path: root/src/emu/devfind.h
blob: af2626c97974bde4a2d7522ae648eebf4cf1bf3d (plain) (tree)












































































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles


    Device finding template helpers.


#pragma once

#ifndef __EMU_H__
#error Dont include this file directly; include emu.h instead.

#ifndef __DEVFIND_H__
#define __DEVFIND_H__

#define FINDER_DUMMY_TAG "finder_dummy_tag"


// these macros can be used to initialize an ioport_array with
// individual port names, instead of a base name + numeric suffix

#define IOPORT_ARRAY_MEMBER(name) const char * const name[] =
#define DECLARE_IOPORT_ARRAY(name) static const char * const name[]


// ======================> finder_base

// helper class to request auto-object discovery in the constructor of a derived class
class finder_base
	friend class device_t;

	// construction/destruction
	finder_base(device_t &base, const char *tag);
	virtual ~finder_base();

	// getters
	virtual bool findit(bool isvalidation = false) = 0;
	const char *finder_tag() const { return m_tag; }

	// setter for setting the object
	void set_tag(const char *tag) { m_tag = tag; }

	// helpers
	void *find_memregion(UINT8 width, size_t &length, bool required) const;
	bool validate_memregion(size_t bytes, bool required) const;
	void *find_memshare(UINT8 width, size_t &bytes, bool required) const;
	bool report_missing(bool found, const char *objname, bool required) const;

	void printf_warning(const char *format, ...) ATTR_PRINTF(2,3);

	// internal state
	finder_base *m_next;
	device_t &m_base;
	const char *m_tag;

// ======================> object_finder_base

// helper class to find objects of a particular type
template<class _ObjectClass>
class object_finder_base : public finder_base
	// construction/destruction
	object_finder_base(device_t &base, const char *tag)
		: finder_base(base, tag),
			m_target(nullptr) { }

	// operators to make use transparent
	operator _ObjectClass *() const { return m_target; }

	virtual _ObjectClass *operator->() const { assert(m_target != nullptr); return m_target; }

	// getters for explicit fetching
	_ObjectClass *target() const { return m_target; }
	bool found() const { return m_target != nullptr; }

	// setter for setting the object
	void set_target(_ObjectClass *target) { m_target = target; }

	// internal state
	_ObjectClass *m_target;

// ======================> device_finder

// device finder template
template<class _DeviceClass, bool _Required>
class device_finder : public object_finder_base<_DeviceClass>
	// construction/destruction
	device_finder(device_t &base, const char *tag = FINDER_DUMMY_TAG)
		: object_finder_base<_DeviceClass>(base, tag) { }

	// make reference use transparent as well
	operator _DeviceClass &() { assert(object_finder_base<_DeviceClass>::m_target != nullptr); return *object_finder_base<_DeviceClass>::m_target; }

	// finder
	virtual bool findit(bool isvalidation = false) override
		device_t *device = this->m_base.subdevice(this->m_tag);
		this->m_target = dynamic_cast<_DeviceClass *>(device);
		if (device != nullptr && this->m_target == nullptr)
			this->printf_warning("Device '%s' found but is of incorrect type (actual type is %s)\n", this->m_tag, device->name());
		return this->report_missing(this->m_target != nullptr, "device", _Required);

// optional device finder
template<class _DeviceClass>
class optional_device : public device_finder<_DeviceClass, false>
	optional_device(device_t &base, const char *tag = FINDER_DUMMY_TAG) : device_finder<_DeviceClass, false>(base, tag) { }

// required devices are similar but throw an error if they are not found
template<class _DeviceClass>
class required_device : public device_finder<_DeviceClass, true>
	required_device(device_t &base, const char *tag = FINDER_DUMMY_TAG) : device_finder<_DeviceClass, true>(base, tag) { }

