path: root/src/devices/sound/rolandpcm.cpp
blob: d1ec25c8f5ca390a770ea25d7d52512ee66d9793 (plain) (tree)






















// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Valley Bell

// register write:
//  00/01 - ??
//  02/03 - ROM bank (bits 10-13) / loop mode (bits 14-15)
//  04/05 - frequency (2.14 fixed point, 0x4000 = 32000 Hz)
//  06/07 - volume
//  08/09 - sample start address, fraction (2.14 fixed point, i.e. 1 byte = 0x4000)
//  0A/0B - sample start address (high word, i.e. address bits 2..17)
//  0C/0D - sample end address (high word)
//  0E/0F - sample loop address (high word)
//  10/12 - ?? (sometimes value 1F is written)
//  11/13/15/17 - voice enable mask (11 = least significant 8 bits, 17 = most significant 8 bits)
//  19/1B/1D - ?? (written at init time)
//  1A - ??
//  1F - voice select
// register read:
//  01 - last sample data (used by main CPU to read sample table from PCM ROM)
//  02/03 - ?? (read after writing to 10/12)

#include "emu.h"
#include "rolandpcm.h"

DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(MB87419_MB87420, mb87419_mb87420_device, "mb87419_mb87420", "Roland MB87419/MB87420 PCM")

mb87419_mb87420_device::mb87419_mb87420_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock)
	: device_t(mconfig, MB87419_MB87420, tag, owner, clock)
	, device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this)
	, device_rom_interface(mconfig, *this)
	, m_int_callback(*this)
	, m_clock(0)
	, m_rate(0)
	, m_stream(nullptr)
	, m_sel_chn(0)

//  device_start - device-specific startup

void mb87419_mb87420_device::device_start()
	m_clock = clock() / 2;
	m_rate = m_clock / 512; // usually 32 KHz

	m_stream = stream_alloc(0, 2, m_rate);

	logerror("Roland PCM: Clock %u, Rate %u\n", m_clock, m_rate);

//  device_reset - device-specific reset

void mb87419_mb87420_device::device_reset()

//  rom_bank_pre_change - refresh the stream if the
//  ROM banking changes

void mb87419_mb87420_device::rom_bank_pre_change()
	// unused right now

u8 mb87419_mb87420_device::read(offs_t offset)
	// Note: only offset 0x01 is verified, the rest is probably all wrong
	if (offset != 0x01)
		logerror("Reading Reg %02X\n", offset);
	if (offset < 0x10)
		pcm_channel& chn = m_chns[m_sel_chn];
		case 0x00:
			return (chn.mode >> 0) & 0xFF;
		case 0x01:
				offs_t addr = (chn.addr >> 14) | (( & 0x3C00) << 8);
				return read_byte(addr); // return sample data
		case 0x02:  // ROM bank LSB
			return ( >> 0) & 0xFF;
		case 0x03:  // ROM bank MSB
			return ( >> 8) & 0xFF;
		case 0x04:  // sample step LSB
			return (chn.step >> 0) & 0xFF;
		case 0x05:  // sample step LSB
			return (chn.step >> 8) & 0xFF;
		case 0x06:  // volume LSB
			return (chn.volume >> 0) & 0xFF;
		case 0x07:  // volume MSB
			return (chn.volume >> 8) & 0xFF;
		case 0x08:  // current address, fraction LSB
			return (chn.start >>  0) & 0xFF;
		case 0x09:  // current address, fraction MSB
			return (chn.start >>  8) & 0xFF;
		case 0x0A:  // current address LSB
			return (chn.start >> 16) & 0xFF;
		case 0x0B:  // current address MSB
			return (chn.start >> 24) & 0xFF;
		case 0x0C:  // sample end address LSB
			return (chn.end >> 0) & 0xFF;
		case 0x0D:  // sample end address MSB
			return (chn.end >> 8) & 0xFF;
		case 0x0E:  // sample loop address LSB
			return (chn.loop >> 0) & 0xFF;
		case 0x0F:  // sample loop address MSB
			return (chn.loop >> 8) & 0xFF;
		case 0x11:
		case 0x13:
		case 0x15:
		case 0x17:
				uint8_t basechn = ((offset >> 1) & 0x03) * 8;
				uint8_t result = 0x00;
				for (uint8_t ch_id = 0; ch_id < 8; ch_id ++)
					result |= (m_chns[basechn + ch_id].enable << ch_id);
				return result;
		case 0x1F:
			return m_sel_chn;
	return 0x00;

