path: root/src/devices/sound/ics2115.h
blob: 58373daa5b28c29c7c8b0a02eeadb6366ecddd25 (plain) (tree)





























// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Alex Marshall,nimitz,austere
#ifndef MAME_SOUND_ICS2115_H
#define MAME_SOUND_ICS2115_H

#pragma once


// ======================> ics2115_device

class ics2115_device : public device_t, public device_sound_interface
	// construction/destruction
	ics2115_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, u32 clock);

	auto irq() { return m_irq_cb.bind(); }

	u8 read(offs_t offset);
	void write(offs_t offset, u8 data);

	// 16-bit read / write handlers (when /IOCS16 is low)
	u16 word_r(offs_t offset, u16 mem_mask);
	void word_w(offs_t offset, u16 data, u16 mem_mask);

	static constexpr u16 revision = 0x1;

	struct ics2115_voice {
		struct {
			s32 left;
			u32 acc, start, end;
			u16 fc;
			u8 ctl, saddr;
		} osc;

		struct {
			s32 left;
			u32 add;
			u32 start, end;
			u32 acc;
			u16 regacc;
			u8 incr;
			u8 pan, mode;
		} vol;

		union {
			struct {
				u8 ulaw       : 1;
				u8 stop       : 1;   //stops wave + vol envelope
				u8 eightbit   : 1;
				u8 loop       : 1;
				u8 loop_bidir : 1;
				u8 irq        : 1;
				u8 invert     : 1;
				u8 irq_pending: 1;
				//IRQ on variable?
			} bitflags;
			u8 value;
		} osc_conf;

		union {
			struct {
				u8 done       : 1;   //indicates ramp has stopped
				u8 stop       : 1;   //stops the ramp
				u8 rollover   : 1;   //rollover (TODO)
				u8 loop       : 1;
				u8 loop_bidir : 1;
				u8 irq        : 1;   //enable IRQ generation
				u8 invert     : 1;   //invert direction
				u8 irq_pending: 1;   //(read only) IRQ pending
				//noenvelope == (done | disable)
			} bitflags;
			u8 value;
		} vol_ctrl;

		//Possibly redundant state. => improvements of wavetable logic
		//may lead to its elimination.
		union {
			struct {
				u8 on         : 1;
				u8 ramp       : 7;       // 100 0000 = 0x40 maximum
			} bitflags;
			u8 value;
		} state;

		bool playing();
		int update_volume_envelope();
		int update_oscillator();
		void update_ramp();

	// device-level overrides
	virtual void device_start() override;
	virtual void device_reset() override;

	// internal callbacks
	virtual void sound_stream_update(sound_stream &stream, stream_sample_t **inputs, stream_sample_t **outputs, int samples) override;

	//internal register helper functions
	u16 reg_read();
	void reg_write(u16 data, u16 mem_mask);
	void recalc_timer(int timer);
	void keyon();
	void recalc_irq();

	//stream helper functions
	int fill_output(ics2115_voice& voice, stream_sample_t *outputs[2], int samples);
	stream_sample_t get_sample(ics2115_voice& voice);

	sound_stream *m_stream;

	// internal state
	required_region_ptr<u8> m_rom;
	devcb_write_line m_irq_cb;

	s16 m_ulaw[256];
	u16 m_volume[4096];
	static const int volume_bits = 15;

	ics2115_voice m_voice[32];
	struct {
		u8 scale, preset;
		emu_timer *timer;
		u64 period;  /* in nsec */
	} m_timer[2];

	u8 m_active_osc;
	u8 m_osc_select;
	u8 m_reg_select;
	u8 m_irq_enabled, m_irq_pending;
	bool m_irq_on;

	//Unknown variable, seems to be effected by 0x12. Further investigation
	u8 m_vmode;

// device type definition
DECLARE_DEVICE_TYPE(ICS2115, ics2115_device)

#endif // MAME_SOUND_ICS2115_H