path: root/src/emu/device.cpp
blob: aa4a7daa99d3664a9a86671017715bf7ccc00590 (plain) (tree)


















































































































































































































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles


    Device interface functions.


#include "emu.h"
#include "speaker.h"
#include "debug/debugcpu.h"

#include <string.h>


namespace emu { namespace detail {

namespace {

struct device_registrations
	device_type_impl_base *first = nullptr;
	device_type_impl_base *last = nullptr;
	device_type_impl_base *unsorted = nullptr;

device_registrations &device_registration_data()
	// this is necessary to avoid issues with static initialisation order across units being indeterminate
	// thread safety issues are avoided by always calling this function during static initialisation before the app can go threaded
	static device_registrations instance;
	return instance;

} // anonymous namespace

device_registrar::const_iterator device_registrar::cbegin() const
	return const_iterator_helper(device_registration_data().first);

device_registrar::const_iterator device_registrar::cend() const
	return const_iterator_helper(nullptr);

device_type_impl_base *device_registrar::register_device(device_type_impl_base &type)
	device_registrations &data(device_registration_data());

	if (!data.first) data.first = &type;
	if (data.last) data.last->m_next = &type;
	if (!data.unsorted) data.unsorted = &type;
	data.last = &type;

	return nullptr;

} } // namespace emu::detail

emu::detail::device_registrar const registered_device_types;


//  device_t - constructor for a new
//  running device; initial state is derived
//  from the provided config

device_t::device_t(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag, device_t *owner, u32 clock)
	: m_type(type)
	, m_searchpath(type.shortname())
	, m_owner(owner)
	, m_next(nullptr)

	, m_configured_clock(clock)
	, m_unscaled_clock(clock)
	, m_clock(clock)
	, m_clock_scale(1.0)
	, m_attoseconds_per_clock((clock == 0) ? 0 : HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(clock))

	, m_machine_config(mconfig)
	, m_input_defaults(nullptr)
	, m_default_bios_tag("")

	, m_machine(nullptr)
	, m_save(nullptr)
	, m_basetag(tag)
	, m_config_complete(false)
	, m_started(false)
	, m_auto_finder_list(nullptr)
	if (owner != nullptr)
		m_tag.assign((owner->owner() == nullptr) ? "" : owner->tag()).append(":").append(tag);

//  ~device_t - destructor for a device_t


//  memregion - return a pointer to the region
//  info for a given region

memory_region *device_t::memregion(const char *_tag) const
	// build a fully-qualified name and look it up
	if (_tag)
		auto search = machine().memory().regions().find(subtag(_tag).c_str());
		if (search != machine().memory().regions().end())
			return search->second.get();
			return nullptr;
		return nullptr;

//  memshare - return a pointer to the memory share
//  info for a given share

memory_share *device_t::memshare(const char *_tag) const
	// build a fully-qualified name and look it up
	if (_tag)
		auto search = machine().memory().shares().find(subtag(_tag).c_str());
		if (search != machine().memory().shares().end())
			return search->second.get();
			return nullptr;
		return nullptr;

//  membank - return a pointer to the memory
//  bank info for a given bank

memory_bank *device_t::membank(const char *_tag) const
	if (_tag)
		auto search = machine().memory().banks().find(subtag(_tag).c_str());
		if (search != machine().memory().banks().end())
			return search->second.get();
			return nullptr;
		return nullptr;

//  ioport - return a pointer to the I/O port
//  object for a given port name

ioport_port *device_t::ioport(const char *tag) const
	// build a fully-qualified name and look it up
	return machine().ioport().port(subtag(tag).c_str());

//  ioport - return a pointer to the I/O port
//  object for a given port name

std::string device_t::parameter(const char *tag) const
	// build a fully-qualified name and look it up
	return machine().parameters().lookup(subtag(tag));

//  add_machine_configuration - add device-
//  specific machine configuration

void device_t::add_machine_configuration(machine_config &config)
	assert(&config == &m_machine_config);
	machine_config::token const tok(config.begin_configuration(*this));
	for (finder_base *autodev = m_auto_finder_list; autodev != nullptr; autodev = autodev->next())

//  set_clock - set/change the clock on
//  a device

void device_t::set_clock(u32 clock)
	m_configured_clock = clock;

	// derive the clock from our owner if requested
	if ((clock & 0xff000000) == 0xff000000)

//  config_complete - called when the
//  configuration of a device is complete

void device_t::config_complete()
	// resolve default BIOS
	tiny_rom_entry const *const roms(rom_region());
	if (roms)
		// first pass: try to find default BIOS from ROM region or machine configuration
		char const *defbios(m_default_bios_tag.empty() ? nullptr : m_default_bios_tag.c_str());
		bool twopass(false), havebios(false);
		u8 firstbios(0);
		for (const tiny_rom_entry *rom = roms; !m_default_bios && !ROMENTRY_ISEND(rom); ++rom)
				if (!havebios)
					havebios = true;
					firstbios = ROM_GETBIOSFLAGS(rom);
				if (!defbios)
					twopass = true;
				else if (!std::strcmp(rom->name, defbios))
					m_default_bios = ROM_GETBIOSFLAGS(rom);
			else if (!defbios && ROMENTRY_ISDEFAULT_BIOS(rom))
				defbios = rom->name;

