path: root/src/devices/sound/sp0256.cpp
blob: 54c17fcaf216cbc56d2a6a09428f71303ff582c4 (plain) (tree)



































































































































































// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Joseph Zbiciak,Tim Lindner
   GI SP0256 Narrator Speech Processor
   GI SPB640 Speech Buffer

   By Joe Zbiciak. Ported to MESS by tim lindner.

   - Microsequencer repeat count of zero
   - Support for non bit-flipped ROMs
   - SPB-640 perpherial/RAM bus

 Note: Bit flipping.
    This emulation flips the bits on every byte of the memory map during
    the sp0256_start() call.

    If the memory map contents is modified during execution (accross of ROM
    bank switching) the bitrevbuff() call must be called after the section
    of ROM is modified.

#include "emu.h"
#include "sp0256.h"

#define LOG_GENERAL (1U << 0)
#define LOG_FIFO    (1U << 1)

#include "logmacro.h"


#define CLOCK_DIVIDER (7*6*8)

#define SCBUF_SIZE   (4096)             /* Must be power of 2               */
#define SCBUF_MASK   (SCBUF_SIZE - 1)
#define PER_PAUSE    (64)               /* Equiv timing period for pauses.  */
#define PER_NOISE    (64)               /* Equiv timing period for noise.   */

#define FIFO_ADDR    (0x1800 << 3)      /* SP0256 address of SPB260 speech FIFO.   */

// device type definition
DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(SP0256, sp0256_device, "sp0256", "GI SP0256 Narrator Speech Processor")


sp0256_device::sp0256_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock)
	: device_t(mconfig, SP0256, tag, owner, clock)
	, device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this)
	, m_rom(*this, DEVICE_SELF)
	, m_stream(nullptr)
	, m_drq_cb(*this)
	, m_sby_cb(*this)
	, m_scratch()
	, m_lrq_timer(nullptr)

//  device_start - device-specific startup

void sp0256_device::device_start()

	m_stream = machine().sound().stream_alloc(*this, 0, 1, clock() / CLOCK_DIVIDER);

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Configure our internal variables.                                   */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	m_filt.rng = 1;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Allocate a scratch buffer for generating ~10kHz samples.             */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	m_scratch = std::make_unique<int16_t[]>(SCBUF_SIZE);
	save_pointer(NAME(m_scratch), SCBUF_SIZE);

	m_sc_head = m_sc_tail = 0;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Set up the microsequencer's initial state.                          */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	m_halted   = 1;
	m_filt.rpt = -1;
	m_lrq      = 0x8000;
	m_page     = 0x1000 << 3;
	m_silent   = 1;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Setup the ROM.                                                      */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	// the rom is not supposed to be reversed first; according to Joe Zbiciak.
	// see
	// TODO: because of this, check if the bitrev functions are even used anywhere else
	// bitrevbuff(m_rom, 0, 0xffff);

	m_lrq_timer = machine().scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(sp0256_device::set_lrq_timer_proc),this));

	// save device variables
	// save filter variables

//  device_reset - device-specific reset

void sp0256_device::device_reset()
	// reset FIFO and SP0256
	m_fifo_head = m_fifo_tail = m_fifo_bitp = 0;

	memset(&m_filt, 0, sizeof(m_filt));
	m_halted   = 1;
	m_filt.rpt = -1;
	m_filt.rng = 1;
	m_lrq      = 0x8000;
	m_ald      = 0x0000;
	m_pc       = 0x0000;
	m_stack    = 0x0000;
	m_fifo_sel = 0;
	m_mode     = 0;
	m_page     = 0x1000 << 3;
	m_silent   = 1;
	m_sby_line = 0;

	m_lrq = 0;
	m_lrq_timer->adjust(attotime::from_ticks(50, m_clock));

/* ======================================================================== */
/*  LIMIT            -- Limiter function for digital sample output.         */
/* ======================================================================== */
inline int16_t sp0256_device::lpc12_t::limit(int16_t s)
#ifdef HIGH_QUALITY /* Higher quality than the original, but who cares? */
	if (s >  8191) return  8191;
	if (s < -8192) return -8192;
	if (s >  127) return  127;
	if (s < -128) return -128;
	return s;

/* ======================================================================== */
/*  LPC12_UPDATE     -- Update the 12-pole filter, outputting samples.      */
/* ======================================================================== */
inline int sp0256_device::lpc12_t::update(int num_samp, int16_t *out, uint32_t *optr)
	int i;
	int oidx = *optr;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Iterate up to the desired number of samples.  We actually may       */
	/*  break out early if our repeat count expires.                        */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	for (i = 0; i < num_samp; i++)
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  Generate a series of periodic impulses, or random noise.        */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		bool do_int = false;
		uint16_t samp = 0;
		if (per)
			if (cnt <= 0)
				cnt += per;
				samp = amp;
				do_int = interp;

				for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
					z_data[j][1] = z_data[j][0] = 0;
				samp = 0;
			if (--cnt <= 0)
				do_int = interp;
				cnt = PER_NOISE;
				for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
					z_data[j][0] = z_data[j][1] = 0;

			const bool bit(rng & 1);
			rng = (rng >> 1) ^ (bit ? 0x4001 : 0);

			samp = bit ? amp : -amp;

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  If we need to, process the interpolation registers.             */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if (do_int)
			r[0] += r[14];
			r[1] += r[15];

			amp   = (r[0] & 0x1F) << (((r[0] & 0xE0) >> 5) + 0);
			per   = r[1];

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  Stop if we expire our repeat counter and return the actual      */
		/*  number of samples we did.                                       */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if (rpt <= 0)