void mb87419_mb87420_device::write(offs_t offset, u8 data)
	logerror("Reg %02X = %02X\n", offset, data);
	if (offset < 0x10)
		pcm_channel& chn = m_chns[m_sel_chn];
		case 0x00:
			chn.mode = (chn.mode & 0xFF00) | (data << 0);
		case 0x01:
			chn.mode = (chn.mode & 0x00FF) | (data << 8);
		case 0x02:  // ROM bank LSB = ( & 0xFF00) | (data << 0);
		case 0x03:  // ROM bank MSB / loop mode = ( & 0x00FF) | (data << 8);
		case 0x04:  // sample step LSB
			chn.step = (chn.step & 0xFF00) | (data << 0);
		case 0x05:  // sample step LSB
			chn.step = (chn.step & 0x00FF) | (data << 8);
		case 0x06:  // volume LSB
			chn.volume = (chn.volume & 0xFF00) | (data << 0);
		case 0x07:  // volume MSB
			chn.volume = (chn.volume & 0x00FF) | (data << 8);
		case 0x08:  // current address, fraction LSB
			chn.start = (chn.start & 0xFFFFFF00) | (data <<  0);
			if (chn.enable)
				logerror("Roland PCM, channel %u: changing start address while playing!\n", m_sel_chn);
		case 0x09:  // current address, fraction MSB
			chn.start = (chn.start & 0xFFFF00FF) | (data <<  8);
			if (chn.enable)
				logerror("Roland PCM, channel %u: changing start address while playing!\n", m_sel_chn);
		case 0x0A:  // current address LSB
			chn.start = (chn.start & 0xFF00FFFF) | (data << 16);
			if (chn.enable)
				logerror("Roland PCM, channel %u: changing start address while playing!\n", m_sel_chn);
		case 0x0B:  // current address MSB
			chn.start = (chn.start & 0x00FFFFFF) | (data << 24);
			if (chn.enable)
				logerror("Roland PCM, channel %u: changing start address while playing!\n", m_sel_chn);
		case 0x0C:  // sample end address, LSB
			chn.end = (chn.end & 0xFF00) | (data << 0);
		case 0x0D:  // sample end address MSB
			chn.end = (chn.end & 0x00FF) | (data << 8);
		case 0x0E:  // sample loop address LSB
			chn.loop = (chn.loop & 0xFF00) | (data << 0);
		case 0x0F:  // sample loop address MSB
			chn.loop = (chn.loop & 0x00FF) | (data << 8);
		case 0x11:
		case 0x13:
		case 0x15:
		case 0x17:
				uint8_t basechn = ((offset >> 1) & 0x03) * 8;
				for (uint8_t ch_id = 0; ch_id < 8; ch_id ++)
					pcm_channel& chn = m_chns[basechn + ch_id];
					bool play = static_cast<bool>((data >> ch_id) & 1);

					if (play && ! chn.enable)
						chn.addr = chn.start;
						offs_t addr = (chn.addr >> 14) | (( & 0x3C00) << 8);
						chn.smpl_cur = 0;
						chn.smpl_nxt = decode_sample((int8_t)read_byte(addr));
						chn.play_dir = +1;
						logerror("Starting channel %u, bank 0x%04X, addr 0x%05X.%03X\n",
							basechn + ch_id,, chn.start >> 14, (chn.start & 0x3FFF) << 2);
						logerror("Smpl End Ofs: 0x%04X, Loop Ofs 0x%04X, Step 0x%04X, Volume %04X\n",
							chn.end << 2, chn.loop << 2, chn.step, chn.volume);
					chn.enable = play;
		case 0x1F:
			m_sel_chn = data & 0x1F;
			logerror("Writing unknown reg %02X = %02X\n", offset, data);

