path: root/src/emu/cpu/drcbex64.c
blob: 1ec54a30d4c70d756cc85d686e3c40af77d7b57d (plain) (tree)




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    64-bit x64 back-end for the universal machine language.


    Copyright Aaron Giles
    All rights reserved.

    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are

        * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
          notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
        * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
          notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
          the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
        * Neither the name 'MAME' nor the names of its contributors may be
          used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
          without specific prior written permission.



    Future improvements/changes:

    * Add support for FP registers

    * Optimize to avoid unnecessary reloads

    * Identify common pairs and optimize output

    * Convert SUB a,0,b to NEG

    * Optimize, e.g., and [r5],i0,$FF to use rbx as temporary register
        (avoid initial move) if i0 is not needed going forward


    ABI/conventions (Windows)

        RAX        - volatile, function return value
        RBX        - non-volatile
        RCX        - volatile, integer function parameter 1
        RDX        - volatile, integer function parameter 2
        RSI        - non-volatile
        RDI        - non-volatile
        RBP        - non-volatile
        R8         - volatile, integer function parameter 3
        R9         - volatile, integer function parameter 4
        R10        - volatile
        R11        - volatile, scratch immediate storage
        R12        - non-volatile
        R13        - non-volatile
        R14        - non-volatile
        R15        - non-volatile

        XMM0       - volatile, FP function parameter 1
        XMM1       - volatile, FP function parameter 2
        XMM2       - volatile, FP function parameter 3
        XMM3       - volatile, FP function parameter 4
        XMM4       - volatile
        XMM5       - volatile
        XMM6       - non-volatile
        XMM7       - non-volatile
        XMM8       - non-volatile
        XMM9       - non-volatile
        XMM10      - non-volatile
        XMM11      - non-volatile
        XMM12      - non-volatile
        XMM13      - non-volatile
        XMM14      - non-volatile
        XMM15      - non-volatile

    ABI/conventions (Linux/MacOS)

        RAX        - volatile, function return value
        RBX        - non-volatile
        RCX        - volatile, integer function parameter 4
        RDX        - volatile, integer function parameter 3
        RSI        - volatile, integer function parameter 2
        RDI        - volatile, integer function parameter 1
        RBP        - non-volatile
        R8         - volatile, integer function parameter 5
        R9         - volatile, integer function parameter 6
        R10        - volatile
        R11        - volatile, scratch immediate storage
        R12        - non-volatile
        R13        - non-volatile
        R14        - non-volatile
        R15        - non-volatile

        XMM0       - volatile, FP function parameter 1
        XMM1       - volatile, FP function parameter 2
        XMM2       - volatile, FP function parameter 3
        XMM3       - volatile, FP function parameter 4
        XMM4       - volatile
        XMM5       - volatile
        XMM6       - volatile
        XMM7       - volatile
        XMM8       - volatile
        XMM9       - volatile
        XMM10      - volatile
        XMM11      - volatile
        XMM12      - volatile
        XMM13      - volatile
        XMM14      - volatile
        XMM15      - volatile

    Execution model

    Registers (Windows):
        RAX        - scratch register
        RBX        - maps to I0
        RCX        - scratch register
        RDX        - scratch register
        RSI        - maps to I1
        RDI        - maps to I2
        RBP        - pointer to code cache
        R8         - scratch register
        R9         - scratch register
        R10        - scratch register
        R11        - scratch register
        R12        - maps to I3
        R13        - maps to I4
        R14        - maps to I5
        R15        - maps to I6

    Registers (Linux/MacOS):
        RAX        - scratch register
        RBX        - maps to I0
        RCX        - scratch register
        RDX        - scratch register
        RSI        - unused
        RDI        - unused
        RBP        - pointer to code cache
        R8         - scratch register
        R9         - scratch register
        R10        - scratch register
        R11        - scratch register
        R12        - maps to I1
        R13        - maps to I2
        R14        - maps to I3
        R15        - maps to I4

    Entry point:
        Assumes 1 parameter passed, which is the codeptr of the code
        to execute once the environment is set up.

    Exit point:
        Assumes exit value is in RAX.

    Entry stack:
        [rsp]      - return

    Runtime stack:
        [rsp]      - r9 home
        [rsp+8]    - r8 home
        [rsp+16]   - rdx home
        [rsp+24]   - rcx home
        [rsp+40]   - saved r15
        [rsp+48]   - saved r14
        [rsp+56]   - saved r13
        [rsp+64]   - saved r12
        [rsp+72]   - saved ebp
        [rsp+80]   - saved edi
        [rsp+88]   - saved esi
        [rsp+96]   - saved ebx
        [rsp+104]  - ret


#include "emu.h"
#include "debugger.h"
#include "drcuml.h"
#include "drcbex64.h"

using namespace uml;
using namespace x64emit;


#define LOG_HASHJMPS			(0)



const UINT32 PTYPE_M	= 1 << parameter::PTYPE_MEMORY;
const UINT32 PTYPE_I	= 1 << parameter::PTYPE_IMMEDIATE;
const UINT32 PTYPE_R	= 1 << parameter::PTYPE_INT_REGISTER;
const UINT32 PTYPE_F	= 1 << parameter::PTYPE_FLOAT_REGISTER;

#ifdef X64_WINDOWS_ABI

const int REG_PARAM1	= REG_RCX;
const int REG_PARAM2	= REG_RDX;
const int REG_PARAM3	= REG_R8;
const int REG_PARAM4	= REG_R9;


const int REG_PARAM1	= REG_RDI;
const int REG_PARAM2	= REG_RSI;
const int REG_PARAM3	= REG_RDX;
const int REG_PARAM4	= REG_RCX;



#define X86_CONDITION(condition)		(condition_map[condition - uml::COND_Z])
#define X86_NOT_CONDITION(condition)	(condition_map[condition - uml::COND_Z] ^ 1)

inline x86_memref drcbe_x64::MABS(const void *ptr)
	return MBD(REG_BP, offset_from_rbp(ptr));

#define assert_no_condition(inst)		assert((inst).condition() == uml::COND_ALWAYS)
#define assert_any_condition(inst)		assert((inst).condition() == uml::COND_ALWAYS || ((inst).condition() >= uml::COND_Z && (inst).condition() < uml::COND_MAX))
#define assert_no_flags(inst)			assert((inst).flags() == 0)
#define assert_flags(inst, valid)		assert(((inst).flags() & ~(valid)) == 0)


drcbe_x64::opcode_generate_func drcbe_x64::s_opcode_table[OP_MAX];

// size-to-mask table
static const UINT64 size_to_mask[] = { 0, 0xff, 0xffff, 0, 0xffffffff, 0, 0, 0, U64(0xffffffffffffffff) };

// register mapping tables
static const UINT8 int_register_map[REG_I_COUNT] =
#ifdef X64_WINDOWS_ABI
	REG_RBX, REG_R12, REG_R13, REG_R14, REG_R15

static UINT8 float_register_map[REG_F_COUNT] =

// condition mapping table
static const UINT8 condition_map[uml::COND_MAX - uml::COND_Z] =
	x64emit::COND_Z,	// COND_Z = 0x80,    requires Z
	x64emit::COND_NZ,	// COND_NZ,          requires Z
	x64emit::COND_S,	// COND_S,           requires S
	x64emit::COND_NS,	// COND_NS,          requires S
	x64emit::COND_C,	// COND_C,           requires C
	x64emit::COND_NC,	// COND_NC,          requires C
	x64emit::COND_O,	// COND_V,           requires V
	x64emit::COND_NO,	// COND_NV,          requires V
	x64emit::COND_P,	// COND_U,           requires U
	x64emit::COND_NP,	// COND_NU,          requires U
	x64emit::COND_A,	// COND_A,           requires CZ
	x64emit::COND_BE,	// COND_BE,          requires CZ
	x64emit::COND_G,	// COND_G,           requires SVZ
	x64emit::COND_LE,	// COND_LE,          requires SVZ
	x64emit::COND_L,	// COND_L,           requires SV
	x64emit::COND_GE,	// COND_GE,          requires SV

// rounding mode mapping table
static const UINT8 fprnd_map[4] =
	FPRND_CHOP,		// ROUND_TRUNC,   truncate
	FPRND_UP,		// ROUND_CEIL,    round up
	FPRND_DOWN		// ROUND_FLOOR    round down


const drcbe_x64::opcode_table_entry drcbe_x64::s_opcode_table_source[] =
	// Compile-time opcodes
	{ uml::OP_HANDLE,  &drcbe_x64::op_handle },		// HANDLE  handle
	{ uml::OP_HASH,    &drcbe_x64::op_hash },		// HASH    mode,pc
	{ uml::OP_LABEL,   &drcbe_x64::op_label },		// LABEL   imm
	{ uml::OP_COMMENT, &drcbe_x64::op_comment },	// COMMENT string
	{ uml::OP_MAPVAR,  &drcbe_x64::op_mapvar },		// MAPVAR  mapvar,value

	// Control Flow Operations
	{ uml::OP_NOP,     &drcbe_x64::op_nop },		// NOP
	{ uml::OP_DEBUG,   &drcbe_x64::op_debug },		// DEBUG   pc
	{ uml::OP_EXIT,    &drcbe_x64::op_exit },		// EXIT    src1[,c]
	{ uml::OP_HASHJMP, &drcbe_x64::op_hashjmp },	// HASHJMP mode,pc,handle
	{ uml::OP_JMP,     &drcbe_x64::op_jmp },		// JMP     imm[,c]
	{ uml::OP_EXH,     &drcbe_x64::op_exh },		// EXH     handle,param[,c]
	{ uml::OP_CALLH,   &drcbe_x64::op_callh },		// CALLH   handle[,c]
	{ uml::OP_RET,     &drcbe_x64::op_ret },		// RET     [c]
	{ uml::OP_CALLC,   &drcbe_x64::op_callc },		// CALLC   func,ptr[,c]
	{ uml::OP_RECOVER, &drcbe_x64::op_recover },	// RECOVER dst,mapvar

	// Internal Register Operations
	{ uml::OP_SETFMOD, &drcbe_x64::op_setfmod },	// SETFMOD src
	{ uml::OP_GETFMOD, &drcbe_x64::op_getfmod },	// GETFMOD dst
	{ uml::OP_GETEXP,  &drcbe_x64::op_getexp },		// GETEXP  dst
	{ uml::OP_GETFLGS, &drcbe_x64::op_getflgs },	// GETFLGS dst[,f]
	{ uml::OP_SAVE,    &drcbe_x64::op_save },		// SAVE    dst
	{ uml::OP_RESTORE, &drcbe_x64::op_restore },	// RESTORE dst

	// Integer Operations
	{ uml::OP_LOAD,    &drcbe_x64::op_load },		// LOAD    dst,base,index,size
	{ uml::OP_LOADS,   &drcbe_x64::op_loads },		// LOADS   dst,base,index,size
	{ uml::OP_STORE,   &drcbe_x64::op_store },		// STORE   base,index,src,size
	{ uml::OP_READ,    &drcbe_x64::op_read },		// READ    dst,src1,spacesize
	{ uml::OP_READM,   &drcbe_x64::op_readm },		// READM   dst,src1,mask,spacesize
	{ uml::OP_WRITE,   &drcbe_x64::op_write },		// WRITE   dst,src1,spacesize
	{ uml::OP_WRITEM,  &drcbe_x64::op_writem },		// WRITEM  dst,src1,spacesize
	{ uml::OP_CARRY,   &drcbe_x64::op_carry },		// CARRY   src,bitnum
	{ uml::OP_SET,     &drcbe_x64::op_set },		// SET     dst,c
	{ uml::OP_MOV,     &drcbe_x64::op_mov },		// MOV     dst,src[,c]
	{ uml::OP_SEXT,    &drcbe_x64::op_sext },		// SEXT    dst,src
	{ uml::OP_ROLAND,  &drcbe_x64::op_roland },		// ROLAND  dst,src1,src2,src3
	{ uml::OP_ROLINS,  &drcbe_x64::op_rolins },		// ROLINS  dst,src1,src2,src3
	{ uml::OP_ADD,     &drcbe_x64::op_add },		// ADD     dst,src1,src2[,f]
	{ uml::OP_ADDC,    &drcbe_x64::op_addc },		// ADDC    dst,src1,src2[,f]
	{ uml::OP_SUB,     &drcbe_x64::op_sub },		// SUB     dst,src1,src2[,f]
	{ uml::OP_SUBB,    &drcbe_x64::op_subc },		// SUBB    dst,src1,src2[,f]
	{ uml::OP_CMP,     &drcbe_x64::op_cmp },		// CMP     src1,src2[,f]
	{ uml::OP_MULU,    &drcbe_x64::op_mulu },		// MULU    dst,edst,src1,src2[,f]
	{ uml::OP_MULS,    &drcbe_x64::op_muls },		// MULS    dst,edst,src1,src2[,f]
	{ uml::OP_DIVU,    &drcbe_x64::op_divu },		// DIVU    dst,edst,src1,src2[,f]
	{ uml::OP_DIVS,    &drcbe_x64::op_divs },		// DIVS    dst,edst,src1,src2[,f]
	{ uml::OP_AND,     &drcbe_x64::op_and },		// AND     dst,src1,src2[,f]
	{ uml::OP_TEST,    &drcbe_x64::op_test },		// TEST    src1,src2[,f]
	{ uml::OP_OR,      &drcbe_x64::op_or },			// OR      dst,src1,src2[,f]
	{ uml::OP_XOR,     &drcbe_x64::op_xor },		// XOR     dst,src1,src2[,f]
	{ uml::OP_LZCNT,   &drcbe_x64::op_lzcnt },		// LZCNT   dst,src[,f]
	{ uml::OP_BSWAP,   &drcbe_x64::op_bswap },		// BSWAP   dst,src
	{ uml::OP_SHL,     &drcbe_x64::op_shl },		// SHL     dst,src,count[,f]
	{ uml::OP_SHR,     &drcbe_x64::op_shr },		// SHR     dst,src,count[,f]
	{ uml::OP_SAR,     &drcbe_x64::op_sar },		// SAR     dst,src,count[,f]
	{ uml::OP_ROL,     &drcbe_x64::op_rol },		// ROL     dst,src,count[,f]
	{ uml::OP_ROLC,    &drcbe_x64::op_rolc },		// ROLC    dst,src,count[,f]
	{ uml::OP_ROR,     &drcbe_x64::op_ror },		// ROR     dst,src,count[,f]
	{ uml::OP_RORC,    &drcbe_x64::op_rorc },		// RORC    dst,src,count[,f]

	// Floating Point Operations
	{ uml::OP_FLOAD,   &drcbe_x64::op_fload },		// FLOAD   dst,base,index
	{ uml::OP_FSTORE,  &drcbe_x64::op_fstore },		// FSTORE  base,index,src
	{ uml::OP_FREAD,   &drcbe_x64::op_fread },		// FREAD   dst,space,src1
	{ uml::OP_FWRITE,  &drcbe_x64::op_fwrite },		// FWRITE  space,dst,src1
	{ uml::OP_FMOV,    &drcbe_x64::op_fmov },		// FMOV    dst,src1[,c]
	{ uml::OP_FTOINT,  &drcbe_x64::op_ftoint },		// FTOINT  dst,src1,size,round
	{ uml::OP_FFRINT,  &drcbe_x64::op_ffrint },		// FFRINT  dst,src1,size
	{ uml::OP_FFRFLT,  &drcbe_x64::op_ffrflt },		// FFRFLT  dst,src1,size
	{ uml::OP_FRNDS,   &drcbe_x64::op_frnds },		// FRNDS   dst,src1
	{ uml::OP_FADD,    &drcbe_x64::op_fadd },		// FADD    dst,src1,src2
	{ uml::OP_FSUB,    &drcbe_x64::op_fsub },		// FSUB    dst,src1,src2
	{ uml::OP_FCMP,    &drcbe_x64::op_fcmp },		// FCMP    src1,src2
	{ uml::OP_FMUL,    &drcbe_x64::op_fmul },		// FMUL    dst,src1,src2
	{ uml::OP_FDIV,    &drcbe_x64::op_fdiv },		// FDIV    dst,src1,src2
	{ uml::OP_FNEG,    &drcbe_x64::op_fneg },		// FNEG    dst,src1
	{ uml::OP_FABS,    &drcbe_x64::op_fabs },		// FABS    dst,src1
	{ uml::OP_FSQRT,   &drcbe_x64::op_fsqrt },		// FSQRT   dst,src1
	{ uml::OP_FRECIP,  &drcbe_x64::op_frecip },		// FRECIP  dst,src1
	{ uml::OP_FRSQRT,  &drcbe_x64::op_frsqrt }		// FRSQRT  dst,src1


//  param_normalize - convert a full parameter
//  into a reduced set

drcbe_x64::be_parameter::be_parameter(drcbe_x64 &drcbe, const parameter &param, UINT32 allowed)
	int regnum;

	switch (param.type())
		// immediates pass through
		case parameter::PTYPE_IMMEDIATE:
			assert(allowed & PTYPE_I);
			*this = param.immediate();

		// memory passes through
		case parameter::PTYPE_MEMORY:
			assert(allowed & PTYPE_M);
			*this = make_memory(param.memory());

		// if a register maps to a register, keep it as a register; otherwise map it to memory
		case parameter::PTYPE_INT_REGISTER:
			assert(allowed & PTYPE_R);
			assert(allowed & PTYPE_M);
			regnum = int_register_map[param.ireg() - REG_I0];
			if (regnum != 0)
				*this = make_ireg(regnum);
				*this = make_memory(&drcbe.m_state.r[param.ireg() - REG_I0]);

		// if a register maps to a register, keep it as a register; otherwise map it to memory
		case parameter::PTYPE_FLOAT_REGISTER:
			assert(allowed & PTYPE_F);
			assert(allowed & PTYPE_M);
			regnum = float_register_map[param.freg() - REG_F0];
			if (regnum != 0)
				*this = make_freg(regnum);
				*this = make_memory(&drcbe.m_state.f[param.freg() - REG_F0]);

		// everything else is unexpected
			fatalerror("Unexpected parameter type\n");

//  select_register - select a register to use,
//  avoiding conflicts with the optional
//  checkparam

inline int drcbe_x64::be_parameter::select_register(int defreg) const
		return m_value;
	return defreg;

inline int drcbe_x64::be_parameter::select_register(int defreg, const be_parameter &checkparam) const
	if (*this == checkparam)
		return defreg;
	return select_register(defreg);

inline int drcbe_x64::be_parameter::select_register(int defreg, const be_parameter &checkparam, const be_parameter &checkparam2) const
	if (*this == checkparam || *this == checkparam2)
		return defreg;
	return select_register(defreg);

