render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(tempbitmap2, m_bitmap[fruit], c);

					for (int y = 0; y < dest.height(); y++)
						int effy = y;

						if (effy >= && effy <= bounds.bottom())
							u32 const *const src = &tempbitmap2.pix(y);
							u32 *const d = &dest.pix(effy);
							for (int x = 0; x < ourwidth/num_shown; x++)
								int effx = basex + x;
								if (effx >= bounds.left() && effx <= bounds.right())
									u32 spix = rgb_t(src[x]).a();
									if (spix != 0)
										d[effx] = src[x];

				else // render text (fallback)
					// get the width of the string
					float aspect = 1.0f;
					s32 width;
					while (1)
						width = font->string_width(dest.height(), aspect, m_stopnames[fruit]);
						if (width < bounds.width())
						aspect *= 0.95f;

					float curx = bounds.left();

					// allocate a temporary bitmap
					bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(dest.width(), dest.height());

					// loop over characters
					std::string_view s = m_stopnames[fruit];
					while (!s.empty())
						char32_t schar;
						int scharcount = uchar_from_utf8(&schar, s);

						if (scharcount == -1)

						// get the font bitmap
						rectangle chbounds;
						font->get_scaled_bitmap_and_bounds(tempbitmap, dest.height(), aspect, schar, chbounds);

						// copy the data into the target
						for (int y = 0; y < chbounds.height(); y++)
							int effy = y;

							if (effy >= && effy <= bounds.bottom())
								u32 const *const src = &tempbitmap.pix(y);
								u32 *const d = &dest.pix(effy);
								for (int x = 0; x < chbounds.width(); x++)
									int effx = basex + int(curx) + x;
									if (effx >= bounds.left() && effx <= bounds.right())
										u32 spix = rgb_t(src[x]).a();
										if (spix != 0)
											rgb_t dpix = d[effx];
											u32 ta = (a * (spix + 1)) >> 8;
											u32 tr = (r * ta + dpix.r() * (0x100 - ta)) >> 8;
											u32 tg = (g * ta + dpix.g() * (0x100 - ta)) >> 8;
											u32 tb = (b * ta + dpix.b() * (0x100 - ta)) >> 8;
											d[effx] = rgb_t(tr, tg, tb);

						// advance in the X direction
						curx += font->char_width(dest.height(), aspect, schar);

			currx += ourwidth/num_shown;

		// free the temporary bitmap and font

	void load_reel_bitmap(int number)
		emu_file file(m_searchpath.empty() ? m_dirname : m_searchpath, OPEN_FLAG_READ);
		std::string filename;
		if (!m_searchpath.empty())
			filename = m_dirname;
		util::path_append(filename, m_imagefile[number]);

		// load the basic bitmap
		if (!
			render_load_png(m_bitmap[number], file);

		// if we can't load the bitmap just use text rendering
		if (!m_bitmap[number].valid())


	// internal state
	bitmap_argb32       m_bitmap[MAX_BITMAPS];      // source bitmap for images
	std::string         m_searchpath;               // asset search path (for lazy loading)
	std::string         m_dirname;                  // directory name of image file (for lazy loading)
	std::string         m_imagefile[MAX_BITMAPS];   // name of the image file (for lazy loading)

	// basically made up of multiple text strings / gfx
	int                 m_numstops;
	std::string         m_stopnames[MAX_BITMAPS];
	int                 m_stateoffset;
	int                 m_reelreversed;
	int                 m_numsymbolsvisible;
	int                 m_beltreel;

//  make_component - create component of given type

template <typename T>
layout_element::component::ptr layout_element::make_component(environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &compnode)
	return std::make_unique<T>(env, compnode);


//  texture - constructors

	: m_element(nullptr)
	, m_texture(nullptr)
	, m_state(0)

layout_element::texture::texture(texture &&that) : texture()

//  ~texture - destructor

	if (m_element)

//  opearator= - move assignment

layout_element::texture &layout_element::texture::operator=(texture &&that)
	using std::swap;
	swap(m_element, that.m_element);
	swap(m_texture, that.m_texture);
	swap(m_state, that.m_state);
	return *this;


//  component - constructor

layout_element::component::component(environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &compnode)
	: m_statemask(env.get_attribute_int(compnode, "statemask", env.get_attribute_string(compnode, "state").empty() ? 0 : ~0))
	, m_stateval(env.get_attribute_int(compnode, "state", m_statemask) & m_statemask)
	for (util::xml::data_node const *child = compnode.get_first_child(); child; child = child->get_next_sibling())
		if (!strcmp(child->get_name(), "bounds"))
			if (!add_bounds_step(env, m_bounds, *child))
				throw layout_syntax_error(
							"%s component has duplicate bounds for state",
		else if (!strcmp(child->get_name(), "color"))
			if (!add_color_step(env, m_color, *child))
				throw layout_syntax_error(
							"%s component has duplicate color for state",

//  normalize_bounds - normalize component bounds

void layout_element::component::normalize_bounds(float xoffs, float yoffs, float xscale, float yscale)
	::normalize_bounds(m_bounds, 0.0F, 0.0F, xoffs, yoffs, xscale, yscale);

//  statewrap - get state wraparound requirements

std::pair<int, bool> layout_element::component::statewrap() const
	int result(0);
	bool fold;
	auto const adjustmask =
			[&result, &fold] (int val, int mask)
				assert(!(val & ~mask));
				auto const splatright =
						[] (int x)
							for (unsigned shift = 1; (sizeof(x) * 4) >= shift; shift <<= 1)
								x |= (x >> shift);
							return x;
				int const unfolded(splatright(mask));
				int const folded(splatright(~mask | splatright(val)));
				if (unsigned(folded) < unsigned(unfolded))
					result |= folded;
					fold = true;
					result |= unfolded;
	adjustmask(stateval(), statemask());
	int max(maxstate());
	if (m_bounds.size() > 1U)
		max = (std::max)(max, m_bounds.back().state);
	if (m_color.size() > 1U)
		max = (std::max)(max, m_color.back().state);
	if (0 <= max)
		adjustmask(max, ~0);
	return std::make_pair(result, fold);

//  overall_bounds - maximum bounds for all states

render_bounds layout_element::component::overall_bounds() const
	return accumulate_bounds(m_bounds);

//  bounds - bounds for a given state

render_bounds layout_element::component::bounds(int state) const
	return interpolate_bounds(m_bounds, state);

//  color - color for a given state

render_color layout_element::component::color(int state) const
	return interpolate_color(m_color, state);

//  preload - perform expensive operations upfront

void layout_element::component::preload(running_machine &machine)

//  draw - draw element to texture for a given
//  state

void layout_element::component::draw(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, int state)
	// get the local scaled bounds
	render_bounds const curbounds(bounds(state));
	rectangle pixelbounds(
			s32(curbounds.x0 * float(dest.width()) + 0.5F),
			s32(floorf(curbounds.x1 * float(dest.width()) - 0.5F)),
			s32(curbounds.y0 * float(dest.height()) + 0.5F),
			s32(floorf(curbounds.y1 * float(dest.height()) - 0.5F)));