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  Each 2nd order stage looks like one of these.  The App. Manual  */
		/*  gives the first form, the patent gives the second form.         */
		/*  They're equivalent except for time delay.  I implement the      */
		/*  first form.   (Note: 1/Z == 1 unit of time delay.)              */
		/*                                                                  */
		/*          ---->(+)-------->(+)----------+------->                 */
		/*                ^           ^           |                         */
		/*                |           |           |                         */
		/*                |           |           |                         */
		/*               [B]        [2*F]         |                         */
		/*                ^           ^           |                         */
		/*                |           |           |                         */
		/*                |           |           |                         */
		/*                +---[1/Z]<--+---[1/Z]<--+                         */
		/*                                                                  */
		/*                                                                  */
		/*                +---[2*F]<---+                                    */
		/*                |            |                                    */
		/*                |            |                                    */
		/*                v            |                                    */
		/*          ---->(+)-->[1/Z]-->+-->[1/Z]---+------>                 */
		/*                ^                        |                        */
		/*                |                        |                        */
		/*                |                        |                        */
		/*                +-----------[B]<---------+                        */
		/*                                                                  */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
			samp += (int(b_coef[j]) * int(z_data[j][1])) >> 9;
			samp += (int(f_coef[j]) * int(z_data[j][0])) >> 8;

			z_data[j][1] = z_data[j][0];
			z_data[j][0] = samp;

#ifdef HIGH_QUALITY /* Higher quality than the original, but who cares? */
		out[oidx++ & SCBUF_MASK] = limit(samp) << 2;
		out[oidx++ & SCBUF_MASK] = limit(samp >> 4) << 8;

	*optr = oidx;

	return i;

/* ======================================================================== */
/*  LPC12_REGDEC -- Decode the register set in the filter bank.             */
/* ======================================================================== */
inline void sp0256_device::lpc12_t::regdec()
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Decode the Amplitude and Period registers.  Force the 'cnt' to 0    */
	/*  to get an initial impulse.  We compensate elsewhere by setting      */
	/*  the repeat count to "repeat + 1".                                   */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	amp = (r[0] & 0x1F) << (((r[0] & 0xE0) >> 5) + 0);
	cnt = 0;
	per = r[1];

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Decode the filter coefficients from the quant table.                */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		/* ======================================================================== */
		/*  qtbl  -- Coefficient Quantization Table.  This comes from a             */
		/*              SP0250 data sheet, and should be correct for SP0256.        */
		/* ======================================================================== */
		static constexpr int16_t qtbl[128] =
			0,      9,      17,     25,     33,     41,     49,     57,
			65,     73,     81,     89,     97,     105,    113,    121,
			129,    137,    145,    153,    161,    169,    177,    185,
			193,    201,    209,    217,    225,    233,    241,    249,
			257,    265,    273,    281,    289,    297,    301,    305,
			309,    313,    317,    321,    325,    329,    333,    337,
			341,    345,    349,    353,    357,    361,    365,    369,
			373,    377,    381,    385,    389,    393,    397,    401,
			405,    409,    413,    417,    421,    425,    427,    429,
			431,    433,    435,    437,    439,    441,    443,    445,
			447,    449,    451,    453,    455,    457,    459,    461,
			463,    465,    467,    469,    471,    473,    475,    477,
			479,    481,    482,    483,    484,    485,    486,    487,
			488,    489,    490,    491,    492,    493,    494,    495,
			496,    497,    498,    499,    500,    501,    502,    503,
			504,    505,    506,    507,    508,    509,    510,    511

		static constexpr int stage_map[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

		auto IQ = [] (uint8_t x) { return (x & 0x80) ? qtbl[0x7F & -x] : -qtbl[x]; };

		b_coef[stage_map[i]] = IQ(r[2 + 2*i]);
		f_coef[stage_map[i]] = IQ(r[3 + 2*i]);

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Set the Interp flag based on whether we have interpolation parms    */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	interp = r[14] || r[15];

/* ======================================================================== */
/*  SP0256_DATAFMT   -- Data format table for the SP0256's microsequencer   */
/*                                                                          */
/*  len     4 bits      Length of field to extract                          */
/*  lshift  4 bits      Left-shift amount on field                          */
/*  param   4 bits      Parameter number being updated                      */
/*  delta   1 bit       This is a delta-update.  (Implies sign-extend)      */
/*  field   1 bit       This is a field replace.                            */
/*  clr5    1 bit       Clear F5, B5.                                       */
/*  clrall  1 bit       Clear all before doing this update                  */
/* ======================================================================== */

#define CR(l,s,p,d,f,c5,ca)         \
		(                           \
			(((l)  & 15) <<  0) |   \
			(((s)  & 15) <<  4) |   \
			(((p)  & 15) <<  8) |   \
			(((d)  &  1) << 12) |   \
			(((f)  &  1) << 13) |   \
			(((c5) &  1) << 14) |   \
			(((ca) &  1) << 15)     \

#define CR_DELTA  CR(0,0,0,1,0,0,0)
#define CR_FIELD  CR(0,0,0,0,1,0,0)
#define CR_CLR5   CR(0,0,0,0,0,1,0)
#define CR_CLRA   CR(0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
#define CR_LEN(x) ((x) & 15)
#define CR_SHF(x) (((x) >> 4) & 15)
#define CR_PRM(x) (((x) >> 8) & 15)

enum { AM = 0, PR, B0, F0, B1, F1, B2, F2, B3, F3, B4, F4, B5, F5, IA, IP };

static const uint16_t sp0256_datafmt[] =
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  OPCODE 1111: PAUSE                                                  */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*    0 */  CR( 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1),     /*  Clear all   */