// ======================> memory_region_finder

// device finder template
template<bool _Required>
class memory_region_finder : public object_finder_base<memory_region>
	// construction/destruction
	memory_region_finder(device_t &base, const char *tag = FINDER_DUMMY_TAG)
		: object_finder_base<memory_region>(base, tag) { }

	// make reference use transparent as well
	operator memory_region &() const { assert(object_finder_base<memory_region>::m_target != nullptr); return *object_finder_base<memory_region>::m_target; }

	// finder
	virtual bool findit(bool isvalidation = false) override
		if (isvalidation) return this->validate_memregion(0, _Required);
		m_target = m_base.memregion(m_tag);
		return this->report_missing(m_target != nullptr, "memory region", _Required);

// optional device finder
class optional_memory_region : public memory_region_finder<false>
	optional_memory_region(device_t &base, const char *tag = FINDER_DUMMY_TAG) : memory_region_finder<false>(base, tag) { }

// required devices are similar but throw an error if they are not found
class required_memory_region : public memory_region_finder<true>
	required_memory_region(device_t &base, const char *tag = FINDER_DUMMY_TAG) : memory_region_finder<true>(base, tag) { }

// ======================> memory_bank_finder

// device finder template
template<bool _Required>
class memory_bank_finder : public object_finder_base<memory_bank>
	// construction/destruction
	memory_bank_finder(device_t &base, const char *tag = FINDER_DUMMY_TAG)
		: object_finder_base<memory_bank>(base, tag) { }

	// make reference use transparent as well
	operator memory_bank &() const { assert(object_finder_base<memory_bank>::m_target != nullptr); return *object_finder_base<memory_bank>::m_target; }

	// finder
	virtual bool findit(bool isvalidation = false) override
		if (isvalidation) return true;
		m_target = m_base.membank(m_tag);
		return this->report_missing(m_target != nullptr, "memory bank", _Required);

// optional device finder
class optional_memory_bank : public memory_bank_finder<false>
	optional_memory_bank(device_t &base, const char *tag = FINDER_DUMMY_TAG) : memory_bank_finder<false>(base, tag) { }

// required devices are similar but throw an error if they are not found
class required_memory_bank : public memory_bank_finder<true>
	required_memory_bank(device_t &base, const char *tag = FINDER_DUMMY_TAG) : memory_bank_finder<true>(base, tag) { }

// ======================> ioport_finder

// device finder template
template<bool _Required>
class ioport_finder : public object_finder_base<ioport_port>
	// construction/destruction
	ioport_finder(device_t &base, const char *tag = FINDER_DUMMY_TAG)
		: object_finder_base<ioport_port>(base, tag) { }

	// make reference use transparent as well
	operator ioport_port &() const { assert(object_finder_base<ioport_port>::m_target != nullptr); return *object_finder_base<ioport_port>::m_target; }

	// allow dereference even when target is nullptr so read_safe() can be used
	ioport_port *operator->() const override { return object_finder_base<ioport_port>::m_target; }

	// finder
	virtual bool findit(bool isvalidation = false) override
		if (isvalidation) return true;
		m_target = m_base.ioport(m_tag);
		return this->report_missing(m_target != nullptr, "I/O port", _Required);

// optional device finder
class optional_ioport : public ioport_finder<false>
	optional_ioport(device_t &base, const char *tag = FINDER_DUMMY_TAG) : ioport_finder<false>(base, tag) { }

// required devices are similar but throw an error if they are not found
class required_ioport : public ioport_finder<true>
	required_ioport(device_t &base, const char *tag = FINDER_DUMMY_TAG) : ioport_finder<true>(base, tag) { }

// ======================> ioport_array_finder

// ioport array finder template
template<int _Count, bool _Required>
class ioport_array_finder
	typedef ioport_finder<_Required> ioport_finder_type;