	// based on the component type, add to the texture
	if (!pixelbounds.empty())
		draw_aligned(machine, dest, pixelbounds, state);

void layout_element::component::draw_aligned(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, rectangle const &bounds, int state)
	// derived classes must override one form or other
	throw false;

//  maxstate - maximum state drawn differently

int layout_element::component::maxstate() const
	return -1;

//  draw_text - draw text in the specified color

void layout_element::component::draw_text(
		render_font &font,
		bitmap_argb32 &dest,
		const rectangle &bounds,
		std::string_view str,
		int align,
		const render_color &color)
	// get the width of the string
	float aspect = 1.0f;
	s32 width;

	while (1)
		width = font.string_width(bounds.height(), aspect, str);
		if (width < bounds.width())
		aspect *= 0.95f;

	// get alignment
	float curx;
	switch (align)
		// left
		case 1:
			curx = bounds.left();

		// right
		case 2:
			curx = bounds.right() - width;

		// default to center
			curx = bounds.left() + (bounds.width() - width) / 2.0f;

	// allocate a temporary bitmap
	bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(dest.width(), dest.height());

	// loop over characters
	while (!str.empty())
		char32_t schar;
		int scharcount = uchar_from_utf8(&schar, str);

		if (scharcount == -1)

		// get the font bitmap
		rectangle chbounds;
		font.get_scaled_bitmap_and_bounds(tempbitmap, bounds.height(), aspect, schar, chbounds);

		// copy the data into the target
		for (int y = 0; y < chbounds.height(); y++)
			int effy = + y;
			if (effy >= && effy <= bounds.bottom())
				u32 const *const src = &tempbitmap.pix(y);
				u32 *const d = &dest.pix(effy);
				for (int x = 0; x < chbounds.width(); x++)
					int effx = int(curx) + x + chbounds.left();
					if (effx >= bounds.left() && effx <= bounds.right())
						u32 spix = rgb_t(src[x]).a();
						if (spix != 0)
							alpha_blend(d[effx], color, spix / 255.0);

		// advance in the X direction
		curx += font.char_width(bounds.height(), aspect, schar);

//  draw_segment_horizontal_caps - draw a
//  horizontal LED segment with definable end
//  and start points

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_horizontal_caps(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int minx, int maxx, int midy, int width, int caps, rgb_t color)
	// loop over the width of the segment
	for (int y = 0; y < width / 2; y++)
		u32 *const d0 = &dest.pix(midy - y);
		u32 *const d1 = &dest.pix(midy + y);
		int ty = (y < width / 8) ? width / 8 : y;

		// loop over the length of the segment
		for (int x = minx + ((caps & LINE_CAP_START) ? ty : 0); x < maxx - ((caps & LINE_CAP_END) ? ty : 0); x++)
			d0[x] = d1[x] = color;

//  draw_segment_horizontal - draw a horizontal
//  LED segment

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_horizontal(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int minx, int maxx, int midy, int width, rgb_t color)
	draw_segment_horizontal_caps(dest, minx, maxx, midy, width, LINE_CAP_START | LINE_CAP_END, color);

//  draw_segment_vertical_caps - draw a
//  vertical LED segment with definable end
//  and start points

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_vertical_caps(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int miny, int maxy, int midx, int width, int caps, rgb_t color)
	// loop over the width of the segment
	for (int x = 0; x < width / 2; x++)
		u32 *const d0 = &dest.pix(0, midx - x);
		u32 *const d1 = &dest.pix(0, midx + x);
		int tx = (x < width / 8) ? width / 8 : x;

		// loop over the length of the segment
		for (int y = miny + ((caps & LINE_CAP_START) ? tx : 0); y < maxy - ((caps & LINE_CAP_END) ? tx : 0); y++)
			d0[y * dest.rowpixels()] = d1[y * dest.rowpixels()] = color;

//  draw_segment_vertical - draw a vertical
//  LED segment

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_vertical(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int miny, int maxy, int midx, int width, rgb_t color)
	draw_segment_vertical_caps(dest, miny, maxy, midx, width, LINE_CAP_START | LINE_CAP_END, color);

//  draw_segment_diagonal_1 - draw a diagonal
//  LED segment that looks like a backslash

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_diagonal_1(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int minx, int maxx, int miny, int maxy, int width, rgb_t color)
	// compute parameters
	width *= 1.5;
	float ratio = (maxy - miny - width) / (float)(maxx - minx);

	// draw line
	for (int x = minx; x < maxx; x++)
		if (x >= 0 && x < dest.width())
			u32 *const d = &dest.pix(0, x);
			int step = (x - minx) * ratio;

			for (int y = maxy - width - step; y < maxy - step; y++)
				if (y >= 0 && y < dest.height())
					d[y * dest.rowpixels()] = color;

//  draw_segment_diagonal_2 - draw a diagonal
//  LED segment that looks like a forward slash

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_diagonal_2(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int minx, int maxx, int miny, int maxy, int width, rgb_t color)
	// compute parameters
	width *= 1.5;
	float ratio = (maxy - miny - width) / (float)(maxx - minx);

	// draw line
	for (int x = minx; x < maxx; x++)
		if (x >= 0 && x < dest.width())
			u32 *const d = &dest.pix(0, x);
			int step = (x - minx) * ratio;

			for (int y = miny + step; y < miny + step + width; y++)
				if (y >= 0 && y < dest.height())
					d[y * dest.rowpixels()] = color;

//  draw_segment_decimal - draw a decimal point

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_decimal(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int midx, int midy, int width, rgb_t color)
	// compute parameters
	width /= 2;
	float ooradius2 = 1.0f / (float)(width * width);

	// iterate over y
	for (u32 y = 0; y <= width; y++)
		u32 *const d0 = &dest.pix(midy - y);
		u32 *const d1 = &dest.pix(midy + y);
		float xval = width * sqrt(1.0f - (float)(y * y) * ooradius2);
		s32 left, right;

		// compute left/right coordinates
		left = midx - s32(xval + 0.5f);
		right = midx + s32(xval + 0.5f);

		// draw this scanline
		for (u32 x = left; x < right; x++)
			d0[x] = d1[x] = color;

//  draw_segment_comma - draw a comma tail

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_comma(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int minx, int maxx, int miny, int maxy, int width, rgb_t color)
	// compute parameters
	width *= 1.5;
	float ratio = (maxy - miny - width) / (float)(maxx - minx);

	// draw line
	for (int x = minx; x < maxx; x++)
		u32 *const d = &dest.pix(0, x);
		int step = (x - minx) * ratio;

		for (int y = maxy; y < maxy  - width - step; y--)
			d[y * dest.rowpixels()] = color;