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Opcode 0001: LOADALL                                                */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
				/* All modes                */
	/*    1 */  CR( 8,  0,  AM, 0,  0,  0,  1),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*    2 */  CR( 8,  0,  PR, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Period      */
	/*    3 */  CR( 8,  0,  B0, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B0          */
	/*    4 */  CR( 8,  0,  F0, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F0          */
	/*    5 */  CR( 8,  0,  B1, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B1          */
	/*    6 */  CR( 8,  0,  F1, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F1          */
	/*    7 */  CR( 8,  0,  B2, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B2          */
	/*    8 */  CR( 8,  0,  F2, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F2          */
	/*    9 */  CR( 8,  0,  B3, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B3          */
	/*   10 */  CR( 8,  0,  F3, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F3          */
	/*   11 */  CR( 8,  0,  B4, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B4          */
	/*   12 */  CR( 8,  0,  F4, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F4          */
	/*   13 */  CR( 8,  0,  B5, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B5          */
	/*   14 */  CR( 8,  0,  F5, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F5          */
				/* Mode 01 and 11 only      */
	/*   15 */  CR( 8,  0,  IA, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Amp Interp  */
	/*   16 */  CR( 8,  0,  IP, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Pit Interp  */

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Opcode 0100: LOAD_4                                                 */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
				/* Mode 00 and 01           */
	/*   17 */  CR( 6,  2,  AM, 0,  0,  0,  1),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*   18 */  CR( 8,  0,  PR, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Period      */
	/*   19 */  CR( 4,  3,  B3, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B3 (S=0)    */
	/*   20 */  CR( 6,  2,  F3, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F3          */
	/*   21 */  CR( 7,  1,  B4, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B4          */
	/*   22 */  CR( 6,  2,  F4, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F4          */
				/* Mode 01 only             */
	/*   23 */  CR( 8,  0,  B5, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B5          */
	/*   24 */  CR( 8,  0,  F5, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F5          */

				/* Mode 10 and 11           */
	/*   25 */  CR( 6,  2,  AM, 0,  0,  0,  1),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*   26 */  CR( 8,  0,  PR, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Period      */
	/*   27 */  CR( 6,  1,  B3, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B3 (S=0)    */
	/*   28 */  CR( 7,  1,  F3, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F3          */
	/*   29 */  CR( 8,  0,  B4, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B4          */
	/*   30 */  CR( 8,  0,  F4, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F4          */
				/* Mode 11 only             */
	/*   31 */  CR( 8,  0,  B5, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B5          */
	/*   32 */  CR( 8,  0,  F5, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F5          */

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Opcode 0110: SETMSB_6                                               */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
				/* Mode 00 only             */
	/*   33 */  CR( 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0),     /*  Clear 5     */
				/* Mode 00 and 01           */
	/*   34 */  CR( 6,  2,  AM, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*   35 */  CR( 6,  2,  F3, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F3 (5 MSBs) */
	/*   36 */  CR( 6,  2,  F4, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F4 (5 MSBs) */
				/* Mode 01 only             */
	/*   37 */  CR( 8,  0,  F5, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F5 (5 MSBs) */

				/* Mode 10 only             */
	/*   38 */  CR( 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0),     /*  Clear 5     */
				/* Mode 10 and 11           */
	/*   39 */  CR( 6,  2,  AM, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*   40 */  CR( 7,  1,  F3, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F3 (6 MSBs) */
	/*   41 */  CR( 8,  0,  F4, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F4 (6 MSBs) */
				/* Mode 11 only             */
	/*   42 */  CR( 8,  0,  F5, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F5 (6 MSBs) */

	/*   43 */  0,  /* unused */
	/*   44 */  0,  /* unused */

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Opcode 1001: DELTA_9                                                */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
				/* Mode 00 and 01           */
	/*   45 */  CR( 4,  2,  AM, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*   46 */  CR( 5,  0,  PR, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Period      */
	/*   47 */  CR( 3,  4,  B0, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B0 4 MSBs   */
	/*   48 */  CR( 3,  3,  F0, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F0 5 MSBs   */
	/*   49 */  CR( 3,  4,  B1, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B1 4 MSBs   */
	/*   50 */  CR( 3,  3,  F1, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F1 5 MSBs   */
	/*   51 */  CR( 3,  4,  B2, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B2 4 MSBs   */
	/*   52 */  CR( 3,  3,  F2, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F2 5 MSBs   */
	/*   53 */  CR( 3,  3,  B3, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B3 5 MSBs   */
	/*   54 */  CR( 4,  2,  F3, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F3 6 MSBs   */
	/*   55 */  CR( 4,  1,  B4, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B4 7 MSBs   */
	/*   56 */  CR( 4,  2,  F4, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F4 6 MSBs   */
				/* Mode 01 only             */
	/*   57 */  CR( 5,  0,  B5, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B5 8 MSBs   */
	/*   58 */  CR( 5,  0,  F5, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F5 8 MSBs   */

				/* Mode 10 and 11           */
	/*   59 */  CR( 4,  2,  AM, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*   60 */  CR( 5,  0,  PR, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Period      */
	/*   61 */  CR( 4,  1,  B0, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B0 7 MSBs   */
	/*   62 */  CR( 4,  2,  F0, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F0 6 MSBs   */
	/*   63 */  CR( 4,  1,  B1, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B1 7 MSBs   */
	/*   64 */  CR( 4,  2,  F1, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F1 6 MSBs   */
	/*   65 */  CR( 4,  1,  B2, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B2 7 MSBs   */
	/*   66 */  CR( 4,  2,  F2, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F2 6 MSBs   */
	/*   67 */  CR( 4,  1,  B3, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B3 7 MSBs   */
	/*   68 */  CR( 5,  1,  F3, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F3 7 MSBs   */
	/*   69 */  CR( 5,  0,  B4, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B4 8 MSBs   */
	/*   70 */  CR( 5,  0,  F4, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F4 8 MSBs   */
				/* Mode 11 only             */
	/*   71 */  CR( 5,  0,  B5, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B5 8 MSBs   */
	/*   72 */  CR( 5,  0,  F5, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F5 8 MSBs   */