//  select_register - select a register to use,
//  avoiding conflicts with the optional
//  checkparam

inline void drcbe_x64::normalize_commutative(be_parameter &inner, be_parameter &outer)
	// if the inner parameter is a memory operand, push it to the outer
	if (inner.is_memory())
		be_parameter temp = inner;
		inner = outer;
		outer = temp;

	// if the inner parameter is an immediate, push it to the outer
	if (inner.is_immediate())
		be_parameter temp = inner;
		inner = outer;
		outer = temp;

//  offset_from_rbp - return the verified offset
//  from rbp

inline INT32 drcbe_x64::offset_from_rbp(const void *ptr)
	INT64 delta = reinterpret_cast<UINT8 *>(const_cast<void *>(ptr)) - m_rbpvalue;
	assert_always((INT32)delta == delta, "offset_from_rbp: delta out of range");
	return (INT32)delta;

//  get_base_register_and_offset - determine right
//  base register and offset to access the given
//  target address

inline int drcbe_x64::get_base_register_and_offset(x86code *&dst, void *target, UINT8 reg, INT32 &offset)
	INT64 delta = (UINT8 *)target - m_rbpvalue;
	if (short_immediate(delta))
		offset = delta;
		return REG_RBP;
		offset = 0;
		emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, reg, (FPTR)target);										// mov   reg,target
		return reg;

//  emit_smart_call_r64 - generate a call either
//  directly or via a call through pointer

inline void drcbe_x64::emit_smart_call_r64(x86code *&dst, x86code *target, UINT8 reg)
	INT64 delta = target - (dst + 5);
	if (short_immediate(delta))
		emit_call(dst, target);															// call  target
		emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, reg, (FPTR)target);										// mov   reg,target
		emit_call_r64(dst, reg);														// call  reg

//  emit_smart_call_m64 - generate a call either
//  directly or via a call through pointer

inline void drcbe_x64::emit_smart_call_m64(x86code *&dst, x86code **target)
	INT64 delta = *target - (dst + 5);
	if (short_immediate(delta))
		emit_call(dst, *target);														// call  *target
		emit_call_m64(dst, MABS(target));												// call  [target]


//  drcbe_x64 - constructor

drcbe_x64::drcbe_x64(drcuml_state &drcuml, device_t &device, drc_cache &cache, UINT32 flags, int modes, int addrbits, int ignorebits)
	: drcbe_interface(drcuml, cache, device),
	  m_hash(cache, modes, addrbits, ignorebits),
	  m_map(cache, 0),
	  m_absmask32((UINT32 *)cache.alloc_near(16*2 + 15)),
	  m_rbpvalue(cache.near() + 0x80),
	  m_fixup_label(FUNC(drcbe_x64::fixup_label), this),
	  m_fixup_exception(FUNC(drcbe_x64::fixup_exception), this),
	  m_near(*(near_state *)cache.alloc_near(sizeof(m_near)))
	// build up necessary arrays
	static const UINT32 sse_control[4] =
		0xffc0, 	// ROUND_TRUNC
		0x9fc0, 	// ROUND_ROUND
		0xdfc0, 	// ROUND_CEIL
		0xbfc0		// ROUND_FLOOR
	memcpy(m_near.ssecontrol, sse_control, sizeof(m_near.ssecontrol));
	m_near.single1 = 1.0f;
	m_near.double1 = 1.0;

	// create absolute value masks that are aligned to SSE boundaries
	m_absmask32 = (UINT32 *)(((FPTR)m_absmask32 + 15) & ~15);
	m_absmask32[0] = m_absmask32[1] = m_absmask32[2] = m_absmask32[3] = 0x7fffffff;
	m_absmask64 = (UINT64 *)&m_absmask32[4];
	m_absmask64[0] = m_absmask64[1] = U64(0x7fffffffffffffff);

	// get pointers to C functions we need to call
	m_near.debug_cpu_instruction_hook = (x86code *)debugger_instruction_hook;
		m_near.debug_log_hashjmp = (x86code *)debug_log_hashjmp;
		m_near.debug_log_hashjmp_fail = (x86code *)debug_log_hashjmp_fail;
	m_near.drcmap_get_value = (x86code *)&drc_map_variables::static_get_value;

	// build the flags map
	for (int entry = 0; entry < ARRAY_LENGTH(m_near.flagsmap); entry++)
		UINT8 flags = 0;
		if (entry & 0x001) flags |= FLAG_C;
		if (entry & 0x004) flags |= FLAG_U;
		if (entry & 0x040) flags |= FLAG_Z;
		if (entry & 0x080) flags |= FLAG_S;
		if (entry & 0x800) flags |= FLAG_V;
		m_near.flagsmap[entry] = flags;
	for (int entry = 0; entry < ARRAY_LENGTH(m_near.flagsunmap); entry++)
		UINT64 flags = 0;
		if (entry & FLAG_C) flags |= 0x001;
		if (entry & FLAG_U) flags |= 0x004;
		if (entry & FLAG_Z) flags |= 0x040;
		if (entry & FLAG_S) flags |= 0x080;
		if (entry & FLAG_V) flags |= 0x800;
		m_near.flagsunmap[entry] = flags;

	// build the opcode table (static but it doesn't hurt to regenerate it)
	for (int opnum = 0; opnum < ARRAY_LENGTH(s_opcode_table_source); opnum++)
		s_opcode_table[s_opcode_table_source[opnum].opcode] = s_opcode_table_source[opnum].func;

	// create the log
		m_log = x86log_create_context("drcbex64.asm");

//  ~drcbe_x64 - destructor

	// free the log context
	if (m_log != NULL)

//  reset - reset back-end specific state

void drcbe_x64::reset()
	// output a note to the log
	if (m_log != NULL)
		x86log_printf(m_log, "\n\n===========\nCACHE RESET\n===========\n\n");

	// generate a little bit of glue code to set up the environment
	drccodeptr *cachetop = m_cache.begin_codegen(500);
	if (cachetop == NULL)
		fatalerror("Out of cache space after a reset!\n");

	x86code *dst = (x86code *)*cachetop;

	// generate a simple CPUID stub
	UINT32 (*cpuid_ecx_stub)(void) = (UINT32 (*)(void))dst;
	emit_push_r64(dst, REG_RBX);														// push  rbx
	emit_mov_r32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, 1);													// mov   eax,1
	emit_cpuid(dst);																	// cpuid
	emit_mov_r32_r32(dst, REG_EAX, REG_ECX);											// mov   eax,ecx
	emit_pop_r64(dst, REG_RBX);															// pop   rbx
	emit_ret(dst);																		// ret

	// call it to determine if we have SSE4.1 support
	m_sse41 = (((*cpuid_ecx_stub)() & 0x80000) != 0);

	// generate an entry point
	m_entry = (x86_entry_point_func)dst;
	emit_push_r64(dst, REG_RBX);														// push  rbx
	emit_push_r64(dst, REG_RSI);														// push  rsi
	emit_push_r64(dst, REG_RDI);														// push  rdi
	emit_push_r64(dst, REG_RBP);														// push  rbp
	emit_push_r64(dst, REG_R12);														// push  r12
	emit_push_r64(dst, REG_R13);														// push  r13
	emit_push_r64(dst, REG_R14);														// push  r14
	emit_push_r64(dst, REG_R15);														// push  r15
	emit_mov_r64_r64(dst, REG_RBP, REG_PARAM1);											// mov   rbp,param1
	emit_sub_r64_imm(dst, REG_RSP, 32);													// sub   rsp,32
	emit_mov_m64_r64(dst, MABS(&m_near.hashstacksave), REG_RSP);						// mov   [hashstacksave],rsp
	emit_sub_r64_imm(dst, REG_RSP, 8);													// sub   rsp,8
	emit_mov_m64_r64(dst, MABS(&m_near.stacksave), REG_RSP);							// mov   [stacksave],rsp
	emit_stmxcsr_m32(dst, MABS(&m_near.ssemode));										// stmxcsr [ssemode]
	emit_jmp_r64(dst, REG_PARAM2);														// jmp   param2
	if (m_log != NULL)
		x86log_disasm_code_range(m_log, "entry_point", (x86code *)m_entry, dst);

	// generate an exit point
	m_exit = dst;
	emit_ldmxcsr_m32(dst, MABS(&m_near.ssemode));										// ldmxcsr [ssemode]
	emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, REG_RSP, MABS(&m_near.hashstacksave));						// mov   rsp,[hashstacksave]
	emit_add_r64_imm(dst, REG_RSP, 32);													// add   rsp,32
	emit_pop_r64(dst, REG_R15);															// pop   r15
	emit_pop_r64(dst, REG_R14);															// pop   r14
	emit_pop_r64(dst, REG_R13);															// pop   r13
	emit_pop_r64(dst, REG_R12);															// pop   r12
	emit_pop_r64(dst, REG_RBP);															// pop   rbp
	emit_pop_r64(dst, REG_RDI);															// pop   rdi
	emit_pop_r64(dst, REG_RSI);															// pop   rsi
	emit_pop_r64(dst, REG_RBX);															// pop   rbx
	emit_ret(dst);																		// ret
	if (m_log != NULL)
		x86log_disasm_code_range(m_log, "exit_point", m_exit, dst);

	// generate a no code point
	m_nocode = dst;
	emit_ret(dst);																		// ret
	if (m_log != NULL)
		x86log_disasm_code_range(m_log, "nocode", m_nocode, dst);

	// finish up codegen
	*cachetop = (drccodeptr)dst;

	// reset our hash tables

//  execute - execute a block of code referenced
//  by the given handle

int drcbe_x64::execute(code_handle &entry)
	// call our entry point which will jump to the destination
	return (*m_entry)(m_rbpvalue, (x86code *)entry.codeptr());

//  drcbex64_generate - generate code

void drcbe_x64::generate(drcuml_block &block, const instruction *instlist, UINT32 numinst)
	// tell all of our utility objects that a block is beginning
	m_hash.block_begin(block, instlist, numinst);

	// begin codegen; fail if we can't
	drccodeptr *cachetop = m_cache.begin_codegen(numinst * 8 * 4);
	if (cachetop == NULL)

	// compute the base by aligning the cache top to a cache line (assumed to be 64 bytes)
	x86code *base = (x86code *)(((FPTR)*cachetop + 63) & ~63);
	x86code *dst = base;

	// generate code
	astring tempstring;
	const char *blockname = NULL;
	for (int inum = 0; inum < numinst; inum++)
		const instruction &inst = instlist[inum];
		assert(inst.opcode() < ARRAY_LENGTH(s_opcode_table));

		// add a comment
		if (m_log != NULL)
			astring dasm;
			inst.disasm(dasm, &m_drcuml);
			x86log_add_comment(m_log, dst, "%s", dasm.cstr());

		// extract a blockname
		if (blockname == NULL)
			if (inst.opcode() == OP_HANDLE)
				blockname = inst.param(0).handle().string();
			else if (inst.opcode() == OP_HASH)
				blockname = tempstring.format("Code: mode=%d PC=%08X", (UINT32)inst.param(0).immediate(), (offs_t)inst.param(1).immediate());

		// generate code
		(this->*s_opcode_table[inst.opcode()])(dst, inst);

	// complete codegen
	*cachetop = (drccodeptr)dst;

	// log it
	if (m_log != NULL)
		x86log_disasm_code_range(m_log, (blockname == NULL) ? "Unknown block" : blockname, base,;

	// tell all of our utility objects that the block is finished

//  hash_exists - return true if the given mode/pc
//  exists in the hash table

bool drcbe_x64::hash_exists(UINT32 mode, UINT32 pc)
	return m_hash.code_exists(mode, pc);

//  get_info - return information about the
//  back-end implementation

void drcbe_x64::get_info(drcbe_info &info)
	for (info.direct_iregs = 0; info.direct_iregs < REG_I_COUNT; info.direct_iregs++)
		if (int_register_map[info.direct_iregs] == 0)
	for (info.direct_fregs = 0; info.direct_fregs < REG_F_COUNT; info.direct_fregs++)
		if (float_register_map[info.direct_fregs] == 0)


//  emit_mov_r32_p32 - move a 32-bit parameter
//  into a register

void drcbe_x64::emit_mov_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (param.immediate() == 0)
			emit_xor_r32_r32(dst, reg, reg);											// xor   reg,reg
			emit_mov_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// mov   reg,param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_mov_r32_m32(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// mov   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		if (reg != param.ireg())
			emit_mov_r32_r32(dst, reg, param.ireg());									// mov   reg,param

//  emit_movsx_r64_p32 - move a 32-bit parameter
//  sign-extended into a register

void drcbe_x64::emit_movsx_r64_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (param.immediate() == 0)
			emit_xor_r32_r32(dst, reg, reg);											// xor   reg,reg
		else if ((INT32)param.immediate() >= 0)
			emit_mov_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// mov   reg,param
			emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, reg, (INT32)param.immediate());						// mov   reg,param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_movsxd_r64_m32(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));							// movsxd reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_movsxd_r64_r32(dst, reg, param.ireg());									// movsdx reg,param

//  emit_mov_r32_p32_keepflags - move a 32-bit
//  parameter into a register without affecting
//  any flags

void drcbe_x64::emit_mov_r32_p32_keepflags(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		emit_mov_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());									// mov   reg,param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_mov_r32_m32(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// mov   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		if (reg != param.ireg())
			emit_mov_r32_r32(dst, reg, param.ireg());									// mov   reg,param

//  emit_mov_m32_p32 - move a 32-bit parameter
//  into a memory location

void drcbe_x64::emit_mov_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		emit_mov_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());							// mov   [mem],param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_mov_r32_m32(dst, REG_EAX, MABS(param.memory()));							// mov   eax,[param]
		emit_mov_m32_r32(dst, memref, REG_EAX);										// mov   [mem],eax
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_mov_m32_r32(dst, memref, param.ireg());									// mov   [mem],param

//  emit_mov_p32_r32 - move a register into a
//  32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_mov_p32_r32(x86code *&dst, const be_parameter &param, UINT8 reg)
	if (param.is_memory())
		emit_mov_m32_r32(dst, MABS(param.memory()), reg);								// mov   [param],reg
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		if (reg != param.ireg())
			emit_mov_r32_r32(dst, param.ireg(), reg);									// mov   param,reg

//  emit_add_r32_p32 - add operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_add_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() != 0 || param.immediate() != 0)
			emit_add_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// add   reg,param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_add_r32_m32(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// add   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_add_r32_r32(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// add   reg,param

//  emit_add_m32_p32 - add operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_add_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() != 0 || param.immediate() != 0)
			emit_add_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// add   [dest],param
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, reg, param);												// mov   reg,param
		emit_add_m32_r32(dst, memref, reg);											// add   [dest],reg

//  emit_adc_r32_p32 - adc operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_adc_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		emit_adc_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());									// adc   reg,param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_adc_r32_m32(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// adc   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_adc_r32_r32(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// adc   reg,param

//  emit_adc_m32_p32 - adc operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_adc_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		emit_adc_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());							// adc   [dest],param
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r32_p32_keepflags(dst, reg, param);									// mov   reg,param
		emit_adc_m32_r32(dst, memref, reg);											// adc   [dest],reg

//  emit_sub_r32_p32 - sub operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_sub_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() != 0 || param.immediate() != 0)
			emit_sub_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// sub   reg,param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_sub_r32_m32(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// sub   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_sub_r32_r32(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// sub   reg,param

//  emit_sub_m32_p32 - sub operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_sub_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() != 0 || param.immediate() != 0)
			emit_sub_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// sub   [dest],param
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, reg, param);												// mov   reg,param
		emit_sub_m32_r32(dst, memref, reg);											// sub   [dest],reg

//  emit_sbb_r32_p32 - sbb operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_sbb_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		emit_sbb_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());									// sbb   reg,param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_sbb_r32_m32(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// sbb   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_sbb_r32_r32(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// sbb   reg,param

//  emit_sbb_m32_p32 - sbb operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_sbb_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		emit_sbb_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());							// sbb   [dest],param
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r32_p32_keepflags(dst, reg, param);									// mov   reg,param
		emit_sbb_m32_r32(dst, memref, reg);											// sbb   [dest],reg

//  emit_cmp_r32_p32 - cmp operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_cmp_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		emit_cmp_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());									// cmp   reg,param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_cmp_r32_m32(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// cmp   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_cmp_r32_r32(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// cmp   reg,param

//  emit_cmp_m32_p32 - cmp operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_cmp_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		emit_cmp_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());							// cmp   [dest],param
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, reg, param);												// mov   reg,param
		emit_cmp_m32_r32(dst, memref, reg);											// cmp   [dest],reg

//  emit_and_r32_p32 - and operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_and_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0xffffffff)
			;// skip
		else if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			emit_xor_r32_r32(dst, reg, reg);											// xor   reg,reg
			emit_and_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// and   reg,param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_and_r32_m32(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// and   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_and_r32_r32(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// and   reg,param

//  emit_and_m32_p32 - and operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_and_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0xffffffff)
			;// skip
		else if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			emit_mov_m32_imm(dst, memref, 0);										// mov   [dest],0
			emit_and_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// and   [dest],param
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, reg, param);												// mov   reg,param
		emit_and_m32_r32(dst, memref, reg);											// and   [dest],reg

//  emit_test_r32_p32 - test operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_test_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		emit_test_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());									// test   reg,param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_test_m32_r32(dst, MABS(param.memory()), reg);								// test   [param],reg
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_test_r32_r32(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// test   reg,param

//  emit_test_m32_p32 - test operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_test_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		emit_test_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());							// test  [dest],param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_EAX, param);											// mov   reg,param
		emit_test_m32_r32(dst, memref, REG_EAX);										// test  [dest],reg
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_test_m32_r32(dst, memref, param.ireg());								// test  [dest],param

//  emit_or_r32_p32 - or operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_or_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
		else if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0xffffffff)
			emit_mov_r32_imm(dst, reg, 0xffffffff);										// mov  reg,-1
			emit_or_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// or   reg,param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_or_r32_m32(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// or   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_or_r32_r32(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// or   reg,param

//  emit_or_m32_p32 - or operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_or_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
		else if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0xffffffff)
			emit_mov_m32_imm(dst, memref, 0xffffffff);									// mov   [dest],-1
			emit_or_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());							// or   [dest],param
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, reg, param);												// mov   reg,param
		emit_or_m32_r32(dst, memref, reg);											// or   [dest],reg

//  emit_xor_r32_p32 - xor operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_xor_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
		else if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0xffffffff)
			emit_not_r32(dst, reg);														// not   reg
			emit_xor_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// xor   reg,param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_xor_r32_m32(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// xor   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_xor_r32_r32(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// xor   reg,param

