path: root/src/devices/sound/ymdeltat.cpp
blob: ad8c0f12b13f8606313f689788d3e3293cda48e3 (plain) (tree)
















































// license:GPL-2.0+
// copyright-holders:Jarek Burczynski
** File: ymdeltat.c
** YAMAHA DELTA-T adpcm sound emulation subroutine
** used by fmopl.c (Y8950) and fm.c (YM2608 and YM2610/B)
** Base program is YM2610 emulator by Hiromitsu Shioya.
** Written by Tatsuyuki Satoh
** Improvements by Jarek Burczynski (bujar at mame dot net)
** History:
** 03-08-2003 Jarek Burczynski:
**  - fixed BRDY flag implementation.
** 24-07-2003 Jarek Burczynski, Frits Hilderink:
**  - fixed delault value for control2 in YM_DELTAT_ADPCM_Reset
** 22-07-2003 Jarek Burczynski, Frits Hilderink:
**  - fixed external memory support
** 15-06-2003 Jarek Burczynski:
**  - implemented CPU -> AUDIO ADPCM synthesis (via writes to the ADPCM data reg $08)
**  - implemented support for the Limit address register
**  - supported two bits from the control register 2 ($01): RAM TYPE (x1 bit/x8 bit), ROM/RAM
**  - implemented external memory access (read/write) via the ADPCM data reg reads/writes
**    Thanks go to Frits Hilderink for the example code.
** 14-06-2003 Jarek Burczynski:
**  - various fixes to enable proper support for status register flags: BSRDY, PCM BSY, ZERO
**  - modified EOS handling
** 05-04-2003 Jarek Burczynski:
**  - implemented partial support for external/processor memory on sample replay
** 01-12-2002 Jarek Burczynski:
**  - fixed first missing sound in gigandes thanks to previous fix (interpolator) by ElSemi
**  - renamed/removed some YM_DELTAT struct fields
** 28-12-2001 Acho A. Tang
**  - added EOS status report on ADPCM playback.
** 05-08-2001 Jarek Burczynski:
**  - now_step is initialized with 0 at the start of play.
** 12-06-2001 Jarek Burczynski:
**  - corrected end of sample bug in YM_DELTAT_ADPCM_CALC.
**    Checked on real YM2610 chip - address register is 24 bits wide.
**    Thanks go to Stefan Jokisch ( for tracking down the problem.
** TO DO:
**      Check size of the address register on the other chips....
** Version 0.72
** sound chips that have this unit:
** YM2608   OPNA
** YM2610/B OPNB
** Y8950    MSX AUDIO

#include "emu.h"
#include "ymdeltat.h"

#define YM_DELTAT_DELTA_MAX (24576)
#define YM_DELTAT_DELTA_MIN (127)
#define YM_DELTAT_DELTA_DEF (127)


/* Forecast to next Forecast (rate = *8) */
/* 1/8 , 3/8 , 5/8 , 7/8 , 9/8 , 11/8 , 13/8 , 15/8 */
static const INT32 ym_deltat_decode_tableB1[16] = {
	1,   3,   5,   7,   9,  11,  13,  15,
	-1,  -3,  -5,  -7,  -9, -11, -13, -15,
/* delta to next delta (rate= *64) */
/* 0.9 , 0.9 , 0.9 , 0.9 , 1.2 , 1.6 , 2.0 , 2.4 */
static const INT32 ym_deltat_decode_tableB2[16] = {
	57,  57,  57,  57, 77, 102, 128, 153,
	57,  57,  57,  57, 77, 102, 128, 153

#if 0
	logerror("BRDY_callback reached (flag set) !\n");

	/* set BRDY bit in status register */
			(DELTAT->status_set_handler)(DELTAT->status_change_which_chip, DELTAT->status_change_BRDY_bit);

	UINT8 v = 0;

	/* external memory read */
	if ( (DELTAT->portstate & 0xe0)==0x20 )
		/* two dummy reads */
		if (DELTAT->memread)
			DELTAT->now_addr = DELTAT->start << 1;
			return 0;

		if ( DELTAT->now_addr != (DELTAT->end<<1) )
			v = DELTAT->memory[DELTAT->now_addr>>1];