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Opcode 1010: SETMSB_A                                               */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
				/* Mode 00 only             */
	/*   73 */  CR( 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0),     /*  Clear 5     */
				/* Mode 00 and 01           */
	/*   74 */  CR( 6,  2,  AM, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*   75 */  CR( 5,  3,  F0, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F0 (5 MSBs) */
	/*   76 */  CR( 5,  3,  F1, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F1 (5 MSBs) */
	/*   77 */  CR( 5,  3,  F2, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F2 (5 MSBs) */

				/* Mode 10 only             */
	/*   78 */  CR( 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0),     /*  Clear 5     */
				/* Mode 10 and 11           */
	/*   79 */  CR( 6,  2,  AM, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*   80 */  CR( 6,  2,  F0, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F0 (6 MSBs) */
	/*   81 */  CR( 6,  2,  F1, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F1 (6 MSBs) */
	/*   82 */  CR( 6,  2,  F2, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F2 (6 MSBs) */

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Opcode 0010: LOAD_2  Mode 00 and 10                                 */
	/*  Opcode 1100: LOAD_C  Mode 00 and 10                                 */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
				/* LOAD_2, LOAD_C  Mode 00  */
	/*   83 */  CR( 6,  2,  AM, 0,  0,  0,  1),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*   84 */  CR( 8,  0,  PR, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Period      */
	/*   85 */  CR( 3,  4,  B0, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B0 (S=0)    */
	/*   86 */  CR( 5,  3,  F0, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F0          */
	/*   87 */  CR( 3,  4,  B1, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B1 (S=0)    */
	/*   88 */  CR( 5,  3,  F1, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F1          */
	/*   89 */  CR( 3,  4,  B2, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B2 (S=0)    */
	/*   90 */  CR( 5,  3,  F2, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F2          */
	/*   91 */  CR( 4,  3,  B3, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B3 (S=0)    */
	/*   92 */  CR( 6,  2,  F3, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F3          */
	/*   93 */  CR( 7,  1,  B4, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B4          */
	/*   94 */  CR( 6,  2,  F4, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F4          */
				/* LOAD_2 only              */
	/*   95 */  CR( 5,  0,  IA, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Ampl. Intr. */
	/*   96 */  CR( 5,  0,  IP, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Per. Intr.  */

				/* LOAD_2, LOAD_C  Mode 10  */
	/*   97 */  CR( 6,  2,  AM, 0,  0,  0,  1),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*   98 */  CR( 8,  0,  PR, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Period      */
	/*   99 */  CR( 6,  1,  B0, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B0 (S=0)    */
	/*  100 */  CR( 6,  2,  F0, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F0          */
	/*  101 */  CR( 6,  1,  B1, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B1 (S=0)    */
	/*  102 */  CR( 6,  2,  F1, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F1          */
	/*  103 */  CR( 6,  1,  B2, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B2 (S=0)    */
	/*  104 */  CR( 6,  2,  F2, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F2          */
	/*  105 */  CR( 6,  1,  B3, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B3 (S=0)    */
	/*  106 */  CR( 7,  1,  F3, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F3          */
	/*  107 */  CR( 8,  0,  B4, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B4          */
	/*  108 */  CR( 8,  0,  F4, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F4          */
				/* LOAD_2 only              */
	/*  109 */  CR( 5,  0,  IA, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Ampl. Intr. */
	/*  110 */  CR( 5,  0,  IP, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Per. Intr.  */

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  OPCODE 1101: DELTA_D                                                */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
				/* Mode 00 and 01           */
	/*  111 */  CR( 4,  2,  AM, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*  112 */  CR( 5,  0,  PR, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Period      */
	/*  113 */  CR( 3,  3,  B3, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B3 5 MSBs   */
	/*  114 */  CR( 4,  2,  F3, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F3 6 MSBs   */
	/*  115 */  CR( 4,  1,  B4, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B4 7 MSBs   */
	/*  116 */  CR( 4,  2,  F4, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F4 6 MSBs   */
				/* Mode 01 only             */
	/*  117 */  CR( 5,  0,  B5, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B5 8 MSBs   */
	/*  118 */  CR( 5,  0,  F5, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F5 8 MSBs   */

				/* Mode 10 and 11           */
	/*  119 */  CR( 4,  2,  AM, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*  120 */  CR( 5,  0,  PR, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Period      */
	/*  121 */  CR( 4,  1,  B3, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B3 7 MSBs   */
	/*  122 */  CR( 5,  1,  F3, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F3 7 MSBs   */
	/*  123 */  CR( 5,  0,  B4, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B4 8 MSBs   */
	/*  124 */  CR( 5,  0,  F4, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F4 8 MSBs   */
				/* Mode 11 only             */
	/*  125 */  CR( 5,  0,  B5, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B5 8 MSBs   */
	/*  126 */  CR( 5,  0,  F5, 1,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F5 8 MSBs   */

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  OPCODE 1110: LOAD_E                                                 */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  127 */  CR( 6,  2,  AM, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*  128 */  CR( 8,  0,  PR, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Period      */