//  emit_xor_m32_p32 - xor operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_xor_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
		else if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0xffffffff)
			emit_not_m32(dst, memref);												// not   [dest]
			emit_xor_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// xor   [dest],param
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, reg, param);												// mov   reg,param
		emit_xor_m32_r32(dst, memref, reg);											// xor   [dest],reg

//  emit_shl_r32_p32 - shl operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_shl_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_shl_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// shl   reg,param
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_ECX, param);											// mov   ecx,param
		emit_shl_r32_cl(dst, reg);														// shl   reg,cl

//  emit_shl_m32_p32 - shl operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_shl_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_shl_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// shl   [dest],param
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_ECX, param);											// mov   ecx,param
		emit_shl_m32_cl(dst, memref);												// shl   [dest],cl

//  emit_shr_r32_p32 - shr operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_shr_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_shr_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// shr   reg,param
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_ECX, param);											// mov   ecx,param
		emit_shr_r32_cl(dst, reg);														// shr   reg,cl

//  emit_shr_m32_p32 - shr operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_shr_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_shr_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// shr   [dest],param
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_ECX, param);											// mov   ecx,param
		emit_shr_m32_cl(dst, memref);												// shr   [dest],cl

//  emit_sar_r32_p32 - sar operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_sar_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_sar_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// sar   reg,param
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_ECX, param);											// mov   ecx,param
		emit_sar_r32_cl(dst, reg);														// sar   reg,cl

//  emit_sar_m32_p32 - sar operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_sar_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_sar_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// sar   [dest],param
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_ECX, param);											// mov   ecx,param
		emit_sar_m32_cl(dst, memref);												// sar   [dest],cl

//  emit_rol_r32_p32 - rol operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_rol_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_rol_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// rol   reg,param
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_ECX, param);											// mov   ecx,param
		emit_rol_r32_cl(dst, reg);														// rol   reg,cl

//  emit_rol_m32_p32 - rol operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_rol_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_rol_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// rol   [dest],param
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_ECX, param);											// mov   ecx,param
		emit_rol_m32_cl(dst, memref);												// rol   [dest],cl

//  emit_ror_r32_p32 - ror operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_ror_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_ror_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// ror   reg,param
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_ECX, param);											// mov   ecx,param
		emit_ror_r32_cl(dst, reg);														// ror   reg,cl

//  emit_ror_m32_p32 - ror operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_ror_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_ror_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// ror   [dest],param
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_ECX, param);											// mov   ecx,param
		emit_ror_m32_cl(dst, memref);												// ror   [dest],cl

//  emit_rcl_r32_p32 - rcl operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_rcl_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_rcl_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// rcl   reg,param
		emit_mov_r32_p32_keepflags(dst, REG_ECX, param);								// mov   ecx,param
		emit_rcl_r32_cl(dst, reg);														// rcl   reg,cl

//  emit_rcl_m32_p32 - rcl operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_rcl_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_rcl_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// rcl   [dest],param
		emit_mov_r32_p32_keepflags(dst, REG_ECX, param);								// mov   ecx,param
		emit_rcl_m32_cl(dst, memref);												// rcl   [dest],cl

//  emit_rcr_r32_p32 - rcr operation to a 32-bit
//  register from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_rcr_r32_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_rcr_r32_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// rcr   reg,param
		emit_mov_r32_p32_keepflags(dst, REG_ECX, param);								// mov   ecx,param
		emit_rcr_r32_cl(dst, reg);														// rcr   reg,cl

//  emit_rcr_m32_p32 - rcr operation to a 32-bit
//  memory location from a 32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_rcr_m32_p32(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_rcr_m32_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// rcr   [dest],param
		emit_mov_r32_p32_keepflags(dst, REG_ECX, param);								// mov   ecx,param
		emit_rcr_m32_cl(dst, memref);												// rcr   [dest],cl


//  emit_mov_r64_p64 - move a 64-bit parameter
//  into a register

void drcbe_x64::emit_mov_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (param.immediate() == 0)
			emit_xor_r32_r32(dst, reg, reg);											// xor   reg,reg
			emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// mov   reg,param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// mov   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		if (reg != param.ireg())
			emit_mov_r64_r64(dst, reg, param.ireg());									// mov   reg,param

//  emit_mov_r64_p64_keepflags - move a 64-bit
//  parameter into a register without affecting
//  any flags

void drcbe_x64::emit_mov_r64_p64_keepflags(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());									// mov   reg,param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// mov   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		if (reg != param.ireg())
			emit_mov_r64_r64(dst, reg, param.ireg());									// mov   reg,param

//  emit_mov_p64_r64 - move a registers into a
//  64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_mov_p64_r64(x86code *&dst, const be_parameter &param, UINT8 reg)
	if (param.is_memory())
		emit_mov_m64_r64(dst, MABS(param.memory()), reg);								// mov   [param],reg
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		if (reg != param.ireg())
			emit_mov_r64_r64(dst, param.ireg(), reg);									// mov   param,reg

//  emit_add_r64_p64 - add operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_add_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() != 0 || param.immediate() != 0)
			if (short_immediate(param.immediate()))
				emit_add_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());							// add   reg,param
				emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_R11, param.immediate());						// mov   r11,param
				emit_add_r64_r64(dst, reg, REG_R11);									// add   reg,r11
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_add_r64_m64(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// add   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_add_r64_r64(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// add   reg,param

//  emit_add_m64_p64 - add operation to a 64-bit
//  memory location from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_add_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() != 0 || param.immediate() != 0)
			if (short_immediate(param.immediate()))
				emit_add_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());					// add   [mem],param
				emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_R11, param.immediate());						// mov   r11,param
				emit_add_m64_r64(dst, memref, REG_R11);								// add   [mem],r11
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, reg, param);												// mov   reg,param
		emit_add_m64_r64(dst, memref, reg);											// add   [dest],reg

//  emit_adc_r64_p64 - adc operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_adc_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (short_immediate(param.immediate()))
			emit_adc_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// adc   reg,param
			emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_R11, param.immediate());							// mov   r11,param
			emit_adc_r64_r64(dst, reg, REG_R11);										// adc   reg,r11
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_adc_r64_m64(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// adc   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_adc_r64_r64(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// adc   reg,param

//  emit_adc_m64_p64 - adc operation to a 64-bit
//  memory locaiton from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_adc_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate() && short_immediate(param.immediate()))
		emit_adc_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());							// adc   [mem],param
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r64_p64_keepflags(dst, reg, param);								// mov   reg,param
		emit_adc_m64_r64(dst, memref, reg);											// adc   [dest],reg

//  emit_sub_r64_p64 - sub operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_sub_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() != 0 || param.immediate() != 0)
			if (short_immediate(param.immediate()))
				emit_sub_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());							// sub   reg,param
				emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_R11, param.immediate());						// mov   r11,param
				emit_sub_r64_r64(dst, reg, REG_R11);									// sub   reg,r11
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_sub_r64_m64(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// sub   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_sub_r64_r64(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// sub   reg,param

//  emit_sub_m64_p64 - sub operation to a 64-bit
//  memory location from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_sub_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() != 0 || param.immediate() != 0)
			if (short_immediate(param.immediate()))
				emit_sub_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());					// sub   [mem],param
				emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_R11, param.immediate());						// mov   r11,param
				emit_sub_m64_r64(dst, memref, REG_R11);								// sub   [mem],r11
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, reg, param);												// mov   reg,param
		emit_sub_m64_r64(dst, memref, reg);											// sub   [dest],reg

//  emit_sbb_r64_p64 - sbb operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_sbb_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (short_immediate(param.immediate()))
			emit_sbb_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// sbb   reg,param
			emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_R11, param.immediate());							// mov   r11,param
			emit_sbb_r64_r64(dst, reg, REG_R11);										// sbb   reg,r11
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_sbb_r64_m64(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// sbb   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_sbb_r64_r64(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// sbb   reg,param

//  emit_sbb_m64_p64 - sbb operation to a 64-bit
//  memory location from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_sbb_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate() && short_immediate(param.immediate()))
		emit_sbb_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());							// sbb   [mem],param
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r64_p64_keepflags(dst, reg, param);									// mov   reg,param
		emit_sbb_m64_r64(dst, memref, reg);											// sbb   [dest],reg

//  emit_cmp_r64_p64 - cmp operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_cmp_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (short_immediate(param.immediate()))
			emit_cmp_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// cmp   reg,param
			emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_R11, param.immediate());							// mov   r11,param
			emit_cmp_r64_r64(dst, reg, REG_R11);										// cmp   reg,r11
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_cmp_r64_m64(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// cmp   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_cmp_r64_r64(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// cmp   reg,param

//  emit_cmp_m64_p64 - cmp operation to a 64-bit
//  memory location from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_cmp_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate() && short_immediate(param.immediate()))
		emit_cmp_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());							// cmp   [dest],param
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, reg, param);												// mov   reg,param
		emit_cmp_m64_r64(dst, memref, reg);											// cmp   [dest],reg

//  emit_and_r64_p64 - and operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_and_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() != 0 || param.immediate() != U64(0xffffffffffffffff))
			if (short_immediate(param.immediate()))
				emit_and_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());							// and   reg,param
				emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_R11, param.immediate());						// mov   r11,param
				emit_and_r64_r64(dst, reg, REG_R11);									// and   reg,r11
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_and_r64_m64(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// and   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_and_r64_r64(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// and   reg,param

//  emit_and_m64_p64 - and operation to a 64-bit
//  memory location from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_and_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() != 0 || param.immediate() != U64(0xffffffffffffffff))
			if (short_immediate(param.immediate()))
				emit_and_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());					// and   [mem],param
				emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_R11, param.immediate());						// mov   r11,param
				emit_and_m64_r64(dst, memref, REG_R11);								// and   [mem],r11
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, reg, param);												// mov   reg,param
		emit_and_m64_r64(dst, memref, reg);											// and   [dest],reg

//  emit_test_r64_p64 - test operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_test_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (short_immediate(param.immediate()))
			emit_test_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// test  reg,param
			emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_R11, param.immediate());							// mov   r11,param
			emit_test_r64_r64(dst, reg, REG_R11);										// test  reg,r11
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_test_m64_r64(dst, MABS(param.memory()), reg);								// test  [param],reg
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_test_r64_r64(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// test  reg,param

//  emit_test_m64_p64 - test operation to a 64-bit
//  memory location from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_test_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate() && short_immediate(param.immediate()))
		emit_test_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());							// test  [dest],param
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_EAX, param);											// mov   reg,param
		emit_test_m64_r64(dst, memref, REG_EAX);										// test  [dest],reg
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_test_m64_r64(dst, memref, param.ireg());								// test  [dest],param

//  emit_or_r64_p64 - or operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_or_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() != 0 || param.immediate() != 0)
			if (short_immediate(param.immediate()))
				emit_or_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());							// or    reg,param
				emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_R11, param.immediate());						// mov   r11,param
				emit_or_r64_r64(dst, reg, REG_R11);										// or    reg,r11
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_or_r64_m64(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// or    reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_or_r64_r64(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// or    reg,param

//  emit_or_m64_p64 - or operation to a 64-bit
//  memory location from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_or_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() != 0 || param.immediate() != 0)
			if (short_immediate(param.immediate()))
				emit_or_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// or    [mem],param
				emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_R11, param.immediate());						// mov   r11,param
				emit_or_m64_r64(dst, memref, REG_R11);								// or    [mem],r11
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, reg, param);												// mov   reg,param
		emit_or_m64_r64(dst, memref, reg);											// or    [dest],reg

//  emit_xor_r64_p64 - xor operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_xor_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() != 0 || param.immediate() != 0)
			if (param.immediate() == U64(0xffffffffffffffff))
				emit_not_r64(dst, reg);													// not   reg
			else if (short_immediate(param.immediate()))
				emit_xor_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());							// xor   reg,param
				emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_R11, param.immediate());						// mov   r11,param
				emit_xor_r64_r64(dst, reg, REG_R11);									// xor   reg,r11
	else if (param.is_memory())
		emit_xor_r64_m64(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));								// xor   reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_int_register())
		emit_xor_r64_r64(dst, reg, param.ireg());										// xor   reg,param

//  emit_xor_m64_p64 - xor operation to a 64-bit
//  memory location from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_xor_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() != 0 || param.immediate() != 0)
			if (param.immediate() == U64(0xffffffffffffffff))
				emit_not_m64(dst, memref);											// not   [mem]
			else if (short_immediate(param.immediate()))
				emit_xor_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());					// xor   [mem],param
				emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_R11, param.immediate());						// mov   r11,param
				emit_xor_m64_r64(dst, memref, REG_R11);								// xor   [mem],r11
		int reg = param.select_register(REG_EAX);
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, reg, param);												// mov   reg,param
		emit_xor_m64_r64(dst, memref, reg);											// xor   [dest],reg

//  emit_shl_r64_p64 - shl operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_shl_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_shl_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// shl   reg,param
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RCX, param);											// mov   rcx,param
		emit_shl_r64_cl(dst, reg);														// shl   reg,cl

//  emit_shl_m64_p64 - shl operation to a 64-bit
//  memory location from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_shl_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT64)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_shl_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// shl   [dest],param
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RCX, param);											// mov   rcx,param
		emit_shl_m64_cl(dst, memref);												// shl   [dest],cl

//  emit_shr_r64_p64 - shr operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_shr_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_shr_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// shr   reg,param
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RCX, param);											// mov   rcx,param
		emit_shr_r64_cl(dst, reg);														// shr   reg,cl

//  emit_shr_m64_p64 - shr operation to a 64-bit
//  memory location from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_shr_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT64)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_shr_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// shr   [dest],param
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RCX, param);											// mov   rcx,param
		emit_shr_m64_cl(dst, memref);												// shr   [dest],cl

//  emit_sar_r64_p64 - sar operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_sar_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_sar_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// sar   reg,param
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RCX, param);											// mov   rcx,param
		emit_sar_r64_cl(dst, reg);														// sar   reg,cl

//  emit_sar_m64_p64 - sar operation to a 64-bit
//  memory location from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_sar_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT64)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_sar_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// sar   [dest],param
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RCX, param);											// mov   rcx,param
		emit_sar_m64_cl(dst, memref);												// sar   [dest],cl

//  emit_rol_r64_p64 - rol operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_rol_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_rol_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// rol   reg,param
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RCX, param);											// mov   rcx,param
		emit_rol_r64_cl(dst, reg);														// rol   reg,cl

//  emit_rol_m64_p64 - rol operation to a 64-bit
//  memory location from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_rol_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT64)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_rol_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// rol   [dest],param
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RCX, param);											// mov   rcx,param
		emit_rol_m64_cl(dst, memref);												// rol   [dest],cl

//  emit_ror_r64_p64 - ror operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_ror_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_ror_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// ror   reg,param
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RCX, param);											// mov   rcx,param
		emit_ror_r64_cl(dst, reg);														// ror   reg,cl

//  emit_ror_m64_p64 - ror operation to a 64-bit
//  memory location from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_ror_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT64)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_ror_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// ror   [dest],param
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RCX, param);											// mov   rcx,param
		emit_ror_m64_cl(dst, memref);												// ror   [dest],cl

//  emit_rcl_r64_p64 - rcl operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_rcl_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_rcl_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// rcl   reg,param
		emit_mov_r64_p64_keepflags(dst, REG_RCX, param);								// mov   rcx,param
		emit_rcl_r64_cl(dst, reg);														// rcl   reg,cl

//  emit_rcl_m64_p64 - rcl operation to a 64-bit
//  memory location from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_rcl_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT64)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_rcl_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// rcl   [dest],param
		emit_mov_r64_p64_keepflags(dst, REG_RCX, param);								// mov   rcx,param
		emit_rcl_m64_cl(dst, memref);												// rcl   [dest],cl

//  emit_rcr_r64_p64 - rcr operation to a 64-bit
//  register from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_rcr_r64_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT32)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_rcr_r64_imm(dst, reg, param.immediate());								// rcr   reg,param
		emit_mov_r64_p64_keepflags(dst, REG_RCX, param);								// mov   rcx,param
		emit_rcr_r64_cl(dst, reg);														// rcr   reg,cl

//  emit_rcr_m64_p64 - rcr operation to a 64-bit
//  memory location from a 64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_rcr_m64_p64(x86code *&dst, x86_memref memref, const be_parameter &param, const instruction &inst)
	if (param.is_immediate())
		if (inst.flags() == 0 && (UINT64)param.immediate() == 0)
			;// skip
			emit_rcr_m64_imm(dst, memref, param.immediate());						// rcr   [dest],param
		emit_mov_r64_p64_keepflags(dst, REG_RCX, param);								// mov   rcx,param
		emit_rcr_m64_cl(dst, memref);												// rcr   [dest],cl


//  emit_movss_r128_p32 - move a 32-bit parameter
//  into a register

void drcbe_x64::emit_movss_r128_p32(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param)
	if (param.is_memory())
		emit_movss_r128_m32(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));							// movss reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_float_register())
		if (reg != param.freg())
			emit_movss_r128_r128(dst, reg, param.freg());								// movss reg,param

//  emit_movss_p32_r128 - move a register into a
//  32-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_movss_p32_r128(x86code *&dst, const be_parameter &param, UINT8 reg)
	if (param.is_memory())
		emit_movss_m32_r128(dst, MABS(param.memory()), reg);							// movss [param],reg
	else if (param.is_float_register())
		if (reg != param.freg())
			emit_movss_r128_r128(dst, param.freg(), reg);								// movss param,reg

//  emit_movsd_r128_p64 - move a 64-bit parameter
//  into a register

void drcbe_x64::emit_movsd_r128_p64(x86code *&dst, UINT8 reg, const be_parameter &param)
	if (param.is_memory())
		emit_movsd_r128_m64(dst, reg, MABS(param.memory()));							// movsd reg,[param]
	else if (param.is_float_register())
		if (reg != param.freg())
			emit_movsd_r128_r128(dst, reg, param.freg());								// movsd reg,param

//  emit_movsd_p64_r128 - move a register into a
//  64-bit parameter

void drcbe_x64::emit_movsd_p64_r128(x86code *&dst, const be_parameter &param, UINT8 reg)
	if (param.is_memory())
		emit_movsd_m64_r128(dst, MABS(param.memory()), reg);							// movsd [param],reg
	else if (param.is_float_register())
		if (reg != param.freg())
			emit_movsd_r128_r128(dst, param.freg(), reg);								// movsd param,reg