			/*logerror("YM Delta-T memory read  $%08x, v=$%02x\n", DELTAT->now_addr >> 1, v);*/

			DELTAT->now_addr+=2; /* two nibbles at a time */

			/* reset BRDY bit in status register, which means we are reading the memory now */
					(DELTAT->status_reset_handler)(DELTAT->status_change_which_chip, DELTAT->status_change_BRDY_bit);

	/* setup a timer that will callback us in 10 master clock cycles for Y8950
	* in the callback set the BRDY flag to 1 , which means we have another data ready.
	* For now, we don't really do this; we simply reset and set the flag in zero time, so that the IRQ will work.
			/* set BRDY bit in status register */
					(DELTAT->status_set_handler)(DELTAT->status_change_which_chip, DELTAT->status_change_BRDY_bit);
			/* set EOS bit in status register */
					(DELTAT->status_set_handler)(DELTAT->status_change_which_chip, DELTAT->status_change_EOS_bit);

	return v;

/* 0-DRAM x1, 1-ROM, 2-DRAM x8, 3-ROM (3 is bad setting - not allowed by the manual) */
static const UINT8 dram_rightshift[4]={3,0,0,0};

/* DELTA-T ADPCM write register */
void YM_DELTAT_ADPCM_Write(YM_DELTAT *DELTAT,int r,int v)
	if(r>=0x10) return;
	DELTAT->reg[r] = v; /* stock data */

	switch( r )
	case 0x00:
    Accessing *external* memory is started when START bit (D7) is set to "1", so
    you must set all conditions needed for recording/playback before starting.
    If you access *CPU-managed* memory, recording/playback starts after
    read/write of ADPCM data register $08.

    0 = ADPCM synthesis (playback)
    1 = ADPCM analysis (record)

    0 = processor (*CPU-managed*) memory (means: using register $08)
    1 = external memory (using start/end/limit registers to access memory: RAM or ROM)

    controls output pin that should disable the speaker while ADPCM analysis

RESET and REPEAT only work with external memory.

some examples:
value:   START, REC, MEMDAT, REPEAT, SPOFF, x,x,RESET   meaning:
  C8     1      1    0       0       1      0 0 0       Analysis (recording) from AUDIO to CPU (to reg $08), sample rate in PRESCALER register
  E8     1      1    1       0       1      0 0 0       Analysis (recording) from AUDIO to EXT.MEMORY,       sample rate in PRESCALER register
  80     1      0    0       0       0      0 0 0       Synthesis (playing) from CPU (from reg $08) to AUDIO,sample rate in DELTA-N register
  a0     1      0    1       0       0      0 0 0       Synthesis (playing) from EXT.MEMORY to AUDIO,        sample rate in DELTA-N register

  60     0      1    1       0       0      0 0 0       External memory write via ADPCM data register $08
  20     0      0    1       0       0      0 0 0       External memory read via ADPCM data register $08

		/* handle emulation mode */
		if(DELTAT->emulation_mode == YM_DELTAT_EMULATION_MODE_YM2610)
			v |= 0x20;      /*  YM2610 always uses external memory and doesn't even have memory flag bit. */

		DELTAT->portstate = v & (0x80|0x40|0x20|0x10|0x01); /* start, rec, memory mode, repeat flag copy, reset(bit0) */

		if( DELTAT->portstate&0x80 )/* START,REC,MEMDATA,REPEAT,SPOFF,--,--,RESET */
			/* set PCM BUSY bit */

			/* start ADPCM */
			DELTAT->now_step = 0;
			DELTAT->acc      = 0;
			DELTAT->prev_acc = 0;
			DELTAT->adpcml   = 0;
			DELTAT->now_data = 0;


		if( DELTAT->portstate&0x20 ) /* do we access external memory? */
			DELTAT->now_addr = DELTAT->start << 1;
			DELTAT->memread = 2;    /* two dummy reads needed before accesing external memory via register $08*/