//  apply_skew - apply skew to a bitmap

void layout_element::component::apply_skew(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int skewwidth)
	for (int y = 0; y < dest.height(); y++)
		u32 *const destrow = &dest.pix(y);
		int offs = skewwidth * (dest.height() - y) / dest.height();
		for (int x = dest.width() - skewwidth - 1; x >= 0; x--)
			destrow[x + offs] = destrow[x];
		for (int x = 0; x < offs; x++)
			destrow[x] = 0;


struct layout_view::layer_lists { item_list backdrops, screens, overlays, bezels, cpanels, marquees; };

//  layout_view - constructor

		layout_environment &env,
		util::xml::data_node const &viewnode,
		element_map &elemmap,
		group_map &groupmap)
	: m_effaspect(1.0f)
	, m_name(make_name(env, viewnode))
	, m_unqualified_name(env.get_attribute_string(viewnode, "name"))
	, m_elemmap(elemmap)
	, m_defvismask(0U)
	, m_has_art(false)
	, m_show_ptr(false)
	, m_ptr_time_out(true) // FIXME: add attribute for this
	, m_exp_show_ptr(-1)
	// check for explicit pointer display setting
	if (viewnode.get_attribute_string_ptr("showpointers"))
		m_show_ptr = env.get_attribute_bool(viewnode, "showpointers", false);
		m_exp_show_ptr = m_show_ptr ? 1 : 0;

	// parse the layout
	m_expbounds.x0 = m_expbounds.y0 = m_expbounds.x1 = m_expbounds.y1 = 0;
	view_environment local(env, m_name.c_str());
	layer_lists layers;
	local.set_parameter("viewname", std::string(m_name));
	add_items(layers, local, viewnode, elemmap, groupmap, ROT0, identity_transform, render_color{ 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F }, true, false, true);

	// can't support legacy layers and modern visibility toggles at the same time
	if (!m_vistoggles.empty() && (!layers.backdrops.empty() || !layers.overlays.empty() || !layers.bezels.empty() || !layers.cpanels.empty() || !layers.marquees.empty()))
		throw layout_syntax_error("view contains visibility toggles as well as legacy backdrop, overlay, bezel, cpanel and/or marquee elements");

	// create visibility toggles for legacy layers
	u32 mask(1U);
	if (!layers.backdrops.empty())
		m_vistoggles.emplace_back("Backdrops", mask);
		for (item &backdrop : layers.backdrops)
			backdrop.m_visibility_mask = mask;
		m_defvismask |= mask;
		mask <<= 1;
	if (!layers.overlays.empty())
		m_vistoggles.emplace_back("Overlays", mask);
		for (item &overlay : layers.overlays)
			overlay.m_visibility_mask = mask;
		m_defvismask |= mask;
		mask <<= 1;
	if (!layers.bezels.empty())
		m_vistoggles.emplace_back("Bezels", mask);
		for (item &bezel : layers.bezels)
			bezel.m_visibility_mask = mask;
		m_defvismask |= mask;
		mask <<= 1;
	if (!layers.cpanels.empty())
		m_vistoggles.emplace_back("Control Panels", mask);
		for (item &cpanel : layers.cpanels)
			cpanel.m_visibility_mask = mask;
		m_defvismask |= mask;
		mask <<= 1;
	if (!layers.marquees.empty())
		m_vistoggles.emplace_back("Backdrops", mask);
		for (item &marquee : layers.marquees)
			marquee.m_visibility_mask = mask;
		m_defvismask |= mask;
		mask <<= 1;

	// deal with legacy element groupings
	if (!layers.overlays.empty() || (layers.backdrops.size() <= 1))
		// screens (-1) + overlays (RGB multiply) + backdrop (add) + bezels (alpha) + cpanels (alpha) + marquees (alpha)
		for (item &backdrop : layers.backdrops)
			backdrop.m_blend_mode = BLENDMODE_ADD;
		m_items.splice(m_items.end(), layers.screens);
		m_items.splice(m_items.end(), layers.overlays);
		m_items.splice(m_items.end(), layers.backdrops);
		m_items.splice(m_items.end(), layers.bezels);
		m_items.splice(m_items.end(), layers.cpanels);
		m_items.splice(m_items.end(), layers.marquees);
		// multiple backdrop pieces and no overlays (Golly! Ghost! mode):
		// backdrop (alpha) + screens (add) + bezels (alpha) + cpanels (alpha) + marquees (alpha)
		for (item &screen : layers.screens)
			if (screen.blend_mode() == -1)
				screen.m_blend_mode = BLENDMODE_ADD;
		m_items.splice(m_items.end(), layers.backdrops);
		m_items.splice(m_items.end(), layers.screens);
		m_items.splice(m_items.end(), layers.bezels);
		m_items.splice(m_items.end(), layers.cpanels);
		m_items.splice(m_items.end(), layers.marquees);

	// index items with keys supplied
	for (item &curitem : m_items)
		if (!
			if (!m_items_by_id.emplace(, curitem).second)
				throw layout_syntax_error("view contains item with duplicate id attribute");

	// calculate metrics
	recompute(default_visibility_mask(), false);
	for (group_map::value_type &group : groupmap)

//  layout_view - destructor


//  get_item - get item by ID

layout_view_item *layout_view::get_item(std::string const &id)
	auto const found(m_items_by_id.find(id));
	return (m_items_by_id.end() != found) ? &found->second : nullptr;

//  has_screen - return true if this view contains
//  the specified screen

bool layout_view::has_screen(screen_device const &screen) const
	return std::find_if(m_items.begin(), m_items.end(), [&screen] (auto &itm) { return itm.screen() == &screen; }) != m_items.end();

//  has_visible_screen - return true if this view
//  has the given screen visble

bool layout_view::has_visible_screen(screen_device const &screen) const
	return std::find_if(m_screens.begin(), m_screens.end(), [&screen] (auto const &scr) { return &scr.get() == &screen; }) != m_screens.end();

//  prepare_items - perform additional tasks
//  before rendering a frame

void layout_view::prepare_items()
	if (!m_prepare_items.isnull())

	for (auto &[name, element] : m_elemmap)

//  recompute - recompute the bounds and aspect
//  ratio of a view and all of its contained items

void layout_view::recompute(u32 visibility_mask, bool zoom_to_screen)
	// reset the bounds and collected active items
	render_bounds scrbounds{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
	m_bounds = scrbounds;

	// loop over items and filter by visibility mask
	bool first = true;
	bool scrfirst = true;
	bool haveinput = false;
	for (item &curitem : m_items)
		if ((visibility_mask & curitem.visibility_mask()) == curitem.visibility_mask())
			render_bounds const rawbounds = accumulate_bounds(curitem.m_rawbounds);

			// accumulate bounds
			if (first)
				m_bounds = rawbounds;
				m_bounds |= rawbounds;
			first = false;

			// accumulate visible screens and their bounds bounds
			if (curitem.screen())
				if (scrfirst)
					scrbounds = rawbounds;
					scrbounds |= rawbounds;
				scrfirst = false;