//  fixup_label - callback to fixup forward-
//  referenced labels

void drcbe_x64::fixup_label(void *parameter, drccodeptr labelcodeptr)
	drccodeptr src = (drccodeptr)parameter;

	// find the end of the instruction
	if (src[0] == 0xe3)
		src += 1 + 1;
		src[-1] = labelcodeptr - src;
	else if (src[0] == 0xe9)
		src += 1 + 4;
		((UINT32 *)src)[-1] = labelcodeptr - src;
	else if (src[0] == 0x0f && (src[1] & 0xf0) == 0x80)
		src += 2 + 4;
		((UINT32 *)src)[-1] = labelcodeptr - src;
		fatalerror("fixup_label called with invalid jmp source!\n");

//  fixup_exception - callback to perform cleanup
//  and jump to an exception handler

void drcbe_x64::fixup_exception(drccodeptr *codeptr, void *param1, void *param2)
	drccodeptr src = (drccodeptr)param1;
	const instruction &inst = *(const instruction *)param2;

	// normalize parameters
	const parameter &handp = inst.param(0);
	be_parameter exp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);

	// look up the handle target
	drccodeptr *targetptr = handp.handle().codeptr_addr();

	// first fixup the jump to get us here
	drccodeptr dst = *codeptr;
	((UINT32 *)src)[-1] = dst - src;

	// then store the exception parameter
	emit_mov_m32_p32(dst, MABS(&m_state.exp), exp);										// mov   [exp],exp

	// push the original return address on the stack
	emit_lea_r64_m64(dst, REG_RAX, MABS(src));											// lea   rax,[return]
	emit_push_r64(dst, REG_RAX);														// push  rax
	if (*targetptr != NULL)
		emit_jmp(dst, *targetptr);														// jmp   *targetptr
		emit_jmp_m64(dst, MABS(targetptr));												// jmp   [targetptr]

	*codeptr = dst;


//  debug_log_hashjmp - callback to handle
//  logging of hashjmps

void drcbe_x64::debug_log_hashjmp(offs_t pc, int mode)
	printf("mode=%d PC=%08X\n", mode, pc);

//  debug_log_hashjmp - callback to handle
//  logging of hashjmps

void drcbe_x64::debug_log_hashjmp_fail()
	printf("  (FAIL)\n");


//  op_handle - process a HANDLE opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_handle(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	assert(inst.numparams() == 1);

	// emit a jump around the stack adjust in case code falls through here
	emit_link skip;
	emit_jmp_short_link(dst, skip);														// jmp   skip

	// register the current pointer for the handle

	// by default, the handle points to prolog code that moves the stack pointer
	emit_lea_r64_m64(dst, REG_RSP, MBD(REG_RSP, -40));									// lea   rsp,[rsp-40]
	resolve_link(dst, skip);														// skip:

//  op_hash - process a HASH opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_hash(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	assert(inst.numparams() == 2);

	// register the current pointer for the mode/PC
	m_hash.set_codeptr(inst.param(0).immediate(), inst.param(1).immediate(), dst);

//  op_label - process a LABEL opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_label(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	assert(inst.numparams() == 1);

	// register the current pointer for the label
	m_labels.set_codeptr(inst.param(0).label(), dst);

//  op_comment - process a COMMENT opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_comment(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	assert(inst.numparams() == 1);

	// do nothing

//  op_mapvar - process a MAPVAR opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_mapvar(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	assert(inst.numparams() == 2);

	// set the value of the specified mapvar
	m_map.set_value(dst, inst.param(0).mapvar(), inst.param(1).immediate());


//  op_nop - process a NOP opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_nop(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// nothing

//  op_debug - process a DEBUG opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_debug(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4);

	if ((m_device.machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0)
		// normalize parameters
		be_parameter pcp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MRI);

		// test and branch
		emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_RAX, (FPTR)&m_device.machine().debug_flags);			// mov   rax,&debug_flags
		emit_test_m32_imm(dst, MBD(REG_RAX, 0), DEBUG_FLAG_CALL_HOOK);					// test  [debug_flags],DEBUG_FLAG_CALL_HOOK
		emit_link skip = { 0 };
		emit_jcc_short_link(dst, x64emit::COND_Z, skip);								// jz    skip

		// push the parameter
		emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_PARAM1, (FPTR)&m_device);								// mov   param1,device
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_PARAM2, pcp);											// mov   param2,pcp
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, &m_near.debug_cpu_instruction_hook);					// call  debug_cpu_instruction_hook

		resolve_link(dst, skip);													// skip:

//  op_exit - process an EXIT opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_exit(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter retp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MRI);

	// load the parameter into EAX
	emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_EAX, retp);												// mov   eax,retp
	if (inst.condition() == uml::COND_ALWAYS)
		emit_jmp(dst, m_exit);															// jmp   exit
		emit_jcc(dst, X86_CONDITION(inst.condition()), m_exit);							// jcc   exit

//  op_hashjmp - process a HASHJMP opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_hashjmp(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter modep(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter pcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	const parameter &exp = inst.param(2);

		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_PARAM1, pcp);
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_PARAM2, modep);
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, &m_near.debug_log_hashjmp);

	// load the stack base one word early so we end up at the right spot after our call below
	emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, REG_RSP, MABS(&m_near.hashstacksave));						// mov   rsp,[hashstacksave]

	// fixed mode cases
	if (modep.is_immediate() && m_hash.is_mode_populated(modep.immediate()))
		// a straight immediate jump is direct, though we need the PC in EAX in case of failure
		if (pcp.is_immediate())
			UINT32 l1val = (pcp.immediate() >> m_hash.l1shift()) & m_hash.l1mask();
			UINT32 l2val = (pcp.immediate() >> m_hash.l2shift()) & m_hash.l2mask();
			emit_call_m64(dst, MABS(&m_hash.base()[modep.immediate()][l1val][l2val]));
																						// call  hash[modep][l1val][l2val]

		// a fixed mode but variable PC
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_EAX, pcp);										// mov   eax,pcp
			emit_mov_r32_r32(dst, REG_EDX, REG_EAX);									// mov   edx,eax
			emit_shr_r32_imm(dst, REG_EDX, m_hash.l1shift());							// shr   edx,l1shift
			emit_and_r32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, m_hash.l2mask() << m_hash.l2shift());		// and  eax,l2mask << l2shift
			emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, REG_RDX, MBISD(REG_RBP, REG_RDX, 8, offset_from_rbp(&m_hash.base()[modep.immediate()][0])));
																						// mov   rdx,hash[modep+edx*8]
			emit_call_m64(dst, MBISD(REG_RDX, REG_RAX, 8 >> m_hash.l2shift(), 0));		// call  [rdx+rax*shift]
		// variable mode
		int modereg = modep.select_register(REG_ECX);
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, modereg, modep);											// mov   modereg,modep
		emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, REG_RCX, MBISD(REG_RBP, modereg, 8, offset_from_rbp(m_hash.base())));
																						// mov   rcx,hash[modereg*8]

		// fixed PC
		if (pcp.is_immediate())
			UINT32 l1val = (pcp.immediate() >> m_hash.l1shift()) & m_hash.l1mask();
			UINT32 l2val = (pcp.immediate() >> m_hash.l2shift()) & m_hash.l2mask();
			emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, REG_RDX, MBD(REG_RCX, l1val*8));						// mov   rdx,[rcx+l1val*8]
			emit_call_m64(dst, MBD(REG_RDX, l2val*8));									// call  [l2val*8]

		// variable PC
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_EAX, pcp);										// mov   eax,pcp
			emit_mov_r32_r32(dst, REG_EDX, REG_EAX);									// mov   edx,eax
			emit_shr_r32_imm(dst, REG_EDX, m_hash.l1shift());							// shr   edx,l1shift
			emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, REG_RDX, MBISD(REG_RCX, REG_RDX, 8, 0));				// mov   rdx,[rcx+rdx*8]
			emit_and_r32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, m_hash.l2mask() << m_hash.l2shift());		// and  eax,l2mask << l2shift
			emit_call_m64(dst, MBISD(REG_RDX, REG_RAX, 8 >> m_hash.l2shift(), 0));		// call  [rdx+rax*shift]

	// in all cases, if there is no code, we return here to generate the exception
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, &m_near.debug_log_hashjmp_fail);

	emit_mov_m32_p32(dst, MABS(&m_state.exp), pcp);										// mov   [exp],param
	emit_sub_r64_imm(dst, REG_RSP, 8);													// sub   rsp,8
	emit_call_m64(dst, MABS(exp.handle().codeptr_addr()));								// call  [exp]

//  op_jmp - process a JMP opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_jmp(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4);

	// normalize parameters
	const parameter &labelp = inst.param(0);

	// look up the jump target and jump there
	x86code *jmptarget = (x86code *)m_labels.get_codeptr(labelp.label(), m_fixup_label, dst);
	if (jmptarget == NULL)
		jmptarget = dst + 0x7ffffff0;
	if (inst.condition() == uml::COND_ALWAYS)
		emit_jmp(dst, jmptarget);														// jmp   target
		emit_jcc(dst, X86_CONDITION(inst.condition()), jmptarget);						// jcc   target


//  op_exh - process an EXH opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_exh(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4);

	// normalize parameters
	const parameter &handp = inst.param(0);
	be_parameter exp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);

	// look up the handle target
	drccodeptr *targetptr = handp.handle().codeptr_addr();

	// perform the exception processing inline if unconditional
	if (inst.condition() == uml::COND_ALWAYS)
		emit_mov_m32_p32(dst, MABS(&m_state.exp), exp);									// mov   [exp],exp
		if (*targetptr != NULL)
			emit_call(dst, *targetptr);													// call  *targetptr
			emit_call_m64(dst, MABS(targetptr));										// call  [targetptr]

	// otherwise, jump to an out-of-band handler
		emit_jcc(dst, X86_CONDITION(inst.condition()), dst + 0x7ffffff0);				// jcc   exception
		m_cache.request_oob_codegen(m_fixup_exception, dst, &const_cast<instruction &>(inst));

//  op_callh - process a CALLH opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_callh(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4);

	// normalize parameters
	const parameter &handp = inst.param(0);

	// look up the handle target
	drccodeptr *targetptr = handp.handle().codeptr_addr();

	// skip if conditional
	emit_link skip = { 0 };
	if (inst.condition() != uml::COND_ALWAYS)
		emit_jcc_short_link(dst, X86_NOT_CONDITION(inst.condition()), skip);			// jcc   skip

	// jump through the handle; directly if a normal jump
	if (*targetptr != NULL)
		emit_call(dst, *targetptr);														// call  *targetptr
		emit_call_m64(dst, MABS(targetptr));											// call  [targetptr]

	// resolve the conditional link
	if (inst.condition() != uml::COND_ALWAYS)
		resolve_link(dst, skip);													// skip:

//  op_ret - process a RET opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_ret(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4);
	assert(inst.numparams() == 0);

	// skip if conditional
	emit_link skip = { 0 };
	if (inst.condition() != uml::COND_ALWAYS)
		emit_jcc_short_link(dst, X86_NOT_CONDITION(inst.condition()), skip);			// jcc   skip

	// return
	emit_lea_r64_m64(dst, REG_RSP, MBD(REG_RSP, 40));									// lea   rsp,[rsp+40]
	emit_ret(dst);																		// ret

	// resolve the conditional link
	if (inst.condition() != uml::COND_ALWAYS)
		resolve_link(dst, skip);													// skip:

//  op_callc - process a CALLC opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_callc(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4);

	// normalize parameters
	const parameter &funcp = inst.param(0);
	be_parameter paramp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_M);

	// skip if conditional
	emit_link skip = { 0 };
	if (inst.condition() != uml::COND_ALWAYS)
		emit_jcc_short_link(dst, X86_NOT_CONDITION(inst.condition()), skip);			// jcc   skip

	// perform the call
	emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_PARAM1, (FPTR)paramp.memory());							// mov   param1,paramp
	emit_smart_call_r64(dst, (x86code *)(FPTR)funcp.cfunc(), REG_RAX);					// call  funcp

	// resolve the conditional link
	if (inst.condition() != uml::COND_ALWAYS)
		resolve_link(dst, skip);													// skip:

//  op_recover - process a RECOVER opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_recover(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);

	// call the recovery code
	emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, REG_RAX, MABS(&m_near.stacksave));							// mov   rax,stacksave
	emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, REG_RAX, MBD(REG_RAX, -8));									// mov   rax,[rax-4]
	emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_PARAM1, (FPTR)&m_map);									// mov   param1,m_map
	emit_lea_r64_m64(dst, REG_PARAM2, MBD(REG_RAX, -1));								// lea   param2,[rax-1]
	emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_PARAM3, inst.param(1).mapvar());							// mov   param3,param[1].value
	emit_smart_call_m64(dst, &m_near.drcmap_get_value);									// call  drcmap_get_value
	emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, REG_EAX);												// mov   dstp,eax



//  op_setfmod - process a SETFMOD opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_setfmod(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MRI);

	// immediate case
	if (srcp.is_immediate())
		int value = srcp.immediate() & 3;
		emit_mov_m8_imm(dst, MABS(&m_state.fmod), value);								// mov   [fmod],srcp
		emit_ldmxcsr_m32(dst, MABS(&m_near.ssecontrol[value]));							// ldmxcsr fp_control[srcp]

	// register/memory case
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_EAX, srcp);											// mov   eax,srcp
		emit_and_r32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, 3);												// and   eax,3
		emit_mov_m8_r8(dst, MABS(&m_state.fmod), REG_AL);								// mov   [fmod],al
		emit_ldmxcsr_m32(dst, MBISD(REG_RBP, REG_RAX, 4, offset_from_rbp(&m_near.ssecontrol[0])));
																						// ldmxcsr fp_control[eax]

//  op_getfmod - process a GETFMOD opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_getfmod(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);

	// fetch the current mode and store to the destination
	if (dstp.is_int_register())
		emit_movzx_r32_m8(dst, dstp.ireg(), MABS(&m_state.fmod));						// movzx reg,[fmod]
		emit_movzx_r32_m8(dst, REG_EAX, MABS(&m_state.fmod));							// movzx eax,[fmod]
		emit_mov_m32_r32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), REG_EAX);							// mov   [dstp],eax

//  op_getexp - process a GETEXP opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_getexp(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);

	// fetch the exception parameter and store to the destination
	if (dstp.is_int_register())
		emit_mov_r32_m32(dst, dstp.ireg(), MABS(&m_state.exp));							// mov   reg,[exp]
		emit_mov_r32_m32(dst, REG_EAX, MABS(&m_state.exp));								// mov   eax,[exp]
		emit_mov_m32_r32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), REG_EAX);							// mov   [dstp],eax

//  op_getflgs - process a GETFLGS opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_getflgs(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter maskp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_I);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX);

	// compute mask for flags
	UINT32 flagmask = 0;
	if (maskp.immediate() & FLAG_C) flagmask |= 0x001;
	if (maskp.immediate() & FLAG_V) flagmask |= 0x800;
	if (maskp.immediate() & FLAG_Z) flagmask |= 0x040;
	if (maskp.immediate() & FLAG_S) flagmask |= 0x080;
	if (maskp.immediate() & FLAG_U) flagmask |= 0x004;

	switch (maskp.immediate())
		// single flags only
		case FLAG_C:
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_C, REG_AL);											// setc   al
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, dstreg, REG_AL);										// movzx  dstreg,al

		case FLAG_V:
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_O, REG_AL);											// seto   al
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, dstreg, REG_AL);										// movzx  dstreg,al
			emit_shl_r32_imm(dst, dstreg, 1);											// shl    dstreg,1

		case FLAG_Z:
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_Z, REG_AL);											// setz   al
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, dstreg, REG_AL);										// movzx  dstreg,al
			emit_shl_r32_imm(dst, dstreg, 2);											// shl    dstreg,2

		case FLAG_S:
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_S, REG_AL);											// sets   al
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, dstreg, REG_AL);										// movzx  dstreg,al
			emit_shl_r32_imm(dst, dstreg, 3);											// shl    dstreg,3

		case FLAG_U:
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_P, REG_AL);											// setp   al
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, dstreg, REG_AL);										// movzx  dstreg,al
			emit_shl_r32_imm(dst, dstreg, 4);											// shl    dstreg,4

		// carry plus another flag
		case FLAG_C | FLAG_V:
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_C, REG_AL);											// setc   al
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_O, REG_CL);											// seto   cl
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, REG_EAX, REG_AL);									// movzx  eax,al
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, REG_ECX, REG_CL);									// movzx  ecx,cl
			emit_lea_r32_m32(dst, dstreg, MBISD(REG_EAX, REG_ECX, 2, 0));				// lea    dstreg,[eax+ecx*2]

		case FLAG_C | FLAG_Z:
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_C, REG_AL);											// setc   al
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_Z, REG_CL);											// setz   cl
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, REG_EAX, REG_AL);									// movzx  eax,al
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, REG_ECX, REG_CL);									// movzx  ecx,cl
			emit_lea_r32_m32(dst, dstreg, MBISD(REG_EAX, REG_ECX, 4, 0));				// lea    dstreg,[eax+ecx*4]

		case FLAG_C | FLAG_S:
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_C, REG_AL);											// setc   al
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_S, REG_CL);											// sets   cl
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, REG_EAX, REG_AL);									// movzx  eax,al
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, REG_ECX, REG_CL);									// movzx  ecx,cl
			emit_lea_r32_m32(dst, dstreg, MBISD(REG_EAX, REG_ECX, 8, 0));				// lea    dstreg,[eax+ecx*8]

		// overflow plus another flag
		case FLAG_V | FLAG_Z:
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_O, REG_AL);											// seto   al
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_Z, REG_CL);											// setz   cl
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, REG_EAX, REG_AL);									// movzx  eax,al
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, REG_ECX, REG_CL);									// movzx  ecx,cl
			emit_lea_r32_m32(dst, dstreg, MBISD(REG_EAX, REG_ECX, 2, 0));				// lea    dstreg,[eax+ecx*2]
			emit_shl_r32_imm(dst, dstreg, 1);											// shl    dstreg,1

		case FLAG_V | FLAG_S:
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_O, REG_AL);											// seto   al
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_S, REG_CL);											// sets   cl
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, REG_EAX, REG_AL);									// movzx  eax,al
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, REG_ECX, REG_CL);									// movzx  ecx,al
			emit_lea_r32_m32(dst, dstreg, MBISD(REG_EAX, REG_ECX, 4, 0));				// lea    dstreg,[eax+ecx*4]
			emit_shl_r32_imm(dst, dstreg, 1);											// shl    dstreg,1