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Opcode 0010: LOAD_2  Mode 01 and 11                                 */
	/*  Opcode 1100: LOAD_C  Mode 01 and 11                                 */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
				/* LOAD_2, LOAD_C  Mode 01  */
	/*  129 */  CR( 6,  2,  AM, 0,  0,  0,  1),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*  130 */  CR( 8,  0,  PR, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Period      */
	/*  131 */  CR( 3,  4,  B0, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B0 (S=0)    */
	/*  132 */  CR( 5,  3,  F0, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F0          */
	/*  133 */  CR( 3,  4,  B1, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B1 (S=0)    */
	/*  134 */  CR( 5,  3,  F1, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F1          */
	/*  135 */  CR( 3,  4,  B2, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B2 (S=0)    */
	/*  136 */  CR( 5,  3,  F2, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F2          */
	/*  137 */  CR( 4,  3,  B3, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B3 (S=0)    */
	/*  138 */  CR( 6,  2,  F3, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F3          */
	/*  139 */  CR( 7,  1,  B4, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B4          */
	/*  140 */  CR( 6,  2,  F4, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F4          */
	/*  141 */  CR( 8,  0,  B5, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B5          */
	/*  142 */  CR( 8,  0,  F5, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F5          */
				/* LOAD_2 only              */
	/*  143 */  CR( 5,  0,  IA, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Ampl. Intr. */
	/*  144 */  CR( 5,  0,  IP, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Per. Intr.  */

				/* LOAD_2, LOAD_C  Mode 11  */
	/*  145 */  CR( 6,  2,  AM, 0,  0,  0,  1),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*  146 */  CR( 8,  0,  PR, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Period      */
	/*  147 */  CR( 6,  1,  B0, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B0 (S=0)    */
	/*  148 */  CR( 6,  2,  F0, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F0          */
	/*  149 */  CR( 6,  1,  B1, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B1 (S=0)    */
	/*  150 */  CR( 6,  2,  F1, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F1          */
	/*  151 */  CR( 6,  1,  B2, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B2 (S=0)    */
	/*  152 */  CR( 6,  2,  F2, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F2          */
	/*  153 */  CR( 6,  1,  B3, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B3 (S=0)    */
	/*  154 */  CR( 7,  1,  F3, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F3          */
	/*  155 */  CR( 8,  0,  B4, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B4          */
	/*  156 */  CR( 8,  0,  F4, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F4          */
	/*  157 */  CR( 8,  0,  B5, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  B5          */
	/*  158 */  CR( 8,  0,  F5, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  F5          */
				/* LOAD_2 only              */
	/*  159 */  CR( 5,  0,  IA, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Ampl. Intr. */
	/*  160 */  CR( 5,  0,  IP, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Per. Intr.  */

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Opcode 0011: SETMSB_3                                               */
	/*  Opcode 0101: SETMSB_5                                               */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
				/* Mode 00 only             */
	/*  161 */  CR( 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0),     /*  Clear 5     */
				/* Mode 00 and 01           */
	/*  162 */  CR( 6,  2,  AM, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*  163 */  CR( 8,  0,  PR, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Period      */
	/*  164 */  CR( 5,  3,  F0, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F0 (5 MSBs) */
	/*  165 */  CR( 5,  3,  F1, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F1 (5 MSBs) */
	/*  166 */  CR( 5,  3,  F2, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F2 (5 MSBs) */
				/* SETMSB_3 only            */
	/*  167 */  CR( 5,  0,  IA, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Ampl. Intr. */
	/*  168 */  CR( 5,  0,  IP, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Per. Intr.  */

				/* Mode 10 only             */
	/*  169 */  CR( 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0),     /*  Clear 5     */
				/* Mode 10 and 11           */
	/*  170 */  CR( 6,  2,  AM, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Amplitude   */
	/*  171 */  CR( 8,  0,  PR, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Period      */
	/*  172 */  CR( 6,  2,  F0, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F0 (6 MSBs) */
	/*  173 */  CR( 6,  2,  F1, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F1 (6 MSBs) */
	/*  174 */  CR( 6,  2,  F2, 0,  1,  0,  0),     /*  F2 (6 MSBs) */
				/* SETMSB_3 only            */
	/*  175 */  CR( 5,  0,  IA, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Ampl. Intr. */
	/*  176 */  CR( 5,  0,  IP, 0,  0,  0,  0),     /*  Per. Intr.  */

static const int16_t sp0256_df_idx[16 * 8] =
	/*  OPCODE 0000 */      -1, -1,     -1, -1,     -1, -1,     -1, -1,
	/*  OPCODE 1000 */      -1, -1,     -1, -1,     -1, -1,     -1, -1,
	/*  OPCODE 0100 */      17, 22,     17, 24,     25, 30,     25, 32,
	/*  OPCODE 1100 */      83, 94,     129,142,    97, 108,    145,158,
	/*  OPCODE 0010 */      83, 96,     129,144,    97, 110,    145,160,
	/*  OPCODE 1010 */      73, 77,     74, 77,     78, 82,     79, 82,
	/*  OPCODE 0110 */      33, 36,     34, 37,     38, 41,     39, 42,
	/*  OPCODE 1110 */      127,128,    127,128,    127,128,    127,128,
	/*  OPCODE 0001 */      1,  14,     1,  16,     1,  14,     1,  16,
	/*  OPCODE 1001 */      45, 56,     45, 58,     59, 70,     59, 72,
	/*  OPCODE 0101 */      161,166,    162,166,    169,174,    170,174,
	/*  OPCODE 1101 */      111,116,    111,118,    119,124,    119,126,
	/*  OPCODE 0011 */      161,168,    162,168,    169,176,    170,176,
	/*  OPCODE 1011 */      -1, -1,     -1, -1,     -1, -1,     -1, -1,
	/*  OPCODE 0111 */      -1, -1,     -1, -1,     -1, -1,     -1, -1,
	/*  OPCODE 1111 */      0,  0,      0,  0,      0,  0,      0,  0