				// accumulate active screens

			// accumulate interactive elements
			if (!curitem.clickthrough() || curitem.has_input())
			if (curitem.has_input())
				haveinput = true;

	// if show pointers isn't explicitly, update it based on visible items
	if (0 > m_exp_show_ptr)
		m_show_ptr = haveinput;

	// if we have an explicit bounds, override it
	if (m_expbounds.x1 > m_expbounds.x0)
		m_bounds = m_expbounds;

	render_bounds target_bounds;
	if (!zoom_to_screen || scrfirst)
		// if we're handling things normally, the target bounds are (0,0)-(1,1)
		m_effaspect = ((m_bounds.x1 > m_bounds.x0) && (m_bounds.y1 > m_bounds.y0)) ? m_bounds.aspect() : 1.0f;
		target_bounds.x0 = target_bounds.y0 = 0.0f;
		target_bounds.x1 = target_bounds.y1 = 1.0f;
		// if we're cropping, we want the screen area to fill (0,0)-(1,1)
		m_effaspect = ((scrbounds.x1 > scrbounds.x0) && (scrbounds.y1 > scrbounds.y0)) ? scrbounds.aspect() : 1.0f;
		target_bounds.x0 = (m_bounds.x0 - scrbounds.x0) / scrbounds.width();
		target_bounds.y0 = (m_bounds.y0 - scrbounds.y0) / scrbounds.height();
		target_bounds.x1 = target_bounds.x0 + (m_bounds.width() / scrbounds.width());
		target_bounds.y1 = target_bounds.y0 + (m_bounds.height() / scrbounds.height());

	// determine the scale/offset for normalization
	float const xoffs = m_bounds.x0;
	float const yoffs = m_bounds.y0;
	float const xscale = target_bounds.width() / m_bounds.width();
	float const yscale = target_bounds.height() / m_bounds.height();

	// normalize all the item bounds
	for (item &curitem : items())
		assert(curitem.m_rawbounds.size() == curitem.m_bounds.size());
		std::copy(curitem.m_rawbounds.begin(), curitem.m_rawbounds.end(), curitem.m_bounds.begin());
		normalize_bounds(curitem.m_bounds, target_bounds.x0, target_bounds.y0, xoffs, yoffs, xscale, yscale);

	// sort edges of interactive items
	LOGMASKED(LOG_INTERACTIVE_ITEMS, "Recalculated view '%s' with %u interactive items\n",
			name(), m_interactive_items.size());
	//std::reverse(m_interactive_items.begin(), m_interactive_items.end()); TODO: flip hit test order to match visual order
	m_interactive_edges_x.reserve(m_interactive_items.size() * 2);
	m_interactive_edges_y.reserve(m_interactive_items.size() * 2);
	for (unsigned i = 0; m_interactive_items.size() > i; ++i)
		item &curitem(m_interactive_items[i]);
		render_bounds const curbounds(accumulate_bounds(curitem.m_bounds));
		LOGMASKED(LOG_INTERACTIVE_ITEMS, "%u: (%s %s %s %s) hasinput=%s clickthrough=%s\n",
				i, curbounds.x0, curbounds.y0, curbounds.x1, curbounds.y1, curitem.has_input(), curitem.clickthrough());
		m_interactive_edges_x.emplace_back(i, curbounds.x0, false);
		m_interactive_edges_x.emplace_back(i, curbounds.x1, true);
		m_interactive_edges_y.emplace_back(i, curbounds.y0, false);
		m_interactive_edges_y.emplace_back(i, curbounds.y1, true);
	std::sort(m_interactive_edges_x.begin(), m_interactive_edges_x.end());
	std::sort(m_interactive_edges_y.begin(), m_interactive_edges_y.end());

		for (edge const &e : m_interactive_edges_x)
			LOGMASKED(LOG_INTERACTIVE_ITEMS, "x=%s %c%u\n", e.position(), e.trailing() ? ']' : '[', e.index());
		for (edge const &e : m_interactive_edges_y)
			LOGMASKED(LOG_INTERACTIVE_ITEMS, "y=%s %c%u\n", e.position(), e.trailing() ? ']' : '[', e.index());

	// additional actions typically supplied by script
	if (!m_recomputed.isnull())

//  set_show_pointers - set whether pointers
//  should be displayed

void layout_view::set_show_pointers(bool value) noexcept
	m_show_ptr = value;
	m_exp_show_ptr = value ? 1 : 0;

//  set_pointers_time_out - set whether pointers
//  should be hidden after inactivity

void layout_view::set_hide_inactive_pointers(bool value) noexcept
	m_ptr_time_out = value;

//  set_prepare_items_callback - set handler called
//  before adding items to render target

void layout_view::set_prepare_items_callback(prepare_items_delegate &&handler)
	m_prepare_items = std::move(handler);

//  set_preload_callback - set handler called
//  after preloading elements

void layout_view::set_preload_callback(preload_delegate &&handler)
	m_preload = std::move(handler);

//  set_recomputed_callback - set handler called
//  after recomputing item bounds

void layout_view::set_recomputed_callback(recomputed_delegate &&handler)
	m_recomputed = std::move(handler);

//  set_pointer_updated_callback - set handler
//  called for pointer input

void layout_view::set_pointer_updated_callback(pointer_updated_delegate &&handler)
	m_pointer_updated = std::move(handler);

//  set_pointer_left_callback - set handler for
//  pointer leaving normally

void layout_view::set_pointer_left_callback(pointer_left_delegate &&handler)
	m_pointer_left = std::move(handler);

//  set_pointer_aborted_callback - set handler for
//  pointer leaving abnormally

void layout_view::set_pointer_aborted_callback(pointer_left_delegate &&handler)
	m_pointer_aborted = std::move(handler);

//  set_forget_pointers_callback - set handler for
//  abandoning pointer input

void layout_view::set_forget_pointers_callback(forget_pointers_delegate &&handler)
	m_forget_pointers = std::move(handler);

//  preload - perform expensive loading upfront
//  for visible elements

void layout_view::preload()
	for (item &curitem : m_visible_items)
		if (curitem.element())

	if (!m_preload.isnull())

//  resolve_tags - resolve tags

void layout_view::resolve_tags()
	for (item &curitem : items())

