path: root/src/emu/rendlay.c
blob: 1409390effb1827511776de8d68989d48b463138 (plain) (tree)























































































































































































































































































































































































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles


    Core rendering layout parser and manager.


    Overview of objects:

        layout_file -- A layout_file comprises a list of elements and a
            list of views. The elements are reusable items that the views

        layout_view -- A layout_view describes a single view within a
            layout_file. The view is described using arbitrary coordinates
            that are scaled to fit within the render target. Pixels within
            a view are assumed to be square.

        view_item -- Each view has four lists of view_items, one for each
            "layer." Each view item is specified using floating point
            coordinates in arbitrary units, and is assumed to have square
            pixels. Each view item can control its orientation independently.
            Each item can also have an optional name, and can be set at
            runtime into different "states", which control how the embedded
            elements are displayed.

        layout_element -- A layout_element is a description of a piece of
            visible artwork. Most view_items (except for those in the screen
            layer) have exactly one layout_element which describes the
            contents of the item. Elements are separate from items because
            they can be re-used multiple times within a layout. Even though
            an element can contain a number of components, they are treated
            as if they were a single bitmap.

        element_component -- Each layout_element contains one or more
            components. Each component can describe either an image or
            a rectangle/disk primitive. Each component also has a "state"
            associated with it, which controls whether or not the component
            is visible (if the owning item has the same state, it is


#include <ctype.h>

#include "emu.h"
#include "emuopts.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "rendfont.h"
#include "rendlay.h"
#include "rendutil.h"
#include "xmlfile.h"
#include "png.h"
#include "ui/ui.h"


// screenless layouts
#include "noscreens.lh"

// single screen layouts
#include "horizont.lh"
#include "vertical.lh"

// dual screen layouts
#include "dualhsxs.lh"
#include "dualhovu.lh"
#include "dualhuov.lh"

// triple screen layouts
#include "triphsxs.lh"

// quad screen layouts
#include "quadhsxs.lh"

// LCD screen layouts
#include "lcd.lh"
#include "lcd_rot.lh"


const int LAYOUT_VERSION = 2;



render_screen_list render_target::s_empty_screen_list;


//  gcd - compute the greatest common divisor (GCD)
//  of two integers using the Euclidean algorithm

inline int gcd(int a, int b)
	while (b != 0)
		int t = b;
		b = a % b;
		a = t;
	return a;

//  reduce_fraction - reduce a fraction by
//  dividing out common factors

inline void reduce_fraction(int &num, int &den)
	// search the greatest common divisor
	int div = gcd(num, den);

	// reduce the fraction if a common divisor has been found
	if (div > 1)
		num /= div;
		den /= div;


//  get_variable_value - compute the value of
//  a variable in an XML attribute

static int get_variable_value(running_machine &machine, const char *string, char **outputptr)
	char temp[100];

	// screen 0 parameters
	screen_device_iterator iter(machine.root_device());
	int scrnum = 0;
	for (const screen_device *device = iter.first(); device != NULL; device =, scrnum++)
		// native X aspect factor
		sprintf(temp, "~scr%dnativexaspect~", scrnum);
		if (!strncmp(string, temp, strlen(temp)))
			int num = device->visible_area().width();
			int den = device->visible_area().height();
			reduce_fraction(num, den);
			*outputptr += sprintf(*outputptr, "%d", num);
			return strlen(temp);

		// native Y aspect factor
		sprintf(temp, "~scr%dnativeyaspect~", scrnum);
		if (!strncmp(string, temp, strlen(temp)))
			int num = device->visible_area().width();
			int den = device->visible_area().height();
			reduce_fraction(num, den);
			*outputptr += sprintf(*outputptr, "%d", den);
			return strlen(temp);

		// native width
		sprintf(temp, "~scr%dwidth~", scrnum);
		if (!strncmp(string, temp, strlen(temp)))
			*outputptr += sprintf(*outputptr, "%d", device->visible_area().width());
			return strlen(temp);

		// native height
		sprintf(temp, "~scr%dheight~", scrnum);
		if (!strncmp(string, temp, strlen(temp)))
			*outputptr += sprintf(*outputptr, "%d", device->visible_area().height());
			return strlen(temp);

	// default: copy the first character and continue
	**outputptr = *string;
	*outputptr += 1;
	return 1;

//  xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst - analog
//  to xml_get_attribute_string but with variable
//  substitution

static const char *xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst(running_machine &machine, xml_data_node &node, const char *attribute, const char *defvalue)
	const char *str = xml_get_attribute_string(&node, attribute, NULL);
	static char buffer[1000];

	// if nothing, just return the default
	if (str == NULL)
		return defvalue;

	// if no tildes, don't worry
	if (strchr(str, '~') == NULL)
		return str;

	// make a copy of the string, doing substitutions along the way
	const char *s;
	char *d;
	for (s = str, d = buffer; *s != 0; )
		// if not a variable, just copy
		if (*s != '~')
			*d++ = *s++;

		// extract the variable
			s += get_variable_value(machine, s, &d);
	*d = 0;
	return buffer;

//  xml_get_attribute_int_with_subst - analog
//  to xml_get_attribute_int but with variable
//  substitution

static int xml_get_attribute_int_with_subst(running_machine &machine, xml_data_node &node, const char *attribute, int defvalue)
	const char *string = xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst(machine, node, attribute, NULL);
	int value;

	if (string == NULL)
		return defvalue;
	if (string[0] == '$')
		return (sscanf(&string[1], "%X", &value) == 1) ? value : defvalue;
	if (string[0] == '0' && string[1] == 'x')
		return (sscanf(&string[2], "%X", &value) == 1) ? value : defvalue;
	if (string[0] == '#')
		return (sscanf(&string[1], "%d", &value) == 1) ? value : defvalue;
	return (sscanf(&string[0], "%d", &value) == 1) ? value : defvalue;

//  xml_get_attribute_float_with_subst - analog
//  to xml_get_attribute_float but with variable
//  substitution

static float xml_get_attribute_float_with_subst(running_machine &machine, xml_data_node &node, const char *attribute, float defvalue)
	const char *string = xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst(machine, node, attribute, NULL);
	float value;

	if (string == NULL || sscanf(string, "%f", &value) != 1)
		return defvalue;
	return value;

//  parse_bounds - parse a bounds XML node

void parse_bounds(running_machine &machine, xml_data_node *boundsnode, render_bounds &bounds)
	// skip if nothing
	if (boundsnode == NULL)
		bounds.x0 = bounds.y0 = 0.0f;
		bounds.x1 = bounds.y1 = 1.0f;

	// parse out the data
	if (xml_get_attribute(boundsnode, "left") != NULL)
		// left/right/top/bottom format
		bounds.x0 = xml_get_attribute_float_with_subst(machine, *boundsnode, "left", 0.0f);
		bounds.x1 = xml_get_attribute_float_with_subst(machine, *boundsnode, "right", 1.0f);
		bounds.y0 = xml_get_attribute_float_with_subst(machine, *boundsnode, "top", 0.0f);
		bounds.y1 = xml_get_attribute_float_with_subst(machine, *boundsnode, "bottom", 1.0f);
	else if (xml_get_attribute(boundsnode, "x") != NULL)
		// x/y/width/height format
		bounds.x0 = xml_get_attribute_float_with_subst(machine, *boundsnode, "x", 0.0f);
		bounds.x1 = bounds.x0 + xml_get_attribute_float_with_subst(machine, *boundsnode, "width", 1.0f);
		bounds.y0 = xml_get_attribute_float_with_subst(machine, *boundsnode, "y", 0.0f);
		bounds.y1 = bounds.y0 + xml_get_attribute_float_with_subst(machine, *boundsnode, "height", 1.0f);
		throw emu_fatalerror("Illegal bounds value in XML");