		// zero plus another flag
		case FLAG_Z | FLAG_S:
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_Z, REG_AL);											// setz   al
			emit_setcc_r8(dst, x64emit::COND_S, REG_CL);											// sets   cl
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, REG_EAX, REG_AL);									// movzx  eax,al
			emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, REG_ECX, REG_CL);									// movzx  ecx,al
			emit_lea_r32_m32(dst, dstreg, MBISD(REG_EAX, REG_ECX, 2, 0));				// lea    dstreg,[eax+ecx*2]
			emit_shl_r32_imm(dst, dstreg, 2);											// shl    dstreg,2

		// default cases
			emit_pushf(dst);															// pushf
			emit_pop_r64(dst, REG_EAX);													// pop    eax
			emit_and_r32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, flagmask);									// and    eax,flagmask
			emit_movzx_r32_m8(dst, dstreg, MBISD(REG_RBP, REG_RAX, 1, offset_from_rbp(&m_near.flagsmap[0])));
																						// movzx  dstreg,[flags_map]

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_save - process a SAVE opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_save(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_M);

	// copy live state to the destination
	emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_RCX, (FPTR)dstp.memory());								// mov    rcx,dstp

	// copy flags
	emit_pushf(dst);																	// pushf
	emit_pop_r64(dst, REG_RAX);															// pop    rax
	emit_and_r32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, 0x8c5);												// and    eax,0x8c5
	emit_mov_r8_m8(dst, REG_AL, MBISD(REG_RBP, REG_RAX, 1, offset_from_rbp(&m_near.flagsmap[0])));
																						// mov    al,[flags_map]
	emit_mov_m8_r8(dst, MBD(REG_RCX, offsetof(drcuml_machine_state, flags)), REG_AL);	// mov    state->flags,al

	// copy fmod and exp
	emit_mov_r8_m8(dst, REG_AL, MABS(&m_state.fmod));									// mov    al,[fmod]
	emit_mov_m8_r8(dst, MBD(REG_RCX, offsetof(drcuml_machine_state, fmod)), REG_AL);	// mov    state->fmod,al
	emit_mov_r32_m32(dst, REG_EAX, MABS(&m_state.exp));									// mov    eax,[exp]
	emit_mov_m32_r32(dst, MBD(REG_RCX, offsetof(drcuml_machine_state, exp)), REG_EAX);	// mov    state->exp,eax

	// copy integer registers
	int regoffs = offsetof(drcuml_machine_state, r);
	for (int regnum = 0; regnum < ARRAY_LENGTH(m_state.r); regnum++)
		if (int_register_map[regnum] != 0)
			emit_mov_m64_r64(dst, MBD(REG_RCX, regoffs + 8 * regnum), int_register_map[regnum]);
			emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, REG_RAX, MABS(&m_state.r[regnum].d));
			emit_mov_m64_r64(dst, MBD(REG_RCX, regoffs + 8 * regnum), REG_RAX);

	// copy FP registers
	regoffs = offsetof(drcuml_machine_state, f);
	for (int regnum = 0; regnum < ARRAY_LENGTH(m_state.f); regnum++)
		if (float_register_map[regnum] != 0)
			emit_movsd_m64_r128(dst, MBD(REG_RCX, regoffs + 8 * regnum), float_register_map[regnum]);
			emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, REG_RAX, MABS(&m_state.f[regnum].d));
			emit_mov_m64_r64(dst, MBD(REG_RCX, regoffs + 8 * regnum), REG_RAX);

//  op_restore - process a RESTORE opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_restore(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_M);

	// copy live state from the destination
	emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_ECX, (FPTR)srcp.memory());								// mov    rcx,dstp

	// copy integer registers
	int regoffs = offsetof(drcuml_machine_state, r);
	for (int regnum = 0; regnum < ARRAY_LENGTH(m_state.r); regnum++)
		if (int_register_map[regnum] != 0)
			emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, int_register_map[regnum], MBD(REG_RCX, regoffs + 8 * regnum));
			emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, REG_RAX, MBD(REG_RCX, regoffs + 8 * regnum));
			emit_mov_m64_r64(dst, MABS(&m_state.r[regnum].d), REG_RAX);

	// copy FP registers
	regoffs = offsetof(drcuml_machine_state, f);
	for (int regnum = 0; regnum < ARRAY_LENGTH(m_state.f); regnum++)
		if (float_register_map[regnum] != 0)
			emit_movsd_r128_m64(dst, float_register_map[regnum], MBD(REG_RCX, regoffs + 8 * regnum));
			emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, REG_RAX, MBD(REG_RCX, regoffs + 8 * regnum));
			emit_mov_m64_r64(dst, MABS(&m_state.f[regnum].d), REG_RAX);

	// copy fmod and exp
	emit_movzx_r32_m8(dst, REG_EAX, MBD(REG_RCX, offsetof(drcuml_machine_state, fmod)));// movzx eax,state->fmod
	emit_and_r32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, 3);													// and   eax,3
	emit_mov_m8_r8(dst, MABS(&m_state.fmod), REG_AL);									// mov   [fmod],al
	emit_ldmxcsr_m32(dst, MBISD(REG_RBP, REG_RAX, 4, offset_from_rbp(&m_near.ssecontrol[0])));
	emit_mov_r32_m32(dst, REG_EAX, MBD(REG_RCX, offsetof(drcuml_machine_state, exp)));	// mov    eax,state->exp
	emit_mov_m32_r32(dst, MABS(&m_state.exp), REG_EAX);									// mov    [exp],eax

	// copy flags
	emit_movzx_r32_m8(dst, REG_EAX, MBD(REG_RCX, offsetof(drcuml_machine_state, flags)));// movzx eax,state->flags
	emit_push_m64(dst, MBISD(REG_RBP, REG_RAX, 8, offset_from_rbp(&m_near.flagsunmap[0])));
																						// push   flags_unmap[eax*8]
	emit_popf(dst);																		// popf


//  op_load - process a LOAD opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_load(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter basep(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_M);
	be_parameter indp(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	const parameter &scalesizep = inst.param(3);
	int scale = 1 << scalesizep.scale();
	int size = scalesizep.size();

	// determine the pointer base
	INT32 baseoffs;
	int basereg = get_base_register_and_offset(dst, basep.memory(), REG_RDX, baseoffs);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX);

	// immediate index
	if (indp.is_immediate())
		if (size == SIZE_BYTE)
			emit_movzx_r32_m8(dst, dstreg, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()));// movzx dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
		else if (size == SIZE_WORD)
			emit_movzx_r32_m16(dst, dstreg, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()));// movzx dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
		else if (size == SIZE_DWORD)
			emit_mov_r32_m32(dst, dstreg, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()));	// mov   dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
		else if (size == SIZE_QWORD)
			emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, dstreg, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()));	// mov   dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]

	// other index
		int indreg = indp.select_register(REG_ECX);
		emit_movsx_r64_p32(dst, indreg, indp);
		if (size == SIZE_BYTE)
			emit_movzx_r32_m8(dst, dstreg, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs));	// movzx dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
		else if (size == SIZE_WORD)
			emit_movzx_r32_m16(dst, dstreg, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs));	// movzx dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
		else if (size == SIZE_DWORD)
			emit_mov_r32_m32(dst, dstreg, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs));		// mov   dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
		else if (size == SIZE_QWORD)
			emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, dstreg, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs));		// mov   dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]

	// store result
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg
		emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg


//  op_loads - process a LOADS opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_loads(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter basep(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_M);
	be_parameter indp(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	const parameter &scalesizep = inst.param(3);
	int scale = 1 << scalesizep.scale();
	int size = scalesizep.size();

	// determine the pointer base
	INT32 baseoffs;
	int basereg = get_base_register_and_offset(dst, basep.memory(), REG_RDX, baseoffs);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX);

	// immediate index
	if (indp.is_immediate())
		if (inst.size() == 4)
			if (size == SIZE_BYTE)
				emit_movsx_r32_m8(dst, dstreg, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()));// movsx dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
			else if (size == SIZE_WORD)
				emit_movsx_r32_m16(dst, dstreg, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()));// movsx dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
			else if (size == SIZE_DWORD)
				emit_mov_r32_m32(dst, dstreg, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()));	// mov   dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
		else if (inst.size() == 8)
			if (size == SIZE_BYTE)
				emit_movsx_r64_m8(dst, dstreg, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()));// movzx dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
			else if (size == SIZE_WORD)
				emit_movsx_r64_m16(dst, dstreg, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()));// movzx dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
			else if (size == SIZE_DWORD)
				emit_movsxd_r64_m32(dst, dstreg, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()));// movsxd dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
			else if (size == SIZE_QWORD)
				emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, dstreg, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()));	// mov   dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]

	// other index
		int indreg = indp.select_register(REG_ECX);
		emit_movsx_r64_p32(dst, indreg, indp);
		if (inst.size() == 4)
			if (size == SIZE_BYTE)
				emit_movsx_r32_m8(dst, dstreg, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs));// movsx dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
			else if (size == SIZE_WORD)
				emit_movsx_r32_m16(dst, dstreg, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs));// movsx dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
			else if (size == SIZE_DWORD)
				emit_mov_r32_m32(dst, dstreg, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs));	// mov   dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
		else if (inst.size() == 8)
			if (size == SIZE_BYTE)
				emit_movsx_r64_m8(dst, dstreg, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs));// movsx dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
			else if (size == SIZE_WORD)
				emit_movsx_r64_m16(dst, dstreg, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs));// movsx dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
			else if (size == SIZE_DWORD)
				emit_movsxd_r64_m32(dst, dstreg, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs));// movsxd dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]
			else if (size == SIZE_QWORD)
				emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, dstreg, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs));	// mov   dstreg,[basep + scale*indp]

	// store result
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg
		emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg


//  op_store - process a STORE opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_store(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter basep(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_M);
	be_parameter indp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	const parameter &scalesizep = inst.param(3);
	int scale = 1 << (scalesizep.scale());
	int size = scalesizep.size();

	// determine the pointer base
	INT32 baseoffs;
	int basereg = get_base_register_and_offset(dst, basep.memory(), REG_RDX, baseoffs);

	// pick a source register for the general case
	int srcreg = srcp.select_register(REG_EAX);

	// degenerate case: constant index
	if (indp.is_immediate())
		// immediate source
		if (srcp.is_immediate())
			if (size == SIZE_BYTE)
				emit_mov_m8_imm(dst, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()), srcp.immediate());// mov   [basep + scale*indp],srcp
			else if (size == SIZE_WORD)
				emit_mov_m16_imm(dst, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()), srcp.immediate());// mov   [basep + scale*indp],srcp
			else if (size == SIZE_DWORD)
				emit_mov_m32_imm(dst, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()), srcp.immediate());// mov   [basep + scale*indp],srcp
			else if (size == SIZE_QWORD)
				if (short_immediate(srcp.immediate()))
					emit_mov_m64_imm(dst, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()), srcp.immediate());// mov   [basep + scale*indp],srcp
					emit_mov_m32_imm(dst, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()), srcp.immediate());// mov   [basep + scale*indp],srcp
					emit_mov_m32_imm(dst, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate() + 4), srcp.immediate() >> 32);
																						// mov   [basep + scale*indp + 4],srcp >> 32

		// variable source
			if (size != SIZE_QWORD)
				emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, srcreg, srcp);									// mov   srcreg,srcp
				emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, srcreg, srcp);									// mov   srcreg,srcp
			if (size == SIZE_BYTE)
				emit_mov_m8_r8(dst, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()), srcreg);	// mov   [basep + scale*indp],srcreg
			else if (size == SIZE_WORD)
				emit_mov_m16_r16(dst, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()), srcreg);	// mov   [basep + scale*indp],srcreg
			else if (size == SIZE_DWORD)
				emit_mov_m32_r32(dst, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()), srcreg);	// mov   [basep + scale*indp],srcreg
			else if (size == SIZE_QWORD)
				emit_mov_m64_r64(dst, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + scale*indp.immediate()), srcreg);	// mov   [basep + scale*indp],srcreg

	// normal case: variable index
		int indreg = indp.select_register(REG_ECX);
		emit_movsx_r64_p32(dst, indreg, indp);											// mov   indreg,indp

		// immediate source
		if (srcp.is_immediate())
			if (size == SIZE_BYTE)
				emit_mov_m8_imm(dst, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs), srcp.immediate());// mov   [basep + scale*ecx],srcp
			else if (size == SIZE_WORD)
				emit_mov_m16_imm(dst, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs), srcp.immediate());// mov   [basep + scale*ecx],srcp
			else if (size == SIZE_DWORD)
				emit_mov_m32_imm(dst, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs), srcp.immediate());// mov   [basep + scale*ecx],srcp
			else if (size == SIZE_QWORD)
				if (short_immediate(srcp.immediate()))
					emit_mov_m64_imm(dst, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs), srcp.immediate());// mov   [basep + scale*indp],srcp
					emit_mov_m32_imm(dst, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs), srcp.immediate());// mov   [basep + scale*ecx],srcp
					emit_mov_m32_imm(dst, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs + 4), srcp.immediate() >> 32);
																						// mov   [basep + scale*ecx + 4],srcp >> 32

		// variable source
			if (size != SIZE_QWORD)
				emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, srcreg, srcp);									// mov   srcreg,srcp
				emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, srcreg, srcp);									// mov   edx:srcreg,srcp
			if (size == SIZE_BYTE)
				emit_mov_m8_r8(dst, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs), srcreg);	// mov   [basep + scale*ecx],srcreg
			else if (size == SIZE_WORD)
				emit_mov_m16_r16(dst, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs), srcreg);	// mov   [basep + scale*ecx],srcreg
			else if (size == SIZE_DWORD)
				emit_mov_m32_r32(dst, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs), srcreg);	// mov   [basep + scale*ecx],srcreg
			else if (size == SIZE_QWORD)
				emit_mov_m64_r64(dst, MBISD(basereg, indreg, scale, baseoffs), srcreg);	// mov   [basep + scale*ecx],srcreg

//  op_read - process a READ opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_read(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter addrp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	const parameter &spacesizep = inst.param(2);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX);

	// set up a call to the read byte handler
	emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_PARAM1, (FPTR)(m_space[]));				// mov    param1,space
	emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_PARAM2, addrp);											// mov    param2,addrp
	if (spacesizep.size() == SIZE_BYTE)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].read_byte);
																						// call   read_byte
		emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, dstreg, REG_AL);											// movzx  dstreg,al
	else if (spacesizep.size() == SIZE_WORD)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].read_word);
																						// call   read_word
		emit_movzx_r32_r16(dst, dstreg, REG_AX);										// movzx  dstreg,ax
	else if (spacesizep.size() == SIZE_DWORD)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].read_dword);
																						// call   read_dword
		if (dstreg != REG_EAX || inst.size() == 8)
			emit_mov_r32_r32(dst, dstreg, REG_EAX);										// mov    dstreg,eax
	else if (spacesizep.size() == SIZE_QWORD)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].read_qword);
																						// call   read_qword
		if (dstreg != REG_RAX)
			emit_mov_r64_r64(dst, dstreg, REG_RAX);										// mov    dstreg,rax

	// store result
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg
		emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_readm - process a READM opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_readm(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter addrp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter maskp(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	const parameter &spacesizep = inst.param(3);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX);

	// set up a call to the read byte handler
	emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_PARAM1, (FPTR)(m_space[]));				// mov    param1,space
	emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_PARAM2, addrp);											// mov    param2,addrp
	if (spacesizep.size() != SIZE_QWORD)
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_PARAM3, maskp);										// mov    param3,maskp
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_PARAM3, maskp);										// mov    param3,maskp
	if (spacesizep.size() == SIZE_WORD)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].read_word_masked);
																						// call   read_word_masked
		emit_movzx_r32_r16(dst, dstreg, REG_AX);										// movzx  dstreg,ax
	else if (spacesizep.size() == SIZE_DWORD)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].read_dword_masked);
																						// call   read_dword_masked
		if (dstreg != REG_EAX || inst.size() == 8)
			emit_mov_r32_r32(dst, dstreg, REG_EAX);										// mov    dstreg,eax
	else if (spacesizep.size() == SIZE_QWORD)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].read_qword_masked);
																						// call   read_qword_masked
		if (dstreg != REG_RAX)
			emit_mov_r64_r64(dst, dstreg, REG_RAX);										// mov    dstreg,rax

	// store result
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg
		emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_write - process a WRITE opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_write(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter addrp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	const parameter &spacesizep = inst.param(2);

	// set up a call to the write byte handler
	emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_PARAM1, (FPTR)(m_space[]));				// mov    param1,space
	emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_PARAM2, addrp);											// mov    param2,addrp
	if (spacesizep.size() != SIZE_QWORD)
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_PARAM3, srcp);										// mov    param3,srcp
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_PARAM3, srcp);										// mov    param3,srcp
	if (spacesizep.size() == SIZE_BYTE)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].write_byte);
																						// call   write_byte
	else if (spacesizep.size() == SIZE_WORD)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].write_word);
																						// call   write_word
	else if (spacesizep.size() == SIZE_DWORD)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].write_dword);
																						// call   write_dword
	else if (spacesizep.size() == SIZE_QWORD)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].write_qword);
																						// call   write_qword

//  op_writem - process a WRITEM opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_writem(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter addrp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter maskp(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	const parameter &spacesizep = inst.param(3);

	// set up a call to the write byte handler
	emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_PARAM1, (FPTR)(m_space[]));				// mov    param1,space
	emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_PARAM2, addrp);											// mov    param2,addrp
	if (spacesizep.size() != SIZE_QWORD)
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_PARAM3, srcp);										// mov    param3,srcp
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_PARAM4, maskp);										// mov    param4,maskp
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_PARAM3, srcp);										// mov    param3,srcp
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_PARAM4, maskp);										// mov    param4,maskp
	if (spacesizep.size() == SIZE_WORD)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].write_word_masked);
																						// call   write_word_masked
	else if (spacesizep.size() == SIZE_DWORD)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].write_dword_masked);
																						// call   write_dword_masked
	else if (spacesizep.size() == SIZE_QWORD)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].write_qword_masked);
																						// call   write_qword_masked

//  op_carry - process a CARRY opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_carry(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_C);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter bitp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);

	// degenerate case: source is immediate
	if (srcp.is_immediate() && bitp.is_immediate())
		if (srcp.immediate() & ((UINT64)1 << bitp.immediate()))