		// second pass is needed if default BIOS came after one or more system BIOSes
		if (havebios && !m_default_bios)
			if (defbios && twopass)
				for (const tiny_rom_entry *rom = roms; !m_default_bios && !ROMENTRY_ISEND(rom); ++rom)
					if (ROMENTRY_ISSYSTEM_BIOS(rom) && !std::strcmp(rom->name, defbios))
						m_default_bios = ROM_GETBIOSFLAGS(rom);

			// no default BIOS declared but at least one system BIOS declared
			if (!m_default_bios)
				m_default_bios = firstbios;

		// set system BIOS to the default unless something overrides it

	// notify the interfaces
	for (device_interface &intf : interfaces())

	// then notify the device itself

	// then mark ourselves complete
	m_config_complete = true;

//  validity_check - validate a device after the
//  configuration has been constructed

void device_t::validity_check(validity_checker &valid) const
	// validate via the interfaces
	for (device_interface &intf : interfaces())

	// let the device itself validate

//  reset - reset a device

void device_t::reset()
	// let the interfaces do their pre-work
	for (device_interface &intf : interfaces())

	// reset the device

	// reset all child devices
	for (device_t &child : subdevices())

	// now allow for some post-child reset action

	// let the interfaces do their post-work
	for (device_interface &intf : interfaces())

//  set_unscaled_clock - sets the given device's
//  unscaled clock

void device_t::set_unscaled_clock(u32 clock)
	// do nothing if no actual change
	if (clock == m_unscaled_clock)

	m_unscaled_clock = clock;
	m_clock = m_unscaled_clock * m_clock_scale;
	m_attoseconds_per_clock = (m_clock == 0) ? 0 : HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(m_clock);

	// recalculate all derived clocks
	for (device_t &child : subdevices())

	// if the device has already started, make sure it knows about the new clock
	if (m_started)

//  set_clock_scale - sets a scale factor for the
//  device's clock

void device_t::set_clock_scale(double clockscale)
	// do nothing if no actual change
	if (clockscale == m_clock_scale)

	m_clock_scale = clockscale;
	m_clock = m_unscaled_clock * m_clock_scale;
	m_attoseconds_per_clock = (m_clock == 0) ? 0 : HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(m_clock);

	// recalculate all derived clocks
	for (device_t &child : subdevices())

	// if the device has already started, make sure it knows about the new clock
	if (m_started)

//  calculate_derived_clock - derive the device's
//  clock from its owner, if so configured

void device_t::calculate_derived_clock()
	if ((m_configured_clock & 0xff000000) == 0xff000000)
		assert(m_owner != nullptr);
		set_unscaled_clock(m_owner->m_clock * ((m_configured_clock >> 12) & 0xfff) / ((m_configured_clock >> 0) & 0xfff));

//  clocks_to_attotime - converts a number of
//  clock ticks to an attotime

attotime device_t::clocks_to_attotime(u64 numclocks) const
	if (m_clock == 0)
		return attotime::never;
	else if (numclocks < m_clock)
		return attotime(0, numclocks * m_attoseconds_per_clock);
		u32 remainder;
		u32 quotient = divu_64x32_rem(numclocks, m_clock, &remainder);
		return attotime(quotient, u64(remainder) * u64(m_attoseconds_per_clock));

//  attotime_to_clocks - converts a duration as
//  attotime to CPU clock ticks

u64 device_t::attotime_to_clocks(const attotime &duration) const
	if (m_clock == 0)
		return 0;
		return mulu_32x32(duration.seconds(), m_clock) + u64(duration.attoseconds()) / u64(m_attoseconds_per_clock);

//  timer_alloc - allocate a timer for our device
//  callback

emu_timer *device_t::timer_alloc(device_timer_id id, void *ptr)
	return machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(*this, id, ptr);

//  timer_set - set a temporary timer that will
//  call our device callback

void device_t::timer_set(const attotime &duration, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr)
	machine().scheduler().timer_set(duration, *this, id, param, ptr);

//  set_machine - notify that the machine now
//  exists

void device_t::set_machine(running_machine &machine)
	m_machine = &machine;
	m_save = &;