	// check for errors
	if (bounds.x0 > bounds.x1 || bounds.y0 > bounds.y1)
		throw emu_fatalerror("Illegal bounds value in XML: (%f-%f)-(%f-%f)", bounds.x0, bounds.x1, bounds.y0, bounds.y1);

//  parse_color - parse a color XML node

void parse_color(running_machine &machine, xml_data_node *colornode, render_color &color)
	// skip if nothing
	if (colornode == NULL)
		color.r = color.g = color.b = color.a = 1.0f;

	// parse out the data
	color.r = xml_get_attribute_float_with_subst(machine, *colornode, "red", 1.0);
	color.g = xml_get_attribute_float_with_subst(machine, *colornode, "green", 1.0);
	color.b = xml_get_attribute_float_with_subst(machine, *colornode, "blue", 1.0);
	color.a = xml_get_attribute_float_with_subst(machine, *colornode, "alpha", 1.0);

	// check for errors
	if (color.r < 0.0 || color.r > 1.0 || color.g < 0.0 || color.g > 1.0 ||
		color.b < 0.0 || color.b > 1.0 || color.a < 0.0 || color.a > 1.0)
		throw emu_fatalerror("Illegal ARGB color value in XML: %f,%f,%f,%f", color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);

//  parse_orientation - parse an orientation XML
//  node

static void parse_orientation(running_machine &machine, xml_data_node *orientnode, int &orientation)
	// skip if nothing
	if (orientnode == NULL)
		orientation = ROT0;

	// parse out the data
	int rotate = xml_get_attribute_int_with_subst(machine, *orientnode, "rotate", 0);
	switch (rotate)
		case 0:     orientation = ROT0;     break;
		case 90:    orientation = ROT90;    break;
		case 180:   orientation = ROT180;   break;
		case 270:   orientation = ROT270;   break;
		default:    throw emu_fatalerror("Invalid rotation in XML orientation node: %d", rotate);
	if (strcmp("yes", xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst(machine, *orientnode, "swapxy", "no")) == 0)
		orientation ^= ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY;
	if (strcmp("yes", xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst(machine, *orientnode, "flipx", "no")) == 0)
		orientation ^= ORIENTATION_FLIP_X;
	if (strcmp("yes", xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst(machine, *orientnode, "flipy", "no")) == 0)
		orientation ^= ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y;


//  layout_element - constructor

layout_element::layout_element(running_machine &machine, xml_data_node &elemnode, const char *dirname)
	: m_next(NULL),
	// extract the name
	const char *name = xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst(machine, elemnode, "name", NULL);
	if (name == NULL)
		throw emu_fatalerror("All layout elements must have a name!\n");
	m_name = name;

	// get the default state
	m_defstate = xml_get_attribute_int_with_subst(machine, elemnode, "defstate", -1);

	// parse components in order
	bool first = true;
	render_bounds bounds = { 0 };
	for (xml_data_node *compnode = elemnode.child; compnode != NULL; compnode = compnode->next)
		// allocate a new component
		component &newcomp = m_complist.append(*global_alloc(component(machine, *compnode, dirname)));

		// accumulate bounds
		if (first)
			bounds = newcomp.m_bounds;
			union_render_bounds(&bounds, &newcomp.m_bounds);
		first = false;

		// determine the maximum state
		if (newcomp.m_state > m_maxstate)
			m_maxstate = newcomp.m_state;
		if (newcomp.m_type == component::CTYPE_LED7SEG)
			m_maxstate = 255;
		if (newcomp.m_type == component::CTYPE_LED14SEG)
			m_maxstate = 16383;
		if (newcomp.m_type == component::CTYPE_LED14SEGSC || newcomp.m_type == component::CTYPE_LED16SEG)
			m_maxstate = 65535;
		if (newcomp.m_type == component::CTYPE_LED16SEGSC)
			m_maxstate = 262143;
		if (newcomp.m_type == component::CTYPE_DOTMATRIX)
			m_maxstate = 255;
		if (newcomp.m_type == component::CTYPE_DOTMATRIX5DOT)
			m_maxstate = 31;
		if (newcomp.m_type == component::CTYPE_DOTMATRIXDOT)
			m_maxstate = 1;
		if (newcomp.m_type == component::CTYPE_SIMPLECOUNTER)
			m_maxstate = xml_get_attribute_int_with_subst(machine, *compnode, "maxstate", 999);
		if (newcomp.m_type == component::CTYPE_REEL)
			m_maxstate = 65536;

	// determine the scale/offset for normalization
	float xoffs = bounds.x0;
	float yoffs = bounds.y0;
	float xscale = 1.0f / (bounds.x1 - bounds.x0);
	float yscale = 1.0f / (bounds.y1 - bounds.y0);

	// normalize all the component bounds
	for (component *curcomp = m_complist.first(); curcomp != NULL; curcomp = curcomp->next())
		curcomp->m_bounds.x0 = (curcomp->m_bounds.x0 - xoffs) * xscale;
		curcomp->m_bounds.x1 = (curcomp->m_bounds.x1 - xoffs) * xscale;
		curcomp->m_bounds.y0 = (curcomp->m_bounds.y0 - yoffs) * yscale;
		curcomp->m_bounds.y1 = (curcomp->m_bounds.y1 - yoffs) * yscale;

	// allocate an array of element textures for the states
	m_elemtex.resize(m_maxstate + 1);

//  ~layout_element - destructor


//  state_texture - return a pointer to a
//  render_texture for the given state, allocating
//  one if needed

render_texture *layout_element::state_texture(int state)
	assert(state <= m_maxstate);
	if (m_elemtex[state].m_texture == NULL)
		m_elemtex[state].m_element = this;
		m_elemtex[state].m_state = state;
		m_elemtex[state].m_texture = machine().render().texture_alloc(element_scale, &m_elemtex[state]);
	return m_elemtex[state].m_texture;

//  element_scale - scale an element by rendering
//  all the components at the appropriate
//  resolution

void layout_element::element_scale(bitmap_argb32 &dest, bitmap_argb32 &source, const rectangle &sbounds, void *param)
	texture *elemtex = (texture *)param;

	// iterate over components that are part of the current state
	for (component *curcomp = elemtex->m_element->m_complist.first(); curcomp != NULL; curcomp = curcomp->next())
		if (curcomp->m_state == -1 || curcomp->m_state == elemtex->m_state)
			// get the local scaled bounds
			rectangle bounds;
			bounds.min_x = render_round_nearest(curcomp->bounds().x0 * dest.width());
			bounds.min_y = render_round_nearest(curcomp->bounds().y0 * dest.height());
			bounds.max_x = render_round_nearest(curcomp->bounds().x1 * dest.width());
			bounds.max_y = render_round_nearest(curcomp->bounds().y1 * dest.height());
			bounds &= dest.cliprect();

			// based on the component type, add to the texture
			curcomp->draw(elemtex->m_element->machine(), dest, bounds, elemtex->m_state);


//  texture - constructor

	: m_element(NULL),

//  ~texture - destructor

	if (m_element != NULL)


//  component - constructor

layout_element::component::component(running_machine &machine, xml_data_node &compnode, const char *dirname)
	: m_next(NULL),
	for (int i=0;i<MAX_BITMAPS;i++)
		m_hasalpha[i] = false;

	// fetch common data
	m_state = xml_get_attribute_int_with_subst(machine, compnode, "state", -1);
	parse_bounds(machine, xml_get_sibling(compnode.child, "bounds"), m_bounds);
	parse_color(machine, xml_get_sibling(compnode.child, "color"), m_color);