/* ======================================================================== */
/*  BITREV32       -- Bit-reverse a 32-bit number.                            */
/* ======================================================================== */
static inline uint32_t bitrev32(uint32_t val)
	val = ((val & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16) | ((val & 0x0000FFFF) << 16);
	val = ((val & 0xFF00FF00) >>  8) | ((val & 0x00FF00FF) <<  8);
	val = ((val & 0xF0F0F0F0) >>  4) | ((val & 0x0F0F0F0F) <<  4);
	val = ((val & 0xCCCCCCCC) >>  2) | ((val & 0x33333333) <<  2);
	val = ((val & 0xAAAAAAAA) >>  1) | ((val & 0x55555555) <<  1);

	return val;

/* ======================================================================== */
/*  BITREV8       -- Bit-reverse a 8-bit number.                            */
/* ======================================================================== */
static inline uint8_t bitrev8(uint8_t val)
	val = ((val & 0xF0) >>  4) | ((val & 0x0F) <<  4);
	val = ((val & 0xCC) >>  2) | ((val & 0x33) <<  2);
	val = ((val & 0xAA) >>  1) | ((val & 0x55) <<  1);

	return val;

/* ======================================================================== */
/*  BITREVBUFF       -- Bit-reverse a buffer.                               */
/* ======================================================================== */
void sp0256_device::bitrevbuff(uint8_t *buffer, unsigned int start, unsigned int length)
	for (unsigned int i = start; i < length; i++ )
		buffer[i] = bitrev8(buffer[i]);

/* ======================================================================== */
/*  SP0256_GETB  -- Get up to 8 bits at the current PC.                     */
/* ======================================================================== */
uint32_t sp0256_device::getb( int len )
	uint32_t data;
	uint32_t d0, d1;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Fetch data from the FIFO or from the MASK                           */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	if (m_fifo_sel)
		d0 = m_fifo[(m_fifo_tail    ) & 63];
		d1 = m_fifo[(m_fifo_tail + 1) & 63];

		data = ((d1 << 10) | d0) >> m_fifo_bitp;

		LOGFIFO("sp0256: RD_FIFO %.3X %d.%d %d\n", data & ((1 << len) - 1),
				m_fifo_tail, m_fifo_bitp, m_fifo_head);

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  Note the PC doesn't advance when we execute from FIFO.          */
		/*  Just the FIFO's bit-pointer advances.   (That's not REALLY      */
		/*  what happens, but that's roughly how it behaves.)               */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		m_fifo_bitp += len;
		if (m_fifo_bitp >= 10)
			m_fifo_bitp -= 10;
	} else
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  Figure out which ROMs are being fetched into, and grab two      */
		/*  adjacent bytes.  The byte we're interested in is extracted      */
		/*  from the appropriate bit-boundary between them.                 */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		int idx0 = (m_pc    ) >> 3, d0;
		int idx1 = (m_pc + 8) >> 3, d1;

		d0 = m_rom[idx0 & 0xffff];
		d1 = m_rom[idx1 & 0xffff];

		data = ((d1 << 8) | d0) >> (m_pc & 7);

		m_pc += len;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Mask data to the requested length.                                  */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	data &= ((1 << len) - 1);

	return data;

/* ======================================================================== */
/*  SP0256_MICRO -- Emulate the microsequencer in the SP0256.  Executes     */
/*                  instructions either until the repeat count != 0 or      */
/*                  the sequencer gets halted by a RTS to 0.                */
/* ======================================================================== */
void sp0256_device::micro()
	uint8_t  immed4;
	uint8_t  opcode;
	uint16_t cr;
	int ctrl_xfer;
	int repeat;
	int i, idx0, idx1;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Only execute instructions while the filter is not busy.             */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	while (m_filt.rpt <= 0)
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  If the CPU is halted, see if we have a new command pending      */
		/*  in the Address LoaD buffer.                                     */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if (m_halted && !m_lrq)
			m_pc       = m_ald | (0x1000 << 3);
			m_fifo_sel = 0;
			m_halted   = 0;
			m_lrq      = 0x8000;
			m_ald      = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
				m_filt.r[i] = 0;

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  If we're still halted, do nothing.                              */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if (m_halted)
			m_filt.rpt = 1;
			m_lrq      = 0x8000;
			m_ald      = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
				m_filt.r[i] = 0;



		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  Fetch the first 8 bits of the opcode, which are always in the   */
		/*  same approximate format -- immed4 followed by opcode.           */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		immed4 = getb(4);
		opcode = getb(4);
		repeat = 0;
		ctrl_xfer = 0;

		LOG("$%.4X.%.1X: OPCODE %d%d%d%d.%d%d\n",
				(m_pc >> 3) - 1, m_pc & 7,
				!!(opcode & 1), !!(opcode & 2),
				!!(opcode & 4), !!(opcode & 8),
				!!(m_mode&4), !!(m_mode&2));

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  Handle the special cases for specific opcodes.                  */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		switch (opcode)
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  OPCODE 0000:  RTS / SETPAGE                                 */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			case 0x0:
				/* -------------------------------------------------------- */
				/*  If immed4 != 0, then this is a SETPAGE instruction.     */
				/* -------------------------------------------------------- */
				if (immed4)     /* SETPAGE */
					m_page = bitrev32(immed4) >> 13;
				} else
				/* -------------------------------------------------------- */
				/*  Otherwise, this is an RTS / HLT.                        */
				/* -------------------------------------------------------- */
					uint32_t btrg;

