path: root/src/devices/video/polylgcy.h
blob: 142ca5c073b57278d2cb045f01db2a68fd44caf5 (plain) (tree)


















// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Ville Linde, Aaron Giles


    Legacy polygon helper routines.


    Pixel model:

    (0.0,0.0)       (1.0,0.0)       (2.0,0.0)       (3.0,0.0)
        |               |               |               |
        |               |               |               |
        |   (0.5,0.5)   |   (1.5,0.5)   |   (2.5,0.5)   |
        |       *       |       *       |       *       |
        |               |               |               |
        |               |               |               |
    (0.0,1.0)       (1.0,1.0)       (2.0,1.0)       (3.0,1.0)
        |               |               |               |
        |               |               |               |
        |   (0.5,1.5)   |   (1.5,1.5)   |   (2.5,1.5)   |
        |       *       |       *       |       *       |
        |               |               |               |
        |               |               |               |
        |               |               |               |
    (0.0,2.0)       (1.0,2.0)       (2.0,2.0)       (3.0,2.0)



#pragma once


static constexpr unsigned POLYLGCY_MAX_VERTEX_PARAMS = 6;
static constexpr unsigned POLYLGCY_MAX_POLYGON_VERTS = 32;

static constexpr uint8_t POLYLGCY_FLAG_INCLUDE_BOTTOM_EDGE = 0x01;
static constexpr uint8_t POLYLGCY_FLAG_INCLUDE_RIGHT_EDGE  = 0x02;
static constexpr uint8_t POLYLGCY_FLAG_NO_WORK_QUEUE       = 0x04;
static constexpr uint8_t POLYLGCY_FLAG_ALLOW_QUADS         = 0x08;


/* opaque reference to the poly manager */
struct legacy_poly_manager;

/* input vertex data */
struct poly_vertex
	float       x;                          /* X coordinate */
	float       y;                          /* Y coordinate */
	float       p[POLYLGCY_MAX_VERTEX_PARAMS];       /* interpolated parameter values */

/* poly_param_extent describes information for a single parameter in an extent */
struct poly_param_extent
	float       start;                      /* parameter value at starting X,Y */
	float       dpdx;                       /* dp/dx relative to starting X */

/* poly_extent describes start/end points for a scanline, along with per-scanline parameters */
struct poly_extent
	int16_t       startx;                     /* starting X coordinate (inclusive) */
	int16_t       stopx;                      /* ending X coordinate (exclusive) */
	poly_param_extent param[POLYLGCY_MAX_VERTEX_PARAMS]; /* starting and dx values for each parameter */

/* callback routine to process a batch of scanlines in a triangle */
typedef void (*poly_draw_scanline_func)(void *dest, int32_t scanline, const poly_extent *extent, const void *extradata, int threadid);


/* ----- initialization/teardown ----- */

/* allocate a new poly manager that can render triangles */
legacy_poly_manager *poly_alloc(running_machine &machine, int max_polys, size_t extra_data_size, uint8_t flags);

/* free a poly manager */
void poly_free(legacy_poly_manager *poly);

/* ----- common functions ----- */

/* wait until all polygons in the queue have been rendered */
void poly_wait(legacy_poly_manager *poly, const char *debug_reason);

/* get a pointer to the extra data for the next polygon */
void *poly_get_extra_data(legacy_poly_manager *poly);

/* ----- core triangle rendering ----- */

/* render a single triangle given 3 vertexes */
uint32_t poly_render_triangle(legacy_poly_manager *poly, void *dest, const rectangle &cliprect, poly_draw_scanline_func callback, int paramcount, const poly_vertex *v1, const poly_vertex *v2, const poly_vertex *v3);

/* render a set of triangles in a fan */
uint32_t poly_render_triangle_fan(legacy_poly_manager *poly, void *dest, const rectangle &cliprect, poly_draw_scanline_func callback, int paramcount, int numverts, const poly_vertex *v);

/* perform a custom render of an object, given specific extents */
uint32_t poly_render_triangle_custom(legacy_poly_manager *poly, void *dest, const rectangle &cliprect, poly_draw_scanline_func callback, int startscanline, int numscanlines, const poly_extent *extents);

/* ----- core quad rendering ----- */

/* render a single quad given 4 vertexes */
uint32_t poly_render_quad(legacy_poly_manager *poly, void *dest, const rectangle &cliprect, poly_draw_scanline_func callback, int paramcount, const poly_vertex *v1, const poly_vertex *v2, const poly_vertex *v3, const poly_vertex *v4);

/* render a set of quads in a fan */
uint32_t poly_render_quad_fan(legacy_poly_manager *poly, void *dest, const rectangle &cliprect, poly_draw_scanline_func callback, int paramcount, int numverts, const poly_vertex *v);

/* ----- core polygon rendering ----- */

/* render a single polygon up to 32 vertices */
uint32_t poly_render_polygon(legacy_poly_manager *poly, void *dest, const rectangle &cliprect, poly_draw_scanline_func callback, int paramcount, int numverts, const poly_vertex *v);

/* ----- clipping ----- */

/* zclip (assumes p[0] == z) a polygon */
int poly_zclip_if_less(int numverts, const poly_vertex *v, poly_vertex *outv, int paramcount, float clipval);