			/* if yes, then let's check if ADPCM memory is mapped and big enough */
			if(DELTAT->memory == nullptr)
				DELTAT->device->logerror("YM Delta-T ADPCM rom not mapped\n");
				DELTAT->portstate = 0x00;
				DELTAT->PCM_BSY = 0;
				if( DELTAT->end >= DELTAT->memory_size )    /* Check End in Range */
					DELTAT->device->logerror("YM Delta-T ADPCM end out of range: $%08x\n", DELTAT->end);
					DELTAT->end = DELTAT->memory_size - 1;
				if( DELTAT->start >= DELTAT->memory_size )  /* Check Start in Range */
					DELTAT->device->logerror("YM Delta-T ADPCM start out of range: $%08x\n", DELTAT->start);
					DELTAT->portstate = 0x00;
					DELTAT->PCM_BSY = 0;
		else    /* we access CPU memory (ADPCM data register $08) so we only reset now_addr here */
			DELTAT->now_addr = 0;

		if( DELTAT->portstate&0x01 )
			DELTAT->portstate = 0x00;

			/* clear PCM BUSY bit (in status register) */

			/* set BRDY flag */
					(DELTAT->status_set_handler)(DELTAT->status_change_which_chip, DELTAT->status_change_BRDY_bit);
	case 0x01:  /* L,R,-,-,SAMPLE,DA/AD,RAMTYPE,ROM */
		/* handle emulation mode */
		if(DELTAT->emulation_mode == YM_DELTAT_EMULATION_MODE_YM2610)
			v |= 0x01;      /*  YM2610 always uses ROM as an external memory and doesn't tave ROM/RAM memory flag bit. */

		DELTAT->pan = &DELTAT->output_pointer[(v>>6)&0x03];
		if ((DELTAT->control2 & 3) != (v & 3))
			/*0-DRAM x1, 1-ROM, 2-DRAM x8, 3-ROM (3 is bad setting - not allowed by the manual) */
			if (DELTAT->DRAMportshift != dram_rightshift[v&3])
				DELTAT->DRAMportshift = dram_rightshift[v&3];

				/* final shift value depends on chip type and memory type selected:
				        8 for YM2610 (ROM only),
				        5 for ROM for Y8950 and YM2608,
				        5 for x8bit DRAMs for Y8950 and YM2608,
				        2 for x1bit DRAMs for Y8950 and YM2608.

				/* refresh addresses */
				DELTAT->start  = (DELTAT->reg[0x3]*0x0100 | DELTAT->reg[0x2]) << (DELTAT->portshift - DELTAT->DRAMportshift);
				DELTAT->end    = (DELTAT->reg[0x5]*0x0100 | DELTAT->reg[0x4]) << (DELTAT->portshift - DELTAT->DRAMportshift);
				DELTAT->end   += (1 << (DELTAT->portshift-DELTAT->DRAMportshift) ) - 1;
				DELTAT->limit  = (DELTAT->reg[0xd]*0x0100 | DELTAT->reg[0xc]) << (DELTAT->portshift - DELTAT->DRAMportshift);
		DELTAT->control2 = v;
	case 0x02:  /* Start Address L */
	case 0x03:  /* Start Address H */
		DELTAT->start  = (DELTAT->reg[0x3]*0x0100 | DELTAT->reg[0x2]) << (DELTAT->portshift - DELTAT->DRAMportshift);
		/*logerror("DELTAT start: 02=%2x 03=%2x addr=%8x\n",DELTAT->reg[0x2], DELTAT->reg[0x3],DELTAT->start );*/
	case 0x04:  /* Stop Address L */
	case 0x05:  /* Stop Address H */
		DELTAT->end    = (DELTAT->reg[0x5]*0x0100 | DELTAT->reg[0x4]) << (DELTAT->portshift - DELTAT->DRAMportshift);
		DELTAT->end   += (1 << (DELTAT->portshift-DELTAT->DRAMportshift) ) - 1;
		/*logerror("DELTAT end  : 04=%2x 05=%2x addr=%8x\n",DELTAT->reg[0x4], DELTAT->reg[0x5],DELTAT->end   );*/
	case 0x06:  /* Prescale L (ADPCM and Record frq) */
	case 0x07:  /* Prescale H */
	case 0x08:  /* ADPCM data */

some examples:
value:   START, REC, MEMDAT, REPEAT, SPOFF, x,x,RESET   meaning:
  C8     1      1    0       0       1      0 0 0       Analysis (recording) from AUDIO to CPU (to reg $08), sample rate in PRESCALER register
  E8     1      1    1       0       1      0 0 0       Analysis (recording) from AUDIO to EXT.MEMORY,       sample rate in PRESCALER register
  80     1      0    0       0       0      0 0 0       Synthesis (playing) from CPU (from reg $08) to AUDIO,sample rate in DELTA-N register
  a0     1      0    1       0       0      0 0 0       Synthesis (playing) from EXT.MEMORY to AUDIO,        sample rate in DELTA-N register

