path: root/src/emu/debug/dvmemory.h
blob: 6f1ffab4e9e30cc52195ed2d108871f306c14577 (plain) (tree)





































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles


    Memory debugger view.



#pragma once

#include "debugvw.h"

#include "softfloat3/source/include/softfloat.h"


// a memory view_source
class debug_view_memory_source : public debug_view_source
	friend class debug_view_memory;

	debug_view_memory_source(std::string &&name, address_space &space);
	debug_view_memory_source(std::string &&name, memory_region &region);
	debug_view_memory_source(std::string &&name, void *base, int element_size, int num_elements, int num_blocks, int block_stride);

	address_space *space() const { return m_space; }

	address_space           *m_space;           // address space we reference (if any)
	device_memory_interface *m_memintf;         // pointer to the memory interface of the device
	void *                  m_base;             // pointer to memory base
	offs_t                  m_blocklength;      // length of each block of memory
	offs_t                  m_numblocks;        // number of blocks of memory
	offs_t                  m_blockstride;      // stride between blocks of memory
	offs_t                  m_offsetxor;        // XOR to apply to offsets
	endianness_t            m_endianness;       // endianness of memory
	u8                      m_prefsize;         // preferred bytes per chunk

// debug view for memory
class debug_view_memory : public debug_view
	friend class debug_view_manager;

	// construction/destruction
	debug_view_memory(running_machine &machine, debug_view_osd_update_func osdupdate, void *osdprivate);

	struct memory_view_pos;

	enum class data_format
		HEX_8BIT = 1,
		HEX_16BIT = 2,
		HEX_32BIT = 4,
		HEX_64BIT = 8,
		FLOAT_32BIT = 9,
		FLOAT_64BIT = 10,
		FLOAT_80BIT = 11,
		OCTAL_8BIT = 12,
		OCTAL_16BIT = 13,
		OCTAL_32BIT = 14,
		OCTAL_64BIT = 15
	static bool is_valid_format(data_format format) { return int(format) >= 0 && int(format) < std::size(s_memory_pos_table) && get_posdata(format).m_bytes != 0; }

	// getters
	const char *expression() const { return m_expression.string(); }
	data_format get_data_format() { flush_updates(); return m_data_format; }
	u32 chunks_per_row() { flush_updates(); return m_chunks_per_row; }
	bool reverse() const { return m_reverse_view; }
	bool ascii() const { return m_ascii_view; }
	bool physical() const { return m_no_translation; }
	int address_radix() const { return m_address_radix; }
	offs_t addressAtCursorPosition(const debug_view_xy& pos) { return get_cursor_pos(pos).m_address; }

	// setters
	void set_expression(const std::string &expression);
	void set_chunks_per_row(u32 rowchunks);
	void set_data_format(data_format format);
	void set_reverse(bool reverse);
	void set_ascii(bool ascii);
	void set_physical(bool physical);
	void set_address_radix(int radix);

	// view overrides
	virtual void view_notify(debug_view_notification type) override;
	virtual void view_update() override;
	virtual void view_char(int chval) override;
	virtual void view_click(const int button, const debug_view_xy& pos) override;

	struct cursor_pos
		cursor_pos(offs_t address = 0, u8 shift = 0) : m_address(address), m_shift(shift) { }
		offs_t m_address;
		u8 m_shift;

	// data format helpers
	static bool is_hex_format(data_format format) { return int(format) <= 8; }
	static bool is_octal_format(data_format format) { return int(format) >= 12; }
	static const memory_view_pos &get_posdata(data_format format) { return s_memory_pos_table[int(format)]; }

	// internal helpers
	void enumerate_sources();
	void recompute();
	bool needs_recompute();

	// cursor position management
	cursor_pos get_cursor_pos(const debug_view_xy& cursor);
	void set_cursor_pos(cursor_pos pos);
	cursor_pos begin_update_and_get_cursor_pos() { begin_update(); return get_cursor_pos(m_cursor); }
	void end_update_and_set_cursor_pos(cursor_pos pos) { set_cursor_pos(pos); end_update(); }

	// memory access
	bool read(u8 size, offs_t offs, u64 &data);
	void write(u8 size, offs_t offs, u64 data);
	bool write_digit(offs_t offs, u8 pos, u8 digit);
	bool read(u8 size, offs_t offs, extFloat80_t &data);
	bool read_chunk(offs_t address, int chunknum, u64 &chunkdata);
	void generate_row(debug_view_char *destmin, debug_view_char *destmax, debug_view_char *destrow, offs_t address);

	// internal state
	debug_view_expression m_expression;         // expression describing the start address
	u32                 m_chunks_per_row;       // number of chunks displayed per line
	u8                  m_bytes_per_chunk;      // bytes per chunk
	u8                  m_steps_per_chunk;      // bytes per chunk
	data_format         m_data_format;          // 1-8 current values 9 32bit floating point
	bool                m_reverse_view;         // reverse-endian view?
	bool                m_ascii_view;           // display ASCII characters?
	bool                m_no_translation;       // don't run addresses through the cpu translation hook
	bool                m_edit_enabled;         // can modify contents ?
	u8                  m_shift_bits;           // number of bits for each character/cursor position
	u8                  m_address_radix;        // numerical radix for address column and expressions
	offs_t              m_maxaddr;              // (derived) maximum address to display
	u32                 m_bytes_per_row;        // (derived) number of bytes displayed per line
	u32                 m_byte_offset;          // (derived) offset of starting visible byte
	std::string         m_addrformat;           // (derived) format string to use to print addresses

	struct section
		bool contains(int x) const { return x >= m_pos && x < m_pos + m_width; }
		s32             m_pos;                  /* starting position */
		s32             m_width;                /* width of this section */
	section             m_section[3];           // (derived) 3 sections to manage

	struct memory_view_pos
		u8           m_bytes;                // bytes per entry
		u8           m_spacing;              // spacing between each entry
		u8           m_shift[28];            // shift for each character
	static const memory_view_pos s_memory_pos_table[16]; // table for rendering at different data formats

	// constants
	static constexpr int MEM_MAX_LINE_WIDTH = 1024;