	// image nodes
	if (strcmp(, "image") == 0)
		m_type = CTYPE_IMAGE;
		if (dirname != NULL)
			m_dirname = dirname;
		m_imagefile[0] = xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst(machine, compnode, "file", "");
		m_alphafile[0] = xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst(machine, compnode, "alphafile", "");
		m_file[0].reset(global_alloc(emu_file(machine.options().art_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ)));

	// text nodes
	else if (strcmp(, "text") == 0)
		m_type = CTYPE_TEXT;
		m_string = xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst(machine, compnode, "string", "");
		m_textalign = xml_get_attribute_int_with_subst(machine, compnode, "align", 0);

	// dotmatrix nodes
	else if (strcmp(, "dotmatrix") == 0)
	else if (strcmp(, "dotmatrix5dot") == 0)
	else if (strcmp(, "dotmatrixdot") == 0)

	// simplecounter nodes
	else if (strcmp(, "simplecounter") == 0)
		m_digits = xml_get_attribute_int_with_subst(machine, compnode, "digits", 2);
		m_textalign = xml_get_attribute_int_with_subst(machine, compnode, "align", 0);

	// fruit machine reels
	else if (strcmp(, "reel") == 0)
		m_type = CTYPE_REEL;

		astring symbollist = xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst(machine, compnode, "symbollist", "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15");

		// split out position names from string and figure out our number of symbols
		int location = -1;
		m_numstops = 0;
		while (location!=-1)
			m_stopnames[m_numstops] = symbollist;
			m_stopnames[m_numstops].substr(0, location);
			symbollist.substr(location+1, symbollist.len()-(location-1));
		m_stopnames[m_numstops++] = symbollist;

		// careful, dirname is NULL if we're coming from internal layout, and our string assignment doesn't like that
		if (dirname != NULL)
			m_dirname = dirname;

		for (int i=0;i<m_numstops;i++)
			if (location!=-1)
				m_imagefile[i] = m_stopnames[i];
				m_stopnames[i].substr(0, location);
				m_imagefile[i].substr(location+1, m_imagefile[i].len()-(location-1));

				//m_alphafile[i] =
				m_file[i].reset(global_alloc(emu_file(machine.options().art_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ)));
				//m_imagefile[i] = 0;
				//m_alphafile[i] = 0;

		m_stateoffset = xml_get_attribute_int_with_subst(machine, compnode, "stateoffset", 0);
		m_numsymbolsvisible = xml_get_attribute_int_with_subst(machine, compnode, "numsymbolsvisible", 3);
		m_reelreversed = xml_get_attribute_int_with_subst(machine, compnode, "reelreversed", 0);
		m_beltreel = xml_get_attribute_int_with_subst(machine, compnode, "beltreel", 0);


	// led7seg nodes
	else if (strcmp(, "led7seg") == 0)
		m_type = CTYPE_LED7SEG;

	// led14seg nodes
	else if (strcmp(, "led14seg") == 0)
		m_type = CTYPE_LED14SEG;

	// led14segsc nodes
	else if (strcmp(, "led14segsc") == 0)
		m_type = CTYPE_LED14SEGSC;

	// led16seg nodes
	else if (strcmp(, "led16seg") == 0)
		m_type = CTYPE_LED16SEG;

	// led16segsc nodes
	else if (strcmp(, "led16segsc") == 0)
		m_type = CTYPE_LED16SEGSC;

	// rect nodes
	else if (strcmp(, "rect") == 0)
		m_type = CTYPE_RECT;

	// disk nodes
	else if (strcmp(, "disk") == 0)
		m_type = CTYPE_DISK;

	// error otherwise
		throw emu_fatalerror("Unknown element component: %s",;

//  ~component - destructor


//  draw - draw a component

void layout_element::component::draw(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int state)
	switch (m_type)
			if (!m_bitmap[0].valid())
				bitmap_argb32 destsub(dest, bounds);
				render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(destsub, m_bitmap[0], m_color);

		case CTYPE_RECT:
			draw_rect(dest, bounds);

		case CTYPE_DISK:
			draw_disk(dest, bounds);

		case CTYPE_TEXT:
			draw_text(machine, dest, bounds);

			draw_led7seg(dest, bounds, state);

		case CTYPE_LED14SEG:
			draw_led14seg(dest, bounds, state);

		case CTYPE_LED16SEG:
			draw_led16seg(dest, bounds, state);

			draw_led14segsc(dest, bounds, state);

			draw_led16segsc(dest, bounds, state);

			draw_dotmatrix(8, dest, bounds, state);

			draw_dotmatrix(5, dest, bounds, state);

			draw_dotmatrix(1, dest, bounds, state);

			draw_simplecounter(machine, dest, bounds, state);

		case CTYPE_REEL:
			draw_reel(machine, dest, bounds, state);

			throw emu_fatalerror("Unknown component type requested draw()");

//  draw_rect - draw a rectangle in the specified
//  color

void layout_element::component::draw_rect(bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds)
	// compute premultiplied colors
	UINT32 r = m_color.r * m_color.a * 255.0;
	UINT32 g = m_color.g * m_color.a * 255.0;
	UINT32 b = m_color.b * m_color.a * 255.0;
	UINT32 inva = (1.0f - m_color.a) * 255.0;

	// iterate over X and Y
	for (UINT32 y = bounds.min_y; y <= bounds.max_y; y++)
		for (UINT32 x = bounds.min_x; x <= bounds.max_x; x++)
			UINT32 finalr = r;
			UINT32 finalg = g;
			UINT32 finalb = b;

			// if we're translucent, add in the destination pixel contribution
			if (inva > 0)
				rgb_t dpix = dest.pix32(y, x);
				finalr += (dpix.r() * inva) >> 8;
				finalg += (dpix.g() * inva) >> 8;
				finalb += (dpix.b() * inva) >> 8;

			// store the target pixel, dividing the RGBA values by the overall scale factor
			dest.pix32(y, x) = rgb_t(finalr, finalg, finalb);

//  draw_disk - draw an ellipse in the specified
//  color

void layout_element::component::draw_disk(bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds)
	// compute premultiplied colors
	UINT32 r = m_color.r * m_color.a * 255.0;
	UINT32 g = m_color.g * m_color.a * 255.0;
	UINT32 b = m_color.b * m_color.a * 255.0;
	UINT32 inva = (1.0f - m_color.a) * 255.0;

	// find the center
	float xcenter = float(bounds.xcenter());
	float ycenter = float(bounds.ycenter());
	float xradius = float(bounds.width()) * 0.5f;
	float yradius = float(bounds.height()) * 0.5f;
	float ooyradius2 = 1.0f / (yradius * yradius);

	// iterate over y
	for (UINT32 y = bounds.min_y; y <= bounds.max_y; y++)
		float ycoord = ycenter - ((float)y + 0.5f);
		float xval = xradius * sqrt(1.0f - (ycoord * ycoord) * ooyradius2);

		// compute left/right coordinates
		INT32 left = (INT32)(xcenter - xval + 0.5f);
		INT32 right = (INT32)(xcenter + xval + 0.5f);

		// draw this scanline
		for (UINT32 x = left; x < right; x++)
			UINT32 finalr = r;
			UINT32 finalg = g;
			UINT32 finalb = b;

			// if we're translucent, add in the destination pixel contribution
			if (inva > 0)
				rgb_t dpix = dest.pix32(y, x);
				finalr += (dpix.r() * inva) >> 8;
				finalg += (dpix.g() * inva) >> 8;
				finalb += (dpix.b() * inva) >> 8;

			// store the target pixel, dividing the RGBA values by the overall scale factor
			dest.pix32(y, x) = rgb_t(finalr, finalg, finalb);