  60     0      1    1       0       0      0 0 0       External memory write via ADPCM data register $08
  20     0      0    1       0       0      0 0 0       External memory read via ADPCM data register $08


		/* external memory write */
		if ( (DELTAT->portstate & 0xe0)==0x60 )
			if (DELTAT->memread)
				DELTAT->now_addr = DELTAT->start << 1;
				DELTAT->memread = 0;

			/*logerror("YM Delta-T memory write $%08x, v=$%02x\n", DELTAT->now_addr >> 1, v);*/

			if ( DELTAT->now_addr != (DELTAT->end<<1) )
				DELTAT->memory[DELTAT->now_addr>>1] = v;
				DELTAT->now_addr+=2; /* two nibbles at a time */

				/* reset BRDY bit in status register, which means we are processing the write */
						(DELTAT->status_reset_handler)(DELTAT->status_change_which_chip, DELTAT->status_change_BRDY_bit);

	/* setup a timer that will callback us in 10 master clock cycles for Y8950
	* in the callback set the BRDY flag to 1 , which means we have written the data.
	* For now, we don't really do this; we simply reset and set the flag in zero time, so that the IRQ will work.
				/* set BRDY bit in status register */
						(DELTAT->status_set_handler)(DELTAT->status_change_which_chip, DELTAT->status_change_BRDY_bit);

				/* set EOS bit in status register */
						(DELTAT->status_set_handler)(DELTAT->status_change_which_chip, DELTAT->status_change_EOS_bit);


		/* ADPCM synthesis from CPU */
		if ( (DELTAT->portstate & 0xe0)==0x80 )
			DELTAT->CPU_data = v;

			/* Reset BRDY bit in status register, which means we are full of data */
					(DELTAT->status_reset_handler)(DELTAT->status_change_which_chip, DELTAT->status_change_BRDY_bit);

	case 0x09:  /* DELTA-N L (ADPCM Playback Prescaler) */
	case 0x0a:  /* DELTA-N H */
		DELTAT->delta  = (DELTAT->reg[0xa]*0x0100 | DELTAT->reg[0x9]);
		DELTAT->step     = (UINT32)( (double)(DELTAT->delta /* *(1<<(YM_DELTAT_SHIFT-16)) */ ) * (DELTAT->freqbase) );
		/*logerror("DELTAT deltan:09=%2x 0a=%2x\n",DELTAT->reg[0x9], DELTAT->reg[0xa]);*/
	case 0x0b:  /* Output level control (volume, linear) */
			INT32 oldvol = DELTAT->volume;
			DELTAT->volume = (v&0xff) * (DELTAT->output_range/256) / YM_DELTAT_DECODE_RANGE;
/*                              v     *     ((1<<16)>>8)        >>  15;
*                       thus:   v     *     (1<<8)              >>  15;
*                       thus: output_range must be (1 << (15+8)) at least
*                               v     *     ((1<<23)>>8)        >>  15;
*                               v     *     (1<<15)             >>  15;
			/*logerror("DELTAT vol = %2x\n",v&0xff);*/
			if( oldvol != 0 )
				DELTAT->adpcml = (int)((double)DELTAT->adpcml / (double)oldvol * (double)DELTAT->volume);
	case 0x0c:  /* Limit Address L */
	case 0x0d:  /* Limit Address H */
		DELTAT->limit  = (DELTAT->reg[0xd]*0x0100 | DELTAT->reg[0xc]) << (DELTAT->portshift - DELTAT->DRAMportshift);
		/*logerror("DELTAT limit: 0c=%2x 0d=%2x addr=%8x\n",DELTAT->reg[0xc], DELTAT->reg[0xd],DELTAT->limit );*/