//  findit - search for all objects in auto finder
//  list and return status

bool device_t::findit(bool pre_map, bool isvalidation) const
	bool allfound = true;
	for (finder_base *autodev = m_auto_finder_list; autodev != nullptr; autodev = autodev->next())
		if (autodev->is_pre_map() == pre_map)
			if (isvalidation)
				// sanity checking
				char const *const tag = autodev->finder_tag();
				if (!tag)
					osd_printf_error("Finder tag is null!\n");
					allfound = false;
				if (tag[0] == '^' && tag[1] == ':')
					osd_printf_error("Malformed finder tag: %s\n", tag);
					allfound = false;
			allfound &= autodev->findit(isvalidation);
	return allfound;

//  resolve_pre_map - find objects that may be used
//  in memory maps

void device_t::resolve_pre_map()
	// prepare the logerror buffer
	if (m_machine->allow_logging())

	// find all the registered pre-map objects
	if (!findit(true, false))
		throw emu_fatalerror("Missing some required devices, unable to proceed");

//  resolve_post_map - find objects that are created
//  in memory maps

void device_t::resolve_post_map()
	// find all the registered post-map objects
	if (!findit(false, false))
		throw emu_fatalerror("Missing some required objects, unable to proceed");

	// allow implementation to do additional setup

//  start - start a device

void device_t::start()
	// prepare the logerror buffer
	if (m_machine->allow_logging())

	// let the interfaces do their pre-work
	for (device_interface &intf : interfaces())

	// remember the number of state registrations
	int state_registrations = machine().save().registration_count();

	// start the device

	// complain if nothing was registered by the device
	state_registrations = machine().save().registration_count() - state_registrations;
	device_execute_interface *exec;
	device_sound_interface *sound;
	if (state_registrations == 0 && (interface(exec) || interface(sound)) && type() != SPEAKER)
		logerror("Device did not register any state to save!\n");
		if ((machine().system().flags & MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE) != 0)
			fatalerror("Device '%s' did not register any state to save!\n", tag());

	// let the interfaces do their post-work
	for (device_interface &intf : interfaces())

	// force an update of the clock

	// if we're debugging, create a device_debug object
	if ((machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0)
		m_debug = std::make_unique<device_debug>(*this);

	// register our save states

	// we're now officially started
	m_started = true;

//  stop - stop a device

void device_t::stop()
	// let the interfaces do their pre-work
	for (device_interface &intf : interfaces())

	// stop the device

	// let the interfaces do their post-work
	for (device_interface &intf : interfaces())

	// free any debugging info

	// we're now officially stopped, and the machine is off-limits
	m_started = false;
	m_machine = nullptr;

//  debug_setup - set up for debugging

void device_t::debug_setup()
	// notify the interface
	for (device_interface &intf : interfaces())

	// notify the device

//  pre_save - tell the device and its interfaces
//  that we are about to save

void device_t::pre_save()
	// notify the interface
	for (device_interface &intf : interfaces())

	// notify the device

//  post_load - tell the device and its interfaces
//  that we just completed a load

void device_t::post_load()
	// notify the interface
	for (device_interface &intf : interfaces())

	// notify the device

//  notify_clock_changed - notify all interfaces
//  that the clock has changed

void device_t::notify_clock_changed()
	// first notify interfaces
	for (device_interface &intf : interfaces())

	// then notify the device

//  device_config_complete - perform any
//  operations now that the configuration is
//  complete

void device_t::device_config_complete()
	// do nothing by default

//  device_validity_check - validate a device after
//  the configuration has been constructed

void device_t::device_validity_check(validity_checker &valid) const
	// do nothing by default

//  rom_region - return a pointer to the implicit
//  rom region description for this device

const tiny_rom_entry *device_t::device_rom_region() const
	// none by default
	return nullptr;

//  device_add_mconfig - add device-specific
//  machine configuration

void device_t::device_add_mconfig(machine_config &config)
	// do nothing by default

//  input_ports - return a pointer to the implicit
//  input ports description for this device

ioport_constructor device_t::device_input_ports() const
	// none by default
	return nullptr;

//  device_reset - actually handle resetting of
//  a device; designed to be overridden by the
//  actual device implementation

void device_t::device_reset()
	// do nothing by default

//  device_reset_after_children - hook to do
//  reset logic that must happen after the children
//  are reset; designed to be overridden by the
//  actual device implementation

void device_t::device_reset_after_children()
	// do nothing by default

//  device_resolve_objects - resolve objects that
//  may be needed for other devices to set
//  initial conditions at start time

void device_t::device_resolve_objects()
	// do nothing by default

//  device_stop - clean up anything that needs to
//  happen before the running_machine goes away

void device_t::device_stop()
	// do nothing by default

//  device_pre_save - called prior to saving the
//  state, so that registered variables can be
//  properly normalized

void device_t::device_pre_save()
	// do nothing by default

//  device_post_load - called after the loading a
//  saved state, so that registered variables can
//  be expanded as necessary

void device_t::device_post_load()
	// do nothing by default

//  device_clock_changed - called when the
//  device clock is altered in any way; designed
//  to be overridden by the actual device
//  implementation

void device_t::device_clock_changed()
	// do nothing by default

//  device_debug_setup - called when the debugger
//  is active to allow for device-specific setup

void device_t::device_debug_setup()
	// do nothing by default

//  device_timer - called whenever a device timer
//  fires

void device_t::device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr)
	// do nothing by default