	// load non-immediate bit numbers into a register
	if (!bitp.is_immediate())
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_ECX, bitp);
		emit_and_r32_imm(dst, REG_ECX, inst.size() * 8 - 1);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		if (bitp.is_immediate())
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_bt_m32_imm(dst, MABS(srcp.memory()), bitp.immediate());			// bt     [srcp],bitp
			else if (srcp.is_int_register())
				emit_bt_r32_imm(dst, srcp.ireg(), bitp.immediate());					// bt     srcp,bitp
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_bt_m32_r32(dst, MABS(srcp.memory()), REG_ECX);						// bt     [srcp],ecx
			else if (srcp.is_int_register())
				emit_bt_r32_r32(dst, srcp.ireg(), REG_ECX);								// bt     srcp,ecx

	// 64-bit form
		if (bitp.is_immediate())
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_bt_m64_imm(dst, MABS(srcp.memory()), bitp.immediate());			// bt     [srcp],bitp
			else if (srcp.is_int_register())
				emit_bt_r64_imm(dst, srcp.ireg(), bitp.immediate());					// bt     srcp,bitp
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_bt_m64_r64(dst, MABS(srcp.memory()), REG_ECX);						// bt     [srcp],ecx
			else if (srcp.is_int_register())
				emit_bt_r64_r64(dst, srcp.ireg(), REG_ECX);								// bt     srcp,ecx

//  op_set - process a SET opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_set(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX);

	// set to AL
	emit_setcc_r8(dst, X86_CONDITION(inst.condition()), REG_AL);						// setcc  al
	emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, dstreg, REG_AL);												// movzx  dstreg,al

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg


//  op_mov - process a MOV opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_mov(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	x86code *savedst = dst;

	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX);

	// always start with a jmp
	emit_link skip = { 0 };
	if (inst.condition() != uml::COND_ALWAYS)
		emit_jcc_short_link(dst, X86_NOT_CONDITION(inst.condition()), skip);			// jcc   skip

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// register to memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && srcp.is_int_register())
			emit_mov_m32_r32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), srcp.ireg());					// mov   [dstp],srcp

		// immediate to memory
		else if (dstp.is_memory() && srcp.is_immediate())
			emit_mov_m32_imm(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), srcp.immediate());				// mov   [dstp],srcp

		// conditional memory to register
		else if (inst.condition() != 0 && dstp.is_int_register() && srcp.is_memory())
			dst = savedst; = NULL;
			emit_cmovcc_r32_m32(dst, X86_CONDITION(inst.condition()), dstp.ireg(), MABS(srcp.memory()));
																						// cmovcc dstp,[srcp]

		// conditional register to register
		else if (inst.condition() != 0 && dstp.is_int_register() && srcp.is_int_register())
			dst = savedst; = NULL;
			emit_cmovcc_r32_r32(dst, X86_CONDITION(inst.condition()), dstp.ireg(), srcp.ireg());
																						// cmovcc dstp,srcp

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32_keepflags(dst, dstreg, srcp);								// mov   dstreg,srcp
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// register to memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && srcp.is_int_register())
			emit_mov_m64_r64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), srcp.ireg());					// mov   [dstp],srcp

		// immediate to memory
		else if (dstp.is_memory() && srcp.is_immediate() && short_immediate(srcp.immediate()))
			emit_mov_m64_imm(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), srcp.immediate());				// mov   [dstp],srcp

		// conditional memory to register
		else if (inst.condition() != 0 && dstp.is_int_register() && srcp.is_memory())
			dst = savedst; = NULL;
			emit_cmovcc_r64_m64(dst, X86_CONDITION(inst.condition()), dstp.ireg(), MABS(srcp.memory()));
																						// cmovcc dstp,[srcp]

		// conditional register to register
		else if (inst.condition() != 0 && dstp.is_int_register() && srcp.is_int_register())
			dst = savedst; = NULL;
			emit_cmovcc_r64_r64(dst, X86_CONDITION(inst.condition()), dstp.ireg(), srcp.ireg());
																						// cmovcc dstp,srcp

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64_keepflags(dst, dstreg, srcp);								// mov   dstreg,srcp
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// resolve the jump
	if ( != NULL)
		resolve_link(dst, skip);

//  op_sext - process a SEXT opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_sext(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_S | FLAG_Z);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	const parameter &sizep = inst.param(2);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// general case
		if (srcp.is_memory())
			if (sizep.size() == SIZE_BYTE)
				emit_movsx_r32_m8(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));					// movsx dstreg,[srcp]
			else if (sizep.size() == SIZE_WORD)
				emit_movsx_r32_m16(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));					// movsx dstreg,[srcp]
			else if (sizep.size() == SIZE_DWORD)
				emit_mov_r32_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));						// mov   dstreg,[srcp]
		else if (srcp.is_int_register())
			if (sizep.size() == SIZE_BYTE)
				emit_movsx_r32_r8(dst, dstreg, srcp.ireg());							// movsx dstreg,srcp
			else if (sizep.size() == SIZE_WORD)
				emit_movsx_r32_r16(dst, dstreg, srcp.ireg());							// movsx dstreg,srcp
			else if (sizep.size() == SIZE_DWORD)
				emit_mov_r32_r32(dst, dstreg, srcp.ireg());								// mov   dstreg,srcp
		emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			emit_test_r32_r32(dst, dstreg, dstreg);										// test  dstreg,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// general case
		if (srcp.is_memory())
			if (sizep.size() == SIZE_BYTE)
				emit_movsx_r64_m8(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));					// movsx dstreg,[srcp]
			else if (sizep.size() == SIZE_WORD)
				emit_movsx_r64_m16(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));					// movsx dstreg,[srcp]
			else if (sizep.size() == SIZE_DWORD)
				emit_movsxd_r64_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));					// movsxd dstreg,[srcp]
			else if (sizep.size() == SIZE_QWORD)
				emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));						// mov   dstreg,[srcp]
		else if (srcp.is_int_register())
			if (sizep.size() == SIZE_BYTE)
				emit_movsx_r64_r8(dst, dstreg, srcp.ireg());							// movsx dstreg,srcp
			else if (sizep.size() == SIZE_WORD)
				emit_movsx_r64_r16(dst, dstreg, srcp.ireg());							// movsx dstreg,srcp
			else if (sizep.size() == SIZE_DWORD)
				emit_movsxd_r64_r32(dst, dstreg, srcp.ireg());							// movsxd dstreg,srcp
			else if (sizep.size() == SIZE_QWORD)
				emit_mov_r64_r64(dst, dstreg, srcp.ireg());								// mov   dstreg,srcp
		emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			emit_test_r64_r64(dst, dstreg, dstreg);										// test  dstreg,dstreg

//  op_roland - process an ROLAND opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_roland(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_S | FLAG_Z);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter shiftp(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter maskp(*this, inst.param(3), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX, shiftp, maskp);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, srcp);											// mov   dstreg,srcp
		emit_rol_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, shiftp, inst);									// rol   dstreg,shiftp
		emit_and_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, maskp, inst);										// and   dstreg,maskp
		emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, srcp);											// mov   dstreg,srcp
		emit_rol_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, shiftp, inst);									// rol   dstreg,shiftp
		emit_and_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, maskp, inst);										// and   dstreg,maskp
		emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_rolins - process an ROLINS opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_rolins(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_S | FLAG_Z);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter shiftp(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter maskp(*this, inst.param(3), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_ECX, shiftp, maskp);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_EAX, srcp);											// mov   eax,srcp
		emit_rol_r32_p32(dst, REG_EAX, shiftp, inst);									// rol   eax,shiftp
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, dstp);											// mov   dstreg,dstp
		if (maskp.is_immediate())
			emit_and_r32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, maskp.immediate());							// and   eax,maskp
			emit_and_r32_imm(dst, dstreg, ~maskp.immediate());							// and   dstreg,~maskp
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_EDX, maskp);										// mov   edx,maskp
			emit_and_r32_r32(dst, REG_EAX, REG_EDX);									// and   eax,edx
			emit_not_r32(dst, REG_EDX);													// not   edx
			emit_and_r32_r32(dst, dstreg, REG_EDX);										// and   dstreg,edx
		emit_or_r32_r32(dst, dstreg, REG_EAX);											// or    dstreg,eax
		emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RAX, srcp);											// mov   rax,srcp
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RDX, maskp);											// mov   rdx,maskp
		emit_rol_r64_p64(dst, REG_RAX, shiftp, inst);									// rol   rax,shiftp
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, dstp);											// mov   dstreg,dstp
		emit_and_r64_r64(dst, REG_RAX, REG_RDX);										// and   eax,rdx
		emit_not_r64(dst, REG_RDX);														// not   rdx
		emit_and_r64_r64(dst, dstreg, REG_RDX);											// and   dstreg,rdx
		emit_or_r64_r64(dst, dstreg, REG_RAX);											// or    dstreg,rax
		emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_add - process a ADD opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_add(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_C | FLAG_V | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	normalize_commutative(src1p, src2p);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_add_m32_p32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// add   [dstp],src2p

		// reg = reg + imm
		else if (dstp.is_int_register() && src1p.is_int_register() && src2p.is_immediate() && inst.flags() == 0)
			emit_lea_r32_m32(dst, dstp.ireg(), MBD(src1p.ireg(), src2p.immediate()));	// lea   dstp,[src1p+src2p]

		// reg = reg + reg
		else if (dstp.is_int_register() && src1p.is_int_register() && src2p.is_int_register() && inst.flags() == 0)
			emit_lea_r32_m32(dst, dstp.ireg(), MBISD(src1p.ireg(), src2p.ireg(), 1, 0));// lea   dstp,[src1p+src2p]

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_add_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// add   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_add_m64_p64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// add   [dstp],src2p

		// reg = reg + imm
		else if (dstp.is_int_register() && src1p.is_int_register() && src2p.is_immediate() && short_immediate(src2p.immediate()) && inst.flags() == 0)
			emit_lea_r64_m64(dst, dstp.ireg(), MBD(src1p.ireg(), src2p.immediate()));	// lea   dstp,[src1p+src2p]

		// reg = reg + reg
		else if (dstp.is_int_register() && src1p.is_int_register() && src2p.is_int_register() && inst.flags() == 0)
			emit_lea_r64_m64(dst, dstp.ireg(), MBISD(src1p.ireg(), src2p.ireg(), 1, 0));// lea   dstp,[src1p+src2p]

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_add_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// add   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_addc - process a ADDC opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_addc(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_C | FLAG_V | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	normalize_commutative(src1p, src2p);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_adc_m32_p32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// adc   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32_keepflags(dst, dstreg, src1p);								// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_adc_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// adc   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_adc_m64_p64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// adc   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64_keepflags(dst, dstreg, src1p);								// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_adc_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// adc   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_sub - process a SUB opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_sub(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_C | FLAG_V | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_sub_m32_p32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// sub   [dstp],src2p

		// reg = reg - imm
		else if (dstp.is_int_register() && src1p.is_int_register() && src2p.is_immediate() && inst.flags() == 0)
			emit_lea_r32_m32(dst, dstp.ireg(), MBD(src1p.ireg(), -src2p.immediate()));	// lea   dstp,[src1p-src2p]

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_sub_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// sub   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_sub_m64_p64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// sub   [dstp],src2p

		// reg = reg - imm
		else if (dstp.is_int_register() && src1p.is_int_register() && src2p.is_immediate() && short_immediate(src2p.immediate()) && inst.flags() == 0)
			emit_lea_r64_m64(dst, dstp.ireg(), MBD(src1p.ireg(), -src2p.immediate()));	// lea   dstp,[src1p-src2p]

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_sub_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// sub   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_subc - process a SUBC opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_subc(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_C | FLAG_V | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_sbb_m32_p32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// sbb   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32_keepflags(dst, dstreg, src1p);								// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_sbb_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// sbb   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_sbb_m64_p64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// sbb   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64_keepflags(dst, dstreg, src1p);								// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_sbb_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// sbb   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_cmp - process a CMP opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_cmp(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_C | FLAG_V | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int src1reg = src1p.select_register(REG_EAX);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// memory versus anything
		if (src1p.is_memory())
			emit_cmp_m32_p32(dst, MABS(src1p.memory()), src2p, inst);					// cmp   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			if (src1p.is_immediate())
				emit_mov_r32_imm(dst, src1reg, src1p.immediate());						// mov   src1reg,imm
			emit_cmp_r32_p32(dst, src1reg, src2p, inst);								// cmp   src1reg,src2p

	// 64-bit form
		// memory versus anything
		if (src1p.is_memory())
			emit_cmp_m64_p64(dst, MABS(src1p.memory()), src2p, inst);					// cmp   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			if (src1p.is_immediate())
				emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, src1reg, src1p.immediate());						// mov   src1reg,imm
			emit_cmp_r64_p64(dst, src1reg, src2p, inst);								// cmp   src1reg,src2p

//  op_mulu - process a MULU opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_mulu(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	UINT8 zsflags = inst.flags() & (FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);
	UINT8 vflag = inst.flags() & FLAG_V;

	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_V | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter edstp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(3), PTYPE_MRI);
	normalize_commutative(src1p, src2p);
	bool compute_hi = (dstp != edstp);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// general case
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_EAX, src1p);											// mov   eax,src1p
		if (src2p.is_memory())
			emit_mul_m32(dst, MABS(src2p.memory()));									// mul   [src2p]
		else if (src2p.is_int_register())
			emit_mul_r32(dst, src2p.ireg());											// mul   src2p
		else if (src2p.is_immediate())
			emit_mov_r32_imm(dst, REG_EDX, src2p.immediate());							// mov   edx,src2p
			emit_mul_r32(dst, REG_EDX);													// mul   edx
		emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, REG_EAX);											// mov   dstp,eax
		if (compute_hi)
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, edstp, REG_EDX);										// mov   edstp,edx

		// compute flags
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			if (zsflags != 0)
				if (vflag)
					emit_pushf(dst);													// pushf
				if (compute_hi)
					if (zsflags == FLAG_Z)
						emit_or_r32_r32(dst, REG_EDX, REG_EAX);							// or    edx,eax
					else if (zsflags == FLAG_S)
						emit_test_r32_r32(dst, REG_EDX, REG_EDX);						// test  edx,edx
						emit_movzx_r32_r16(dst, REG_ECX, REG_AX);						// movzx ecx,ax
						emit_shr_r32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, 16);								// shr   eax,16
						emit_or_r32_r32(dst, REG_EDX, REG_ECX);							// or    edx,ecx
						emit_or_r32_r32(dst, REG_EDX, REG_EAX);							// or    edx,eax
					emit_test_r32_r32(dst, REG_EAX, REG_EAX);							// test  eax,eax

				// we rely on the fact that OF is cleared by all logical operations above
				if (vflag)
					emit_pushf(dst);													// pushf
					emit_pop_r64(dst, REG_RAX);											// pop   rax
					emit_and_m64_imm(dst, MBD(REG_RSP, 0), ~0x84);						// and   [rsp],~0x84
					emit_or_m64_r64(dst, MBD(REG_RSP, 0), REG_RAX);						// or    [rsp],rax
					emit_popf(dst);														// popf

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// general case
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RAX, src1p);											// mov   rax,src1p
		if (src2p.is_memory())
			emit_mul_m64(dst, MABS(src2p.memory()));									// mul   [src2p]
		else if (src2p.is_int_register())
			emit_mul_r64(dst, src2p.ireg());											// mul   src2p
		else if (src2p.is_immediate())
			emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_RDX, src2p.immediate());							// mov   rdx,src2p
			emit_mul_r64(dst, REG_RDX);													// mul   rdx
		emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, REG_RAX);											// mov   dstp,rax
		if (compute_hi)
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, edstp, REG_RDX);										// mov   edstp,rdx

		// compute flags
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			if (zsflags != 0)
				if (vflag)
					emit_pushf(dst);													// pushf
				if (compute_hi)
					if (zsflags == FLAG_Z)
						emit_or_r64_r64(dst, REG_RDX, REG_RAX);							// or    rdx,rax
					else if (zsflags == FLAG_S)
						emit_test_r64_r64(dst, REG_RDX, REG_RDX);						// test  rdx,rdx
						emit_mov_r32_r32(dst, REG_ECX, REG_EAX);						// mov   ecx,eax
						emit_shr_r64_imm(dst, REG_RAX, 32);								// shr   rax,32
						emit_or_r64_r64(dst, REG_RDX, REG_RCX);							// or    rdx,rcx
						emit_or_r64_r64(dst, REG_RDX, REG_RAX);							// or    rdx,rax
					emit_test_r64_r64(dst, REG_RAX, REG_RAX);							// test  rax,rax

				// we rely on the fact that OF is cleared by all logical operations above
				if (vflag)
					emit_pushf(dst);													// pushf
					emit_pop_r64(dst, REG_RAX);											// pop   rax
					emit_and_m64_imm(dst, MBD(REG_RSP, 0), ~0x84);						// and   [rsp],~0x84
					emit_or_m64_r64(dst, MBD(REG_RSP, 0), REG_RAX);						// or    [rsp],rax
					emit_popf(dst);														// popf

//  op_muls - process a MULS opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_muls(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	UINT8 zsflags = inst.flags() & (FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);
	UINT8 vflag =  inst.flags() & FLAG_V;

	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_V | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter edstp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(3), PTYPE_MRI);
	normalize_commutative(src1p, src2p);
	bool compute_hi = (dstp != edstp);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// 32-bit destination with memory/immediate or register/immediate
		if (!compute_hi && !src1p.is_immediate() && src2p.is_immediate())
			if (src1p.is_memory())
				emit_imul_r32_m32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, MABS(src1p.memory()), src2p.immediate()); // imul  eax,[src1p],src2p
			else if (src1p.is_int_register())
				emit_imul_r32_r32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, src1p.ireg(), src2p.immediate());	// imul  eax,src1p,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, REG_EAX);										// mov   dstp,eax

		// 32-bit destination, general case
		else if (!compute_hi)
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_EAX, src1p);										// mov   eax,src1p
			if (src2p.is_memory())
				emit_imul_r32_m32(dst, REG_EAX, MABS(src2p.memory()));					// imul  eax,[src2p]
			else if (src2p.is_int_register())
				emit_imul_r32_r32(dst, REG_EAX, src2p.ireg());							// imul  eax,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, REG_EAX);										// mov   dstp,eax

		// 64-bit destination, general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_EAX, src1p);										// mov   eax,src1p
			if (src2p.is_memory())
				emit_imul_m32(dst, MABS(src2p.memory()));								// imul  [src2p]
			else if (src2p.is_int_register())
				emit_imul_r32(dst, src2p.ireg());										// imul  src2p
			else if (src2p.is_immediate())
				emit_mov_r32_imm(dst, REG_EDX, src2p.immediate());						// mov   edx,src2p
				emit_imul_r32(dst, REG_EDX);											// imul  edx
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, REG_EAX);										// mov   dstp,eax
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, edstp, REG_EDX);										// mov   edstp,edx