//  draw_text - draw text in the specified color

void layout_element::component::draw_text(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds)
	// compute premultiplied colors
	UINT32 r = m_color.r * 255.0;
	UINT32 g = m_color.g * 255.0;
	UINT32 b = m_color.b * 255.0;
	UINT32 a = m_color.a * 255.0;

	// get the width of the string
	render_font *font = machine.render().font_alloc("default");
	float aspect = 1.0f;
	INT32 width;

	while (1)
		width = font->string_width(bounds.height(), aspect, m_string);
		if (width < bounds.width())
		aspect *= 0.9f;

	// get alignment
	INT32 curx;
	switch (m_textalign)
		// left
		case 1:
			curx = bounds.min_x;

		// right
		case 2:
			curx = bounds.max_x - width;

		// default to center
			curx = bounds.min_x + (bounds.width() - width) / 2;

	// allocate a temporary bitmap
	bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(dest.width(), dest.height());

	// loop over characters
	for (const char *s = m_string; *s != 0; s++)
		// get the font bitmap
		rectangle chbounds;
		font->get_scaled_bitmap_and_bounds(tempbitmap, bounds.height(), aspect, *s, chbounds);

		// copy the data into the target
		for (int y = 0; y < chbounds.height(); y++)
			int effy = bounds.min_y + y;
			if (effy >= bounds.min_y && effy <= bounds.max_y)
				UINT32 *src = &tempbitmap.pix32(y);
				UINT32 *d = &dest.pix32(effy);
				for (int x = 0; x < chbounds.width(); x++)
					int effx = curx + x + chbounds.min_x;
					if (effx >= bounds.min_x && effx <= bounds.max_x)
						UINT32 spix = rgb_t(src[x]).a();
						if (spix != 0)
							rgb_t dpix = d[effx];
							UINT32 ta = (a * (spix + 1)) >> 8;
							UINT32 tr = (r * ta + dpix.r() * (0x100 - ta)) >> 8;
							UINT32 tg = (g * ta + dpix.g() * (0x100 - ta)) >> 8;
							UINT32 tb = (b * ta + dpix.b() * (0x100 - ta)) >> 8;
							d[effx] = rgb_t(tr, tg, tb);

		// advance in the X direction
		curx += font->char_width(bounds.height(), aspect, *s);

	// free the temporary bitmap and font

void layout_element::component::draw_simplecounter(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int state)
	char temp[256];
	sprintf(temp, "%0*d", m_digits, state);
	m_string = astring(temp);
	draw_text(machine, dest, bounds);

/* state is a normalized value between 0 and 65536 so that we don't need to worry about how many motor steps here or in the .lay, only the number of symbols */
void layout_element::component::draw_reel(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int state)
	if (m_beltreel)
		const int max_state_used = 0x10000;

		// shift the reels a bit based on this param, allows fine tuning
		int use_state = (state + m_stateoffset) % max_state_used;

		// compute premultiplied colors
		UINT32 r = m_color.r * 255.0;
		UINT32 g = m_color.g * 255.0;
		UINT32 b = m_color.b * 255.0;
		UINT32 a = m_color.a * 255.0;

		// get the width of the string
		render_font *font = machine.render().font_alloc("default");
		float aspect = 1.0f;
		INT32 width;

		int curry = 0;
		int num_shown = m_numsymbolsvisible;

		int ourheight = bounds.height();

		for (int fruit = 0;fruit<m_numstops;fruit++)
			int basey;

			if (m_reelreversed==1)
				basey = bounds.min_y + ((use_state)*(ourheight/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops)) + curry;
				basey = bounds.min_y - ((use_state)*(ourheight/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops)) + curry;

			// wrap around...
			if (basey < bounds.min_y)
				basey += ((max_state_used)*(ourheight/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops));
			if (basey > bounds.max_y)
				basey -= ((max_state_used)*(ourheight/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops));

			int endpos = basey+ourheight/num_shown;

			// only render the symbol / text if it's atually in view because the code is SLOW
			if ((endpos >= bounds.min_y) && (basey <= bounds.max_y))
				while (1)
					width = font->string_width(ourheight/num_shown, aspect, m_stopnames[fruit]);
					if (width < bounds.width())
					aspect *= 0.9f;

				INT32 curx;
				curx = bounds.min_x + (bounds.width() - width) / 2;

				if (m_file[fruit])
					if (!m_bitmap[fruit].valid())

				if (m_file[fruit]) // render gfx
					bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap2(dest.width(), ourheight/num_shown);

					if (m_bitmap[fruit].valid())
						render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(tempbitmap2, m_bitmap[fruit], m_color);

						for (int y = 0; y < ourheight/num_shown; y++)
							int effy = basey + y;

							if (effy >= bounds.min_y && effy <= bounds.max_y)
								UINT32 *src = &tempbitmap2.pix32(y);
								UINT32 *d = &dest.pix32(effy);
								for (int x = 0; x < dest.width(); x++)
									int effx = x;
									if (effx >= bounds.min_x && effx <= bounds.max_x)
										UINT32 spix = rgb_t(src[x]).a();
										if (spix != 0)
											d[effx] = src[x];

				else // render text (fallback)
					// allocate a temporary bitmap
					bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(dest.width(), dest.height());

					// loop over characters
					for (const char *s = m_stopnames[fruit]; *s != 0; s++)
						// get the font bitmap
						rectangle chbounds;
						font->get_scaled_bitmap_and_bounds(tempbitmap, ourheight/num_shown, aspect, *s, chbounds);

						// copy the data into the target
						for (int y = 0; y < chbounds.height(); y++)
							int effy = basey + y;

							if (effy >= bounds.min_y && effy <= bounds.max_y)
								UINT32 *src = &tempbitmap.pix32(y);
								UINT32 *d = &dest.pix32(effy);
								for (int x = 0; x < chbounds.width(); x++)
									int effx = curx + x + chbounds.min_x;
									if (effx >= bounds.min_x && effx <= bounds.max_x)
										UINT32 spix = rgb_t(src[x]).a();
										if (spix != 0)
											rgb_t dpix = d[effx];
											UINT32 ta = (a * (spix + 1)) >> 8;
											UINT32 tr = (r * ta + dpix.r() * (0x100 - ta)) >> 8;
											UINT32 tg = (g * ta + dpix.g() * (0x100 - ta)) >> 8;
											UINT32 tb = (b * ta + dpix.b() * (0x100 - ta)) >> 8;
											d[effx] = rgb_t(tr, tg, tb);

						// advance in the X direction
						curx += font->char_width(ourheight/num_shown, aspect, *s);



			curry += ourheight/num_shown;
	// free the temporary bitmap and font

void layout_element::component::draw_beltreel(running_machine &machine, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int state)
	const int max_state_used = 0x10000;

	// shift the reels a bit based on this param, allows fine tuning
	int use_state = (state + m_stateoffset) % max_state_used;

	// compute premultiplied colors
	UINT32 r = m_color.r * 255.0;
	UINT32 g = m_color.g * 255.0;
	UINT32 b = m_color.b * 255.0;
	UINT32 a = m_color.a * 255.0;

	// get the width of the string
	render_font *font = machine.render().font_alloc("default");
	float aspect = 1.0f;
	INT32 width;
	int currx = 0;
	int num_shown = m_numsymbolsvisible;

	int ourwidth = bounds.width();

	for (int fruit = 0;fruit<m_numstops;fruit++)
		int basex;
		if (m_reelreversed==1)
			basex = bounds.min_x + ((use_state)*(ourwidth/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops)) + currx;
			basex = bounds.min_x - ((use_state)*(ourwidth/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops)) + currx;

