path: root/src/emu/fileio.h
blob: b5781a5d1c310bff21e06985174ecb1147c54768 (plain) (tree)




























// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles


    Core file I/O interface functions and definitions.


#pragma once

#ifndef __FILEIO_H__
#define __FILEIO_H__

#include "corefile.h"
#include "hash.h"

// some systems use macros for getc/putc rather than functions
#ifdef getc
#undef getc


// forward declarations
struct zip_file_header;
struct zip_file;

struct _7z_file_header;
struct _7z_file;

// ======================> path_iterator

// helper class for iterating over configured paths
class path_iterator
	// construction/destruction
	path_iterator(const char *searchpath);

	// getters
	bool next(astring &buffer, const char *name = NULL);

	// reset
	void reset() { m_current = m_base; m_index = 0; }

	// internal state
	const char *    m_base;
	const char *    m_current;
	int             m_index;

// ======================> file_enumerator

// iterate over all files in all paths specified in the searchpath
class file_enumerator
	// construction/destruction
	file_enumerator(const char *searchpath);

	// iterator
	const osd_directory_entry *next();

	// internal state
	path_iterator   m_iterator;
	osd_directory * m_curdir;
	astring         m_pathbuffer;
	//int             m_buflen;

// ======================> emu_file

class emu_file
	// file open/creation
	emu_file(UINT32 openflags);
	emu_file(const char *searchpath, UINT32 openflags);
	virtual ~emu_file();

	// getters
	operator core_file *();
	operator core_file &();
	bool is_open() const { return (m_file != NULL); }
	const char *filename() const { return m_filename; }
	const char *fullpath() const { return m_fullpath; }
	UINT32 openflags() const { return m_openflags; }
	hash_collection &hashes(const char *types);

	// setters
	void remove_on_close() { m_remove_on_close = true; }
	void set_openflags(UINT32 openflags) { assert(m_file == NULL); m_openflags = openflags; }

	// open/close
	file_error open(const char *name);
	file_error open(const char *name1, const char *name2);
	file_error open(const char *name1, const char *name2, const char *name3);
	file_error open(const char *name1, const char *name2, const char *name3, const char *name4);
	file_error open(const char *name, UINT32 crc);
	file_error open(const char *name1, const char *name2, UINT32 crc);
	file_error open(const char *name1, const char *name2, const char *name3, UINT32 crc);
	file_error open(const char *name1, const char *name2, const char *name3, const char *name4, UINT32 crc);
	file_error open_next();
	file_error open_ram(const void *data, UINT32 length);
	void close();

	// control
	file_error compress(int compress);
	int seek(INT64 offset, int whence);
	UINT64 tell();
	bool eof();
	UINT64 size();

	// reading
	UINT32 read(void *buffer, UINT32 length);
	int getc();
	int ungetc(int c);
	char *gets(char *s, int n);

	// writing
	UINT32 write(const void *buffer, UINT32 length);
	int puts(const char *s);
	int vprintf(const char *fmt, va_list va);
	int printf(const char *fmt, ...) ATTR_PRINTF(2,3);

	bool compressed_file_ready(void);

	// internal helpers
	file_error attempt_zipped();
	file_error load_zipped_file();
	bool zip_filename_match(const zip_file_header &header, const astring &filename);
	bool zip_header_is_path(const zip_file_header &header);

	file_error attempt__7zped();
	file_error load__7zped_file();

	// internal state
	astring         m_filename;                     // original filename provided
	astring         m_fullpath;                     // full filename
	core_file *     m_file;                         // core file pointer
	path_iterator   m_iterator;                     // iterator for paths
	UINT32          m_crc;                          // iterator for paths
	UINT32          m_openflags;                    // flags we used for the open
	hash_collection m_hashes;                       // collection of hashes

	zip_file *      m_zipfile;                      // ZIP file pointer
	dynamic_buffer  m_zipdata;                      // ZIP file data
	UINT64          m_ziplength;                    // ZIP file length

	_7z_file *      m__7zfile;                      // 7Z file pointer
	dynamic_buffer  m__7zdata;                      // 7Z file data
	UINT64          m__7zlength;                    // 7Z file length

	bool            m_remove_on_close;              // flag: remove the file when closing

#endif  /* __FILEIO_H__ */