		// compute flags
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			if (zsflags != 0)
				if (vflag)
					emit_pushf(dst);													// pushf
				if (compute_hi)
					if (zsflags == FLAG_Z)
						emit_or_r32_r32(dst, REG_EDX, REG_EAX);							// or    edx,eax
					else if (zsflags == FLAG_S)
						emit_test_r32_r32(dst, REG_EDX, REG_EDX);						// test  edx,edx
						emit_movzx_r32_r16(dst, REG_ECX, REG_AX);						// movzx ecx,ax
						emit_shr_r32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, 16);								// shr   eax,16
						emit_or_r32_r32(dst, REG_EDX, REG_ECX);							// or    edx,ecx
						emit_or_r32_r32(dst, REG_EDX, REG_EAX);							// or    edx,eax
					emit_test_r32_r32(dst, REG_EAX, REG_EAX);							// test  eax,eax

				// we rely on the fact that OF is cleared by all logical operations above
				if (vflag)
					emit_pushf(dst);													// pushf
					emit_pop_r64(dst, REG_RAX);											// pop   rax
					emit_and_m64_imm(dst, MBD(REG_RSP, 0), ~0x84);						// and   [rsp],~0x84
					emit_or_m64_r64(dst, MBD(REG_RSP, 0), REG_RAX);						// or    [rsp],rax
					emit_popf(dst);														// popf

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// 64-bit destination with memory/immediate or register/immediate
		if (!compute_hi && !src1p.is_immediate() && src2p.is_immediate() && short_immediate(src2p.immediate()))
			if (src1p.is_memory())
				emit_imul_r64_m64_imm(dst, REG_RAX, MABS(src1p.memory()), src2p.immediate());// imul  rax,[src1p],src2p
			else if (src1p.is_int_register())
				emit_imul_r64_r64_imm(dst, REG_RAX, src1p.ireg(), src2p.immediate());	// imul  rax,src1p,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, REG_RAX);										// mov   dstp,rax

		// 64-bit destination, general case
		else if (!compute_hi)
			emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RAX, src1p);										// mov   rax,src1p
			if (src2p.is_memory())
				emit_imul_r64_m64(dst, REG_RAX, MABS(src2p.memory()));					// imul  rax,[src2p]
			else if (src2p.is_int_register())
				emit_imul_r64_r64(dst, REG_RAX, src2p.ireg());							// imul  rax,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, REG_RAX);										// mov   dstp,rax

		// 128-bit destination, general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RAX, src1p);										// mov   rax,src1p
			if (src2p.is_memory())
				emit_imul_m64(dst, MABS(src2p.memory()));								// imul  [src2p]
			else if (src2p.is_int_register())
				emit_imul_r64(dst, src2p.ireg());										// imul  src2p
			else if (src2p.is_immediate())
				emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_RDX, src2p.immediate());						// mov   rdx,src2p
				emit_imul_r64(dst, REG_RDX);											// imul  rdx
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, REG_RAX);										// mov   dstp,rax
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, edstp, REG_RDX);										// mov   edstp,rdx

		// compute flags
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			if (zsflags != 0)
				if (vflag)
					emit_pushf(dst);													// pushf
				if (compute_hi)
					if (zsflags == FLAG_Z)
						emit_or_r64_r64(dst, REG_RDX, REG_RAX);							// or    rdx,rax
					else if (zsflags == FLAG_S)
						emit_test_r64_r64(dst, REG_RDX, REG_RDX);						// test  rdx,rdx
						emit_mov_r32_r32(dst, REG_ECX, REG_EAX);						// mov   ecx,eax
						emit_shr_r64_imm(dst, REG_RAX, 32);								// shr   rax,32
						emit_or_r64_r64(dst, REG_RDX, REG_RCX);							// or    rdx,rcx
						emit_or_r64_r64(dst, REG_RDX, REG_RAX);							// or    rdx,rax
					emit_test_r64_r64(dst, REG_RAX, REG_RAX);							// test  rax,rax

				// we rely on the fact that OF is cleared by all logical operations above
				if (vflag)
					emit_pushf(dst);													// pushf
					emit_pop_r64(dst, REG_RAX);											// pop   rax
					emit_and_m64_imm(dst, MBD(REG_RSP, 0), ~0x84);						// and   [rsp],~0x84
					emit_or_m64_r64(dst, MBD(REG_RSP, 0), REG_RAX);						// or    [rsp],rax
					emit_popf(dst);														// popf

//  op_divu - process a DIVU opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_divu(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_V | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter edstp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(3), PTYPE_MRI);
	bool compute_rem = (dstp != edstp);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// general case
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_ECX, src2p);											// mov   ecx,src2p
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			emit_mov_r32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, 0xa0000000);									// mov   eax,0xa0000000
			emit_add_r32_r32(dst, REG_EAX, REG_EAX);									// add   eax,eax
		emit_link skip;
		emit_jecxz_link(dst, skip);														// jecxz skip
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_EAX, src1p);											// mov   eax,src1p
		emit_xor_r32_r32(dst, REG_EDX, REG_EDX);										// xor   edx,edx
		emit_div_r32(dst, REG_ECX);														// div   ecx
		emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, REG_EAX);											// mov   dstp,eax
		if (compute_rem)
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, edstp, REG_EDX);										// mov   edstp,edx
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			emit_test_r32_r32(dst, REG_EAX, REG_EAX);									// test  eax,eax
		resolve_link(dst, skip);													// skip:

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// general case
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RCX, src2p);											// mov   rcx,src2p
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			emit_mov_r32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, 0xa0000000);									// mov   eax,0xa0000000
			emit_add_r32_r32(dst, REG_EAX, REG_EAX);									// add   eax,eax
		emit_link skip;
		emit_jrcxz_link(dst, skip);														// jrcxz skip
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RAX, src1p);											// mov   rax,src1p
		emit_xor_r32_r32(dst, REG_EDX, REG_EDX);										// xor   edx,edx
		emit_div_r64(dst, REG_RCX);														// div   rcx
		emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, REG_RAX);											// mov   dstp,rax
		if (compute_rem)
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, edstp, REG_RDX);										// mov   edstp,rdx
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			emit_test_r64_r64(dst, REG_RAX, REG_RAX);									// test  eax,eax
		resolve_link(dst, skip);													// skip:

//  op_divs - process a DIVS opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_divs(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_V | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter edstp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(3), PTYPE_MRI);
	bool compute_rem = (dstp != edstp);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// general case
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_ECX, src2p);											// mov   ecx,src2p
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			emit_mov_r32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, 0xa0000000);									// mov   eax,0xa0000000
			emit_add_r32_r32(dst, REG_EAX, REG_EAX);									// add   eax,eax
		emit_link skip;
		emit_jecxz_link(dst, skip);														// jecxz skip
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_EAX, src1p);											// mov   eax,src1p
		emit_cdq(dst);																	// cdq
		emit_idiv_r32(dst, REG_ECX);													// idiv  ecx
		emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, REG_EAX);											// mov   dstp,eax
		if (compute_rem)
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, edstp, REG_EDX);										// mov   edstp,edx
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			emit_test_r32_r32(dst, REG_EAX, REG_EAX);									// test  eax,eax
		resolve_link(dst, skip);													// skip:

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// general case
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RCX, src2p);											// mov   rcx,src2p
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			emit_mov_r32_imm(dst, REG_EAX, 0xa0000000);									// mov   eax,0xa0000000
			emit_add_r32_r32(dst, REG_EAX, REG_EAX);									// add   eax,eax
		emit_link skip;
		emit_jrcxz_link(dst, skip);														// jrcxz skip
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, REG_RAX, src1p);											// mov   rax,src1p
		emit_cqo(dst);																	// cqo
		emit_idiv_r64(dst, REG_RCX);													// idiv  rcx
		emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, REG_RAX);											// mov   dstp,rax
		if (compute_rem)
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, edstp, REG_RDX);										// mov   edstp,rdx
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			emit_test_r64_r64(dst, REG_RAX, REG_RAX);									// test  eax,eax
		resolve_link(dst, skip);													// skip:

//  op_and - process a AND opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_and(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	normalize_commutative(src1p, src2p);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_and_m32_p32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// and   [dstp],src2p

		// AND with immediate 0xff
		else if (src2p.is_immediate_value(0xff) && inst.flags() == 0)
			if (src1p.is_int_register())
				emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, dstreg, src1p.ireg());							// movzx dstreg,src1p
			else if (src1p.is_memory())
				emit_movzx_r32_m8(dst, dstreg, MABS(src1p.memory()));					// movzx dstreg,[src1p]
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

		// AND with immediate 0xffff
		else if (src2p.is_immediate_value(0xffff) && inst.flags() == 0)
			if (src1p.is_int_register())
				emit_movzx_r32_r16(dst, dstreg, src1p.ireg());							// movzx dstreg,src1p
			else if (src1p.is_memory())
				emit_movzx_r32_m16(dst, dstreg, MABS(src1p.memory()));					// movzx dstreg,[src1p]
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_and_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// and   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_and_m64_p64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// and   [dstp],src2p

		// AND with immediate 0xff
		else if (src2p.is_immediate_value(0xff) && inst.flags() == 0)
			if (src1p.is_int_register())
				emit_movzx_r32_r8(dst, dstreg, src1p.ireg());							// movzx dstreg,src1p
			else if (src1p.is_memory())
				emit_movzx_r32_m8(dst, dstreg, MABS(src1p.memory()));					// movzx dstreg,[src1p]
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

		// AND with immediate 0xffff
		else if (src2p.is_immediate_value(0xffff) && inst.flags() == 0)
			if (src1p.is_int_register())
				emit_movzx_r32_r16(dst, dstreg, src1p.ireg());							// movzx dstreg,src1p
			else if (src1p.is_memory())
				emit_movzx_r32_m16(dst, dstreg, MABS(src1p.memory()));					// movzx dstreg,[src1p]
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

		// AND with immediate 0xffffffff
		else if (src2p.is_immediate_value(0xffffffff) && inst.flags() == 0)
			if (dstp.is_int_register() && src1p == dstp)
				emit_mov_r32_r32(dst, dstreg, dstreg);									// mov   dstreg,dstreg
				emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src1p);									// mov   dstreg,src1p
				emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);									// mov   dstp,dstreg

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_and_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// and   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_test - process a TEST opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_test(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	normalize_commutative(src1p, src2p);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int src1reg = src1p.select_register(REG_EAX);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// src1p in memory
		if (src1p.is_memory())
			emit_test_m32_p32(dst, MABS(src1p.memory()), src2p, inst);					// test  [src1p],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, src1reg, src1p);										// mov   src1reg,src1p
			emit_test_r32_p32(dst, src1reg, src2p, inst);								// test  src1reg,src2p

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// src1p in memory
		if (src1p.is_memory())
			emit_test_m64_p64(dst, MABS(src1p.memory()), src2p, inst);					// test  [src1p],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, src1reg, src1p);										// mov   src1reg,src1p
			emit_test_r64_p64(dst, src1reg, src2p, inst);								// test  src1reg,src2p

//  op_or - process a OR opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_or(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	normalize_commutative(src1p, src2p);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_or_m32_p32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);						// or    [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_or_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// or    dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_or_m64_p64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);						// or    [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_or_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// or    dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_xor - process a XOR opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_xor(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);
	normalize_commutative(src1p, src2p);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_xor_m32_p32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// xor   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_xor_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// xor   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_xor_m64_p64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// xor   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_xor_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// xor   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_lzcnt - process a LZCNT opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_lzcnt(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, srcp);											// mov   dstreg,src1p
		emit_mov_r32_imm(dst, REG_ECX, 32 ^ 31);										// mov   ecx,32 ^ 31
		emit_bsr_r32_r32(dst, dstreg, dstreg);											// bsr   dstreg,dstreg
		emit_cmovcc_r32_r32(dst, x64emit::COND_Z, dstreg, REG_ECX);								// cmovz dstreg,ecx
		emit_xor_r32_imm(dst, dstreg, 31);												// xor   dstreg,31
		emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, srcp);											// mov   dstreg,src1p
		emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_RCX, 64 ^ 63);										// mov   rcx,64 ^ 63
		emit_bsr_r64_r64(dst, dstreg, dstreg);											// bsr   dstreg,dstreg
		emit_cmovcc_r64_r64(dst, x64emit::COND_Z, dstreg, REG_RCX);								// cmovz dstreg,rcx
		emit_xor_r32_imm(dst, dstreg, 63);												// xor   dstreg,63
		emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_bswap - process a BSWAP opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_bswap(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_RAX);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, srcp);											// mov   dstreg,src1p
		emit_bswap_r32(dst, dstreg);													// bswap dstreg
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			emit_test_r32_r32(dst, dstreg, dstreg);										// test  dstreg,dstreg
		emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, srcp);											// mov   dstreg,src1p
		emit_bswap_r64(dst, dstreg);													// bswap dstreg
		if (inst.flags() != 0)
			emit_test_r64_r64(dst, dstreg, dstreg);										// test  dstreg,dstreg
		emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_shl - process a SHL opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_shl(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_C | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_shl_m32_p32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// shl   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_shl_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// shl   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_shl_m64_p64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// shl   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_shl_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// shl   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_shr - process a SHR opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_shr(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_C | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_shr_m32_p32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// shr   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_shr_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// shr   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_shr_m64_p64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// shr   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_shr_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// shr   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_sar - process a SAR opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_sar(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_C | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_sar_m32_p32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// sar   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_sar_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// sar   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_sar_m64_p64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// sar   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_sar_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// sar   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_rol - process a rol opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_rol(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_C | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_rol_m32_p32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// rol   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_rol_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// rol   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_rol_m64_p64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// rol   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_rol_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// rol   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_ror - process a ROR opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_ror(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_C | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_ror_m32_p32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// ror   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_ror_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// ror   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_ror_m64_p64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// ror   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_ror_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// ror   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_rolc - process a ROLC opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_rolc(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_C | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_rcl_m32_p32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// rcl   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32_keepflags(dst, dstreg, src1p);								// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_rcl_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// rcl   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_rcl_m64_p64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// rcl   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64_keepflags(dst, dstreg, src1p);								// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_rcl_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// rcl   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

//  op_rorc - process a RORC opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_rorc(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_C | FLAG_Z | FLAG_S);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_rcr_m32_p32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// rcr   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r32_p32_keepflags(dst, dstreg, src1p);								// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_rcr_r32_p32(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// rcr   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// dstp == src1p in memory
		if (dstp.is_memory() && dstp == src1p)
			emit_rcr_m64_p64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), src2p, inst);					// rcr   [dstp],src2p

		// general case
			emit_mov_r64_p64_keepflags(dst, dstreg, src1p);								// mov   dstreg,src1p
			emit_rcr_r64_p64(dst, dstreg, src2p, inst);									// rcr   dstreg,src2p
			emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// mov   dstp,dstreg


//  op_fload - process a FLOAD opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_fload(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter basep(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_M);
	be_parameter indp(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MRI);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_XMM0);

	// determine the pointer base
	INT32 baseoffs;
	int basereg = get_base_register_and_offset(dst, basep.memory(), REG_RDX, baseoffs);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		if (indp.is_immediate())
			emit_movss_r128_m32(dst, dstreg, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + 4*indp.immediate()));	// movss  dstreg,[basep + 4*indp]
			int indreg = indp.select_register(REG_ECX);
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, indreg, indp);										// mov    indreg,indp
			emit_movss_r128_m32(dst, dstreg, MBISD(basereg, indreg, 4, baseoffs));		// movss  dstreg,[basep + 4*indp]
		emit_movss_p32_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movss  dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		if (indp.is_immediate())
			emit_movsd_r128_m64(dst, dstreg, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + 8*indp.immediate()));	// movsd  dstreg,[basep + 8*indp]
			int indreg = indp.select_register(REG_ECX);
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, indreg, indp);										// mov    indreg,indp
			emit_movsd_r128_m64(dst, dstreg, MBISD(basereg, indreg, 8, baseoffs));		// movsd  dstreg,[basep + 8*indp]
		emit_movsd_p64_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movsd  dstp,dstreg

//  op_fstore - process a FSTORE opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_fstore(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter basep(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_M);
	be_parameter indp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MF);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int srcreg = srcp.select_register(REG_XMM0);

	// determine the pointer base
	INT32 baseoffs;
	int basereg = get_base_register_and_offset(dst, basep.memory(), REG_RDX, baseoffs);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_movss_r128_p32(dst, srcreg, srcp);											// movss  srcreg,srcp
		if (indp.is_immediate())
			emit_movss_m32_r128(dst, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + 4*indp.immediate()), srcreg);	// movss  [basep + 4*indp],srcreg
			int indreg = indp.select_register(REG_ECX);
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, indreg, indp);										// mov    indreg,indp
			emit_movss_m32_r128(dst, MBISD(basereg, indreg, 4, baseoffs), srcreg);		// movss  [basep + 4*indp],srcreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_movsd_r128_p64(dst, srcreg, srcp);											// movsd  srcreg,srcp
		if (indp.is_immediate())
			emit_movsd_m64_r128(dst, MBD(basereg, baseoffs + 8*indp.immediate()), srcreg);	// movsd  [basep + 8*indp],srcreg
			int indreg = indp.select_register(REG_ECX);
			emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, indreg, indp);										// mov    indreg,indp
			emit_movsd_m64_r128(dst, MBISD(basereg, indreg, 8, baseoffs), srcreg);		// movsd  [basep + 8*indp],srcreg

//  op_fread - process a FREAD opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_fread(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter addrp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	const parameter &spacep = inst.param(2);
	assert((1 << spacep.size()) == inst.size());

	// set up a call to the read dword/qword handler
	emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_PARAM1, (FPTR)(m_space[]));					// mov    param1,space
	emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_PARAM2, addrp);											// mov    param2,addrp
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].read_dword);	// call   read_dword
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].read_qword);	// call   read_qword

	// store result
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		if (dstp.is_memory())
			emit_mov_m32_r32(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), REG_EAX);						// mov   [dstp],eax
		else if (dstp.is_float_register())
			emit_movd_r128_r32(dst, dstp.freg(), REG_EAX);								// movd  dstp,eax
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		if (dstp.is_memory())
			emit_mov_m64_r64(dst, MABS(dstp.memory()), REG_RAX);						// mov   [dstp],rax
		else if (dstp.is_float_register())
			emit_movq_r128_r64(dst, dstp.freg(), REG_RAX);								// movq  dstp,rax

//  op_fwrite - process a FWRITE opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_fwrite(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter addrp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MRI);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MF);
	const parameter &spacep = inst.param(2);
	assert((1 << spacep.size()) == inst.size());