//  add_items - add items, recursing for groups

void layout_view::add_items(
		layer_lists &layers,
		view_environment &env,
		util::xml::data_node const &parentnode,
		element_map &elemmap,
		group_map &groupmap,
		int orientation,
		layout_group::transform const &trans,
		render_color const &color,
		bool root,
		bool repeat,
		bool init)
	bool envaltered(false);
	bool unresolved(true);
	for (util::xml::data_node const *itemnode = parentnode.get_first_child(); itemnode; itemnode = itemnode->get_next_sibling())
		if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "bounds"))
			// set explicit bounds
			if (root)
				env.parse_bounds(itemnode, m_expbounds);
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "param"))
			envaltered = true;
			if (!unresolved)
				unresolved = true;
				for (group_map::value_type &group : groupmap)
			if (!repeat)
				env.set_repeat_parameter(*itemnode, init);
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "screen"))
			layers.screens.emplace_back(env, *itemnode, elemmap, orientation, trans, color);
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "element"))
			layers.screens.emplace_back(env, *itemnode, elemmap, orientation, trans, color);
			m_has_art = true;
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "backdrop"))
			if (layers.backdrops.empty())
				osd_printf_warning("Warning: layout view '%s' contains deprecated backdrop element\n", name());
			layers.backdrops.emplace_back(env, *itemnode, elemmap, orientation, trans, color);
			m_has_art = true;
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "overlay"))
			if (layers.overlays.empty())
				osd_printf_warning("Warning: layout view '%s' contains deprecated overlay element\n", name());
			layers.overlays.emplace_back(env, *itemnode, elemmap, orientation, trans, color);
			m_has_art = true;
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "bezel"))
			if (layers.bezels.empty())
				osd_printf_warning("Warning: layout view '%s' contains deprecated bezel element\n", name());
			layers.bezels.emplace_back(env, *itemnode, elemmap, orientation, trans, color);
			m_has_art = true;
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "cpanel"))
			if (layers.cpanels.empty())
				osd_printf_warning("Warning: layout view '%s' contains deprecated cpanel element\n", name());
			layers.cpanels.emplace_back(env, *itemnode, elemmap, orientation, trans, color);
			m_has_art = true;
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "marquee"))
			if (layers.marquees.empty())
				osd_printf_warning("Warning: layout view '%s' contains deprecated marquee element\n", name());
			layers.marquees.emplace_back(env, *itemnode, elemmap, orientation, trans, color);
			m_has_art = true;
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "group"))
			std::string const ref(env.get_attribute_string(*itemnode, "ref"));
			if (ref.empty())
				throw layout_syntax_error("group instantiation must have non-empty ref attribute");

			group_map::iterator const found(groupmap.find(ref));
			if (groupmap.end() == found)
				throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("unable to find group %s", ref));
			unresolved = false;
			found->second.resolve_bounds(env, groupmap);

			layout_group::transform grouptrans(trans);
			util::xml::data_node const *const itemboundsnode(itemnode->get_child("bounds"));
			util::xml::data_node const *const itemorientnode(itemnode->get_child("orientation"));
			int const grouporient(env.parse_orientation(itemorientnode));
			if (itemboundsnode)
				render_bounds itembounds;
				env.parse_bounds(itemboundsnode, itembounds);
				grouptrans = found->second.make_transform(grouporient, itembounds, trans);
			else if (itemorientnode)
				grouptrans = found->second.make_transform(grouporient, trans);

			view_environment local(env, false);
					orientation_add(grouporient, orientation),
					env.parse_color(itemnode->get_child("color")) * color,
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "repeat"))
			int const count(env.get_attribute_int(*itemnode, "count", -1));
			if (0 >= count)
				throw layout_syntax_error("repeat must have positive integer count attribute");
			view_environment local(env, false);
			for (int i = 0; count > i; ++i)
				add_items(layers, local, *itemnode, elemmap, groupmap, orientation, trans, color, false, true, !i);
		else if (!strcmp(itemnode->get_name(), "collection"))
			std::string_view const name(env.get_attribute_string(*itemnode, "name"));
			if (name.empty())
				throw layout_syntax_error("collection must have non-empty name attribute");

			auto const found(std::find_if(m_vistoggles.begin(), m_vistoggles.end(), [name] (auto const &x) { return == name; }));
			if (m_vistoggles.end() != found)
				throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("duplicate collection name '%s'", name));

			m_defvismask |= u32(env.get_attribute_bool(*itemnode, "visible", true) ? 1 : 0) << m_vistoggles.size(); // TODO: make this less hacky
			view_environment local(env, true);
			m_vistoggles.emplace_back(std::string(name), local.visibility_mask());
			add_items(layers, local, *itemnode, elemmap, groupmap, orientation, trans, color, false, false, true);
			throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("unknown view item %s", itemnode->get_name()));

	if (envaltered && !unresolved)
		for (group_map::value_type &group : groupmap)

std::string layout_view::make_name(layout_environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &viewnode)
	std::string_view const name(env.get_attribute_string(viewnode, "name"));
	if (name.empty())
		throw layout_syntax_error("view must have non-empty name attribute");

	if (env.is_root_device())
		return std::string(name);
		char const *tag(env.device().tag());
		if (':' == *tag)
		return util::string_format("%s %s", tag, name);


//  layout_view_item - constructor

		view_environment &env,
		util::xml::data_node const &itemnode,
		element_map &elemmap,
		int orientation,
		layout_group::transform const &trans,
		render_color const &color)
	: m_element(find_element(env, itemnode, elemmap))
	, m_output(env.device(), std::string(env.get_attribute_string(itemnode, "name")))
	, m_animoutput(env.device(), make_child_output_tag(env, itemnode, "animate"))
	, m_scrollxoutput(env.device(), make_child_output_tag(env, itemnode, "xscroll"))
	, m_scrollyoutput(env.device(), make_child_output_tag(env, itemnode, "yscroll"))
	, m_animinput_port(nullptr)
	, m_scrollxinput_port(nullptr)
	, m_scrollyinput_port(nullptr)
	, m_scrollwrapx(make_child_wrap(env, itemnode, "xscroll"))
	, m_scrollwrapy(make_child_wrap(env, itemnode, "yscroll"))
	, m_elem_state(m_element ? m_element->default_state() : 0)
	, m_scrollsizex(make_child_size(env, itemnode, "xscroll"))
	, m_scrollsizey(make_child_size(env, itemnode, "yscroll"))
	, m_scrollposx(0.0f)
	, m_scrollposy(0.0f)
	, m_animmask(make_child_mask(env, itemnode, "animate"))
	, m_scrollxmask(make_child_mask(env, itemnode, "xscroll"))
	, m_scrollymask(make_child_mask(env, itemnode, "yscroll"))
	, m_scrollxmin(make_child_min(env, itemnode, "xscroll"))
	, m_scrollymin(make_child_min(env, itemnode, "yscroll"))
	, m_scrollxmax(make_child_max(env, itemnode, "xscroll", m_scrollxmask))
	, m_scrollymax(make_child_max(env, itemnode, "yscroll", m_scrollymask))
	, m_animshift(get_state_shift(m_animmask))
	, m_scrollxshift(get_state_shift(m_scrollxmask))
	, m_scrollyshift(get_state_shift(m_scrollymask))
	, m_input_port(nullptr)
	, m_input_field(nullptr)
	, m_input_mask(env.get_attribute_int(itemnode, "inputmask", 0))
	, m_input_shift(get_state_shift(m_input_mask))
	, m_clickthrough(env.get_attribute_bool(itemnode, "clickthrough", "yes"))
	, m_screen(nullptr)
	, m_orientation(orientation_add(env.parse_orientation(itemnode.get_child("orientation")), orientation))
	, m_color(make_color(env, itemnode, color))
	, m_blend_mode(get_blend_mode(env, itemnode))
	, m_visibility_mask(env.visibility_mask())
	, m_id(env.get_attribute_string(itemnode, "id"))
	, m_input_tag(make_input_tag(env, itemnode))
	, m_animinput_tag(make_child_input_tag(env, itemnode, "animate"))
	, m_scrollxinput_tag(make_child_input_tag(env, itemnode, "xscroll"))
	, m_scrollyinput_tag(make_child_input_tag(env, itemnode, "yscroll"))
	, m_rawbounds(make_bounds(env, itemnode, trans))
	, m_have_output(!env.get_attribute_string(itemnode, "name").empty())
	, m_input_raw(env.get_attribute_bool(itemnode, "inputraw", 0))
	, m_have_animoutput(!make_child_output_tag(env, itemnode, "animate").empty())
	, m_have_scrollxoutput(!make_child_output_tag(env, itemnode, "xscroll").empty())
	, m_have_scrollyoutput(!make_child_output_tag(env, itemnode, "yscroll").empty())
	, m_has_clickthrough(!env.get_attribute_string(itemnode, "clickthrough").empty())
	// fetch common data
	int index = env.get_attribute_int(itemnode, "index", -1);
	if (index != -1)
		m_screen = screen_device_enumerator(env.machine().root_device()).byindex(index);