	// construction/destruction
	ioport_array_finder(device_t &base, const char *basetag)
		for (int index = 0; index < _Count; index++)
			m_tag[index] = string_format("%s.%d", basetag, index);
			m_array[index] = std::make_unique<ioport_finder_type>(base, m_tag[index].c_str());

	ioport_array_finder(device_t &base, const char * const *tags)
		for (int index = 0; index < _Count; index++)
			m_array[index] = std::make_unique<ioport_finder_type>(base, tags[index]);

	// array accessors
	const ioport_finder_type &operator[](int index) const { assert(index < _Count); return *m_array[index]; }
	ioport_finder_type &operator[](int index) { assert(index < _Count); return *m_array[index]; }

	// internal state
	std::unique_ptr<ioport_finder_type> m_array[_Count];
	std::string m_tag[_Count];

// optional ioport array finder
template<int _Count>
class optional_ioport_array: public ioport_array_finder<_Count, false>
	optional_ioport_array(device_t &base, const char *basetag) : ioport_array_finder<_Count, false>(base, basetag) { }
	optional_ioport_array(device_t &base, const char * const *tags) : ioport_array_finder<_Count, false>(base, tags) { }

// required ioport array finder
template<int _Count>
class required_ioport_array: public ioport_array_finder<_Count, true>
	required_ioport_array(device_t &base, const char *basetag) : ioport_array_finder<_Count, true>(base, basetag) { }
	required_ioport_array(device_t &base, const char * const *tags) : ioport_array_finder<_Count, true>(base, tags) { }

// ======================> region_ptr_finder

// memory region pointer finder template
template<typename _PointerType, bool _Required>
class region_ptr_finder : public object_finder_base<_PointerType>
	// construction/destruction
	region_ptr_finder(device_t &base, const char *tag, size_t length = 0)
		: object_finder_base<_PointerType>(base, tag),
			m_length(length) { }
	region_ptr_finder(device_t &base, size_t length = 0)
		: object_finder_base<_PointerType>(base, FINDER_DUMMY_TAG),
			m_length(length) { }

	// operators to make use transparent
	_PointerType operator[](int index) const { assert(index < m_length); return this->m_target[index]; }
	_PointerType &operator[](int index) { assert(index < m_length); return this->m_target[index]; }

	// setter for setting the object and its length
	void set_target(_PointerType *target, size_t length) { this->m_target = target; m_length = length; }

	// getter for explicit fetching
	UINT32 length() const { return m_length; }
	UINT32 bytes() const { return m_length * sizeof(_PointerType); }
	UINT32 mask() const { return m_length - 1; } // only valid if length is known to be a power of 2

	// finder
	virtual bool findit(bool isvalidation = false) override
		if (isvalidation) return this->validate_memregion(sizeof(_PointerType) * m_length, _Required);
		this->m_target = reinterpret_cast<_PointerType *>(this->find_memregion(sizeof(_PointerType), m_length, _Required));
		return this->report_missing(this->m_target != nullptr, "memory region", _Required);

	// internal state
	size_t m_length;

// optional region pointer finder
template<class _PointerType>
class optional_region_ptr : public region_ptr_finder<_PointerType, false>
	optional_region_ptr(device_t &base, const char *tag, size_t length = 0) : region_ptr_finder<_PointerType, false>(base, tag, length) { }
	optional_region_ptr(device_t &base, size_t length = 0) :    region_ptr_finder<_PointerType, false>(base, FINDER_DUMMY_TAG, length) { }

// required region pointer finder
template<class _PointerType>
class required_region_ptr : public region_ptr_finder<_PointerType, true>
	required_region_ptr(device_t &base, const char *tag, size_t length = 0) : region_ptr_finder<_PointerType, true>(base, tag, length) { }
	required_region_ptr(device_t &base, size_t length = 0) :    region_ptr_finder<_PointerType, true>(base, FINDER_DUMMY_TAG, length) { }