					/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
					/*  Figure out our branch target.                       */
					/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
					btrg = m_stack;

					m_stack = 0;

					/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
					/*  If the branch target is zero, this is a HLT.        */
					/*  Otherwise, it's an RTS, so set the PC.              */
					/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
					if (!btrg)
						m_halted   = 1;
						m_pc       = 0;
						ctrl_xfer  = 1;
					} else
						m_pc      = btrg;
						ctrl_xfer = 1;


			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  OPCODE 0111:  JMP          Jump to 12-bit/16-bit Abs Addr   */
			/*  OPCODE 1011:  JSR          Jump to Subroutine               */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			case 0xE:
			case 0xD:
				int btrg;

				/* -------------------------------------------------------- */
				/*  Figure out our branch target.                           */
				/* -------------------------------------------------------- */
				btrg = m_page                     |
						(bitrev32(immed4)  >> 17) |
						(bitrev32(getb(8)) >> 21);
				ctrl_xfer = 1;

				/* -------------------------------------------------------- */
				/*  If this is a JSR, push our return address on the        */
				/*  stack.  Make sure it's byte aligned.                    */
				/* -------------------------------------------------------- */
				if (opcode == 0xD)
					m_stack = (m_pc + 7) & ~7;

				/* -------------------------------------------------------- */
				/*  Jump to the new location!                               */
				/* -------------------------------------------------------- */
				m_pc = btrg;

			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  OPCODE 1000:  SETMODE      Set the Mode and Repeat MSBs     */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			case 0x1:
				m_mode = ((immed4 & 8) >> 2) | (immed4 & 4) | ((immed4 & 3) << 4);

			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  OPCODE 0001:  LOADALL      Load All Parameters              */
			/*  OPCODE 0010:  LOAD_2       Load Per, Ampl, Coefs, Interp.   */
			/*  OPCODE 0011:  SETMSB_3     Load Pitch, Ampl, MSBs, & Intrp  */
			/*  OPCODE 0100:  LOAD_4       Load Pitch, Ampl, Coeffs         */
			/*  OPCODE 0101:  SETMSB_5     Load Pitch, Ampl, and Coeff MSBs */
			/*  OPCODE 0110:  SETMSB_6     Load Ampl, and Coeff MSBs.       */
			/*  OPCODE 1001:  DELTA_9      Delta update Ampl, Pitch, Coeffs */
			/*  OPCODE 1010:  SETMSB_A     Load Ampl and MSBs of 3 Coeffs   */
			/*  OPCODE 1100:  LOAD_C       Load Pitch, Ampl, Coeffs         */
			/*  OPCODE 1101:  DELTA_D      Delta update Ampl, Pitch, Coeffs */
			/*  OPCODE 1110:  LOAD_E       Load Pitch, Amplitude            */
			/*  OPCODE 1111:  PAUSE        Silent pause                     */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
				repeat = immed4 | (m_mode & 0x30);
		if (opcode != 1) m_mode &= 0xF;

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  If this was a control transfer, handle setting "fifo_sel"       */
		/*  and all that ugliness.                                          */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if (ctrl_xfer)
			LOG("jumping to $%.4X.%.1X: ", m_pc >> 3, m_pc & 7);

			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  Set our "FIFO Selected" flag based on whether we're going   */
			/*  to the FIFO's address.                                      */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			m_fifo_sel = m_pc == FIFO_ADDR;

			LOG("%s ", m_fifo_sel ? "FIFO" : "ROM");

			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  Control transfers to the FIFO cause it to discard the       */
			/*  partial decle that's at the front of the FIFO.              */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			if (m_fifo_sel && m_fifo_bitp)
				LOG("bitp = %d -> Flush", m_fifo_bitp);

				/* Discard partially-read decle. */
				if (m_fifo_tail < m_fifo_head) m_fifo_tail++;
				m_fifo_bitp = 0;



		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  Otherwise, if we have a repeat count, then go grab the data     */
		/*  block and feed it to the filter.                                */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if (!repeat) continue;

		m_filt.rpt = repeat + 1;
		LOG("repeat = %d\n", repeat);

		i = (opcode << 3) | (m_mode & 6);
		idx0 = sp0256_df_idx[i++];
		idx1 = sp0256_df_idx[i  ];

		assert(idx0 >= 0 && idx1 >= 0 && idx1 >= idx0);

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  Step through control words in the description for data block.   */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		for (i = idx0; i <= idx1; i++)
			int len, shf, delta, field, prm, clra, clr5;
			int8_t value;

			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  Get the control word and pull out some important fields.    */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			cr = sp0256_datafmt[i];

			len   = CR_LEN(cr);
			shf   = CR_SHF(cr);
			prm   = CR_PRM(cr);
			clra  = cr & CR_CLRA;
			clr5  = cr & CR_CLR5;
			delta = cr & CR_DELTA;
			field = cr & CR_FIELD;
			value = 0;

			LOG("$%.4X.%.1X: len=%2d shf=%2d prm=%2d d=%d f=%d ",
						m_pc >> 3, m_pc & 7, len, shf, prm, !!delta, !!field);
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  Clear any registers that were requested to be cleared.      */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			if (clra)
				for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
					m_filt.r[j] = 0;

				m_silent = 1;

			if (clr5)
				m_filt.r[B5] = m_filt.r[F5] = 0;

			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  If this entry has a bitfield with it, grab the bitfield.    */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			if (len)
				value = getb(len);
				LOG(" (no update)\n");