	// sanity checks
	if (strcmp(itemnode.get_name(), "screen") == 0)
		if (itemnode.has_attribute("tag"))
			std::string_view const tag(env.get_attribute_string(itemnode, "tag"));
			m_screen = dynamic_cast<screen_device *>(env.device().subdevice(tag));
			if (!m_screen)
				throw layout_reference_error(util::string_format("invalid screen tag '%d'", tag));
		else if (!m_screen)
			throw layout_reference_error(util::string_format("invalid screen index %d", index));
	else if (!m_element)
		throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("item of type %s requires an element tag", itemnode.get_name()));
	else if (m_scrollxmin == m_scrollxmax)
		throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("item X scroll minimum and maximum both equal to %u", m_scrollxmin));
	else if (m_scrollymin == m_scrollymax)
		throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("item Y scroll minimum and maximum both equal to %u", m_scrollymin));

	// this can be called before resolving tags, make it return something valid
	m_bounds = m_rawbounds;
	m_get_bounds = bounds_delegate(&emu::render::detail::bounds_step::get, &m_bounds.front());

//  layout_view_item - destructor


//  set_element_state_callback - set callback to
//  obtain element state value

void layout_view_item::set_element_state_callback(state_delegate &&handler)
	if (!handler.isnull())
		m_get_elem_state = std::move(handler);
		m_get_elem_state = default_get_elem_state();

//  set_animation_state_callback - set callback to
//  obtain animation state

void layout_view_item::set_animation_state_callback(state_delegate &&handler)
	if (!handler.isnull())
		m_get_anim_state = std::move(handler);
		m_get_anim_state = default_get_anim_state();

//  set_bounds_callback - set callback to obtain
//  bounds

void layout_view_item::set_bounds_callback(bounds_delegate &&handler)
	if (!handler.isnull())
		m_get_bounds = std::move(handler);
		m_get_bounds = default_get_bounds();

//  set_color_callback - set callback to obtain
//  color

void layout_view_item::set_color_callback(color_delegate &&handler)
	if (!handler.isnull())
		m_get_color = std::move(handler);
		m_get_color = default_get_color();

//  set_scroll_size_x_callback - set callback to
//  obtain horizontal scroll window size

void layout_view_item::set_scroll_size_x_callback(scroll_size_delegate &&handler)
	if (!handler.isnull())
		m_get_scroll_size_x = std::move(handler);
		m_get_scroll_size_x = default_get_scroll_size_x();

//  set_scroll_size_y_callback - set callback to
//  obtain vertical scroll window size

void layout_view_item::set_scroll_size_y_callback(scroll_size_delegate &&handler)
	if (!handler.isnull())
		m_get_scroll_size_y = std::move(handler);
		m_get_scroll_size_y = default_get_scroll_size_y();

//  set_scroll_pos_x_callback - set callback to
//  obtain horizontal scroll position

void layout_view_item::set_scroll_pos_x_callback(scroll_pos_delegate &&handler)
	if (!handler.isnull())
		m_get_scroll_pos_x = std::move(handler);
		m_get_scroll_pos_x = default_get_scroll_pos_x();

//  set_scroll_pos_y_callback - set callback to
//  obtain vertical scroll position

void layout_view_item::set_scroll_pos_y_callback(scroll_pos_delegate &&handler)
	if (!handler.isnull())
		m_get_scroll_pos_y = std::move(handler);
		m_get_scroll_pos_y = default_get_scroll_pos_y();

//  resolve_tags - resolve tags, if any are set

void layout_view_item::resolve_tags()
	// resolve element state output and set default value
	if (m_have_output)
		if (m_element)
			m_output = m_element->default_state();

	// resolve animation state and scroll outputs
	if (m_have_animoutput)
	if (m_have_scrollxoutput)
	if (m_have_scrollyoutput)

	// resolve animation state and scroll inputs
	if (!m_animinput_tag.empty())
		m_animinput_port = m_element->machine().root_device().ioport(m_animinput_tag);
	if (!m_scrollxinput_tag.empty())
		m_scrollxinput_port = m_element->machine().root_device().ioport(m_scrollxinput_tag);
	if (!m_scrollyinput_tag.empty())
		m_scrollyinput_port = m_element->machine().root_device().ioport(m_scrollyinput_tag);

	// resolve element state input
	if (!m_input_tag.empty())
		m_input_port = m_element->machine().root_device().ioport(m_input_tag);
		if (m_input_port)
			// if there's a matching unconditional field, cache it
			for (ioport_field const &field : m_input_port->fields())
				if (field.mask() & m_input_mask)
					if (field.condition().condition() == ioport_condition::ALWAYS)
						m_input_field = &field;

			// if clickthrough isn't explicitly configured, having an I/O port implies false
			if (!m_has_clickthrough)
				m_clickthrough = false;

	// choose optimal handlers
	m_get_elem_state = default_get_elem_state();
	m_get_anim_state = default_get_anim_state();
	m_get_bounds = default_get_bounds();
	m_get_color = default_get_color();
	m_get_scroll_size_x = default_get_scroll_size_x();
	m_get_scroll_size_y = default_get_scroll_size_y();
	m_get_scroll_pos_x = default_get_scroll_pos_x();
	m_get_scroll_pos_y = default_get_scroll_pos_y();