	// general case
	emit_mov_r64_imm(dst, REG_PARAM1, (FPTR)(m_space[]));					// mov    param1,space
	emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, REG_PARAM2, addrp);											// mov    param21,addrp

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		if (srcp.is_memory())
			emit_mov_r32_m32(dst, REG_PARAM3, MABS(srcp.memory()));						// mov    param3,[srcp]
		else if (srcp.is_float_register())
			emit_movd_r32_r128(dst, REG_PARAM3, srcp.freg());							// movd   param3,srcp
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].write_dword);	// call   write_dword

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		if (srcp.is_memory())
			emit_mov_r64_m64(dst, REG_PARAM3, MABS(srcp.memory()));						// mov    param3,[srcp]
		else if (srcp.is_float_register())
			emit_movq_r64_r128(dst, REG_PARAM3, srcp.freg());							// movq   param3,srcp
		emit_smart_call_m64(dst, (x86code **)&m_accessors[].write_qword);	// call   write_qword

//  op_fmov - process a FMOV opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_fmov(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MF);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_XMM0);

	// always start with a jmp
	emit_link skip = { 0 };
	if (inst.condition() != uml::COND_ALWAYS)
		emit_jcc_short_link(dst, X86_NOT_CONDITION(inst.condition()), skip);			// jcc   skip

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_movss_r128_p32(dst, dstreg, srcp);											// movss dstreg,srcp
		emit_movss_p32_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movss dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_movsd_r128_p64(dst, dstreg, srcp);											// movsd dstreg,srcp
		emit_movsd_p64_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movsd dstp,dstreg

	// resolve the jump
	if (inst.condition() != uml::COND_ALWAYS)
		resolve_link(dst, skip);													// skip:

//  op_ftoint - process a FTOINT opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_ftoint(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MR);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MF);
	const parameter &sizep = inst.param(2);
	const parameter &roundp = inst.param(3);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_EAX);

	// set rounding mode if necessary
	if (roundp.rounding() != ROUND_DEFAULT && roundp.rounding() != ROUND_TRUNC)
		emit_stmxcsr_m32(dst, MABS(&m_near.ssemodesave));								// stmxcsr [ssemodesave]
		emit_ldmxcsr_m32(dst, MABS(&m_near.ssecontrol[roundp.rounding()]));				// ldmxcsr fpcontrol[mode]

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// 32-bit integer source
		if (sizep.size() == SIZE_DWORD)
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				if (roundp.rounding() != ROUND_TRUNC)
					emit_cvtss2si_r32_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));			// cvtss2si dstreg,[srcp]
					emit_cvttss2si_r32_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));			// cvttss2si dstreg,[srcp]
			else if (srcp.is_float_register())
				if (roundp.rounding() != ROUND_TRUNC)
					emit_cvtss2si_r32_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());					// cvtss2si dstreg,srcp
					emit_cvttss2si_r32_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());					// cvttss2si dstreg,srcp

		// 64-bit integer source
		else if (sizep.size() == SIZE_QWORD)
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				if (roundp.rounding() != ROUND_TRUNC)
					emit_cvtss2si_r64_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));			// cvtss2si dstreg,[srcp]
					emit_cvttss2si_r64_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));			// cvttss2si dstreg,[srcp]
			else if (srcp.is_float_register())
				if (roundp.rounding() != ROUND_TRUNC)
					emit_cvtss2si_r64_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());					// cvtss2si dstreg,srcp
					emit_cvttss2si_r64_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());					// cvttss2si dstreg,srcp

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// 32-bit integer source
		if (sizep.size() == SIZE_DWORD)
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				if (roundp.rounding() != ROUND_TRUNC)
					emit_cvtsd2si_r32_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));			// cvtsd2si dstreg,[srcp]
					emit_cvttsd2si_r32_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));			// cvttsd2si dstreg,[srcp]
			else if (srcp.is_float_register())
				if (roundp.rounding() != ROUND_TRUNC)
					emit_cvtsd2si_r32_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());					// cvtsd2si dstreg,srcp
					emit_cvttsd2si_r32_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());					// cvttsd2si dstreg,srcp

		// 64-bit integer source
		else if (sizep.size() == SIZE_QWORD)
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				if (roundp.rounding() != ROUND_TRUNC)
					emit_cvtsd2si_r64_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));			// cvtsd2si dstreg,[srcp]
					emit_cvttsd2si_r64_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));			// cvttsd2si dstreg,[srcp]
			else if (srcp.is_float_register())
				if (roundp.rounding() != ROUND_TRUNC)
					emit_cvtsd2si_r64_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());					// cvtsd2si dstreg,srcp
					emit_cvttsd2si_r64_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());					// cvttsd2si dstreg,srcp

	// general case
	if (sizep.size() == SIZE_DWORD)
		emit_mov_p32_r32(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg
		emit_mov_p64_r64(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// mov   dstp,dstreg

	// restore rounding mode
	if (roundp.rounding() != ROUND_DEFAULT && roundp.rounding() != ROUND_TRUNC)
		emit_ldmxcsr_m32(dst, MABS(&m_near.ssemodesave));								// ldmxcsr [ssemodesave]

//  op_ffrint - process a FFRINT opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_ffrint(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MRI);
	const parameter &sizep = inst.param(2);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_XMM0);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		// 32-bit integer source
		if (sizep.size() == SIZE_DWORD)
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_cvtsi2ss_r128_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));				// cvtsi2ss dstreg,[srcp]
				int srcreg = srcp.select_register(REG_EAX);
				emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, srcreg, srcp);									// mov      srcreg,srcp
				emit_cvtsi2ss_r128_r32(dst, dstreg, srcreg);							// cvtsi2ss dstreg,srcreg

		// 64-bit integer source
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_cvtsi2ss_r128_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));				// cvtsi2ss dstreg,[srcp]
				int srcreg = srcp.select_register(REG_RAX);
				emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, srcreg, srcp);									// mov      srcreg,srcp
				emit_cvtsi2ss_r128_r64(dst, dstreg, srcreg);							// cvtsi2ss dstreg,srcreg
		emit_movss_p32_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movss    dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		// 32-bit integer source
		if (sizep.size() == SIZE_DWORD)
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_cvtsi2sd_r128_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));				// cvtsi2sd dstreg,[srcp]
				int srcreg = srcp.select_register(REG_EAX);
				emit_mov_r32_p32(dst, srcreg, srcp);									// mov      srcreg,srcp
				emit_cvtsi2sd_r128_r32(dst, dstreg, srcreg);							// cvtsi2sd dstreg,srcreg

		// 64-bit integer source
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_cvtsi2sd_r128_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));				// cvtsi2sd dstreg,[srcp]
				int srcreg = srcp.select_register(REG_EAX);
				emit_mov_r64_p64(dst, srcreg, srcp);									// mov      srcreg,srcp
				emit_cvtsi2sd_r128_r64(dst, dstreg, srcreg);							// cvtsi2sd dstreg,srcreg
		emit_movsd_p64_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movsd    dstp,dstreg

//  op_ffrflt - process a FFRFLT opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_ffrflt(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MF);
	const parameter &sizep = inst.param(2);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_XMM0);

	// single-to-double
	if (inst.size() == 8 && sizep.size() == SIZE_DWORD)
		if (srcp.is_memory())
			emit_cvtss2sd_r128_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));					// cvtss2sd dstreg,[srcp]
		else if (srcp.is_float_register())
			emit_cvtss2sd_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());							// cvtss2sd dstreg,srcp
		emit_movsd_p64_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movsd    dstp,dstreg

	// double-to-single
	else if (inst.size() == 4 && sizep.size() == SIZE_QWORD)
		if (srcp.is_memory())
			emit_cvtsd2ss_r128_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));					// cvtsd2ss dstreg,[srcp]
		else if (srcp.is_float_register())
			emit_cvtsd2ss_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());							// cvtsd2ss dstreg,srcp
		emit_movss_p32_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movss    dstp,dstreg

//  op_frnds - process a FRNDS opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_frnds(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MF);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_XMM0);

	// 64-bit form
	if (srcp.is_memory())
		emit_cvtsd2ss_r128_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));						// cvtsd2ss dstreg,[srcp]
	else if (srcp.is_float_register())
		emit_cvtsd2ss_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());								// cvtsd2ss dstreg,srcp
	emit_cvtss2sd_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, dstreg);										// cvtss2sd dstreg,dstreg
	emit_movsd_p64_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);												// movsd    dstp,dstreg

//  op_fadd - process a FADD opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_fadd(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MF);
	normalize_commutative(src1p, src2p);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_XMM0, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_movss_r128_p32(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// movss dstreg,src1p
		if (src2p.is_memory())
			emit_addss_r128_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(src2p.memory()));						// addss dstreg,[src2p]
		else if (src2p.is_float_register())
			emit_addss_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, src2p.freg());							// addss dstreg,src2p
		emit_movss_p32_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movss dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_movsd_r128_p64(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// movsd dstreg,src1p
		if (src2p.is_memory())
			emit_addsd_r128_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(src2p.memory()));						// addsd dstreg,[src2p]
		else if (src2p.is_float_register())
			emit_addsd_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, src2p.freg());							// addsd dstreg,src2p
		emit_movsd_p64_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movsd dstp,dstreg

//  op_fsub - process a FSUB opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_fsub(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MF);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_XMM0, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_movss_r128_p32(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// movss dstreg,src1p
		if (src2p.is_memory())
			emit_subss_r128_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(src2p.memory()));						// subss dstreg,[src2p]
		else if (src2p.is_float_register())
			emit_subss_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, src2p.freg());							// subss dstreg,src2p
		emit_movss_p32_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movss dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_movsd_r128_p64(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// movsd dstreg,src1p
		if (src2p.is_memory())
			emit_subsd_r128_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(src2p.memory()));						// subsd dstreg,[src2p]
		else if (src2p.is_float_register())
			emit_subsd_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, src2p.freg());							// subsd dstreg,src2p
		emit_movsd_p64_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movsd dstp,dstreg

//  op_fcmp - process a FCMP opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_fcmp(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);
	assert_flags(inst, FLAG_C | FLAG_Z | FLAG_U);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MF);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int src1reg = src1p.select_register(REG_XMM0);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_movss_r128_p32(dst, src1reg, src1p);										// movss src1reg,src1p
		if (src2p.is_memory())
			emit_comiss_r128_m32(dst, src1reg, MABS(src2p.memory()));					// comiss src1reg,[src2p]
		else if (src2p.is_float_register())
			emit_comiss_r128_r128(dst, src1reg, src2p.freg());							// comiss src1reg,src2p

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_movsd_r128_p64(dst, src1reg, src1p);										// movsd src1reg,src1p
		if (src2p.is_memory())
			emit_comisd_r128_m64(dst, src1reg, MABS(src2p.memory()));					// comisd src1reg,[src2p]
		else if (src2p.is_float_register())
			emit_comisd_r128_r128(dst, src1reg, src2p.freg());							// comisd src1reg,src2p

//  op_fmul - process a FMUL opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_fmul(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MF);
	normalize_commutative(src1p, src2p);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_XMM0, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_movss_r128_p32(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// movss dstreg,src1p
		if (src2p.is_memory())
			emit_mulss_r128_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(src2p.memory()));						// mulss dstreg,[src2p]
		else if (src2p.is_float_register())
			emit_mulss_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, src2p.freg());							// mulss dstreg,src2p
		emit_movss_p32_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movss dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_movsd_r128_p64(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// movsd dstreg,src1p
		if (src2p.is_memory())
			emit_mulsd_r128_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(src2p.memory()));						// mulsd dstreg,[src2p]
		else if (src2p.is_float_register())
			emit_mulsd_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, src2p.freg());							// mulsd dstreg,src2p
		emit_movsd_p64_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movsd dstp,dstreg

//  op_fdiv - process a FDIV opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_fdiv(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter src1p(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter src2p(*this, inst.param(2), PTYPE_MF);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_XMM0, src2p);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_movss_r128_p32(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// movss dstreg,src1p
		if (src2p.is_memory())
			emit_divss_r128_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(src2p.memory()));						// divss dstreg,[src2p]
		else if (src2p.is_float_register())
			emit_divss_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, src2p.freg());							// divss dstreg,src2p
		emit_movss_p32_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movss dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_movsd_r128_p64(dst, dstreg, src1p);										// movsd dstreg,src1p
		if (src2p.is_memory())
			emit_divsd_r128_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(src2p.memory()));						// divsd dstreg,[src2p]
		else if (src2p.is_float_register())
			emit_divsd_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, src2p.freg());							// divsd dstreg,src2p
		emit_movsd_p64_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movsd dstp,dstreg

//  op_fneg - process a FNEG opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_fneg(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MF);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_XMM0, srcp);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_xorps_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, dstreg);										// xorps dstreg,dstreg
		if (srcp.is_memory())
			emit_subss_r128_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));						// subss dstreg,[srcp]
		else if (srcp.is_float_register())
			emit_subss_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());								// subss dstreg,srcp
		emit_movss_p32_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movss dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_xorpd_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, dstreg);										// xorpd dstreg,dstreg
		if (srcp.is_memory())
			emit_subsd_r128_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));						// subsd dstreg,[srcp]
		else if (srcp.is_float_register())
			emit_subsd_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());								// subsd dstreg,srcp
		emit_movsd_p64_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movsd dstp,dstreg

//  op_fabs - process a FABS opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_fabs(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MF);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_XMM0, srcp);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		emit_movss_r128_p32(dst, dstreg, srcp);											// movss dstreg,srcp
		emit_andps_r128_m128(dst, dstreg, MABS(m_absmask32));							// andps dstreg,[absmask32]
		emit_movss_p32_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movss dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		emit_movsd_r128_p64(dst, dstreg, srcp);											// movsd dstreg,srcp
		emit_andpd_r128_m128(dst, dstreg, MABS(m_absmask64));							// andpd dstreg,[absmask64]
		emit_movsd_p64_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movsd dstp,dstreg

//  op_fsqrt - process a FSQRT opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_fsqrt(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MF);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_XMM0);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
		if (srcp.is_memory())
			emit_sqrtss_r128_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));						// sqrtss dstreg,[srcp]
		else if (srcp.is_float_register())
			emit_sqrtss_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());							// sqrtss dstreg,srcp
		emit_movss_p32_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movss dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
		if (srcp.is_memory())
			emit_sqrtsd_r128_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));						// sqrtsd dstreg,[srcp]
		else if (srcp.is_float_register())
			emit_sqrtsd_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());							// sqrtsd dstreg,srcp
		emit_movsd_p64_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movsd dstp,dstreg

//  op_frecip - process a FRECIP opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_frecip(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MF);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_XMM0);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_rcpss_r128_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));					// rcpss dstreg,[srcp]
			else if (srcp.is_float_register())
				emit_rcpss_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());							// rcpss dstreg,srcp
			emit_movss_p32_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);										// movss dstp,dstreg
			emit_movss_r128_m32(dst, REG_XMM1, MABS(&m_near.single1));					// movss xmm1,1.0
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_divss_r128_m32(dst, REG_XMM1, MABS(srcp.memory()));				// divss xmm1,[srcp]
			else if (srcp.is_float_register())
				emit_divss_r128_r128(dst, REG_XMM1, srcp.freg());						// divss xmm1,srcp
			emit_movss_p32_r128(dst, dstp, REG_XMM1);									// movss dstp,xmm1

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_cvtsd2ss_r128_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));				// cvtsd2ss dstreg,[srcp]
			else if (srcp.is_float_register())
				emit_cvtsd2ss_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());						// cvtsd2ss dstreg,srcp
			emit_rcpss_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, dstreg);									// rcpss dstreg,dstreg
			emit_cvtss2sd_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, dstreg);								// cvtss2sd dstreg,dstreg
			emit_movsd_p64_r128(dst, dstp, REG_XMM1);									// movsd dstp,dstreg
			emit_movsd_r128_m64(dst, REG_XMM1, MABS(&m_near.double1));					// movsd xmm1,1.0
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_divsd_r128_m64(dst, REG_XMM1, MABS(srcp.memory()));				// divsd xmm1,[srcp]
			else if (srcp.is_float_register())
				emit_divsd_r128_r128(dst, REG_XMM1, srcp.freg());						// divsd xmm1,srcp
			emit_movsd_p64_r128(dst, dstp, REG_XMM1);									// movsd dstp,xmm1

//  op_frsqrt - process a FRSQRT opcode

void drcbe_x64::op_frsqrt(x86code *&dst, const instruction &inst)
	// validate instruction
	assert(inst.size() == 4 || inst.size() == 8);

	// normalize parameters
	be_parameter dstp(*this, inst.param(0), PTYPE_MF);
	be_parameter srcp(*this, inst.param(1), PTYPE_MF);

	// pick a target register for the general case
	int dstreg = dstp.select_register(REG_XMM0);

	// 32-bit form
	if (inst.size() == 4)
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_rsqrtss_r128_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));				// rsqrtss dstreg,[srcp]
			else if (srcp.is_float_register())
				emit_rsqrtss_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());						// rsqrtss dstreg,srcp
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_sqrtss_r128_m32(dst, REG_XMM1, MABS(srcp.memory()));				// sqrtss xmm1,[srcp]
			else if (srcp.is_float_register())
				emit_sqrtss_r128_r128(dst, REG_XMM1, srcp.freg());						// sqrtss xmm1,srcp
			emit_movss_r128_m32(dst, dstreg, MABS(&m_near.single1));					// movss dstreg,1.0
			emit_divss_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, REG_XMM1);								// divss dstreg,xmm1
		emit_movss_p32_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movss dstp,dstreg

	// 64-bit form
	else if (inst.size() == 8)
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_cvtsd2ss_r128_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(srcp.memory()));				// cvtsd2ss dstreg,[srcp]
			else if (srcp.is_float_register())
				emit_cvtsd2ss_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, srcp.freg());						// cvtsd2ss dstreg,srcp
			emit_rsqrtss_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, dstreg);								// rsqrtss dstreg,dstreg
			emit_cvtss2sd_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, dstreg);								// cvtss2sd dstreg,dstreg
			if (srcp.is_memory())
				emit_sqrtsd_r128_m64(dst, REG_XMM1, MABS(srcp.memory()));				// sqrtsd xmm1,[srcp]
			else if (srcp.is_float_register())
				emit_sqrtsd_r128_r128(dst, REG_XMM1, srcp.freg());						// sqrtsd xmm1,srcp
			emit_movsd_r128_m64(dst, dstreg, MABS(&m_near.double1));					// movsd dstreg,1.0
			emit_divsd_r128_r128(dst, dstreg, REG_XMM1);								// divsd dstreg,xmm1
		emit_movsd_p64_r128(dst, dstp, dstreg);											// movsd dstp,dstreg