// ======================> shared_ptr_finder

// shared pointer finder template
template<typename _PointerType, bool _Required>
class shared_ptr_finder : public object_finder_base<_PointerType>
	// construction/destruction
	shared_ptr_finder(device_t &base, const char *tag = FINDER_DUMMY_TAG, UINT8 width = sizeof(_PointerType) * 8)
		: object_finder_base<_PointerType>(base, tag),
			m_width(width) { }

	// operators to make use transparent
	_PointerType operator[](int index) const { return this->m_target[index]; }
	_PointerType &operator[](int index) { return this->m_target[index]; }

	// getter for explicit fetching
	UINT32 bytes() const { return m_bytes; }
	UINT32 mask() const { return m_bytes - 1; } // FIXME: wrong when sizeof(_PointerType) != 1

	// setter for setting the object
	void set_target(_PointerType *target, size_t bytes) { this->m_target = target; m_bytes = bytes; }

	// dynamic allocation of a shared pointer
	void allocate(UINT32 entries)
		this->m_target = &m_allocated[0];
		m_bytes = entries * sizeof(_PointerType);
		this->m_base.save_item(this->m_allocated, this->m_tag);

	// finder
	virtual bool findit(bool isvalidation = false) override
		if (isvalidation) return true;
		this->m_target = reinterpret_cast<_PointerType *>(this->find_memshare(m_width, m_bytes, _Required));
		return this->report_missing(this->m_target != nullptr, "shared pointer", _Required);

	// internal state
	size_t m_bytes;
	UINT8 m_width;
	std::vector<_PointerType> m_allocated;

// optional shared pointer finder
template<class _PointerType>
class optional_shared_ptr : public shared_ptr_finder<_PointerType, false>
	optional_shared_ptr(device_t &base, const char *tag = FINDER_DUMMY_TAG, UINT8 width = sizeof(_PointerType) * 8) : shared_ptr_finder<_PointerType, false>(base, tag, width) { }

// required shared pointer finder
template<class _PointerType>
class required_shared_ptr : public shared_ptr_finder<_PointerType, true>
	required_shared_ptr(device_t &base, const char *tag = FINDER_DUMMY_TAG, UINT8 width = sizeof(_PointerType) * 8) : shared_ptr_finder<_PointerType, true>(base, tag, width) { }

// ======================> shared_ptr_array_finder

// shared pointer array finder template
template<typename _PointerType, int _Count, bool _Required>
class shared_ptr_array_finder
	typedef shared_ptr_finder<_PointerType, _Required> shared_ptr_type;

	// construction/destruction
	shared_ptr_array_finder(device_t &base, const char *basetag, UINT8 width = sizeof(_PointerType) * 8)
		for (int index = 0; index < _Count; index++)
			m_tag[index] = string_format("%s.%d", basetag, index);
			m_array[index] = std::make_unique<shared_ptr_type>(base, m_tag[index].c_str(), width);

	// array accessors
	const shared_ptr_type &operator[](int index) const { assert(index < _Count); return *m_array[index]; }
	shared_ptr_type &operator[](int index) { assert(index < _Count); return *m_array[index]; }

	// internal state
	std::unique_ptr<shared_ptr_type> m_array[_Count];
	std::string m_tag[_Count];

// optional shared pointer array finder
template<class _PointerType, int _Count>
class optional_shared_ptr_array : public shared_ptr_array_finder<_PointerType, _Count, false>
	optional_shared_ptr_array(device_t &base, const char *tag, UINT8 width = sizeof(_PointerType) * 8) : shared_ptr_array_finder<_PointerType, _Count, false>(base, tag, width) { }

// required shared pointer array finder
template<class _PointerType, int _Count>
class required_shared_ptr_array : public shared_ptr_array_finder<_PointerType, _Count, true>
	required_shared_ptr_array(device_t &base, const char *tag, UINT8 width = sizeof(_PointerType) * 8) : shared_ptr_array_finder<_PointerType, _Count, true>(base, tag, width) { }

#endif  /* __DEVFIND_H__ */