//  default_get_elem_state - get default element
//  state handler

layout_view_item::state_delegate layout_view_item::default_get_elem_state()
	if (m_have_output)
		return state_delegate(&layout_view_item::get_output, this);
	else if (!m_input_port)
		return state_delegate(&layout_view_item::get_state, this);
	else if (m_input_raw)
		return state_delegate(&layout_view_item::get_input_raw, this);
	else if (m_input_field)
		return state_delegate(&layout_view_item::get_input_field_cached, this);
		return state_delegate(&layout_view_item::get_input_field_conditional, this);

//  default_get_anim_state - get default animation
//  state handler

layout_view_item::state_delegate layout_view_item::default_get_anim_state()
	if (m_have_animoutput)
		return state_delegate(&layout_view_item::get_anim_output, this);
	else if (m_animinput_port)
		return state_delegate(&layout_view_item::get_anim_input, this);
		return default_get_elem_state();

//  default_get_bounds - get default bounds handler

layout_view_item::bounds_delegate layout_view_item::default_get_bounds()
	return (m_bounds.size() == 1U)
			? bounds_delegate(&emu::render::detail::bounds_step::get, &m_bounds.front())
			: bounds_delegate(&layout_view_item::get_interpolated_bounds, this);

//  default_get_color - get default color handler

layout_view_item::color_delegate layout_view_item::default_get_color()
	return (m_color.size() == 1U)
			? color_delegate(&emu::render::detail::color_step::get, &const_cast<emu::render::detail::color_step &>(m_color.front()))
			: color_delegate(&layout_view_item::get_interpolated_color, this);

//  default_get_scroll_size_x - get default
//  horizontal scroll window size handler

layout_view_item::scroll_size_delegate layout_view_item::default_get_scroll_size_x()
	return scroll_size_delegate(&layout_view_item::get_scrollsizex, this);

//  default_get_scroll_size_y - get default
//  vertical scroll window size handler

layout_view_item::scroll_size_delegate layout_view_item::default_get_scroll_size_y()
	return scroll_size_delegate(&layout_view_item::get_scrollsizey, this);

//  default_get_scroll_pos_x - get default
//  horizontal scroll position handler

layout_view_item::scroll_pos_delegate layout_view_item::default_get_scroll_pos_x()
	if (m_have_scrollxoutput)
		return scroll_pos_delegate(m_scrollwrapx ? &layout_view_item::get_scrollx_output<true> : &layout_view_item::get_scrollx_output<false>, this);
	else if (m_scrollxinput_port)
		return scroll_pos_delegate(m_scrollwrapx ? &layout_view_item::get_scrollx_input<true> : &layout_view_item::get_scrollx_input<false>, this);
		return scroll_pos_delegate(&layout_view_item::get_scrollposx, this);

//  default_get_scroll_pos_y - get default
//  vertical scroll position handler

layout_view_item::scroll_pos_delegate layout_view_item::default_get_scroll_pos_y()
	if (m_have_scrollyoutput)
		return scroll_pos_delegate(m_scrollwrapy ? &layout_view_item::get_scrolly_output<true> : &layout_view_item::get_scrolly_output<false>, this);
	else if (m_scrollyinput_port)
		return scroll_pos_delegate(m_scrollwrapy ? &layout_view_item::get_scrolly_input<true> : &layout_view_item::get_scrolly_input<false>, this);
		return scroll_pos_delegate(&layout_view_item::get_scrollposy, this);

//  get_state - get state when no bindings

int layout_view_item::get_state() const
	return m_elem_state;

//  get_output - get element state output

int layout_view_item::get_output() const
	return int(s32(m_output));

//  get_input_raw - get element state input

int layout_view_item::get_input_raw() const
	return int(std::make_signed_t<ioport_value>((m_input_port->read() & m_input_mask) >> m_input_shift));

//  get_input_field_cached - element state

int layout_view_item::get_input_field_cached() const
	return ((m_input_port->read() ^ m_input_field->defvalue()) & m_input_mask) ? 1 : 0;

//  get_input_field_conditional - element state

int layout_view_item::get_input_field_conditional() const
	ioport_field const *const field(m_input_port->field(m_input_mask));
	return (field && ((m_input_port->read() ^ field->defvalue()) & m_input_mask)) ? 1 : 0;

//  get_anim_output - get animation output

int layout_view_item::get_anim_output() const
	return int(unsigned((u32(s32(m_animoutput) & m_animmask) >> m_animshift)));

//  get_anim_input - get animation input

int layout_view_item::get_anim_input() const
	return int(std::make_signed_t<ioport_value>((m_animinput_port->read() & m_animmask) >> m_animshift));

//  get_scrollsizex - get horizontal scroll window
//  size

float layout_view_item::get_scrollsizex() const
	return m_scrollsizex;

//  get_scrollsizey - get vertical scroll window
//  size

float layout_view_item::get_scrollsizey() const
	return m_scrollsizey;

//  get_scrollposx - get horizontal scroll
//  position

float layout_view_item::get_scrollposx() const
	return m_scrollposx;

//  get_scrollposy - get vertical scroll position

float layout_view_item::get_scrollposy() const
	return m_scrollposy;

//  get_scrollx_output - get scaled horizontal
//  scroll output

template <bool Wrap>
float layout_view_item::get_scrollx_output() const
	u32 const unscaled(((u32(s32(m_scrollxoutput)) & m_scrollxmask) >> m_scrollxshift) - m_scrollxmin);
	float const range(std::make_signed_t<ioport_value>(m_scrollxmax - m_scrollxmin) + (!Wrap ? 0 : (m_scrollxmin < m_scrollxmax) ? 1 : -1));
	return float(s32(unscaled)) / range;

//  get_scrollx_input - get scaled horizontal
//  scroll input

template <bool Wrap>
float layout_view_item::get_scrollx_input() const
	ioport_value const unscaled(((m_scrollxinput_port->read() & m_scrollxmask) >> m_scrollxshift) - m_scrollxmin);
	float const range(std::make_signed_t<ioport_value>(m_scrollxmax - m_scrollxmin) + (!Wrap ? 0 : (m_scrollxmin < m_scrollxmax) ? 1 : -1));
	return float(std::make_signed_t<ioport_value>(unscaled)) / range;

//  get_scrolly_output - get scaled vertical
//  scroll output

template <bool Wrap>
float layout_view_item::get_scrolly_output() const
	u32 const unscaled(((u32(s32(m_scrollyoutput)) & m_scrollymask) >> m_scrollyshift) - m_scrollymin);
	float const range(std::make_signed_t<ioport_value>(m_scrollymax - m_scrollymin) + (!Wrap ? 0 : (m_scrollymin < m_scrollymax) ? 1 : -1));
	return float(s32(unscaled)) / range;

//  get_scrolly_input - get scaled vertical scroll
//  input

template <bool Wrap>
float layout_view_item::get_scrolly_input() const
	ioport_value const unscaled(((m_scrollyinput_port->read() & m_scrollymask) >> m_scrollyshift) - m_scrollymin);
	float const range(std::make_signed_t<ioport_value>(m_scrollymax - m_scrollymin) + (!Wrap ? 0 : (m_scrollymin < m_scrollymax) ? 1 : -1));
	return float(std::make_signed_t<ioport_value>(unscaled)) / range;