void YM_DELTAT_ADPCM_Reset(YM_DELTAT *DELTAT,int pan,int emulation_mode,device_t *device)
	DELTAT->device    = device;
	DELTAT->now_addr  = 0;
	DELTAT->now_step  = 0;
	DELTAT->step      = 0;
	DELTAT->start     = 0;
	DELTAT->end       = 0;
	DELTAT->limit     = ~0; /* this way YM2610 and Y8950 (both of which don't have limit address reg) will still work */
	DELTAT->volume    = 0;
	DELTAT->pan       = &DELTAT->output_pointer[pan];
	DELTAT->acc       = 0;
	DELTAT->prev_acc  = 0;
	DELTAT->adpcmd    = 127;
	DELTAT->adpcml    = 0;
	DELTAT->emulation_mode = (UINT8)emulation_mode;
	DELTAT->portstate = (emulation_mode == YM_DELTAT_EMULATION_MODE_YM2610) ? 0x20 : 0;
	DELTAT->control2  = (emulation_mode == YM_DELTAT_EMULATION_MODE_YM2610) ? 0x01 : 0; /* default setting depends on the emulation mode. MSX demo called "facdemo_4" doesn't setup control2 register at all and still works */
	DELTAT->DRAMportshift = dram_rightshift[DELTAT->control2 & 3];

	/* The flag mask register disables the BRDY after the reset, however
	** as soon as the mask is enabled the flag needs to be set. */

	/* set BRDY bit in status register */
			(DELTAT->status_set_handler)(DELTAT->status_change_which_chip, DELTAT->status_change_BRDY_bit);

void YM_DELTAT_postload(YM_DELTAT *DELTAT,UINT8 *regs)
	int r;

	/* to keep adpcml */
	DELTAT->volume = 0;
	/* update */
	DELTAT->reg[0] = regs[0];

	/* current rom data */
	if (DELTAT->memory)
		DELTAT->now_data = *(DELTAT->memory + (DELTAT->now_addr>>1) );

void YM_DELTAT_savestate(device_t *device,YM_DELTAT *DELTAT)
#ifdef __SAVE_H__

#define YM_DELTAT_Limit(val,max,min)    \
{                                       \
	if ( val > max ) val = max;         \
	else if ( val < min ) val = min;    \

static inline void YM_DELTAT_synthesis_from_external_memory(YM_DELTAT *DELTAT)
	UINT32 step;
	int data;

	DELTAT->now_step += DELTAT->step;
	if ( DELTAT->now_step >= (1<<YM_DELTAT_SHIFT) )
		step = DELTAT->now_step >> YM_DELTAT_SHIFT;
		DELTAT->now_step &= (1<<YM_DELTAT_SHIFT)-1;
			if ( DELTAT->now_addr == (DELTAT->limit<<1) )
				DELTAT->now_addr = 0;

			if ( DELTAT->now_addr == (DELTAT->end<<1) ) {   /* 12-06-2001 JB: corrected comparison. Was > instead of == */
				if( DELTAT->portstate&0x10 ){
					/* repeat start */
					DELTAT->now_addr = DELTAT->start<<1;
					DELTAT->acc      = 0;
					DELTAT->adpcmd   = YM_DELTAT_DELTA_DEF;
					DELTAT->prev_acc = 0;
					/* set EOS bit in status register */
							(DELTAT->status_set_handler)(DELTAT->status_change_which_chip, DELTAT->status_change_EOS_bit);

					/* clear PCM BUSY bit (reflected in status register) */
					DELTAT->PCM_BSY = 0;

					DELTAT->portstate = 0;
					DELTAT->adpcml = 0;
					DELTAT->prev_acc = 0;

			if( DELTAT->now_addr&1 ) data = DELTAT->now_data & 0x0f;
				DELTAT->now_data = *(DELTAT->memory + (DELTAT->now_addr>>1));
				data = DELTAT->now_data >> 4;

			/* 12-06-2001 JB: */
			/* YM2610 address register is 24 bits wide.*/
			/* The "+1" is there because we use 1 bit more for nibble calculations.*/
			/* WARNING: */
			/* Side effect: we should take the size of the mapped ROM into account */
			DELTAT->now_addr &= ( (1<<(24+1))-1);

			/* store accumulator value */
			DELTAT->prev_acc = DELTAT->acc;