		// wrap around...
		if (basex < bounds.min_x)
			basex += ((max_state_used)*(ourwidth/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops));
		if (basex > bounds.max_x)
			basex -= ((max_state_used)*(ourwidth/num_shown)/(max_state_used/m_numstops));

		int endpos = basex+(ourwidth/num_shown);

		// only render the symbol / text if it's atually in view because the code is SLOW
		if ((endpos >= bounds.min_x) && (basex <= bounds.max_x))
			while (1)
				width = font->string_width(dest.height(), aspect, m_stopnames[fruit]);
				if (width < bounds.width())
				aspect *= 0.9f;

			INT32 curx;
			curx = bounds.min_x;

			if (m_file[fruit])
				if (!m_bitmap[fruit].valid())

			if (m_file[fruit]) // render gfx
				bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap2(ourwidth/num_shown, dest.height());

				if (m_bitmap[fruit].valid())
					render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(tempbitmap2, m_bitmap[fruit], m_color);

					for (int y = 0; y < dest.height(); y++)
						int effy = y;

						if (effy >= bounds.min_y && effy <= bounds.max_y)
							UINT32 *src = &tempbitmap2.pix32(y);
							UINT32 *d = &dest.pix32(effy);
							for (int x = 0; x < ourwidth/num_shown; x++)
								int effx = basex + x;
								if (effx >= bounds.min_x && effx <= bounds.max_x)
									UINT32 spix = rgb_t(src[x]).a();
									if (spix != 0)
										d[effx] = src[x];

			else // render text (fallback)
				// allocate a temporary bitmap
				bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(dest.width(), dest.height());

				// loop over characters
				for (const char *s = m_stopnames[fruit]; *s != 0; s++)
					// get the font bitmap
					rectangle chbounds;
					font->get_scaled_bitmap_and_bounds(tempbitmap, dest.height(), aspect, *s, chbounds);

					// copy the data into the target
					for (int y = 0; y < chbounds.height(); y++)
						int effy = y;

						if (effy >= bounds.min_y && effy <= bounds.max_y)
							UINT32 *src = &tempbitmap.pix32(y);
							UINT32 *d = &dest.pix32(effy);
							for (int x = 0; x < chbounds.width(); x++)
								int effx = basex + curx + x;
								if (effx >= bounds.min_x && effx <= bounds.max_x)
									UINT32 spix = rgb_t(src[x]).a();
									if (spix != 0)
										rgb_t dpix = d[effx];
										UINT32 ta = (a * (spix + 1)) >> 8;
										UINT32 tr = (r * ta + dpix.r() * (0x100 - ta)) >> 8;
										UINT32 tg = (g * ta + dpix.g() * (0x100 - ta)) >> 8;
										UINT32 tb = (b * ta + dpix.b() * (0x100 - ta)) >> 8;
										d[effx] = rgb_t(tr, tg, tb);

					// advance in the X direction
					curx += font->char_width(dest.height(), aspect, *s);



		currx += ourwidth/num_shown;

	// free the temporary bitmap and font

//  load_bitmap - load a PNG file with artwork for
//  a component

void layout_element::component::load_bitmap()
	// load the basic bitmap
	assert(m_file[0] != NULL);
	m_hasalpha[0] = render_load_png(m_bitmap[0], *m_file[0], m_dirname, m_imagefile[0]);

	// load the alpha bitmap if specified
	if (m_bitmap[0].valid() && m_alphafile[0])
		render_load_png(m_bitmap[0], *m_file[0], m_dirname, m_alphafile[0], true);

	// if we can't load the bitmap, allocate a dummy one and report an error
	if (!m_bitmap[0].valid())
		// draw some stripes in the bitmap
		m_bitmap[0].allocate(100, 100);
		for (int step = 0; step < 100; step += 25)
			for (int line = 0; line < 100; line++)
				m_bitmap[0].pix32((step + line) % 100, line % 100) = rgb_t(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff);

		// log an error
		if (!m_alphafile[0])
			osd_printf_warning("Unable to load component bitmap '%s'\n", m_imagefile[0].cstr());
			osd_printf_warning("Unable to load component bitmap '%s'/'%s'\n", m_imagefile[0].cstr(), m_alphafile[0].cstr());

void layout_element::component::load_reel_bitmap(int number)
	// load the basic bitmap
	assert(m_file != NULL);
	/*m_hasalpha[number] = */ render_load_png(m_bitmap[number], *m_file[number], m_dirname, m_imagefile[number]);

	// load the alpha bitmap if specified
	//if (m_bitmap[number].valid() && m_alphafile[number])
	//  render_load_png(m_bitmap[number], *m_file[number], m_dirname, m_alphafile[number], true);

	// if we can't load the bitmap just use text rendering
	if (!m_bitmap[number].valid())
		// fallback to text rendering


//  draw_led7seg - draw a 7-segment LCD

void layout_element::component::draw_led7seg(bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int pattern)
	const rgb_t onpen = rgb_t(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff);
	const rgb_t offpen = rgb_t(0xff,0x20,0x20,0x20);

	// sizes for computation
	int bmwidth = 250;
	int bmheight = 400;
	int segwidth = 40;
	int skewwidth = 40;

	// allocate a temporary bitmap for drawing
	bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(bmwidth + skewwidth, bmheight);

	// top bar
	draw_segment_horizontal(tempbitmap, 0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2, segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 0)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// top-right bar
	draw_segment_vertical(tempbitmap, 0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2, segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 1)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// bottom-right bar
	draw_segment_vertical(tempbitmap, bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2, segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 2)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// bottom bar
	draw_segment_horizontal(tempbitmap, 0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth/2, segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 3)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// bottom-left bar
	draw_segment_vertical(tempbitmap, bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2, segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 4)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// top-left bar
	draw_segment_vertical(tempbitmap, 0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2, segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 5)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// middle bar
	draw_segment_horizontal(tempbitmap, 0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2, segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 6)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// apply skew
	apply_skew(tempbitmap, 40);

	// decimal point
	draw_segment_decimal(tempbitmap, bmwidth + segwidth/2, bmheight - segwidth/2, segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 7)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// resample to the target size
	render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(dest, tempbitmap, m_color);

//  draw_led14seg - draw a 14-segment LCD

void layout_element::component::draw_led14seg(bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int pattern)
	const rgb_t onpen = rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
	const rgb_t offpen = rgb_t(0xff, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20);

	// sizes for computation
	int bmwidth = 250;
	int bmheight = 400;
	int segwidth = 40;
	int skewwidth = 40;

	// allocate a temporary bitmap for drawing
	bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(bmwidth + skewwidth, bmheight);
	tempbitmap.fill(rgb_t(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));

	// top bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 0)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// right-top bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 1)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// right-bottom bar
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 2)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// bottom bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 3)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// left-bottom bar
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 4)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// left-top bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 5)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// horizontal-middle-left bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, bmheight/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (pattern & (1 << 6)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// horizontal-middle-right bar
		0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (pattern & (1 << 7)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// vertical-middle-top bar
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (pattern & (1 << 8)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// vertical-middle-bottom bar
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (pattern & (1 << 9)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-left-bottom bar
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 10)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-left-top bar
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 11)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-right-top bar
		bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 12)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-right-bottom bar
		bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 13)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// apply skew
	apply_skew(tempbitmap, 40);

	// resample to the target size
	render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(dest, tempbitmap, m_color);

//  draw_led14segsc - draw a 14-segment LCD with
//  semicolon (2 extra segments)

void layout_element::component::draw_led14segsc(bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int pattern)
	const rgb_t onpen = rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
	const rgb_t offpen = rgb_t(0xff, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20);