//  sound_stream_update - handle a stream update

void mb87419_mb87420_device::sound_stream_update(sound_stream &stream, std::vector<read_stream_view> const &inputs, std::vector<write_stream_view> &outputs)

	for (auto& chn : m_chns)
		if (! chn.enable || chn.play_dir == 0)

		for (int smpl = 0; smpl < outputs[0].samples(); smpl ++)
			s32 smp_data;
			if (chn.play_dir > 0)
				smp_data = sample_interpolate(chn.smpl_cur, chn.smpl_nxt, chn.addr & 0x3FFF);
				smp_data = sample_interpolate(chn.smpl_nxt, chn.smpl_cur, chn.addr & 0x3FFF);
			smp_data = smp_data * chn.volume;
			outputs[0].add_int(smpl, smp_data, 32768 << 14); // >>14 results in a good overall volume
			outputs[1].add_int(smpl, smp_data, 32768 << 14);

			uint32_t old_addr = chn.addr;
			if (chn.play_dir > 0)
				chn.addr += chn.step;
			else if (chn.play_dir < 0)
				chn.addr -= chn.step;

			// Note: The sample data is read after incrementing the address, but before handling loop points.
			//       Reading the sample data after loop point handling breaks the test mode square wave.
			//       (Sample 0xA7 on the CM-32P.)
			if ((chn.addr >> 14) != (old_addr >> 14))
				offs_t addr = (chn.addr >> 14) | (( & 0x3C00) << 8);
				//logerror("Chn %u: sample addr 0x%05X.%03X\n", &chn - &m_chns[0], chn.addr >> 14, (chn.addr & 0x3FFF) << 2);
				chn.smpl_cur = chn.smpl_nxt;
				chn.smpl_nxt += decode_sample((int8_t)read_byte(addr)); // This was verified to be independent from play_dir.

				// until the decoding is fixed, we prevent overflow bugs (due to DC offsets when looping) this way
				chn.smpl_nxt = std::clamp<int16_t>(chn.smpl_nxt, -0x7FF, +0x7FF);

			bool reachedEnd = false;
			if (chn.play_dir > 0)
				// This works well with the test mode sine/square wave samples.
				if ((chn.addr >> 16) >= chn.end)
					reachedEnd = true;
			else if (chn.play_dir < 0)
				if ((chn.addr >> 16) < chn.loop)
					reachedEnd = true;
			if (reachedEnd)
				offs_t oldAddr = chn.addr;
				logerror("Chn %u: Sample End at addr 0x%05X.%03X. (Dir %d, Loop Mode %u)\n",
					&chn - &m_chns[0], chn.addr >> 14, (chn.addr & 0x3FFF) << 2,
					chn.play_dir, >> 14);
				switch( >> 14)
				case 0: // normal loop
					chn.addr = chn.addr + ((chn.loop - chn.end) << 16);
					logerror("addr 0x%05X.%03X -> addr 0x%05X.%03X\n",
						oldAddr >> 14, (oldAddr & 0x3FFF) << 2,
						chn.addr >> 14, (chn.addr & 0x3FFF) << 2);
				case 1: // no loop
				case 3: // invalid, assume "no loop"
					chn.play_dir = 0;
				case 2: // ping-pong
					// CM-32P samples with ping-pong loop mode:
					//  0x00 (low piano note), 0x58..0x67, 0x69..0x6C (choir/strings), 0x9F..0xA4 (brass)
					// Note: These formulae are probably incorrect, as they cause some DC offset in most samples.
					//       Reference sample rate for C5 @ Sample 9F: 34290 Hz.
					if (chn.play_dir > 0)
						chn.addr = (chn.end << 16) - chn.addr + (chn.end << 16);
					else if (chn.play_dir < 0)
						chn.addr = (chn.loop << 16) - chn.addr + (chn.loop << 16);
					chn.play_dir = -chn.play_dir;
				if (chn.play_dir == 0)


int16_t mb87419_mb87420_device::decode_sample(int8_t data)
	int16_t val;
	int16_t sign;
	uint8_t shift;
	int16_t result;

	if (data < 0)
		sign = -1;
		val = -data;
		sign = +1;
		val = data;

	// thanks to Sarayan for figuring out the decoding formula
	shift = val >> 4;
	val &= 0x0F;
	if (! shift)
		result = val;
		result = (0x10 + val) << (shift - 1);
	return result * sign;

int16_t mb87419_mb87420_device::sample_interpolate(int16_t smp1, int16_t smp2, uint16_t frac)
	int32_t smpfrac0 = (int32_t)smp1 * (0x4000 - frac);
	int32_t smpfrac1 = (int32_t)smp2 * frac;
	return (int16_t)((smpfrac0 + smpfrac1) >> 14);