			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  Sign extend if this is a delta update.                      */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			if (delta)  /* Sign extend */
				if (value & (1 << (len - 1))) value |= -1 << len;

			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  Shift the value to the appropriate precision.               */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			if (shf)
				value <<= shf;

			LOG("v=%.2X (%c%.2X)  ", value & 0xFF,
						value & 0x80 ? '-' : '+',
						0xFF & (value & 0x80 ? -value : value));

			m_silent = 0;

			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  If this is a field-replace, insert the field.               */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			if (field)
				LOG("--field-> r[%2d] = %.2X -> ", prm, m_filt.r[prm]);

				m_filt.r[prm] &= ~(~0 << shf); /* Clear the old bits.     */
				m_filt.r[prm] |= value;        /* Merge in the new bits.  */

				LOG("%.2X\n", m_filt.r[prm]);


			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  If this is a delta update, add to the appropriate field.    */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			if (delta)
				LOG("--delta-> r[%2d] = %.2X -> ", prm, m_filt.r[prm]);

				m_filt.r[prm] += value;

				LOG("%.2X\n", m_filt.r[prm]);


			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  Otherwise, just write the new value.                        */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			m_filt.r[prm] = value;
			LOG("--value-> r[%2d] = %.2X\n", prm, m_filt.r[prm]);

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  Special case:  Set PAUSE's equivalent period.                   */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if (opcode == 0xF)
			m_silent = 1;
			m_filt.r[1] = PER_PAUSE;

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  Now that we've updated the registers, go decode them.           */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  Break out since we now have a repeat count.                     */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

void sp0256_device::ald_w(uint8_t data)
	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Drop writes to the ALD register if we're busy.                  */
	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
	if (!m_lrq)
		LOG("sp0256: Dropped ALD write\n");

	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Set LRQ to "busy" and load the 8 LSBs of the data into the ALD  */
	/*  reg.  We take the command address, and multiply by 2 bytes to   */
	/*  get the new PC address.                                         */
	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
	m_lrq = 0;
	m_ald = (0xff & data) << 4;


READ_LINE_MEMBER( sp0256_device::lrq_r )
	// force stream update

	return m_lrq == 0x8000;

READ_LINE_MEMBER( sp0256_device::sby_r )
	// TODO: force stream update??

	return m_sby_line;

uint16_t sp0256_device::spb640_r(offs_t offset)
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Offset 0 returns the SP0256 LRQ status on bit 15.                   */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	if (offset == 0)
		return m_lrq;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Offset 1 returns the SPB640 FIFO full status on bit 15.             */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	if (offset == 1)
		return (m_fifo_head - m_fifo_tail) >= 64 ? 0x8000 : 0;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*  Just return 255 for all other addresses in our range.               */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	return 0x00ff;

void sp0256_device::spb640_w(offs_t offset, uint16_t data)
	if (offset == 0)
		ald_w(data & 0xff);

	if (offset == 1)
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  If Bit 10 is set, reset the FIFO, and SP0256.                   */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

		if (data & 0x400)
			m_fifo_head = m_fifo_tail = m_fifo_bitp = 0;

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  If the FIFO is full, drop the data.                             */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if ((m_fifo_head - m_fifo_tail) >= 64)
			LOG("spb640: Dropped FIFO write\n");

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  FIFO up the lower 10 bits of the data.                          */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

		LOG("spb640: WR_FIFO %.3X %d.%d %d\n", data & 0x3ff,
				m_fifo_tail, m_fifo_bitp, m_fifo_head);

		m_fifo[m_fifo_head++ & 63] = data & 0x3ff;


void sp0256_device::set_clock(int clock)
	m_stream->set_sample_rate(clock / CLOCK_DIVIDER);

	m_lrq = 0x8000;

//  sound_stream_update - handle a stream update

void sp0256_device::sound_stream_update(sound_stream &stream, stream_sample_t **inputs, stream_sample_t **outputs, int samples)
	stream_sample_t *output = outputs[0];
	int output_index = 0;
	int length, did_samp/*, old_idx*/;

	while (output_index < samples)
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  First, drain as much of our scratch buffer as we can into the   */
		/*  sound buffer.                                                  */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

		while (m_sc_tail != m_sc_head)
			output[output_index++] = m_scratch[m_sc_tail++ & SCBUF_MASK];
			m_sc_tail &= SCBUF_MASK;

			if (output_index > samples)

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  If output outputs is full, then we're done.                      */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		if (output_index > samples)

		length = samples - output_index;

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  Process the current set of filter coefficients as long as the   */
		/*  repeat count holds up and we have room in our scratch buffer.   */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
		did_samp = 0;
		//old_idx  = m_sc_head;
		if (length > 0) do
			int do_samp;

			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  If our repeat count expired, emulate the microsequencer.    */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			if (m_filt.rpt <= 0)

			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			/*  Do as many samples as we can.                               */
			/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
			do_samp = length - did_samp;
			if (m_sc_head + do_samp - m_sc_tail > SCBUF_SIZE)
				do_samp = m_sc_tail + SCBUF_SIZE - m_sc_head;

			if (do_samp == 0) break;

			if (m_silent && m_filt.rpt <= 0)
				int y = m_sc_head;

				for (int x = 0; x < do_samp; x++)
					m_scratch[y++ & SCBUF_MASK] = 0;
				m_sc_head += do_samp;
				did_samp    += do_samp;
				did_samp += m_filt.update(do_samp, m_scratch.get(), &m_sc_head);

			m_sc_head &= SCBUF_MASK;

		} while (m_filt.rpt >= 0 && length > did_samp);