	// sizes for computation
	int bmwidth = 250;
	int bmheight = 400;
	int segwidth = 40;
	int skewwidth = 40;

	// allocate a temporary bitmap for drawing, adding some extra space for the tail
	bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(bmwidth + skewwidth, bmheight + segwidth);
	tempbitmap.fill(rgb_t(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));

	// top bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 0)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// right-top bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 1)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// right-bottom bar
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 2)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// bottom bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 3)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// left-bottom bar
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 4)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// left-top bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 5)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// horizontal-middle-left bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, bmheight/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (pattern & (1 << 6)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// horizontal-middle-right bar
		0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (pattern & (1 << 7)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// vertical-middle-top bar
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (pattern & (1 << 8)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// vertical-middle-bottom bar
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (pattern & (1 << 9)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-left-bottom bar
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 10)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-left-top bar
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 11)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-right-top bar
		bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 12)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-right-bottom bar
		bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 13)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// apply skew
	apply_skew(tempbitmap, 40);

	// comma tail
		bmwidth - (segwidth/2), bmwidth + segwidth,
		bmheight - (segwidth), bmheight + segwidth*1.5,
		segwidth/2, (pattern & (1 << 15)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// decimal point
	draw_segment_decimal(tempbitmap, bmwidth + segwidth/2, bmheight - segwidth/2, segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 14)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// resample to the target size
	render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(dest, tempbitmap, m_color);

//  draw_led16seg - draw a 16-segment LCD

void layout_element::component::draw_led16seg(bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int pattern)
	const rgb_t onpen = rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
	const rgb_t offpen = rgb_t(0xff, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20);

	// sizes for computation
	int bmwidth = 250;
	int bmheight = 400;
	int segwidth = 40;
	int skewwidth = 40;

	// allocate a temporary bitmap for drawing
	bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(bmwidth + skewwidth, bmheight);
	tempbitmap.fill(rgb_t(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));

	// top-left bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, 0 + segwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (pattern & (1 << 0)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// top-right bar
		0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (pattern & (1 << 1)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// right-top bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 2)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// right-bottom bar
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 3)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// bottom-right bar
		0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (pattern & (1 << 4)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// bottom-left bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, bmheight - segwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (pattern & (1 << 5)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// left-bottom bar
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 6)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// left-top bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 7)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// horizontal-middle-left bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, bmheight/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (pattern & (1 << 8)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// horizontal-middle-right bar
		0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (pattern & (1 << 9)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// vertical-middle-top bar
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (pattern & (1 << 10)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// vertical-middle-bottom bar
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (pattern & (1 << 11)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-left-bottom bar
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 12)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-left-top bar
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 13)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-right-top bar
		bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 14)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-right-bottom bar
		bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 15)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// apply skew
	apply_skew(tempbitmap, 40);

	// resample to the target size
	render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(dest, tempbitmap, m_color);

//  draw_led16segsc - draw a 16-segment LCD with
//  semicolon (2 extra segments)

void layout_element::component::draw_led16segsc(bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int pattern)
	const rgb_t onpen = rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
	const rgb_t offpen = rgb_t(0xff, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20);

	// sizes for computation
	int bmwidth = 250;
	int bmheight = 400;
	int segwidth = 40;
	int skewwidth = 40;

	// allocate a temporary bitmap for drawing
	bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(bmwidth + skewwidth, bmheight + segwidth);
	tempbitmap.fill(rgb_t(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));

	// top-left bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, 0 + segwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (pattern & (1 << 0)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// top-right bar
		0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (pattern & (1 << 1)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// right-top bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 2)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// right-bottom bar
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth - segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 3)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// bottom-right bar
		0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (pattern & (1 << 4)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// bottom-left bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, bmheight - segwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (pattern & (1 << 5)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// left-bottom bar
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - 2*segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 6)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// left-top bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/3, 0 + segwidth/2,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 7)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// horizontal-middle-left bar
		0 + 2*segwidth/3, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/10, bmheight/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_START, (pattern & (1 << 8)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// horizontal-middle-right bar
		0 + bmwidth/2 + segwidth/10, bmwidth - 2*segwidth/3, bmheight/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_END, (pattern & (1 << 9)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// vertical-middle-top bar
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (pattern & (1 << 10)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// vertical-middle-bottom bar
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3, bmwidth/2,
		segwidth, LINE_CAP_NONE, (pattern & (1 << 11)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-left-bottom bar
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 12)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-left-top bar
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/5, bmwidth/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/5,
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 13)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-right-top bar
		bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
		0 + segwidth + segwidth/3, bmheight/2 - segwidth/2 - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 14)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// diagonal-right-bottom bar
		bmwidth/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/5, bmwidth - segwidth - segwidth/5,
		bmheight/2 + segwidth/2 + segwidth/3, bmheight - segwidth - segwidth/3,
		segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 15)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// comma tail
		bmwidth - (segwidth/2), bmwidth + segwidth,
		bmheight - (segwidth), bmheight + segwidth*1.5,
		segwidth/2, (pattern & (1 << 17)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// decimal point (draw last for priority)
	draw_segment_decimal(tempbitmap, bmwidth + segwidth/2, bmheight - segwidth/2, segwidth, (pattern & (1 << 16)) ? onpen : offpen);

	// apply skew
	apply_skew(tempbitmap, 40);

	// resample to the target size
	render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(dest, tempbitmap, m_color);

//  draw_dotmatrix - draw a row of dots for a
//  dotmatrix

void layout_element::component::draw_dotmatrix(int dots, bitmap_argb32 &dest, const rectangle &bounds, int pattern)
	const rgb_t onpen = rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
	const rgb_t offpen = rgb_t(0xff, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20);

	// sizes for computation
	int bmheight = 300;
	int dotwidth = 250;

	// allocate a temporary bitmap for drawing
	bitmap_argb32 tempbitmap(dotwidth*dots, bmheight);
	tempbitmap.fill(rgb_t(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));

	for (int i = 0; i < dots; i++)
		draw_segment_decimal(tempbitmap, ((dotwidth/2 )+ (i * dotwidth)), bmheight/2, dotwidth, (pattern & (1 << i))?onpen:offpen);

	// resample to the target size
	render_resample_argb_bitmap_hq(dest, tempbitmap, m_color);

//  draw_segment_horizontal_caps - draw a
//  horizontal LED segment with definable end
//  and start points

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_horizontal_caps(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int minx, int maxx, int midy, int width, int caps, rgb_t color)
	// loop over the width of the segment
	for (int y = 0; y < width / 2; y++)
		UINT32 *d0 = &dest.pix32(midy - y);
		UINT32 *d1 = &dest.pix32(midy + y);
		int ty = (y < width / 8) ? width / 8 : y;

		// loop over the length of the segment
		for (int x = minx + ((caps & LINE_CAP_START) ? ty : 0); x < maxx - ((caps & LINE_CAP_END) ? ty : 0); x++)
			d0[x] = d1[x] = color;

//  draw_segment_horizontal - draw a horizontal
//  LED segment

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_horizontal(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int minx, int maxx, int midy, int width, rgb_t color)
	draw_segment_horizontal_caps(dest, minx, maxx, midy, width, LINE_CAP_START | LINE_CAP_END, color);

//  draw_segment_vertical_caps - draw a
//  vertical LED segment with definable end
//  and start points

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_vertical_caps(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int miny, int maxy, int midx, int width, int caps, rgb_t color)
	// loop over the width of the segment
	for (int x = 0; x < width / 2; x++)
		UINT32 *d0 = &dest.pix32(0, midx - x);
		UINT32 *d1 = &dest.pix32(0, midx + x);
		int tx = (x < width / 8) ? width / 8 : x;