//  subdevice_slow - perform a slow name lookup,
//  caching the results

device_t *device_t::subdevice_slow(const char *tag) const
	// resolve the full path
	std::string fulltag = subtag(tag);

	// we presume the result is a rooted path; also doubled colons mess up our
	// tree walk, so catch them early
	assert(fulltag[0] == ':');
	assert(fulltag.find("::") == -1);

	// walk the device list to the final path
	device_t *curdevice = &mconfig().root_device();
	if (fulltag.length() > 1)
		for (int start = 1, end = fulltag.find_first_of(':', start); start != 0 && curdevice != nullptr; start = end + 1, end = fulltag.find_first_of(':', start))
			std::string part(fulltag, start, (end == -1) ? -1 : end - start);
			curdevice = curdevice->subdevices().find(part);

	// if we got a match, add to the fast map
	if (curdevice != nullptr)
		m_subdevices.m_tagmap.insert(std::make_pair(tag, curdevice));
	return curdevice;

//  subtag - create a fully resolved path relative
//  to our device based on the provided tag

std::string device_t::subtag(const char *tag) const
	std::string result;
	// if the tag begins with a colon, ignore our path and start from the root
	if (*tag == ':')

	// otherwise, start with our path
		if (result != ":")

	// iterate over the tag, look for special path characters to resolve
	const char *caret;
	while ((caret = strchr(tag, '^')) != nullptr)
		// copy everything up to there
		result.append(tag, caret - tag);
		tag = caret + 1;

		// strip trailing colons
		int len = result.length();
		while (result[--len] == ':')
			result = result.substr(0, len);

		// remove the last path part, leaving the last colon
		if (result != ":")
			int lastcolon = result.find_last_of(':');
			if (lastcolon != -1)
				result = result.substr(0, lastcolon + 1);

	// copy everything else

	// strip trailing colons up to the root
	int len = result.length();
	while (len > 1 && result[--len] == ':')
		result = result.substr(0, len);
	return result;

//  register_auto_finder - add a new item to the
//  list of stuff to find after we go live

finder_base *device_t::register_auto_finder(finder_base &autodev)
	// add to this list
	finder_base *old = m_auto_finder_list;
	m_auto_finder_list = &autodev;
	return old;


//  device_interface - constructor

device_interface::device_interface(device_t &device, const char *type)
	: m_interface_next(nullptr),
	device_interface **tailptr;
	for (tailptr = &device.interfaces().m_head; *tailptr != nullptr; tailptr = &(*tailptr)->m_interface_next) { }
	*tailptr = this;

//  ~device_interface - destructor


//  interface_config_complete - perform any
//  operations now that the configuration is
//  complete

void device_interface::interface_config_complete()
	// do nothing by default

//  interface_validity_check - default validation
//  for a device after the configuration has been
//  constructed

void device_interface::interface_validity_check(validity_checker &valid) const

//  interface_pre_start - called before the
//  device's own start function

void device_interface::interface_pre_start()
	// do nothing by default

//  interface_post_start - called after the
//  device's own start function

void device_interface::interface_post_start()
	// do nothing by default

//  interface_pre_reset - called before the
//  device's own reset function

void device_interface::interface_pre_reset()
	// do nothing by default

//  interface_post_reset - called after the
//  device's own reset function

void device_interface::interface_post_reset()
	// do nothing by default

//  interface_pre_stop - called before the
//  device's own stop function

void device_interface::interface_pre_stop()
	// do nothing by default

//  interface_post_stop - called after the
//  device's own stop function

void device_interface::interface_post_stop()
	// do nothing by default

//  interface_pre_save - called prior to saving the
//  state, so that registered variables can be
//  properly normalized

void device_interface::interface_pre_save()
	// do nothing by default

//  interface_post_load - called after the loading a
//  saved state, so that registered variables can
//  be expaneded as necessary

void device_interface::interface_post_load()
	// do nothing by default

//  interface_clock_changed - called when the
//  device clock is altered in any way; designed
//  to be overridden by the actual device
//  implementation

void device_interface::interface_clock_changed()
	// do nothing by default

//  interface_debug_setup - called to allow
//  interfaces to set up any debugging for this
//  device

void device_interface::interface_debug_setup()
	// do nothing by default

// rom_region_vector

const std::vector<rom_entry> &device_t::rom_region_vector() const
	if (m_rom_entries.empty())
		m_rom_entries = rom_build_entries(device_rom_region());
	return m_rom_entries;