//  get_interpolated_bounds - animated bounds

render_bounds layout_view_item::get_interpolated_bounds() const
	assert(m_bounds.size() > 1U);
	return interpolate_bounds(m_bounds, m_get_anim_state());

//  get_interpolated_color - animated color

render_color layout_view_item::get_interpolated_color() const
	assert(m_color.size() > 1U);
	return interpolate_color(m_color, m_get_anim_state());

//  find_element - find element definition

layout_element *layout_view_item::find_element(view_environment &env, util::xml::data_node const &itemnode, element_map &elemmap)
	std::string const name(env.get_attribute_string(itemnode, !strcmp(itemnode.get_name(), "element") ? "ref" : "element"));
	if (name.empty())
		return nullptr;

	// search the list of elements for a match, error if not found
	element_map::iterator const found(elemmap.find(name));
	if (elemmap.end() != found)
		return &found->second;
		throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("unable to find element %s", name));

//  make_bounds - get transformed bounds

layout_view_item::bounds_vector layout_view_item::make_bounds(
		view_environment &env,
		util::xml::data_node const &itemnode,
		layout_group::transform const &trans)
	bounds_vector result;
	for (util::xml::data_node const *bounds = itemnode.get_child("bounds"); bounds; bounds = bounds->get_next_sibling("bounds"))
		if (!add_bounds_step(env, result, *bounds))
			throw layout_syntax_error(
						"%s item has duplicate bounds for state",
	for (emu::render::detail::bounds_step &step : result)
		render_bounds_transform(step.bounds, trans);
		if (step.bounds.x0 > step.bounds.x1)
			std::swap(step.bounds.x0, step.bounds.x1);
		if (step.bounds.y0 > step.bounds.y1)
			std::swap(step.bounds.y0, step.bounds.y1);
	return result;

//  make_color - get color inflection points

layout_view_item::color_vector layout_view_item::make_color(
		view_environment &env,
		util::xml::data_node const &itemnode,
		render_color const &mult)
	color_vector result;
	for (util::xml::data_node const *color = itemnode.get_child("color"); color; color = color->get_next_sibling("color"))
		if (!add_color_step(env, result, *color))
			throw layout_syntax_error(
						"%s item has duplicate color for state",
	if (result.empty())
		result.emplace_back(emu::render::detail::color_step{ 0, mult, { 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F } });
		for (emu::render::detail::color_step &step : result)
			step.color *= mult;
	return result;


//  visibility_toggle - constructor

layout_view::visibility_toggle::visibility_toggle(std::string &&name, u32 mask)
	: m_name(std::move(name))
	, m_mask(mask)


//  layout_file - constructor

		device_t &device,
		util::xml::data_node const &rootnode,
		char const *searchpath,
		char const *dirname)
	: m_device(device)
	, m_elemmap()
	, m_viewlist()
		environment env(device, searchpath, dirname);

		// find the layout node
		util::xml::data_node const *const mamelayoutnode = rootnode.get_child("mamelayout");
		if (!mamelayoutnode)
			throw layout_syntax_error("missing mamelayout node");

		// validate the config data version
		int const version = mamelayoutnode->get_attribute_int("version", 0);
		if (version != LAYOUT_VERSION)
			throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("unsupported version %d", version));

		// parse all the parameters, elements and groups
		group_map groupmap;
		add_elements(env, *mamelayoutnode, groupmap, false, true);

		// parse all the views
		for (util::xml::data_node const *viewnode = mamelayoutnode->get_child("view"); viewnode != nullptr; viewnode = viewnode->get_next_sibling("view"))
			// the trouble with allowing errors to propagate here is that it wreaks havoc with screenless systems that use a terminal by default
			// e.g. intlc44 and intlc440 have a terminal on the TTY port by default and have a view with the front panel with the terminal screen
			// however, they have a second view with just the front panel which is very useful if you're using e.g. -tty null_modem with a socket
			// if the error is allowed to propagate, the entire layout is dropped so you can't select the useful view
				m_viewlist.emplace_back(env, *viewnode, m_elemmap, groupmap);
			catch (layout_reference_error const &err)
				osd_printf_warning("Error instantiating layout view %s: %s\n", env.get_attribute_string(*viewnode, "name"), err.what());

		// load the content of the first script node
		if (!m_viewlist.empty())
			util::xml::data_node const *const scriptnode = mamelayoutnode->get_child("script");
			if (scriptnode)
				emulator_info::layout_script_cb(*this, scriptnode->get_value());
	catch (layout_syntax_error const &err)
		// syntax errors are always fatal
		throw emu_fatalerror("Error parsing XML layout: %s", err.what());

//  ~layout_file - destructor


//  resolve_tags - resolve tags

void layout_file::resolve_tags()
	for (layout_view &view : views())

	if (!m_resolve_tags.isnull())

//  set_resolve_tags_callback - set callback for
//  additional tasks after resolving tags

void layout_file::set_resolve_tags_callback(resolve_tags_delegate &&handler)
	m_resolve_tags = std::move(handler);

void layout_file::add_elements(
		environment &env,
		util::xml::data_node const &parentnode,
		group_map &groupmap,
		bool repeat,
		bool init)
	for (util::xml::data_node const *childnode = parentnode.get_first_child(); childnode; childnode = childnode->get_next_sibling())
		if (!strcmp(childnode->get_name(), "param"))
			if (!repeat)
				env.set_repeat_parameter(*childnode, init);
		else if (!strcmp(childnode->get_name(), "element"))
			std::string_view const name(env.get_attribute_string(*childnode, "name"));
			if (name.empty())
				throw layout_syntax_error("element must have non-empty name attribute");
			if (!m_elemmap.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(name), std::forward_as_tuple(env, *childnode)).second)
				throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("duplicate element name %s", name));
		else if (!strcmp(childnode->get_name(), "group"))
			std::string_view const name(env.get_attribute_string(*childnode, "name"));
			if (name.empty())
				throw layout_syntax_error("group must have non-empty name attribute");
			if (!groupmap.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(name), std::forward_as_tuple(*childnode)).second)
				throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("duplicate group name %s", name));
		else if (!strcmp(childnode->get_name(), "repeat"))
			int const count(env.get_attribute_int(*childnode, "count", -1));
			if (0 >= count)
				throw layout_syntax_error("repeat must have positive integer count attribute");
			environment local(env);
			for (int i = 0; count > i; ++i)
				add_elements(local, *childnode, groupmap, true, !i);
		else if (repeat || (strcmp(childnode->get_name(), "view") && strcmp(childnode->get_name(), "script")))
			throw layout_syntax_error(util::string_format("unknown layout item %s", childnode->get_name()));