		// loop over the length of the segment
		for (int y = miny + ((caps & LINE_CAP_START) ? tx : 0); y < maxy - ((caps & LINE_CAP_END) ? tx : 0); y++)
			d0[y * dest.rowpixels()] = d1[y * dest.rowpixels()] = color;

//  draw_segment_vertical - draw a vertical
//  LED segment

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_vertical(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int miny, int maxy, int midx, int width, rgb_t color)
	draw_segment_vertical_caps(dest, miny, maxy, midx, width, LINE_CAP_START | LINE_CAP_END, color);

//  draw_segment_diagonal_1 - draw a diagonal
//  LED segment that looks like a backslash

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_diagonal_1(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int minx, int maxx, int miny, int maxy, int width, rgb_t color)
	// compute parameters
	width *= 1.5;
	float ratio = (maxy - miny - width) / (float)(maxx - minx);

	// draw line
	for (int x = minx; x < maxx; x++)
		if (x >= 0 && x < dest.width())
			UINT32 *d = &dest.pix32(0, x);
			int step = (x - minx) * ratio;

			for (int y = maxy - width - step; y < maxy - step; y++)
				if (y >= 0 && y < dest.height())
					d[y * dest.rowpixels()] = color;

//  draw_segment_diagonal_2 - draw a diagonal
//  LED segment that looks like a forward slash

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_diagonal_2(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int minx, int maxx, int miny, int maxy, int width, rgb_t color)
	// compute parameters
	width *= 1.5;
	float ratio = (maxy - miny - width) / (float)(maxx - minx);

	// draw line
	for (int x = minx; x < maxx; x++)
		if (x >= 0 && x < dest.width())
			UINT32 *d = &dest.pix32(0, x);
			int step = (x - minx) * ratio;

			for (int y = miny + step; y < miny + step + width; y++)
				if (y >= 0 && y < dest.height())
					d[y * dest.rowpixels()] = color;

//  draw_segment_decimal - draw a decimal point

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_decimal(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int midx, int midy, int width, rgb_t color)
	// compute parameters
	width /= 2;
	float ooradius2 = 1.0f / (float)(width * width);

	// iterate over y
	for (UINT32 y = 0; y <= width; y++)
		UINT32 *d0 = &dest.pix32(midy - y);
		UINT32 *d1 = &dest.pix32(midy + y);
		float xval = width * sqrt(1.0f - (float)(y * y) * ooradius2);
		INT32 left, right;

		// compute left/right coordinates
		left = midx - (INT32)(xval + 0.5f);
		right = midx + (INT32)(xval + 0.5f);

		// draw this scanline
		for (UINT32 x = left; x < right; x++)
			d0[x] = d1[x] = color;

//  draw_segment_comma - draw a comma tail

void layout_element::component::draw_segment_comma(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int minx, int maxx, int miny, int maxy, int width, rgb_t color)
	// compute parameters
	width *= 1.5;
	float ratio = (maxy - miny - width) / (float)(maxx - minx);

	// draw line
	for (int x = minx; x < maxx; x++)
		UINT32 *d = &dest.pix32(0, x);
		int step = (x - minx) * ratio;

		for (int y = maxy; y < maxy  - width - step; y--)
			d[y * dest.rowpixels()] = color;

//  apply_skew - apply skew to a bitmap

void layout_element::component::apply_skew(bitmap_argb32 &dest, int skewwidth)
	for (int y = 0; y < dest.height(); y++)
		UINT32 *destrow = &dest.pix32(y);
		int offs = skewwidth * (dest.height() - y) / dest.height();
		for (int x = dest.width() - skewwidth - 1; x >= 0; x--)
			destrow[x + offs] = destrow[x];
		for (int x = 0; x < offs; x++)
			destrow[x] = 0;


//  layout_view - constructor

layout_view::layout_view(running_machine &machine, xml_data_node &viewnode, simple_list<layout_element> &elemlist)
	: m_next(NULL),
	// allocate a copy of the name
	m_name = xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst(machine, viewnode, "name", "");

	// if we have a bounds item, load it
	xml_data_node *boundsnode = xml_get_sibling(viewnode.child, "bounds");
	m_expbounds.x0 = m_expbounds.y0 = m_expbounds.x1 = m_expbounds.y1 = 0;
	if (boundsnode != NULL)
		parse_bounds(machine, xml_get_sibling(boundsnode, "bounds"), m_expbounds);

	// load backdrop items
	for (xml_data_node *itemnode = xml_get_sibling(viewnode.child, "backdrop"); itemnode != NULL; itemnode = xml_get_sibling(itemnode->next, "backdrop"))
		m_backdrop_list.append(*global_alloc(item(machine, *itemnode, elemlist)));

	// load screen items
	for (xml_data_node *itemnode = xml_get_sibling(viewnode.child, "screen"); itemnode != NULL; itemnode = xml_get_sibling(itemnode->next, "screen"))
		m_screen_list.append(*global_alloc(item(machine, *itemnode, elemlist)));

	// load overlay items
	for (xml_data_node *itemnode = xml_get_sibling(viewnode.child, "overlay"); itemnode != NULL; itemnode = xml_get_sibling(itemnode->next, "overlay"))
		m_overlay_list.append(*global_alloc(item(machine, *itemnode, elemlist)));

	// load bezel items
	for (xml_data_node *itemnode = xml_get_sibling(viewnode.child, "bezel"); itemnode != NULL; itemnode = xml_get_sibling(itemnode->next, "bezel"))
		m_bezel_list.append(*global_alloc(item(machine, *itemnode, elemlist)));

	// load cpanel items
	for (xml_data_node *itemnode = xml_get_sibling(viewnode.child, "cpanel"); itemnode != NULL; itemnode = xml_get_sibling(itemnode->next, "cpanel"))
		m_cpanel_list.append(*global_alloc(item(machine, *itemnode, elemlist)));

	// load marquee items
	for (xml_data_node *itemnode = xml_get_sibling(viewnode.child, "marquee"); itemnode != NULL; itemnode = xml_get_sibling(itemnode->next, "marquee"))
		m_marquee_list.append(*global_alloc(item(machine, *itemnode, elemlist)));

	// recompute the data for the view based on a default layer config

//  layout_view - destructor


//  first_item - return the first item in the
//  appropriate list

layout_view::item *layout_view::first_item(item_layer layer) const
	switch (layer)
		case ITEM_LAYER_BACKDROP:   return m_backdrop_list.first();
		case ITEM_LAYER_SCREEN:     return m_screen_list.first();
		case ITEM_LAYER_OVERLAY:    return m_overlay_list.first();
		case ITEM_LAYER_BEZEL:      return m_bezel_list.first();
		case ITEM_LAYER_CPANEL:     return m_cpanel_list.first();
		case ITEM_LAYER_MARQUEE:    return m_marquee_list.first();
		default:                    return NULL;

//  recompute - recompute the bounds and aspect
//  ratio of a view and all of its contained items

void layout_view::recompute(render_layer_config layerconfig)
	// reset the bounds
	m_bounds.x0 = m_bounds.y0 = m_bounds.x1 = m_bounds.y1 = 0.0f;
	m_scrbounds.x0 = m_scrbounds.y0 = m_scrbounds.x1 = m_scrbounds.y1 = 0.0f;