			/* Forecast to next Forecast */
			DELTAT->acc += (ym_deltat_decode_tableB1[data] * DELTAT->adpcmd / 8);

			/* delta to next delta */
			DELTAT->adpcmd = (DELTAT->adpcmd * ym_deltat_decode_tableB2[data] ) / 64;

			/* ElSemi: Fix interpolator. */
			/*DELTAT->prev_acc = prev_acc + ((DELTAT->acc - prev_acc) / 2 );*/



	/* ElSemi: Fix interpolator. */
	DELTAT->adpcml = DELTAT->prev_acc * (int)((1<<YM_DELTAT_SHIFT)-DELTAT->now_step);
	DELTAT->adpcml += (DELTAT->acc * (int)DELTAT->now_step);
	DELTAT->adpcml = (DELTAT->adpcml>>YM_DELTAT_SHIFT) * (int)DELTAT->volume;

	/* output for work of output channels (outd[OPNxxxx])*/
	*(DELTAT->pan) += DELTAT->adpcml;

static inline void YM_DELTAT_synthesis_from_CPU_memory(YM_DELTAT *DELTAT)
	UINT32 step;
	int data;

	DELTAT->now_step += DELTAT->step;
	if ( DELTAT->now_step >= (1<<YM_DELTAT_SHIFT) )
		step = DELTAT->now_step >> YM_DELTAT_SHIFT;
		DELTAT->now_step &= (1<<YM_DELTAT_SHIFT)-1;
			if( DELTAT->now_addr&1 )
				data = DELTAT->now_data & 0x0f;

				DELTAT->now_data = DELTAT->CPU_data;

				/* after we used CPU_data, we set BRDY bit in status register,
				* which means we are ready to accept another byte of data */
						(DELTAT->status_set_handler)(DELTAT->status_change_which_chip, DELTAT->status_change_BRDY_bit);
				data = DELTAT->now_data >> 4;


			/* store accumulator value */
			DELTAT->prev_acc = DELTAT->acc;

			/* Forecast to next Forecast */
			DELTAT->acc += (ym_deltat_decode_tableB1[data] * DELTAT->adpcmd / 8);

			/* delta to next delta */
			DELTAT->adpcmd = (DELTAT->adpcmd * ym_deltat_decode_tableB2[data] ) / 64;



	/* ElSemi: Fix interpolator. */
	DELTAT->adpcml = DELTAT->prev_acc * (int)((1<<YM_DELTAT_SHIFT)-DELTAT->now_step);
	DELTAT->adpcml += (DELTAT->acc * (int)DELTAT->now_step);
	DELTAT->adpcml = (DELTAT->adpcml>>YM_DELTAT_SHIFT) * (int)DELTAT->volume;

	/* output for work of output channels (outd[OPNxxxx])*/
	*(DELTAT->pan) += DELTAT->adpcml;

/* ADPCM B (Delta-T control type) */
some examples:
value:   START, REC, MEMDAT, REPEAT, SPOFF, x,x,RESET   meaning:
  80     1      0    0       0       0      0 0 0       Synthesis (playing) from CPU (from reg $08) to AUDIO,sample rate in DELTA-N register
  a0     1      0    1       0       0      0 0 0       Synthesis (playing) from EXT.MEMORY to AUDIO,        sample rate in DELTA-N register
  C8     1      1    0       0       1      0 0 0       Analysis (recording) from AUDIO to CPU (to reg $08), sample rate in PRESCALER register
  E8     1      1    1       0       1      0 0 0       Analysis (recording) from AUDIO to EXT.MEMORY,       sample rate in PRESCALER register

  60     0      1    1       0       0      0 0 0       External memory write via ADPCM data register $08
  20     0      0    1       0       0      0 0 0       External memory read via ADPCM data register $08


	if ( (DELTAT->portstate & 0xe0)==0xa0 )

	if ( (DELTAT->portstate & 0xe0)==0x80 )
		/* ADPCM synthesis from CPU-managed memory (from reg $08) */
		YM_DELTAT_synthesis_from_CPU_memory(DELTAT);    /* change output based on data in ADPCM data reg ($08) */

//todo: ADPCM analysis
//  if ( (DELTAT->portstate & 0xe0)==0xc0 )
//  if ( (DELTAT->portstate & 0xe0)==0xe0 )