	// loop over all layers
	bool first = true;
	bool scrfirst = true;
	for (item_layer layer = ITEM_LAYER_FIRST; layer < ITEM_LAYER_MAX; layer++)
		// determine if this layer should be visible
		switch (layer)
			case ITEM_LAYER_BACKDROP:   m_layenabled[layer] = layerconfig.backdrops_enabled();  break;
			case ITEM_LAYER_OVERLAY:    m_layenabled[layer] = layerconfig.overlays_enabled();   break;
			case ITEM_LAYER_BEZEL:      m_layenabled[layer] = layerconfig.bezels_enabled();     break;
			case ITEM_LAYER_CPANEL:     m_layenabled[layer] = layerconfig.cpanels_enabled();    break;
			case ITEM_LAYER_MARQUEE:    m_layenabled[layer] = layerconfig.marquees_enabled();   break;
			default:                    m_layenabled[layer] = true;                             break;

		// only do it if requested
		if (m_layenabled[layer])
			for (item *curitem = first_item(layer); curitem != NULL; curitem = curitem->next())
				// accumulate bounds
				if (first)
					m_bounds = curitem->m_rawbounds;
					union_render_bounds(&m_bounds, &curitem->m_rawbounds);
				first = false;

				// accumulate screen bounds
				if (curitem->m_screen != NULL)
					if (scrfirst)
						m_scrbounds = curitem->m_rawbounds;
						union_render_bounds(&m_scrbounds, &curitem->m_rawbounds);
					scrfirst = false;

					// accumulate the screens in use while we're scanning

	// if we have an explicit bounds, override it
	if (m_expbounds.x1 > m_expbounds.x0)
		m_bounds = m_expbounds;

	// compute the aspect ratio of the view
	m_aspect = (m_bounds.x1 - m_bounds.x0) / (m_bounds.y1 - m_bounds.y0);
	m_scraspect = (m_scrbounds.x1 - m_scrbounds.x0) / (m_scrbounds.y1 - m_scrbounds.y0);

	// if we're handling things normally, the target bounds are (0,0)-(1,1)
	render_bounds target_bounds;
	if (!layerconfig.zoom_to_screen() || m_screens.count() == 0)
		target_bounds.x0 = target_bounds.y0 = 0.0f;
		target_bounds.x1 = target_bounds.y1 = 1.0f;

	// if we're cropping, we want the screen area to fill (0,0)-(1,1)
		float targwidth = (m_bounds.x1 - m_bounds.x0) / (m_scrbounds.x1 - m_scrbounds.x0);
		float targheight = (m_bounds.y1 - m_bounds.y0) / (m_scrbounds.y1 - m_scrbounds.y0);
		target_bounds.x0 = (m_bounds.x0 - m_scrbounds.x0) / (m_bounds.x1 - m_bounds.x0) * targwidth;
		target_bounds.y0 = (m_bounds.y0 - m_scrbounds.y0) / (m_bounds.y1 - m_bounds.y0) * targheight;
		target_bounds.x1 = target_bounds.x0 + targwidth;
		target_bounds.y1 = target_bounds.y0 + targheight;

	// determine the scale/offset for normalization
	float xoffs = m_bounds.x0;
	float yoffs = m_bounds.y0;
	float xscale = (target_bounds.x1 - target_bounds.x0) / (m_bounds.x1 - m_bounds.x0);
	float yscale = (target_bounds.y1 - target_bounds.y0) / (m_bounds.y1 - m_bounds.y0);

	// normalize all the item bounds
	for (item_layer layer = ITEM_LAYER_FIRST; layer < ITEM_LAYER_MAX; layer++)
		for (item *curitem = first_item(layer); curitem != NULL; curitem = curitem->next())
			curitem->m_bounds.x0 = target_bounds.x0 + (curitem->m_rawbounds.x0 - xoffs) * xscale;
			curitem->m_bounds.x1 = target_bounds.x0 + (curitem->m_rawbounds.x1 - xoffs) * xscale;
			curitem->m_bounds.y0 = target_bounds.y0 + (curitem->m_rawbounds.y0 - yoffs) * yscale;
			curitem->m_bounds.y1 = target_bounds.y0 + (curitem->m_rawbounds.y1 - yoffs) * yscale;


//  item - constructor

layout_view::item::item(running_machine &machine, xml_data_node &itemnode, simple_list<layout_element> &elemlist)
	: m_next(NULL),
	// allocate a copy of the output name
	m_output_name = xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst(machine, itemnode, "name", "");

	// allocate a copy of the input tag
	m_input_tag = xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst(machine, itemnode, "inputtag", "");

	// find the associated element
	const char *name = xml_get_attribute_string_with_subst(machine, itemnode, "element", NULL);
	if (name != NULL)
		// search the list of elements for a match
		for (m_element = elemlist.first(); m_element != NULL; m_element = m_element->next())
			if (strcmp(name, m_element->name()) == 0)

		// error if not found
		if (m_element == NULL)
			throw emu_fatalerror("Unable to find layout element %s", name);

	// fetch common data
	int index = xml_get_attribute_int_with_subst(machine, itemnode, "index", -1);
	if (index != -1)
		screen_device_iterator iter(machine.root_device());
		m_screen = iter.byindex(index);
	m_input_mask = xml_get_attribute_int_with_subst(machine, itemnode, "inputmask", 0);
	if (m_output_name[0] != 0 && m_element != NULL)
		output_set_value(m_output_name, m_element->default_state());
	parse_bounds(machine, xml_get_sibling(itemnode.child, "bounds"), m_rawbounds);
	parse_color(machine, xml_get_sibling(itemnode.child, "color"), m_color);
	parse_orientation(machine, xml_get_sibling(itemnode.child, "orientation"), m_orientation);

	// sanity checks
	if (strcmp(, "screen") == 0)
		if (m_screen == NULL)
			throw emu_fatalerror("Layout references invalid screen index %d", index);
		if (m_element == NULL)
			throw emu_fatalerror("Layout item of type %s require an element tag",;

//  item - destructor


//  screen_container - retrieve screen container

render_container *layout_view::item::screen_container(running_machine &machine) const
	return (m_screen != NULL) ? &m_screen->container() : NULL;

//  state - fetch state based on configured source

int layout_view::item::state() const
	int state = 0;

	assert(m_element != NULL);

	// if configured to an output, fetch the output value
	if (m_output_name[0] != 0)
		state = output_get_value(m_output_name);

	// if configured to an input, fetch the input value
	else if (m_input_tag[0] != 0)
		ioport_port *port = m_element->machine().root_device().ioport(m_input_tag);
		if (port != NULL)
			ioport_field *field = port->field(m_input_mask);
			if (field != NULL)
				state = ((port->read() ^ field->defvalue()) & m_input_mask) ? 1 : 0;
	return state;


//  layout_file - constructor

layout_file::layout_file(running_machine &machine, xml_data_node &rootnode, const char *dirname)
	: m_next(NULL)
	// find the layout node
	xml_data_node *mamelayoutnode = xml_get_sibling(rootnode.child, "mamelayout");
	if (mamelayoutnode == NULL)
		throw emu_fatalerror("Invalid XML file: missing mamelayout node");

	// validate the config data version
	int version = xml_get_attribute_int(mamelayoutnode, "version", 0);
	if (version != LAYOUT_VERSION)
		throw emu_fatalerror("Invalid XML file: unsupported version");

	// parse all the elements
	for (xml_data_node *elemnode = xml_get_sibling(mamelayoutnode->child, "element"); elemnode != NULL; elemnode = xml_get_sibling(elemnode->next, "element"))
		m_elemlist.append(*global_alloc(layout_element(machine, *elemnode, dirname)));

	// parse all the views
	for (xml_data_node *viewnode = xml_get_sibling(mamelayoutnode->child, "view"); viewnode != NULL; viewnode = xml_get_sibling(viewnode->next, "view"))
		m_viewlist.append(*global_alloc(layout_view(machine, *viewnode, m_elemlist)));

//  ~layout_file - destructor
